Integra Gold Corp (TSX VENTURE:ICG) ("Integra" or the "Company") is pleased to
report the results of a NI 43-101 compliant Preliminary Economic Assessment (the
"PEA") carried out on the Company's flagship Lamaque Gold Project (the "Lamaque
Project") in Val-d'Or, Quebec, Canada. The PEA was prepared by InnovExplo Inc.
("InnovExplo") with technical contributions from AMEC, Golder Associates,
Geologica Groupe-Conseil Inc., Geopointcom Inc. and WSP Engineering. The
technical report with respect to the PEA will be filed on the Company's website
and SEDAR within 45 days.

For clarification, Integra's Lamaque Project is separate from the adjacent Sigma
and Lamaque mines, which have collectively produced over nine million ounces of
gold to a vertical depth of 2,000 m.

The Company has provided a base case scenario (the "Base Case") using a
USD$1,275 per ounce gold price and a 1.05 CAD to USD exchange rate which is
equivalent to CAD$1,339 per Au ounce (March 7, 2014 closing spot price was
CAD$1,485 per ounce and exchange rate was 1.11). All currency figures are in
Canadian Dollars (CAD$) unless otherwise stated. The Base Case economic
evaluation has a pre-tax internal rate of return ("IRR") of 51%, payback of
capital in 1.5 years and a net present value ("NPV") of $146.0 million at a
discount rate of 5%.

The PEA is preliminary in nature and it includes inferred mineral resources that
are considered too speculative geologically to have the economic considerations
applied to them that would enable them to be categorized as mineral reserves.
There is no certainty that the PEA will be realized.

"This PEA represents a significant milestone for Integra and we are very
encouraged by both the outcome and our team's continued ability to deliver
within the timeframe we committed to. Our decision to advance the project to the
PEA level was guided by the success obtained in the past by both Teck and Placer
Dome, at the neighboring Lamaque and Sigma Mines a few hundred meters from our
property boundary. These mines produced over 9 million ounces of gold over
respective 50 and 60 year mine lives, yet seldom had more than 3 years in
reserves, and often less than one. The PEA outlines a scenario showing
potentially strong financial returns and based on the success we've had drilling
since the resource estimate was done we are confident the mine life has
potential to grow," commented Company President and CEO, Stephen de Jong.
"30,000 meters of drilling has been undertaken since the resource estimate was
completed in 2013, and we currently have 4 exploration drill rigs active on the
Triangle Zone with results from over 10,000 meters pending. The resource used
for the Triangle Zone in the PEA was limited to a depth of 620 meters, although
drilling has now intersected high-grade mineralization within the same host rock
to a depth of 1,000 meters, as well as 200 meters south of the resource limit. I
want to thank our team and our consultants for the work they did to complete
this PEA, they continue to prove they are the Company's most valuable asset."

Base Case Assumptions/Highlights

Gold Price (USD$)                                                     $1,275
Exchange Rate (CAD$ to USD$)                                            1.05
Gold Price (CAD$)                                                     $1,339
Average Annual Gold Production (ounces)                              112,400
Peak Annual Gold Production (ounces )                                143,300
Pre-Production Capital Costs (CAD$)                                  $69.2 M
LOM Sustaining Capital (CAD$)                                        $66.8 M
Pre-Production Period (years)                                              2
Mine Life (years)                                                       4.25
Cash Cost per Au Ounce (CAD$)                                           $665
Cash Costs and Sustaining Cost per Au Ounce (CAD$)                      $805
Life of Mine NPV at 5% Discount Rate (CAD$)                         $146.0 M
Internal Rate of Return                                                  51%
Payback Period (years)                                                   1.5
Life of Mine NPV at 5% Discount Rate (CAD$)                          $88.5 M
Internal Rate of Return                                                  38%
Payback Period (years)                                                   1.8

