RNS Number:7637C
Perstorp AB
27 April 2001


The Perstorp Group

Comments on Pergo's accounting principles, earnings and financial position for
the report period, as well as this company's outlook for 2001, are presented
in Pergo's interim report. Comments on results, or financial position and
during the report period that pertain exclusively to Perstorp excluding Pergo
are presented in the Pro forma accounts section.

Accounting principles

The accounting principles and calculation methods used in the consolidated
financial statements are the same as those applied in the 2000 Annual Report.

Results during the report period

NET SALES amounted to SEK 2,261 m (2,414). The decrease is due to the fact
that the year-earlier period includes SEK 474 m for Perstorp Surface
Materials, which has now been divested.

OPERATING EARNINGS amounted to SEK 14 m, which is SEK 229 m lower than in the
corresponding period in 2000. Items affecting comparability amounted to a
charge of SEK 12 m (revenue: 75). The costs of SEK 12 m affecting
comparability derived mainly from the restructuring of the Group and the
takeover process. The revenue of SEK 75 m for the year-earlier period related
to the capital gain from the sale of Surface Materials operations.

OPERATING EARNINGS ADJUSTED for items affecting comparability amounted to SEK
26 m (168). The deterioration was due mainly to the operating loss reported by
Pergo for the period.

OTHER OPERATING REVENUES AND EXPENSES amounted to revenue of SEK 36 m (3),
with exchange-rate effects accounting for most of the increase, of which
Perstorp excluding Pergo accounted for SEK 25 m and Pergo for SEK 9 m.

to Witex AG, amounted to SEK 3 m (-) and were attributable to the Pergo
subgroup. Perstorp Clariant AB, an associated company within chemical
operations that manufactures water-borne dispersions, is continuing to be
affected by depressed margins, contributed earnings of SEK 1 m (3).
Accordingly, earnings from participations in associated companies totaled SEK
4 m (3).

NET FINANCIAL ITEMS amounted to revenue of SEK 9 m (expense: 13). The
improvement compared with the year-earlier period was due mainly to the
acquisition of withdrawal rights from Alecta at a price lower than nominal
value and the following redemption of the rights at nominal value. The
financial net was adversely affected by an increase in working capital and
higher interest rates compared with the year-earlier period.

TAX COSTS totaled SEK 8 m (93). Accordingly, the tax rate was 35% (40), which
is the estimated effective tax rate for the entire year. Adjusted for the sale
of Perstorp Surface Materials, the tax rate for the year-earlier period was
37%. Actual tax accounted for SEK 6 m and deferred tax for SEK 2 m of total
tax for the report period.

Financial position

TOTAL ASSETS rose by SEK 524 m compared with December 31, 2000 to SEK 8,450 m
(7,926) at the end of the period. The change in total assets was due mainly to
an increase in accounts receivable and inventories, a stronger US dollar and
the fact that deferred tax receivables are reported gross as of 2001. Pergo
accounted for most of the increase.

WORKING CAPITAL (current operating receivables and inventories less current
operating liabilities) rose by SEK 338 m during the period, mainly due to
Pergo. The working capital turnover rate declined from a multiple of 5.5 to

INTANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS amounted to SEK 138 m (137), of which goodwill
accounted for SEK 116 m (119), which was entirely attributable to Perstorp
excluding Pergo.

PROVISIONS rose by SEK 119 m during the quarter, due mainly to the fact that
deferred tax receivables are reported gross as of 2001. In the past, the
deferred tax receivable on tax loss carryforwards, which amounted to SEK 113 m
at year-end 2000, was reduced from provisions.

NET DEBT rose during the period to SEK 2,006 m (1,509) on March 31. The
increase was mainly due to a rise in working capital requirements.

SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY rose by SEK 128 m compared with December 31, 2000 to SEK
4,066 m (3,938) at the end of the period. Shareholders' equity was affected
positively by exchange-rate effects in an amount of SEK 111 m and by net
profit for the period of SEK 17 m.

CONTINGENT LIABILITIES rose by SEK 11 m compared with December 31, 2000, due
to an increase in sureties.

INVESTMENTS amounted to SEK 147 m, of which Perstorp excluding Pergo accounted
for SEK 88 m. Total investments included SEK 76 m for strategic investments,
meaning major investments that result in a significant increase in the value
of a particular subgroup.

