VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA (TSX VENTURE: KRR) has completed a 10 hole, 1485 meter diamond drill program on the Minnie Moore property and is pleased to announce details regarding the Minnie Moore epithermal silver-gold discovery, including preliminary results from the August 2007 trenching program. The Minnie Moore discovery shares a number of characteristics with epithermal veins from the Republic District of Washington State, including a similar age, an association with Eocene structural activity, and similar textures, gangue and sulfide mineralogy, and geochemistry.

Partial results have been obtained from the August 2007 trenching program at the Minnie Moore zone. Overlimit silver assays are not yet available, nor are fire assay results for high gold samples. Subsequent trenching during October 2007 more fully exposed the Minnie Moore zone for detailed sampling and extended the true width of the zone beyond what is represented by the August trench samples. Results from this additional sampling are similarly unavailable, however in response to considerable shareholder interest, the Company is releasing information available to date. Additional assay results will be released when available.

Where exposed by trenching, the Minnie Moore vein occurs within a zone of faulting, dyking and veining that measures up to 15 meters in width. The vein itself has a true width ranging from 2.9 to 8.5 meters, and is bounded on the east and west by strong, north-northeast trending, vertical to steeply west-dipping faults. Eocene dykes within the wider fault zone are strongly argillic altered and locally cut by chalcedonic quartz veins.

The Minnie Moore vein has been stripped completely over an 8 meter by 13 meter area in Trenches 1 and 3 (which have now been merged together by subsequent excavation). It is a well-defined breccia vein comprised of intensely silicified limestone and siltstone that is cut and cemented by vuggy quartz and quartz-carbonate veinlets and breccia matrix. Sulfide content is low, only locally exceeding 5%. Sulfides consist primarily of pyrite, with lesser chalcopyrite, sphalerite, galena, tetrahedrite, and ruby silver. Native gold has been seen in thin section and in hand specimen. Trace element geochemistry shows elevated mercury, arsenic, antimony and selenium.

Thirty meters south of the Trench 1 and 3 exposure, Trench 2 uncovered a 5 meter wide by 7 meter long segment of the Minnie Moore vein. The Trench 2 vein segment is truncated by faults on the north, south and east. Additional trenching further south failed to penetrate the overburden. The potential for the system to continue on-strike to the south remains untested. Trenching on strike to the north of Trenches 1 and 3 uncovered a thick, moderately magnetic Eocene sill. Drilling has successfully intersected the favorable Brooklyn stratigraphy at depth beneath the sill.

Outcrop in the vicinity of the Minnie Moore zone is sparse, with overburden depth ranging from less than 1 meter to greater than 5 meters. An excavator was employed in the trenching program to remove overburden to a solid bedrock surface. Trenches were then hand shoveled and swept clean before mapping and laying out for sampling. Sampling consisted of continuous representative chips collected across the true width (or partial true width where the zone was not fully exposed at the time of sampling) of the mineralized zone. Sample interval was generally 1 meter. In Trenches 2 and 3, two parallel lines of samples were collected across the mineralized zone. In each trench, these 2 lines of samples were separated by 2-3 meters along the strike of the vein. Samples were shipped to Acme Analytical Laboratory in Vancouver for preparation and analysis for gold and a multi-element suite, by ICP-MS analysis. Subsequent fire assay is being done on samples returning greater than 1 g/t gold and those exceeding the ICP detection limit of 100 g/t for silver. A quality control-quality assurance program was implemented, including field duplicate samples and company inserted blanks and standards at regular intervals.

           Interval    Sample
         From     To   Length     Au                   Ag    Cu    Pb    Zn
Sample     (m)    (m)      (m)   ppm                  ppm   ppm   ppm   ppm
TR07-1 - across 8.5 meter true width
41014    19.0   20.0      1.0   0.02                 31.0    42   220   567
41015    20.0   21.0      1.0   0.02                 43.3    55   213   630
41016    21.0   22.0      1.0   0.20   greater than 100.0   421  1070  5585
41017    22.0   23.0      1.0   0.01        less than 0.1     8    14    45
41018    23.0   24.0      1.0   2.72   greater than 100.0   221    39   104
41019    24.0   25.0      1.0   2.36   greater than 100.0   279   161   100
41020    25.0   26.0      1.0   1.47                 93.2    51   105   159
41024    26.0   27.5      1.5   1.55   greater than 100.0   482  1299  1442

