12 hours ago
Finally!!! Now, we need eyes on this ticker. I have every confidence management will take RGLG to a higher exchange. They have done many times in the past for other companies. As the last update shows, many large firms were not wanting to deal with Entrex until they become fully reporting. This bodes well for future business opportunities.
"UHF Logistics Group, Inc.
Since the execution of the UHF/Entrex business combination agreement in early 2023, we have faced a series
of unexpected structural challenges. Significant efforts have been dedicated to addressing unauthorized filings
by predecessors, as well as prolonged delays in completing a name, symbol and stock changes—now
approaching 24 months since our initial submission to FINRA. The legal and accounting costs associated with
these issues continue to be absorbed mostly by principals with limited, if any, short-term benefits.
Investment bankers remain hesitant to work with RGLG and UHF, citing their Pink Yield status and lack of
FINRA approvals on simple administrative issues. Therefore Brokers have been reluctant to engage with
“Entrex,” pending final approvals which have significantly affected the Company and Shareholders negatively.
In response to these challenges, we adopted a strategic shift in 2024, focusing on launching Entrex initiatives
as private entities, independent of the RGLG ticker. This approach mitigates public company complexities
while positioning these ventures for future capital market opportunities, including potential mergers and
acquisitions into RGLG once the necessary structural and regulatory conditions are met.
Key Initiatives
• EPIC – Mobile Bitcoin mining opportunities leveraging stranded gas wells.
• EPPco – Deployment of EV mobile charging stations at national rental car facilities
• Entrex Florida Market (EntrexFloridaMarket.com) – A capital marketplace designed to facilitate local
investment opportunities.
• The Florida Private Company Index (PrivateCompanyIndex.com) – A cash-flow-generating index of
private companies that distributes quarterly, tax-advantaged dividends. We anticipate evolving this
initiative into a publicly traded entity for the benefit of all stakeholders.
By prioritizing private market strategies, we strengthen our ability to attract investment and drive sustainable
growth while avoiding the encumbrances currently associated with public market participation in the RGLG
We anticipate that our financial filings with OTC Markets will enable us to achieve “Pink Current” status, which
should, in turn, could help facilitate FINRA’s approval of our long-awaited name and symbol change—despite
state and transfer agency approvals being granted years ago.
At present, the public company’s operations primarily consist of compliance-related expenditures, largely
funded by existing shareholders, with the objective of resolving outstanding legal and accounting matters.
OTC Markets Group Inc.
Disclosure Guidelines for the Pink Market (v5 December 18, 2023) Page 1 of 2
Disclosure Statement Pursuant to the Pink Basic Disclosure Guidelines
In our 2023 annual statement, we noted the issuance of stock to settle a lawsuit arising from our UNSS
initiatives. This settlement was executed as agreed and duly documented with our Transfer Agent and
regulatory filings for year end December 2023. Plaintiff’s counsel has since filed a complaint against their own
client—the party that agreed to the settlement—as well as an Entrex Principal, alleging "collusion" between
the plaintiff and defendant in resolving the matter. This subsequent complaint, which does not directly involve
the company, appears to be frivolous and immaterial to our business or operations.
As we look ahead to 2025, we anticipate significant progress across all aspects of our business. With the
expected resolution of FINRA’s regulatory delays, we foresee the consolidation of our various initiatives under
the RGLG/UHF enterprise and an opportunity to rebrand as Entrex—further aligning our identity with our
mission of establishing entrepreneurial exchanges focused on geographic and sector-specific alternative
investment markets.
Despite the Company and Shareholder setbacks caused by FINRA delays, we remain optimistic that 2025 will
be a pivotal year for integrating our initiatives and delivering the well-deserved returns our shareholders have
patiently awaited."
2 weeks ago
FANTASTIC NEWS!!! I'll say it again, I've never been so bullish about RGLG.
I'm starting to tell friends to keep track of RGLG (I wasn't until OTC uploading restrictions were lifted a few weeks ago due to FINRA delays) in process of merging with Entrex, soon to be OTC Current in the not so distant future with aspirations to uplist to Nasdaq or equivalent. I have never seen a float so locked up before despite over a year long delay. It's been a frustrating wait due to FINRA incompetence which prevented access to uploading Fins until now (Annual Fins and Attorney Letter should come out in the next few months - I believe they are due 90 Days after Fiscal Year End): https://blockchain.entrexcarbonmarket.com/EntrexNewsFAQs.nsf/0/382D43E533F2381585258C230058DBF1/%24File/2025-01-31%20-%20Entrex%20announces%20OTC%20lifts%20filing%20restriction%20%20-%20Press.pdf?Open
Check out the latest exciting news just released to day:
Entrex Carbon Market Announces OTC Markets
Lifts Filing Restriction
Boca Raton, FL – January 31, 2025 – Entrex Carbon Market, Inc. (OTC: RGLG)
announced today that OTC Markets has lifted its year-long restriction on document
filings, enabling the company to regain compliance with market requirements.
