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Martello Technologies Group Inc (PK)

Martello Technologies Group Inc (PK) (DRKOF)

( 0.00% )
Updated: 09:30:05
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StockLogistics StockLogistics 3 years ago
Could be a 2023 year of the rabbit company

Donnie Darko

Donald 45 β€˜24 right on the medicine bottle, time travel confirmed. Winn

hiroller12x hiroller12x 5 years ago
what does it say about a company when the shareholders have nothing positive to offer about any recent or achievements of impact or 'ANYTHING' (other than Bruce who high tailed it out of here months ago)?

And even more defaming...silence from those that have given up wasting their time to continue bitching and complaining about bitches and complaints levied on the company on numerous occasions....recent and past.

With each passing day the punch line to this joke is...the company itself!!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year ...and every diverse and alternative celebrations included a well!!
hiroller12x hiroller12x 5 years ago
wonderful assessment my friend. There's a pinhole in the balloon that is leaking but not badly enough to keep this thing from still being suspended long enough to perform the next up,down,up,down show.

Almost out of enthusiasm for venting $25k worth of frustration directed at butthole Bruce and this turd that knew what might or was surly to occur after only a few months of his infamous T-Shirt interview.

gotta permanently move on soon..hate to lose contact... but this garbage is fruitless.

will still check 3 amigos
Burdock Burdock 5 years ago
I cut some out, Bruce's name only goes so far, young company, good revenue, but profits need time, I don t have that much time, so as you recall their financial dept needed a boost! Reminding them to post quarterly results?/
CEO is a smart guy but? Not good if a investor has to wake up their finance officer. Lol
hiroller12x hiroller12x 5 years ago
ty Andrew...I will sleep well tonight knowing that you are on solid ground.

CGC and the flower children are coming out of the darkness and seeing daylight again by way of an upgrade and some short covering. IMHO this may possibly be the precursor to the insane short squeeze that has been anticipated for months..and rightly so with the magnitude of shorting that has never waned.

Something has to relieve the pressure of the situation just like the slip of the tectonic plates when it's time for an earthquake. Never know when, where or how deadly. The longs can finally exhale on the recent gains.... but for how long. Is this another false top and another drop to the low teens?

Riding this MTLO train IMHO is a trip to financial hell. godspeed to those that are still invested.

You will 'KILL IT' Andrew..I have no doubt. This debacle is just a minuscule misstep (made by many that followed BL from CGC) in the scope of your bright lifelong investment future.


Andrewbird Andrewbird 5 years ago
Mr. Hiroller, everything is well, don't want to jinx anything but enjoying the little gains with CGC.

Hope all is well with my 3 amigos
hiroller12x hiroller12x 5 years ago
that 'wouldN'T! have been the case....gotta stop posting at 6AM!
hiroller12x hiroller12x 5 years ago
that would be the case if I hadn't left off the last word..."it" !

hit the 'send' button before I reviewed the post. ...good catch
CharlesMartin1 CharlesMartin1 5 years ago
You answered you’re own
hiroller12x hiroller12x 5 years ago
if I might ask Charles...are you still holding shares? Nothing nefarious in this question I assure you...just wonder who would have enough interest left in this company to still hold shares let alone post.

Whoa...I almost forgot!!!! Investor Day is coming up where the head honchos spew accolades of riches to come.

Very few care anymore. this is a turd that will live in the greys forever. IMHO.

glty Charles
CharlesMartin1 CharlesMartin1 5 years ago
Very disappointing performance. They’ve basically peaked...
hiroller12x hiroller12x 5 years ago
and the mouse continues to run itself into the ground on the treadmill.
wonder when its' heart gives out?

Hey burdock, andrew and moe...hope you are all doing well...wherever you are!
hiroller12x hiroller12x 5 years ago
'Investor Day' will be hosted by none other than SIR Terry Mathews and Bruce Linton.

What's up with this SIR shyte....lets ask google

What Honour makes you a Sir?

