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US Global Nanospace Inc (CE)

US Global Nanospace Inc (CE) (USGA)

Closed March 22 4:00PM
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USGA Discussion

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drugmanrx drugmanrx 11 months ago
Just a matter on how much dilution will occur.
rickstereo3333 rickstereo3333 11 months ago
Trey Beathard ---> ""uSga Advisor"

Lyla Tech USA (South Africa)

If things are as it seems to be......WE ARE IMO GOLDEN!!!!!
rickstereo3333 rickstereo3333 11 months ago
Sean Pendall ----> ""uSga"" Advisor

rickstereo3333 rickstereo3333 11 months ago
My thoughts exactly since if it was simply for raising cash to run the business I would think we would have seen major dilution already.

Also it would be much cheaper for Fox to reverse merge into the ""USGA"" shell as opposed to doing an expensive IPO on the Nasd, Amex or Nyse.

Pure speculation but this would make sense since with the uncertain geopolitical situation between the USA and China, this would allow Fox/Gep to access the US market and possibly avoid tariff issues by manufacturing in the USA.

Noticed the foul mouth eejit JLH is acting unhinged once again.....may be a good sign of things to come. lololsss

drugmanrx drugmanrx 12 months ago
I can’t think of any other reason why he would have such a large RS other than to sell the ticker.
rickstereo3333 rickstereo3333 12 months ago
Been rat holed once again till September by the eejits that run this joke but still return daily to witness the desperation by that pathetic lot trying to con people.

One has to wonder why all this effort is being expended on ""USGA"" by that crew of clowns.

Waiting for some/any news so we get some idea of whats next.

It's unlikely but I'm definitely hoping for a shock announcement that Fox will be utilizing ""USGA"" as the means of becoming listed on the US stock market.

rickstereo3333 rickstereo3333 1 year ago
Strictly IMO of course but I believe its being kept in place on purpose until the revelation of upcoming developments re ""USGA"".

Also great to see the pps holding strong which indicates no further dilution has occurred or a minimal amount.

Will admit I'm quite surprised since I was expecting it to instantly crater to sub $1 and remain there once trading resumed.

Eyes wide open on this one......i'm even mulling adding to my position.

drugmanrx drugmanrx 1 year ago
IDK, I thought the same thing.

According to Finra it could have been removed on the 14TH.
rickstereo3333 rickstereo3333 1 year ago
Any idea why the D hasn't been removed from ""USGA"" yet?

From my knowledge it should have been gone since last week.
drugmanrx drugmanrx 1 year ago
Even though I am expecting activity by early April, if it doesn't happen I will remain bullish on "USGA" until 2nd quarter filings are released.

By then their exclusive will be in effect for a full years.there should be some significant revenue reported by then.

If nothing happens by then , well I think they will be too late to make the party, when the tariffs are put back in place. I will have to reevaluate staying here.
rickstereo3333 rickstereo3333 1 year ago
Still bullish on ""USGA"" (lols) are ye???

I dont possess any hard facts but lm sensing a substantive announcement is imminent!

I could be totally wrong but for some reason my stock "Spidey" sense is tingling.

Eyes wide open with ""USGA"" in the coming week(s)!!!

rickstereo3333 rickstereo3333 1 year ago
For sure bcuz Im totally unsatisfied with the paltry 30% I pocketed on ""USGA"". lololsss

Expectations were much much higher!!!
drugmanrx drugmanrx 1 year ago
They most likely deleted it because it off topic, not about USGA even though it a dead board.

What concerns me is who left watching this board to care, make you think someone if stalking us. .

In the future refer to the company as the company or USGA.

I guess we will see next week is "USGA" generates news
rickstereo3333 rickstereo3333 1 year ago
Please kindly inform that illiterate buffoon chemist that the sentence cited re the otcqb or other exchanges is located on pg6 of the 14C.

rickstereo3333 rickstereo3333 1 year ago
rickstereo3333 rickstereo3333 1 year ago
Post limited for my last exchange with the wallstreet jackass.

Waiting to see if the admin jackasses will apply the same standard to him also.

