RNS Number:3094H
Compel Group PLC
11 February 2003

                                               11 February 2003

                    Compel Group PLC
                ("Compel" or "the Group")

Interim Results for the six months ended 31 December 2002

Compel Group PLC announces interim results for the six
months ended 31 December 2002.


* Results were in line with expectations:
    > Group turnover was #25m (2002: #32m)
    > Profit before goodwill amortisation and restructuring
      costs was #99k (2002: #525k)

* Market  conditions  declined from  an  already  depressed
  level,  in  response to which Compel has further reduced  its
  cost  base. In implementing these cost reductions, the  Group
  has  minimised any impact on the excellence of  its  customer
  service, ability to win new business and long term prospects

* Compelsolve  either  sustained or  increased  its  market
  share,    with   continued   focus   upon   Oracle,   Digital
  Communications, Data Management and Technology solutions

* Hamilton  Rentals  increased its  market  share,  further
  strengthening  its  position as the  UK's  largest  and  best
  known short term rental company

* Compelsource  net asset determination  concluded  with  a
  positive  outcome,  determining that  an  adjustment  to  the
  purchase  price  of  #864k was required,  compared  to  SCH's
  claim of #6.6m

* Cash balance at the period end was #8m

* The  Board is declaring an unchanged interim dividend  of
  0.5p per share

Sir Michael Bett, Chairman, commented:

"Compel  is  soundly positioned in this difficult  environment.
We  are  confident  in  the business' underlying  profitability
(before  goodwill amortisation), we believe we can continue  to
increase  our  market  share,  and  we  have  substantial  cash
reserves.   The  solutions  Compel  offers  are  attractive  to
customers  and we will tenaciously pursue every opportunity  to
grow  the size and profits of our business.  We remain positive
about the future."

For further information please contact:
Compel Group PLC              Today (11.2.2003): 020 7067 0700
Neville Davis, Chief Executive        Thereafter: 01438 791461

Weber Shandwick Square Mile                      020 7067 0700
Nick Oborne/Sally Lewis

                                               11 February 2003

                    Compel Group PLC
                ("Compel" or "the Group")

Interim Results for the six months ended 31 December 2002

                  Chairman's Statement

I  am reporting the results for Compel for the six months ended
31 December 2002.

Our  results  are in line with expectations.  The key  elements

* Turnover   was  #25m  as  compared  to   #32m   in   the
  corresponding period last year.
* We achieved a profit (before goodwill amortisation and
  restructuring costs) of #99k as compared to a profit of
  #525k in the corresponding period last year.
* Our cash balance at the period end was #8m.
* We are declaring an interim dividend at the same level
  as last year - 0.5p per share.

Market and Performance
Compel continues to provide IT solutions through two divisions:
Compelsolve (enterprise solutions) and Hamilton Rentals (rental

During this period our markets declined further from an already
depressed level.  In response to this, as we announced  at  our
AGM  in  November,  we  have further  reduced  our  cost  base,
incurring a restructuring charge of approximately #400k  in  so
doing.  In implementing these cost reductions we have minimised
any  impact  on  the  excellence of our customer  service,  our
ability to win new business, and our long term prospects.

Within  Compelsolve  we have continued to  focus  upon  Oracle,
Digital   Communications,   Data  Management   and   Technology
Solutions  and we believe that over this period each  of  these
areas has either sustained or increased its market share.

Hamilton  Rentals  has  increased  its  market  share,  further
strengthening our position as the UK's largest and  best  known
short  term  rental company.  We have continued to successfully
manage   our  fleet,  reducing  its  size  to  reflect   market
conditions, whilst avoiding any asset write offs.

Services  are  an  integral part of all of the solutions  which
Compel  provides and we have continued to drive this  important
element of our business.

In   market  conditions  such  as  these,  the  capability  and
commitment   of  any  company's  employees  are  of   paramount
importance;  our highly skilled workforce has shown outstanding

Compelsource Net Asset Determination
The  long  running process to determine the value  of  the  net
assets  of  Compelsource  which were  transferred  to  SCH  was
finally  concluded during October 2002.  From  our  perspective
the  outcome  was  positive,  with the  Independent  Accountant
determining that an adjustment to the purchase price  of  #864k
was required, compared to SCH's claim of #6.6m.

The  contract  specified that SCH retain #2m from  the  initial
consideration  through to March 2003, subject  to  any  claims;
Compel  provided in full against this #2m retention.  Following
the  determination, the balance of the retention of #1,136k  is
due  to  be  paid  to us by SCH in March 2003, subject  to  any
additional  claims.  We are not aware of any basis for  further
claims  but  we  consider  it prudent to  continue  to  provide
against  the  balance of the retention sum until such  time  as
payment is received.

