Washington, D.C. 20549





PURSUANT TO RULE 13a-16 OR 15d-16 OF



February 7, 2024


Commission File Number 001-10888


TotalEnergies SE

(Translation of registrant’s name into English)


2, place Jean Millier

La Défense 6

92400 Courbevoie


(Address of principal executive offices)



Indicate by check mark whether the registrant files or will file annual reports under cover of Form 20-F or Form 40-F.


Form 20-F  x        Form 40-F  ¨


Indicate by check mark if the registrant is submitting the Form 6-K in paper as permitted by Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(1): 


Note: Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(1) only permits the submission in paper of a Form 6-K if submitted solely to provide an attached annual report to security holders.


Indicate by check mark if the registrant is submitting the Form 6-K in paper as permitted by Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(7): 


Note: Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(7) only permits the submission in paper of a Form 6-K if submitted to furnish a report or other document that the registrant foreign private issuer must furnish and make public under the laws of the jurisdiction in which the registrant is incorporated, domiciled or legally organized (the registrant’s “home country”), or under the rules of the home country exchange on which the registrant’s securities are traded, as long as the report or other document is not a press release, is not required to be and has not been distributed to the registrant’s security holders, and, if discussing a material event, has already been the subject of a Form 6-K submission or other Commission filing on EDGAR.









TotalEnergies SE is providing on this Form 6-K its results for the fourth quarter of 2023 and the year ended December 31, 2023, a description of certain recent developments relating to its business, as well as a capitalization table as of December 31, 2023.







Exhibit No. Description
Exhibit 99.1 Results for the Fourth Quarter of 2023 and Year Ended December 31, 2023  
Exhibit 99.2 Recent Developments
Exhibit 99.3 Capitalization and Indebtedness








Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.


  TotalEnergies SE
Date: February 7, 2024 By: /s/ GWENOLA JAN
    Name: Gwenola Jan
    Title: Company Treasurer





Exhibit 99.1




The terms "TotalEnergies", "TotalEnergies company" and "Company" in this exhibit are used to designate TotalEnergies SE and the consolidated entities directly or indirectly controlled by TotalEnergies SE.


The financial information on pages 1-26 of this exhibit relating to TotalEnergies with respect to the fourth quarter of 2023 and the year ended December 31, 2023 has been derived from TotalEnergies’ unaudited consolidated balance sheets as of December 31, 2023, unaudited statements of income, comprehensive income, cash flow and business segment information for the fourth quarter of 2023 and the year ended December 31, 2023 and unaudited consolidated statements of changes in shareholders’ equity for the year ended December 31, 2023 on pages 28 et seq. of this exhibit.


The following discussion should be read in conjunction with the aforementioned financial statements and with the information, including TotalEnergies’ audited consolidated financial statements and related notes, provided in TotalEnergies’ Annual Report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2022, filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) on March 24, 2023.




4Q23 3Q23 4Q22 4Q23
In millions of dollars, except effective tax rate,
earnings per share and number of shares
2023 2022 2023
59,237 59,017 68,582 -14% Sales 237,128 280,999 -16%
5,063 6,676 3,264 +55% Net income (TotalEnergies share) 21,384 20,526 +4%
(136) 754 (281) ns Net income (loss) from equity affiliates 1,845 (1,892) ns
11,696 13,062 15,997 -27% Adjusted EBITDA (1) 50,030 71,578 -30%
5,724 6,808 8,238 -31% Adjusted net operating income (2) from business segments 25,107 38,475 -35%
2,802 3,138 3,528 -21% Exploration & Production 10,942 17,479 -37%
1,456 1,342 2,408 -40% Integrated LNG 6,200 11,169 -44%
527 506 481 +10% Integrated Power 1,853 975 +90%
633 1,399 1,487 -57% Refining & Chemicals 4,654 7,302 -36%
306 423 334 -8% Marketing & Services 1,458 1,550 -6%
5,226 6,453 7,561 -31% Adjusted net income (1) (TotalEnergies share) 23,176 36,197 -36%
2.09 2.73 1.26 - Fully-diluted earnings per shares ($) 8.67 7.85 -
2,387 2,423 2,522 -5% Fully-diluted weighted-average shares (millions) 2,434 2,572 -5%
(632) (4,987) (3,681) ns Cash flow used in investing activities (16,454) (15,116) ns
6,139 4,283 3,935 +56% Organic investments (1) 18,126 11,852 +53%
(5,404) 808 (133) ns Net acquisitions (1) (1,289) 4,451 ns
735 5,091 3,802 -81% Net investments (1) 16,837 16,303 +3%
16,150 9,496 5,618 x2.9 Cash flow from operating activities 40,679 47,367 -14%
8,500 9,340 9,135 -7% Cash flow from operations excluding working capital (CFFO) (1) 35,946 45,729 -21%
8,529 9,551 9,361 -9% Debt Adjusted Cash Flow (DACF) (1) 36,451 47,025 -22%

(1)Adjusted EBITDA, adjusted net income, organic investments, net acquisitions, net investments, cash flow from operations excluding working capital (CFFO) and debt adjusted cash flow (DACF) are non-GAAP financial measures. Refer to the Glossary on page 27 for the definitions and further information on Non-GAAP measures (alternative performance measures) and to pages 18 and following for reconciliation tables.
(2)Detail of adjustment items shown in the business segment information starting on page 36.





Key figures of environment, greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and production


Environment – liquids and gas price realizations, refining margins


4Q23 3Q23 4Q22



  2023 2022




84.3 86.7 88.8 -5% Brent ($/b) 82.6 101.3 -18%
2.9 2.7 6.1 -52% Henry Hub ($/Mbtu) 2.7 6.5 -59%
13.3 10.6 32.3 -59% NBP ($/Mbtu)(1) 12.6 32.4 -61%
15.2 12.5 30.5 -50% JKM ($/Mbtu)(2) 13.8 33.8 -59%
80.2 78.9 80.6 -1%

Average price of liquids (3), (4) ($/b)


Consolidated subsidiaries 

76.2 91.3 -17%
6.17 5.47 12.74 -52%

Average price of gas (3), (5) ($/Mbtu)


Consolidated subsidiaries 

6.64 13.15 -50%
10.28 9.56 14.83 -31%

Average price of LNG (3), (6) ($/Mbtu)


Consolidated subsidiaries and equity affiliates 

10.76 15.90 -32%
(1)NBP (National Balancing Point) is a virtual natural gas trading point in the United Kingdom for transferring rights in respect of physical gas and which is widely used as a price benchmark for the natural gas markets in Europe. NBP is operated by National Grid Gas plc, the operator of the UK transmission network.
(2)JKM (Japan-Korea Marker) measures the prices of spot liquid natural gas (LNG) trades in Asia. It is based on prices reported in spot market trades and/or bids and offers collected after the close of the Asian trading day at 16:30 Singapore time.
(3)Does not include oil, gas and LNG trading activities, respectively.
(4)Sales in $ / Sales in volume for consolidated affiliates.
(5)Sales in $ / Sales in volume for consolidated affiliates.
(6)Sales in $ / Sales in volume for consolidated and equity affiliates.


Greenhouse gas emissions (GHG)(1)


4Q23 3Q23 4Q22



Scope 1+2 emissions (MtCO2e) 2023 2022




7.9 8.5 10.1 -22% Scope 1+2 from operated facilities(2) 34.6 39.7 -13%
7.2 7.5 8.3 -13% of which Oil & Gas 30.3 32.5 -7%
0.7 1.0 1.8 -62% of which CCGT 4.3 7.2 -40%
11.5 12.1 14.7 -22% Scope 1+2 – equity share 48.9 56.1 -13%

Estimated quarterly emissions.


(1)The six greenhouse gases in the Kyoto protocol, namely CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs and SF6, with their respective GWP (Global Warming Potential) as described in the 2007 IPCC report. HFCs, PFCs and SF6 are virtually absent from the Company’s emissions or are considered as non-material and are therefore not counted.
(2)Scope 1+2 GHG emissions of operated facilities are defined as the sum of direct emissions of greenhouse gases from sites or activities that are included in the scope of reporting (as defined in the Company’s 2022 annual report on Form 20-F filed on March 24, 2023) and indirect emissions attributable to brought-in energy (electricity, heat, steam), excluding purchased industrial gases (H2).


Scope 1+2 emissions from operated installations were down 22% year-on-year in the fourth quarter of 2023, due to the continuous decline in flaring emissions on Exploration & Production facilities and the exceptional use of gas-fired power plants in 2022.


4Q23 3Q23 4Q22



Methane emissions (ktCH4) 2023 2022




9 7 11 -18% Methane emissions from operated facilities 34 42 -19%
11 9 10 +10% Methane emissions - equity share 40 47 -15%

Estimated quarterly emissions.


In 2023, methane emissions from operated facilities were down 19% compared to 2022, mainly due to continuous decrease in flaring and of fugitive emissions on Exploration & Production facilities and were down 47% compared to the 2020 reference level.


Scope 3 emissions (MtCO2e) 2023 2022
Scope 3 from Oil, Biofuels and Gas Worldwide(1) 355 389
(1)TotalEnergies reports Scope 3 GHG emissions, category 11, which correspond to indirect GHG emissions related to the use by customers of energy products, i.e., combustion of the products to obtain energy. The Company follows the oil & gas industry reporting guidelines published by IPIECA, which comply with the GHG Protocol methodologies. In order to avoid double counting, this methodology accounts for the largest volume in the oil, biofuels and gas value chains, i.e., the higher of the two production volumes or sales to end customers. For TotalEnergies, in 2023, the calculation of Scope 3 GHG emissions for the oil and biofuels value chains considers products sales (higher than production) and for the gas value chain, gas sales either as LNG or as part of direct sales to B2B/B2C (higher than marketable gas production).







4Q23 3Q23 4Q22 4Q23
Hydrocarbon production 2023 2022 2023
2,462 2,476 2,812 -12% Hydrocarbon production (kboe/d) 2,483 2,765 -10%
1,341 1,399 1,357 -1% Oil (including bitumen) (kb/d) 1,388 1,307 +6%
1,121 1,077 1,455 -23% Gas (including condensates and associated NGL) (kboe/d) 1,095 1,458 -25%
2,462 2,476 2,812 -12% Hydrocarbon production (kboe/d) 2,483 2,765 -10%
1,506 1,561 1,570 -4% Liquids (kb/d) 1,550 1,519 +2%
5,158 4,921 6,681 -23% Gas (Mcf/d) 5,028 6,759 -26%


2,476 2,475


Hydrocarbon production excluding Novatek (kboe/d)




*       Company production = Exploration & Production production + Integrated LNG production.


Hydrocarbon production was 2,462 thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day (kboe/d) in the fourth quarter of 2023, down 1% quarter-over-quarter. Fourth quarter of 2023 benefited from LNG production growth, which partially compensated for the Canadian oil sands assets disposals that were effective this quarter.


Hydrocarbon production was 2,483 thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day (kboe/d) in 2023, up 2% year-on-year (excluding Novatek) and was comprised of:


·+4% due to start-ups and ramp-ups, including Johan Sverdrup Phase 2 in Norway, Mero 1 in Brazil, Ikike in Nigeria, Block 10 in Oman, and Absheron in Azerbaijan,
·+1% due to improved security conditions in Nigeria and Libya,
·+1% due to lower planned maintenance and unplanned shutdowns, including at the Kashagan field in Kazakhstan,
·-1% portfolio effect, related to the end of the Bongkot operating licenses in Thailand, exit from Termokarstovoye in Russia, disposal of the Canadian oil sands assets and effective withdrawal from Myanmar, partially offset by the entries in the producing fields of SARB Umm Lulu in the United Arab Emirates, of Sépia and Atapu in Brazil, of Ratawi in Iraq, and the increased participation in the Waha concessions in Libya,
·-3% due to the natural field decline.




Financial information by business segment is reported in accordance with the internal reporting system and shows internal segment information that is used to manage and measure the performance of TotalEnergies and which is reviewed by the main operational decision-making body of TotalEnergies, namely the Executive Committee.


Management presents adjusted financial indicators to assist investors in better understanding, in conjunction with the Company’s financial results

presented in accordance with IFRS, the economic performance of the Company. Adjustment items are of three types: inventory valuation effect, effect of changes in fair value, and special items.


The inventory valuation effect: in accordance with IAS 2, TotalEnergies values inventories of petroleum products in its financial statements according to the First-In, First-Out (FIFO) method and other inventories using the weighted-average cost method. Under the FIFO method, the cost of inventory is based on the historic cost of acquisition or manufacture rather than the current replacement cost. In volatile energy markets, this can have a significant distorting effect on the reported income. Accordingly, the adjusted results of the Refining & Chemicals and Marketing & Services segments are presented according to the replacement cost method. This method is used to assess the segments’ performance and facilitate the comparability of the segments’ performance with those of its main competitors. In the replacement cost method, which approximates the Last-In, First-Out (LIFO) method, the variation of inventory values in the statement of income is, depending on the nature of the inventory, determined using either the month-end prices differential between one period and another or the average prices of the period rather than the historical value. The inventory valuation effect is the difference between the results under the FIFO and the replacement cost methods.


Effect of changes in fair value: the effect of changes in fair value presented as an adjustment item reflects, for trading inventories and storage contracts, differences between internal measures of performance used by TotalEnergies’ Executive Committee and the accounting for these transactions under IFRS. IFRS requires that trading inventories be recorded at their fair value using period-end spot prices. In order to best reflect the management of economic exposure through derivative transactions, internal indicators used to measure performance include valuations of trading inventories based on forward prices. TotalEnergies, in its trading activities, enters into storage contracts, the future effects of which are recorded at fair value in TotalEnergies’ internal economic performance. IFRS precludes recognition of this fair value effect. Furthermore, TotalEnergies enters into derivative instruments to risk manage certain operational contracts or assets. Under IFRS, these derivatives are recorded at fair value while the underlying operational transactions are recorded as they occur. Internal indicators defer the fair value on derivatives to match with the transaction occurrence.


Special items: due to their unusual nature or particular significance, certain transactions qualifying as "special items" are excluded from the business segment figures. In general, special items relate to transactions that are significant, infrequent or unusual. However, in certain instances, transactions such as restructuring costs or assets disposals, which are not considered to be representative of the normal course of business, may qualify as special items although they may have occurred in prior years or are likely to occur in following years.


TotalEnergies measures performance at the segment level on the basis of Adjusted net operating income. Adjusted net operating income comprises operating income of the relevant segment after deducting the amortization and the depreciation of intangible assets other than mineral interest, translation adjustments and gains or losses on the sale of assets, as well as all other income and expenses related to capital employed (dividends





from nonconsolidated companies, income from equity affiliates and capitalized interest expenses) and after income taxes applicable to the above, excluding the effect of the adjustments describe below.


The income and expenses not included in net operating income adjusted that are included in net income TotalEnergies share are interest expenses related to net financial debt, after applicable income taxes (net cost of net debt), non-controlling interests, and the adjusted items.


The financial information is broken down by business segment prior to the consolidation and inter-segment adjustments.


Sales prices between business segments approximate market prices.


The profitable growth in the LNG and power integrated value chains are two of the key axes of TotalEnergies’ strategy.


In order to give more visibility to these businesses, the Board of Directors has decided that from the first quarter of 2023, Integrated LNG and Integrated Power results, previously grouped in the Integrated Gas, Renewables & Power (iGRP) segment, would be reported separately as two segments.


A new reporting structure for the business segments’ financial information has been put in place, effective January 1, 2023. It is based on the following five business segments:


 -An Exploration-Production segment;
 -An Integrated LNG segment covering LNG production and trading activities as well as biogas, hydrogen and gas trading activities;
 -An Integrated Power segment covering generation, storage, electricity trading and B2B-B2C distribution of gas and electricity;
-A Refining & Chemicals segment constituting a major industrial hub comprising the activities of refining, petrochemicals and specialty chemicals. This segment also includes the activities of Oil Supply, Trading and Marine Shipping;


-Marketing & Services includes the worldwide supply and marketing of petroleum products and services, low-carbon fuels and new energies for mobility. It contributes to the transition strategy of TotalEnergies and proactively supports its customers towards a more sustainable energy and mobility.


In addition, the Corporate segment includes holdings operating and financial activities.


This new segment reporting has been prepared in accordance with IFRS 8 and according to the same principles as the internal reporting followed by TotalEnergies' Executive Committee.


For the Integrated LNG and Integrated Power segments, the principles for the preparation of this segment information are as follows:


- The management of balance sheet positions (including margin calls) related to centralized markets access for LNG, gas and power activities since 2022 has been fully included in the Integrated LNG segment.


- Effects of changes in the fair value of gas and LNG positions are allocated to the operating income of Integrated LNG segment.


- Effects of changes in the fair value of power positions are allocated to the operating income of Integrated Power segment.


Due to the change in the Company's internal organizational structure affecting the composition of the business segments, the segment reporting data for the years 2021 and 2022 has been retrospectively revised.





B.1 Exploration & Production


1.  Production


4Q23 3Q23 4Q22 4Q23
Hydrocarbon production 2023 2022 2023
      4Q22       2022
1,998 2,043 2,309 -13% EP (kboe/d) 2,034 2,296 -11%
1,448 1,507 1,512 -4% Liquids (kb/d) 1,492 1,466 +2%
2,946 2,865 4,261 -31% Gas (Mcf/d) 2,900 4,492 -35%
1,998 2,043 2,030 -2% EP excluding Novatek (kboe/d) 2,034 2,025 +0.4%


2.  Results


4Q23 3Q23 4Q22 4Q23
In millions of dollars, except effective tax rate 2023 2022 2023
2,802 3,138 3,528 -21% Adjusted net operating income (1) 10,942 17,479 -37%
130 125 316 -59% including adjusted income from equity affiliates 539 1,335 -60%
47.7% 44.6% 54.4% - Effective tax rate (2) 50.0% 50.8% -
(1,282) 1,978 2,263 ns Cash flow used in investing activities 7,260 9,839 -26%
3,117 2,557 2,219 +40% Organic investments 10,232 7,507 +36%
(4,306) (514) 105 ns Net acquisitions (2,706) 2,520 ns
(1,189) 2,043 2,324 ns Net investments 7,526 10,027 -25%
5,708 4,240 4,035 +41% Cash flow from operating activities 18,531 27,654 -33%
4,690 5,165 4,988 -6% Cash flow from operations excluding working capital (CFFO) 19,126 26,080 -27%
(1)Detail of adjustment items shown in the business segment information starting on page 36.
(2)Effective tax rate = (tax on adjusted net operating income) / (adjusted net operating income – income from equity affiliates – dividends received from investments – impairment of goodwill + tax on adjusted net operating income).


Exploration & Production adjusted net operating income was:


·$2,802 million in the fourth quarter of 2023, down 11% quarter-to-quarter primarily driven by lower oil prices,

·$10,942 million in full-year 2023, down 37% year-on-year, mainly due to lower oil and gas prices.


Adjusted net operating income for the Exploration & Production segment excludes special items.