Base Case Comparison to Spot Gold Price & Current Exchange Rate

                                                 Gold Spot Price and Current
                                 Base Case    Exchange Rate (March 07, 2014)
Gold Price (USD$) per Au                                                    
 ounce                              $1,275                            $1,339
Exchange Rate                         1.05                              1.11
Gold Price (CAD$) per Au                                                    
 ounce                              $1,339                            $1,485
Pre-Tax IRR                            51%                               68%
Pre-Tax NPV (5%) (CAD$)             $146 M                            $205 M
Pre-Tax Payback (years)                1.5                               1.2

Production Profile (Diluted Head Grade after Mining)

Year                              Tonnes      (g/t Au)   Au Ounces Recovered
pre-production                         -             -                     -
pre-production                   124,500          7.46                28,000
1                                398,500          7.97                95,500
2                                512,400          9.35               143,300
3                                463,700          9.25               127,000
4                                501,500          6.76                98,700
5                                 80,800          5.88                13,100
TOTAL                          2,081,400          8.19               505,600

PEA Overview

The PEA was prepared as an underground mining project based solely on the
mineral resources reported by the Company on September 25, 2013. Mineralization
would be accessed by way of two separate ramps, or declines, located at the
Parallel Zone in the north (the "North Ramp") and the Triangle Zone in the south
(the "South Ramp"), approximately 2 km apart. Material would then be transported
to an off-site mill for toll processing, eliminating the need for the
construction and permitting of a new mill and tailings facilities.

The pre-production period is estimated to be 2 years allowing for the
construction of surface installations, portal preparation, ramp development and
stope preparation. The PEA considers beginning development of the North Ramp
after an initial 3 months of surface preparation and construction. Development
of the South Ramp would commence 3 months thereafter.

Limited production would occur during the pre-production stage, accounting for
approximately 28,000 ounces throughout the second year of pre-production.

Average annual production after the pre-production stage is 460,500 tonnes at a
diluted grade, or head grade, of 8.24 g/t Au for 112,400 Au ounces recovered
(average 92.1% recovery).

The PEA assumes a toll milling, or contract milling, scenario in which material
from the Lamaque Project is processed at a mill within the immediate vicinity.
For the purposes of the PEA, a combined toll milling and transportation cost of
$45.69 per tonne has been applied, based off of actual custom milling and
transportation quotes, which InnovExplo confirms are consistent with the
anticipated rates for milling in the Val-d'Or area over the proposed project

The Company is currently conducting a thorough review and analysis of both
available toll milling operations and potential acquisitions in the immediate
area with preliminary results indicating multiple opportunities. 

Mineral Resources

The PEA assumes that underground mining will be used for resource extraction.
The mineral resource estimate as initially disclosed on September 25, 2013
(database cutoff date of April 24, 2013) was used as the basis of the PEA.
Initial disclosure of the resource assumed a 3 g/t Au cut-off grade diluted to a
2 m minimum true thickness with resource figures also provided using a 5 g/t Au

For the purpose of the PEA, and accounting for both the proposed mining methods
as well as using a price of USD $1,175 per Au ounce for guidance, the Company
used variable cut-off grades of between 4.0 g/t Au and 5.0 g/t Au for stope
design, dependent on each specific resource block.

Mineral Resources at 5 g/t Au cutoff

                Indicated Resources               Inferred Resources        
            Tonnage                           Tonnage                       
            (Metric      Grade   Contained    (Metric      Grade   Contained
Zone        tonnes) (g/t gold) Gold Ounces    tonnes) (g/t gold) Gold Ounces
Fortune      60,700        8.0      15,610    111,300        7.7      27,470
Triangle    412,200       12.6     167,200    258,000       15.4     128,000
No. 4                                                                       
 Plug       522,900        8.3     140,280          -          -           -
Parallel    529,300       10.4     176,120    119,200       21.2      81,070
Total     1,525,100       10.2     499,210    488,500       15.1     236,540
Mineral resources are not mineral reserves and do not have demonstrated     
 economic viability. All figures are rounded to reflect the relative        
 accuracy of the estimate. All assays have been capped where appropriate.   

