Feronia Inc. ("Feronia" or the "Company") (TSX VENTURE:FRN) today released its
unaudited financial results for the three and six months ended June 30, 2013.
All amounts in this release are expressed in US dollars unless otherwise

Q2 2013 Highlights and Developments

--  Record quarterly Fresh Fruit Bunch ("FFB") and Crude Palm Oil ("CPO")
    production since Feronia completed the acquisition and commenced the
    turnaround of the operation 
--  Produced 2,913 tonnes of CPO (Q2 2012: 2,139) from 15,544 tonnes of
    fruit (Q2 2012: 11,943 tonnes) 
--  Increase in FFB yield to 2.61 tonnes per hectare ("ha") (Q2 2012: 1.89
    tonnes per ha) 
--  Increase in oil extraction rate to 18.74% (Q2 2012: 17.91%) 
--  Replanted 2,030 ha of oil palm (Q2 2012: 1,531 ha) 
--  Total revenue of $2.18 million (Q2 2012: $2.02 million) made up of: 
    --  Oil palm plantation revenue of $1.90 million (Q2 2012: $2.02
        million) from 2,236 tonnes of CPO at an average net price of $778
        per tonne (Q2 2012: 1,767 tonnes at $990 per tonne) 
    --  First revenue from arable farming operations of $0.28 million from
        sale of rice into local market 
--  Gross profit of $124,000 and operating loss of $(2.59 million), compared
    to gross loss of $(227,000) and operating loss of $(2.29 million) for Q2
--  Net loss attributable to Feronia of $(1.99 million) or $(0.01) per
    share, compared to net income of $19,000 or $0.00 per share in Q2 2012 
--  Progress made in demonstrating commercially viable rice yields 
--  Appointment of new Managing Director of Palm Oil division 

Subsequent Events 

--  3,473 ha of oil palm had been replanted in the year to date as at August
    19, 2013 
--  Appointment of new Chief Financial Officer 
--  All major construction work completed at Yaligimba palm oil mill. Final
    testing underway and oil production expected imminently 

Bill Dry, CEO of Feronia commented: "Our palm oil business continues to progress
well and the improvements we are making on the ground are reflected in the
record levels of FFB harvest, CPO production and replanting achieved in the
quarter. Having completed all major construction relating to the mill at
Yaligimba, we are undertaking final testing and expect to commence oil
production imminently.

"In our arable business, we have made progress in demonstrating commercial
yields and we have made our first sales of rice into the local market. Both of
these achievements are significant milestones."

About Feronia Inc.

--  Feronia operates large-scale commercial oil palm plantations and has
    commenced an arable farming operation in the Democratic Republic of the
    Congo (the "DRC"). 
--  The Company, through its subsidiaries, holds concessions on land which
    is owned by the DRC government and on which its oil palm plantation and
    farming operations take place. 
--  The Company uses modern agricultural practices to operate and develop
    its oil palm plantations and arable farming. Feronia believes in the
    immense agricultural potential of the DRC for high-quality edible oils,
    oil derivatives and foodstuffs given the suitability of its climate and
    soil and the availability of a skilled workforce. 
--  The Company's management team is comprised of experienced business
    administrators and senior agriculturalists with extensive experience in
    managing both plantations and large-scale mechanized farming operations
    in emerging markets. 
--  Feronia is committed to sustainable agriculture, environmental
    protection and providing jobs and economic growth for local communities.
--  For more information please see www.feronia.com 

Operational Summary and Key Metrics by Division

Palm Oil Operations

The following table shows key data relating to the operations of Plantations et
Huileries du Congo S.c.A.R.L ("PHC"), as at and for the six months ending June
30, 2013:

                   Six months ended June 30,                                
                              2013                          Total           
                                                    (as at and for the six  
                                                        ended June 30)      
                   Lokutu Yaligimba(1)  Boteka     2013(1)   2012(1)    2011
Fruit Production                                                            
 (tonnes)          20,950            -   4,144   25,094(1) 22,918(1)  24,754
Oil Produced                                                                
 (tonnes)           3,887            -     790    4,677(1)  4,148(1)   4,295
Oil Extraction                                                              
 Rate (%)           18.55            -   19.06    18.63(1)  18.10(1)   17.35
PKO Produced                                                                
 (tonnes)(2)          201            -       -         201       265       -
FFB yield/hectare    4.74            -    2.70        4.22      3.63    1.94
FFB yield/hectare                                                           
 like)(3)            4.74            -    2.70        4.22      3.63    2.61
CPO yield/hectare    0.88            -    0.52        0.79      0.66    0.34
CPO yield/hectare                                                           
 like)(4)            0.88            -    0.52        0.79      0.66    0.47


(1) Yaligimba did not contribute to Fresh Fruit Bunches ("FFB") or Crude    
    Palm Oil ("CPO") production in either H1 2013 or H1 2012.               
(2) "PKO" means Palm Kernel Oil.                                            
(3) FFB Yield/Ha like-for-like basis excludes Yaligimba production for 2011.
(4) CPO Yield/Ha like-for-like basis excludes Yaligimba production for 2011.