In the fourth quarter of 2023, the exclusion of special items had a positive impact of $709 million on the segment’s adjusted net operating income, compared to a positive impact of $4,087 million in the fourth quarter of 2022.


For the full year 2023, the exclusion of special items had a positive impact of $1,036 million on the segment’s adjusted net operating income, compared to a positive impact of $12,371 million for the full year 2022.


The segment's cash flow from operating activities was:


·$5,708 million in the fourth quarter of 2023, up 41% compared to $4,035 million in the fourth quarter of 2022,

·$18,531 million in full-year 2023, down 33% compared to $27,654 million in the full-year 2022.


The segment’s Cash flow from operations excluding working capital (CFFO) was:


·$4,690 million in the fourth quarter of 2023, down 9% quarter-to-quarter, primarily driven by lower oil prices,

·$19,126 million in full-year 2023, down 27% year-on-year, mainly due to lower oil and gas prices.





B.2 Integrated LNG


1. Production


4Q23 3Q23 4Q22 4Q23
Hydrocarbon production for LNG 2023 2022 2023
      4Q22       2022
464 433 503 -8% Integrated LNG (kboe/d) 449 469 -4%
58 54 58 -2% Liquids (kb/d) 58 53 +10%
2,212 2,056 2,420 -9% Gas (Mcf/d) 2,128 2,267 -6%
464 433 445 +4% Integrated LNG excluding Novatek (kboe/d) 449 413 +9%


3Q23 3Q23 4Q22 4Q23
Liquefied Natural Gas in Mt 2023 2022 2023
      4Q22       2022
11.8 10.5 12.7 -7% Overall LNG sales 44.3 48.1 -8%
4.0 3.7 4.4 -10% Incl. Sales from equity production* 15.2 17.0 -10%
10.8 9.4 11.4 -6% Incl. Sales by TotalEnergies from equity production and third party purchases 40.1 42.8 -6%

*       The Company’s equity production may be sold by TotalEnergies or by the joint ventures.


Hydrocarbon production for LNG (excluding Novatek) was up 7% quarter-to-quarter, reflecting lower unplanned shutdowns. For full-year 2023, hydrocarbon production for LNG (excluding Novatek) was up 9% compared to 2022 due to increased supply to NLNG in Nigeria and higher availability of Ichthys LNG in Australia and Snøvhit in Norway.


In the fourth quarter of 2023, LNG sales increased 13% quarter-to-quarter, mainly due to higher production and higher spot volumes. For full-year 2023, LNG sales were down 8% compared to 2022, mainly due to lower spot volumes related to lower demand in Europe as a result of a milder winter weather and high inventories.


2. Results


4Q23 3Q23 4Q22




In millions of dollars 2023 2022



1,456 1,342 2,408 -40% Adjusted net operating income(1) 6,200 11,169 -44%
500 385 1,213 -59% including adjusted income from equity affiliates 2,103 5,637 -63%
827 566 (9) ns Cash flow used in investing activities 3,120 (1,052) ns
790 495 195 x4.1 Organic investments 2,063 519 x4
48 84 19 x2.5 Net acquisitions 1,096 (47) ns
838 579 214 x3.9 Net investments 3,159 472 x6.7
2,702 872 134 x20.2 Cash flow from operating activities 8,442 9,604 -12%
1,763 1,648 2,688 -34% Cash flow from operations excluding working capital (CFFO) 7,293 9,784 -25%
(1)Detail of adjustment items shown in the business segment information starting on page 36.


Integrated LNG adjusted net operating income was:


·$1,456 million in the fourth quarter of 2023, up 8% quarter-to-quarter, reflecting the evolution of prices and production volumes,
·$6,200 million in full-year 2023, down 37% year-on-year (excluding Novatek), mainly due to the exceptional environment in 2022 linked to the energy crisis in Europe resulting from the Russia-Ukraine conflict.


Adjusted net operating income for the iLNG segment excludes special items and the impact of changes in fair value.


In the fourth quarter of 2023, the exclusion of special items and the impact of changes in fair value had a positive impact of $141 million on the segment’s adjusted net operating income, compared to a negative impact of $118 million in the fourth quarter of 2022.


For the full year 2023, the exclusion of special items and the impact of changes in fair value had a positive impact of $798 million on the segment’s adjusted net operating income, compared to a positive impact of $4,580 million for the full year 2022.


The segment’s cash flow from operating activities was:


·$2,702 million in the fourth quarter of 2023, 20.2 times higher compared to $134 million in the fourth quarter of 2022,

·$8,442 million in full-year 2023, down 12% compared to $9,604 million in the full-year 2022.


The segment’s Cash flow from operations excluding working capital (CFFO) was:

·$1,763 million in the fourth quarter of 2023, up 7% quarter-to-quarter, reflecting the evolution of prices and production volumes,
·$7,293 million in full-year 2023, down 25% year-on-year (excluding Novatek), mainly due to lower LNG prices that were partially offset by high margins captured in 2022 on LNG cargoes delivered in 2023.





B.3 Integrated Power


1. Capacities, productions, clients and sales


4Q23 3Q23 4Q22




Integrated Power 2023 2022




  8.0   8.9   9.4 -16% Net power production (TWh) (1)   33.4 33.2 +1%
  5.5   5.4   3.3 +65% o/w power production from renewables   18.9 10.4 +82%
  2.5   3.5   6.1 -59% o/w CCGT   14.5 22.8 -36%
17.3 15.9 12.0 +44% Portfolio of power generation net installed capacity (GW) (2)   17.3 12.0 +44%
13.0 11.6   7.7 +69% o/w renewables   13.0   7.7 +69%
  4.3   4.3   4.3 - o/w CCGT    4.3   4.3 -
80.1 80.5 69.0 +16% Portfolio of renewable power generation gross capacity (GW) (2), (3)   80.1 69.0 +16%
22.4 20.2 16.8 +33% o/w installed capacity   22.4 16.8 +33%
  5.9   6.0   6.1 -3% Clients power – BtB and BtC (Million) (2)     5.9   6.1 -3%
  2.8   2.8   2.7 +1% Clients gas – BtB and BtC (Million) (2)     2.8   2.7 +1%
13.9 11.2 14.6 -5% Sales power – BtB and BtC (TWh)   52.1 55.3 -6%
30.7 13.8 28.1 +9% Sales gas – BtB and BtC (TWh) 100.9 96.3 +5%
(1)Solar, wind, hydroelectric and combined-cycle gas turbine (CCGT) plants.
(2)End of period data.
(3)Includes 20% of Adani Green Energy Ltd’s gross capacity effective in the first quarter of 2021, 50% of Clearway Energy Group’s gross capacity effective in the third quarter of 2022 and 49% of Casa dos Ventos’ gross capacity effective in the first quarter of 2023.


Net power production was 8.0 TWh in the fourth quarter of 2023, down 10% quarter-to-quarter due to lower CCGT generation. For the full-year 2023, net power production was 33.4 TWh, up 1% year-on-year as lower generation from flexible capacity, whose utilization rate was exceptional in 2022 due to the energy crisis in Europe, was more than compensated by growing electricity generation from renewables that is related to the integration of 100% of Total Eren and contribution from Clearway in the US and Casa dos Ventos in Brazil.


Gross installed renewable power generation capacity reached more than 22 GW at the end of the fourth quarter of 2023, up by more than 2 GW quarter-to-quarter, including 1.3 GW installed in the US (Clearway, Danish) and 0.5 GW from the creation of a new 50/50 joint venture with AGEL in India. In 2023, gross installed renewable capacity grew by nearly 6 GW.


2.  Results


4Q23 3Q23 4Q22




In millions of dollars 2023 2022



527 506 481 +10% Adjusted net operating income(1) 1,853 975 +90%
21 37 88 -76% including adjusted income from equity affiliates 137 201 -32%
1,209 1,884 454 x2.7 Cash flow used in investing activities 4,836 4,100 +18%
674 578 455 +48% Organic investments 2,582 1,385 +86%
532 1,354 (230) ns Net acquisitions 2,363 2,136 +11%
1,206 1,932 225 x5.4 Net investments 4,945 3,521 +40%
638 1,936 861 -26% Cash flow from operating activities 3,573 66 x54.1
705 516 439 +61% Cash flow from operations excluding working capital (CFFO) 2,152 970 x2.2
(1)Detail of adjustment items shown in the business segment information starting on page 36.





Integrated Power adjusted net operating income was:


·$527 million in the fourth quarter of 2023, up 10% year-on-year and up 4% quarter-to-quarter due to performance of its integrated electricity portfolio,

·$1,853 million in 2023, up 90% year-on-year, demonstrating the performance of its integrated business model along the power value chain: renewables, CCGT, trading, and B2B & B2C marketing.


Adjusted net operating income for the Integrated Power segment excludes special items and the impact of changes in fair value.


In the fourth quarter of 2023, the exclusion of special items and the impact of changes in fair value had a negative impact of $42 million on the segment’s adjusted net operating income, compared to a negative impact of $1,482 million in the fourth quarter of 2022.


For the full year 2023, the exclusion of special items and the impact of changes in fair value had a positive impact of $173 million on the segment’s adjusted net operating income, compared to a negative impact of $2,070 million for the full year 2022.


The segment's cash flow from operating activities was:


·$638 million in the fourth quarter of 2023, down 26% compared to $861 million in the fourth quarter of 2022.

·$3,573 million in the full-year 2023, 54.1 times higher compared to $66 million in the full-year 2022.


The segment’s Cash flow from operations excluding working capital (CFFO) was:


·$705 million in the fourth quarter of 2023, up 61% year-on-year and 37% quarter-to-quarter, as the fourth quarter of 2023 further benefited from dividend distributions from equity affiliates,

·$2,152 million in 2023, more than twice 2022 CFFO, with all the segments of the value chain contributing to growth.





B.4 Downstream (Refining & Chemicals and Marketing & Services)


1. Results

4Q23 3Q23 4Q22




In millions of dollars 2023 2022



939 1,822 1,821 -48% Adjusted net operating income(1) 6,112 8,852 -31%
(177) 531 928 ns Cash flow used in investing activities 1,094 2,141 -49%
1,504 625 1,023 +47% Organic investments 3,105 2,354 +32%
(1,679) (115) (28) ns Net acquisitions (2,042) (159) ns
(175) 510 995 ns Net investments 1,063 2,195 -52%
6,584 2,266 939 x7 Cash flow from operating activities 9,914 11,787 -16%
1,692 2,205 1,681 +1% Cash flow from operations excluding working capital (CFFO) 8,171 10,069 -19%
(1)Detail of adjustment items shown in the business segment information starting on page 36.


B.5 Refining & Chemicals


1. Refinery and petrochemicals throughput and utilization rates

4Q23 3Q23 4Q22




Refinery throughput and utilization rate* 2023 2022




1,381 1,489 1,389 -1% Total refinery throughput (kb/d) 1,436 1,472 -2%
444 489 312 +42% France 414 348 +19%
582 589 580 - Rest of Europe 592 623 -5%
355 410 497 -29% Rest of world 431 501 -14%
79% 84% 77%  - Utilization rate based on crude only** 81% 82%  -
*Includes refineries in Africa reported in the Marketing & Services segment.
**Based on distillation capacity at the beginning of the year.


4Q23 3Q23 4Q22




Petrochemicals production and utilization rate 2023 2022




1,114 1,330 1,095 +2% Monomers* (kt) 4,896 5,005 -2%
985 1,070 917 +7% Polymers (kt) 4,130 4,549 -9%
60% 75% 66%  - Steam cracker utilization rate** 69% 76%  -
**Based on olefins production from steam crackers and their treatment capacity at the start of the year.


Refining throughput was:


·down 7% quarter-on-quarter mainly due to turnarounds at Satorp and Antwerp and the gradual restart of the Port Arthur refinery,
·down 2% year-on-year in 2023 mainly due to a slightly lower refinery utilization rate reflecting the major turnaround schedule of the year.


Petrochemicals production was:


·down 16% quarter-on-quarter for monomers and 8% for polymers due to weak demand for chemicals mainly in Europe impacting steam cracker utilization rate,
·down 2% year-on-year in 2023 for monomers and 9% for polymers for the same reasons, with monomers partially compensated by the ramp up of ethane cracker unit in Port Arthur in the US.





2. Results


4Q23 3Q23 4Q22




In millions of dollars 2023 2022



633 1,399 1,487 -57% Adjusted net operating income(1) 4,654 7,302 -36%
989 310 463 x2.1 Cash flow used in investing activities 1,953 1,177 +66%
1,002 386 585 +71% Organic investments 2,040 1,319 +55%
(11) (97) (5) ns Net acquisitions (118) (38) ns
991 289 580 +71% Net investments 1,922 1,281 +50%
4,825 2,060 232 x20.8 Cash flow from operating activities 7,957 8,663 -8%
1,173 1,618 1,144 +3% Cash flow from operations excluding working capital (CFFO) 5,853 7,704 -24%
(1)Detail of adjustment items shown in the business segment information starting on page 36.


Refining & Chemicals adjusted net operating income was:


·$633 million in the fourth quarter of 2023, down 55% sequentially, due to lower refining margins, turnarounds at Satorp in Saudi Arabia, the Port Arthur refinery in the US and at the Antwerp refinery in Belgium and weak petrochemical demand, particularly in Europe,
·$4,654 million in the full-year 2023, down 36% year-on-year, due to the decrease in refining margins and refining throughput.


Adjusted net operating income for the Refining & Chemicals segment excludes any after-tax inventory valuation effect and special items.


In the fourth quarter of 2023, the exclusion of the inventory valuation effect had a positive impact of $393 million on the segment’s adjusted net operating income, compared to a positive impact of $585 million in the fourth quarter of 2022.


In the fourth quarter of 2023, the exclusion of special items had a positive impact of $132 million on the segment’s adjusted net operating income, compared to a positive impact of 958 million in the fourth quarter of 2022.


For the full year 2023, the exclusion of the inventory valuation effect had a positive impact of $586 million on the segment’s adjusted net operating income, compared to a negative impact of $337 million for the full year 2022.


For the full year 2023, the exclusion of special items had a positive impact of $689 million on the segment’s adjusted net operating income, compared to a positive impact of $990 million for the full year 2022.


The segment’s cash flow from operating activities was:


·$4,825 million in the fourth quarter of 2023, 20.8 times higher compared to $232 million in the fourth quarter of 2022,

·$7,957 million in the full-year 2023, down 8% compared to $8,663 million in the full-year 2022.


The segment’s Cash flow from operations excluding working capital (CFFO) was:


·$1,173 million in the fourth quarter of 2023, down 28% sequentially due to lower refining margins, turnarounds at Satorp in Saudi Arabia, the Port Arthur refinery in the US and at the Antwerp refinery in Belgium and weak petrochemical demand, particularly in Europe, although partially offset by dividends received from equity affiliates during the fourth quarter of 2023,

·$5,853 million in the full-year 2023, down 24% year-on-year for the same reasons.





B.6 Marketing & Services


1. Petroleum product sales


4Q23 3Q23 4Q22




Sales in kb/d* 2023 2022




1,341 1,399 1,450 -7% Total Marketing & Services sales 1,375 1,468 -6%
755 792 816 -8% Europe 776 824 -6%
587 608 634 -7% Rest of world 599 644 -7%
*Excludes trading and bulk refining sales.


Sales of petroleum products were down year-on-year by 7% in the fourth quarter of 2023 and by 6% in the full-year 2023 due to the lower industrial and commercial demand mainly in Europe and the disposal of 50% of the fuel distribution business in Egypt, which were partially offset by recovery in the aviation business.


2. Results


4Q23 3Q23 4Q22




In millions of dollars 2023 2022



306 423 334 -8% Adjusted net operating income (1) 1,458 1,550 -6%
(1,166) 221 465 ns Cash flow used in investing activities (859) 964 ns
502 239 438 +15% Organic investments 1,065 1,035 +3%
(1,668) (18) (23) ns Net acquisitions (1,924) (121) ns
(1,166) 221 415 ns Net investments (859) 914 ns
1,759 206 707 x2.5 Cash flow from operating activities 1,957 3,124 -37%
519 587 537 -3% Cash flow from operations excluding working capital (CFFO) 2,318 2,365 -2%
(1)Detail of adjustment items shown in the business segment information starting on page 36.


Marketing & Services adjusted net operating income was:


·$306 million in the fourth quarter of 2023, down 8% year-on-year, due to lower sales,

·$1,458 million in the full-year 2023, down 6% year-on-year, for the same reason.


Adjusted net operating income for the Marketing & Services segment excludes any after-tax inventory valuation effect and special items.


In the fourth quarter of 2023, the exclusion of the inventory valuation effect had a positive impact of $156 million on the segment’s adjusted net operating income, compared to a positive impact of $137 million in the fourth quarter of 2022.


In the fourth quarter of 2023, the exclusion of special items had a negative impact of $1,251 million on the segment’s adjusted net operating income, compared to a positive impact of $106 million the fourth quarter of 2022.


For the full year 2023, the exclusion of the inventory valuation effect had a positive impact of $108 million on the segment’s adjusted net operating income, compared to a negative impact of $194 million in the fourth quarter of 2022.


For the full year 2023, the exclusion of special items had a negative impact of $1,408 million on the segment’s adjusted net operating income, compared to a positive impact of $188 million for the full year 2022.


The segment’s cash flow from operating activities was:


·$1,759 million in the fourth quarter of 2023, 2.5 times higher compared to $707 million in the fourth quarter of 2022,

·$1,957 million in the full-year 2023, down 37% compared to $3,124 million in the full-year 2022.


The segment’s Cash flow from operations excluding working capital (CFFO) was:


·$519 million in the fourth quarter of 2023, down 3% compared to $537 million in the fourth quarter of 2022,

·$2,318 million in the full-year 2023, down 2% compared to $2,365 million in the full-year 2022.







1. Net income (TotalEnergies share)


Net income (TotalEnergies share) was:


·$5,063 million in the fourth quarter of 2023, an increase of 55% compared to $3,264 million in the fourth quarter of 2022,

·$21,384 million in the full-year 2023, an increase of 4% compared to $20,526 million in the full-year 2022.


Adjusted net income (TotalEnergies share) was $5,226 million in the fourth quarter of 2023 compared to $6,453 million in the third quarter 2023, mainly due to lower oil prices and refining margins.


Adjustments to net income were:


($163) million in the fourth quarter of 2023, consisting mainly of:

·$1.8 billion gain on asset sales, including the sale of our retail network in Germany and of our Canadian assets,

·($1.0) billion related to asset impairments, primarily related to mature upstream assets in Congo and timing effect of taxes at Al Shaheen in Qatar,

·($0.3) billion in inventory effects and effects of changes in fair value,

·($0.6) billion in other adjustments, primarily related to the devaluation of the Argentine peso and the CCGT Infra-Marginal Income Contribution in France.