For the Fortune and Triangle zones, all inferred resources were considered in
the mining scenario. Due to the high gold grade of the Parallel Zone inferred
resources which are based on minimal drilling, only 40,900 tonnes at a grade of
9.13 g/t Au of inferred resources were considered. The PEA study did not
incorporate the resources identified in the crown pillar.

The Company updated its Lamaque Project resource estimate on January 28, 2014,
with the addition of the No. 6 Vein and the Sixteen Zone. These zones have not
been included in the PEA and are therefore not discussed here.

Additional Resource Potential

As of February 28, 2014, the Company had drilled an additional 29,500 m at the
Lamaque Project which has not yet been included in any resource estimate
calculation or the PEA. Drilling not included in the resource calculation or in
the PEA consists of:

--  South Triangle: 6,966 m in 13 holes 
--  Parallel: 12,589 m in 40 holes 
--  Triangle: 9,890 m in 26 holes 

The 2013 South Triangle drill program aimed at extending the Triangle Zone to
the south and at depth. Drilling intersected high grade mineralization to a
depth of over 1,000 m vertical as well as approximately 175 m down-dip of the
southern extent of the Triangle Zone resource limit. There are currently four
drills on the Triangle Zone which, apart from completing definition drilling,
will step out and drill this untested 175 m wide target zone as well as
exploring for near surface strike extensions.

Drilling not included at the Parallel and Triangle Zones consisted of both
infill and extension drilling. The results for the Parallel Zone drilling were
disclosed in early 2014 and confirm continuity of the mineralized zones, which
the Company hopes will assist in converting further ounces from the inferred to
indicated category. The infill and extension drilling at the Triangle Zone
started in January 2014 and no results have been disclosed to date. An updated
resource estimate expected in the second half of 2014 will focus on building
resources in order to increase the mine life beyond the current 4.25 years. 


The Lamaque Project is designed as a mechanized underground mine which utilizes
both conventional room and pillar and long-hole mining methods. An
administration and mine service hub would be located on Highway 117, the
Trans-Canada Highway. The service hub would be served by a 25 KV power line,
natural gas and municipal services. There will be two production centers, each
with a ramp to access resources (the "North Ramp" and the "South Ramp") and will
include basic surface infrastructure. Common infrastructure will be used to
treat and manage water from underground operations.

The North Ramp will be located approximately 1 km from the service hub and will
reach a vertical depth of 615 m to initially access the Parallel and Fortune
zones. Should the Company outline resources at its No. 5 Plug and No. 3 Mine
targets, it is anticipated these zones would also be accessed through the North

The South Ramp will be located approximately 3 km from the service hub and would
reach a vertical depth of 620 m. The South Ramp would access the Triangle Zone
and the No. 4 Plug. The South Ramp area would be connected to an existing gravel
road a few hundred meters to the south, allowing for two entry points to the

The mining methods used in the PEA were selected according to vein geometry and
common practices for comparable mining operations in the region, an area with an
extensive history of underground mining. For mineralized zones dipping less than
45 degrees, a room and pillar mining method is proposed. Mechanized sub-level
development in mineralized zones will be completed at 60 m intervals along the
vein, rooms will be 6 m in width and a performance rate of 18 t/man shift was
used in the mine plan. Typical stopes will have a height of 2 m and external
dilution of 5% (at 0.0 g/t Au) was included with a mining recovery of 85%. 

For mineralized zones dipping more than 45 degrees, a long-hole mining method
will be used with mechanized sub-level development completed at 18 m intervals
along the vein. As outlined in the PEA, typical stopes will have a thickness of
3 m and a length of 20 m. An average of 20% (at 0.0 g/t Au) dilution has been
applied when stope thickness is greater than 3 m, and 35% for stopes less than 3
m. Mucking will be done longitudinally using remote controlled scoops and the
mining recovery is evaluated to be 85%. Rock-fill will be used in long-hole
stopes for the North Ramp.