The following tables show key data relating to PHC's assets and infrastructure
as at June 30, 2013.

                    As at June 30, 2013             Total as at June 30     
                 Lokutu Yaligimba(1)  Boteka     2013(1)   2012(1)      2011
 Year 0             922        1,119     411       2,452     1,795     1,039
 Year 1           1,707        1,447     770       3,924     2,110     1,027
 Year 2           1,065          545     500       2,110     1,027       713
 Year 3             402          320     305       1,027       713     1,443
                  4,096        3,431   1,986       9,513     5,645     4,222
 4 - 7 Years      1,136        1,275     738       3,149     2,469     1,026
 8 - 18 Years       376          561     578       1,515     2,273     3,552
 19 - 25 Years    2,908        1,921     216       5,045     5,471     5,008
 Over 25 Years        -            -       -           -         -     3,167
                  4,420        3,757   1,532    9,709(2) 10,213(2) 12,753(2)
Total Planted     8,516        7,188   3,518      19,222    15,858    16,975


(1) Yaligimba did not contribute to FFB or CPO production in either H1 2013 
    or H1 2012.                                                             
(2) During the years ended December 31, 2010 and 2011, the Company          
    classified palms aged 4 to 30 years as mature and producing. Going      
    forward, management has elected to classify palms aged 4 to 25 years as 
    mature and producing, resulting in a reduction in the number of         
    producing hectares. In the normal course, management expects to replant 
    palms at age 25 and believes this new classification criteria           
    facilitates comparisons to other plantation operations.                 
                         As at June 30, 2013           Total as at June 30  
                      Lokutu  Yaligimba(1)  Boteka   2013(1) 2012(1)    2011
Palm Nurseries                                                              
 Total Hectares           26            20     6.4      52.4    36.4    22.4
 Seedlings           421,103       397,460 103,134   921,697 885,113 524,912
 Hectares plantable                                                         
  from seedlings       2,105         1,987     515     4,607   4,425   2,916
Palm Oil Mills                                                              
No. of Palm Oil                                                             
 Mills / Oil       1 / CPO &         Under                                  
 Produced                PKO  Construction 1 / CPO         2       2       2
Palm Oil Mill                                                               
 Capacity                            Under                                  
 (tonnes/hour)            15  Construction      10        25      25      25
                         As at June 30, 2013           Total as at June 30  
                      Lokutu  Yaligimba(1)  Boteka   2013(1) 2012(1)    2011
Operational Roads                                                           
 (Km)                    671           643     352     1,666   1,410   1,239
Employees                  -             -       -     3,510   3,559   3,718
Houses                 1,988         1,095     733     3,816   3,803   3,919
Schools                   60            21       9        90      86      82
Hospitals                  2             1       1         4       4       4
Dispensaries               7             3       4        14      14      14
Health Centres             2             1       1         4       4       4

Key Developments

--  Total fruit production for Q2 2013 was 15,544 tonnes, 30% higher than Q2
--  Palm oil production for Q2 2013 was 2,913 tonnes, 36.2% higher than Q2
--  Replanting of oil palms for Q2 2013 was 2,030 ha, 32.6% higher than Q2
--  Record quarterly Fresh Fruit Bunch ("FFB"), Crude Palm Oil ("CPO")
    production and hectares planted since Feronia completed the acquisition
    of PHC in 2009 and commenced the turnaround of the operation 
--  All major construction work now completed at Yaligimba palm oil mill.
    Final testing underway and oil production expected imminently. 
--  Appointment of new Managing Director of PHC in April 2013. 

Arable Farming Operations

Key Metrics:

                                               As at and for the six months 
Arable                                                 ended June 30        
                                                         2013           2012
Land Available (ha)                                    10,000         10,000
Land Cleared (ha)                                       2,000          2,000
Land Prepared (ha)                                      1,700          1,700
Land Planted (ha)                                           0            505

Key Developments

--  Commenced selling rice grown on its farm to Bralima, Heineken's wholly-
    owned DRC subsidiary and local food wholesaler Ets Kuku. 
--  As at June 30, 2013, the Company's Arable Farming operation sold 350
    tonnes of rice to Bralima and 8.75 tonnes to Ets Kuku which resulted in
    it recording its first revenues of $279,000. 
--  Rice planted in October 2012 and harvested in February, March and April
    2013 demonstrated in-field yields of approximately 4 tonnes of paddy
    rice per ha. Yield per ha declined as the harvest progressed due to in-
    field losses caused by the protracted harvest period and insufficient
    harvesting machinery to complete the harvest in the optimum time period.