Men who receive this honour are given the title Sir, while women receiving the honour are called Dame. The award is given for an exceptional achievement in any activity. This stands for Commander of the Order of the British Empire.
There you have it !!! My only question is..How does this distinction of SIR apply to 'you know' Terry Mathews...the guy that is incapable of or won't take this POS to the next level and begin to let 'er run driven by competent management is actually worthy of exceptional achievement? . (with BL's assistance of course).

quote "The award is given for an exceptional achievement in any activity".... Kinda wide open here dontcha think?.

Wonder if that includes 'exceptional excellence' of the highest order in knowingly (or just as egregious...not knowingly) duping your investors into a black hole of losses from events that ultimately ensued.

In comparison...The best or most admirable thing that YOU have done in your lifetime would assuredly DUB you with either Sir or Dame distinction for eternity.

You have all satisfied the criteria required and may now rise from your knees and continue to invest with whatever you have left. The Crown will supply you with an analyst to assist you in mentally dealing with the grief from your losses and grant you 100K seed money (interest free) in order to assist you in picking up the pieces and starting over.

All the best to the SIRs and DAMEs caught in this frey. Send SIR 'you know' Terry Mathews and email if you believe he doesn't deserve the title...

glta.....(especially the trifecta...Curly, Larry and Moe)
hiroller12x hiroller12x 5 years ago
creeping up on 'investor day'. Can't you just you feel the positive energy building?....ok neither can I!!
hiroller12x hiroller12x 5 years ago
I feel your pain CharlesMartin1. Don't remember a spike to .42 a week or so ago but that's immaterial now. I was holding 125,000 sh at .42 and the inevitable transpired as should have been anticipated...slow bleed back to the teens.

Coming back in the near future? I fully believe this company 'HAS NO FUTURE! Maybe a spike or two that will allow the last of the last to get out...but IMO Martello will live in the greys forever...and they like it that way.. gltu
hiroller12x hiroller12x 5 years ago
I feel your pain CharlesMartin1. Don't remember a spike to .42 a week or so ago but that's immaterial now. I was holding 125,000 sh at .42 and the inevitable occurred as should have been anticipated...slow bleed back to the teens.

coming back in the near future? I fully believe this company
CharlesMartin1 CharlesMartin1 5 years ago
I bought 100,000 shares a week or two ago and it took off to 42 cents. Unfortunately, it deflated quickly so many time since I originally bought this last fall.

Hopefully these fading days will end in the not too distant future.
hiroller12x hiroller12x 5 years ago
every move toward.30 is met with a wave of selling...investors want out and have been waiting for a chance to do so with half of their ass still intact.

The little runs IMO are internally driven (what would be the incentive to buy?) and might possibly repeat a 'Bruce Linton t-shirt hype scenario' were it not for the hundreds and hundreds of shareholders that have been screwed by this pile of dung and want to 'get out of dodge' at any cost. Cut my losses and move on!!

Stuck in the greys...and for good reason!!
hiroller12x hiroller12x 5 years ago
TU for the kudos Andrew but I believe I would be a disaster in that arena. Just having some fun with a parody after being order to say (veiled) how I really feel which would be so laced with verbiage that the TOS won't allow that you would never see it.

Still had fun with it....and as we see today this goofy ride continues with a big uptick. Must need some new patsies to join in for the ludicrous "Investors Day". Bruce will be in attendance for about 2 hours as a hood ornament and then off to run his new MJ company.

Gonna piss anyone off (that bailed) if it goes over .50 again? Not me..I'm out of this nightmare with at least one ball left and will limp along without the other 'cause as you know they regenerate with the a hit and big SCORE on your next #1, can't miss, sure thing. Andrew, how many balls will I have if I hit the trifecta?...lolol! Single and 70. Would aggressively begin trolling with my most attractive lure in the water if that happens. hehe

Ain't this game fun!
Andrewbird Andrewbird 5 years ago
Hiroller, love reading your posts, you should be a writer. Maybe write a book about Martello so the stock will go down .01 and all the big shots get burned LOL
hiroller12x hiroller12x 5 years ago
you are not alone Stocker. The pps will continue to reflect that.

