Sale of Assets
As disclosed in our various previous filings, on November 14, 2015, we entered into a Share Transfer Agreement (the “Agreement”) with Shanghai Yongli Belting Co., Ltd. (“SYB”) and its wholly-owned subsidiary, Shanghai Yongjing Investment Management Co., Ltd. (“SYIM”). Pursuant to the Agreement, SYIM was to purchase, through a wholly-owned Hong Kong subsidiary, the entirety of our shareholding interests in Plastec for an aggregate purchase price of RMB 1,250,000,000 (or US$195,312,500), in cash (the “Transfer Price”). Of the Transfer Price, RMB 875,000,000 (or US$136,718,750) was payable within 60 days after the China Securities Regulatory Commission approved of the Issuance (as defined in the Agreement) and SYB’s receipt of the funds raised through the Issuance, the latter of which was confirmed by SYB to have happened by July 29, 2016. Accordingly, payment of the initial portion of the Transfer Price was made to us on September 21, 2016.
The remaining RMB 375,000,000 (or US$58,593,750) of the Transfer Price (the “Remaining Amount”) was deposited into a bank account designated solely for the purpose of the transaction, supervised and administered by SYB and us jointly, with tranches of which made payable to us upon Plastec achieving certain performance targets for the years ended December 31, 2016, 2017 and 2018. See below for further information.
On October 11, 2016, the parties consummated the transactions contemplated by the Agreement after the fulfillment of certain other conditions, as described in the Agreement. As a result, we no longer own Plastec.
Following consummation of the transactions described above, our only operations have generally been to (i) complete the construction of a manufacturing plant in Kai Ping, China which was disposed of and transferred to Plastec upon its establishment on April 20, 2018 as described below, (ii) collect rental income from certain property we used to own and which was being leased to one of Plastec’s subsidiaries until November 2019 when the former subsidiary of ours that held the property was disposed of to an unaffiliated third party as described below, (iii) collect the payments upon Plastec achieving the performance targets for the years ended December 31, 2016 through 2018 as described in the Agreement and below; and (iv) to explore other investment opportunities.
Confirmations of Plastec’s Achievement of Performance Targets for the years ended December 31, 2016, 2017 and 2018
By a letter dated May 10, 2017, SYB confirmed and acknowledged to us that Plastec’s audited net profit (on a consolidated basis, after deducting non-recurring gains and losses) for the year ended December 31, 2016 was HK$183,958,100, which was in excess of the performance target for the year ended December 31, 2016, set at HK$161,211,000 in the Agreement, by HK$22,747,100 or approximately 14.1%. Accordingly, we were paid a further sum of RMB 113,250,000 (or US$17,695,312) of the Remaining Amount on June 1, 2017 and in accordance with the terms of the Agreement.
By a letter dated March 28, 2018, SYB confirmed and acknowledged to us that Plastec’s audited net profit (on a consolidated basis, after deducting non-recurring gains and losses) for the year ended December 31, 2017 was HK$183,124,000, which was in excess of the performance target for the year ended December 31, 2017, set at HK$177,088,000 in the Agreement, by HK$6,036,000 or approximately 3.4%. Accordingly, we were paid a further sum of RMB 124,380,000 (or US$19,434,375) of the Remaining Amount on May 25, 2018 and in accordance with the terms of the Agreement.
By a letter dated April 26, 2019, SYB confirmed and acknowledged to us that Plastec’s audited net profit (on a consolidated basis, after deducting non-recurring gains and losses) for the year ended December 31, 2018 was HK$262,954,000, which was in excess of the performance target for the year ended December 31, 2018, set at HK$195,408,000 in the Agreement, by HK$67,546,000 or approximately 34.6%. Accordingly, we were paid a further sum of RMB 137,370,000 (or US$21,464,063) of the Remaining Amount on May 30, 2019 and in accordance with the terms of the Agreement.
Transfer of Manufacturing Plant in Kai Ping, China
In accordance with the terms and spirit of the Agreement, we caused Viewmount Developments Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of ours (“Viewmount”), to enter into a Share Transfer Agreement with Plastec (a wholly owned subsidiary of SYB since October 11, 2016) on March 30, 2018 (the “Manufacturing Plant Transfer Agreement”), pursuant to the terms and conditions of which Viewmount was to transfer the ownership interests in certain of its former subsidiaries holding the newly established manufacturing plant in Kai Ping, China through their PRC subsidiaries to Plastec for a total consideration of approximately HK$70,000 (or US$8,974), representing the actual registered capital injected by Viewmount into the relevant subsidiaries.