Non-Executive Directors
Effective  31 December 2002, Dick Measelle resigned as  a  non-
executive  director after 3 years service.  The Board  wish  to
thank him for his substantial contribution during that period.

He  is  replaced by Karen Slatford who has spent  most  of  her
career  working  for  Hewlett Packard in Sales,  Marketing  and
General  Management roles, most recently as Vice President  and
General   Manager  Worldwide  Sales  and  Marketing,   Business
Customer Organisation, where she had responsibility for all  of
Hewlett Packard's corporate customers worldwide.    Karen  left
Hewlett Packard in 2001 to pursue a range of non executive  and
consultancy activities.  We are pleased to welcome Karen to the
Board and are certain that her skills, experience and extensive
knowledge  of  the IT industry will be of material  benefit  to

Market  conditions appear to have stabilised at  the  moment  -
albeit at a very low level.

Compel is soundly positioned in this difficult environment.  We
are   confident   in  the  business'  underlying  profitability
(before  goodwill amortisation), we believe we can continue  to
increase  our  market  share,  and  we  have  substantial  cash
reserves.   The  solutions  Compel  offers  are  attractive  to
customers  and we will tenaciously pursue every opportunity  to
grow  the size and profits of our business.  We remain positive
about the future.

Sir Michael Bett
11 February 2003

For further information please contact:
Compel Group PLC              Today (11.2.2003): 020 7067 0700
Neville Davis, Chief Executive        Thereafter: 01438 791461

Weber Shandwick Square Mile                      020 7067 0700
Nick Oborne/Sally Lewis

Unaudited Consolidated Profit and Loss Account
For the six months ended 31 December 2002

                                              6 months         6  months        12 months
                                      Note       ended             ended            ended
                                           31 December       31 December          30 June
                                                  2002              2001             2002
                                                 #'000             #'000            #'000

Turnover                                        24,761            32,003           63,892

Gross profit                                     6,895             8,152           16,183

Other operating income                               -                 -            1,028

Operating profit before
goodwill and exceptional costs                       8               408            2,298

Goodwill amortisation                  3          (414)             (270)          (3,206)

Exceptional costs                      3          (396)             (513)          (1,037)

Operating loss                                    (802)             (375)          (1,945)

Net interest receivable                             91               117              254
Loss on ordinary activities
before taxation                                   (711)             (258)          (1,691)

Taxation on loss on ordinary
activities                                           -                (6)             706
Loss on ordinary activities
after taxation                                    (711)             (264)            (985)

Dividends                                         (155)             (157)            (467)

Retained loss for the period                      (866)             (421)          (1,452)

Earnings/(loss) per share
 -   basic and diluted                 4         (2.3p)            (0.9p)           (3.2p)
 - basic and diluted before
   goodwill charges                              (1.0p)             0.0p             7.2p

Net dividend per share                 5          0.5p              0.5p             1.5p

Compel Group PLC has no recognised gains nor losses during the current
and previous periods other than those passing through the Profit
and Loss account.

All results for the current period are for continuing operations.

Unaudited Consolidated Balance Sheet
As at 31 December 2002

                                            31 December       31 December          30 June
                                                   2002              2001             2002
                                                  #'000             #'000            #'000

Fixed assets
Intangible assets - goodwill                      6,197             9,579            6,611
Tangible assets                                   5,334             6,528            6,143
Investments                                          80                80               80
                                                 11,611            16,187           12,834
Current assets
Stocks                                              125               183              297
Debtors                                          13,505            13,574           14,511
Investments                                       2,795             7,311            3,731
Cash at bank and in hand                          7,892            11,110            9,655
                                                 24,317            32,178           28,194
Amounts falling due within one year             (15,316)          (23,783)         (18,147)

Net current assets                                9,001             8,395           10,047

Total assets less current liabilities            20,612            24,582           22,881

Amounts falling due after more
than one year                                    (1,250)           (2,150)          (1,700)

Provisions for liabilities and charges             (644)           (1,617)          (1,501)

Deferred income                                  (1,000)           (1,199)          (1,096)

Net assets                                       17,718            19,616           18,584
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                           1,551             1,551            1,551
Share premium account                             4,951             4,951            4,951
Capital reserves                                  1,865             1,865            1,865
Other reserves                                    3,786             8,644            3,786
Profit and loss account                           5,565             2,605            6,431

Equity shareholders' funds                       17,718            19,616           18,584

Unaudited Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
For the six months ended 31 December 2002

                                                 6 months         6 months        12 months
                                                    ended            ended            ended
                                              31 December      31 December          30 June
                                                     2002             2001             2002
                                          Note      #'000            #'000            #'000

Net cash (outflow)/inflow
from operating activities                   6        (309)           4,960            6,684