The Company's strategy for its oil palm plantations business continues to be to
maximize returns from existing plantings while investing in new plantings and
the required processing capacity. CPO production at the new palm oil mill at
Yaligimba is expected to commence imminently and will provide the Company with
access to an additional 3,757 ha of mature oil palms for the production of CPO,
an increase of 62.1% from the area currently accessible. 

The Company has made progress in establishing commercially viable rice yields at
its arable operation, has established a pricing formula and is making sales to
high quality local counterparties. This furthers our confidence in the favorable
dynamics of the local rice market. The Company is currently evaluating how to
prudently expand its arable farming operation in light of these recent positive

In summary, the key objectives of the Company for 2013 are as follows:

i.  commence production of CPO at Yaligimba thereby enabling the Company to
    harvest and process fruit grown at that location; 
ii. re-plant up to 5,000 ha across its oil palm plantations (3,473 ha
    replanted as at August 19, 2013); and 
iii.prudently advance its arable farming operation. 

As previously disclosed by the Company, on December 24, 2011, the government of
the DRC promulgated a new law, "Loi Portant Principes Fondamentaux Relatifs a
L'Agriculture" (the "Agriculture Law"), for the stated purposes of developing
and modernizing the country's agricultural sector. Feronia continues to seek
clarification on the implications of this legislation from local counsel and
government in the DRC. If the Agriculture Law is interpreted by the DRC
government to apply to the existing concession rights held by the Company and
the Agriculture Law is not amended, it could have a material and substantial
adverse effect on the value of its business and its share price. In such case,
Feronia may be required to sell or otherwise dispose of a sufficient interest in
its operating subsidiaries so as to ensure that it meets local ownership
requirements. There is no assurance that such a sale or disposition would be
completed at fair market value or otherwise on acceptable terms to Feronia.
Please refer to the Company's Management Discussion and Analysis for the three
months ended June 30, 2013 available on www.sedar.com for a full discussion on
the Agriculture Law.

Financial Discussion - Three and six months ended June 30, 2013

Revenue and Gross Margin

(Expressed in                                                               
 thousands of US                                                            
 $)                Three months ended June 30     Six months ended June 30  
                       2013     2012 % Change        2013     2012 % Change 
Oil Palm                                                                    
 Plantations          1,903    2,025       -6%      3,115    3,959      -21%
Arable Farming          279        0      n/a         279        0      n/a 
                   ------------------            ------------------         
                      2,182    2,025        8%      3,394    3,959      -14%
                   ------------------            ------------------         
Cost of sales                                                               
Oil Palm                                                                    
 Plantations          1,418    1,622      -13%      2,402    2,931      -18%
Arable Farming          640      630        2%      1,071    1,631      -34%
                   ------------------            ------------------         
                      2,058    2,252       -9%      3,473    4,562      -24%
                   ------------------            ------------------         
Gross Profit(Loss)                                                          
Oil Palm                                                                    
 Plantations            485      403       20%        713    1,028      -31%
Arable Farming         (361)    (630)      43%       (792)  (1,631)      51%
                   ------------------            ------------------         
                        124     (227)     n/a         (79)    (603)      87%
                   ------------------            ------------------         
Gross Margin(1)                                                             
Oil Palm                                                                    
 Plantations             25%      20%                  23%      26%         


(1) Gross margin is a non-GAAP financial measure. See "Non-GAAP Financial   
    Measures" below.                                                        

Total revenues for Q2 2013 were $2,182,000, an 8% increase on Q1 2012 revenues
of $2,025,000 and arose because of:

--  The commencement of arable farming revenue in Q2 2013 totalling $279,000
    (Q2 2012: $0); and 
--  Oil palm plantation revenue in Q2 2013 being 6% lower than in Q2 2012 at
    $1,903,000 (Q2 2012: $2,025,000). This reduction is a result of the
    average net sale price of CPO of $778 per tonne during Q2 2013 being 21%
    lower than for the same period in 2012 (Q2 2012: $990). The effect of
    this was partially offset by the volume of oil sold in Q2 2013 of 2,236
    tonnes being a 27% increase on the 1,767 tonnes sold in Q2 2012. 