If not it appears mentioning ARCTUS scammers in posts is a huge no no innit! lololsss
drugmanrx drugmanrx 1 year ago
I know that person has some real issues.
rickstereo3333 rickstereo3333 1 year ago
Tbh I have my fill with those eejits here.

Dont know if I can stand another level of idiocy over there especially from that low iq, foul mouthed buffoon james.
drugmanrx drugmanrx 1 year ago
Having a nice exhange over there you might enjoy checking it out
rickstereo3333 rickstereo3333 1 year ago
Oh how times have changed people and perspectives. lololsss
drugmanrx drugmanrx 1 year ago
You might enjoy this from the other board USGA on "wallstreet"

The only BS story telling here is your story Chicken Licken

"Sounds to me like your deductive reasoning has turned into bs story telling"

You have been repeating the same story over and over and over and over

"THE SKY IS GOING TO FALL": over the option RS option for over 3 years now.

Missing out on a great run in 2021

Oh well keep clucking Chicken Licken may be some day you might be right.

drugmanrx drugmanrx 1 year ago
It is only speculation at this point.

Pictures match closer to Dillion SC facility then do to Elba AL

Air plane photo was American airline"s American eagle with a regional airline Piedmont Airline printed on nose.

Piedmont Airline services Florence SC which is the closest airport to Dillon SC from Charlotte NC (Caveat Piedmont also service Montgomery Al which is 82 miles from Elba)

Charlotte NC is a hub of American Airlines , meaning any American Flight from either east or west coast would fly connect in Charlotte

Piedmont has two flights a day out of Florence to Charlotte, the first is before sunrise the second is at 2:50 in afternoon about where the sun was in the airplane picture

But again at this point it is just speculation.
rickstereo3333 rickstereo3333 1 year ago
Is the SC site now confirmed as the location as opposed to Elba, AL???

Wouldve thought SNPW wouldve chosen AL since it also came with the inducement funding option.
drugmanrx drugmanrx 1 year ago

Kazi is referring to the Former Wix Plant in Dillion SC.

That is what the pictures match on a Google image search of the pictures posted on twitter as the site visit.

There was a proposal proposed back in 2018 to clean it up and since it was listed for lease I am sure it has been cleaned up.
drugmanrx drugmanrx 1 year ago
Not sure how long this is for,


Re: None

Friday, December 29, 2023 11:59:50 AM
Post# of 80327
Happy New Year!!

may karma spread her wings in 2024!

kazi signing off.

All the best!!

my opinions are just that

good luck
rickstereo3333 rickstereo3333 1 year ago
I cant believe my lying eyes.

Zero posts from kazi today???

Whats this board coming to.

Hope I didnt speak too prematurely though. lololsss

Little over a week to go till Im back online but must say things seem to be heading in the right direction for SNPW.

Happy New Year and 3 cheers to a bright and prosperous 2024!!!
rickstereo3333 rickstereo3333 1 year ago
Was off for a bit so I was mostly unawares of the daily goings on at the SNPW board.

Just saw all the hullabaloo about the emaili I sent to GEP and the silly claim made by the CONfirmed scammer kaz.

Just to i'm definitely not a Yank (no offence).

Will admit however that I didn't actually specify where I was indeed from so what Mr. Boye believed as per my nationality is beyond my knowledge.

Just thought I'd clarify the CONfusion regarding this specific matter.

drugmanrx drugmanrx 1 year ago
Wall is a interesting case.

I don't believe the same person has been using that alias.

Last year Wall and I had several personal PM exchanges on the hangout board..

This current Wall seems to have no idea that we had those conversations.

IMHO, Chemist has just gotten disillusioned due to the steady decline in stock price, RS option and general lack of verifiable progress with EPC.

14c approved RS option on books 20 days later

The adoption of the foregoing Corporate Actions will become effective 20 calendar days after the posting of this Information Statement. The Board of Directors is not soliciting your proxy in connection with the adoption of these Corporate Actions and proxies are not being requested from stockholders.
rickstereo3333 rickstereo3333 1 year ago
Btw....When exactly does the 20 day time frame end, ie is it from the date of the Pre 14C or the actual 14C filing???

With that maniac kazi for sure and possibly one or two others but wall and chemist dont seem to fit the bill of it being personal.