Returns on investments and
servicing of finance                                   93              105              223

Taxation                                               95             (499)            (727)

Capital expenditure and
financial investment                               (1,559)          (2,027)          (3,749)

Equity dividends paid                                (310)            (394)            (551)

Net cash (outflow)/inflow before use
of liquid resources and financing                  (1,990)           2,145            1,880

Management of liquid resources                        957           (3,526)              55

Financing                                            (730)            (563)          (5,334)

Decrease in cash in the period             7       (1,763)          (1,944)          (3,339)

Notes to the Accounts

1. Basis of preparation
   The financial statements and comparatives have been prepared on  a
   basis consistent with the statutory accounts for the year ended 30
   June  2002,  and  in  accordance  with  new  accounting  standards
   applicable to the year ended 30 June 2003.

2. Segmental information
   Turnover comprises sales of computer systems and services to major
   computer users, within the United Kingdom.  In the opinion of  the
   directors, only one class of business is operated by the Group.

3. Goodwill amortisation and exceptional costs
   Goodwill  amortisation for the year ended 30 June  2002  comprises
   goodwill  amortisation of #1,082,000 and an impairment  charge  of

   Exceptional costs principally comprise staff severance costs and in
   the prior year also included premises closure costs.

4. Earnings per share
   The calculation of loss per share for the six months ended 31 December
   2002  is based on a loss of #711,000 (2001: loss of #264,000)  and
   on  a  weighted average of 31,016,344 (2001: 30,635,217)  ordinary
   shares in issue during the period.

   The calculation of diluted loss per ordinary share is based on the
   weighted  average ordinary shares of 31,023,832 (2001: 30,635,217)
   which would arise if all outstanding share options were exercised.
   Diluted loss per share is the same as basic loss per share as  the
   impact  of  the dilutive potential ordinary shares is to  decrease
   the loss per share.

5. Interim dividend
   The Directors propose an interim dividend of 0.5p (2001: 0.5p) net per
   share.   The amount has been calculated on the basis of 31,016,344
   shares (2001:  31,016,344).

   The interim dividend will be paid on 14 May 2003.  The dividend will
   be  payable  to  shareholders on the  register  at  the  close  of
   business on 21 February 2003.

6. Unaudited reconciliation of operating loss to operating
   cash flow
                                      6 months ended     6 months ended     12 months ended
                                         31 December        31 December             30 June
                                                2002               2001                2002
                                               #'000              #'000               #'000

Operating loss                                  (802)              (375)             (1,945)

Depreciation charges                           2,455              3,345               6,392

Amortisation of goodwill                         414                270               3,206

Profit on sale of fixed assets                  (278)              (188)               (406)

Decrease/(increase)in stocks                     172                 75                 (40)

Decrease in debtors                            1,063              3,927               3,515

Decrease in creditors                         (2,380)            (1,899)             (3,624)

(Decrease)/increase in deferred income           (96)               229                 126

Decrease in provisions                          (857)              (424)               (540)
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from
operating activities                            (309)             4,960               6,684

7.Unaudited reconciliation of net cash flow to movement
  in net funds
                                       6 months ended    6 months ended      12 months ended
                                     31 December 2002  31 December 2001         30 June 2002
                                                #'000             #'000                #'000

Decrease in cash in the period                 (1,763)           (1,944)              (3,399)

Cash outflow from decrease in lease
financing                                           5                19                   78

Net cash outflow from decrease
in debt funding                                   450               450                  900

Cash (inflow)/outflow from
(decrease)/increase in liquid resources          (957)            3,526                  (55)

Loan notes issued                                   -               (26)                 (46)

Loan notes redeemed                               275               100                4,382

Change in net funds resulting from
cashflow                                       (1,990)            2,125                1,860

New loan notes                                      -            (3,600)              (3,599)

Movement in net funds in period                (1,990)           (1,475)              (1,739)

Opening net funds                               7,732             9,471                9,471

Closing net funds                               5,742             7,996                7,732

8. Interim and full year results

   This report was approved by the Board on 11 February 2003.

   The  interim figures to 31 December 2002 and 31 December 2001  are

   The  comparative figures for the year ended 30 June  2002  do  not
   constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 240 of
   the  Companies  Act  1985  but  are  extracted  from  the  audited
   statutory  accounts.   Full accounts for  that  year  received  an
   unqualified  audit opinion and did not contain a  statement  under
   Section  237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985.  These  accounts
   have been filed with the Registrar of Companies.

   Copies of this report are being sent to all shareholders.  Further
   copies can be obtained from the Company Secretary at Compel  Group
   PLC,  6 Meadway Court, Rutherford Close, Stevenage, Hertfordshire,
   SG1 2EF.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange