Check the appropriate box to indicate the filing obligation to which this form is intended to satisfy:

[_] Rule 15Ga-1 under the Exchange Act (17 CFR 240.15Ga-1) for the reporting period _________ to __________.

Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported): ___________

Commission File Number of securitizer: ___________

Central Index Key Number of securitizer: ___________



(Name and telephone number, including area code, of the person to contact in connection with this filing)

Indicate by check mark whether the securitizer has no activity to report for the initial period pursuant to Rule 15Ga-1(c)(1): [_]

Indicate by check mark whether the securitizer has no activity to report for the quarterly period pursuant to Rule 15Ga-1(c)(2)(i): [_]

Indicate by check mark whether the securitizer has no activity to report for the annual period pursuant to Rule 15Ga-1(c)(2)(ii): [_]

[X] Rule 15Ga-2 under the Exchange Act (17 CFR 240.15Ga-2).

Central Index Key Number of depositor: 0001026214

Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (as issuer of the Multifamily M Certificates, Series M-071)


(Exact name of issuing entity as specified in its charter)

Central Index Key Number of issuing entity (if applicable): 0001026214

Central Index Key Number of underwriter (if applicable): ___________

Jason Griest (703) 903-2000


(Name and telephone number, including area code, of the person to contact in connection with this filing)





Item 2.01 Findings and Conclusions of a Third Party Due Diligence Report Obtained by the Issuer

See Report of Independent Accountants on Applying Agreed-Upon Procedures dated July 25, 2024, of Ernst & Young LLP, attached as Exhibit 99.1 to this report.


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the reporting entity has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned hereunto duly authorized.


Date: July 26, 2024   

Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation,

as Depositor with respect to the Multifamily M Certificates, Series M-071


/s/ Jason Griest

     Name: Jason Griest
     Title: Vice President – Multifamily Securitization

Exhibit 99.1    Report of Independent Accountants on Applying Agreed-Upon Procedures dated July 25, 2024, of Ernst & Young LLP.

Exhibit 99.1



Ernst & Young LLP

One Manhattan West

New York, NY 10001


Tel: +1 212 773 3000

Fax: +1 212 773 6350


Report of Independent Accountants on Applying Agreed-Upon Procedures

25 July 2024

Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation

8200 Jones Branch Drive

McLean, Virginia 22102



Freddie Mac Multifamily M Certificates Series M-071 Social Bonds (the “Certificates”)

Deposited Assets Agreed-Upon Procedures

We have performed the procedures enumerated in Attachment A, which were agreed to and acknowledged as appropriate by Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (“Freddie Mac” or “Engaging Party”), CRBT TEBS Sponsor II LLC (the “Sponsor”) and Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Incorporated (“Stifel,” together with Freddie Mac and the Sponsor, the “Specified Parties”), for the intended purpose of assisting the Specified Parties in evaluating the accuracy of certain information with respect to DTC registered bonds and/or custodial receipts representing beneficial interests in tax-exempt multifamily bonds and/or notes issued by various state and local government entities (the “Deposited Assets”) relating to the Certificates. This report may not be suitable for any other purpose. The procedures performed may not address all of the items of interest to a user of the report and may not meet the needs of all users of the report and, as such, users are responsible for determining whether the procedures performed are appropriate for their purposes. The appropriateness of these procedures is solely the responsibility of the Specified Parties identified in this report. No other party acknowledged the appropriateness of the procedures. Consequently, we make no representation regarding the appropriateness of the procedures described in Attachment A, either for the purpose for which this report has been requested or for any other purpose.

The procedures performed and our associated findings are included in Attachment A.

For the purpose of the procedures described in this report, Freddie Mac or the Sponsor, on behalf of Freddie Mac, provided us with, or instructed us to obtain, as applicable:


An electronic data file labeled “M071 CRBT UW Tape 7.25.2024.xlsx” and the corresponding record layout and decode information, as applicable (the “Data File”), that the Sponsor, on behalf of Freddie Mac, indicated contains projected information relating to the Deposited Assets as of 1 August 2024 (the “Cut-Off Date”),


Electronic copies of the loan files and amortization schedules relating to the loan files for the Deposited Assets, which contain various source documents (collectively and as applicable, the “Source Documents”) that the Sponsor, on behalf of Freddie Mac, indicated relate to each Deposited Asset,


LOGO    Page 2 of 3



The Land Use Restriction Agreement, Regulatory Agreement, Regulatory Agreement and Declaration of Restrictive Covenants, Regulatory and Land Use Restriction Agreement, Declaration of Land Use Restrictive Covenants for Low-Income Housing Tax Credits, Declaration of Restrictive Covenants for Attainable Mixed-Income Housing Development, Tax Regulatory Agreement, Assignment/Pledge of Agreement to Enter Into Housing Assistance Payment Contract and Housing Assistance Payments Contract, Community Development Block Grant Program Regulatory Agreement, Notice of Lien and Extended Use Agreement, Rental Assistance Demonstration Use Agreement and Land Use Restrictive Covenants Agreement for Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program (collectively and as applicable, the “Restrictive Agreements,” together with the Source Documents, the “Sources”) that the Sponsor, on behalf of Freddie Mac, indicated relate to each Deposited Asset, as applicable,


The list of relevant characteristics (the “Deposited Asset Characteristics”) on the Data File, which is shown on Exhibit 1 to Attachment A, and


Instructions, assumptions and methodologies, which are described in Attachment A.

For the purpose of the procedures described in this report, the 22 Deposited Assets on the Data File are referred to as Deposited Asset Numbers 1 through 22.

For the purpose of the procedures described in this report, certain information contained on the Data File is the “Subject Matter.” We performed certain procedures on earlier versions of the Subject Matter and communicated any differences prior to being provided the final Subject Matter which was subjected to the procedures described below.

The procedures included in Attachment A were limited to comparing, recalculating or observing certain information that is further described in Attachment A. Freddie Mac is responsible for the Subject Matter, Data File, Deposited Asset Characteristics, Sources and the determination of the instructions, assumptions and methodologies that are described herein. We were not requested to perform, and we have not performed, any procedures other than those procedures listed in Attachment A. We have not verified, and we make no representation as to, the accuracy, completeness or reasonableness of the Sources or any other information provided to us, or that we were instructed to obtain, as applicable, by Freddie Mac or the Sponsor, on behalf of Freddie Mac, upon which we relied in forming our findings. Accordingly, we make no representation and express no opinion or conclusion as to (a) the existence of the Deposited Assets, (b) questions of legal or tax interpretation or (c) the appropriateness, accuracy, completeness or reasonableness of any instructions, assumptions and methodologies provided to us by Freddie Mac or the Sponsor, on behalf of Freddie Mac, that are described in this report. We undertake no responsibility to update this report for events and circumstances occurring after the date hereof.


LOGO    Page 3 of 3

This agreed-upon procedures engagement was conducted in accordance with attestation standards established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (the “AICPA”). An agreed-upon procedures engagement involves the practitioner performing specific procedures that the Specified Parties has agreed to and acknowledged to be appropriate for the purpose of the engagement and reporting on findings based on the procedures performed. We were not engaged to, and did not, conduct an examination to express an opinion or a review to express a conclusion in accordance with attestation standards established by the AICPA on any of the items referred to herein. Accordingly, we do not express such an opinion or conclusion. Had we performed additional procedures, other matters might have come to our attention that would have been reported to you.

The agreed-upon procedures described in this report were not performed for the purpose of:


Satisfying any criteria for due diligence published by a nationally recognized statistical rating organization (a “rating agency”) or


Making any findings with respect to:


Whether the origination of the Deposited Assets conformed to, or deviated from, stated underwriting or credit extension guidelines, standards, criteria, or other requirements,


The value of the collateral securing the Deposited Assets,


Whether the originator of the Deposited Assets complied with federal, state or local laws or regulations or


Any other factor or characteristic of the Deposited Assets that would be material to the likelihood that the issuer of the Certificates will pay interest and principal in accordance with applicable terms and conditions.

We are required to be independent of Freddie Mac and to meet our other ethical responsibilities, as applicable for agreed-upon procedures engagements set forth in the Preface: Applicable to All Members and Part 1 – Members in Public Practice of the Code of Professional Conduct established by the AICPA. Independence requirements for agreed upon procedure engagements are less restrictive than independence requirements for audit and other attestation services.

This report is intended solely for the information and use of the Specified Parties and is not intended to be and should not be used by anyone other than the Specified Parties. It is not intended to be and should not be used by any other person or entity, including investors and rating agencies, who are not identified in the report as Specified Parties but who may have access to this report as required by law or regulation.

/s/ Ernst & Young LLP

26 July 2024


LOGO    Attachment A

Procedures performed and our associated findings



For each Deposited Asset, we compared the Deposited Asset Characteristics listed on Exhibit 1 to Attachment A, as shown on the Data File, to the corresponding information located on the Source(s), or to the corresponding information we recalculated using information on the Source(s) or the Data File, as applicable, subject to the instructions, assumptions and methodologies provided by Freddie Mac or the Sponsor, on behalf of Freddie Mac, described in the notes to Exhibit 1 to Attachment A. The Source(s), as applicable, that we were instructed by Freddie Mac or the Sponsor, on behalf of Freddie Mac, to use for each Deposited Asset Characteristic are shown on Exhibit 1 to Attachment A. All such compared information was in agreement.



For each Deposited Asset with a Number of LIHTC Units (Comforted) value greater than 0, as shown on the Data File, we observed a Rental/Income/Age Restrictions (PLIM)(Comforted) value of “Y,” as shown on the Data File.



For each Deposited Asset, we observed an Underserved Population(Comforted) value of “N/A,” as shown on the Data File.



For each Deposited Asset, we observed a Stabilization Date value of “Stabilized,” as shown on the Data File.


Exhibit 1 to Attachment A

Page 1 of 8

Deposited Asset Characteristics and Source(s)


Deposited Asset


Data File Field Name





Property name

   Property Name(Comforted)    Appraisal and/or Post-Construction Analysis Report    i., ii.


   Address(Comforted)    Appraisal   


   City(Comforted)    Appraisal   


   State(Comforted)    Appraisal   


   Zip(Comforted)    Appraisal   

Total units

   Total Units(Comforted)    Appraisal   

Year built/year renovated

   Year Built/Renovated(Comforted)    Appraisal   

Occupancy %

   Occupancy%(Comforted)    Rent Roll and recalculation    iii.

Occupancy as of date

   Occupancy As of Date(Comforted)    Rent Roll   

Cut-Off Date LTV

   Cut-Off Date LTV(Comforted)    Recalculation    iv.


   Seasoning(Comforted)    Recalculation    v.

Interest type

   Interest Type(Comforted)    Trust Indenture, Bond Financing Agreement, and/or Multifamily Housing Revenue Note    ii.

Interest rate

   Current Loan/Bond Rate(Comforted)    SWAP Amended and Restated CBRT Trade Confirmation   

Original loan/bond amount

   Original Loan/Bond Amount(Comforted)    Promissory Note, Trust Indenture and/or Swap Trade Confirmation    ii.

Principal amount deposited

   Cut-Off Date Loan/Bond Amount    Recalculation    vi.


Exhibit 1 to Attachment A

Page 2 of 8

Deposited Asset


Data File Field Name





Amortization term (original)

   Amortization Term (Original)(Comforted)    Promissory Note, Trust Indenture and/or recalculation    vii.

Amortization term (remaining)

   Amortization Term (Remaining)(Comforted)    Recalculation    viii.

Loan/bond term (original)

   Loan/Bond Term (Original)(Comforted)    Recalculation    ix.

Initial IO period

   Initial IO Period(Comforted)    Recalculation    x.

Interest only begin date

   Interest Only Begin Date(Comforted)    Promissory Note and/or Trust Indenture    ii.

Interest only end date

   Interest Only End Date(Comforted)    Promissory Note and/or Trust Indenture    ii.

First payment date

   First Payment Date(Comforted)    Trust Indenture, Promissory Note, Swap Trade Agreement and/or Second Agreement Regarding Stabilization    ii.

Original issue date

   Original Loan/Bond Note Date(Comforted)    Promissory Note and/or Modification Agreement    ii.

Stated maturity date

   Loan/Bond Maturity Date(Comforted)    Trust Indenture, Bond Financing Agreement and/or Promissory Note    ii.

Loan/bond payment frequency

   Loan/Bond Payment Frequency(Comforted)    Trust Indenture, Bond Financing Agreement and/or Promissory Note    ii.

