American Eagle Energy Corporation (NYSE MKT: AMZG) ("American Eagle" or the
"Company"), announces an operational update and discussion of its financial
results for the second quarter ended June 30, 2014, along with an update of its
mid-year 2014 estimated proved reserves. The Company intends to file its
Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission


--  American Eagle added 8 gross (4.0 net) operated wells to production
    during the quarter; 
--  Production of 182,522 barrels of oil equivalent ("BOE"), or an average
    of 2,006 BOEPD:
    --  year-over-year increase of 56% from the 1,288 BOEPD (117,164 BOE)
    --  sequential quarterly increase of 22% from 1,645 BOEPD (148,048 BOE)
--  Second quarter 2014 oil and gas sales of $16.5 million:
    --  a year-over-year increase of 59%
    --  a sequential quarterly increase of 31%
--  Adjusted EBITDA* of $9.6 million;
--  Adjusted Cash Flow* of $6.7 million or $0.22 per diluted share;
--  Adjusted Net Income* of $2.3 million or $0.07 per diluted share; and
--  American Eagle's mid-year proved reserves engineered by Ryder Scott
    Company, L.P. ("Ryder Scott") were estimated at 15.4 million barrels of
    oil equivalent ("MMBoe") (89% oil) with an associated Pre-Tax PV-10 of
    $336 million

* Non-GAAP financial measure. Please see Adjusted EBITDA, Adjusted Cash Flow and
Adjusted Net Income descriptions and tables later in this earnings release for a
reconciliation of these measures to their nearest comparable GAAP measure.

Management Comments

Brad Colby, President and CEO of American Eagle, said, "We are excited about the
opportunities in front of us as we prepare to complete and bring onto production
our 4-well pad that has an average working interest of 88% and is located in an
area where we have had very good recent well results, most notably from the
Murielle, Taylor and Bryce wells. The 4-well pad should add significant
production and showcase our potential to realize cost savings relating to
continued pad development. Continued drilling efficiency will allow us to drill
more wells without increasing rig count and improved weather conditions should
provide an opportunity to decrease well completion costs. We anticipate that our
current development program will allow us to add to our proved reserve base
during the second half of 2014 and position us for significant reserve growth in

Second Quarter 2014 Financial and Operational Results

For the quarter ended June 30, 2014, the Company had oil and gas sales of $16.5
million, which represented an increase of 59% over the $10.4 million reported
for the second quarter ended June 30, 2013 and an increase of 31% over the $12.5
million reported for the first quarter ended March 31, 2014. This increase in
sales on both an annual and sequential quarterly basis is primarily due to an
increase in production as 43 gross (24.0 net) operated wells were producing in
the Bakken and Three Forks formations during the second quarter 2014, compared
to production from 20 gross (6.4 net) operated wells at the end of June 30, 2013
and 35 gross (20.0 net) operated wells as of March 31, 2014. During the second
quarter 2014, oil production represented 99% of total oil and gas sales revenue
and 96% of total production. 

American Eagle's second quarter 2014 realized oil price per barrel prior to the
effect of hedges was positively impacted by a lower differential discount of
approximately $10.87 relative to WTI due to an agreement that locks in a $10.75
discount to WTI for the Company's 2014 operated oil production and compares with
a differential discount of approximately $11.57 during the first quarter 2014. 

Adjusted EBITDA for second quarter 2014 was $9.6 million, representing an
increase of 49% from $6.4 million reported for the second quarter ended June 30,
2013 and an increase of 29% from $7.4 million reported for the first quarter
ended March 31, 2014. Relative to the second quarter ending June 30, 2013, the
increase in Adjusted EBITDA is primarily due to higher oil and gas sales from
increased production, operating leverage realization in general and
administrative ("G&A") expenses (excluding stock-based compensation), and an
increase in realized oil prices before including the negative effect of hedges
realized during the quarter. However, the improvement in Adjusted EBITDA was
partially offset by a higher differential when comparing realized oil price to
benchmark oil prices such as West Texas Intermediate ("WTI") and higher lease
operating expenses. Similarly, in comparison to the quarter ending March 31,
2014, the 29% increase in Adjusted EBITDA is due primarily to an increase in
average daily oil equivalent production, higher realized oil prices and lower
relative G&A expenses, which were partially offset by lease operating expenses
and higher production taxes, for production volumes realized in the quarter.

Lease operating Expense ("LOE") for the quarter ended June 30, 2014 was $18.15
per BOE, which was higher than normal and resulted from challenging weather
conditions that required a significant increase in site and road maintenance
expenses that accounted for approximately $2.65 per BOE, as well as increased
workover expenses that accounted for approximately $2.37 per BOE. Higher
production levels helped to reduce per unit G&A expenses on both an annual and
sequential quarter comparison, as G&A, excluding stock-based compensation, was
$6.67 per BOE during the second quarter 2014 compared to $8.31 per BOE for the
prior year and $10.56 per BOE for the prior quarter. Adjusted EBITDA per BOE for
the quarter ended June 30, 2014 was $52.53, as compared to $54.99 per BOE for
the second quarter ended June 30, 2013 and $50.29 per BOE for the first quarter
ended March 31, 2014.

                                        Three Months Ended                  
                       Jun. 30,   Mar. 31,   Dec. 31,   Sep. 30,   Jun. 30, 
                         2014       2014       2013       2013       2013   
                      ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
Crude Oil Revenues                                                          
 ($000s)              $  16,225  $  12,267  $  13,272  $  11,585  $  10,366 
Natural Gas Revenues                                                        
 ($000s)              $     106  $      72  $     114  $      26  $       4 
Natural Gas Liquids                                                         
 Revenues ($000s)     $     132  $     206  $     115  $      28  $       0 
Net Production:                                                             
Crude Oil (Barrels)     175,509    140,841    164,923    123,343    117,001 
Crude Oil Mix                96%        95%        95%        98%       100%
Natural Gas (Mcf)        16,977     11,370     20,055      6,333        980 
Natural Gas Liquids                                                         
 (Barrels)                4,183      5,312      4,563        944          0 
Total Net Production                                                        
 (BOE)                  182,522    148,048    172,829    125,343    117,164 
 Increase                    23%       -14%        38%         7%        34%
Average Daily                                                               
 Production (BOEPD)       2,006      1,645      1,879      1,362      1,288 
 Increase                    22%       -12%        38%         6%        32%
Average Sales Prices:                                                       
Crude Oil Per Barrel  $   92.45  $   87.10  $   80.48  $   93.92  $   88.60 
Effect of Settled Oil                                                       
 Derivatives Per                                                            
 Barrel                  ($2.60) $    0.82  $    4.16  $    0.94  $    0.00 
                      ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
Crude Oil Net of                                                            
 Settled Derivatives                                                        
 Per Barrel           $   89.85  $   87.92  $   84.64  $   94.86  $   88.60 
Natural Gas Per Mcf   $    6.25  $    6.37  $    5.67  $    4.09  $    4.40 
Natural Gas Liquids                                                         
 Per Barrel           $   31.44  $   38.83  $   25.27  $   29.67  $    0.00 
Realized Price Per                                                          
 BOE                  $   87.69  $   85.52  $   82.10  $   93.78  $   88.51 
Average Per BOE:                                                            
Lease Operating                                                             
 Expenses             $   18.15  $   15.36  $   13.59  $   14.09  $   15.31 
Production Taxes      $   10.34  $    9.32  $    9.28  $   10.28  $    9.90 
G&A Expenses,                                                               
 Excluding Stock-                                                           
 Based Compensation   $    6.67  $   10.56  $   15.07  $   12.04  $    8.31 
                      ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
Total                 $   35.16  $   35.24  $   37.94  $   36.41  $   33.52 
                      ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
Adjusted EBITDA per                                                         
 BOE                  $   52.53  $   50.29  $   44.16  $   57.36  $   54.99 

Well Development Activity

Since the Company's July 16, 2014 operations update, it has continued to drill
and complete wells successfully. Concurrent with that update, American Eagle
released preliminary results on wells that had not yet produced for a full 30
days. The operated wells listed below have produced an average of 20 days and
are listed from the most westerly located well to the most easterly located

                                20-Day   Lateral                            
                                IP Rate  Length   Approximate  Infill Number
        Well         Formation BOEPD(1)   Feet    DSU(2) Acres   in DSU(2)  
                                                                3rd well in 
  Murielle 16-1E-      Three                                      DSU, 2nd  
 163-101 (5 & 6)(3)    Forks      389     9,950      1,280      Three Forks 
                                                                5th well in 
   Richard 2-13N-      Three                                      DSU, 3rd  
163-101 (1 & 12)(3)    Forks      196    10,158      1,280      Three Forks 

1 IP Rate BOEPD is calculated taking the cumulative production from each    
  well divided by the number of days each well has been on production.      
2 Drill spacing unit ("DSU")                                                
3 Based on first 20 days of production.                                     

The Murielle 16-1E is a Three Forks infill well in the Stanley 8-1E spacing
unit. The initial well productivity and oil cut of the Murielle well essentially
mirrors the performance of the Stanley well which has recorded cumulative
production of approximately 77,000 BOE for the first year of operation. The
Richard 2-13N is the third Three Forks well completed in the Christianson 15-12
and Megan 13-12 spacing unit. The Richard 2-13N was put on pump following
completion and has been showing an increasing oil flow rate as well as oil cuts
approaching that of the offset wells, which are currently averaging between 50%
and 55%. 