($1,792) million in the full-year 2023, consisting mainly of:

·$2.0 billion gain on asset sales, including the sale of our retail network in Germany and of our Canadian assets,

·($2.2) billion related to asset impairments, primarily related to upstream assets in Kenya and upstream mature assets in Congo, as well as Al Shaheen in Qatar for timing effect of taxes, the Yunlin offshore wind project in Taiwan, divestment projects of Naphtachimie to INEOS and the Natref refinery in South Africa, as well as client portfolios related to goodwill from gas & power marketing activities in Belgium, Spain, and France,

·($0.7) billion in inventory effects and effects of changes in fair value,

·($0.9) billion in other adjustments, notably the revaluation of Total Eren’s previously held equity interest, the devaluation of the Argentine peso, the CCGT Infra-Marginal Income Contribution in France and the exceptional European solidarity contribution.


2.  Fully-diluted shares and share buybacks


As of December 31, 2023, the number of diluted shares was 2,373 million.


As part of its shareholder return policy, TotalEnergies repurchased:


·43.7 million shares for cancellation in the fourth quarter of 2023 for $2.9 billion,

·142.6 million shares for cancellation in 2023 for $9.0 billion.


3.  Acquisitions - asset sales


Acquisitions were:


·$698 million in the fourth quarter of 2023, primarily related to Integrated Power, including the creation of a new joint venture with AGEL in India and the acquisition of 50% of Rönesans Enerji in Turkey,
·$6,428 million in 2023, mainly related to the above items, as well as the acquisition of the remaining 70.4% of Total Eren, a 20% interest in the SARB and Umm Lulu concession in the United Arab Emirates, the acquisition of a 6.25% stake in the NFE LNG project and 9.375% in NFS LNG project in Qatar, and a 34% stake in a joint venture with Casa dos Ventos in Brazil.


Divestments were:


·$6,102 million in the fourth quarter of 2023, primarily due to the sale of our Canadian assets to ConocoPhillips and Suncor and the sale of our retail network in Germany to Alimentation Couche-Tard,

·$7,717 million in 2023, due to the above items as well as the sale of a 40% interest in Block 20 in Angola and a partial farm down in an offshore wind project off the coast of New York and New Jersey in the US.


4. Cash flow


TotalEnergies’ cash flow from operating activities was:


·$16,150 million in the fourth quarter of 2023, 2.9 times higher compared to $5,618 million in the fourth quarter of 2022,

·$40,679 million in the full-year 2023, a decrease of 14% compared to $47,367 million in the full year 2022.


TotalEnergies’ cash flow from operations excluding working capital (CFFO) was:


·$8,500 million in the fourth quarter of 2023, a decrease of 7% compared to $9,135 million in the fourth quarter of 2022,

·$35,946 million in the full-year 2023, a decrease of 21% compared to $45,729 million in the full year 2022.


For the full-year 2023 TotalEnergies’ cash flow from operating activities was $40,679 million and the CFFO was $35,946 million, which reflects positive variation from a working capital release of $4.8 billion, of which around $2 billion is related to exceptional fiscal debt variations that are mainly due to the change of the gas and power price cap compensation system in France and the disposal of our German retail network to Alimentation Couche Tard.



The change in working capital, as determined using the replacement cost method excluding the mark-to-market effect of Integrated LNG and Integrated Power’s contracts, including capital gain from renewable project sales and including organic loan repayment from equity affiliates, was:


·a decrease of $7,650 million in the fourth quarter of 2023, compared to an increase of $3,517 million in the fourth quarter of 2022;

·a decrease of $4,733 million for the full year 2023, compared to a decrease of $1,638 million for the full year 2022;


The change in working capital was:


·a decrease of $8,308 million in the fourth quarter in accordance with IFRS. The difference of $658 million between IFRS and replacement cost method corresponds to the following adjustments: (i) the pre-tax inventory valuation effect of $724 million, (ii) less the mark-to-market effect of Integrated LNG’s and Integrated Power’s contracts of $69 million, (iii) less the capital gains from the renewables project sale of $0 million and (iv) plus the organic loan repayments from equity affiliates of $3 million.

·a decrease of $6,091 million for the full year 2023 in accordance with IFRS. The difference of $1,358 million between IFRS and replacement cost method corresponds to the following adjustments: (i) the pre-tax inventory valuation effect of $714 million, (ii) plus the mark-to-market effect of Integrated LNG’s and Integrated Power’s contracts of $565 million, (iii) plus the capital gains from the renewables project sale of $81 million and (iv) less the organic loan repayments from equity affiliates of $2 million.


TotalEnergies’ net cash flow1 was:


·$7,765 million in the fourth quarter of 2023 compared to $4,249 million in the third quarter 2023, reflecting the $840 million decrease in CFFO that was more than offset by the $4,356 million decrease in net investments to $735 million in the fourth quarter of 2023,

·$19,109 million in 2023 compared to $29,426 million in 2022, reflecting the $9,783 million decrease in CFFO and the $534 million increase in net investments to $16,837 million in 2023.




Return on equity was 20.4% for the twelve months ended December 31, 2023.


In millions of dollars

January 1, 2023

December 31, 2023

October 1, 2022

September 30, 2023

January 1, 2022

December 31, 2022

Adjusted net income 23,450 25,938 36,657
Average adjusted shareholders’ equity 115,006 116,529 112,831
Return on equity (ROE) 20.4% 22.3% 32.5%


Return on average capital employed (ROACE)2 was 18.9% for the twelve months ended December 31, 2023.


In millions of dollars

January 1, 2023

December 31, 2023

October 1, 2022

September 30, 2023

January 1, 2022

December 31, 2022

Adjusted net operating income 24,684 27,351 38,212
Average capital employed 130,517 135,757 135,312
ROACE 18.9% 20.1% 28.2%


E.    Annual 2023 Sensitivities*



Estimated impact

on adjusted net

operating income

Estimated impact

on cash flow

from operations

Dollar +/- 0.1 $ per € -/+ 0.1 B$ ~0 B$
Average liquids price** +/- 10$/b +/- 2.3 B$ +/- 2.8 B$
European gas price – NBP / TTF +/- 2 $/Mbtu +/- 0.4 B$ +/- 0.4 B$
European Refining Margin Marker (ERM) +/- 10 $/t +/- 0.4 B$ +/- 0.5 B$

* Sensitivities are revised once per year upon publication of the previous year’s fourth quarter results. Sensitivities are estimates based on assumptions about TotalEnergies’ portfolio in 2024. Actual results could vary significantly from estimates based on the application of these sensitivities. The impact of the $-€ sensitivity on adjusted net operating income is essentially attributable to Refining & Chemicals.

** In a 80 $/b Brent environment.




At the start of 2024, Brent prices are navigating around 80 $/b in an uncertain economic environment. Oil markets are facing geopolitical tensions in the Middle East on one hand and non-OPEC production growth balanced by OPEC+ policy on the other hand. According to the IEA, global oil demand is anticipated to grow 1.2 Mb/d in 2024, which is in line with the average annual demand growth rate during 2000-2023 of 1.2%/yr.



1 Net cash flow is a non-GAAP financial measure. Refer to the Glossary on page 27 for the definitions and further information on Non-GAAP measures (alternative performance measures) and to pages 17 and following for reconciliation tables.

2 ROACE is a non-GAAP financial measure. Refer to the Glossary on page 27 for the definitions and further information on Non-GAAP measures (alternative performance measures).



LNG markets should remain in tension due to very limited LNG capacity additions expected in 2024 (2%) and growing demand thanks to lower LNG prices. TotalEnergies expects LNG sales above 40 Mt over the year. Given the evolution of oil and gas prices in recent months and the lag effect on price formulas, TotalEnergies anticipates that its average LNG selling price should be stable around $10/Mbtu in the first quarter 2024.


First quarter 2024 expected hydrocarbon production should be above 2.4 Mboe/d due to the start-up of Mero 2 in Brazil and the disposals of Canadian upstream assets, effective during fourth quarter 2023. For 2024, TotalEnergies anticipates hydrocarbon production will grow 2% compared to 2023 excluding Canada. Production will benefit from several additional project start-ups, including Tyra in Denmark and Anchor in the US.


Full-year refining utilization rate is expected to increase to above 85% in 2024 with no major turnarounds planned.


Confident in the strong fundamentals of the Company, which celebrates its 100 year anniversary in 2024, the Board of Directors confirmed a shareholder return policy for 2024, which will combine an increase in interim dividends of 6.8% to €0.79/share and $2 billion of share buybacks in the first quarter of 2024, in line with the following cash flow allocation priorities:


·a sustainable ordinary dividend through cycles, that was not cut during the Covid crisis, and whose increase is supported by underlying cash flow growth,
·investments to support of a strategy balanced between the various energies,
·maintaining a strong balance sheet,
·buybacks to share surplus cash flow generated at high prices.





This document may contain forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, notably with respect to the financial condition, results of operations, business activities and industrial strategy of TotalEnergies. This document may also contain statements regarding the perspectives, objectives, areas of improvement and goals of TotalEnergies, including with respect to climate change and carbon neutrality (net zero emissions). An ambition expresses an outcome desired by TotalEnergies, it being specified that the means to be deployed do not depend solely on TotalEnergies. These forward-looking statements may generally be identified by the use of the future or conditional tense or forward-looking words such as “envisions”, “intends”, “anticipates”, “believes”, “considers”, “plans”, “expects”, “thinks”, “targets”, “aims” or similar terminology. Such forward-looking statements included in this document are based on economic data, estimates and assumptions prepared in a given economic, competitive and regulatory environment and considered to be reasonable by TotalEnergies as of the date of this document.


These forward-looking statements are not historical data and should not be interpreted as assurances that the perspectives, objectives or goals announced will be achieved. They may prove to be inaccurate in the future, and may evolve or be modified with a significant difference between the actual results and those initially estimated, due to the uncertainties notably related to the economic, financial, competitive and regulatory environment, or due to the occurrence of risk factors, such as, notably, the price fluctuations in crude oil and natural gas, the evolution of the demand and price of petroleum products, the changes in production results and reserves estimates, the ability to achieve cost reductions and operating efficiencies without unduly disrupting business operations, changes in laws and regulations including those related to the environment and climate, currency fluctuations, as well as economic and political developments, changes in market conditions, loss of market share and changes in consumer preferences, or pandemics such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, certain financial information is based on estimates particularly in the assessment of the recoverable value of assets and potential impairments of assets relating thereto.


Except for its ongoing obligations to disclose material information as required by applicable securities laws, TotalEnergies does not have any intention or obligation to update forward-looking statements after the distribution of this document, even if new information, future events or other circumstances have made them incorrect or misleading.


For additional factors, you should read the information set forth under “Item 3. -3.1 Risk Factors”, “Item 4. Information on the Company”, “Item 5. Operating and Financial Review and Prospects” and “Item 11. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about Market Risk” in TotalEnergies’ Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2022.





Company’s production (Exploration & Production + Integrated LNG)


4Q23 3Q23 4Q22 4Q23
Combined liquids and gas
production by region (kboe/d)
2023 2022 2023
592 550 918 -35% Europe 565 918 -38%
451 459 477 -5% Africa 471 474 -1%
788 781 703 +12% Middle East and North Africa 764 687 +11%
376 445 442 -15% Americas 426 425 -
256 241 272 -6% Asia-Pacific 257 262 -2%
2,462 2,476 2,812 -12% Total production 2,483 2,765 -10%
331 327 670 -51% includes equity affiliates 335 682 -51%
4Q23 3Q23 4Q22 4Q23
Liquids production by region (kb/d) 2023 2022 2023
236 229 282 -16% Europe 232 280 -17%
328 335 358 -8% Africa 348 358 -3%
629 627 565 +11% Middle East and North Africa 612 552 +11%
207 268 259 -20% Americas 251 238 +6%
106 102 106 -1% Asia-Pacific 107 91 +18%
1,506 1,561 1,570 -4% Total production 1,550 1,519 +2%
141 156 199 -29% includes equity affiliates 150 203 -26%
4Q23 3Q23 4Q22 4Q23
Gas production by region (Mcf/d) 2023 2022 2023
1,921 1,733 3,412 -44% Europe 1,801 3,426 -47%
612 619 592 +3% Africa 614 584 +5%
881 844 745 +18% Middle East and North Africa 833 739 +13%
941 989 1,030 -9% Americas 975 1,049 -7%
803 736 902 -11% Asia-Pacific 805 961 -16%
5,158 4,921 6,681 -23% Total production 5,028 6,759 -26%
1,027 933 2,535 -60% includes equity affiliates 1,004 2,581 -61%


Downstream (Refining & Chemicals and Marketing & Services)


4Q23 3Q23 4Q22 4Q23
Petroleum product sales by region (kb/d) 2023 2022 2023
1,789 1,838 1,665 +7% Europe 1,734 1,732 -
610 621 743 -18% Africa 624 732 -15%
1,055 946 740 +43% Americas 942 836 +13%
697 624 558 +25% Rest of world 652 591 +10%
4,151 4,029 3,706 +12% Total consolidated sales 3,953 3,891 +2%
402 407 388 +4% Includes bulk sales 405 411 -1%
2,408 2,222 1,868 +29% Includes trading 2,173 2,012 +8%


4Q23 3Q23 4Q22 4Q23
Petrochemicals production* (kt) 2023 2022 2023
845 1 018 835 +1% Europe 3,936 4,196 -6%
528 611 477 +11% Americas 2,366 2,387 -1%
725 771 700 +4% Middle East and Asia 2,724 2,971 -8%
*Olefins, polymers.





Net power production


      4Q23     3Q23
Net power production (TWh)   Solar Onshore
Gas Others Total   Solar Onshore
Gas Others Total
France   0,1 0,3 - 1,6 0,0 2,0   0,2 0,1 - 2,0 0,0 2,3
Rest of Europe   0,0 0,5 0,6 0,6 0,1 1,8   0,1 0,4 0,1 1,1 0,0 1,7
Africa   0,0 0,0 - - - 0,0   0,0 0,0 - - - 0,0
Middle East   0,2 - - 0,3 - 0,4   0,2 - - 0,5 - 0,7
North America   0,4 0,5 - - - 0,9   0,6 0,4 - - - 1,1
South America   0,1 0,9 - - - 1,0   0,1 0,9 - - - 1,0
India   1,3 0,2 - - - 1,5   1,4 0,4 - - - 1,7
Asia-Pacific   0,3 0,0 0,1 - - 0,4   0,4 0,0 0,0 - - 0,4
Total   2,4 2,3 0,7 2,5 0,1 8,0   3,0 2,2 0,2 3,5 0,0 8,9


Installed power generation net capacity

      4Q23     3Q23
Installed power generation net capacity (GW)
  Solar Onshore
Gas Others Total   Solar Onshore
Gas Others Total
France   0,5 0,3 - 2,6 0,1 3,6   0,5 0,3 - 2,6 0,1 3,5
Rest of Europe   0,2 0,9 0,6 1,4 0,1 3,2   0,2 0,9 0,6 1,4 0,0 3,1
Africa   0,1 0,0 - - 0,0 0,1   0,1 0,0 - - 0,0 0,1
Middle East   0,4 - - 0,3 - 0,7   0,4 - - 0,3 - 0,7
North America   2,0 0,8 - - 0,2 3,0   1,5 0,8 - - 0,0 2,3
South America   0,4 0,8 - - - 1,2   0,5 0,7 - - - 1,2
India   3,8 0,5 - - - 4,3   3,5 0,4 - - - 3,9
Asia-Pacific   1,0 0,0 0,1 - 0,0 1,1   1,0 0,0 0,1 - 0,0 1,0
Total   8,5 3,4 0,7 4,3 0,5 17,3   7,6 3,2 0,6 4,3 0,2 15,9


Power generation gross capacity from renewables


    4Q23   3Q23
Installed power generation gross capacity
from renewables (GW) (1), (2)
  Solar Onshore
Other Total   Solar Onshore
Other Total
France   0,9 0,6 - 0,1 1,6   0,8 0,6 - 0,1 1,6
Rest of Europe   0,2 1,1 1,1 0,2 2,6   0,2 1,1 1,1 0,0 2,4
Africa   0,1 0,0 - 0,0 0,2   0,1 0,0 - 0,0 0,2
Middle East   1,2 - - - 1,2   1,2 - - - 1,2
North America   4,9 2,1 - 0,5 7,5   3,9 2,1 - 0,1 6,2
South America   0,4 1,2 - - 1,6   0,4 1,2 - - 1,6
India   5,4 0,5 - - 5,9   5,1 0,4 - - 5,5
Asia-Pacific   1,5 0,0 0,3 0,0 1,8   1,4 0,0 0,2 0,0 1,6
Total   14,6 5,5 1,4 0,8 22,4   13,1 5,5 1,3 0,3 20,2
    4Q23   3Q23
Power generation gross capacity from
renewables in construction (GW) (1), (2)
  Solar Onshore
Other Total   Solar Onshore
Other Total
France   0,2 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,2   0,2 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,3
Rest of Europe   0,4 0,0 - 0,1 0,5   0,4 0,0 - 0,0 0,5
Africa   0,0 - - 0,0 0,0   0,0 - - 0,0 0,0
Middle East   0,1 - - - 0,1   0,1 - - - 0,1
North America   1,4 0,1 - 0,2 1,7   2,3 0,1 - 0,5 3,0
South America   0,0 0,4 - 0,0 0,4   0,1 0,1 - - 0,2
India   0,6 - - - 0,6   0,4 0,1 - - 0,4
Asia-Pacific   0,0 0,0 0,4 - 0,4   0,1 0,0 0,5 - 0,6
Total   2,8 0,6 0,4 0,3 4,1   3,8 0,3 0,5 0,6 5,2
    4Q23   3Q23
Power generation gross capacity from
renewables in development (GW) (1), (2)
  Solar Onshore
Other Total   Solar Onshore
Other Total
France   0,7 0,4 - 0,0 1,2   0,9 0,5 - 0,0 1,4
Rest of Europe   4,6 0,3 7,4 0,1 12,4   4,6 0,5 7,4 0,1 12,6
Africa   1,1 0,3 - 0,3 1,7   1,2 0,3 - 0,0 1,5
Middle East   1,5 0,7 - - 2,2   1,7 0,7 - - 2,4
North America   8,2 3,4 4,1 5,4 21,1   8,3 3,3 4,1 5,2 20,9
South America   1,4 0,8 - 0,4 2,6   1,4 1,3 - 0,4 3,0
India   4,7 0,2 - - 4,9   4,0 0,1 - - 4,1
Asia-Pacific   2,9 0,4 2,9 1,3 7,5   3,4 1,3 2,9 1,6 9,2
Total   25,3 6,5 14,4 7,5 53,7   25,6 7,9 14,4 7,2 55,2
(1)End-of-period data.
(2)Includes 20% of the gross capacities of Adani Green Energy Limited, 50% of Clearway Energy Group and, from 1Q23, 49% of Casa dos Ventos.







4Q23 3Q23 4Q22 In millions of dollars 2023 2022
5,063 6,676 3,264 Net income (TotalEnergies share) 21,384 20,526
180 (749) (5,585) Special items affecting net income (TotalEnergies share) (1,105) (17,310)
1,844 - - Gain (loss) on asset sales 2,047 1,391
(51) - (14) Restructuring charges (56) (42)
(1,023) (614) (3,845) Impairments (2,166) (15,743)
(590) (135) (1,726) Other* (930) (2,916)
(535) 607 (705) After-tax inventory effect : FIFO vs. replacement cost (699) 501
192 365 1,993 Effect of changes in fair value 12 1,138
(163) 223 (4,297) Total adjustments affecting net income (1,792) (15,671)
5,226 6,453 7,561 Adjusted net income (TotalEnergies share) 23,176 36,197
*Other adjustment items for net income in the fourth quarter amounted to ($590) million mainly due to the impact of the European solidarity contribution and of the Electricity Generation Infra-Marginal Income Contribution in France and of the devaluation of the Argentine peso. Other adjustment items for net income for the year amounted to ($930) million including $388 million of revaluation of Total Eren’s previously held equity interest and ($1,318) million mainly due to the impact of the European solidarity contribution and of the Electricity Generation Infra-Marginal Income Contribution in France and of the devaluation of the Argentine peso.




4Q23 3Q23 4Q22 4Q23
In millions of dollars 2023 2022 2023
5,063 6,676 3,264 +55% Net income - TotalEnergies share 21,384 20,526 +4%
163 (223) 4,297 -96% Less: adjustment items to net income (TotalEnergies share) 1,792 15,671 -89%
5,226 6,453 7,561 -31% Adjusted net income - TotalEnergies share 23,176 36,197 -36%
        Adjusted items      
57 82 210 -73% Add: non-controlling interests 274 460 -40%
3,004 3,130 4,530 -34% Add: income taxes 12,939 20,565 -37%
3,060 2,967 3,204 -4% Add: depreciation, depletion and impairment of tangible assets and mineral interests 12,012 12,316 -2%
115 88 111 +4% Add: amortization and impairment of intangible assets 394 400 -2%
660 726 719 -8% Add: financial interest on debt 2,820 2,386 +18%
(426) (384) (338) ns Less: financial income and expense from cash & cash equivalents (1,585) (746) ns
11,696 13,062 15,997 -27% Adjusted EBITDA 50,030 71,578 -30%







4Q23 3Q23 4Q22 4Q23
In millions of dollars 2023 2022 2023
        Adjusted items      
54,765 54,413 63,884 -14% Revenues from sales 218,945 263,206 -17%
(36,651) (34,738) (42,755) ns Purchases, net of inventory variation (142,247) (171,049) ns
(6,956) (7,346) (7,027) ns Other operating expenses (29,808) (28,745) ns
(174) (245) (250) ns Exploration costs (575) (574) ns
169 142 636 -73% Other income 504 1,349 -63%
(150) 64 (480) ns Other expense, excluding amortization and impairment of intangible assets (288) (1,142) ns
276 296 266 +4% Other financial income 1,221 812 +50%
(180) (186) (150) ns Other financial expense (722) (533) ns
597 662 1,873 -68% Net income (loss) from equity affiliates 3,000 8,254 -64%
11,696 13,062 15,997 -27% Adjusted EBITDA 50,030 71,578 -30%
        Adjusted items      
(3,060) (2,967) (3,204) ns Less: depreciation, depletion and impairment of tangible assets and mineral interests (12,012) (12,316) ns
(115) (88) (111) ns Less: amortization of intangible assets (394) (400) ns
(660) (726) (719) ns Less: financial interest on debt (2,820) (2,386) ns
426 384 338 +26% Add: financial income and expense from cash & cash equivalents 1,585 746 x2.1
(3,004) (3,130) (4,530) ns Less: income taxes (12,939) (20,565) ns
(57) (82) (210) ns Less: non-controlling interests (274) (460) ns
(163) 223 (4,297) ns Add: adjustment - TotalEnergies share (1,792) (15,671) ns
5,063 6,676 3,264 +55% Net income - TotalEnergies share 21,384 20,526 +4%







4Q23 3Q23 4Q22 4Q23
In millions of dollars 2023 2022 2023
632 4,987 3,681 -83% Cash flow used in investing activities (a) 16,454 15,116 +9%
- - (50) ns Other transactions with non-controlling interests (b) - (50) ns
3 (17) 335 -99% Organic loan repayment from equity affiliates (c) (2) 1,630 ns
(3) 43 (233) ns Change in debt from renewable projects financing (d) * 78 (589) ns
71 64 61 +16% Capex linked to capitalized leasing contracts (e) 259 177 +46%
32 14 8 x4 Expenditures related to carbon credits (f) 48 19 x2.5
735 5,091 3,802 -81% Net investments (a + b + c + d + e + f = g - i + h) 16,837 16,303 +3%
(5,404) 808 (133) ns of which net acquisitions (g-i) (1,289) 4,451 ns
698 1,992 292 x2.4 Acquisitions (g) 6,428 5,872 +9%
6,102 1,184 425 x14.4 Asset sales (i) 7,717 1,421 x5.4
- (43) 109 ns Change in debt from renewable projects (partner share)   (81) 279 ns
6,139 4,283 3,935 +56% of which organic investments (h) 18,126 11,852 +53%
214 346 287 -25% Capitalized exploration 1,094 669 +64%
683 422 210 x3.3 Increase in non-current loans 1,845 954 +93%
(91) (120) (259) ns Repayment of non-current loans, excluding organic loan repayment from equity affiliates (524) (1,082) ns
(3) - (124) ns Change in debt from renewable projects (TotalEnergies share) (3) (310) ns

* Change in debt from renewable projects (TotalEnergies share and partner share).





4Q23 3Q23 4Q22 4Q23
In millions of dollars 2023 2022 2023
(1,282) 1,978 2,263 ns Cash flow used in investing activities (a) 7,260 9,839 -26%
- - - ns Other transactions with non-controlling interests (b) - - ns
- - - ns Organic loan repayment from equity affiliates (c) - 22 ns
- - - ns Change in debt from renewable projects financing (d) * - - ns
61 51 53 +15% Capex linked to capitalized leasing contracts (e) 218 147 +48%
32 14 8 x4 Expenditures related to carbon credits (f) 48 19 x2.5
(1,189) 2,043 2,324 ns Net investments (a + b + c + d + e + f = g - i + h) 7,526 10,027 -25%
(4,306) (514) 105 ns of which net acquisitions (g-i) (2,706) 2,520 ns
39 156 241 -84% Acquisitions (g) 2,320 3,134 -26%
4,345 670 136 x32 Asset sales (i) 5,026 614 x8.2
- - - ns Change in debt from renewable projects (partner share)   - - ns
3,117 2,557 2,219 +40% of which organic investments (h) 10,232 7,507 +36%
208 343 287 -27% Capitalized exploration 1,081 669 +62%
61 32 20 x3 Increase in non-current loans 154 78 +97%
(17) (29) (79) ns Repayment of non-current loans, excluding organic loan repayment from equity affiliates (92) (171) ns
- - - ns Change in debt from renewable projects (TotalEnergies share) - - ns

* Change in debt from renewable projects (TotalEnergies share and partner share).







4Q23 3Q23 4Q22 4Q23
In millions of dollars 2023 2022 2023
827 566 (9) ns Cash flow used in investing activities (a) 3,120 (1,052) ns
- - - ns Other transactions with non-controlling interests (b) - - ns
- 1 217 ns Organic loan repayment from equity affiliates (c) 2 1,499 ns
- - - ns Change in debt from renewable projects financing (d) * - - ns
11 12 6 +83% Capex linked to capitalized leasing contracts (e) 37 25 +48%
- - - ns Expenditures related to carbon credits (f) - - ns
838 579 214 x3.9 Net investments (a + b + c + d + e + f = g - i + h) 3,159 472 x6.7
48 84 19 x2.5 of which net acquisitions (g-i) 1,096 (47) ns
56 204 23 x2.4 Acquisitions (g) 1,253 27 x46.4
8 120 4 x2.0 Asset sales (i) 157 74 x2.1
- - - ns Change in debt from renewable projects (partner share)   - - ns
790 495 195 x4 of which organic investments (h) 2,063 519 x4
6 3 - ns Capitalized exploration 13 - ns
179 153 64 x2.8 Increase in non-current loans 570 328 +74%
(20) (47) (98) ns Repayment of non-current loans, excluding organic loan repayment from equity affiliates (131) (690) ns
- - - ns Change in debt from renewable projects (TotalEnergies share) - - ns

* Change in debt from renewable projects (TotalEnergies share and partner share).




4Q23 3Q23 4Q22 4Q23
In millions of dollars 2023 2022 2023
1,209 1,884 454 x2.7 Cash flow used in investing activities (a) 4,836 4,100 +18%
- - - ns Other transactions with non-controlling interests (b) - - ns
1 4 2 -50% Organic loan repayment from equity affiliates (c) 27 5 x5.4
(3) 43 (233) ns Change in debt from renewable projects financing (d) * 78 (589) ns
(1) 1 2 ns Capex linked to capitalized leasing contracts (e) 4 5 -20%
- - - ns Expenditures related to carbon credits (f) - - ns
1,206 1,932 225 x5.4 Net investments (a + b + c + d + e + f = g - i + h) 4,945 3,521 +40%
532 1,354 (230) ns of which net acquisitions (g-i) 2,363 2,136 +11%
535 1,622 14 x38.2 Acquisitions (g) 2,739 2,661 +3%
3 268 244 -99% Asset sales (i) 376 525 -28%
- (43) 109 -100% Change in debt from renewable projects (partner share)   (81) 279 ns
674 578 455 +48% of which organic investments (h) 2,582 1,385 +86%
- - - ns Capitalized exploration - - ns
318 207 107 x3 Increase in non-current loans 870 397 x2.2
(28) (17) (49) ns Repayment of non-current loans, excluding organic loan repayment from equity affiliates (177) (83) ns
-3 - (124) ns Change in debt from renewable projects (TotalEnergies share) (3) (310) ns

* Change in debt from renewable projects (TotalEnergies share and partner share).







4Q23 3Q23 4Q22 4Q23
In millions of dollars 2023 2022 2023
989 310 463 x2.1 Cash flow used in investing activities (a) 1,953 1,177 +66%
- - - ns Other transactions with non-controlling interests (b) - - ns
2 (21) 117 -98% Organic loan repayment from equity affiliates (c) (31) 104 ns
- - - ns Change in debt from renewable projects financing (d) * - - ns
- - - ns Capex linked to capitalized leasing contracts (e) - - ns
- - - ns Expenditures related to carbon credits (f) - - ns
991 289 580 +71% Net investments (a + b + c + d + e + f = g - i + h) 1,922 1,281 +50%
(11) (97) (5) ns of which net acquisitions (g-i) (118) (38) ns
1 - - ns Acquisitions (g) 32 15 x2.1
12 97 5 x2.4 Asset sales (i) 150 53 x2.8
- - - ns Change in debt from renewable projects (partner share)   - - ns
1,002 386 585 +71% of which organic investments (h) 2,040 1,319 +55%
- - - ns Capitalized exploration - - ns
28 13 1 x28 Increase in non-current loans 79 53 +49%
(8) (9) (3) ns Repayment of non-current loans, excluding organic loan repayment from equity affiliates (33) (35) ns
- - - ns Change in debt from renewable projects (TotalEnergies share) - - ns

* Change in debt from renewable projects (TotalEnergies share and partner share).




4Q23 3Q23 4Q22 4Q23
In millions of dollars 2023 2022 2023
(1,166) 221 465 ns Cash flow used in investing activities (a) (859) 964 ns
- - (50) ns Other transactions with non-controlling interests (b) - (50) ns
- - - ns Organic loan repayment from equity affiliates (c) - - ns
- - - ns Change in debt from renewable projects financing (d) * - - ns
- - - ns Capex linked to capitalized leasing contracts (e) - - ns
- - - ns Expenditures related to carbon credits (f) - - ns
(1,166) 221 415 ns Net investments (a + b + c + d + e + f = g - i + h) (859) 914 ns
(1,668) (18) (23) ns of which net acquisitions (g-i) (1,924) (121) ns
67 10 14 x4.8 Acquisitions (g) 84 34 x2.5
1,735 28 37 x46.9 Asset sales (i) 2,008 155 x13
- - - ns Change in debt from renewable projects (partner share)   - - ns
502 239 438 +15% of which organic investments (h) 1,065 1,035 +3%
- - - ns Capitalized exploration - - ns
99 16 15 x6.6 Increase in non-current loans 152 83 +83%
(12) (19) (25) ns Repayment of non-current loans, excluding organic loan repayment from equity affiliates (82) (87) ns
- - - ns Change in debt from renewable projects (TotalEnergies share) - - ns

* Change in debt from renewable projects (TotalEnergies share and partner share).





Reconciliation of Cash flow from operating activities to Cash flow from operations excluding working capital (CFFO), to DACF and to Net cash flow


4Q23 3Q23 4Q22 4Q23
In millions of dollars 2023 2022 2023
16,150 9,496 5,618 x2.9 Cash flow from operating activities (a) 40,679 47,367 -14%
8,377 (582) (2,247) ns (Increase) decrease in working capital (b) * 5,526 2,831 +95%
(724) 764 (895) ns Inventory effect (c) (714) 501 ns
- 43 40 ns Capital gain from renewable project sales (d) 81 64 +25%
3 (17) 335 -99% Organic loan repayments from equity affiliates (e) (2) 1,630 ns
8,500 9,340 9,135 -7% Cash flow from operations excluding working capital (CFFO) (f = a - b - c + d + e) 35,946 45,729 -21%
(29) (211) (226) ns Financial charges (505) (1,296) ns
8,529 9,551 9,361 -9% Debt Adjusted Cash Flow (DACF) 36,451 47,025 -22%
6,139 4,283 3,935 +56% Organic investments (g) 18,126 11,852 +53%
2,361 5,058 5,200 -55% Free cash flow after organic investments (f - g) 17,820 33,877 -47%
735 5,091 3,802 -81% Net investments (h) 16,837 16,303 +3%
7,765 4,249 5,333 +46% Net cash flow (f - h) 19,109 29,426 -35%

*       Changes in working capital are presented excluding the mark-to-market effect of Integrated LNG and Integrated Power sectors’ contracts.




Reconciliation of Cash flow from operating activities to Cash flow from operations excluding working capital (CFFO): Exploration & Production


4Q23 3Q23 4Q22 4Q23
In millions of dollars 2023 2022 2023
5,708 4,240 4,035 +41% Cash flow from operating activities (a) 18,531 27,654 -33%
1,018 (925) (953) ns (Increase) decrease in working capital (b) (595) 1,596 ns
- - - ns Inventory effect (c) - - ns
- - - ns Capital gain from renewable project sales (d) - - ns
- - - ns Organic loan repayments from equity affiliates (e) - 22 ns
4,690 5,165 4,988 -6% Cash flow from operations excluding working capital (CFFO) (f = a - b - c + d + e) 19,126 26,080 -27%


Reconciliation of Cash flow from operating activities to Cash flow from operations excluding working capital (CFFO): Integrated LNG


4Q23 3Q23 4Q22 4Q23
In millions of dollars 2023 2022 2023
2,702 872 134 x20.2 Cash flow from operating activities (a) 8,442 9,604 -12%
939 (775) (2,337) ns (Increase) decrease in working capital (b) * 1,151 1,319 -13%
- - - ns Inventory effect (c) - - ns
- - - ns Capital gain from renewable project sales (d) - - ns
- 1 217 ns Organic loan repayments from equity affiliates (e) 2 1,499 ns
1,763 1,648 2,688 -34% Cash flow from operations excluding working capital (CFFO) (f = a - b - c + d + e) 7,293 9,784 -25%

*       Changes in working capital are presented excluding the mark-to-market effect of Integrated LNG sectors’ contracts.




Reconciliation of Cash flow from operating activities to Cash flow from operations excluding working capital (CFFO): Integrated Power


4Q23 3Q23 4Q22 4Q23
In millions of dollars 2023 2022 2023
638 1,936 861 -26% Cash flow from operating activities (a) 3,573 66 x54.1
(66) 1,466 464 ns (Increase) decrease in working capital (b) * 1,529 (835) ns
- - - ns Inventory effect (c) - - ns
- 43 40 ns Capital gain from renewable project sales (d) 81 64 27%
1 4 2 -50% Organic loan repayments from equity affiliates (e) 27 5 x5.4
705 516 439 61% Cash flow from operations excluding working capital (CFFO) (f = a - b - c + d + e) 2,152 970 x2.2

*       Changes in working capital are presented excluding the mark-to-market effect of Integrated Power sectors’ contracts.


Reconciliation of Cash flow from operating activities to Cash flow from operations excluding working capital (CFFO): Refining & Chemicals


4Q23 3Q23 4Q22 4Q23
In millions of dollars 2023 2022 2023
4,825 2,060 232 x20.8 Cash flow from operating activities (a) 7,957 8,663 -8%
4,161 (125) (85) ns (Increase) decrease in working capital (b) 2,641 823 x3.2
(507) 546 (711) ns Inventory effect (c) (568) 240 ns
- - - ns Capital gain from renewable project sales (d) - - ns
2 (21) 117 -98% Organic loan repayments from equity affiliates (e) (31) 104 ns
1,173 1,618 1,144 3% Cash flow from operations excluding working capital (CFFO) (f = a - b - c + d + e) 5,853 7,704 -24%


Reconciliation of Cash flow from operating activities to Cash flow from operations excluding working capital (CFFO): Marketing & Services


4Q23 3Q23 4Q22 4Q23
In millions of dollars 2023 2022 2023
1,759 206 707 x2.5 Cash flow from operating activities (a) 1,957 3,124 -37%
1,457 (599) 354 x4.1 (Increase) decrease in working capital (b) (215) 498 ns
(217) 218 (184) ns Inventory effect (c) (146) 261 ns
- - - ns Capital gain from renewable project sales (d) - - ns
- - - ns Organic loan repayments from equity affiliates (e) - - ns
519 587 537 -3% Cash flow from operations excluding working capital (CFFO) (f = a - b - c + d + e) 2,318 2,365 -2%






In millions of dollars 12/31/2023 09/30/2023 12/31/2022
Current borrowings * 7,869 15,193 14,065
Other current financial liabilities 446 415 488
Current financial assets *, ** (6,256) (6,585) (8,556)
Net financial assets classified as held for sale * 17 (44) (38)
Non-current financial debt * 32,722 33,947 36,987
Non-current financial assets * (1,229) (1,519) (1,303)
Cash and cash equivalents (27,263) (24,731) (33,026)
Net debt (a) 6,306 16,676 8,617
Shareholders’ equity - TotalEnergies share 116,753 115,767 111,724
Non-controlling interests 2,700 2,657 2,846
Shareholders' equity (b) 119,453 118,424 114,570
Gearing = a / (a+b) 5.0% 12.3% 7.0%
Leases (c) 8,275 8,277 8,096
Gearing including leases (a+c) / (a+b+c) 10.9% 17.4% 12.7%

*       Excludes leases receivables and leases debts.

