RNS Number : 6946R 
Canary Wharf Finance II PLC 
26 August 2010 

26 August 2010 
Pursuant to sections 4.1 and 6.3.5 of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, the 
board of Canary Wharf Finance II plc is pleased to announce the publication of 
its half yearly financial report for the period ended 30 June 2010, which will 
shortly be available from www.canarywharf.com/Investor Relations. 
The information contained within this announcement, which was approved by the 
board of directors on 25 August 2010, does not comprise statutory accounts 
within the meaning of the Companies Act 2006 and is provided in accordance with 
section 6.3.5(2)(b) of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules. 
Two copies of the 30 June 2010 Half Yearly Financial Report will be submitted to 
the UK Listing Authority ("UKLA") in accordance with Paragraph 9.6.1 of the 
Listing Rules.  The document will shortly be available for inspection at the 
UKLA's Document Viewing Facility, which is situated at 25 North Colonnade, 
Canary Wharf, London E14 5HS. 
This interim management statement relates to the six months ended 30 June 2010 
and contains information that covers the period from 1 January 2010 to 25 August 
2010, the date of publication of this interim management statement. 
The company is a wholly owned subsidiary of Canary Wharf Group plc and its 
ultimate parent undertaking is Songbird Estates plc. 
Canary Wharf Finance II plc is a finance vehicle that issues securities which 
are backed by commercial mortgages over high profile properties within the 
Canary Wharf estate. The company is engaged in the provision of finance to the 
Canary Wharf group, comprising Canary Wharf Group plc and its subsidiaries ('the 
group'). All activities take place within the United Kingdom 
At 30 June 2010, the company had GBP2,490,823,840 (31 December 2009: 
GBP2,519,590,161) of notes listed on the London Stock Exchange and had lent the 
proceeds to a fellow subsidiary undertaking, CW Lending II Limited.  The notes 
are secured on seven properties at Canary Wharf, owned by fellow subsidiary 
undertakings, and the rental income therefrom. 
No significant non-routine events or transactions occurred during the period 
from 1 January 2010 to 26 August 2010. 
On 15 September 2008 Lehman Brothers Limited entered into administration in the 
UK and its ultimate parent, Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc., applied for Chapter 
11 insolvency protection in the USA. 
Lehman Brothers Limited (in administration) ('Lehman') originally leased 1.023m 
sq ft in 25 Bank Street on a tenancy which is due to expire in July 2033. 
Although Lehman has ceased paying rent, the lease legally remains in place and 
its obligations are guaranteed by Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc, the US parent. 
Of the 1.023m sq ft, approximately 358,000 sq ft was sub-let in December 2008 to 
Nomura International Plc.  A further 63,000 sq ft (approx) in aggregate was 
sub-let to Nomura in May 2009 and March 2010.  These subleases will expire in 30 
September 2010 following the exercise of breaks. 
A further 126,000 sq ft is sublet, of which approximately 101,000 sq ft is 
sub-let until 2013 and the balance until September 2010.  Each of these sub-lets 
revert to Lehman on the expiry of the various sub-leases.  The current rent 
payable by Lehman for the entire building is GBP54.59 psf. 
The securitisation has the benefit of a loan facility agreement ('the HQ2 
Facility') with American International Group, Inc ('AIG') which provides for a 
shortfall of the contracted rent under the lease (for example following a 
default by Lehman or its administrators) to be made up by drawing upon the HQ2 
Facility.  The Facility provides for drawings over a period of 4 years from 
first drawdown.  The amounts drawn are repayable from any recoveries received in 
respect of the amounts claimed under the Facility and rentals in the property 
which exceed the contracted rents that would have been received from Lehman 
under the lease. 
Under the HQ2 Facility AIG is obliged to maintain a certain credit rating. 
Following the fall in its credit rating, AIG posted cash collateral of 
approximately GBP224.0 million. This collateral is held in AIG bank accounts 
with the Bank of New York Mellon, London branch and AIG has granted security 
over the deposits as collateral for its obligations. The amount initially posted 
in respect of AIG's obligations is subject to periodic adjustment to reflect 
movements in interest rates. 
