Solid Gold Resources Corp. ("Solid Gold") (TSX VENTURE:SLD) announced today that
Mr. Stephen De Vos, Director of Exploration, Ministry of Northern Development
and Mines ("MNDM"), has used his discretionary powers to prevent Solid Gold from
exploring its Legacy property near Timmins, Ontario. Under the new mining act,
Solid Gold has no right of appeal. The Director used these extraordinary powers
despite the following facts:

1.  MNDM has been aware of the details of Solid Gold's exploration program  
    for over one year. At its own expense and in good faith, Solid Gold     
    engaged in an extensive 10 month consultation process with the Wahgoshig
    First Nation ("WFN") and the Crown respecting such exploration. This    
    process was facilitated by a judge of the Superior Court.               
2.  An enhanced archaeological and traditional land use study was conducted 
    on the portions of the property that Solid Gold indicated it would focus
    its current exploration. That study, which was conducted with the       
    cooperation of WFN, only identified one potential site on the edge of   
    one of these claims.                                                    
3.  Since November 2011, Solid Gold has committed to inform WFN immediately 
    if any culturally sensitive site is discovered during the course of     
    exploration. Solid Gold also agreed not to drill in any areas identified
    as potentially culturally sensitive without consultation.               
4.  Solid Gold obtained leave to appeal an injunction order placed upon it. 
    The court seriously doubted the correctness of the injunction decision  
    and was strongly of the view that Solid Gold had no obligation to       
    consult. Ontario supported WFN in this matter and opposed the leave     
    motion. WFN continues to take the position that it will not consent to  
    exploration. MNDM has supported that position.                          
5.  The appeal court suggested that there was nothing formally in place to  
    prevent Solid Gold from resuming its exploration activity and that the  
    interim injunction which had halted Solid Gold's exploration activities 
    had expired.                                                            

In these circumstances, Mr. De Vos' conduct is alarming. Mr. De Vos's decision
appears to be a politically motivated abuse of power and indicates the unfair
political interference that permeates the new exploration regime. This should be
of great concern to the exploration industry in Northern Ontario.

Business of Solid Gold Resources Corp.

Solid Gold is a junior mining exploration and development company, which
controls a +/-200- square-kilometer prospect hosting potential for discovery of
economic mineralization at Lake Abitibi near the Porcupine Fault zone in
Northern Ontario.

The information in this news release includes certain information and statements
about management's view of future events, expectations, plans and prospects that
constitute forward looking statements. These statements are based upon
assumptions that are subject to significant risks and uncertainties. Because of
these risks and uncertainties and as a result of a variety of factors, the
actual results, expectations, achievements or performance may differ materially
from those anticipated and indicated by these forward looking statements.
Although Solid Gold believes that the expectations reflected in forward looking
statements are reasonable, it can give no assurances that the expectations of
any forward looking statements will prove to be correct. Except as required by
law, Solid Gold disclaims any intention and assumes no obligation to update or
revise any forward looking statements to reflect actual results, whether as a
result of new information, future events, changes in assumptions, changes in
factors affecting such forward looking statements or otherwise.

Solid Gold Resources Corp.
Alan Myers
(905) 731-2303