**      Including initial margins held as part of the Company's activities on organized markets.




Twelve months ended December 31, 2023


In millions of dollars Exploration &
Refining &
Marketing &
Adjusted net operating income 10,942 6,200 1,853 4,654 1,458 24,684
Capital employed at 12/31/2022 65,784 33,671 16,225 7,438 7,593 128,811
Capital employed at 12/31/2023 63,870 36,048 21,511 6,043 7,674 132,222
ROACE1 16.9% 17.8% 9.8% 69.0% 19.1% 18.9%




In millions of dollars 2023 9M22 2022
Dividend paid (parent company shareholders) (a) 7,517 5,648 9,986
Repayment of treasury shares 9,167 6,203 7,711
of which buy-backs (b) 9,000 6,082 7,019
Cash flow from operations excluding working capital (CFFO) (c) 35,946 27,446 45,729
Payout ratio = (a+b) / c 46.0% 42.7% 37.2%


1  Gearing is a non-GAAP financial measure. Refer to the Glossary on page 27 for the definitions and further information on Non-GAAP measures (alternative performance measures).

2  Payout is a non-GAAP financial measure. Refer to the Glossary on page 27 for the definitions and further information on Non-GAAP measures (alternative performance measures). 






In millions of dollars Exploration






Corporate Inter-
Adjusted net operating income 4th quarter 2023 2,802 1,456 527 633 306 (178) - 5,546
Adjusted net operating income 3rd quarter 2023 3,138 1,342 506 1,399 423 80 - 6,888
Adjusted net operating income 2nd quarter 2023 2,349 1,330 450 1,004 449 (248) - 5,334
Adjusted net operating income 1st quarter 2023 2,653 2,072 370 1,618 280 (77) - 6,916
Adjusted net operating income ( a ) 10,942 6,200 1,853 4,654 1458 (423) - 24,684
Balance sheet as of December 31, 2023                
Property plant and equipment intangible assets net 84,876 24,936 12,526 12,287 6,696 678 - 141,999
Investments & loans in equity affiliates 2,630 13,905 9,202 4,167 553 - - 30,457
Other non-current assets 3,451 2,720 1,027 677 1,258 141 - 9,274
Inventories, net 1,463 1,784 689 11,582 3,798 1 - 19,317
Accounts receivable, net 6,849 10,183 7,601 20,010 9,024 683 (30,908) 23,442
Other current assets 6,218 9,782 6,963 2,491 3,517 1,817 (9,807) 20,981
Accounts payable (6,904) (11,732) (8,114) (33,864) (10,693) (798) 30,770 (41,335)
Other creditors and accrued liabilities (9,875) (11,653) (6,985) (6,260) (5,759) (6,300) 9,945 (36,887)
Working capital (2,249) (1,636) 154 (6,041) (113) (4,597) - (14,482)
Provisions and other non-current liabilities (25,152) (3,877) (1,790) (3,706) (1,267) 854 - (34,938)
Assets and liabilities classified as held for sale - Capital employed 314 - 392 137 881 - - 1,724
Capital Employed (Balance sheet) 63,870 36,048 21,511 7,521 8,008 (2,924) - 134,034
Less inventory valuation effect - - - (1,478) (334) - - (1,812)
Capital Employed at replacement cost ( b ) 63,870 36,048 21,511 6,043 7,674 (2,924) - 132,222
Balance sheet as of December 31, 2022                
Property plant and equipment intangible assets net 87,833 24,189 6,696 11,525 8,120 669 - 139,032
Investments & loans in equity affiliates 2,138 12,065 8,804 4,431 451 - - 27,889
Other non-current assets 3,069 3,342 327 570 1,050 130 - 8,488
Inventories, net 1,260 2,312 1,836 12,888 4,640 - - 22,936
Accounts receivable, net 7,312 11,110 12,515 19,297 8,482 1,407 (35,745) 24,378
Other current assets 6,347 21,344 12,914 2,410 3,787 2,455 (13,187) 36,070
Accounts payable (6,298) (11,846) (14,881) (30,673) (12,082) (1,313) 35,747 (41,346)
Other creditors and accrued liabilities (11,452) (24,796) (10,940) (7,215) (5,115) (5,942) 13,185 (52,275)
Working capital (2,831) (1,876) 1,444 (3,293) (288) (3,393) - (10,237)
Provisions and other non-current liabilities (24,633) (4,049) (1,201) (3,760) (1,303) 694 - (34,252)
Assets and liabilities classified as held for sale - Capital employed 208 - 155 - - - - 363
Capital Employed (Balance sheet) 65,784 33,671 16,225 9,473 8,030 (1,900) - 131,283
Less inventory valuation effect - - - (2,035) (437) - - (2,472)
Capital Employed at replacement cost ( c ) 65,784 33,671 16,225 7,438 7,593 (1,900) - 128,811
  - - - - - - - -
ROACE as a percentage ( a / average ( b + c )) 16.9% 17.8% 9.8% 69.0% 19.1%     18.9%






Adjusted EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortization) is a non-GAAP financial measure and its most directly comparable IFRS measure is Net Income. It refers to the adjusted earnings before depreciation, depletion and impairment of tangible and intangible assets and mineral interests, income tax expense and cost of net debt, i.e., all operating income and contribution of equity affiliates to net income. This indicator can be a valuable tool for decision makers, analysts and shareholders alike to measure and compare the Company’s profitability with utility companies (energy sector).


Adjusted net income (TotalEnergies share) is a non-GAAP financial measure and its most directly comparable IFRS measure is Net Income (TotalEnergies share). Adjusted Net Income (TotalEnergies share) refers to Net Income (TotalEnergies share) less adjustment items to Net Income (TotalEnergies share). Adjustment items are inventory valuation effect, effect of changes in fair value, and special items. This indicator can be a valuable tool for decision makers, analysts and shareholders alike to evaluate the Company’s operating results and to understand its operating trends by removing the impact of non-operational results and special items.


Capital Employed is a non-GAAP financial measure. They are calculated at replacement cost and refer to capital employed (balance sheet) less inventory valuations effect. Capital employed (balance sheet) refers to the sum of the following items: (i) Property, plant and equipment, intangible assets, net, (ii) Investments & loans in equity affiliates, (iii) Other non-current assets, (iv) Working capital which is the sum of: Inventories, net, Accounts receivable, net, other current assets, Accounts payable, Other creditors and accrued liabilities(v) Provisions and other non-current liabilities and (vi) Assets and liabilities classified as held for sale. Capital Employed can be a valuable tool for decision makers, analysts and shareholders alike to provide insight on the amount of capital investment used by the Company or its business segments to operate. Capital Employed is used to calculate the Return on Average Capital Employed (ROACE).


Cash Flow From Operations excluding working capital (CFFO) is a non-GAAP financial measure and its most directly comparable IFRS measure is Cash flow from operating activities. Cash Flow From Operations excluding working capital is defined as cash flow from operating activities before changes in working capital at replacement cost, excluding the mark-to-market effect of Integrated LNG and Integrated Power contracts, including capital gain from renewable projects sales and including organic loan repayments from equity affiliates. This indicator can be a valuable tool for decision makers, analysts and shareholders alike to help understand changes in cash flow from operating activities, excluding the impact of working capital changes across periods on a consistent basis and with the performance of peer companies in a manner that, when viewed in combination with the Company’s results prepared in accordance with GAAP, provides a more complete understanding of the factors and trends affecting the Company’s business and performance. This performance indicator is used by the Company as a base for its cash flow allocation and notably to guide on the share of its cash flow to be allocated to the distribution to shareholders.


Debt adjusted cash flow (DACF) is a non-GAAP financial measure and its most directly comparable IFRS measure is Cash flow from operating activities. DACF is defined as Cash Flow From Operations excluding working capital (CFFO) without financial charges. This indicator can be a valuable tool for decision makers, analysts and shareholders alike because it corresponds to the funds theoretically available to the Company for investments, debt repayment and distribution to shareholders, and therefore facilitates comparison of the Company’s results of operations with those of other registrants, independent of their capital structure and working capital requirements.


Free cash flow after Organic Investments is a non-GAAP financial measure and its most directly comparable IFRS measure is Cash flow from operating activities. Free cash flow after Organic Investments, refers to Cash Flow From Operations excluding working capital minus Organic Investments. Organic Investments refer to Net Investments excluding acquisitions, asset sales and other transactions with non-controlling interests. This indicator can be a valuable tool for decision makers, analysts and shareholders alike because it illustrates operating cash flow generated by the business post allocation of cash for Organic Investments.


Gearing is a non-GAAP financial measure and its most directly comparable IFRS measure is the ratio of total financial liabilities to total equity. Gearing is a Net-debt-to-capital ratio, which is calculated as the ratio of Net debt excluding leases to (Equity + Net debt excluding leases). This indicator can be a valuable tool for decision makers, analysts and shareholders alike to assess the strength of the Company’s balance sheet.


Net acquisitions is a non-GAAP financial measure and its most directly comparable IFRS measure is Cash flow used in investing activities. Net Acquisitions refer to acquisitions minus assets sales (including other operations with non-controlling interests). This indicator can be a valuable tool for decision makers, analysts and shareholders alike because it illustrates the allocation of cash flow used for growing the Company’s asset base via external growth opportunities.


Net cash flow is a non-GAAP financial measure and its most directly comparable IFRS measure is Cash flow from operating activities. Net cash flow refers to Cash Flow From Operations excluding working capital minus Net Investments. Net cash flow can be a valuable tool for decision makers, analysts and shareholders alike because it illustrates cash flow generated by the operations of the Company post allocation of cash for Organic Investments and Net Acquisitions (acquisitions - assets sales - other operations with non-controlling interests). This performance indicator corresponds to the cash flow available to repay debt and allocate cash to shareholder distribution or share buybacks.


Net investments is a non-GAAP financial measure and its most directly comparable IFRS measure is Cash flow used in investing activities. Net Investments refer to Cash flow used in investing activities including other transactions with non-controlling interests, including change in debt from renewable projects financing, including expenditures related to carbon credits, including capex linked to capitalized leasing contracts and excluding organic loan repayment from equity affiliates. This indicator can be a valuable tool for decision makers, analysts and shareholders alike to illustrate the cash directed to growth opportunities, both internal and external, thereby showing, when combined with the Company’s cash flow statement prepared under IFRS, how cash is generated and allocated for uses within the organization. Net Investments are the sum of Organic Investments and Net Acquisitions each of which is described in the Glossary.


Organic investments is a non-GAAP financial measure and its most directly comparable IFRS measure is Cash flow used in investing activities. Organic investments refers to Net Investments, excluding acquisitions, asset sales and other operations with non-controlling interests. Organic Investments can be a valuable tool for decision makers, analysts and shareholders alike because it illustrates cash flow used by the Company to grow its asset base, excluding sources of external growth.


Payout is a non-GAAP financial measure. Payout is defined as the ratio of the dividends and share buybacks to the Cash Flow From Operations excluding working capital. This indicator can be a valuable tool for decision makers, analysts and shareholders as it provides the portion of the Cash Flow From Operations excluding working capital distributed to the shareholder.


Return on Average Capital Employed (ROACE) is a non-GAAP financial measure. ROACE is the ratio of Adjusted Net Operating Income to average Capital Employed at replacement cost between the beginning and the end of the period. This indicator can be a valuable tool for decision makers, analysts and shareholders alike to measure the profitability of the Company’s average Capital Employed in its business operations and is used by the Company to benchmark its performance internally and externally with its peers.












  4th quarter 3rd quarter 4th quarter
(M$) (a) 2023 2023 2022
Sales 59,237 59,017 68,582
Excise taxes (4,472) (4,604) (4,629)
Revenues from sales 54,765 54,413 63,953
Purchases, net of inventory variation (37,150) (33,676) (41,555)
Other operating expenses (7,166) (7,562) (7,354)
Exploration costs (174) (245) (250)
Depreciation, depletion and impairment of tangible assets and mineral interests (3,539) (3,055) (2,505)
Other income 2,685 535 584
Other expense (802) (928) (2,828)
Financial interest on debt (660) (726) (719)
Financial income and expense from cash & cash equivalents 439 459 357
Cost of net debt (221) (267) (362)
Other financial income 303 311 266
Other financial expense (189) (186) (150)
Net income (loss) from equity affiliates (136) 754 (281)
Income taxes (3,339) (3,404) (6,077)
Consolidated net income 5,037 6,690 3,441
TotalEnergies share 5,063 6,676 3,264
Non-controlling interests (26) 14 177
Earnings per share ($) 2.11 2.74 1.27
Fully-diluted earnings per share ($) 2.09 2.73 1.26

(a)  Except for per share amounts.












(M$) 4th quarter 3rd quarter 4th quarter  
2023 2023 2022  
Consolidated net income 5,037 6,690 3,441  
Other comprehensive income        
Actuarial gains and losses (251) (1) 387  
Change in fair value of investments in equity instruments (17) 3 (2)  
Tax effect 42 (2) (56)  
Currency translation adjustment generated by the parent company 3,025 (1,861) 6,800  
Items not potentially reclassifiable to profit and loss 2,799 (1,861) 7,129  
Currency translation adjustment (3,182) 1,204 (3,672)  
Cash flow hedge 701 306 (9,669)  
Variation of foreign currency basis spread (16) (3) (14)  
Share of other comprehensive income of equity affiliates, net amount (144) 31 842  
Other 3 (4) 3  
Tax effect (212) (46) 2,932  
Items potentially reclassifiable to profit and loss (2,850) 1,488 (9,578)  
Total other comprehensive income (net amount) (51) (373) (2,449)  
Comprehensive income 4,986 6,317 992  
TotalEnergies share 4,995 6,313 792  
Non-controlling interests (9) 4 200  









  Year Year  
  2023 2022  
(M$) (a)  (unaudited)    
Sales 237,128 280,999  
Excise taxes (18,183) (17,689)  
Revenues from sales 218,945 263,310  
Purchases, net of inventory variation (143,041) (169,448)  
Other operating expenses (30,419) (29,789)  
Exploration costs (573) (1,299)  
Depreciation, depletion and impairment of tangible assets and mineral interests (12,762) (12,221)  
Other income 3,677 2,849  
Other expense (2,396) (7,344)  
Financial interest on debt (2,820) (2,386)  
Financial income and expense from cash & cash equivalents 1,801 1,143  
Cost of net debt (1,019) (1,243)  
Other financial income 1,285 896  
Other financial expense (731) (533)  
Net income (loss) from equity affiliates 1,845 (1,892)  
Income taxes (13,301) (22,242)  
Consolidated net income 21,510 21,044  
TotalEnergies share 21,384 20,526  
Non-controlling interests 126 518  
Earnings per share ($) 8.72 7.91  
Fully-diluted earnings per share ($) 8.67 7.85  

(a)  Except for per share amounts.









  Year Year  
  2023 2022  
(M$) (unaudited)    
Consolidated net income 21,510 21,044  
Other comprehensive income      
Actuarial gains and losses (114) 574  
Change in fair value of investments in equity instruments (11) 112  
Tax effect (11) (96)  
Currency translation adjustment generated by the parent company 2,573 (4,976)  
Items not potentially reclassifiable to profit and loss 2,437 (4,386)  
Currency translation adjustment (3,277) 1,734  
Cash flow hedge 2,898 (5,452)  
Variation of foreign currency basis spread (11) 65  
Share of other comprehensive income of equity affiliates, net amount (208) 3,497  
Other (2) (16)  
Tax effect (730) 1,449  
Items potentially reclassifiable to profit and loss (1,330) 1,277  
Total other comprehensive income (net amount) 1,107 (3,109)  
Comprehensive income 22,617 17,935  
TotalEnergies share 22,534 17,419  
Non-controlling interests 83 516  









  December 31, September 30, December 31,  
  2023 2023 2022  
(M$) (unaudited) (unaudited)    
Non-current assets        
Intangible assets, net 33,083 32,911 31,931  
Property, plant and equipment, net 108,916 106,721 107,101  
Equity affiliates : investments and loans 30,457 30,153 27,889  
Other investments 1,543 1,342 1,051  
Non-current financial assets 2,395 2,710 2,731  
Deferred income taxes 3,418 3,535 5,049  
Other non-current assets 4,313 3,991 2,388  
Total non-current assets 184,125 181,363 178,140  
Current assets        
Inventories, net 19,317 22,512 22,936  
Accounts receivable, net 23,442 23,598 24,378  
Other current assets 20,821 22,252 36,070  
Current financial assets 6,585 6,892 8,746  
Cash and cash equivalents 27,263 24,731 33,026  
Assets classified as held for sale 2,101 8,656 568  
Total current assets 99,529 108,641 125,724  
Total assets 283,654 290,004 303,864  
Shareholders' equity        
Common shares 7,616 7,616 8,163  
Paid-in surplus and retained earnings 126,857 123,506 123,951  
Currency translation adjustment (13,701) (13,461) (12,836)  
Treasury shares (4,019) (1,894) (7,554)  
Total shareholders' equity - TotalEnergies share 116,753 115,767 111,724  
Non-controlling interests 2,700 2,657 2,846  
Total shareholders' equity 119,453 118,424 114,570  
Non-current liabilities        
Deferred income taxes 11,688 11,633 11,021  
Employee benefits 1,993 1,837 1,829  
Provisions and other non-current liabilities 21,257 22,657 21,402  
Non-current financial debt 40,478 41,022 45,264  
Total non-current liabilities 75,416 77,149 79,516  
Current liabilities        
Accounts payable 41,335 37,268 41,346  
Other creditors and accrued liabilities 36,727 37,405 52,275  
Current borrowings 9,590 16,876 15,502  
Other current financial liabilities 446 415 488  
Liabilities directly associated with the assets classified as held for sale 687 2,467 167  
Total current liabilities 88,785 94,431 109,778  
Total liabilities & shareholders' equity 283,654 290,004 303,864  











  4th quarter 3rd quarter 4th quarter  
(M$) 2023 2023 2022  
Consolidated net income 5,037 6,690 3,441  
Depreciation, depletion, amortization and impairment 3,815 3,621 2,749  
Non-current liabilities, valuation allowances and deferred taxes (268) 686 (75)  
(Gains) losses on disposals of assets (2,609) (521) 2,192  
Undistributed affiliates' equity earnings 940 (325) 1,506  
(Increase) decrease in working capital 8,308 (923) (3,791)  
Other changes, net 927 268 (404)  
Cash flow from operating activities 16,150 9,496 5,618  
Intangible assets and property, plant and equipment additions (5,076) (3,808) (4,097)  
Acquisitions of subsidiaries, net of cash acquired (10) (1,607) (4)  
Investments in equity affiliates and other securities (1,066) (482) (260)  
Increase in non-current loans (683) (451) (211)  
Total expenditures (6,835) (6,348) (4,572)  
Proceeds from disposals of intangible assets and property, plant and equipment 2,776 914 113  
Proceeds from disposals of subsidiaries, net of cash sold 3,333 7 160  
Proceeds from disposals of non-current investments - 308 23  
Repayment of non-current loans 94 132 595  
Total divestments 6,203 1,361 891  
Cash flow used in investing activities (632) (4,987) (3,681)  
Issuance (repayment) of shares:        
- Parent company shareholders - - -  
- Treasury shares (2,964) (2,098) (2,551)  
Dividends paid:        
- Parent company shareholders (1,869) (1,962) (4,356)  
- Non-controlling interests (17) (168) (12)  
Net issuance (repayment) of perpetual subordinated notes - - -  
Payments on perpetual subordinated notes (54) (22) (51)  
Other transactions with non-controlling interests (16) (11) (82)  
Net issuance (repayment) of non-current debt (21) 47 425  
Increase (decrease) in current borrowings (8,458) (446) (3,500)  
Increase (decrease) in current financial assets and liabilities 360 (182) 3,554  
Cash flow from (used in) financing activities (13,039) (4,842) (6,573)  
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 2,479 (333) (4,636)  
Effect of exchange rates 53 (508) 1,721  
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period 24,731 25,572 35,941  
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period 27,263 24,731 33,026  