For the first quarter of 2010 Lehman paid rent in respect of 290,146 sq ft only, 
being the areas of 25 Bank Street which it occupied at that time and not for the 
whole of 25 Bank Street. From 1 April 2010 Lehman ceased paying all rent and 
estate service charge on the building.  Sub-tenants which currently occupy 
547,000 sq ft, including Nomura, continue to pay rent directly to the 
securitisation rental receipts account. 
Notwithstanding any partial occupation or any subsequent vacation of 25 Bank 
Street by the administrators, the company continues to expect full performance 
of the Lehman obligations under the lease and payment of rent on the whole of 25 
Bank Street is being pursued in line with a recent High Court ruling on 
administrator liability in relation to the first quarter of 2010 with the 
position reserved as to subsequently.  Pending resolution of this issue there 
was a net shortfall in rental income of GBP2.6 million within the securitisation 
structure in the first quarter of 2010.  The shortfall for the second quarter 
was GBP4.8m and for the third quarter was GBP5.8m.  These shortfalls have been 
satisfied from existing cash resources in a coverage reserve account established 
within the securitisation to meet such shortfalls.  There has therefore been no 
immediate drawdown under the HQ2 Facility. 
Separately, the securitisation has the benefit of an arrangement with AIG which 
covers the rent in the event of a default by the tenant of 33 Canada Square over 
the entire term of the lease. AIG has posted a further GBP276.3 million as cash 
collateral in respect of this obligation. 
The company also has the benefit of a GBP300.0m liquidity facility provided by 
Lloyds Bank plc, under which drawings may be made in the event of a cash flow 
shortage under the securitisation. 
As shown in the company's profit and loss account, the company's loss after tax 
for the six month period was GBP29,162,260 (period ended 30 June 2009: profit of 
The balance sheet shows the company's financial position at the period end and 
indicates that net liabilities were GBP142,758,625 (31 December 2009: 
The financial position of the company as indicated by its balance sheet is 
impacted by the application of Financial Reporting Standard 26 (Financial 
Instruments: Recognition and Measurement) ('FRS 26') and its impact on other 
financial reporting standards.  FRS 26 requires recognition of the mark to 
market of derivative financial instruments, which hedge the company's exposure 
to interest rate fluctuations, but the mark to market of the company's debtor 
loan and securitised debt has not been recognised.  Adjusting for the effects of 
FRS 26 the net asset value of the company at 30 June 2010 was as follows: 
|           31 |                             |       30 June |      30 June | 
|     December |                             |               |              | 
|         2009 |                             |          2010 |         2009 | 
|          GBP |                             |           GBP |          GBP | 
| (82,902,534) | Net (liabilities) per       | (142,758,625) | (83,716,114) | 
|              | balance sheet               |               |              | 
|   86,380,000 | Effects of FRS 26           |   146,361,000 |   87,066,000 | 
|    3,477,466 | Adjusted net assets         |     3,602,375 |    3,349,886 | 
The adjusted net assets position reflects the financial position that would 
result from the scheduled back to back repayment of the company's debt and 
debtor loan. 
There have been no significant events since the balance sheet date affecting the 
|            31 |                             |       30 June |       30 June | 
|      December |                             |               |               | 
|          2009 |                             |          2010 |          2009 | 
|           GBP |                             |           GBP |           GBP | 
| 2,519,590,161 | Securitised debt            | 2,490,823,840 | 2,548,356,480 | 
|   153,304,806 | Financing cost (before      |    75,205,877 |    76,699,771 | 
|               | adjustments for FRS 26)     |               |               | 
|       269,755 | Adjusted profit before tax  |       124,909 |       142,176 | 
|               | and FRS 26                  |               |               | 
|               |                             |               |               | 
|    17.1 years | Weighted average maturity   |          16.8 |          17.4 | 
|               | of debt                     |         years |         years | 
|          6.2% | Weighted average interest   |          6.2% |          6.2% | 
|               | rate                        |               |               | 
The adjusted profit before tax comprises the loss on ordinary activities before 
tax of GBP29,162,260 (period ended 30 June 2009: profit of GBP53,727,564) 
adjusted for the FRS 26 itemslisted in Note 3,totalling GBP29,287,169 (period 
ended 30 June 2009: GBP(53,585,388)). 
The company's business activities, together with the factors likely to affect 
its future development, performance and position (including the principal risks 
and uncertainties) are set out in this interim management statement.  The 
finances of the company and its liquidity position and borrowings are, where 
relevant, also described in this statement. 
