FRANKFURT--The following is a summary of analysts' forecasts for Allianz SE (ALV.XE) second-quarter results, based on a poll of 11 analysts conducted by Dow Jones Newswires (figures in million euros, dividend and target price in euro, combined ratio in percent, according to IFRS). Earnings figures are scheduled to be released August 8.

                                          Operat.    Operat. 
                                 Operat.   profit     profit 
                  Total  Operat.  profit   Life &      Asset 
2nd Quarter     revenue   profit     P/C   Health  managment 
AVERAGE          27,706    2,534   1,357      755        654 
Prev. Year       26,776    2,367   1,179      669        804 
+/- in %           +3.5     +7.1     +15      +13        -19 
MEDIAN           27,994    2,586   1,412      765        658 
Maximum          28,032    2,695   1,497      830        688 
Minimum          27,000    2,224   1,136      675        610 
Amount                5       11      10       10         10 
Bankhaus Lampe       --    2,587   1,447      750        655 
Bryan Garnier        --    2,225   1,150      675        635 
Commerzbank          --    2,550      --       --         -- 
Credit Suisse    27,503    2,695   1,497      824        676 
DZ Bank          27,994    2,586   1,491      738        637 
Equinet          27,000    2,640   1,450      830        630 
Helvea               --    2,614   1,430      786        661 
Independent Res.     --    2,630   1,200      680        610 
Kepler Cheuvreux 28,000    2,564   1,394      780        660 
MainFirst Bank   28,032    2,564   1,374      803        686 
Morgan Stanley       --    2,224   1,136      680        688 
                            Net attrib.  Comb. Ratio 
2nd Quarter            EBT       income          (a) 
AVERAGE              2,391        1,525         94.1 
Prev. Year           2,499        1,588         96.0 
+/- in %              -4.3         -4.0         -2.0 
MEDIAN               2,460        1,557         93.6 
Maximum              2,561        1,651         96.5 
Minimum              2,086        1,328         93.2 
Amount                   5            9           10 
Bankhaus Lampe       2,460        1,557         93.3 
Bryan Garnier           --           --         96.5 
Commerzbank             --           --         94.0 
Credit Suisse        2,561        1,651         93.2 
DZ Bank              2,086        1,328         93.5 
Equinet              2,490        1,593         93.5 
Helvea                  --        1,587         93.8 
Independent Research    --        1,560           -- 
Kepler Cheuvreux        --        1,499         93.5 
MainFirst Bank       2,360        1,517         93.7 
Morgan Stanley          --        1,430         95.5 
               Target price  Rating                 DPS 2014 
AVERAGE              144.60  positive 10    AVERAGE     6.05 
Prev. Quarter        145.50  neutral   0    Prev. Year  5.30 
+/- in %               -0.6  negative  0    +/- in %     +14 
MEDIAN               144.50                 MEDIAN      5.85 
Maximum              155.00                 Maximum     7.80 
Minimum              135.00                 Minimum     5.40 
Amount                   10                 Amount         6 
Bankhaus Lampe       135.00  Buy                        7.80 
Bryan Garnier        150.00  Buy                        5.90 
Commerzbank          154.00  Buy                          -- 
Credit Suisse        146.00  Outperform                 5.80 
DZ Bank              136.00  Buy                        5.90 
Equinet              140.00  Accumulate                 5.50 
Helvea               137.00  Buy                          -- 
Independent Research 155.00  Buy                        5.40 
Kepler Cheuvreux     143.00  Buy                          -- 
MainFirst Bank       150.00  Outperform                   -- 

Year-earlier figures are as reported by the company.

(a) Property-casualty.


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