First Optional Redemption Date at Par (with no Penalty)

   First Optional Redemption Date at Par (with no Penalty)(Comforted)    Trust Indenture   

Prepayment provisions

   Prepayment String(Comforted)    Recalculation    xi.

Mandatory Tender Date


Mandatory Tender Date


   Trust Indenture   


Exhibit 1 to Attachment A

Page 3 of 8

Deposited Asset


Data File Field Name





Interest rate calculation type

   Interest Rate Calculation Type(Comforted)    Trust Indenture, Bond Financing Agreement and/or Promissory Note    ii.

Interest payment dates

   Interest Payment Due Date (ie: 1st, 15th, etc.)(Comforted)    Trust Indenture, Bond Financing Agreement, Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds, Promissory Note and/or Funding Loan Agreement, Project Loan Agreement and Continuing Covenants Agreement    ii.

Debt type

   Debt Type(Comforted)    Trust Indenture, Bond Financing Agreement, Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds, Loan Agreement, Forward Loan Purchase Agreement and/or Funding Loan Agreement, Project Loan Agreement and Continuing Covenants Agreement    ii.

Deposited Asset trustee

   Bond Trustee(Comforted)   

Trust Indenture


Number of LIHTC units

   Number of LIHTC Units(Comforted)    Restrictive Agreements    ii.

Bond counsel

   Bond Counsel(Comforted)    Opinion of Counsel   

Loan/bond level set aside

   Loan/Bond Level Set Aside(Comforted)    Restrictive Agreements    ii.

Type of regulatory agreement(s)

   Type of Regulatory Agreement(s)(Comforted)    Restrictive Agreements    Ii

Deposited Asset regulatory agreement income restrictions

   Description of Restrictive Agreement Set Asides(Comforted)    Restrictive Agreements    ii.


Exhibit 1 to Attachment A

Page 4 of 8

Deposited Asset


Data File Field Name





Maturity LTV

   Maturity LTV(Comforted)    Recalculation    xii.


   UW NCF DSCR(Comforted)    Recalculation    xiii.


   UW NCF DSCR(IO)(Comforted)    Recalculation    xiv.


   RAD(Y/N)(Comforted)    Restrictive Agreements    ii. xv




For identification purposes only.



For the purpose of comparing the indicated Deposited Asset Characteristics for each Deposited Asset, Freddie Mac or the Sponsor, on behalf of Freddie Mac, instructed us to note agreement if the information on the Data File agreed to the corresponding information on at least one such Source(s) or a combination of terms from multiple such Source(s) related to each Deposited Asset Characteristic. We performed no procedures to reconcile any differences that may exist relating to the information on the Source(s) for the indicated Deposited Asset Characteristics.



For the purpose of comparing the occupancy % Deposited Asset Characteristic for each Deposited Asset, the Sponsor, on behalf of Freddie Mac, instructed to recalculate the occupancy % Deposited Asset Characteristic as the quotient of the Occupied Count, Occupied Units or Units Occupied, as applicable, all as shown on the Rent Roll, divided by the Total Units(Comforted), as shown on the Data File, subject to the additional instruction(s) described in the succeeding paragraph(s) of this note.

For the purpose of this procedure, the Sponsor, on behalf of Freddie Mac, instructed us to round the result obtained above to two decimal places (0.00%).



For the purpose of comparing the Cut-Off Date LTV Deposited Asset Characteristic for each Deposited Asset, the Sponsor, on behalf of Freddie Mac, instructed us to recalculate the Cut-Off Date LTV Deposited Asset Characteristic as the quotient of the Cut-Off Date Loan/Bond Amount divided by Appraised Value, both as shown on the Data File, subject to the additional instruction(s) described in the succeeding paragraph(s) of this note.

For the purpose of this procedure, the Sponsor, on behalf of Freddie Mac, instructed us to round both the Cut-Off Date LTV(Comforted), as shown on the Data File, and the result obtained above to two decimal places (0.00%).



For the purpose of comparing the seasoning Deposited Asset Characteristic for each Deposited Asset, the Sponsor, on behalf of Freddie Mac, instructed us to recalculate the seasoning Deposited Asset Characteristic as the difference in months between the First Payment Date(Comforted), as shown on the Data File, and the Cut-Off Date.