Mineralized material and waste will be transported to surface using 45T trucks.
The cost for material handling is estimated to range from $7.91/tonne to
$11.91/tonne. During the mine life, development would generate approximately 14%
of the mineralization tonnage, room and pillar mining 36% and long-hole mining,

The following table summarizes development and mined tonnes for the Lamaque Project:

                                              North Ramp          South Ramp
Mining                                          (tonnes)            (tonnes)
Development                                      159,900             126,400
Room and pillar                                  290,000             468,200
Long hole                                        539,400             497,500
Total                                            989,300           1,092,100

For the economic evaluation, it was assumed that a down payment of 25% would be
paid on mining equipment with the balance paid over 5 years at a 6% interest
rate. Residual value was limited to 25% to 35% depending on years of use.

Operating Costs

Operating costs are summarized below. Given that this PEA presents a toll
milling scenario and the Company has the ability to process mineralized material
recovered during the pre-production and development stage, revenue generated
from these ounces has been included in forecasted cash flows. A total of
approximately 28,000 ounces are anticipated to be produced during year 2 of the
pre-production phase.

Cash Cost Per Ounce and Per Tonne Summary

Cash Cost Summary                             CAD$/ounce          CAD$/tonne
Mining                                               339                  83
Processing                                           187                  46
G&A                                                  122                  30
Refining                                               3                0.73
Cash Cost                                            651                 159
Royalties                                             13                   3
Total Cash Costs                                     665                 162
Sustaining Costs                                     140                  34
Cash Costs + Sustaining Costs                        805                 196

Metallurgy & Processing

The LOM average tonnage is approximately 1,275 tonnes per day, and varies
between 1,050 and 1,650 tonnes per day depending on the period (based on 312
operation days/year). This production rate is consistent with potential milling
options in the immediate area, and may change during actual production depending
on which processing facility is used. This includes resource extraction from
both ramps thereby minimizing undue pressure put on any one point of production
and reducing potential bottlenecks while mining.

Recent metallurgical testing completed in 2014 tested Lamaque mineralized
material using a variety of flowsheets consistent with those of mills in the
immediate area (see Company press release dated February 25, 2014). Although
metallurgical testing indicated an increase of recoveries when going from a 48
hour leach time to a 96 hour leach time, the Company has used recoveries in line
with the top end of the 48 hour leach time in order to stay consistent with the
flowsheets of mills in the vicinity.

Using this testwork the Company was able to identify which mills are best suited
for material from the Lamaque Project, which has assisted in the determination
of the $45.69 per tonne milling and transportation assumption.

For the PEA the following gold recoveries were assumed:

--  Parallel Zone: 97% 
--  Triangle Zone: 90% 
--  Fortune Zone: 95% 
--  No. 4 Plug: 86% 

Infrastructure and Capital Costs

The Lamaque Project, located within 3 km of the city of Val-d'Or, Quebec, a
mining community of over 35,000 people, benefits from world-class
infrastructure. As important as the physical infrastructure in the Val-d'Or
region, is the high level of underground mining expertise readily available in
the region. The Company believes its advantageous location has the potential to
positively impact the long term viability and attractiveness of employment at
the Lamaque Project, given that employees and contractors could work in the
community they live in, a rare opportunity in the mining industry.

The Lamaque Project is located within 200 m of the Trans-Canada Highway, with
all services readily available at site. The Company's existing office is located
between the highway and the project, on a property owned by the Company, and
there is sufficient land to accommodate the proposed development needs of the
project including the proposed service hub.

The plan as outlined in the PEA will have minimal impact on the community as
there are no homes, businesses, or other infrastructure where the proposed
mining will take place.