   Year  Year
   2023  2022
Consolidated net income  21,510  21,044
Depreciation, depletion, amortization and impairment  13,818  13,680
Non-current liabilities, valuation allowances and deferred taxes  813  4,594
(Gains) losses on disposals of assets  (3,452)  369
Undistributed affiliates' equity earnings  649  6,057
(Increase) decrease in working capital  6,091  1,191
Other changes, net  1,250  432
Cash flow from operating activities  40,679  47,367
Intangible assets and property, plant and equipment additions  (17,722)  (15,690)
Acquisitions of subsidiaries, net of cash acquired  (1,772)  (94)
Investments in equity affiliates and other securities  (3,477)  (3,042)
Increase in non-current loans  (1,889)  (976)
Total expenditures  (24,860)  (19,802)
Proceeds from disposals of intangible assets and property, plant and equipment  3,789  540
Proceeds from disposals of subsidiaries, net of cash sold  3,561  835
Proceeds from disposals of non-current investments  490  577
Repayment of non-current loans  566  2,734
Total divestments  8,406  4,686
Cash flow used in investing activities  (16,454)  (15,116)
Issuance (repayment) of shares:      
- Parent company shareholders  383  370
- Treasury shares  (9,167)  (7,711)
Dividends paid:      
- Parent company shareholders  (7,517)  (9,986)
- Non-controlling interests  (311)  (536)
Net issuance (repayment) of perpetual subordinated notes  (1,081)  -
Payments on perpetual subordinated notes  (314)  (339)
Other transactions with non-controlling interests  (126)  (49)
Net issuance (repayment) of non-current debt  130  1,108
Increase (decrease) in current borrowings  (14,289)  (6,073)
Increase (decrease) in current financial assets and liabilities  2,562  3,944
Cash flow from (used in) financing activities  (29,730)  (19,272)
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents  (5,505)  12,979
Effect of exchange rates  (258)  (1,295)
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period  33,026  21,342
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period  27,263  33,026








(Unaudited: Year 2023)



  Common shares issued   Paid-in
surplus and
Currency   Treasury shares   Shareholders'
equity -
Non- Total
(M$) Number Amount   retained
  Number Amount   TotalEnergies
As of January 1, 2022 2,640,429,329 8,224   117,849 (12,671)   (33,841,104) (1,666)   111,736 3,263 114,999
Net income 2022 - -   20,526 -   - -   20,526 518 21,044
Other comprehensive Income - -   (2,933) (174)   - -   (3,107) (2) (3,109)
Comprehensive Income - -   17,593 (174)   - -   17,419 516 17,935
Dividend - -   (9,989) -   - -   (9,989) (536) (10,525)
Issuance of common shares 9,367,482 26   344 -   - -   370 - 370
Purchase of treasury shares - -   - -   (140,207,743) (7,711)   (7,711) - (7,711)
Sale of treasury shares (1) - -   (318) -   6,195,654 318   - - -
Share-based payments - -   229 -   - -   229 - 229
Share cancellation (30,665,526) (87)   (1,418) -   30,665,526 1,505   - - -
Net issuance (repayment) of perpetual subordinated notes - -   (44) -   - -   (44) - (44)
Payments on perpetual subordinated notes - -   (331) -   - -   (331) - (331)
Other operations with non-controlling interests - -   45 9   - -   54 37 91
Other items - -   (9) -   - -   (9) (434) (443)
As of December 31, 2022 2,619,131,285 8,163   123,951 (12,836)   (137,187,667) (7,554)   111,724 2,846 114,570
Net income 2023 - -   21,384 -   - -   21,384 126 21,510
Other comprehensive Income - -   1,987 (837)   - -   1,150 (43) 1,107
Comprehensive Income - -   23,371 (837)   - -   22,534 83 22,617
Dividend - -   (7,611) -   - -   (7,611) (311) (7,922)
Issuance of common shares 8,002,155 22   361 -   - -   383 - 383
Purchase of treasury shares - -   - -   (144,700,577) (9,167)   (9,167) - (9,167)
Sale of treasury shares (1) - -   (396) -   6,463,426 396   - - -
Share-based payments - -   291 -   - -   291 - 291
Share cancellation (214,881,605) (569)   (11,737) -   214,881,605 12,306   - - -
Net issuance (repayment) of perpetual subordinated notes - -   (1,107) -   - -   (1,107) - (1,107)
Payments on perpetual subordinated notes - -   (294) -   - -   (294) - (294)
Other operations with non-controlling interests - -   30 (28)   - -   2 85 87
Other items - -   (2) -   - -   (2) (3) (5)
As of December 31, 2023 2,412,251,835 7,616   126,857 (13,701)   (60,543,213) (4,019)   116,753 2,700 119,453


(1)  Treasury shares related to the performance share grants.










4th quarter 2023
   Corporate   Intercompany   Total 
External sales   1,622    3,050    7,350    24,372    22,826    17    -    59,237 
Intersegment sales   10,630    3,651    1,276    8,796    157    26    (24,536)   - 
Excise taxes   -    -    -    (216)   (4,256)   -    -    (4,472)
Revenues from sales   12,252    6,701    8,626    32,952    18,727    43    (24,536)   54,765 
Operating expenses   (5,084)   (5,289)   (7,787)   (32,367)   (18,289)   (210)   24,536    (44,490)
Depreciation, depletion and impairment of tangible assets and mineral interests   (2,334)   (440)   (97)   (394)   (236)   (38)   -    (3,539)
Net income (loss) from equity affiliates and other items   (370)   560    (17)   (158)   1,917    (71)   -    1,861 
Tax on net operating income   (2,371)   (217)   (156)   76    (718)   91    -    (3,295)
Adjustments (a)   (709)   (141)   42    (524)   1,095    (7)   -    (244)
Adjusted Net operating income   2,802    1,456    527    633    306    (178)   -    5,546 
Adjustments (a)                                      (244)
Net cost of net debt                                      (265)
Non-controlling interests                                      26 
Net income - TotalEnergies share                                      5,063 


(a) Adjustments include special items, inventory valuation effect and the effect of changes in fair value.




4th quarter 2023
   Corporate   Intercompany   Total 
Total expenditures   3,080    855    1,241    1,011    588    60              -    6,835 
Total divestments   4,362    28    32    22    1,754    5    -    6,203 
Cash flow from operating activities   5,708    2,702    638    4,825    1,759    518    -    16,150 












3rd quarter 2023
   Corporate   Intercompany   Total 
External sales   1,551    2,144    5,183    27,127    23,012    -    -    59,017 
Intersegment sales   11,129    2,361    495    10,094    153    59    (24,291)   - 
Excise taxes   -    -    -    (210)   (4,394)   -    -    (4,604)
Revenues from sales   12,680    4,505    5,678    37,011    18,771    59    (24,291)   54,413 
Operating expenses   (5,347)   (3,038)   (4,811)   (34,598)   (17,749)   (231)   24,291    (41,483)
Depreciation, depletion and impairment of tangible assets and mineral interests   (1,976)   (283)   (86)   (483)   (204)   (23)   -    (3,055)
Net income (loss) from equity affiliates and other items   10    358    (8)   61    (16)   81    -    486 
Tax on net operating income   (2,437)   (251)   (86)   (502)   (247)   157    -    (3,366)
Adjustments (a)   (208)   (51)   181    90    132    (37)   -    107 
Adjusted Net operating income   3,138    1,342    506    1,399    423    80    -    6,888 
Adjustments (a)                                      107 
Net cost of net debt                                      (305)
Non-controlling interests                                      (14)
Net income - TotalEnergies share                                      6,676 


(a) Adjustments include special items, inventory valuation effect and the effect of changes in fair value.




3rd quarter 2023
   Corporate   Intercompany   Total 
Total expenditures   2,677    734    2,215    424    270    28           -    6,348 
Total divestments   699    168    331    114    49    -    -    1,361 
Cash flow from operating activities   4,240    872    1,936    2,060    206    182    -    9,496 












4th quarter 2022




























External sales 2,600  4,628  10,055  26,650  24,637  12  -  68,582 
Intersegment sales 12,866  5,783  1,807  11,730  274  63  (32,523) - 
Excise taxes -  -  -  (199) (4,430) -  -  (4,629)
Revenues from sales 15,466  10,411  11,862  38,181  20,481  75  (32,523) 63,953 
Operating expenses (6,173) (8,361) (9,836) (37,107) (19,939) (266) 32,523  (49,159)
Depreciation, depletion and impairment of tangible assets and mineral interests (1,343) (405) (54) (393) (276) (34) -  (2,505)
Net income (loss) from equity affiliates and other items (3,874) 1,150  103  161  (62) 113  -  (2,409)
Tax on net operating income (4,635) (269) (112) (898) (113) 22  -  (6,005)
Adjustments (a) (4,087) 118  1,482  (1,543) (243) (65) -  (4,338)
Adjusted Net operating income 3,528  2,408  481  1,487  334  (25) -  8,213 
Adjustments (a)                      (4,338)
Net cost of net debt                      (434)
Non-controlling interests                      (177)
Net income - TotalEnergies share                      3,264 

   (a) Adjustments include special items, inventory valuation effect and the effect of changes in fair value.




4th quarter 2022




























Total expenditures 2,478  310  640  588  507  49  -  4,572 
Total divestments 215  319  186  125  42  4  -  891 
Cash flow from operating activities 4,035  134  861  232  707  (351) -  5,618 












Year 2023




























External sales 6,561  12,086  27,337  101,203  89,909  32  -  237,128 
Intersegment sales 42,595  14,789  4,126  36,581  631  206  (98,928) - 
Excise taxes -  -  -  (841) (17,342) -  -  (18,183)
Revenues from sales 49,156  26,875  31,463  136,943  73,198  238  (98,928) 218,945 
Operating expenses (20,355) (21,569) (28,763) (130,899) (70,497) (878) 98,928  (174,033)
Depreciation, depletion and impairment of tangible assets and mineral interests (8,493) (1,288) (281) (1,685) (905) (110) -  (12,762)
Net income (loss) from equity affiliates and other items (307) 2,194  (345) (42) 2,208  (28) -  3,680 
Tax on net operating income (10,095) (810) (394) (938) (1,246) 271  -  (13,212)
Adjustments (a) (1,036) (798) (173) (1,275) 1,300  (84) -  (2,066)
Adjusted Net operating income 10,942  6,200  1,853  4,654  1,458  (423) -  24,684 
Adjustments (a)                      (2,066)
Net cost of net debt                      (1,108)
Non-controlling interests                      (126)
Net income - TotalEnergies share                      21,384 

  (a) Adjustments include special items, inventory valuation effect and the effect of changes in fair value.


Year 2023




























Total expenditures 12,378  3,410  5,497  2,149  1,273  153  -  24,860 
Total divestments 5,118  290  661  196  2,132  9  -  8,406 
Cash flow from operating activities 18,531  8,442  3,573  7,957  1,957  219  -  40,679 










Year 2022
   Corporate   Intercompany   Total 
External sales   9,942    21,300    27,453    121,618    100,661    25    -    280,999 
Intersegment sales   55,190    17,075    3,353    45,857    1,433    248    (123,156)   - 
Excise taxes   -    -    -    (737)   (16,952)   -    -    (17,689)
Revenues from sales   65,132    38,375    30,806    166,738    85,142    273    (123,156)   263,310 
Operating expenses   (24,521)   (29,982)   (29,217)   (156,897)   (81,746)   (1,329)   123,156    (200,536)
Depreciation, depletion and impairment of tangible assets and mineral interests   (8,115)   (1,208)   (194)   (1,533)   (1,033)   (138)   -    (12,221)
Net income (loss) from equity affiliates and other items   (9,943)   978    1,788    885    (20)   288    -    (6,024)
Tax on net operating income   (17,445)   (1,574)   (138)   (2,544)   (787)   281    -    (22,207)
Adjustments (a)   (12,371)   (4,580)   2,070    (653)   6    (362)   -    (15,890)
Adjusted Net operating income   17,479    11,169    975    7,302    1,550    (263)   -    38,212 
Adjustments (a)                                      (15,890)
Net cost of net debt                                      (1,278)
Non-controlling interests                                      (518)
Net income - TotalEnergies share                                      20,526 


(a) Adjustments include special items, inventory valuation effect and the effect of changes in fair value.




Year 2022
   Corporate   Intercompany   Total 
Total expenditures   10,646    1,249    5,226    1,391    1,186    104           -    19,802 
Total divestments   807    2,301    1,126    214    222    16    -    4,686 
Cash flow from operating activities   27,654    9,604    66    8,663    3,124    (1,744)   -    47,367 


Exhibit 99.2




The term “TotalEnergies” or the “Company” in this exhibit is used to designate TotalEnergies SE and the consolidated entities that are directly or indirectly controlled by TotalEnergies SE. The entities in which TotalEnergies SE directly or indirectly owns a shareholding are separate and independent legal entities.



TotalEnergies proposes a dividend of 3.01 €/share for fiscal year 2023, a 7.1% increase


On February 7, 2024, The Board of Directors met on February 6, 2024, and decided to propose at the Shareholders’ Meeting on May 24, 2024, the distribution of a dividend for fiscal year 2023 of 3.01 €/share, a 7.1% increase compared to the ordinary dividend for fiscal year 2022 of 2.81 €/share.


Consequently, taking into account the three interim dividends of 0.74 €/share previously decided by the Board of Directors, the final dividend for fiscal year 2023 will be 0.79 €/share.


Subject to approval at the Shareholders’ Meeting, the final dividend will be detached and paid in cash, according to the following timetable:


  Shareholders ADS holders
Ex-dividend date June 19, 2024 June 18, 2024
Payment date July 1, 2024 July 11, 2024


TotalEnergies and Vantage enter into a 75/25 joint venture owning the Tungsten Explorer drillship


On February 6, 2024, TotalEnergies and Vantage Drilling International signed a binding agreement to create a new joint venture (JV) that will acquire from Vantage the Tungsten Explorer drillship. Pursuant to the terms of the agreement, TotalEnergies will pay $199 million for a 75% interest in the JV owning the rig, with Vantage owning the remaining 25%. The JV will contract Vantage to operate the Tungsten Explorer for 10 years.


TotalEnergies and Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) in India join forces to detect and measure methane emissions


On February 6, 2024, TotalEnergies and ONGC signed a Cooperation Agreement to carry out methane emissions detection and measurement campaigns using TotalEnergies’ Airborne Ultralight Spectrometer for Environmental Applications (AUSEA)technology.


ONGC joins a growing list of national companies who have signed cooperation agreements with TotalEnergies for the use of AUSEA including Petrobras in Brazil, SOCAR in Azerbaijan, Sonangol in Angola and NNPCL in Nigeria.


Mounted on a drone, the AUSEA gas analyzer, developed by TotalEnergies and its R&D partners, consists of a dual sensor capable of detecting methane and carbon dioxide emissions, while at the same time identifying their source.


TotalEnergies signs an agreement for the acquisition of OMV’s upstream gas assets in Malaysia


On January 31, 2024, TotalEnergies signed an agreement with OMV to acquire its 50% interest in Malaysian independent gas producer and operator SapuraOMV Upstream Sdn (SapuraOMV) for a consideration of $903 million (including the transfer of a $350 million loan granted by OMV to SapuraOMV), subject to customary closing adjustments.


SapuraOMV’s main assets are its 40% operated interest in block SK408 and 30% operated interest in block SK310, both located offshore Sarawak in Malaysia. In 2023, SapuraOMV’s operated production (100%) was about 500 Mcf/d of natural gas, feeding the Bintulu LNG plant operated by Petronas, as well as 7 kb/d of condensates. On block SK408, the development of the Jerun gas field is on track for startup in the second half of the year 2024.


The transaction is subject to customary conditions precedent, in particular the receipt of regulatory approvals. Closing is expected by the end of first half of 2024.


SapuraOMV also holds interests in exploration licenses in Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand and Mexico where a discovery has been made in 2023 on block 30.


Spain: TotalEnergies acquires 200 fast and ultra-fast charging sites from Wenea Branded Network


On January 30, 2024, TotalEnergies and Wenea announced an agreement in view of building a leading player in electric mobility in Spain by developing a network of high-power charging hubs.


As a first step, TotalEnergies announced that it has acquired Nordian CPO, a subsidiary of Wenea group, which owns 200 charging sites from Wenea's branded network. These 200 sites, supplied entirely with renewable electricity, are located along major highways and in urban and peri-urban areas in all 17 regions of Spain.


Moreover, TotalEnergies and Wenea are pursuing their discussion to establish a strategic partnership in view of pooling their expertise and skills in infrastructure, power distribution and mobility to build and invest together in high-power charging hubs.





This partnership in Spain is aligned with TotalEnergies’ ambition to deploy and operate more than 1,000 high-power charging sites for electric vehicles in Europe by 2028.


United States: TotalEnergies awarded a 20-year contract to supply 1.3 GW+ of renewable electricity to New Jersey


On January 23, 2024, TotalEnergies and its partner Corio Generation (Corio) announced that the State of New Jersey had selected their Attentive Energy Two offshore wind project for a 20-year contract to supply 1.34 GW of renewable electricity to the state. The project will deliver renewable power to over 650,000 homes.


Attentive Energy Two, a joint venture between TotalEnergies (70%) and Corio (30%), received the award in the State’s third competitive OREC (Offshore Renewable Energy Credits) solicitation, organized by the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (NJBPU). The development of the project is expected to provide up to $105 million in community investments across the state, and the partners are aiming for commissioning in 2031.


The profitability of the project is ensured by the guaranteed level of OREC revenue, with a first year set price of $131 per MWh after the start of commercial operations, inflated yearly by 3%, and the benefit of a 30% IRA tax credit. The contract awarded by the NJBPU also includes a one-time inflation adjustment mechanism to compensate for changes in construction costs environment until the final investment decision.


In February 2022, TotalEnergies secured maritime lease OCS-A 0538 at the New York Bight auction. It then partnered with New York-based electricity producer Rise and global offshore wind developer Corio to join forces in the development of the Attentive Energy offshore wind projects. In addition to the Attentive Energy Two project in New Jersey, the lease’s 3 GW capacity will serve the Attentive Energy One project in New York, which was provisionally awarded a 25-year contract to supply 1.4 GW of renewable electricity to New York in October 2023. These two projects aim to provide green electricity to more than a million homes across both states.