Exhibit 1 to Attachment A

Page 5 of 8

Notes: (continued)



For the purpose of comparing the principal amount deposited Deposited Asset Characteristic for each Deposited Asset, the Sponsor, on behalf of Freddie Mac, instructed us to recalculate the principal amount deposited Deposited Asset Characteristic using the:


Original Loan/Bond Amount (Comforted),


Interest Rate Calculation Type (Comforted),


First Payment Date (Comforted),


Current Loan/Bond Rate (Comforted),


The difference in months between the First Payment Date(Comforted) and First Principal Payment Date and


Amortization Term (Original) (Comforted),

all as shown on the Data File, assuming all scheduled payments of principal and/or interest on the Deposited Assets are made timely and that there are no prepayments or other unscheduled collections, subject to the additional instruction(s) described in the succeeding paragraph(s) of this note.

For the purpose of this procedure, the Sponsor, on behalf of Freddie Mac, instructed us to round both the Cut-Off Date Loan/Bond Amount, as shown on the Data File, and the result obtained above to two decimal places (0.00).



For the purpose of comparing the amortization term (original) Deposited Asset Characteristic for each Deposited Asset (except for Deposited Asset Number 4), the Sponsor, on behalf of Freddie Mac, instructed us to note agreement if the value on the Data File agreed with the corresponding information on the Promissory Note and/or Trust Indenture.

For the purpose of comparing the amortization term (original) Deposited Asset Characteristic for Deposited Asset Number 4, the Sponsor, on behalf of Freddie Mac, instructed us to recalculate the amortization term (original) Deposited Asset Characteristic using the rate, total payment and principal balance of such Deposited Asset, all as shown on the Trust Indenture.


Exhibit 1 to Attachment A

Page 6 of 8

Notes: (continued)



For the purpose of comparing the amortization term (remaining) Deposited Characteristic for each Deposited Asset (except for Deposited Asset Number 1), the Sponsor, on behalf of Freddie Mac, instructed us to recalculate the amortization term (remaining) as the minimum of the:


Amortization Term (Original) (Comforted) and


The sum of:


The Amortization Term (Original) (Comforted),


The difference in months between the First Payment Date(Comforted) and First Principal Payment Date, if any, and Seasoning (Comforted),

all as shown on the Data File.

For the purpose of comparing the amortization term (remaining) Deposited Asset Characteristic for Deposited Asset Number 1, the Sponsor, on behalf of Freddie Mac, instructed us to recalculate the amortization term (remaining) as the minimum of the:


Amortization Term (Original) (Comforted) and


The sum of:


The Amortization Term (Original) (Comforted),


The difference in months between the Interest Only Begin Date(Comforted) and Interest Only End Date(Comforted) and Seasoning (Comforted),

all as shown on the Data File.



For the purpose of comparing the loan/bond term (original) Deposited Asset Characteristic for each Deposited Asset, the Sponsor, on behalf of Freddie Mac, instructed us to recalculate the loan/bond term (original) Deposited Asset Characteristic as the difference in months between the First Payment Date(Comforted) and Loan/Bond Maturity Date(Comforted), both as shown on the Data File.



For the purpose of comparing the initial IO period Deposited Asset Characteristic for each Deposited Asset with an Initial IO Period (Comforted) value other than “N/A,” as shown on the Data File, the Sponsor, on behalf of Freddie Mac, instructed us to recalculate the initial IO period Deposited Asset Characteristic as the difference in months between the Interest Only Begin Date(Comforted) and Interest Only End Date(Comforted), both as shown on the Data File.

For the purpose of comparing the initial IO period Deposited Asset Characteristic for each Deposited Asset with an Initial IO Period (Comforted) value of “N/A,” as shown on the Data File, the Sponsor, on behalf of Freddie Mac, instructed us to use “N/A”.


Exhibit 1 to Attachment A

Page 7 of 8

Notes: (continued)



For the purpose of comparing the prepayment provisions Deposited Asset Characteristic for each Deposited Asset, the Sponsor, on behalf of Freddie Mac, instructed us to recalculate the lock out period (“LO”), if applicable, by calculating the difference in months between the First Payment Date(Comforted), as shown on the Data Tape, and the begin date of the 3% prepayment premium period, as shown on the Trust Indenture.