In addition, two more operated wells have also been recently put on production: 

                                 5-Day   Lateral                            
                                IP Rate  Length   Approximate  Infill Number
        Well         Formation BOEPD(1)   Feet    DSU(2) Acres   in DSU(2)  
    Annie 15-32-                                                2nd well in 
   164-101 (29 &       Three                                      DSU, 2nd  
       32)(3)          Forks      255     6,112       800       Three Forks 
                                                                1st well in 
    James 15-20-                                                    DSU,    
   163-102 (17 &       Three                                     1st Three  
       20)(3)          Forks      341     9,492      1,280         Forks    

1 IP Rate BOEPD is calculated taking the cumulative production from each    
  well divided by the number of days each well has been on production.      
2 Drill spacing unit ("DSU")                                                
3 Based on first 5 days of production.                                      

The Annie 15-32, a Three Forks infill well, has shown similar initial
performance to its offset, the Lynda 15-32 that has produced over 40,000 BOE in
its first 5 months of production. The James 15-20 is a west offset to the DeWitt
State spacing unit and establishes production in a new DSU. Early performance
indications are encouraging with the well cleaning in accordance with
expectations, and averaging 341 BOEPD over the first 5 days on pump. 

Operated Well Development Guidance

The Company currently has 6 gross (4.9 net) operated wells in the central
portion of the Spyglass acreage that are awaiting completion, of which 4 gross
(3.5 net) operated wells are on a 4-well pad and 2 gross (1.4 net) operated
wells that are infill wells on separate DSUs.

The four wells on the single drill pad are located between the Bryce (Three
Forks) well and the DSU with the Stanley (Three Forks), Taylor (Bakken) and
Murielle (Three Forks) wells, all of which have exhibited strong production
results. The wells on the 4-well pad are now expected to begin fracturing
operations in mid-August. The other two wells awaiting completion, the Rick
13-31 and Eli 8-1E, are infill wells to the Tangedal 13-31 and the Taylor 16-1E,
respectively. The Eli 8-1E is scheduled for stimulation in early August and the
Rick 13-31 is scheduled for stimulation later this month. American Eagle plans
to announce results of the wells once it has achieved approximately 30 days of
cumulative production. The Company anticipates releasing these well results in
an operations update near or after the end of September 2014, but prior to
announcing third quarter 2014 results in November.

Thus far during the third quarter, American Eagle has added 2 gross (1.0 net)
operated wells to production, has 6 gross (4.9 net) operated wells that are
awaiting completion and is currently drilling its 52nd operated well in its
Spyglass area. As discussed in the Company's prior operations update, American
Eagle has continued to improve drilling efficiencies and has been averaging
approximately 24 days per well from spud-to-spud for wells drilling on separate
drill pads. This has allowed the Company the ability to drill more wells than
originally forecast. 

At the Company's current pace of development, American Eagle anticipates that it
will drill approximately 28 gross (18 net) operated wells in 2014, spending
approximately $113 million. The Company also plans to participate in the
development of select non-operated interests in its Spyglass area and has
allocated approximately $2 million to such development activities. American
Eagle's total well development budget for 2014 is approximately $115 million. At
the Company's current pace of development and assuming it maintains its existing
two rig drilling program, American Eagle anticipates drilling approximately 30
gross (20 net) operated wells for a total cost of approximately $120 million
during 2015 and participating in approximately 10 gross (0.3 net) non-operated
wells for approximately $2 million.

Production Volume Guidance

American Eagle has reaffirmed its production volume guidance to exit 2014 at
over 3,000 BOEPD. As discussed in the Company's prior operations update, second
quarter 2014 production was impacted by a number of road closures in Divide
County due to heavy rains that required wells to be shut in when storage tanks
were full. With improving weather in the basin, the Company estimates that its
current production is approximately 2,200 to 2,300 BOEPD. American Eagle
anticipates significant sequential quarterly production volume growth throughout
the remainder of 2014 as a number of high working interest wells are anticipated
to be brought onto production, including the 4-well pad that has an average
working interest of 88%.

June 30, 2014 Estimated Proved Reserves

American Eagle's estimated total proved reserves at June 30, 2014 were 15.4
MMBoe with an associated Pre-Tax PV-10 value of approximately $336.0 million.
This represents a 14% increase over the Company's estimated total proved
reserves of 13.6 MMBoe (associated Pre-Tax PV-10 value of $308.1 million) for
the period ending December 31, 2013. Proved developed reserves of 6.0 MMBoe
(associated Pre-Tax PV-10 of $195.4 MM), represented a 28% increase over the
period ending December 31, 2013, and reflect the focus of the 2014 drilling
program on accelerating development of PUD locations, primarily in the Spyglass
Area. Reserve estimates for both periods were engineered by Ryder Scott. 