IMO the Newbies, wannabees and maybees ain't that misinformed not to pick up the scent that this is a stinker.

Even Bruce won't be able to smear lipstick on this PIG, wave his magic wand and raise this POS from the (almost) dead.

But then again...there are always 'believers'. I was once one....
Stocker1 Stocker1 5 years ago
Yawn....anything to do with this company seems to depress me. It’s like a free sleeping pill. Nite all.

Bruce, turn the light off please when you leave.
hiroller12x hiroller12x 5 years ago
sitting in limbo land after this herd of turtles has totally disillusioned the 4 (5?) likely most committed shareholders that they have had in their pocket since the IPO. Not to mention the countless other shareholders that were not quite as vocal with email after email to the top brass demanding answers as to why the company is not aggressively 'moving hard' on fixing the most significant of the comapnys problems and stumbling blocks to resolution!! Only received a pantload of (more) BS rhetoric in return...intended to hush the crowd of dissenters!! (that fund the company).

I keep tabs a time or two each day just for the entertainment factor.

IMHO...enter at your own risk. Low teens has been the bottom of the bottom and i believe we are heading there again.

A blind squirrel finds an acorn..ta..da..ta..da lol .14 to .25 is is a nice 80% gain. But Bruce is gone. IMO I wouldn't bank on that bet becoming a winner anytime soon!
hiroller12x hiroller12x 5 years ago
new Q numbers coming soon. IMO wait until they are released if you are thinking about entering the fray.

IMO you stand a 20% chance of 'buying right' a couple days after, or maybe better yet in 6mo in the low teens. Catching a falling knife with MTLO will make you bleed (blood and money) and render you severely sleep the very least.

IMO This company is a true grey that will never be anything other. But many (as I) believed Bruce Linton would pull it out of the trailer park mentality. Too much work for him to ignore being CEO of another MJ company that pays him whatever he demands.

Like flushing money down the toilet.

hiroller12x hiroller12x 5 years ago
another down day after a spike....what a revelation!! This is how they work with no bid/ask. Jack you up and then S-L-O-W-L-Y walk you down to a number you thought you left behind when you jumped in. Place your buy/sell number and then HOPE is the game.

The teens are coming...I might consider sub .15 as a point to dip my toe.

A big shout out to curly, larry and moe! good guys burnt in the greys as they were following 'the Master'.

Jones town massacre comes to mind....
hiroller12x hiroller12x 5 years ago
nice day...haha. The LORD giveth and the LORD taketh away. Nickel up and a nickel down back to back on a couple thousand shares traded (WTF?). That might alert the astute investors about how deep the 'GOOF' in this company's stock price is manipulated courtesy of the Procktologist's Leadership (lol..I can't stand it).

Tomorrow is another day...
hiroller12x hiroller12x 5 years ago
a nickel bump? ON WHAT!!...hmmmm..let me guess. A new crop of believers always coming in on a whim and a prayer. (that was us back in the day lolol).

Another vodka tonic if you please beer tender.
hiroller12x hiroller12x 5 years ago
stuck in the 'black hole' of the greys Andrew.

We have seen both ends of the scale since the IPO only 13 short months ago. Can you image having bought in at $1.25?...that would be like buying Tilray at $300 (now less than $30).

It's all over the place with no clear direction and near silence from the company unless it's time for 'more hype' to appease the masses. Makes you want to puke doesn't it?

We bet on Bruce when he said he was 'all in' and what did he do?... turned a 180 and gave us 'the finger'. But he is f*ing' all in' for Investor Day'. Just makes you want to get back in doesn't it??

Still watching the stock as I originally paid the cost of admission to watch and hopefully enjoy this circus. But to my dismay and to many other patrons in the audience the lions, tigers and elephants who were the heart of the show died in a train wreck that was carrying them to our event. The ringmaster and the clowns were the only surviving members of the troupe.