FREE CASH FLOW was negative in an amount of SEK 270 m (positive: 157). The
decrease compared with the year-earlier period was attributable in part to the
high amount of working capital at the beginning of the current report period
and in part to the decrease in operating earnings compared with the
year-earlier period. Cash flow from operations was negative in an amount of
SEK 340 m (positive: 201).


The number of Group employees at the end of the period was 3,401 (Dec 31,
2000: 3,523), of which Perstorp excluding Pergo accounted for 2,455 (Dec 31,
2000: 2,451). The change in the number of Group employees was mainly
attributable to a reduction in Pergo's work force.

Net sales Perstorp Group

SEK m                                           Q I   Q I Most recent Full year
                                               2001  2000   12 months      2000
Perstorp Specialty Chemicals                    828   700       3,176     3,048
Perstorp Chemitec                               465   350       1,691     1,576
Perstorp Formox                                 167   148         764       745
Perstorp Composites                             113    85         372       344
Other items including eliminations             -148   -84        -493      -429
Perstorp excl. Pergo                          1,425 1,199       5,510     5,284
Pergo                                           874   867       3,721     3,714
Demerged business units including               -38   348        -155       231
Group                                         2,261 2,414       9,076     9,229


Operating earnings Perstorp Group

SEK m                              Q I   Q I        Most recent       Full year
                                  2001  2000          12 months            2000
Perstorp chemical operations        88   120                461             493

(former Perstorp Chemicals)
Others                             -22    65                -13              74
Perstorp excl. Pergo                66   185                448             567
Pergo                              -52    56               -266            -158
Demerged business units              -     2                  -               2
including eliminations
Group                               14   243                182             411

Operating earnings, adjusted for items affecting comparability Perstorp Group

SEK m                              Q I   Q I        Most recent       Full year
                                  2001  2000          12 months            2000
Perstorp chemical operations        88   120                444             476

(former Perstorp Chemicals)
Others                             -10   -10                -14             -14
Perstorp excl. Pergo                78   110                430             462
Pergo                              -52    56                 29             137
Demerged business units              -     2                  -               2

including eliminations
Group                               26   168                459             601

Earnings Perstorp Group
Consolidated income statement                    Q I    Q I       Most     Full
                                                                recent     year
SEK m                                           2001   2000  12 months     2000

Net sales                                      2,261  2,414      9,076    9,229
Cost of goods sold                            -1,815 -1,776     -7,119   -7,080
Gross earnings                                   446    638      1,957    2,149
Sales, administration and R&D costs             -460   -476     -1,616   -1,632
Items affecting comparability                    -12     75       -277     -190
Other operating revenues and expenses             36      3        109       76
Result from participation in associated            4      3          9        8
Operating earnings                                14    243        182      411
Net financial items                                9    -13        -50      -72
Earnings before taxes                             23    230        132      339
Taxes                                             -8    -93        -37     -122
Minority share in net profit                       2      3          9       10
Earnings after taxes                              17    140        104      227
Earnings per share, SEK                         0.24   1.96       1.45     3.17
Earnings per share after full conversion, SEK   0.26   1.94       1.50     3.16

Consolidated Balance Sheet Perstorp Group

SEK m                                       March 31,     Dec 31,     March 31,
                                                 2001        2000          2000

Intangible fixed assets                           138         137            35
Tangible fixed assets                           3,745       3,612         3,265
Deferred tax receivables 1)                       127          31             -
Financial fixed assets                            532         517           317
Inventories                                     1,195       1,110         1,005
Current operating receivables                   2,657       2,427         2,061
Current financial assets                           30          27           163
Cash and bank                                      26          65           179
Total assets                                    8,450       7,926         7,025
Restricted shareholders' equity 2)              1,936       1,783            2)
Unrestricted shareholders' equity 2)            2,130       2,155            2)
Total shareholders' equity                      4,066       3,938         3,965
Minority interests                                 42          42            43
Provisions 1)                                     573         454           503
Long-term liabilities                              87          58           269
Current operating liabilities                   1,632       1,802         1,670
Current financial liabilities                   2,050       1,632           575
Total shareholders' equity and                  8,450       7,926         7,025

    1) Up to year-end 2000, the deferred tax receivable related to unutilized
    tax loss carryforwards was reported among provisions as a reduction of
    deferred tax liabilities.

2) The item has not been divided among restricted and unrestricted
shareholders' equity, during the comparative period.
Key Ratios Perstorp Group
                                           Q I       Q I       Most Full year
                                          2001      2000  12 months      2000
Turnover rate
- total capital, times/year                1.1       1.3        1.2       1.2
- working capital, times/year              4.6       5.5        5.3       5.5
Operating margin, %                        0.6      10.1        2.0       4.4
Return on
- total capital, %                           3        14          3         6
- shareholders equity, %                     2        15          3         6
- capital employed, %                        4        20          4         8
Debt ratio, times                          0.5       0.1        0.5       0.4
Equity ratio, %                             49        57         49        50
Interest-coverage ratio, times             1.6       7.2        2.1       3.9
Shareholders' equity per share, SEK         57        55         57        55
Free cash flow/net sales, %                -12         7         -2         3
Number of shares outstanding        71,589,720 71,584,341 71,589,720 71,589,720
Number of shares after full         74,114,341 74,114,341 74,114,341 74,114,341
Average number of shares            71,589,720 71,584,341 71,587,030 71,587,030

Cash flow analysis, summary Perstorp Group
SEK m                                                Q I  Q I      Most    Full
                                                                 recent    year
                                                    2001 2000 12 months    2000

Operating earnings                                    14  243       182     411
Depreciations                                        120  127       692     699
Change in working capital                           -338  -84      -814    -560
Current investments in fixed assets                  -71  -51      -246    -226
Adjustment for divested fixed assets                   9    -        50      41
Operating cash flow                                 -266  235      -136     365
Standard tax related to operating earnings            -4  -78       -58    -132
Free cash flow                                      -270  157      -194     233
Net financial items                                    9  -13       -50     -72
Reversal of standard tax                               4   78        58     132
Taxes paid/change in deferred tax receivables       -131  -65       -89     -23
Adjustment item, including exchange-rate              48   44       148     144
Cash flow from operations                           -340  201      -127     414
Strategic investments in fixed assets and company    -76  -34    -1,014    -972
Effect of divestments/dividend payments                -  562         -     562
Cash flow before dividend                           -416  729    -1,141       4
Dividend to shareholders                               -    -      -286    -286
Net cash flow                                       -416  729    -1,427    -282
Free cash flow per share, SEK                      -3.77 2.19     -2.71    3.25
Net debt at beginning of period 1)               -1,509 -1,754     -433  -1,754
Net cash flow                                      -416    729   -1,427    -282
Net debt in acquired/demerged operations              -    601        -     601
Currency effects                                    -81     -9     -146     -74
Net debt at end of period                        -2,006   -433   -2,006  -1,509

 1. Effective the fourth quarter of 2000, a changed definition of net debt is
    applied in order to adapt to the Swedish Society of Financial Analysts'
    recommendations. According to the previous definition, net debt would have
    amounted to SEK 1,222 m at the end and SEK 1,597 m at the beginning of

  Shareholders' Equity Perstorp Group

                                             Q1 2001                      Q1    
  SEK m              Share     Restricted     Non-restricted   Total  Total 2)
                   capital      reserves           reserves                

  At                   716          1,067              2,155   3,938     3,776
  of period                                                                   
  Earnings                                                17      17       140
  for the                                                                     
  Other                              -156                267     111        49
  At end of            716            911              2,439   4,066     3,965

                                      2000 Full year

  SEK m            Share capital       Restricted       Non-restricted   Total
                                        reserves             reserves         

  At beginning               716            1,359                1,701   3,776
  of period                                                                   
  Earnings for                                                     227     227
  the period                                                                  
  Dividend                                                        -286    -286
  Other changes                              -292                  513     221
  At end of                  716            1,067                2,155   3,938
2) Amounts for the comparative period have not been divided into restricted
shareholders' equity and unrestricted shareholders' equity. 
Quarterly Data Perstorp Group

  Consolidated income statement                1999                           
  SEK m                                           I       II      III       IV