Germany: TotalEnergies acquires Kyon Energy, a leading German battery storage developer


On January 23, 2024, TotalEnergies signed an agreement to acquire from its three founders the entire share capital of Kyon Energy, one of the leading developers of battery storage systems in Germany. The consideration consists of a €90 million upfront payment, plus some earn out payments linked to the achievement of development targets.


Since its creation in 2021, Kyon Energy has developed 770 MW of projects with very competitive connection costs of which 120 MW are already in operation, 350 MW are under construction and 300 MW are ready to build. In addition, Kyon Energy’s portfolio includes a 2 GW pipeline of advanced-stage projects.


TotalEnergies will develop, build, and operate those projects, mainly located in the North of Germany, as part of its integrated power strategy. This new acquisition follows 2023 successes in the country – including the award of a maritime concession to develop a 3 GW offshore wind farm, the acquisition of the renewable energy aggregator Quadra Energy and the award of a contract to install and operate 1,100 high-power charge points for electric vehicles – and is further strengthening TotalEnergies ability to offer reliable and competitive power to its German customers.


The battery storage system should ideally contribute to the resilience of the German electricity system, help solving congestion problems or providing additional flexibility to the German power grid, and ultimately support the rapid expansion of renewable energies in Germany.


The acquisition remains subject to authorization by the relevant authorities.


Renewables: TotalEnergies and European Energy expand their collaboration to offshore wind


On January 23, 2024, TotalEnergies signed a new agreement with European Energy to develop offshore wind projects in three Nordic countries: Denmark, Finland and Sweden:





·The agreement entails the acquisition by TotalEnergies of a 85% equity stake in the Jammerland Bugt offshore wind project (240 MW) and a 72.2% equity stake in the Lillebaelt South nearshore wind project (165 MW). Both projects are located in Denmark.
·Both sites are included in the nine open-door projects that were confirmed by the Danish Energy Agency in December 2023 and have obtained exclusivity and grid connection permits. The final construction permits are expected in mid-2024, and start up by 2030.
·The electricity generated by these sites will be sold directly on the electricity wholesale market or through Corporate Power Purchase Agreements (CPPAs), enabling them to reduce their carbon footprint.
·The partners also intend to develop and operate new large scale offshore wind projects in Sweden and Finland through a joint-venture, and to bid for the upcoming offshore wind tenders in Denmark.


This agreement for offshore wind projects follows a previous agreement between TotalEnergies and European Energy in September 2023 to jointly develop, build and operate onshore renewable projects in multiple geographies.


This agreement is subject to the applicable regulatory approvals being obtained from the relevant authorities.


Namibia: TotalEnergies increases its interests in offshore blocks 2913B and 2912


On January 10, 2024, TotalEnergies signed an agreement to acquire from Impact Oil and Gas Namibia (Pty) Ltd (“Impact”) an additional 10.5% participating interest in block 2913B and an additional 9.39% participating interest in block 2912, both operated by TotalEnergies in Namibia. TotalEnergies’ intention is to share this additional participating interest with its strategic partner and joint venture member QatarEnergy.


After completion of these transactions, which will be subject to customary third-party approvals from the Namibian authorities and joint venture parties, TotalEnergies would own a 45.25% interest in block 2913B containing the Venus discovery, and a 42.5% interest in block 2912. Impact will retain a 9.5% interest in each license.


As per this agreement, Impact will be reimbursed for the past costs incurred for these interests, through a $99 million payment at closing. Impact will also be carried for its remaining interests until Impact receives the first sales proceeds from hydrocarbon production, secured via a repayment mechanism based on Impact’s share of production.


Brazil: Launch of an innovative subsea technology to separate and reinject CO2-rich gas into the Mero field


On January 8, 2024, TotalEnergies announced that Libra Consortium has taken the final investment decision to develop an innovative natural gas and CO2 separation and reinjection facility for the Mero field in the Brazilian deep offshore pre-salt.


This pilot unit, using a pioneer high pressure subsea separation technology (HISEP®), will separate oil from CO2-rich gas at the bottom of the ocean and reinject the gas directly into the reservoir. This technology has the potential to reduce the amount of gas sent to the topside FPSO, thus enabling to reduce the GHG emissions intensity while increasing the field production capacity.


This innovation is part of the Libra Consortium's research and development programs. The HISEP® subsea separation pilot unit will be connected to the Marechal Duque de Caxias FPSO (Mero 3 project), which is currently under construction.


Mero is a unitized field, operated by Petrobras (38.6%), in partnership with TotalEnergies (19.3%), Shell Brasil (19.3%), CNPC (9.65%), CNOOC (9.65%) and Pré-Sal Petróleo S.A (PPSA) (3.5%).


Projects in Uganda & Tanzania: TotalEnergies entrusts Lionel Zinsou with a mission to assess the land acquisition program





On January 4, 2024, Patrick Pouyanné, Chairman and CEO of TotalEnergies, entrusted Lionel Zinsou, a recognized expert in African economic development, with a mission to assess the land acquisition program carried out in Uganda and Tanzania as part of the Tilenga and EACOP (East African Crude Oil Pipeline) projects, and the socio-economic development initiatives accompanying this program.


As the land acquisition process draws to a close, this mission will evaluate the land acquisition procedures implemented, the conditions for consultation, compensation and relocation of the populations concerned, and the grievance handling mechanism. It will also assess the actions taken by TotalEnergies EP Uganda and EACOP to contribute to the improvement of the living conditions for the people affected by these land acquisitions and suggest additional measures to be implemented if needed.


The mission will submit its report by April 2024, and its conclusions will be shared with the Tilenga and EACOP project partners.


The Tilenga and EACOP projects include a land acquisition program covering some 6,400 hectares, carried out on behalf of the Ugandan and Tanzanian governments. This program concerns 19,140 households and communities owning or using plots of land and includes the relocation of 775 primary residences. To date, 98% of the households concerned have signed compensation agreements, 97% have received their compensation, and 98% of households to be relocated have taken possession of their new homes.


The Tilenga upstream development project in Uganda is carried out by TotalEnergies (56.67%, operator), CNOOC (28.33%) and UNOC (15%). Production from the oil fields in Uganda will be transported to the port of Tanga in Tanzania through the cross-border pipeline developed by the EACOP Company, whose shareholders are TotalEnergies (62%), UNOC (15%), TPDC (15%) and CNOOC (8%).


Service stations in Europe: TotalEnergies closes its deals with Alimentation Couche-Tard for €3.4 billion


On January 3, 2024, TotalEnergies completed the implementation of the agreements signed in March 2023 with Alimentation Couche-Tard (“Couche-Tard”). The transaction, based on an enterprise value of €3.1 billion (equivalent to more than 15 years of net cash flow on a post-tax basis), was finalized in two steps, on December 28, 2023, with the transaction related to the network in Germany and on January 3, 2024, with the transactions related to the networks in the Netherlands, Luxembourg, and Belgium.


TotalEnergies received a total cash consideration after adjustments and before tax of €3.4 billion (approximately $3.8 billion, including approximately $2.4 billion in December 2023).


The transaction involved TotalEnergies' retail networks in the following countries:


·In Germany and the Netherlands, TotalEnergies sold 100% of its networks to Couche-Tard.
·In Belgium and Luxembourg, TotalEnergies and Couche-Tard formed a joint venture (TotalEnergies 40%, Couche-Tard 60%).


TotalEnergies will continue to supply fuel to the service stations in these four countries for at least five years, notably from its refineries in Antwerp (Belgium) and Leuna (Germany).


Brazil: Start of production from the second development phase of the Mero field


On January 1, 2024, TotalEnergies announced the start of production from the second development phase of the Mero field on the Libra block located more than 180 kilometers off the coast of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in the pre-salt area of the Santos Basin.


Sanctioned in June 2019, this second development phase “Mero-2” includes the Sepetiba FPSO (Floating Production, Storage and Offloading unit) with a production capacity of 180,000 barrels of oil per day (b/d). The FPSO has been designed for zero routine flaring to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, with the associated gas reinjected into the reservoir.


Thanks to Mero-2, the Mero field will reach a production capacity of 410,000 b/d. Two additional development phases of 180,000 b/d each, Mero-3 and Mero-4, are currently under construction, with





start-ups expected by 2025. At full capacity, production from the Mero field is expected to amount to more than 100,000 b/d in TotalEnergies share.


The Mero filed is a unitized field, operated by Petrobras (38.6%), in partnership with TotalEnergies (19.3%), Shell Brasil (19.3%), CNPC (9.65%), CNOOC (9.65%) and Pré-Sal Petróleo S.A (PPSA) (3.5%).


Scotland: TotalEnergies farms down 25.5% of the Seagreen offshore wind farm to PTTEP


On December 21, 2023, TotalEnergies signed an agreement with Thailand’s national oil and gas company PTTEP for the sale of a 25.5% equity stake in the Seagreen offshore wind farm for a consideration of £522 million ($689 million). Following this farm down, TotalEnergies retains 25.5% of Seagreen, alongside PTTEP (25.5%) and SSE Renewables (49%).


With a total capacity of 1,075 MW, Seagreen is one of the world’s deepest fixed bottom wind farms. Fully operational since October 2023, Seagreen is comprised of 114 turbines which can provide enough electricity to power more than 1.6 million homes, equivalent to two-thirds of all homes in Scotland.


In addition, TotalEnergies and PTTEP have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to explore joint opportunities in the development of renewable energies.


The completion of the transaction is subject to receipt of applicable governmental and regulatory approvals.


United States: TotalEnergies will supply LyondellBasell through two long-term solar CPPAs


On December 19, 2023, after a renewable Corporate Power Purchase Agreement (CPPA) signed at the end of 2022, TotalEnergies has signed a second contract with LyondellBasell, a global leader in the chemical industry, to supply a combined 275 MWac (358 MW) of green electricity sourced from its utility-scale Cottonwood Bayou and Brazoria Solar farms in Texas:


·Through the newly signed 15-year CPPA, LyondellBasell will offtake 125 MWac (163 MW) from TotalEnergies’ Brazoria Solar farm, located southwest of Houston, with a capacity of 325 MW and a commercial start-up planned for end of 2025.
·Through the 12-year CPPA signed in 2022, LyondellBasell will offtake 150 MWac (195 MW) from TotalEnergies’ Cottonwood Bayou Solar plant, a project located south of Houston, with a capacity of 455 MW and a commercial start-up planned for end of 2024.


The two CPPAs are indexed on merchant prices through an upside-sharing mechanism, under which the companies share any potential upside arising from increased market price over the contract term. They follow other CPPAs TotalEnergies signed with Amazon and Saint-Gobain in the U.S., demonstrating its ability to provide competitive renewable electricity to support these industry leaders’ decarbonization goals.


TotalEnergies reiterates its long-term commitment to Nigeria and supports the country in reducing methane emissions


On December 18, 2023, Patrick Pouyanné, Chairman and CEO of TotalEnergies, met in Abuja with Bola Ahmed Tinubu, President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, to reaffirm the long-term partnership between TotalEnergies and Nigeria.


Over the past decade, TotalEnergies has been one of the largest private energy investors in the country, developing major projects such as Egina, Ofon Phase 2, the OML 58 Upgrade, and recently Ikike, which started in 2022.


The long-term commitment of the Company to Nigeria is also demonstrated by the continued exploration, evidenced by the Ntokon discovery in June 2023.


TotalEnergies owns a rich portfolio of projects which might represent more than $6 billion investments (100%) in the future years.





Patrick Pouyanné and President Bola Tinubu discussed ways to improve the investment climate and security of operations, TotalEnergies’ future investment program in the country as well as TotalEnergies efforts to support carbon emissions reduction in Nigeria.


TotalEnergies, as a founding member of the World Bank’s Global Gas Flaring Reduction (GGFR) partnership, endorsed the “Zero Routine Flaring by 2030” initiative. As evidence of this commitment, TotalEnergies, in partnership with Nigerian National Petroleum Company Limited (NNPCL), finalized in December 2023 the OML 100 Flare Out project, thereby becoming the first major operator in Nigeria to completely eliminate routine flaring from all operated assets.


TotalEnergies also announced the signature of a cooperation agreement with NNPCL to carry out methane detection and measurement campaigns using its advanced drone-based technology AUSEA on Oil & Gas facilities in Nigeria. This announcement follows similar agreements signed ahead of COP28 with three other National Oil & Gas Companies, Petrobras in Brazil, SOCAR in Azerbaijan and Sonangol in Angola.


Suriname: TotalEnergies expands its presence with a new offshore exploration license


On December 15, 2023, TotalEnergies and its partners QatarEnergy and Petronas signed a production sharing contract for Block 64 with Staatsolie Maatschappij Suriname (Staatsolie), the State-owned oil company of Suriname.


Block 64 was awarded to TotalEnergies and its partners in the Bid Round 2022-2023 organized by the authorities of Suriname. TotalEnergies will operate the block with a 40% interest, alongside QatarEnergy (30%) and Petronas (30%).


Block 64 is a large 6,262 km2 block located about 250 km from shore.


In Suriname, TotalEnergies operates Block 58 (50%) where five discoveries have been made and where development studies are in progress, with the objective of sanctioning a 200,000 b/d oil project by end 2024. In May 2023, TotalEnergies entered exploration blocks 6 and 8 as operator (40%) alongside QatarEnergy (20%) and Paradise Oil Company (POC), a subsidiary of the national company Staatsolie (40%).


South Africa: TotalEnergies launches construction of a 216 MW solar plant with battery storage


On December 15, 2023, TotalEnergies and its partners launched construction of a major hybrid renewables project in South Africa, comprising a 216 MW solar plant and a 500 MWh battery storage system to manage the intermittency of solar production.


Located in the Northern Cape province, the site will supply dispatchable renewable electricity to the South African national grid for twenty years, equivalent to over 400 GWh per year. Under the terms of a Power Purchase Agreement signed in November, and thanks to the storage system, the project will supply 75 MW of dispatchable power to the national utility Eskom on a continuous basis from 5 a.m. to 9.30 p.m., i.e., for longer than the available sunshine.


The project is being developed by a consortium of TotalEnergies (35%), Hydra Storage Holding (Hydro Storage Holding (HSH) is a developer owned by former Mulilo shareholders) (35%) and Reatile Renewables (30%), a Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) partner. The B-BBEE is a program launched in 2003 by the South African government to remedy the inequalities of apartheid. It is a certificate issued to companies that work towards greater economic integration of the Black community, and in return gives them a better chance of winning government contracts. The project achieved financial close on 14 December and is expected to be operational in 2025, as part of the Risk Mitigation Independent Power Producer Procurement Program launched by the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy to develop electricity generation capacity and alleviate the country’s electricity supply constraints.


Mozambique: The consortium of EDF - TotalEnergies - Sumitomo Corporation selected to develop a 1,500 MW hydropower project


On December 13, 2023, the consortium of EDF (40%), TotalEnergies (30%) and Sumitomo Corporation (30%) announced that it had been selected as strategic partner by the Government of Mozambique and entered into a joint development agreement with the Gabinete de Implementação do Projecto





Hidroeléctrico de Mphanda Nkuwa (GMNK), Electricidade de Moçambique (EDM) and Hidroeléctrica de Cahora Bassa (HCB) for the development of the Mphanda Nkuwa ,500 MW run-of-river hydropower project (MNK) located on the Zambezi River, 60 kilometers downstream from Cahora Bassa and 60 kilometers from Tete City. EDM and HCB will own 30% of the project while the consortium will own 70% of it.


The consortium also signed a framework agreement with the Ministry of Mineral Resources and Energy (MIREME), paving the way for the future concession agreement.


Throughout the development of the MNK project, the consortium will leverage EDF’s extensive hydropower experience and reputable technical expertise, TotalEnergies’ know-how in developing large and complex integrated energy projects worldwide, especially in Africa, and Sumitomo’s global experiences in financing strategic IPP projects, including in Sub-Saharan Africa.


The MNK project is expected to increase Mozambique’s available electricity production capacity by more than 50% and could power more than 3 million households in Mozambique and the surrounding region. It is also expected to help promote economic and social growth in Southern Africa and make a significant contribution to the region’s energy transition by providing reliable, competitive, renewable electricity.


The next development step will consist in performing additional studies, which output will help defining the best options in terms of environmental and social impact while promoting the technical and financial viability of the project. Supported by the African Development Bank and the World Bank through IFC (International Finance Corporation), the project is expected to implement high international standards in environmental, social and governance criteria. In particular, the consortium is expected to follow rigorously the required steps and methodology as well as work closely with all stakeholders prior to project implementation.


TotalEnergies acquires 3 start-ups in the electricity business


On December 12, 2023, TotalEnergies acquired three start-ups that have benefited from its TotalEnergies On acceleration program based at STATION F in Paris. The success of the collaborations and tests carried out during their participation in the program has led TotalEnergies to negotiate their acquisition and integration into its business units which with they collaborated.


With the acquisition of Dsflow, TotalEnergies will provide its multi-site, electricity-intensive B2B customers with an innovative Software-as-a-Service solution (SaaS) to pilot their asset in real time and optimize their procurement strategy.


TotalEnergies also decided to integrate the software platform developed by NASH Renewables to optimize the design and operating parameters of its renewable projects, with a design-to-value approach. By factoring in the impact of the sites' geographical specificities on the captured market prices, this platform will enable TotalEnergies to improve its profitability, thus contributing positively to its profitability target of 12 % ROACE by 2028 for this business segment.


TotalEnergies will improve the performance of its trading operations by internalizing Predictive Layer's machine learning and artificial intelligence solutions, which focuses on energy price forecasting on both physical and derivatives markets, as well as other tailor-made forecast modeling of demand, supply, production, or non-commodity trading.


TotalEnergies also took control of Time2plug (with a 56% stake) to facilitate and accelerate the deployment of EV charging points in France for its small B2B customers, notably thanks to the start-up's marketplace where customers can obtain instant quotes and tap into a certified in-house installer network in a highly efficient way thanks to the digitization of the entire process.


TotalEnergies also signed commercial contracts with ten other start-ups who took part in the acceleration program, to continue to benefit from their innovations.


Since its launch in May 2022, TotalEnergies On has already supported 19 start-ups during 2 six-month sessions, and the program is currently welcoming its third cohort, composed of ten participants. They are all working on digital solutions relating to electricity: renewable production; storage; distributed electricity management; trading; retail; and electric mobility. The fourth session will begin in April 2024.





COP28: TotalEnergies and Masdar demonstrate Methanol-to-SAF pathway with successful test flight


On December 6, 2023, the first test flight to demonstrate the potential for converting Methanol to SAF (Sustainable Aviation Fuel) took place in Dubai on the sidelines of COP28 in the UAE. Masdar, TotalEnergies, the UAE General Civil Aviation Authority, Airbus, Falcon Aviation Services and technology licensor Axens all contributed to the successful flight.