The pre-production costs are estimated at $69.2 million, net of production
revenue received during the second year of the pre-production period ($37.4
million). Pre-production capital costs include surface infrastructure (site
preparation, roads, electric and water lines), installation of modular buildings
for offices and garages (mechanical and electrical shops, stockroom), mining
infrastructure at the North and South sites, mobile equipment, development and
capitalized operating costs, owner costs (closure costs in line with required
financial guarantees, Company staff and indirect costs) as summarized in the
following tables. Pre-production capital costs are minimal given that there is
no need to build processing and tailings facilities, and that mineralization is
spatially close to surface. Pre-production is anticipated to take 2 years with
the majority of proceeds used for ramp construction and for sufficient
development of mineralized zones, or working faces, to conduct mining at the
proposed mining rate and mill throughput. Ramp construction would commence in
the second quarter of pre-production at the Parallel Zone, where there is a 15 m
vertical rock face outcrop located at surface providing an ideal location to
construct the portal. Ramp construction at the Triangle Zone would commence in
the third quarter of pre-production, where overburden is estimated to be between
1 and 5 m in depth.

Pre-Production Capital Costs Estimate (estimated 2 years)

Pre-Production Capital Costs                                 (CAD$ millions)
Surface infrastructure (20% contingency included)                       12.9
Mining infrastructure (20% contingency included)                         6.9
Mobile equipment (10% contingency included)                             14.8
Development and Capitalized Operating Costs (20%                            
 contingency included)                                                  55.6
Owner's Costs                                                           16.3
Offsetting capitalized revenue (28,000 ounces in pre-                       
 production)(i)                                                       (37.4)
Total                                                                   69.2
(i)Given the Company anticipates having access to milling options throughout
 the pre-production stage it has included revenue from expected production  
 during development                                                         

The Company is also studying a scenario which would involve delaying the
development of the South Ramp by 12-18 months in order to reduce up-front
capital cost requirements and utilize cash flow from the North Ramp to fund
development of the South Ramp. It is estimated this could reduce pre-production
capital requirements by as much as $20 to $25 M although further work is
required prior to the Company being able to provide a detailed number.

Sustaining Capital Costs Estimate (Production Years 1-5)

Sustaining Capital Cost                                      (CAD$ millions)
Surface infrastructure (20% contingency included)                       $4.7
Mining infrastructure (20% contingency included)                        $3.1
Mobile equipment (10% contingency included)                            $17.3
Development (20% contingency included)                                 $39.0
Owner's Costs                                                           $2.6
Total                                                                  $66.8

Community Relations

The Company is committed to taking a proactive approach to its public
consultation process and has been working diligently to identify as many
stakeholders as possible in the Val-d'Or region. Over the past six months more
than 25 private and public meetings have been held with stakeholders.

On January 28, 2013, a public information meeting was held in Val-d'Or to
present the status of the project, discuss the potential impact and benefits for
the Val-d'Or community, and gather insight and feedback from residents. Over 250
residents and stakeholders attended this meeting. Management was encouraged by
the feedback received and the readily apparent level of community support for
the Lamaque Project. Integra remains committed to working with the citizens of
Val-d'Or to build a plan for the Lamaque Project that will maximize benefits for
both the community and the Company's shareholders.

Information regarding public meetings and project updates will be published on
the Company's website as it becomes available.

Environmental and Permitting

A baseline environmental study was completed by AMEC in December 2013. The North
Ramp is located in an area previously impacted by the tailings of the Lamaque
Mine and the Company does not anticipate any significant impact on wildlife. For
the South Ramp, the baseline study completed by AMEC did not identify major
issues associated with wildlife.

No geochemical characterization of mineralized or waste material is available
for the Lamaque Project at the moment. The Company will be commencing these
studies in 2014 and does not anticipate any major issues due to the similar
nature of the Lamaque Project's mineralization to the adjacent Sigma and Lamaque
Mines, which were known for their clean ore and tailings.

The Lamaque Project is not subject to provincial impact assessment study as
planned production falls below the 2,000 tonnes per day threshold outlined in
the new mining law. At this time the Company does not yet know if the Lamaque
Project will be subject to a federal impact assessment study.

Reclamation costs were estimated at $2.4 M. Reclamation work covers waste and
stockpiles of mineralized material, water pond, underground openings, site
installation, engineering, contingency (20%) and post operation site monitoring.