Total revenue for the six months ended June 30, 2013 was $3,394,000, a 14%
reduction from the same period in 2012 (H1 2012: $3,959,000) and arose because

--  The commencement of arable farming revenue during the period; and 
--  Oil plantation revenues in H1 2013 being 21% lower than in H1 2012 at
    $3,115,000 (H1 2012: $3,959,000). This reduction is a result of the
    average net sale price of CPO of $736 per tonne during H1 2013 being 21%
    lower than for the same period in 2012 (H1 2012: $931). The effect of
    this was partially offset by the volume of oil sold in H1 2013 of 3,753
    tonnes being a 2% increase on the 3,686 tonnes sold in H1 2012. 

The following table provides a summary of palm fruit production and CPO:

                            Three months ended June  Six months ended June  
                                      30,                     30,           
                                                  %                       % 
                               2013    2012  Change    2013    2012  Change 
Fruit production (tonnes)    15,544  11,943    30.2% 25,094  22,918     9.5%
Oil produced (tonnes)         2,913   2,139    36.2%  4,677   4,148    12.8%
Oil extraction rate           18.74%  17.91%      -   18.64%  18.10%      - 
Producing Hectares(1)         5,952   6,310    -5.7%  5,952   6,310    -5.7%
FFB yield/hectare                                                           
 (tonnes)(2)                   2.61    1.89       -    4.22    3.63       - 
CPO yield/hectare (tonnes)     0.49    0.34       -    0.79    0.66       - 


(1) Excludes producing hectares at Yaligimba.                               
(2) FFB Yield/Ha basis excludes Yaligimba production for 2011.              

Cash Used in Operating Activities

(Expressed in thousands of US $)                   Six months ended June 30 
                                                       2013    2012% change 
Cash used in operating activities                     9,196   2,095     339%

Cash used in operating activities for the six months ended June 30, 2013 was
$9,196,000 (H1 2012: $2,095,000). 

Selling, General and Administrative Costs

(Expressed in thousands Three months ended June      Six months ended June  
 of US dollars)                   30,                         30,           
                           2013    2012% Change        2013    2012% Change 
Selling, general and                                                        
 admin                    2,635   2,015      31%      5,045   4,702       7%
Other losses                 81      48      69%         95      33     188%

Selling, general and administrative costs for Q2 2013 of $2,635,000 (Q2 2012:
$2,015,000) were $620,000 higher than in Q2 2012, an increase of 31%. The
increase was predominantly a result of:

--  One-time retirement benefit costs in Q2 2013 being $550,000 higher than
    in Q2 2012; and 
--  Material and transport costs in Q2 2013 being $96,000 higher than in Q2

Selling, general and administrative costs for the six months ended June 30, 2013
of $5,045,000 were $343,000 higher than in the same period in 2012, a 7%
increase (H1 2012: $4,702,000). The increase was predominantly a result of:

--  One-time retirement benefit costs in H1 2013 being $580,000 higher than
    in H1 2012; and 
--  Partially offset by consultancy, professional fees and share based
    payments being $421,000 lower than the same period in 2012 and the
    release of a provision in Q1 2013 which was no longer required. 


The cash balance at June 30, 2013 was $2,425,000 compared to $1,260,000 as at
December 31, 2012. The increase in the cash balance of $1,165,000 was a result
of a net cash loss from operations of $5,377,000, capital expenditure of
$4,098,000 and an increase in working capital of $3,819,000 offset by the issue
of shares for cash of $14,393,000. 

The cash outflow attributable to the increase in working capital during the six
months to June 30, 2013 of $3,819,000 (H1 2012: $2,481,000) comprised of an
increase in accounts receivable of $944,000, an increase in inventory of
$452,000, a decrease in accounts payable of $2,538,000 and a decrease in
prepayments of $115,000. 

Cash inflows from financing activities during Q2 2013 were $1,375,000 (Q2 2012:
$40,000) which relates to financing activities undertaken near the end of the
previous quarter. Financing activities for the six months to June 30, 2013
totalled $14,393,000 (H1 2012: $40,000). 

Investing activities resulted in cash outflows of $4,098,000 for the six months
ended June 30, 2013 (H1 2012: $5,699,000).


As at June 30, 2013, the Company had cash totalling $2,425,000. The Company
intends to use these funds to meet funding requirements associated with the
growth and development of its business. This includes the rehabilitation of
roads and other infrastructure on oil palm estates, new planting on oil palm
estates, purchase of farm machinery and equipment, purchase of grain storage and
processing plant, planting of crops, acquisition of IT hardware and software and
further development of business systems. Over the next twelve months, the
Company plans to 1) maximize returns from existing plantings while investing in
new plantings and the required processing capacity; 2) commission the new palm
oil mill at Yaligimba; 3) incur expenditure to maintain the Company's oil palm
plantations, including the ongoing cost of new plantations as planned; 4) incur
fertilizer, maintenance, harvesting, transport and processing costs; 5) prove
commercial yields at its arable farming division before further expansion; and
6) incur general corporate and operating expenses. 