Proved Reserves and Pre-Tax PV-10 Value(1) as of June 30, 2014

                                  Crude Oil   Natural     Total      Value  
                                   (MBbls)  Gas (MMcf)   (MBoe)     ($000s) 
                                 ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Proved Developed Properties(2)        5,370      3,965      6,031  $ 195,373
PUD Properties(3)                     8,373      6,078      9,386  $ 140,663
                                 ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Total Estimated Proved                                                      
 Properties                          13,743     10,043     15,417  $ 336,036

1 Ryder Scott used SEC pricing for oil and natural gas in calculating Pre-  
  Tax PV-10. Pre-Tax PV-10 is a non-GAAP financial measure. See additional  
  disclosures at end of release.                                            
2 Proved Developed Properties includes Proved Developed Producing ("PDP")   
  and Proved Developed Nonproducing ("PDNP").                               
3 Proved Undeveloped.                                                       

Liquidity and Shares Outstanding

As of June 30, 2014, American Eagle had approximately $22.2 million in cash,
$108.0 million total debt outstanding and 30.4 million shares of common stock
outstanding. Due to increased efficiencies in drilling and weather impacts
during the first half of 2014 that increased well completion costs and delayed
production, the Company ended the second quarter of 2014 with approximately
$20.8 million of negative working capital when classifying marketable securities
as current assets and excluding its debt and commodity derivative liabilities
from current liabilities. American Eagle's Credit Agreement was amended in part
to defer compliance with the covenant governing its current ratio until the
quarter ending September 30, 2014 

Conference Call

American Eagle will host a conference call on Monday, August 4, 2014 at 8:00
a.m. Eastern Time (6:00 a.m. Mountain Time) to discuss financial and operational
results for the quarter.

 American Eagle Energy Corporation 2Q 2014 Financial and Operational Results
                               Conference Call                              
Date:      Monday, August 4, 2014                                           
Time:      8:00 a.m. Eastern Time                                           
           7:00 a.m. Central Time                                           
           6:00 a.m. Mountain Time                                          
           5:00 a.m. Pacific Time                                           
Webcast:   Live and rebroadcast over the Internet at American Eagle website 
Dial-In:   877-407-9171 (toll-free) and 201-493-6757 (international)            

Telephone  Available through Friday, August 11, 2014                            

Replay:    877-660-6853 (toll-free) and 201-612-7415 (international)        
           Passcode: 13572777                                               

Pre-Tax PV-10 Disclosures

Pre-Tax PV-10 values oil and natural gas reserve quantities and related
discounted future net cash flows as of June 30, 2014 assuming average constant
realized prices of $89.22 per Bbl of oil and $5.08 per Mcf for natural gas. The
average natural gas price reflects the value of processed natural gas sales and
natural gas liquids. Under SEC guidelines, these prices represent the average
prices per Bbl of oil and per Mcf of natural gas at the beginning of each month
in the 12-month period prior to the end of the reporting period, which averages
are then adjusted to reflect applicable transportation and quality
differentials. Boe are computed based on a conversion ratio of one Boe for each
barrel of oil and one Boe for every 6,000 cubic feet (6 Mcf) of natural gas.

The Company's Pre-Tax PV-10 assumes prices and costs discounted using an annual
discount rate of 10% without future escalation and without giving effect to
non-property related expenses such as general and administrative expenses, debt
service and depreciation, depletion and amortization. The Pre-Tax PV-10 values
of the Company's estimated proved reserves may be considered a non-GAAP
financial measure as defined by the SEC.

Uncertainties are inherent in estimating quantities of proved reserves,
including many risk factors beyond the Company's control. Reserve engineering is
a subjective process of estimating subsurface accumulations of oil and natural
gas that cannot be measured in an exact manner. As a result, estimates of proved
reserves may vary depending upon the engineer valuing the reserves. Further, the
Company's actual realized price for its oil and natural gas is not likely to
average the pricing parameters used to calculate its proved reserves. As such,
the oil and natural gas quantities and the value of those commodities ultimately
recovered from the Company's properties will vary from reserve estimates.


American Eagle Energy Corporation is an independent exploration and production
operator that is focused on acquiring acreage and developing wells in the
Williston Basin of North Dakota, targeting the Bakken and Three Forks shale oil
formations. The Company is based in Denver, CO. More information about American
Eagle can be found at or by contacting investor
relations at 303-798-5235 or Company filings with the
Securities and Exchange Commission can be obtained free of charge at the SEC's
website at


This press release may contain forward-looking statements regarding future
events and the Company's future results that are subject to the safe harbors
created under the Securities Act of 1933 (the "Securities Act") and the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the "Exchange Act"). All statements other than
statements of historical facts included in this press release regarding the
Company's financial position, business strategy, plans and objectives of
management for future operations, industry conditions, and indebtedness covenant
compliance are forward-looking statements. When used in this report,
forward-looking statements are generally accompanied by terms or phrases such as
"estimate," "project," "predict," "believe," "expect," "anticipate," "possible,"
"target," "plan," "intend," "seek," "goal," "will," "should," "may" or other
words and similar expressions that convey the uncertainty of future events or
outcomes. Items contemplating or making assumptions about, actual or potential
future sales, market size, collaborations, and trends or operating results also
constitute such forward-looking statements. 