Project Economics and Sensitivity

Key economic performance metrics are summarized in the following table on a
pre-tax basis. A range of gold prices (USD$) are shown for sensitivity purposes

Gold Price Sensitivity

Gold Price                                             1,275                
(USD$/ounce)              1,000   1,100   1,200  (Base Case)   1,400   1,500
Exchange Rate (CAD$ to                                                      
 USD$)                     1.05    1.05    1.05         1.05    1.05    1.05
Gold Price (CAD$/ounce)   1,050   1,155   1,260        1,339   1,470   1,575
Pre-Tax NPV 5% (CAD$M)     29.2    71.7   114.2        146.0   199.1   241.6
Pre-Tax IRR                 15%     29%     42%          51%     66%     77%
Pre-Tax Payback Period                                                      
 (years)                   2.91    2.14    1.71         1.50    1.25    1.11

The sensitivity analysis presented below demonstrates that even with an increase
of 30% of capital costs or operating costs, the Lamaque Project still has the
potential to present a positive economic outcome.

Exchange Rate, Capital Costs, Operating Costs Sensitivity Analysis (Pre-Tax)

                          Variable   Net Cashflow (CAD$ M)     (5%)      IRR
Exchange rate $CAN                                                          
 to $US                       0.95                   133.3     94.4      36%
                              1.00                   165.2    120.2      44%
                              1.05                   197.1    146.0      51%
                              1.10                   229.1    171.8      59%
                              1.15                   261.0    197.6      66%
Capital Costs                  30%                   157.0    110.6      35%
                               20%                   170.4    122.4      40%
                               10%                   183.8    134.2      45%
                                0%                   197.1    146.0      51%
                              -10%                   210.5    157.8      59%
                              -20%                   223.9    169.6      67%
                              -30%                   237.2    181.5      77%
Operating Costs                30%                   104.3     71.7      30%
                               20%                   135.3     96.5      38%
                               10%                   166.2    121.2      45%
                                0%                   197.1    146.0      51%
                              -10%                   228.1    170.8      58%
                              -20%                   259.0    195.5      64%
                              -30%                   289.9    220.3      70%

Discount Rate versus Base Case Pre-Tax NPV Sensitivity Analysis (Pre-Tax)

Discount Rate                                       NPV Value (CAD$ million)
0%                                                                    $197.1
5%                                                                    $146.0
7%                                                                    $129.6
10%                                                                   $108.3

Opportunities & Risks

Opportunities to improve the Lamaque Project economics include the following:

--  The Company is studying a scenario which would involve delaying the
    development of the South Ramp by 12-18 months, in order to reduce up-
    front capital cost requirements and utilize cash flow from the North
    Ramp to fund development of the South Ramp. It is estimated this could
    reduce pre-production capital requirements by as much as $20 to $25 M. 
--  Acquisition of a mill instead of toll milling would likely reduce LOM
    operating costs and allow the Company greater security in meeting its
    future milling requirements. 
--  Potential to utilize contract mining in order to reduce up-front capital
--  Production outlined in the PEA is limited to a vertical depth of 620 m
    at the Triangle Zone. A 2013 drill program intersected multiple high-
    grade zones below this level, to depths of up to 1,000 m vertical. The
    Triangle Zone remains open to the south, east and west. 
--  Drilling at the South Triangle Zone intersected 13.89 g/t Au over 7.0 m,
    approximately 175 m down-dip from the Triangle Zone resource estimate
    (see Company press release dated November 18, 2013). The ground in
    between the Triangle Zone and this 2013 discovery has not been tested
    and will be drilled within the next 4-6 weeks. 
--  The PEA is based on an April 24, 2013, mineral resource database cut-off
    date and does not include subsequent drilling, both infill and
    expansion, of approximately 29,500 m completed to the end of February
    2014, while drilling is still ongoing with 4 rigs. 
--  The PEA does not include resources from the No. 6 Vein and the Sixteen
--  Significant mineralization has been identified at the No. 3 Mine and the
    No. 5 Plug targets. The Company expects to have resource estimates
    completed for those zones in the second half of 2014. Should a resource
    be defined at these targets they could be potentially mined from the
    North Ramp infrastructure. 
--  Potential for further improvement in gold recoveries based on results of
    recent metallurgical test work. 
--  Potential for reduced milling costs through negotiations with toll mills