  Net sales                                   2,549    2,792    2,544    2,467
  Cost of goods sold                         -1,830   -1,979   -1,825   -1,723
  Gross earnings                                719      813      719      744
  Sales, administration and                    -572     -605     -541     -563
  R&D costs                                                                   
  Items affecting comparability                 -15      -48      -37       14
  Other operating revenues and expenses          -3       -8       -4       20
  Results from participations in                  4        7        6        1
  associated companies                                                        
  Operating earnings                            133      159      143      216
  Net financial items                           -14      -23      -38      -25
  Earnings before taxes                         119      136      105      191
  Taxes                                         -42      -57      -94      -88
  Minority share in net profit                    0        2        7        2
  Net profit for the year                        77       81       18      105
  Consolidated income statement       2000                                2001
  SEK m                                  I       II      III       IV        I
  Net sales                          2,414    2,215    2,193    2,407    2,261
  Cost of goods sold                -1,776   -1,627   -1,719   -1,958   -1,815
  Gross earnings                       638      588      474      449      446
  Sales, administration and           -476     -416     -364     -376     -460
  R&D costs                                                                   
  Items affecting comparability         75        0      -45     -220      -12
  Other operating revenues and           3       13       14       46       36
  Results from participations in         3        3        6       -4        4
  associated companies                                                        
  Operating earnings                   243      188       85     -105       14
  Net financial items                  -13      -14      -19      -26        9
  Earnings before taxes                230      174       66     -131       23
  Taxes                                -93      -61      -24       56       -8
  Minority share in net profit           3        4        1        2        2
  Net profit for the year              140      117       43      -73       17

The Perstorp share

At the end of the period, the prices per Perstorp A and B share were SEK 102
and SEK 97.50, respectively, equal to market capitalization of SEK 7,018 m.
The corresponding prices at the end of the preceding year were SEK 75 and SEK
66, respectively, and market capitalization was SEK 4,802 m. The public
takeover offer from Sydsvenska Kemi AB has contributed to this increase by
46.1 %. The Stockholm Exchange's yield index declined by 18.1% during the
period. The Dow Jones European index for specialty chemical companies
decreased by 14.3%.

Dividend, Annual General Meeting and reporting dates

As indicated above, the Board of Directors proposes that the Annual General
Meeting approve the spin-off of all of the shares in Pergo AB to Perstorp
shareholders, in proportion to their current holdings of shares in Perstorp
AB. A cash dividend of SEK 2.00 (4.00) per share is also proposed.

The Board also proposes that the Annual General Meeting provide the Board with
renewed authorization to make decisions regarding the repurchase of Perstorp
shares corresponding to a maximum of 10% of the shares outstanding. The reason
for the repurchases is to provide the Board with an additional instrument for
use - if considered necessary - in efforts to boost shareholder value. It is
proposed that such authorization will apply until the following Annual General

Any such repurchases could be effected via the stock exchange or through an
offer to shareholders. It is proposed that the Board's authorization also
include permission, within the confines of Swedish legislation, to transfer
repurchased shares.

The Annual General Meeting will be held in Perstorp, Sweden, on Tuesday, June
12, 2001, at 4 p.m. The preliminary publication dates for the six-month and
nine-month interim reports are July 23 and October 23, respectively.

Perstorp, April 27, 2001

Board of Directors of Perstorp AB

This interim report is unaudited.

The recommendation issued by the Board of Directors on April 24 regarding the
public offer issued by Sydsvenska Kemi AB is hereby attached to the interim

Perstorp AB's Board recommends acceptance of offer from Industri Kapital

In a press release issued on March 22, Industri Kapital announced a public
offer through Sydsvenska Kemi AB ("Sydsvenska Kemi") to the shareholders and
holders of convertible debentures of Perstorp AB ("Perstorp"). Sydsvenska Kemi
is owned by Industri Kapital's private equity fund Industri Kapital 2000.

Sydsvenska Kemi's proposed offer to holders of Series B and Series A shares
consists of the following components:

  * SEK 71 per Series B share and SEK 82 per Series A share in cash; and,

  * A zero-coupon debenture due 2011 issued by Sydsvenska Kemi with a
    nominal value of SEK 51 per share, which, assuming a 12% required return,
    equates to a present value of SEK 16.50 per share.

Shareholders in Perstorp who, at March 21, 2001, held 99 or fewer shares can
receive a pure cash payment of SEK 87.50 per B-share and SEK 98.50 per A-share
for all shares held. The Board of Directors has proposed a cash dividend of
SEK 2.00 per share for fiscal year 2000, which will be deducted from the offer
prices, if paid to other else than Sydsvenska Kemi AB.