Forward-looking statements involve inherent risks and uncertainties and
important factors (many of which are beyond the Company's control) that could
cause actual results to differ materially from those set forth in the
forward-looking statements, including the amount we may invest, the location,
and the scale of the drilling projects in which we intend to participate; our
beliefs with respect to the potential value of drilling projects; our beliefs
with regard to the impact of environmental and other regulations on our
business; our beliefs with respect to the strengths of our business model; our
assumptions, beliefs, and expectations with respect to future market conditions;
our plans for future capital expenditures; and our capital needs, the adequacy
of our capital resources, and potential sources of capital.

The Company has based these forward-looking statements on its current
expectations and assumptions about future events. While management considers
these expectations and assumptions to be reasonable, they are inherently subject
to significant business, economic, competitive, regulatory, and other risks,
contingencies, and uncertainties, most of which are difficult to predict and
many of which are beyond the Company's control. The Company does not assume any
obligations to update any of these forward-looking statements.

                     AMERICAN EAGLE ENERGY CORPORATION                      
                   CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS                    
                                                   June 30,    December 31, 
                                                     2014          2013     
                                                 ------------  ------------ 
Current assets:                                                             
  Cash                                           $ 22,187,502  $ 31,850,161 
  Trade receivables                                21,054,292    17,919,518 
  Income tax receivable                                25,000             - 
  Prepaid expenses                                    124,727        68,194 
                                                 ------------  ------------ 
    Total current assets                           43,391,521    49,837,873 
Equipment and leasehold improvements, net of                                
 accumulated depreciation and amortization of                               
 $390,261 and $322,437, respectively                  296,950       173,516 
Oil and gas properties, full-cost method -                                  
 subject to amortization, net of accumulated                                
 depletion of $22,236,408 and $12,849,063,                                  
 respectively                                     265,552,093   155,145,039 
Oil and gas properties, full-cost method - not                              
 subject to amortization                            2,487,322     2,487,158 
Marketable securities                               1,418,446     1,049,944 
Other assets                                        6,740,115     7,503,612 
                                                 ------------  ------------ 
Total assets                                     $319,886,447  $216,197,142 
                                                 ============  ============ 
Current liabilities:                                                        
  Accounts payable and accrued liabilities       $ 65,573,253  $ 41,842,068 
  Derivative liability                              3,959,643        64,737 
  Current portion of long-term debt               108,000,000     3,000,000 
                                                 ------------  ------------ 
    Total current liabilities                     177,532,896    44,906,805 
Asset retirement obligation                         1,405,488     1,059,689 
Noncurrent portion of long-term debt                        -   105,000,000 
Noncurrent derivative liability                     4,878,187       749,872 
Deferred taxes                                      2,650,619     5,385,954 
                                                 ------------  ------------ 
Total liabilities                                 186,467,190   157,102,320 
Stockholders' equity:                                                       
  Common stock, $.001 par value, 48,611,111                                 
   shares authorized, 30,436,766 and 17,712,151                             
   shares outstanding                                  30,437        17,712 
  Additional paid-in capital                      146,381,963    67,197,521 
  Accumulated other comprehensive loss                 49,783        (5,747)
  Accumulated deficit                             (13,042,926)   (8,114,664)
                                                 ------------  ------------ 
Total stockholders' equity                        133,419,257    59,094,822 
                                                 ------------  ------------ 
Total liabilities and stockholders' equity       $319,886,447  $216,197,142 
                                                 ============  ============ 