Risks requiring mitigation strategies include:

--  Management of construction/engineering and procurement schedules, costs,
    and cost containment. 
--  Operating risks related to recruitment and training of underground
    workforce, specifically room and pillar miners. 
--  Permitting risks. 
--  Crown pillar thickness and stability evaluation through geo-mechanics
    characterization and stability analysis. 

Recommendations and Next Steps

The following recommendations have been given as the next steps of the Lamaque
Project. The Company aims to achieve these objectives in 2014.

1.  Continue exploration and definition drilling at Parallel, Triangle and
    Fortune zones in 2014 in order to upgrade as many resources as possible
    from the inferred resource category to the indicated resource category,
    while continuing to increase the resource base laterally and at depth. 
2.  Update the resource estimations for all deposits included in the PEA and
    evaluate the impact on the Lamaque Project's economics using all new
    information generated since the latest database cut-off (since April 24,
3.  Complete exploration drilling and perform additional resource
    estimations on two of the Lamaque Project's advanced exploration
    targets, the No. 3 Mine and No. 5 Plug, for integration into the future
    economic evaluations on the project. 
4.  Commence a prefeasibility study which will include: 

--  Hydrogeology study; 
--  Rock mass characterization and stope design; 
--  Crown pillar stability analysis; 
--  Revised mining plan using new resources; 
--  Trade-off analysis: 
    --  Re-scheduling development of the 2 ramps to limit capital
    --  Energy alternative for underground air heating; 
    --  Mineralized material and waste handling alternatives; and 
    --  Access, possibly via shaft sinking, to deeper part of the Triangle
        Zone and No. 4 Plug. 
--  Finalize connecting scenario to Hydro-Quebec grid; 
--  Engineering for surface installation, electricity and mechanics
--  Engineering for water treatment and management facilities; and 
--  Updated economic evaluation of capital expenditures and operating costs.

5.  Initiate and complete the permitting process for an underground
    exploration program. A complete prefeasibility study will likely require
    underground exploration, meaning a significant portion of project
    permitting will be completed during the prefeasibility stage: 

--  Apply for Certificate of Authorization; 
--  Complete application for mining lease for South site (Triangle); 
--  Mineralization and waste characterization; 
--  Hydrology study; 
--  Noise and vibration study; and 
--  Biology study. 

6.  Conduct a fourth phase metallurgical study in order to further improve
    gold recoveries for the Triangle and No. 4 Plug zones. 
7.  Complete a formal information and consultation process in order to
    promote social acceptability of the Lamaque Project and development

Qualified Persons

The Lamaque Project is under the direct supervision of Herve Thiboutot, Eng.
Senior Vice-President of the Company, and Francois Chabot, Eng. and Operations
and Engineering Manager of the Company. Both Mr. Thiboutot and Mr. Chabot are
Qualified Persons ("QP") as defined by National Instrument 43-101.

In addition, each of the individuals listed below are independent QP for the
purposes of NI 43-101. All scientific and technical information in this press
release in respect of the Lamaque Project or the PEA is based upon information
prepared by or under the supervision of those individuals. 

For InnovExplo Inc., Sylvie Poirier, Eng. (Mining) and Laurent Roy, Eng.
(Mining); for Geologica, Alain-Jean Beauregard, Geol. (Geology) and Daniel
Gaudreault, Eng. (Geology); for GeoPointcom, Christian D'Amours, Geol.
(Resources); for Amec, Stephan Bergeron, Eng. (Environment); for Golder
Associates, James Tod, Eng. (Geo-Mechanics); and for WSP Engineering, Michel
Garon, Eng. (Metallurgy).