Those two do it more subtly using opinionated questions whose sole purpose is to instill doubt in investors as opposed to seeking genuine answers.

Seen it all before so I can usually discern when posters are simply trying to present concerning facts about a stock......imo this simply isnt the case here!!!
drugmanrx drugmanrx 1 year ago
I have to say they are very committed to their cause telling me it is very personal and not about taking down a stock price.

They smell chum in the water (option for RS) and are attacking in a frenzy..
rickstereo3333 rickstereo3333 1 year ago
Looks like the clown show will be stepping up their game over the next couple days in an effort to press home the 4000:1 RS narrative.

Been in the market since the early 2000s and have to say that the concerted effort to degrade snpw easily makes my top 5 list of attempted take downs of a stock.

Hope my instincts are right once again as its been before with past basher shenanigans.
rickstereo3333 rickstereo3333 1 year ago
Just like you predicted, they pivoted to the ""exclusive distribution"" narrative, even though chemist and james have denied many times that SNPW was even a distributor of GEP panels.

The fact is the exclusive US distribution agreement was PRd in official documents and as such are 100% accountable to the SEC as being a material disclosure, hence the reason I didnt bother to ask that directly.

If nick had lied about the exclusive deal with GEP, all it would take is a call/report to the SEC to have them encourage him to correct this material inaccuracy.

Will bet none of those insufferable idiots will ever do that.

rickstereo3333 rickstereo3333 1 year ago
That email is proof that james or one of those other arseclowns LIED.

A couple weeks back one of them claimed that they called GEP China and said they were told that SNPW was not a distributor for GEP.

The person who responded, Saliou, is the head of sales for GEP China and as you can see he says SNPW is "INFACT" a distributor.

Fyi....Lily is the sales rep for GEP Vietnam
rickstereo3333 rickstereo3333 1 year ago
No problem. Only interested in presenting the facts.

No Game james should try the same by posting proof of all his imaginary calls. lololsss
drugmanrx drugmanrx 1 year ago
The more one knows the better decisions we make.
rickstereo3333 rickstereo3333 1 year ago
Probably so but also could be a "crew" looking to scoop up cheapies to set up a run or for the coming run when news breaks.
drugmanrx drugmanrx 1 year ago
Lot a hate towards Nick.

My guess former FOMO players that held on to long and got burnt from the denial.
πŸ‘οΈ 1
rickstereo3333 rickstereo3333 1 year ago
Its already on their website so I didnt ask that question.

Just asked if SNPW was an official distributor for GEP

Some of those eejits still question that over there.........
drugmanrx drugmanrx 1 year ago
I sure they read that.

Thanks, appreciate it.

The only problem now will be is

They will now comeback and say see we told you SPP doesn't have an exclusive in the US you can buy directly from GEP..

Even though SPP is the only company outside the company itself where you can buy GEP panels in the US.

rickstereo3333 rickstereo3333 1 year ago
OT......cant post over there.

Contacted GEP a couple weeks ago and this was the response I received today..

GEP Solar Response

BottomBounce BottomBounce 4 years ago
$USGA Scam
Awl416 Awl416 5 years ago
Does anyone even have 13m shares to dump the bid lol
buypumps buypumps 5 years ago
Looks Like A Good Place To Get stuck buying this one months of no volume. Someone made some cash and someone is going to be trying to get out most likely for a long long time.
Garyst Garyst 5 years ago
Hmmm, good to know that
Penny_Stock_King Penny_Stock_King 5 years ago
Corona virus decontaminate is my guess. They make a product called All-Clear TM which can be used for "decontamination of aircraft and vehicles arriving from quarantine areas" related to the corona-virus outbreak.
Garyst Garyst 5 years ago
Sure is. Noone posting on it and 242% on just 5 million shares.
FORDGT FORDGT 5 years ago
Nice Volume.. Last: 0.0024 Chg ($): 0.0017 Vol: 5,895,879
Awl416 Awl416 5 years ago
Nah just a few ppl battling with the mm
vinc vinc 5 years ago
Nobody here after a run of 185%...Very Strange!
vdt vdt 7 years ago
surprises and miracles happened.US economy is good.
Happy to see USGA moving up. God bless USGA