"I appreciate Cromwell Coulson and the OTC Markets operations team for their
proactive efforts in maintaining market integrity," said Stephen H. Watkins, CEO of
Entrex Carbon Market, Inc. "With this restriction removed, we can now proceed with
the necessary filings to ensure compliance and advance our anticipated uplisting within
the OTC Markets. This decisive action by OTC Markets leadership marks a pivotal
moment for Entrex, allowing us to enter a new phase of operations that will support our
revenue-generating and EBITDA-positive projects."
Tom Harblin, a partner at Entrex, added, "OTC’s decision positions us to aggressively
advance our strategic initiatives. Our immediate priority is to finalize the acquisition of a
Bitcoin mining facility in Oklahoma, with ten additional sites in the pipeline this quarter.
The ability to resume filings is a critical step that will help accelerate our execution
Watkins further noted, "This morning, our team updated our OTC profile, and we are
committed to expediting our filings to maintain full market compliance."
About Entrex Carbon Market:
Entrex Carbon Market established a market to trade securitized fixed-income
environmental projects and the associated carbon offsets. The company works with
carbon offset project owners to create "compliance grade" carbon offsets which have
been institutionalized by Wall Street brand name providers. Today, the company works
with carbon projects to provide credible, institutional securities traded to customers
through broker-dealers serving their client’s needs.
For further information:
Stephen H. Watkins, CEO
Entrex Carbon Market, Inc
(561) 465-7580 or 877-4-ENTREX
Disclaimer: Not financial advice, do your own DD.
Keep track of RGLG (in process of merging with Entrex), soon to be OTC Current in the near future with aspirations to uplist to Nasdaq or equivalent. I have never seen a float so locked up before despite over a year long delay. It's been a frustrating wait due to FINRA incompetence which prevented access to uploading Fins until now (Annual Fins should come out in the near future): https://blockchain.entrexcarbonmarket.com/EntrexNewsFAQs.nsf/0/382D43E533F2381585258C230058DBF1/%24File/2025-01-31%20-%20Entrex%20announces%20OTC%20lifts%20filing%20restriction%20%20-%20Press.pdf?Open
Check out the latest exciting news just released to day:
Entrex Carbon Market Announces OTC Markets
Lifts Filing Restriction
Boca Raton, FL – January 31, 2025 – Entrex Carbon Market, Inc. (OTC: RGLG)
announced today that OTC Markets has lifted its year-long restriction on document
filings, enabling the company to regain compliance with market requirements.
"I appreciate Cromwell Coulson and the OTC Markets operations team for their
proactive efforts in maintaining market integrity," said Stephen H. Watkins, CEO of
Entrex Carbon Market, Inc. "With this restriction removed, we can now proceed with
the necessary filings to ensure compliance and advance our anticipated uplisting within
the OTC Markets. This decisive action by OTC Markets leadership marks a pivotal
moment for Entrex, allowing us to enter a new phase of operations that will support our
revenue-generating and EBITDA-positive projects."
Tom Harblin, a partner at Entrex, added, "OTC’s decision positions us to aggressively
advance our strategic initiatives. Our immediate priority is to finalize the acquisition of a
Bitcoin mining facility in Oklahoma, with ten additional sites in the pipeline this quarter.
The ability to resume filings is a critical step that will help accelerate our execution
Watkins further noted, "This morning, our team updated our OTC profile, and we are
committed to expediting our filings to maintain full market compliance."
About Entrex Carbon Market:
Entrex Carbon Market established a market to trade securitized fixed-income
environmental projects and the associated carbon offsets. The company works with
carbon offset project owners to create "compliance grade" carbon offsets which have
been institutionalized by Wall Street brand name providers. Today, the company works
with carbon projects to provide credible, institutional securities traded to customers
through broker-dealers serving their client’s needs.
For further information:
Stephen H. Watkins, CEO
Entrex Carbon Market, Inc
(561) 465-7580 or 877-4-ENTREX
Disclaimer: Not financial advice, do your own DD.