Sydsvenska Kemi's offer is conditional upon, among other things, the demerger
of Pergo AB, whose shares Perstorp is proposing to distribute to its
shareholders, assuming that the shareholders vote in favor of such
distribution at the Annual General Meeting to be held on June 12, 2001.
Accordingly, the Perstorp shareholders will, in addition to the aforementioned
offer amounts, retain their participation in Pergo.

Sydsvenska Kemi's proposed offer to holders of Perstorp's 1996/2001
convertible debentures with a nominal amount of SEK 88.90 ("convertible
debentures") consists of SEK 23.10 in cash, in exchange for a waiver of
conversion rights. The holders of convertible debentures waiving their
conversion rights will receive, regardless of whether or not they accept
Sydsvenska Kemi's offer, the nominal value of SEK 88.90 (plus accrued
interest) from Perstorp on May 15, 2001. The consideration from Sydsvenska
Kemi together with the nominal value amounts to SEK 112.00 in cash, but those
holders accepting the offer and waiving their conversion rights will not
receive a participation in Pergo. Holders of convertible debentures should
note that the last day for conversion is April 30, 2001 and that the loan is
due for repayment on May 15, 2001.

Sydsvenska Kemi's offer is also subject to Sydsvenska Kemi receiving all
necessary regulatory approvals no later than June 25, 2001 and the offer being
accepted to such an extent that Sydsvenska Kemi becomes the owner of shares
representing more than 90% of the total number of shares and more than 90% of
the voting rights for all shares (though Sydsvenska Kemi reserves the right to
complete the offer at a lower level of acceptance). It should be noted that
Sydsvenska Kemi's offer is not conditional on financing.

AB Custos, Nordea mutual funds, SEB Fondforvaltning AB, Fourth AP-fund, SIF,
Second AP-fund, First AP-fund, Third AP-fund, Sixth AP-fund, Alecta (formerly
SPP), Vera Boning via companies, Bo Ursing, Wilhelm Wendt, Karl Lennart Wendt
och Carl Henrik Wendt who hold shares together representing around 65% of the
shares capital and around 75% of the voting rights in Perstorp have expressed
their support and intend to accept The Offer.

In order to create conditions for shareholders and holders of convertible
debentures to make a more informed decision regarding Sydsvenska Kemi's offer,
the Board of Directors of Perstorp has decided to issue the following

Recommendation of the Board of Directors of Perstorp

The Board of Directors has evaluated the offer from Sydsvenska Kemi and has
unanimously resolved to recommend that the shareholders and the holders of
convertible debentures accept the offer on the stated terms and conditions and
during the stated subscription period. The Board's recommendation is supported
by a fairness opinion submitted by Perstorp's financial adviser, Morgan
Stanley and a second opinion from the financial adviser Alfred Berg mainly
based on material from Morgan Stanley.

In connection with its evaluation of the offer, the Board has considered the

  * During recent years, Perstorp has streamlined its operations in order to
    focus on activities where it has a competitive advantage and can thus
    create shareholder value. The recently announced reorganisation of the
    Chemicals business and the proposed spin-off of Pergo represent the
    logical continuation of this strategy and the Board of Directors believes
    that the separation of the consumer-oriented flooring business from the
    specialty chemicals-focused chemicals business will position both entities
    for growth in the future.

  * Despite the good prospects for Perstorp as a specialized chemicals
    company, the Board of Directors is of the opinion that the increase in
    value that Perstorp can create in the foreseeable future is unlikely to
    equal that being offered by Sydsvenska Kemi.

Christer Gardell, Karl Lennart Wendt and Wilhelm Wendt, members of the Board
of Directors, did not take part in the Board's decision regarding the offer
due to their participation in the negotiations between Sydsvenska Kemi AB and
major shareholders that preceded the offer.

Perstorp's Chairman, Urban Jansson, makes the following comment on the offer:

"Although Perstorp's continued evolution into a focused, highly specialized
chemicals company has positioned the company well for the future, Sydsvenska
Kemi's offer represents an opportunity to accelerate Perstorp's growth through
the combination of Perstorp's operations with those of Oxo Holding AB and
enable Perstorp and its employees to build a leading chemicals company based
in the Nordic region."

April 24, 2001

Perstorp AB

Board of Directors

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