FRANKFURT--The following is a summary of analysts' forecasts for Allianz SE (ALV.XE) first-quarter results, based on a poll of six analysts conducted by Dow Jones Newswires (figures in million euros, dividend and target price in euro, combined ratio in percent, according to IFRS).

                 Operating profit: 
                                 -Life &      -Asset 
1st Quarter      -Total     -P/C  Health   managment 
AVERAGE           2,625    1,398     869         601 
Prev. Year        2,723    1,489     880         646 
+/- in %           -3.6     -6.1    -1.3        -6.9 
MEDIAN            2,636    1,417     866         593 
Maximum           2,790    1,450     922         650 
Minimum           2,521    1,309     823         580 
Amount                6        6       6           6 
Bankhaus Lampe    2,640    1,415     885         580 
Barclays          2,521    1,309     847         594 
Deutsche Bank     2,632    1,419     835         611 
Equinet           2,790    1,450     900         650 
MainFirst Bank    2,524    1,344     823         592 
UBS               2,644    1,448     922         580 
                              Net  Combined 
                          attrib.     Ratio 
1st Quarter         EBT    income       (a) 
AVERAGE           2,522     1,609      94.0 
Prev. Year        2,607     1,640      92.6 
+/- in %           -3.3      -1.9      +1.5 
MEDIAN            2,495     1,609      93.9 
Maximum           2,765     1,778      95.0 
Minimum           2,333     1,505      93.5 
Amount                4         6         6 
Bankhaus Lampe    2,550     1,610      93.5 
Barclays             --     1,528      93.9 
Deutsche Bank        --     1,607      94.0 
Equinet           2,440     1,628      95.0 
MainFirst Bank    2,333     1,505      93.8 
UBS               2,765     1,778      93.7 
             Target price  Rating                  DPS 2015 
AVERAGE            157.86  positive 3     AVERAGE      7.08 
Prev. Quarter      155.93  neutral  3     Prev. Year   6.85 
+/- in %             +1.2  negative 1     +/- in %     +3.3 
MEDIAN             156.00                 MEDIAN       7.06 
Maximum            180.00                 Maximum      7.25 
Minimum            136.00                 Minimum      7.00 
Amount                  7                 Amount          5 
Bankhaus Lampe     152.00  Hold                        7.00 
Barclays           151.00  Equalweight                 7.00 
Commerzbank        156.00  Buy                           -- 
Deutsche Bank      170.00  Hold                          -- 
Equinet            160.00  Accumulate                  7.25 
Jefferies          136.00  Underperform                7.07 
UBS                180.00  Buy                         7.06 

Year-earlier figures are as reported by the company.

(a) Property-casualty.


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