The Alcohol-to-Jet Synthetic Paraffinic Kerosene pathway (ATJ-SPK) has been certified in 2016 as meeting international standards for jet fuel, however Methanol is not in the list of specified alcohols. The flight, which used a blend of aviation fuel made from olefins, will help support the certification of this new pathway for SAF production from methanol.


With the potential to be derived from renewable electricity, the new pathway could lead to eSAF, an essential lever to meet the challenge of producing SAF worldwide to decarbonize aviation.


Sustainable aviation fuel is an immediately available solution for significantly reducing the CO2 emissions of air transportation. It can be used as a drop-in fuel without modifying existing storage and refueling infrastructure, aircraft or engines. Gradual incorporation worldwide should help significantly lower the CO2 emissions of air transportation since, on average, biojet fuel produces an average of 80 per cent fewer CO2 emissions over its lifecycle when produced from waste and residue. eSAF, synthetic fuel derived from renewable energy, is compatible with jet engines and offers a similar performance to fossil fuels.


COP28: TotalEnergies makes its technology available to three national companies to measure and reduce methane emissions


On December 5, 2023, TotalEnergies announced the signing of three cooperation agreements with National Oil & Gas Companies (Petrobras in Brazil, SOCAR in Azerbaijan and Sonangol in Angola) to carry out methane detection and measurement campaigns using the AUSEA technology on oil and gas facilities in Brazil, Azerbaijan, and Angola.


Embarked on a drone, the AUSEA gas analyser, developed by TotalEnergies and its R&D partners, is currently one of the most accurate technologies in the world to detect and measure methane emissions.


Methane emissions come from multiple sources: agricultural activities, fossil fuel production and use, decomposing waste, etc. For the Oil & Gas sector, slashing methane emissions from hydrocarbon production is a priority in its efforts to mitigate global warming.


After halving its methane emissions from its operated sites between 2010 and 2020, TotalEnergies set ambitious targets to step up its efforts and reduce methane emissions by a further 50% by 2025 – with the ambition to reach this target a year early, in 2024 - and by 80% in 2030, compared to 2020. In this respect, the Company has carried out last year a global campaign to measure methane emissions from its upstream operated activities using the AUSEA technology.


TotalEnergies is also committed to promoting the United Nations Oil and Gas Methane Partnership (OGMP 2.0) framework with other national and international oil companies. The Company has now held the OGMP Gold standard status for the three years in a row.


Since 2017, the Company has been working with R&D partners (CNRS and the University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne) to develop the pioneer AUSEA technology (Airborne Ultralight Spectrometer for Environmental Applications) to detect and quantify GHG emissions.


AUSEA consists of a miniature dual sensor capable of detecting methane and carbon dioxide emissions, while at the same time identifying their source. This ultralight drone-mounted technology ensures access to hard-to-reach emission points while delivering high-precision readings on all types of industrial facility, whether onshore or offshore. This technology marks a step change in methane emissions detection and measurement compared to traditional techniques such as infrared cameras, ground sensors and satellites.


TotalEnergies is now expanding its AUSEA initiative beyond its own operated assets. The three cooperation agreements signed with Petrobras in Brazil, SOCAR in Azerbaijan and Sonangol in Angola aim to carry out AUSEA drone-based emissions measurement campaigns on facilities they operate and demonstrate concrete actions taken to mobilize the Oil & Gas industry toward zero methane emissions.





COP28: TotalEnergies signs the agreement on investment for its 1 GW wind power project in Kazakhstan


On December 4, 2023, Patrick Pouyanné and the Minister of Energy of Kazakhstan signed the Agreement on Investment (AoI) for TotalEnergies’ Mirny project. Largest wind energy project ever initiated in Kazakhstan, Mirny is expected to supply more than 1 million people with low-carbon electricity and to avoid the emission of 3.5 million tons of CO2 annually in the country.


The Mirny project aims to build a 1 GW onshore wind farm of up to 160 turbines combined with a 600 MWh battery energy storage system for a reliable power supply. Mirny represents an investment of about $1.4 billion and is a prime example of TotalEnergies’ ability to leverage its position as a major partner in the upstream sector to speed up the development of renewable energy in Oil & Gas countries.


This Agreement on Investment comes after the signature in June 2023 of a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) for the Mirny project, one of the first to be signed in the country for a wind project of such scale. TotalEnergies will develop the Mirny project in partnership with the National Wealth Fund Samruk-Kazyna and the National Company KazMunayGas, which will each own a 20% stake in the project.


COP28: TotalEnergies backs the World Bank’s Global Flaring and Methane Reduction trust fund


On December 3, 2023, TotalEnergies announced a donation of $25 million over 2024-2030 to the Global Flaring and Methane Reduction (GFMR) trust fund, an initiative of the World Bank.


The GFMR’s mission is to boost global efforts to end routine gas flaring and reduce methane emissions to the greatest extent possible along the entire oil and gas value chain by providing technical assistance, enabling policy and regulatory reform, strengthening institutions, and mobilizing finance to support action by governments and Oil & Gas operators.


The GFMR will strategically target, fund, and sustain engagements with countries representing the greatest emissions reduction potential.


This $25 million donation from TotalEnergies to the GFMR comes in addition to the Company’s efforts to continuously reduce its methane emissions and work with its partners to implement best practices on its non-operated assets.


Methane emissions come from multiple sources: agricultural activities, fossil fuel production and use, decomposing waste, etc. For the Oil & Gas sector, slashing methane emissions from hydrocarbon production is a priority in its efforts to mitigate global warming.


After halving its methane emissions from its operated sites between 2010 and 2020, TotalEnergies set ambitious targets to step up its efforts and reduce methane emissions by a further 50% by 2025 – with the ambition to reach this target a year early, in 2024 - and by 80% in 2030, compared to 2020.


TotalEnergies is also committed to promoting the United Nations Oil and Gas Methane Partnership (OGMP 2.0) framework with other national and international oil companies. The Company has now held the OGMP Gold standard status for the three years in a row.


TotalEnergies believes that it is the industry’s responsibility to reduce methane emissions to near zero by 2030. The Company was a founding member of the World Bank’s Global Gas Flaring Reduction (GGFR) partnership and endorsed the “Zero Routine Flaring by 2030” initiative that was launched in 2015.


This initiative has been fruitful, having been endorsed by over 100 governments, oil & gas companies and development institutions. Building on the legacy of this successful initiative, the World Bank is stepping up and setting up the new Global Flaring and Methane Reduction (GFMR) trust fund, broadening its focus to include methane venting and leakage in addition to flare gas. TotalEnergies has responded positively to the call for contributions of this new fund.


South Africa: TotalEnergies signs an agreement to divest its minority stake in Natref refinery to the Prax Group


On December 1, 2023, TotalEnergies announced the signature of an agreement to divest the 36.36% minority stake, held by TotalEnergies Marketing South Africa, in National Petroleum Refiners of South Africa (Natref) to the Prax Group. The transaction is subject to customary approvals, consents and authorisations.





Located at Sasolburg (Free State, South Africa), Natref refinery has a capacity of 108 500 barrels of oil per day, supplies the main South African inland market of Johannesburg area and is operated by a Joint Venture between Sasol (63,64%) and TotalEnergies Marketing South Africa.


TotalEnergies has been present in South Africa for nearly seventy years, produces and markets a wide range of energies from fuels, biofuels, natural gas and green gases, renewables and electricity and remains committed to its operations in the country.


TotalEnergies acquires minority stake in Xlinks Morocco-UK power project


On November 29, 2023, TotalEnergies invested £20 million to acquire a minority stake in Xlinks First Limited, a company founded in 2019 in the United Kingdom, joining fellow investors Octopus Energy and Abu Dhabi National Energy Company (TAQA).


Xlinks plans to develop a giant renewable project in Morocco (combining solar and wind) to supply green electricity to the United Kingdom through the installation of high-voltage direct current (HDVC) subsea cables, coupled with a large battery energy storage. Upon completion, the project is expected to deliver enough renewable, reliable and affordable electricity to power over 7 million British homes.


TotalEnergies launches in-depot charging for electric trucks


On November 21, 2023, TotalEnergies announced the launch of an in-depot electric truck charging service at the SOLUTRANS road and urban transportation trade show in Lyon, France. With this new solution, TotalEnergies expects to install and supervise customized charging infrastructure adapted to transporters' needs to support their transition to electric mobility.


Now that electric trucks have sufficient driving range to handle urban and regional deliveries (150 to 500 kilometers per day), TotalEnergies has developed an in-depot charging service that comprises the installation and supervision of charge points that offer an efficient, tailored response to transporters' specific needs. The solution includes:


·Charge points, which optimize the time trucks are parked in the depot (generally 12 hours) to effectively recharge the battery to 100%.
·Ultra-Fast charge points (up to 400 kW) for extra charging needs.


In an end-to-end approach, TotalEnergies will work with customers to determine the size of charging infrastructure needed for their fleets, install the charge points and supply green electricity, provide management and supervision tools along with a smart charging solution to optimize fleet charging, and offer 24/7 customer support.


To serve transporters' charging needs outside their depots, TotalEnergies also expects to install charge points along Europe's road corridors starting in 2024. These will include high power charge points (HPC - CCS (Combined Charging System) then MCS (Megawatt Charging System) when this technology becomes available) during mandatory breaks on long trips and slow charge points at rest areas to charge while drivers are sleeping.


TotalEnergies completes the sale of its upstream Canadian assets to Suncor


On November 20, 2023, TotalEnergies completed the sale to Suncor of the entirety of the shares of TotalEnergies EP Canada Ltd., comprising notably its participation in the Fort Hills oil sands asset and associated midstream commitments. The consideration for the transaction is C$1.47 billion (about US$1.1 billion), with an effective date on April 1st, 2023. Including adjustments, TotalEnergies received a cash payment at closing of C$1.83 billion (about US$1.3 billion).


On October 4th, TotalEnergies had already completed the sale of its 50% participation in Surmont and associated midstream commitments to ConocoPhillips and had received a cash payment of C$3.7 billion (about US$2.75 billion), with future contingent payments of up to C$440 million (about US$330 million).


United States: TotalEnergies acquires 1.5 GW flexible power generation capacity in Texas


On November 13, 2023, TotalEnergies signed an agreement with TexGen, a U.S.-based company to acquire for $635 million three gas-fired power plants with a total capacity of 1.5 GW in Texas.





The three plants, which are connected to ERCOT (Electric Reliability Council of Texas), the second largest power market in the United States, consist of the following:


·The Wolf Hollow I plant with a 745 MW combined-cycle gas turbine (CCGT) plant on the outskirts of Dallas.
·The Colorado Bend I plant with a 530 MW CCGT and a 74 MW open-cycle gas turbine (OCGT), south of Houston, provides additional flexibility to meet exceptionally high demand, especially in the summer.
·The La Porte site with a 150 MW OCGT, southeast of Houston.


These flexible assets, located close to Dallas and Houston, will serve the fast-growing energy demand of these cities and will allow to offset the intermittency of renewable power production. Their importance was recently highlighted during weather events that impacted power generation from renewable assets in Texas or led to high seasonal peak demand.


The 1.5 GW additional flexible production capacity acquired by TotalEnergies will complement its renewable capacity in Texas – currently 2 GW gross installed, 2 GW under construction and more than 3 GW under development – and will strengthen its trading capabilities in the gas and power markets.


This latest acquisition reinforces TotalEnergies’ commitment to delivering energy that is more available, affordable, and sustainable for the 26 million ERCOT customers across Texas.


This transaction remains subject to approval by the relevant authorities.


TotalEnergies extends partnership with Oman LNG


On November 2, 2023, TotalEnergies signed an amendment to extend its partnership with Oman LNG, an Omani liquefied natural gas (LNG) joint venture in which the Company holds a 5.54% stake.


Located on the northeast coast of Oman, the Oman LNG liquefaction complex comprises two liquefaction trains, each with a capacity of 3.8 million metric tons of LNG per year (Mtpa). It is adjacent to the Qalhat LNG project, comprising one 3.8 Mtpa train, and in which Oman LNG holds a stake. This brings the site's total production to 11.4 Mtpa.


Through this agreement, TotalEnergies is extending beyond 2024 its interest in Oman LNG, by ten years, and in Qalhat LNG, by five years. The parties agreed to finance investments to reduce the plant’s GHG emissions during this extension. In January 2023, TotalEnergies had also signed an agreement with Oman LNG to offtake 0.8 Mtpa of LNG for ten years from 2025, making the Company one of the main offtaker of Oman LNG's production.


SATORP completes MENA region’s first conversion of used cooking oil into ISCC+ certified sustainable aviation fuel (SAF)


On October 30, 2023, SATORP, a platform jointly owned by Aramco (62,5 %) and TotalEnergies (37,5 %), has for the first time in the region successfully converted used cooking oil through coprocessing into ISCC+ certified Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF).


Last August, the platform successfully co-processed used cooking oil in the Low-Pressure Hydrodesulphurization Unit (LPHDS), producing SAF, meeting all product quality parameters within the SAF specifications. TotalEnergies contributed thanks to its experience and expertise to this realization.


SATORP has received International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC+) to produce SAF. With this certification, the platform will be able to respond to the expected rise in SAF demand in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


The sustainable aviation fuels produced from UCO reduces CO2 emissions by at least 80% on average over the entire lifecycle, compared with their fossil equivalent.


With this success, TotalEnergies through its platform located in Jubail keeps developing its portfolio of circular products. SATORP has previously announced converting oil derived from plastic waste into ISCC+ certified circular polymers.







This document may contain forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, notably with respect to the financial condition, results of operations, business activities and industrial strategy of TotalEnergies. This document may also contain statements regarding the perspectives, objectives, areas of improvement and goals of TotalEnergies, including with respect to climate change and carbon neutrality (net zero emissions). An ambition expresses an outcome desired by TotalEnergies, it being specified that the means to be deployed do not depend solely on TotalEnergies. These forward-looking statements may generally be identified by the use of the future or conditional tense or forward-looking words such as “will”, “should,” “could,” “would,” “may,” “likely,” “might,” “envisions”, “intends”, “anticipates”, “believes”, “considers”, “plans”, “expects”, “thinks”, “targets”, “aims” or similar terminology. Such forward-looking statements included in this document are based on economic data, estimates and assumptions prepared in a given economic, competitive and regulatory environment and considered to be reasonable by the Group as of the date of this document.


These forward-looking statements are not historical data and should not be interpreted as assurances that the perspectives, objectives or goals announced will be achieved. They may prove to be inaccurate in the future, and may evolve or be modified with a significant difference between the actual results and those initially estimated, due to the uncertainties notably related to the economic, financial, competitive and regulatory environment, or due to the occurrence of risk factors, such as, notably, energy prices and demand, the price fluctuations in crude oil and natural gas, the evolution of the demand and price of petroleum products, the changes in production results and reserves estimates, the ability to achieve cost reductions and operating efficiencies without unduly disrupting business operations, changes in laws and regulations including those related to the environment and climate, currency fluctuations, technological innovations, climate-related conditions and weather events, legislative and regulatory changes, our ability to gather and verify data regarding the impacts of our investments, our ability to successfully implement various initiatives throughout the Company under expected time frames, the compliance of various third parties with our policies and procedures and legal requirements, our dependency on certain third parties to perform, as well as socio-demographic, economic and political developments, changes in market conditions, loss of market share and changes in consumer preferences, or pandemics such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, certain financial information is based on estimates particularly in the assessment of the recoverable value of assets and potential impairments of assets relating thereto.


Readers should not place undue reliance on the Company’s forward-looking statements, which represent the Company’s views only as of the date this document is published. Except for its ongoing obligations to disclose material information as required by applicable securities laws, TotalEnergies does not have, and expressly disclaims, any intention or obligation to update forward-looking statements after the distribution of this document, even if new information, future events or other circumstances have made them incorrect or misleading. The Company has not and does not intend to independently verify third-party data contained in this document or used in the estimates and assumptions necessary to the matters discussed in this document.


These factors are not necessarily all of the important factors that could cause actual results to differ materiality, and adversely, from those expressed in any of our forward-looking statements. For additional factors, you should read the information set forth under “Item 3. -3.1 Risk Factors”, “Item 4. Information on the Company”, “Item 5. Operating and Financial Review and Prospects” and “Item 11. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about Market Risk” in TotalEnergies’ Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2022.


Additionally, our discussion of certain environmental and climate change-related issues and matters in this document are informed by various standards and frameworks (including standards for the measurement of underlying data), and the interests of various stakeholders. Much of this information is subject to methodological considerations and information, including from third-parties, that are still evolving and subject to change. For example, our disclosures based on any standards may change due to revisions in framework requirements, availability of information, changes in our business or applicable government policies, or other factors, some of which may be beyond our control.



Exhibit 99.3





The following table sets out the unaudited consolidated capitalization and long-term indebtedness, as well as short-term indebtedness, of TotalEnergies SE and the consolidated entities directly or indirectly controlled by TotalEnergies SE (collectively, “TotalEnergies”) as of December 31, 2023, prepared on the basis of IFRS. Currency amounts are expressed in U.S. dollars (“dollars” or “$”) or in euros (“euros” or “€”).


   At December 31, 2023 
    (in millions of dollars) 
Current financial debt, including current portion of non-current financial debt     
Current portion of non-current financial debt   7,181 
Current financial debt   2,409 
Current portion of financial instruments for interest rate swaps liabilities   268 
Other current financial instruments — liabilities   178 
Financial liabilities directly associated with assets held for sale   360 
Total current financial debt   10,396 
Non-current financial debt   40,478 
Non-controlling interests   2,700 
Shareholders’ equity     
Common shares   7,616 
Paid-in surplus and retained earnings   126,857 
Currency translation adjustment   (13,701)
Treasury shares   (4,019)
Total shareholders’ equity — TotalEnergies share   116,753 
Total capitalization and non-current indebtedness   159,931 


As of December 31, 2023, TotalEnergies SE had an authorized share capital of 3,436,374,353 ordinary shares with a par value of €2.50 per share, and an issued share capital of 2,412,251,835 ordinary shares, of which 60,543,213 were treasury shares. For more information on the delegations of authority and powers granted to the Board of Directors with respect to share capital increases and authorization for share cancellation, see Exhibit 15.1 (section 4.4.2, chapter 4) to the Annual Report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2022, filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on March 24, 2023.


As of December 31, 2023, approximately $8,427 million of TotalEnergies’ non-current financial debt was secured and $32,051 million was unsecured, and all of TotalEnergies’ current financial debt of $10,396 million was unsecured. As of December 31, 2023, TotalEnergies had no outstanding guarantees from third parties relating to its consolidated indebtedness.


For more information about TotalEnergies’ off-balance sheet commitments and contingencies, see Note 13.1 of the Notes to TotalEnergies’ audited Consolidated Financial Statements in its Annual Report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2022, filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on March 24, 2023.


Except as disclosed herein, there have been no material changes in the consolidated capitalization, indebtedness and contingent liabilities of TotalEnergies since December 31, 2023.



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