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Sarissa Resources Inc (CE)

Sarissa Resources Inc (CE) (SRSR)

Closed March 21 4:00PM

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ben392 ben392 2 months ago
Nothing to report. Stock is dead in the water. Honestly, I'm surprised that leadership hasn't sold the shell or tried to rebrand to attempt some new grift.
Sirius_Corona Sirius_Corona 4 months ago
I was one of the fortunate ones who got out at .15-.18 cent back during the National Instrument rally. At that time, $110k in profit was a life changing amount of cash for me and exited with the hope of reentering after a pull-back, but the stock never stopped going down. I always saw this penny as the one to hold. What a shame even the son of a prominent mining executive was only interested in using the company as an ATM instead of creating value for shareholders. After seeing Sarissa plummet year after year, I lost so much faith in the penny market and started trading listed stocks only. The allure of getting rich is what keeps many from taking profits and holding on to their detriment. I was lucky, I listened to that voice inside that said "take profit", but hoped this would be in the dollars for those who remained all these years.

Can someone give me a quick update of where things stand, is the stock trading, etc.?
shawtown1 shawtown1 4 months ago
Any news on Sarissa/?
Josh411 Josh411 6 months ago
Attn: shareholders:

Please contact me at if you're interested in SRSR returning to current.

Thank you,
Josh M.
rich2 rich2 8 months ago
Looks like Joshua Gold Is starting to come alive
aredrooster aredrooster 10 months ago
LOL I should have cashed in.
sage4 sage4 10 months ago
9900% up as soon as you LOL’ed. Can you do it one more time?
aredrooster aredrooster 11 months ago
rich2 rich2 1 year ago
Joshua gold has 2 properties that were old srsr properties. Think they could do something ?
Stock Sumo Stock Sumo 1 year ago
Merry Christmas to ALL of the $SRSR steakholders! Cheers and many blessings from StockSumo
πŸ‘οΈ 1
JPGetty JPGetty 1 year ago
It will need new, strong leadership and a slick business plan.
rich2 rich2 1 year ago
think it could go again
JPGetty JPGetty 1 year ago
Years ago, this went from trips to over 20 cents.

Since then it has been down hill all the way.
aredrooster aredrooster 1 year ago
3 mill+ in my account. Keevil and Currah and the rest of the cast did us well. Still love those pics of the gang yucking it up in Italy!
Sirius_Corona Sirius_Corona 2 years ago
It saddens me greatly to see so many investors and traders alike hurt by a company most in 2008-2009, including myself, considered a "safe" penny investment; that rare company with quality assets, sound management and a great base of hold and accumulate "longs". I was one of those longs too. However, another penny stock I was in at the time taught me a valuable lesson, that there is no such thing as a safe investment in the penny market; to always take profit! Therefore, when opportunity presented itself during the National Instrument craze well over a decade ago, I did what was against my better judgement and closed my SRSR position between .13-.18 cents. With the profit, I left the penny market entirely in 2009 and invested the money in the big caps.

I periodically check on the SRSR board hoping to find Longs in the green again, Management finally realizing value for its shareholders; some who have loyally held for over 15 years! Many have been hurt by blindly trusting the Company, it's Management and the vast potential of its assets. It is clear now, what was not so clear back in 2008, that a last name like Keevil is not worth much if the intent is not to seek shareholder value or realize the business plan long-term.

My heart goes out to those of you who lost retirements, family money; funds you couldn't afford to lose. A very hard lesson indeed. At .0001, it is hard to find positives here, but I'll finish by saying that SRSR once rose from the ashes of the triple zeros to climax at .21 cents, and anything is possible in this crazy world of pennies.
πŸ‘οΈ 1
Tim36 Tim36 2 years ago
How much?
fung_derf fung_derf 2 years ago
Wow! Reading your history of investing is painful.....or lies.
Midnight-Rider Midnight-Rider 2 years ago
I will throw in a bridge in Brooklyn also
Midnight-Rider Midnight-Rider 2 years ago
Midnight-Rider Midnight-Rider 2 years ago
Tim36 Tim36 2 years ago
Is there anyone owning this stock that would like to sell it privately?
canofan2222 canofan2222 2 years ago
Stock Sumo Stock Sumo 2 years ago
Niobium Potential at JSHG Property
Welcome2Pinkyland Welcome2Pinkyland 2 years ago
for sure
canofan2222 canofan2222 2 years ago
Interesting to see unrestricted drop.
πŸ‘οΈ 1
JMoneyHoops JMoneyHoops 2 years ago
Share structure change is this coming back?
?? $SRSR

Expert Market, AS: 950M, OS: 949M, US: 888M

Restricted Shares Updated:
?? 33,003,765 (2023-01-16)
?? 61,027,098 (2023-06-08)
Difference: +84.9% (+28M)

Unrestricted Shares Updated:
?? 916,730,787 (2023-01-16)
?? 888,707,454 (2023-06-08)
Difference: -3.1% (-28M)

Chart, OTC Profile, Twitter, @otcupdates

Update: 2023-06-08 22:31:43 (UTC)
Welcome2Pinkyland Welcome2Pinkyland 2 years ago
according to otc markets there is currently a Control Dispute over the shell. $SRSR
ben392 ben392 2 years ago
I'm surprised the current "management" isn't doing more to milk this shell for all its worth.
rich2 rich2 2 years ago
for right now it is game over for me


in may be just starting again
canofan2222 canofan2222 2 years ago
With the amount of time that has passed with no activity...leaning towards the former.
TB TB 2 years ago
starting or game over
canofan2222 canofan2222 2 years ago
TB TB 2 years ago
52 M Volume
aredrooster aredrooster 2 years ago
I have been away so I didn't see your last message. You have a very good handle on the schemes that went on here as well as the business that our former scammers are now pursuing. If you follow the progression of scams MGGV, SRSR, CANADIAN CANNIBUS, WAYLAND GROUP, JOSHUA GOLD and there may be more of which I am not aware. Several of the principals were the same or intertwined. By the way Web, as you know Lorne has passed and Suv was born. lol
webpence webpence 2 years ago
These people now own the shell

With Penny listed as the CEO.

All that is left is for them to bring back Lorne Dingle to do IR again, and they will have their band back together.

Someone posted the TA is now verified whatever that means, so they are probably trying to bring it back to life.

JPGetty JPGetty 2 years ago
Who controls the company now?

I've been away for years.
webpence webpence 2 years ago
Look at who now controls the company. This became a "Penny" stock in more ways than one.
JPGetty JPGetty 2 years ago
So Keevil was up to no good?

Someone made a fortune here, as years ago, when the assaying was taking place, the price of shares went from .0007 to over 20 cents.

I assume Keevil ran off with a bunch of loot from that run up.
aredrooster aredrooster 2 years ago
Not US based as per the article, You could say cooked and done! It was a p&d scam at its inception.
JPGetty JPGetty 2 years ago
Are you saying that SRSR is cooked and done?
aredrooster aredrooster 2 years ago
Has nothing to do with scam SRSR
JPGetty JPGetty 2 years ago
This may affect Sarissa's operations See inside >>>

Niobium Link
Spartanfan1 Spartanfan1 2 years ago
More progress!

TA Verified 1/6/23
Spartanfan1 Spartanfan1 2 years ago

Updated on 12/30/22
weasel6667 weasel6667 2 years ago
Do you have any link to the update?
Spartanfan1 Spartanfan1 2 years ago
Totally agree- today is no guarantee that anything will happen and they have a lot to do to get this even back to pink current. One can only hope- it’s about all we’ve got at this point
canofan2222 canofan2222 2 years ago
interesting...a lot needs to happen here though.
Spartanfan1 Spartanfan1 2 years ago
12/29/22 Share Structure update

Maybe some movement here? Finally?

Time will tell if other developments ensue

Still expert market. TA is verified
sage4 sage4 2 years ago
On the record, PPS increased 9900% today @ $0.0001 from $0.000001 on 2 mil volume.
I don't understand why it's not 10000%. Hope something happens- something.
sage4 sage4 2 years ago
Whoa...there was volume today?
Just 1 trade with 190,000 shares at 10:23:53.
Accumulating? lol

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