On opening night the ringmaster proclaimed that 'the show must go on' in hopes of still providing entertainment with his world renowned group of clowns, chimpanzees and handlers (consultants). The crowd was not amused let alone entertained and the boo's rang out from every corner of the big top.
As the irate ticket holders filed out demanding that the ringmaster give everyone a refund..the only offering over the loudspeaker was... 'as your ticket stipulates we cannot be held accountable for acts of GOD' or unforeseen circumstances that may affect the quality of our shows. We will endeavor to exceed your expectations in the future.

Still watching the stock and maybe a post by someone from time to time...just for the 'entertainment factor' lol. All the best to you Andrew, Burdock and Moe.

Andrewbird Andrewbird 5 years ago
I am sick of this stock, sold yesterday. I HATE MARTELLO STOCK!!!![img][/img]
Andrewbird Andrewbird 5 years ago
I am sick of this stock, sold yesterday. I HATE MARTELLO STOCK!!!!
Stocker1 Stocker1 5 years ago
It’s a tankin. Guess someone thought they would buy a few to see if they could get a pop. Didn’t work out too good.
hiroller12x hiroller12x 5 years ago
and the retreat begins as we anticipated...the day after the top was reached by the release of a 12/4 Investors Day event (Bruce's name was conveniently included in order to 'juice the juice').

How low can it go???...With no REAL catalyst it's anyone's guess.
If they played poker with as much bluffing as they do...they would have busted long ago.

Just keep pulling a rabbit out of the hat at the most opportune time and you can stay afloat...barely.

IMO..Thieves is the best analogy I can apply to this company.

My bad...still venting!
hiroller12x hiroller12x 5 years ago
Solid move Moe especially after the 'bend over' treatment that we just experienced in the greys. Golden boy turns out to be a wolf in sheeps clothing. That's what you can expect when you live in a sea of financial filth.

No sense in wishing you good luck as I am sure you will work your plan and create your own good fortune in spades...with peace of mind!

All the best Moeclay...hope you still post once in awhile, but understand if you don't....
Andrewbird Andrewbird 5 years ago
That is the way to go, stay with the big names. I had a nice nest egg with my trading account with all the big names PM, CAT, MCD and a few shares of AAPL. A friend at work purchased CVSI for $1.50 a year and a half, watched it go almost $9.00. He was making 180k in a matter of months. He never sold, told me he is waiting for 15 which will make him a millionaire. He is still holding.I fell into the trap with drkof.
Moeclay Moeclay 5 years ago
I'm officially out. I wish You, Burdock, and Andrew much success in whatever endeavors you all take. I'm officially done with OTC stocks and IHUB. I'm only trading S&P companies, and most S&P companies have no need for a message board to attract buyers...they are the purest plays and need no help from IHUB. Lol. I may read posts, but I'm definitely done posting.

hiroller12x hiroller12x 5 years ago
Andrew...I am out of CGC and MTLO. Just wasn't ready to take a hit in my retirement kitty. Made some good money on CGC and almost gave all of it back on this POS.
I hope you, Burdock and Moe all do well going forward. My confidence in this company is less than zero (is that possible?) and the possibility of a recession beginning in the near future is ramping up.

Will be checking in just for grins and to say hello.... GLTA
Andrewbird Andrewbird 5 years ago
Hiroller, are you still in CGC?
Andrewbird Andrewbird 5 years ago
Hey guys, finally signed in, was having trouble and finally got my act together.

What the heck is going on, looks like a play again.

Nice to see everyone still checks in. I waited the 31 days and got back in at .23 cents, hope not another mistake.

Hiroller, Burdock and Moe,I hope all is well you. Good luck to ALL!
Burdock Burdock 5 years ago
Hi hi roller, I dumped a bunch, thinking will buy back when the 30 days is up. Saw on LinkedIn. It appears they have linked their network to A I, with the automated car, you were smart to stay in dude. So thinking having an automated car, could be great my dog loves to ride
hiroller12x hiroller12x 5 years ago
I would say 'yes'...they aren't willing to tell us!

By the way....hey Moeclay (bud)... one of the 4 that tried to carry the torch. held it too long...and got burnt. Check in from time to time..OK? Enjoy your stuff.