The Company's QPs have also reviewed the technical content of this press release.

Quality Assurance - Quality Control ("QA/QC")

Thorough QA/QC protocols are followed on the Lamaque Project including insertion
of duplicate, blank and standard samples in all drill holes. The core samples
are submitted directly to ALS Laboratory Group and Bourlamaque Labs in Val-d'Or
for preparation and analysis. Analysis is conducted on 1 assay-ton aliquots.
Analysis of Au is performed using fire assay method with atomic absorption
finish, with a gravimetric finish completed for samples exceeding 5 g/t Au, or a
metallic sieve assay for samples containing visible gold. When available the
gravimetric or metallic sieve assay results are used for the reported composite

Further information about the mineral resource estimate cited in this news
release can be found in an NI 43-101 compliant technical report for the project,
entitled "2013 NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Lamaque Property", dated
November 1, 2013, which is available under the Company's SEDAR profile at


Stephen de Jong, CEO & President

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Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that
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responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward Looking Statements:

No stock exchange, securities commission or other regulatory authority has
approved or disapproved the information contained on this presentation. This
presentation contains "forward-looking information" concerning Integra Gold
Corp.'s ("Integra" or the "Company") future financial or operating performance
and other statements that express management's expectations or estimates of
future developments, circumstances or results. Generally, forward-looking
information can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as
"seeks", "believes", "anticipates", "plans", "continues", "budget", "scheduled",
"estimates", "expects", "forecasts", "intends", "projects", "predicts",
"proposes", "potential", "targets" and variations of such words and phrases, or
by statements that certain actions, events or results "may", "will", "could",
"would", "should" or "might" "be taken", "occur" or "be achieved".
Forward-looking statements included in this presentation include statements
regarding the proposed mining scenario for the Lamaque Project, including
information with respect to the expected economic results of the Lamaque Project
(including rates of return, payback period and the NPV of the Lamaque Project),
estimated capital expenditures and other costs to develop the site, the expected
values of gold for the life of the project, rates of development and production,
potential mineralization and mineral resources, information with respect to
supporting infrastructure, the potential life of mine, rates of employment and
the effects of steps taken to mitigate local impacts and the expected completion
dates of exploration and drilling, exploration results, estimated and future
exploration and administration expenditures, the completion of a feasibility
studies, and future plans and objectives of Integra. While all forward-looking
statements involve various risks and uncertainties, these statements are based
on certain assumptions that management of Integra believes are reasonable,
including that it will be able to obtain financing and on reasonable terms, that
the PEA will prove to be materially accurate, that its current development and
other objectives can be achieved, that its development, exploration and other
activities will proceed as expected, that its community and environmental impact
procedures will work as anticipated, that general business and economic
conditions will not change in a material adverse manner, that Integra will not
experience any material accident, labour dispute or failure or shortage of
equipment, and that all necessary government approvals for its planned
development and exploration activities will be obtained in a timely manner and
on acceptable terms. 

There can be no assurance that the forward-looking statements will prove to be
accurate and actual results and future events could differ materially from those
anticipated in such statements. Important factors that could cause actual
results to differ materially from the Integra's expectations include, among
others, the actual results of development activities being different than those
anticipated by Integra, changes in project parameters as plans continue to be
refined, changes in estimated mineral resources, future prices of metals,
increased costs of labor, equipment or materials, availability of equipment,
failure of equipment to operate as anticipated, accidents, effects of weather
and other natural phenomena, risks related to community relations and activities
of stakeholders, and delays in obtaining governmental approvals or financing.
Although Integra has attempted to identify important factors that could cause
actual results to differ materially, there may be other factors that cause
results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no
assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate as actual results and
future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements.
Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking
statements. Integra does not intend, and expressly disclaims any intention or
obligation to, update or revise any forward-looking statements whether as a
result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by

Corporate Inquiries: Integra Gold Corp.
Chris Gordon

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