For the purpose of comparing the prepayment provisions Deposited Asset Characteristic for each Deposited Asset, the Sponsor, on behalf of Freddie Mac, instructed us to recalculate the 3% prepayment premium period (“3%”), if applicable, by adding one to the result of the difference in months between the begin date of the 3% prepayment premium period and the end date of the 3% prepayment premium period, both as shown on the Trust Indenture.

For the purpose of comparing the prepayment provisions Deposited Asset Characteristic for each Deposited Asset, the Sponsor, on behalf of Freddie Mac, instructed us to recalculate the 2% prepayment premium period (“2%”), if applicable, by adding one to the result of the difference in months between the begin date of the 2% prepayment premium period and the end date of the 2% prepayment premium period, both as shown on the Trust Indenture.

For the purpose of comparing the prepayment provisions Deposited Asset Characteristic for each Deposited Asset, the Sponsor, on behalf of Freddie Mac, instructed us to recalculate the 1% prepayment premium period (“1%”), if applicable, by calculating the difference in months between the begin date of the 1% prepayment premium period and the end date of the 1% prepayment premium period, both as shown on the Trust Indenture.

For the purpose of comparing the prepayment provisions Deposited Asset Characteristic for each Deposited Asset, the Sponsor, on behalf of Freddie Mac, instructed us to recalculate the open period (“O”) by adding one to the result of the difference in months between the First Optional Redemption Date at Par (with no Penalty) (Comforted) and the Mandatory Tender Date (Comforted), both as shown on the Data File.



For the purpose of comparing the maturity LTV Deposited Asset Characteristic for each Deposited Asset, the Sponsor, on behalf of Freddie Mac, instructed us to recalculate the maturity LTV Deposited Asset Characteristic as the quotient of the Mandatory Redemption UPB divided by the Appraised Value, both as shown on the Data File, subject to the additional instruction(s) described in the succeeding paragraph(s) of this note.

For the purpose of this procedure, the Sponsor, on behalf of Freddie Mac, instructed us to round both the Maturity LTV, as shown on the Data File, and the result obtained above to two decimal places (0.00%).


Exhibit 1 to Attachment A

Page 8 of 8

Notes: (continued)



For the purpose of comparing the UW NCF DSCR Deposited Asset Characteristic for each Deposited Asset, the Sponsor, on behalf of Freddie Mac, instructed us to recalculate the UW NCF DSCR Deposited Asset Characteristic as the quotient of the UW NCF divided by the Annual Debt Service Amount (Amortizing), both as shown on the Data File, subject to the additional instruction(s) described in the succeeding paragraph(s) of this note.

For the purpose of this procedure, the Sponsor, on behalf of Freddie Mac, instructed us to round both the UW NCF DSCR, as shown on the Data File, and the result obtained above to three decimal places (0.000).



For the purpose of comparing the UW NCF DSCR (IO) Deposited Asset Characteristic for each Deposited Asset with UW NCF DSCR (IO)(Comforted) value other than “N/A,” as shown on the Data File, the Sponsor, on behalf of Freddie Mac, instructed us to recalculate the UW NCF DSCR (IO) Deposited Asset Characteristic as the quotient of the UW NCF divided by the Annual Debt Service Amount (IO), both as shown on the Data File, subject to the additional instruction(s) described in the succeeding paragraph(s) of this note.

For the purpose of comparing the UW NCF DSCR (IO) Deposited Asset Characteristic for each Deposited Asset with an UW NCF DSCR (IO)(Comforted) value of “N/A,” as shown on the Data File, the Sponsor, on behalf of Freddie Mac, instructed us to use “N/A”.

For the purpose of this procedure, the Sponsor, on behalf of Freddie Mac, instructed us to round both the UW NCF DSCR (IO), as shown on the Data File, and the result obtained above to three decimal places (0.000).



For the purpose of comparing the RAD (Y/N) Deposited Asset Characteristic for each Deposited Asset, the Sponsor, on behalf of Freddie Mac, instructed us to use:


“N” if a rental assistance demonstration use agreement Restrictive Agreement is not in place and


“Y” if a rental assistance demonstration use agreement Restrictive Agreement is in place

We performed no procedures to determine the appropriateness, accuracy, completeness or reasonableness of the instructions provided by the Sponsor, on behalf of Freddie Mac, that are described in the notes above.

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Federal Home Loan Mortgage (QB) (USOTC:FREJP)
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