3 weeks ago
wow I didnt have any of them in my favorites not sure why. Its all documented there, nothing needs more to be said, we just need to execute and I know hes working on it.
The one area I am dissapointed in is not trading yet, its really disgraceful I simply dont understand, the money has been raised, more than enough needed, it doesnt make sense to me and my opinion is that when this is all over with we'll only then understand the full picture and why things have happened in the timeline that they did.
3 weeks ago
CMW's obligations to ECCI, GMEI, and TIDE baggholders precede his obligations to MRGE baggholders. All four are EM turds. Baggholders of all four have been totally wipeDoubt. CMW has personally made bank on all four of them, hence his >$1,000,000 Bluffgate home and never needing to have a real yobb his entire life.
Pennygrifting is pretty lucrative if you know how to do it, and CMW learnt at the knee of his pennyscamming daddy. He has nearly 70 years of experience at it.
So MRGE baggholders must go to the back of the line leading to the Bluffgate palace in their quest for making delinquent, moribund CMW tickers current. And it is a very long line!
CMW taking yett another group of retail pennyvestors for a ride - on the same track he's used many times before
Rockville Rockheads and Baltimorons make another "investment" in MRGE following the Sunk Cost Fallacy strategery
As per usual, CMW will utilize the munny appropriately and as-agreed
Busted, brokeass MRGE baggholders need to gett in the back of the line of claimants asking/begging CMW to gett their ticker(s) current
4 weeks ago
"from what I gather"
"gather" from WHOM? How? Phone, email, text - from whom - what was the source they cited for that claim? Or did you "gather" it on scrawled graffiti on a bathroom stall?
Again, zero specifics and nothing butt vague BS. More garbage rumors from the Grifter Grapevine (a classic hallmark of pennyscams!).
The worst of bottom-rung pumpsterism - just pure says-nothing vague rubbish. And you cite no source at all regarding where and from whom you "gathered" this vague, no-meat claim.
Try this for a change: just quit making shit up.
Endless, unceasing lies from the pumptards and those who feed them laffable lies over and over and they keep falling for it over and over. Just pathetic.
As stoopid as the Rockville Rockheads who keep pissing their munny away by giving it to the lifelong permagrifter, CMW - over and over and over again. Baltimorons.
You should be embarrassed to post this utter horseshit as you ought to know better by now, butt you're too dumb to even know that.
1 month ago
"Heard" from WHOM? How? Phone, email, text - from whom - what was the source they cited for that claim? Or did you "hear" it on scrawled graffiti on a bathroom stall?
Again, zero specifics and nothing butt vague BS.
The worst of bottom-rung pumpsterism - just pure says-nothing vague rubbish. And you cite no source at all regarding where and from whom you "heard" this vague, no-meat claim.
Did you enjoy the ride? Hope so, cuz it's over.
1 month ago
Any updates, news, info, rumors, gossip, ...?
Anyone, Anything Peeps?
Any discussions with Mickey?
Inquiring minds want to know.
To quiet imo?
Either way,
Go Mrge
2 months ago
Whatever goes on in Mexico re: natgas, even if Mexico decides to put every possible peso into natgas storage in the exact fields than CMW's dusty and recycled-thrice slide deck cited, it will have absolutely, 100 percent-guaranteed, zero impact on Mirage (or Gambit or Tidelands) or CMW or any binniss entity he is or was ever involved with receiving a CONtract award from ANY Mexican source to build or in any way participate in such natgas transport and/or storage infrastructure projects.
What happens in Mexico has no effect on Mirage, as Mirage and CMW have an exactly zero probability of ever being awarded any CONtract in Mexico. EXACTLY ZERO. Nott a guess or an approximation, butt a fact.
So the good news is that none of: tariffs, gas prices, oil prices, interest rate decisions by the Fed, bond prices, or avocado supply CONstraints, will have ANY impact on MRGE/CMW's likelihood of ever getting a CONtract award in Mexico. That likelihood will remain at a rock-steady ZERO regardless of macroeconomic conditions.
Butt, the endless, meaningless posts about natgas in Mexico remain straight gold, at least until talk of the oil wells deal supplants the natgas BS, again, at which time posts about oil well industry news will take over and become straight black gold once again.
Meanwhile, the Baltimorons will CONtinue to loose more munny, adding to their already cryworthy losses.