                     AMERICAN EAGLE ENERGY CORPORATION                      
                            For the Three-Month                             
                                  Period           For the Six-Month Period 
                              Ended June 30,            Ended June 30,      
                         ------------------------  ------------------------ 
                             2014         2013         2014         2013    
                         -----------  -----------  -----------  ----------- 
Oil and gas sales        $16,462,664  $10,369,993  $29,008,143  $17,998,700 
Operating expenses:                                                         
  Oil and gas production                                                    
   costs                   5,200,481    2,953,522    8,853,357    4,602,056 
  General and                                                               
   administrative          1,662,493    1,260,329    3,680,031    2,567,662 
   depreciation and                                                         
   amortization expense    5,706,588    2,116,378    9,342,507    3,391,301 
  Impairment of oil and                                                     
   gas properties,                                                          
   subject to                                                               
   amortization                    -            -            -    1,525,027 
                         -----------  -----------  -----------  ----------- 
    Total operating                                                         
     expenses             12,569,562    6,330,229   21,875,895   12,086,046 
                         -----------  -----------  -----------  ----------- 
Total operating income     3,893,102    4,039,764    7,132,248    5,912,654 
Interest income                    -        1,472          642        4,628 
Dividend income               11,685       16,982       27,481       34,222 
Interest expense          (3,250,568)    (414,797)  (6,465,520)    (833,137)
Loss on settlement of                                                       
 derivatives                (457,008)           -     (341,360)           - 
Change in fair value of                                                     
 derivatives              (6,200,119)     186,754   (8,023,221)     159,247 
                         -----------  -----------  -----------  ----------- 
Income (loss) before                                                        
 taxes                    (6,002,908)   3,830,175   (7,669,730)   5,277,614 
Income tax expense                                                          
 (benefit)                (2,103,093)   1,192,691   (2,741,468)   2,284,783 
                         -----------  -----------  -----------  ----------- 
Net income (loss)        $(3,899,815) $2,637,484   $(4,928,262) $2,992,831  
                         ===========  ===========  ===========  =========== 
Net income (loss) per                                                       
 common share:                                                              
  Basic                  $    (0.13 ) $     0.21   $    (0.20 ) $     0.24  
                         ===========  ===========  ===========  =========== 
  Diluted                $    (0.13 ) $     0.20   $    (0.20 ) $     0.23  
                         ===========  ===========  ===========  =========== 
Weighted average number                                                     
 of shares outstanding -                                                    
  Basic                   30,436,424   12,517,087   24,529,013   12,494,987 
                         ===========  ===========  ===========  =========== 
  Diluted                 30,436,424   12,992,218   24,529,013   12,944,561 
                         ===========  ===========  ===========  =========== 

                    AMERICAN EAGLE ENERGY CORPORATION                     
                   CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF                   
                       COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (LOSS)                        
                   For the Three-Month Period   For the Six-Month Period  
                         Ended June 30,              Ended June 30,       
                   --------------------------  -------------------------- 
                       2014          2013          2014          2013     
                   ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------ 
Net income (loss)  $ (3,899,815) $  2,637,484  $ (4,928,262) $  2,992,831 
 income (loss),                                                           
 net of tax:                                                              
   exchange gains                                                         
   (losses)            (272,769)       42,220      (116,573)       12,783 
  Unrealized gains                                                        
   (losses) on                                                            
   securities           214,963       (32,999)      172,103       (33,817)
                   ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------ 
    Total other                                                           
     (loss), net                                                          
     of tax             (57,806)        9,221        55,530       (21,034)
                   ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------ 
 income (loss)     $ (3,957,621) $  2,646,705  $ (4,872,732) $  2,971,797 
                   ============  ============  ============  ============ 

                     AMERICAN EAGLE ENERGY CORPORATION                      
                                                  For the Six-Month Periods 
                                                       Ended June 30,       
                                                     2014          2013     
                                                 ------------  ------------ 
Cash flows provided by operating activities:                                
Net income (loss)                                $ (4,928,262) $  2,992,831 
  Adjustments to reconcile net income (loss) to                             
   net cash provided by operating activities:                               
    Non-cash transactions:                                                  
      Stock-based compensation                        898,674       524,520 
      Depletion, depreciation and amortization      9,342,507     3,391,301 
      Accretion of discount on asset retirement                             
       obligation                                      51,491        27,303 
      Amortization of deferred financing costs        763,497       112,175 
      Provision for deferred income tax expense                             
       (benefit)                                   (2,735,335)    2,278,509 
      Impairment of oil and gas properties                  -     1,525,027 
      Change in fair value of derivatives           8,023,221      (159,247)
      Foreign currency transaction gains                    -         2,121 
  Changes in operating assets and liabilities:                              
      Prepaid expense                                 (56,484)     (199,492)
      Trade receivables                            (3,612,973)   (1,255,617)
      Income taxes receivable                         (25,000)            - 
      Accounts payable and accrued liabilities      1,512,529     4,621,105 
                                                 ------------  ------------ 
Net cash provided by operating activities           9,233,865    13,860,536  
                                                 ------------  ------------ 
Cash flows used for investing activities:                                   
  Additions to oil and gas properties             (96,784,537)  (16,986,731)
  Additions to equipment and leasehold                                      
   improvements                                      (191,258)      (10,318)
  Decrease in amounts due to Carry Agreement                                
   partner                                                  -    (2,283,973)
  Purchase of marketable securities                  (196,400)            - 
                                                 ------------  ------------ 
Net cash used for investing activities            (97,172,195)  (19,281,022)
                                                 ------------  ------------ 
Cash flows provided by financing activities:                                
  Proceeds from issuance of stock                  78,298,493     4,000,000 
  Proceeds from issuance of long-term debt                  -     2,000,000 
  Repayment of long-term debt                               -    (2,611,463)
                                                 ------------  ------------ 
Net cash provided by financing activities          78,298,493     3,388,537  
                                                 ------------  ------------ 
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash               (22,822)       26,278  
                                                 ------------  ------------ 
Net change in cash                                 (9,662,659)   (2,005,671)
Cash - beginning of period                         31,850,161    19,057,727  
                                                 ------------  ------------ 
Cash - end of period                             $ 22,187,502  $ 17,052,056  
                                                 ============  ============ 

