By Jason Douglas

LONDON--A deal to refinance part of its debts has left Ireland in a much better position to stage an economic recovery, Finance Minister Michael Noonan said Thursday.

In a speech at financial information firm Bloomberg L.P.'s London offices, Mr. Noonan said the deal Ireland struck on Feb. 7 to reschedule payments on 31 billion euros ($41 billion) of debt pumped into two defunct lenders in 2010 has removed a millstone around the neck of the Irish taxpayer.

"This burden had eroded confidence and limited the economy's ability to grow. Ireland has now succeeded in alleviating this burden and placing the state in a position where the debt is more manageable and the state is provided with the space and time to recover and grow," Mr. Noonan said, according to a text of his remarks.

Ireland has pumped a total of EUR64 billion into its stricken banks during the past five years and in 2010 was forced to seek a EUR67.5 billion rescue package from the European Union and International Monetary Fund after the spiraling cost of the bank bailout shut Ireland out of international capital markets.

Mr. Noonan said Ireland remains committed to meeting the terms of its rescue deal and is determined to exit the program and return to financing itself later this year.

"The real success of this program will be Ireland making a full return to the markets," he said.

"I intend that Ireland will give Europe its first success story as the recessionary cycle moves back in the right direction."

Mr. Noonan added that the government is also hopeful of selling its stakes in Ireland's banks at a profit following the successful sale of insurer Irish Life Assurance Co. for EUR1.3 billion to Canadian financial services firm Great-West Lifeco Inc. (GWLIF).

Mr. Noonan said Ireland's economy is expected to expand by 1.5% in 2013 despite a sluggish global economy. Rising exports are expected to offset weak domestic demand, he said.

The minister added that Ireland would like to see the U.K. remain in the EU. U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron has vowed to renegotiate the terms of Britain's membership of the EU and put any new deal to the people in a referendum, raising fears of a British exit.

"In our view, the EU needs the U.K. and, like Ireland, the U.K. needs the EU," Mr. Noonan said.

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