The Company recorded net cash outflows in operations and investing activities
for the 2012 calendar year and it is possible that this will continue for an
additional few years as the Company continues to make significant investments in
equipment and infrastructure activities necessary to commercialize its products.
Feronia's actual funding requirements will vary based on the factors noted above
and its relationships with lead customers and strategic partners. 

As part of the first tranche of a non-brokered private placement with Golden Oil
Holdings Limited completed on January 15, 2013, the Company issued 42,028,000
Common Shares for aggregate gross proceeds of CDN$5,043,360 ($5,116,007) at a
purchase price of CDN$0.12 per share. In the second tranche completed on March
21, 2013, the Company issued 58,800,774 Common Shares to Golden Oil Holdings
Limited for aggregate gross proceeds of CDN$7,056,093 ($6,883,993) at a purchase
price of CDN$0.12 per share. Pursuant to the second tranche, the Company also
issued 20,281,455 common shares to certain other qualifying shareholders of the
Company for aggregate gross proceeds of CDN$2,433,774 ($2,392,857). 

The proceeds are being used by the Company for working capital and capital
expenditure purposes. 

Continuing operations of Feronia are dependent upon its ability to continue to
raise adequate financing and to commence profitable operations in the future.
There can be no assurance that the Company will be able to continue raising
adequate financing or commence profitable operations in the future. See "Risks
and Uncertainties" below. 

Major outstanding anticipated capital expenditure cash requirements (other than
expenditures for oil palm rehabilitation and planting) as at the date of this
MD&A relate to work undertaken to complete the new oil palm mill at Yaligimba
(estimated to be $450,000), which will be paid in Q3 2013 rather than Q2 2013 as
previously reported. 

Non-GAAP Financial Measures 

Gross margin is not a financial measure recognized by IFRS and does not have a
standardized meaning prescribed by IFRS. The Company's method of calculating
gross margin may differ from other methods used. Gross margin is presented in
this MD&A as additional information regarding the Company's financial
performance. Gross margin has been calculated by deducting cost of sales from

Risks and Uncertainties 

The Company is subject to various business, financial and operational risks that
could materially adversely affect the Company's future business, operations and
financial condition and could cause such future business, operations and
financial condition to differ materially from the forward-looking statements and
information contained in this MD&A. For a more comprehensive discussion of the
risks faced by the Company, please refer to the Company's annual management's
discussion and analysis for the year ended December 31, 2012, available at

Cautionary Notes 

Except for statements of historical fact contained herein, the information in
this press release constitutes "forward-looking information" within the meaning
of Canadian securities law. Such forward-looking information may be identified
by words such as "anticipates", "plans", "proposes", "estimates", "intends",
"expects", "believes", "may" and "will". There can be no assurance that such
statements will prove to be accurate; actual results and future events could
differ materially from such statements. Factors that could cause actual results
to differ materially include, among others: risks related to foreign operations
(including various political, economic and other risks and uncertainties), the
interpretation and implementation of the Agriculture Law, termination or
non-renewal of concession rights or expropriation of property rights, political
instability and bureaucracy, limited operating history, lack of profitability,
lack of infrastructure in the DRC, high inflation rates, limited availability of
debt financing in the DRC, fluctuations in currency exchange rates, competition
from other businesses, reliance on various factors (including local labour,
importation of machinery and other key items and business relationships), the
Company's reliance on one major customer, lower productivity at the Company's
plantations and arable farming operations, risks related to the agricultural
industry (including adverse weather conditions, shifting weather patterns, and
crop failure due to infestations), a shift in commodity trends and demands,
vulnerability to fluctuations in the world market, the lack of availability of
qualified management personnel and stock market volatility. Most of these
factors are outside the control of the Company. Investors are cautioned not to
put undue reliance on forward-looking information. Except as otherwise required
by applicable securities statutes or regulation, the Company expressly disclaims
any intent or obligation to update publicly forward-looking information, whether
as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its regulation services provider (as that
term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts
responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Feronia Inc.
Ravi Sood
Executive Chairman
(416) 907-2026

Feronia Inc.
Bill Dry
+44 (0) 7887 525 046

Feronia (TSXV:FRN)
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Feronia (TSXV:FRN)
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