Non-GAAP Financial Measures

Adjusted EBITDA

In addition to reporting net income (loss) as defined under GAAP, American Eagle
also presents net earnings before interest income, dividend income, interest
expense, income taxes, depletion, depreciation, and amortization, non-cash
expenses related to stock-based compensation, impairment of oil and gas
properties, loss on early extinguishment of debt, and change in value of
derivatives recognized under ASC Topic 718 ("Adjusted EBITDA"), which is a
non-GAAP performance measure. Adjusted EBITDA consists of net earnings after
adjustment for those items described in the table below. Adjusted EBITDA does
not represent, and should not be considered an alternative to GAAP measurements,
such as net income (loss) (its most directly comparable GAAP measure), and the
calculations thereof may not be comparable to similarly titled measures reported
by other companies. By eliminating the items described below, American Eagle
believes the measure is useful in evaluating its fundamental core operating
performance. The Company also believes that Adjusted EBITDA is useful to
investors because similar measures are frequently used by securities analysts,
investors, and other interested parties in their evaluation of companies in
similar industries. American Eagle's management uses Adjusted EBITDA to manage
its business, including in preparing its annual operating budget and financial
projections. Management does not view Adjusted EBITDA in isolation and also uses
other measurements, such as net income (loss) and revenues to measure operating
performance. The following table provides a reconciliation of net income (loss)
to Adjusted EBITDA for the periods presented:

                                       Three Months Ended     
                                    June 30,      March 31,   
                                      2014          2014      
                                  ------------  ------------  
Net income (loss)                 ($ 3,899,815) ($ 1,028,447) 
Less: Interest income                        -          (641) 
Less: Dividend income                  (11,685)      (15,797) 
Add: Interest expense                3,250,568     3,214,952  
Add: Income tax expense (benefit)   (2,103,093)     (638,375) 
Add: Depletion, depreciation and                              
 amortization                        5,706,588     3,635,919  
Add: Stock-based compensation          444,648       454,026  
Add: Impairment of oil and gas                                
 properties                                  -             -  
Add: Loss on early extinguishment                             
 of debt                                     -             -  
Add: Change in value of                                       
 derivatives                         6,200,119     1,823,102  
                                  ------------  ------------  
Adjusted EBITDA                    $ 9,587,330   $ 7,444,739  
                                  ============  ============  

                                             Three Months Ended             
                                  December 31,  September 30,    June 30,   
                                      2013           2013          2013     
                                 -------------  -------------  ------------ 
Net income (loss)                ($    462,160) ($    936,237) $  2,637,484 
Less: Interest income                   (6,964)        (1,700)       (1,472)
Less: Dividend income                  (16,523)       (16,697)      (16,982)
Add: Interest expense                3,207,039      1,315,865       414,797 
Add: Income tax expense (benefit)      130,056       (646,123)    1,192,691 
Add: Depletion, depreciation and                                            
 amortization                        4,158,124      2,524,039     2,116,378 
Add: Stock-based compensation          375,756        302,842       287,172 
Add: Impairment of oil and gas                                              
 properties                            206,508              -             - 
Add: Loss on early extinguishment                                           
 of debt                                     -      3,713,972             - 
Add: Change in value of                                                     
 derivatives                            39,569        934,287      (186,754)
                                 -------------  -------------  ------------ 
Adjusted EBITDA                   $  7,631,405   $  7,190,248  $  6,443,314 
                                 =============  =============  ============ 

Adjusted Cash Flow

In addition to reporting net income (loss) as defined under GAAP, American Eagle
also presents cash flow after paying interest expense ("Adjusted Cash Flow"),
which is a non-GAAP performance measure. Adjusted Cash Flow consists of Adjusted
EBITDA after adjustment for those items described in the table below. Adjusted
EBITDA does not represent, and should not be considered an alternative to GAAP
measurements, such as net income (loss) (its most directly comparable GAAP
measure), and the calculations thereof may not be comparable to similarly titled
measures reported by other companies. By eliminating the items described below,
American Eagle believes the measure is useful in evaluating its fundamental core
operating performance. The Company also believes that Adjusted Cash Flow is
useful to investors because similar measures are frequently used by securities
analysts, investors, and other interested parties in their evaluation of
companies in similar industries. American Eagle's management uses Adjusted Cash
Flow to manage its business, including in preparing its annual operating budget
and financial projections. Management does not view Adjusted Cash Flow in
isolation and also uses other measurements, such as net income (loss) and
revenues to measure operating performance. The following table provides a
reconciliation of Adjusted EBITDA to Adjusted Cash Flow for the periods

