5 days ago
Bottling plant, Mencis and Greene Concepts timeline:
- Plant was purchased in February 2008 by Christopher Mencis and named North Cove Bottle and Beverage. In 2008, it employed 15 people. This same year, Gross Revenue peaked at $1.6M for the year. President was Christopher Mencis and Vice President was Lee Mencis.
- In 2009, the owner Chris Mencis, received a grant from the State of North Carolina for $310k with the promise that he hire 136 people. At this time, only 14 people were employed at the plant. He advertised that he would invest $6.3M into the plant for expansion and hire these 136 people.
- In 2010, the company had only 3 people employed and made a public announcement that they were adding a line of flavored water called NC Naturals (sometimes referred to as North Cove Naturals which shows to have been owned by Asen Marketing & Advertising Inc).
- In 2011, the company name was changed to North Cove Springs Bottling and Beverage. It was also determined by the state of North Carolina that Mencis was not going to fulfill his promise.
- In 2011, Luke Entertainment Inc changes its name to Greene Concepts.
- In 2012, Christopher Mencis was involved in an illegal gambling scheme.
- In 2014, Christopher Mencis is tried in court for his involvement in the $35M Sotolongo Mortgage Fraud Ring. He pleads guilty before the trial started and gets a reduced sentence. He serves no prison time.
- In 2015, Christopher Mencis provides witness testimony in court for the illegal gambling scheme as well as pleading guilty for his involvement. He gets a reduced sentence and serves no prison time.
- North Cove Springs Bottling and Beverage ceases operations in 2015.
- Mammoth Ventures name first used in 2015.
- A new trial is denied for Christopher Mencis in 2017.
- Mammoth Ventures name trademarked in 2017. The USPTO shows the owners name as Mammoth Ventures and the application handled entirely by an attorney from California at the very beginning stage with no actual name of owner shown.
- In February 2019, Mammoth Ventures of Venice California acquires the North Cove Springs Bottling and Beverage plant and 4.5 acre property along with all bottling and manufacturing equipment from Christopher Mencis for $1.35M.
- Also in February 2019, Greene Concepts acquires Mammoth Ventures along with the very recently acquired bottling plant.
- In 2024, after 5 years of owning the turn key bottling plant, Greene Concepts releases an annual financial report showing a Gross Revenue of $856k. This is significantly shy of the former plants peak Gross Revenue of $1.6M in 2008 ($2.34M in 2024 dollars). Available information at present shows the plant operates with 1-10 employees. Keep in mind, Gross Revenue is before all deductions are factored in.
- In 2024, the state of North Carolina shows the current value of the bottling plant and its 4.5 acres of property to be approximately $962,860.
If you would have bought $25k worth of shares of INKW in February of 2021 at $0.08 per share, your $25k would be worth $281.25 (a former colleague of mine actually did just that).
If it would have only taken $6.3M in 2009 to add enough expansions to the bottling plant to have 150 people employed and obviously had incredible plant output, what has Lenny spent all of the stock fund money on in the past 5 years? The market cap of the stock now sits at $2.8M. Do you have any idea what it was before all of the dilution and "buddy" payouts?
Why would anyone buy anymore of this scam's stock? Only an imbecile would believe this stock would go anywhere seeing the above publicly available information.
There are two paid pumpers for INKW. My hope is when the scam is unveiled as a fraud, these paid pumpers go down with the ship as criminals tried in court.
4 weeks ago
Lenny has diluted 697,499,993 shares since April 4th 2024. After 3 years of bs, Happy Mellow is still nonexistent. For over 3 years, nothing but talk about the 1 gallon jug line.
Pump and Dumps coupled with dilution are the real business here. Expect this heap to continue to fall and once it falls below $0.0006 it comes with a backup plan of a 1000:1 or 2500:1 reverse split.
Remember, Crown King was involved with pumping this trash twice so far. If you have any experience with the OTC, I need not say more.
All of these "business deals" and somehow sales aren't strong enough to support business operations.
The upcoming pump will be another "opinion" from a law firm regarding Greene Concepts (expect this crap in a few weeks or so as Lenny already paid a couple dollars for this cheap "opinion". Don't worry, Lenny will never have this trash legitimately audited. Sell off this crap before the end of the year so you can use it as a write-off. It's more valuable as a tax write-off than an investment.