TR07-3 - North sample line across vein, 5.8 m partial true width
41054     0.0    1.0      1.0   0.04   greater than 100.0   194   920  3317
41055     1.0    2.0      1.0   0.10   greater than 100.0   249  1339  2702
41056     2.0    3.0      1.0   0.24   greater than 100.0   156   464   221
41057     3.0    4.0      1.0   0.51   greater than 100.0   211  2463   298
41058     4.0    5.0      1.0   0.27   greater than 100.0    61   290   561
41059     5.0    5.8      0.8   1.19   greater than 100.0   552  1603  1886

TR07-3 - South sample line across vein, 6.2 m partial true width
41064     0.0    1.0      1.0   0.02                 77.4    78   370   618
41065     1.0    2.0      1.0   0.17   greater than 100.0   148  1016  1120
41066     2.0    3.0      1.0   1.96   greater than 100.0   942  1439   395
41067     3.0    4.0      1.0   1.22   greater than 100.0    93   238   119
41068     4.0    5.0      1.0   4.29   greater than 100.0   397  1402   301
41069     5.0    6.2      1.2   4.08   greater than 100.0  1799  8557   701

TR07-2 - South sample line across vein, 2.9 m partial true width
41039     7.1    8.0      0.9   0.08                 95.5    47   134   131
41040     8.0    9.0      1.0   0.13   greater than 100.0   145   392   288
41044     9.0   10.0      1.0   0.03                 52.7    54   406  1774

TR07-2 - North sample line across vein, 4 m partial true width
41046     2.0    3.0      1.0   0.04                 51.7    44    15    75
41047     3.0    4.0      1.0   0.07                 92.8    67   124   188
41048     4.0    5.0      1.0   0.01                 25.8    19    29   221
41049     5.0    6.0      1.0   0.20   greater than 100.0   117   690   202

As previously released, select grab samples from TR07-3 have returned results to a maximum of 4500 g/t Ag (131.4 oz/t Ag), 6.04 g/t Au (0.18 oz/t Au), 0.78% Zn, 0.58% Pb and 0.25% Cu (NR Oct 29, 2007).

Scott Geophysics was contracted to complete a ground magnetometer survey over the area, during October 2007, to aid in mapping the position of fault zones and (magnetic) Eocene intrusives. The results of the ground magnetometer survey have been received. Several pronounced, elongate, north-, northeast- and northwest- trending magnetic low anomalies were delineated in the vicinity of the Minnie Moore epithermal zone. All of these anomalies exceed several hundred meters in strike length. They are interpreted to represent major fault zones, such as the one intimately associated with the Minnie Moore vein.

A soil geochemical survey was also completed over the same grid as the ground magnetometer survey, with a total of 989 samples collected at 12.5 meter intervals on 50 meter spaced lines. Results are pending.

Drill core logging from the recent drill program has been completed and core sawing and sampling is underway. To date, a total of 301 drill core samples from holes 07-1 through 07-8 have been shipped to Acme Analytical Laboratory in Vancouver for preparation and analysis. Core sawing is underway for holes 07-9 and 07-10. An additional 120 drill core samples will be shipped from holes 07-9 and 07-10 upon completion of sawing.

Drilling was done by More Core Drilling of Stewart, B.C. Core was NQ2 size. A quality control-quality assurance program was implemented, including company inserted blanks and standards at regular intervals. The company anticipates a lengthy delay in obtaining results from the recent diamond drill program, due to the current backlogs at all Canadian assay laboratories.

Photographs from the recent trenching and drilling program have been posted to the company website ( Detailed trench maps will also be posted when they are available. Linda Caron, M.Sc., P.Eng. is the Qualified Person under NI 43-101 who has supervised the 2007 work program and who has reviewed and approved the content of this news release.

On Behalf of the Board,

Ellen Clements, Director, President & CEO

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Contacts: Kettle River Resources Ltd. Larry Widmer (250) 878-5099 Kettle River Resources Ltd. Ellen Clements Toll Free: 1-800-856-3966