                                     Three Months Ended    
                                   June 30,    March 31,   
                                     2014         2014     
                                 -----------  -----------  
Adjusted EBITDA (1)              $ 9,587,330  $ 7,444,739  
Less: Interest expense            (3,250,568)  (3,214,952) 
Add: Amortization of deferred                              
 financing costs (non-cash)          383,857      379,640  
                                 -----------  -----------  
Adjusted Cash Flow               $ 6,720,619  $ 4,609,427  
                                 ===========  ===========  
Adjusted Cash Flow per share -                             
 basic                           $      0.22  $      0.25  
Adjusted Cash Flow per share -                             
 diluted                         $      0.22  $      0.24  
Weighted average shares - basic   30,436,424   18,556,695  
Weighted average shares -                                  
 diluted                          31,017,574   19,205,118  

                                             Three Months Ended             
                                 December 31,  September 30,     June 30,   
                                     2013           2013           2013     
                                -------------  -------------  ------------- 
Adjusted EBITDA (1)             $   7,631,405  $   7,190,248  $   6,443,314 
Less: Interest expense             (3,207,039)    (1,315,865)      (414,797)
Add: Amortization of deferred                                               
 financing costs (non-cash)           327,922        161,758         66,944 
                                -------------  -------------  ------------- 
Adjusted Cash Flow              $   4,752,288  $   6,036,141  $   6,095,461 
                                =============  =============  ============= 
Adjusted Cash Flow per share -                                              
 basic                          $        0.34  $        0.46  $        0.49 
Adjusted Cash Flow per share -                                              
 diluted                        $        0.33  $        0.44  $        0.47 
Weighted average shares - basic    13,961,688     13,223,608     12,517,087 
Weighted average shares -                                                   
 diluted                           14,598,836     13,732,595     12,992,218 

(1) See previous table for reconciliation of net income (loss) to Adjusted  

Adjusted Income

In addition to reporting net income (loss) as defined under GAAP, American Eagle
also presents net earnings before the impairment of oil and gas properties, loss
on early extinguishment of debt, and non-cash expenses related to the change in
fair value of derivatives ("adjusted income (loss)"), which is a non-GAAP
performance measure. Adjusted income (loss) consists of net earnings after
adjustment for those items described in the table below. Adjusted income (loss)
does not represent, and should not be considered an alternative to GAAP
measurements, such as net income (loss), and the calculations thereof may not be
comparable to similarly titled measures reported by other companies. By
eliminating the items described below, American Eagle believes the measure is
useful in evaluating its fundamental core operating performance. The Company
also believes that adjusted income (loss) is useful to investors because similar
measures are frequently used by securities analysts, investors, and other
interested parties in their evaluation of companies in similar industries.
American Eagle's management uses adjusted income (loss) to manage its business,
including in preparing its annual operating budget and financial projections.
Management does not view adjusted income (loss) in isolation and also uses other
measurements, such as net income (loss) and revenues to measure operating
performance. The following table provides a reconciliation of net income (loss),
to adjusted income (loss) for the periods presented:

                                        Three Months Ended      
                                    June 30,      March 31,     
                                      2014           2014       
                                 -------------  -------------   
Net income (loss)                ($  3,899,815) ($  1,028,447)
Add: Impairment of oil and gas                                  
 properties                                  -              -   
Add: Loss on early                                              
 extinguishment of debt                      -              -   
Add: Change in fair value of                                    
 derivatives                         6,200,119      1,823,102   
                                 -------------  -------------   
Adjusted Income / (Loss)          $  2,300,303   $    794,655   
                                 =============  =============   
Adjusted Income (Loss) per share                               
 - basic                          $       0.08   $       0.04  
Adjusted Income (Loss) per share                               
 - diluted                        $       0.07   $       0.04  
Weighted average shares - basic     30,436,424     18,556,695   
Weighted average shares -                                       
 diluted                            31,017,574     19,205,118   

                                             Three Months Ended             
                                December 31,   September 30,     June 30,   
                                    2013           2013            2013     
                                ------------  --------------  ------------- 
Net income (loss)               (    462,160) ($     936,237)  $  2,637,484 
Add: Impairment of oil and gas                                              
 properties                          206,508               -              - 
Add: Loss on early                                                          
 extinguishment of debt                    -       3,713,972              - 
Add: Change in fair value of                                                
 derivatives                          39,569         934,287  (     186,754)
                                ------------  --------------  ------------- 
Adjusted Income / (Loss)        ($   216,083)  $   3,712,022   $  2,450,730 
                                ============  ==============  ============= 
Adjusted Income (Loss) per share                                            
 - basic                         $     (0.02)  $        0.28   $       0.20 
Adjusted Income (Loss) per share                                            
 - diluted                       $     (0.01)  $        0.27   $       0.19 
Weighted average shares - basic   13,961,688      13,223,608     12,517,087 
Weighted average shares -                                                   
 diluted                          14,598,836      13,732,595     12,992,218 



Marty Beskow, CFA
Vice President of Capital Markets and Strategy
American Eagle Energy Corporation