I will be here for awhile out of spite and contempt for BL and IMHO his snake in the grass F**king he handed numerous investors that followed him with millions of shares. Investor day!! lol... why not step up and buy 5-10 million shares and convince your boof buddies to do the same. We'd be at $1 in a heartbeat and you would make insane bank in your account.

Naugh..why would I want to go through the expense of going that route? I can make more bank by running the number up and down the totem pole repeatedly hosing investors over and over without ever investing a dime.
Don't care if they like or have confidence in me or not.

Fooled me once which was of my own doing...screw others, not if i can help it.

these are only my opinions and have absolutely no factual account or bearing on the post presented above.
hiroller12x hiroller12x 5 years ago
only takes a little to move alot when 'the scam is on'. A nickel boost on one 5k purchase! Paid .29 for a .23 cent turd and they are now on a 3 day move.

Just makes ya wanna jump in on the BL boosted 'Investors day crap' doesn't it?

The title of that event should really be (stay with me here) "we have you by the short hairs, and all we need to do is boost the SP a little bit daily with a little help from our unscrupulous friends... DAY".

Fool me won't get another chance BL.

Moeclay Moeclay 5 years ago
For some apparent reason they've yet to resolve the "grey" issue. If they would get this bitc$ current, MM's can quote this shit and hesitant US investors (due to grey status) can and will participate. For some reason they just aren't in a hurry to do anything about being on the grey...wonder's something they aren't willing to tell us.

By the way, Hello Hiroller. LOL
Stocker1 Stocker1 5 years ago
Think everyone is thinking the same thing. Just dump and stay away from Grey’s. Always seem to be the quick play. Far and few between.

Anyone notice Bruce has gone almost totally silent since getting let go? Wonder?
hiroller12x hiroller12x 5 years ago
All due respect given for your insightful opinion....

No reason to be humble about it!!
Stocker1 Stocker1 5 years ago
They know nothing. Everyone hopes Bruce washes his t-shirt, (God forbid a real shirt), and dump on the news?

Just more pump and dump in my opinion.

Just my humble opinion.
hiroller12x hiroller12x 5 years ago
hope Burdock my bud cashed in for enough to fill his propane tank for the winter and Andrew 'the cautious'(and bud) is somewhere in the midst of his 31 day quest for re-entry after the sale if he still wishes to do so.

Waking up and flipping on the stock report to see the days activity is like taking the morning shower wearing a raincoat. lolol Useless!.. gonna stink all day.

Maybe tomorrow things will improve?...mmm...probably gonna need bug spray at some point by mid week.

new investors must know something we don't....gotta move on!
hiroller12x hiroller12x 5 years ago
A little run the past few days and 40k shares traded this AM?...mmmm. It just had to be another BL hype job...wonder if he laundered his T-shit since a few months ago and how many will believe his shit THIS time. may just get your wish on that 'one special day' and I'm out that you have been waiting for. Hope you get it my friend...I already am and quite happy. Could care less if it goes to a buck.

It's the greys...they do whatever they want to make money as long as they won't get tossed in the pokey for doing what they do.

Martello to Provide Insight at Upcoming Investor Day

Investor Day and Capital Markets

Martello Co-Chairmen Sir Terry Matthews and Bruce Linton will host an Investor Day on Wednesday, December 4th in Toronto. The Investor Day is an opportunity to connect with Martello's ( DRKOF.) broader senior leadership team, and learn more about the Company's product roadmap, growth strategy and financial performance. Investors can ask questions of the Martello ( DRKOF ) senior leadership team during a Q & A session.

Register to attend the Martello Investor Day.

Martello's ( DRKOF). Q2 fiscal 2020 financial results will be released on November 20, 2019.
hiroller12x hiroller12x 5 years ago
it was a red letter day for sure!!....lolol
Stocker1 Stocker1 5 years ago
To da moon baby! It’s coming......22 cents.....gotta be patient. Right around the corner....oops, missed it.
hiroller12x hiroller12x 5 years ago
message board has a glitch this afternoon. disregard any of my posts today....unless they they reveal the obvious lunacy of investing in the company.

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