$RGLG Long and Strong
2 weeks ago
Boca Raton, FL – February 18, 2025 – Entrex Carbon Market, Inc. (OTC: RGLG) announced today the execution of agreements to acquire 15 Level 3 electric vehicle (EV) mobile charging facilities, serving Florida airport rental car companies and various Californian port authorities. "This is a unique opportunity to provide Level 3 mobile charging solutions to national rental car companies that lack access to grid power,” said Stephen H. Watkins, CEO of Entrex Carbon Market, Inc. “It’s a critical challenge to be mandated to maintain an EV fleet without the necessary charging infrastructure. This results in underutilized or completely idle assets. This moment mirrors the 1920s, when gas stations and convenience stores emerged to support gasoline-powered vehicles—while simultaneously enabling us to expand revenues and EBITDA through these acquisitions.” (www.EntrexPowerProduction.co) Tom Harblin, partner at Entrex, added, “Through Entrex Power Production Company (EPPco), we anticipate optimizing charging module utilization to enhance facility revenues. We project an additional $17 million in potential EBITDA growth which presents a strong return for the $25 million in debt and equity partners we expect to support these initiatives.” Watkins further noted, "We will incorporate these developments into our upcoming MD&A filings with OTC Markets. It has been a challenging year for both investors and the company, with FINRA taking over 22 months to complete a simple name and symbol change. However, with our year-end accounting and legal opinion nearing completion, we anticipate achieving Pink Current status in the near future.” (https://entrex.link/EPPco_Deck) #
1 month ago
This is such great news! The door is finally open to complete filings and provide Letter of Attorney to become OTC Current. For those who wondered and questioned why news releases were never made by RGLG in the last year, it was because Entrex was not given access to the OTC Portal until now according to Watkins. We are one HUGE step closer to becoming Current, now that FINRA is no longer an obstacle to getting this done.
Entrex can apply to become current soon after Annual Report and Letter of Attorney is submitted by Entrex, AIMHO.
Entrex Carbon Market Announces OTC Markets
Lifts Filing Restriction
Boca Raton, FL – January 31, 2025 – Entrex Carbon Market, Inc. (OTC: RGLG)
announced today that OTC Markets has lifted its year-long restriction on document
filings, enabling the company to regain compliance with market requirements.
"I appreciate Cromwell Coulson and the OTC Markets operations team for their
proactive efforts in maintaining market integrity," said Stephen H. Watkins, CEO of
Entrex Carbon Market, Inc. "With this restriction removed, we can now proceed with
the necessary filings to ensure compliance and advance our anticipated uplisting within
the OTC Markets. This decisive action by OTC Markets leadership marks a pivotal
moment for Entrex, allowing us to enter a new phase of operations that will support our
revenue-generating and EBITDA-positive projects."
Tom Harblin, a partner at Entrex, added, "OTC’s decision positions us to aggressively
advance our strategic initiatives. Our immediate priority is to finalize the acquisition of a
Bitcoin mining facility in Oklahoma, with ten additional sites in the pipeline this quarter.
The ability to resume filings is a critical step that will help accelerate our execution
Watkins further noted, "This morning, our team updated our OTC profile, and we are
committed to expediting our filings to maintain full market compliance."
About Entrex Carbon Market:
Entrex Carbon Market established a market to trade securitized fixed-income
environmental projects and the associated carbon offsets. The company works with
carbon offset project owners to create "compliance grade" carbon offsets which have
been institutionalized by Wall Street brand name providers. Today, the company works
with carbon projects to provide credible, institutional securities traded to customers
through broker-dealers serving their client’s needs.
For further information:
Stephen H. Watkins, CEO
Entrex Carbon Market, Inc
(561) 465-7580 or 877-4-ENTREX
Entrex Carbon Market, Inc • 150 East Palmetto Park • Eighth Floor • Boca Raton, FL 33432
1 month ago
Couldn't agree more AD. FINRA's dysfunctional process has damaged RGLGs PPS. It has affected Entrex and all of us shareholders negatively. Let's hope Entrex's efforts reverses this course and lights a fire under FINRA's butt. IMHO it would benefit shareholders to support this complaint against FINRA.
Disclaimer: I am not a financial or legal advisor. Do not make any decisions based on any of my posts.
