1 day ago
It took me 4000-5000 hours of study to get where I am at. I give out my plays for free with proof.
I'm one of the few objective people out there. Anyone can go to my X account and read my charts.
Real technical analysis experts will confirm I am not a moron. I know nothing about the future.
Pumping means to promote a stock that is overvalued, or has no merit. Bashing means to bash a stock using lies, fear, uncertainty, or doubt, and with no merit. Someone who is long is not pumping if what they are saying is true. I only post charts because opinions are worthless. Price and volume pays.
If this rallies I will not be afraid to sell. I would never short it because when I short I use x3 leverage etfs. I don't trade options. I hate Xav and believe he is a conman, still I think this will rocket. I'm still long.
1 day ago
Again every single security is a chart trade. Technical analysis is using all information provided to make objectively informed decisions. I don't care about ihub, I care about making money. I'm not a fan of Xav. I'm a fan of making money. At .0001 this is a no brainer. It is hated by 98%. If you think it gets delisted then I agree you shouldn't buy. I literally ignore 100% of peoples opinions including my own
and buy on technicals alone. Only way to make real money and keep it.
I don't believe Xav or anything it says. I only believe the volume, money flow, and momentum.
I only care about the breakout levels that are needed to flip the algos in to buy.
You can see the algos were on sell for along time. I have 0 faith in Xav and yet 100% faith in the technicals. .0002 on volume starts the party. I've been wrong on timing and admit I would have never bought it had I known Xav was at the helm. That being said I am glad I did buy at .0001.
Actually to be honest I bought 2 mil at .0025, and I didn't cry about it. I kept buying and got some at .00005 If there are any other technical traders out there, they understand what I am trying to imprint.
If this rallies I will look for it to top on 240mins, or daily. I don't get married to a trade.
Full disclosure, only for the few people here that can recognize when someone is being honest,
I lightened my position a bit a month ago due to taxes. I'm still overweight this and it is 20% of my otc port.
1 day ago
I will never move on, I'm still long. I'm confused by your statements.
Did your account get hacked, you used to be bullish.
I appreciate the replies though. I thought you traded on technicals, are
you saying you trade by guessing? Either way buying at .0001 is wise if you believe
price will rally as upside is insane.
“Bull markets are born on pessimism, grown on skepticism, mature on optimism, and die on euphoria,” according to legendary investor John Templeton. “The time of maximum pessimism is the best time to buy, and the time of maximum optimism is the best time to sell.”
1 day ago
I don't know what you mean by that statement.
I'm trying to make as many of my followers on x as rich
as possible in the shortest duration of time, as well as myself.
This has taken 2x as long as I thought it would to base out.
I'm even more bullish now than I was before as most weak hands are out.
By weak hands I mean people who bought at .0001 12-24 months ago and
can't hold on. I have almost 0 influence on this security because very few people
trade #otc. Still my point earlier, and post earlier was about now my reach is exponentially greater
than it was when I first started posting about #prsu over 15-16 months ago.
Back then I had almost no views on x, and only 250 followers.
I block all bots and troll accounts, the analytics show about 18% of my followers
are verified. I've posted previous otc chart setups and proof of my entry, and the gains
that can be gotten through buying the exhaustion of sellers setup. I got omai gold on
otc at under .04 and posted proof. It went up 6-7x. Once sellers are out of shares this will
rip, unless you believe it will delist. Using technical analysis we can chart momentum, as it
precedes price movement. A positive divergence in momentum comes before prices moves, same
with money flow. Other technical traders here have already posted better charts than myself.
You can see when momentum was trapped in a downtrend, price was as well. Thankfully using
technical analysis we can see momentum has broken out of said downtrend, and is putting in a new uptrend with support. I have no idea when sellers will run out of shares, but I know how to identify
exhaustion of sellers using TA. I know how to buy low. .0001 is low. I am bullish at .0001 until I die,
this rallies, or this gets delisted.
1 day ago
Technical analysis is the sum knowledge of the entire world in real time.
Everyone who has bought is in the chart, everyone who has sold is in the chart.
All those who have refrained from both are in the chart.
You cannot get entry or exit points without analyzing momentum, money flows etc.
All insider information, and buying is in the chart [volume].
You cannot use a trailing stop loss without a chart, you cannot define breakout
levels of price/ momentum without a chart.
All of the worlds information and opinions are in the chart.
All of it. All professionals know to ignore opinions and only trade the chart.
I care not for xav, I only care about this bullish base of 2years + at .0001-.0003
with 22bil + traded, and a positive divergence in momentum [rsi, stochs, macd].
70% + of all trading done by computers. Best to learn how the operate, if you want
to get rich, and stay rich. The chart is bullish, therefor I am bullish.
I don't care for xav or anything else, I only trade the tape. Volume and price pays,
opinions destroy capital. Check out how flat the moving averages are. If this trades .0002
on volume it triggers every bullish algo buy. I cannot state the important of flattened moving averages enough. It is something that you have to study. Since I've viewed tens of thousands of charts and posted thousands myself, It is as easy as breathing for me. 0 reason to be bearish at .0001 unless you
think delisting. Volume says that won't happen. #psru #otc #gamble #buylow #nano #maxbearishness #weekly “Bull markets are born on pessimism, grown on skepticism, mature on optimism, and die on euphoria,” according to legendary investor John Templeton. “The time of maximum pessimism is the best time to buy, and the time of…— Edward Sibley (@edwardsibl91034) March 21, 2025
1 day ago
Free weekly chart by myself.
The more George posts, the more I will start pumping this.
I remember when I bought this I had like 250 followers.
Now I can actually generate real views to it.
#psru #otc #gamble #buylow #nano #maxbearishness #weekly “Bull markets are born on pessimism, grown on skepticism, mature on optimism, and die on euphoria,” according to legendary investor John Templeton. “The time of maximum pessimism is the best time to buy, and the time of…— Edward Sibley (@edwardsibl91034) March 21, 2025
3 days ago
I'm sure, like many CEO's in pennyland (and other publicly traded companies), their share structure, share count, etc. allows them to profit even if the stock goes nowhere and/or down. I haven't looked into BELR however PSRU's share structure has allowed Mr. Xavier to receive tens of millions of shares over the years. Also, I wouldn't be surprised if he somehow profited from selling various so-called "assets". He's not going to work for free for "x" amount of years to wait for all of this to pan out. IMO he's been compensated at some level and is way ahead in the game. I've been following PSRU for about 5 years now. He's probably done well for himself, even with the stock down 99%.
If BELR/PSRU, etc. pan out more...that will be more profits/income for him.