News link: https://blockchain.entrexcarbonmarket.com/EntrexNewsFAQs.nsf/0/4E89D110695BEBAC85258C200071AA00/%24File/2025-01-28%20-%20Entrex%20assembles%20Shareholder%20Interest%20Group%20-%20Press.pdf?Open
Entrex Carbon Market assembles Shareholder Interest Group
to respond to FINRA delays
Boca Raton, Fl., January 28, 2025: Entrex Carbon Market, Inc. (OTC: RGLG) today
announced that it is assembling a shareholder interest group to lead a charge against
FINRA and 20 months of delays for simple approvals.
“FINRA delays have caused significant damages to our organization and shareholders
which snowball market compliance further damaging the company” stated Stephen H.
Watkins, CEO of Entrex Carbon Market, Inc.
“Our intent is to assemble a majority of the
shareholders into a structure that can be proactive against the systemic challenges FINRA
causes for both our company and others that we have found in similar situations”
“In this case FINRA is not protecting investors but causing significant investor damage
along with the company” through their inability to approve simple changes like a name and
symbol change – approved at the state level two years back” said Tom Harblin partner in
the company.
“We’re asking shareholders interested in supporting complaints against FINRA to join our
Shareholder Interest Group to help support our initiatives to not only fix Entrex’s
challenges but further educated Congress and the SEC as to the challenges FINRA undue
fully causes to the capital market system as a whole.”
Interested parties should inquire at info@entrexcarbonmarket.com
2 months ago
Nothing on the website that can be verified.
Got a link to any pictures or 3rd party coverage that this glorified power generator exists? These guys love the inventive prose.
This is so much garbage nonsense. And of course every thing is envisioned and going to be...
That's where Entrex comes in.
Stephen H. Watkins, Founder and Chief Executive Officer at Entrex, explains: Even though
small and midsize businesses are among the nations largest employers and generate
steady profits year after year, it's often difficult for them to secure the investments they
need to take their growth to the next level. This is a signifcant portion of the market that
wasn't being served by Wall Street broker-dealers and financial advisors, and we wanted to
address it.
Specifically, Entrex envisioned an alternative trading system that would simplify how
investors and brokers offered capital to local entrepreneurial companies.
2 months ago
Go Finra! $RGLG.
2025, the year of the snake.
"As the ruling sign, the Snake will enjoy a year brimming with opportunities in wealth, career, and personal development. Snakes will attract admiration with their intelligence and charm, making it a favorable year for collaborations and business ventures"
2 months ago
Dont miss yesterday's news:
Entrex Florida Market Partners with Private Company Index for Regional Financial Index of Florida Companies Boca Raton, FL, January 7, 2025 – Entrex Florida Market, a technology licensor of Entrex (OTC: RGLG), today announced the launch of the Florida Private Company Index (www.PrivateCompanyIndex.com). This groundbreaking index provides investors with a diversified investment vehicle by offering a fractional share of revenues generated by corporate issuers based in Florida. “Our objective with the Florida Private Company Index is to build on our established success in delivering indexed, diversified portfolios of entrepreneurial companies. This index specifically focuses on Floridian businesses generating consistent monthly revenues,” said Stephen H. Watkins, CEO of Entrex Florida Market. “This approach allows us to provide timely and transparent reporting of top-line performance metrics to financial and news media outlets.” Thomas Harblin, Partner at Entrex Florida Market, stated, “Under the Index’s terms, each Florida company issuing securities through the Entrex Florida Market will also benefit from a proportional investment into their business. This model is akin to NASDAQ Index ETFs, which provide investors with diversified securities representing all or specific sectors of NASDAQ-listed companies.” Watkins added, “In collaboration with the broader Private Company Index, the Florida Private Company Index offers a unique and innovative solution for Florida-based issuers and the brokers facilitating the placement of their capital securities. Through our established media partnerships across the state, we will deliver a real-time, monthly index that monitors and showcases the economic performance of these companies.” ### About Entrex Florida Market Entrex Florida Market is a licensed technology partner of Entrex, specializing in the development and management of leading markets that enable alternative investors to find, research, track, manage, and trade securitized securities issued by sector-focused corporate entities. The Entrex Florida Market collaborates with Florida-based companies to provide credible, institutional-grade securities, facilitated through broker-dealers who address the needs of their clients. For further information: Stephen H. Watkins, CEO Entrex Florida Market, LLC 877-4-ENTREX www.entrexfloridamarket.com Entrex Florida Market, LLC • 150 East Palmetto Park • Eighth Floor • Boca Raton, FL 33432 (561) 465-7580 • www.entrexcarbomarket.com