As a result of the fair value of its derivative financial instruments the 
company is in a net liability position at 30 June 2010.  However, the company's 
debtor loan provides an income stream which the directors forecast will enable 
it to meet its obligations as they fall due for a period of not less than twelve 
months from the signing date of this interim management statement. 
Having made the requisite enquiries, the directors have a reasonable expectation 
that the company will have adequate resources to continue its operations for the 
foreseeable future.  Accordingly they continue to adopt the going concern basis 
in preparing the Half Yearly Financial Report. 
The risks and uncertainties facing the business are monitored through continuous 
assessment, regular formal quarterly reviews and discussion at Canary Wharf 
Group plc audit committee and board level. Such discussion focuses on the risks 
identified as part of the system of internal control which highlights key risks 
faced by the company and allocates specific day to day monitoring and control 
responsibilities to management.  As a member of Canary Wharf Group, the current 
key risks of the company include the cyclical nature of the property market, 
concentration risk and financing risk. 
These risks, which are summarised below are unchanged from the risks and 
uncertainties disclosed in the directors' report to the financial statements for 
the year ended 31 December 2009. 
Cyclical nature of the property market 
The valuation of the group's assets is subject to many external economic and 
market factors.  The turmoil in the financial markets during 2008 and 2009 was 
reflected in the property market by such factors as the oversupply of available 
space in the office market, a significant decline in tenant demand for space in 
London and a change in the market perception of property as an investment 
resulting in a negative impact on property valuations in general.  In the latter 
half of 2009 and the first half of 2010 there have been signs of a tightening of 
supply which has resulted in an increase in valuation and compression of yields. 
Changes in financial and property markets are kept under constant review so that 
the company can react appropriately.  The impact of the ongoing uncertainty in 
the financial and property markets continues to be closely monitored. 
Concentration risk 
The majority of the group's real estate assets are currently located on or 
adjacent to the Canary Wharf Estate with tenants that are mainly linked to the 
financial services industry. Wherever possible steps are taken to mitigate or 
avoid material consequences arising from this concentration. 
Financing risk 
The broader economic cycle inevitably leads to movement in inflation, interest 
rates and bond yields. 
The company holds debenture finance in sterling at both fixed and floating rates 
and uses interest rate swaps to modify its exposure to interest rate 
fluctuations.  All of the company's borrowings are fixed after taking account of 
interest rate hedges.  All borrowings are denominated in sterling and the 
company has no intention to borrow amounts in currencies other than sterling. 
The company enters into derivative financial instruments solely for the purposes 
of hedging its financial liabilities.  No derivatives are entered into for 
speculative purposes. 
The company is not subject to externally imposed capital requirements. 
The company's securitisation is subject to a maximum loan minus cash to value 
('LMCTV') ratio covenant. 
The maximum LMCTV ratio is 100.0%.  Based on the 31 December 2009 valuations of 
the properties upon which the company's notes are secured, the LMCTV ratio at 
the interest payment date in July 2010 would have been 82.1%, excluding the 
GBP224.0m of cash collateral posted by AIG in respect of 25 Bank Street, and 
74.4% including such cash collateral.  The securitisation is not subject to a 
minimum interest coverage ratio.  The 30 June 2010 valuations were not available 
at the date of signing this interim management statement. 
A breach of covenant can be remedied by depositing eligible investments 
(including cash). 
The board of directors, comprising G Iacobescu, A P Anderson II and P Harned, 
confirm to the best of their knowledge that: 
a)    the condensed set of financial statements, which has been prepared in 
accordance with the applicable set of accounting standards, gives a true and 
fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit or loss of 
the Company as required by Rule 4.2.4 of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules 
of the United Kingdom's Financial Services Authority ('the DTRs'); and 
b)    the interim management statement includes a fair review of the information 
required by Rule 4.2.7 of the DTRs (indication of important events during the 
first six months and description of principal risks and uncertainties for the 
remaining six months of the year). 
|      Audited |                          |      |     Unaudited |          |    Unaudited | 
|         Year |                          |      |           Six |          |          Six | 
|        ended |                          |      |        months |          |       months | 
|           31 |                          |      |         ended |          |        ended | 
|     December |                          |      |               |          |              | 
|         2009 |                          |      |       30 June |          |      30 June | 
|              |                          |      |          2010 |          |         2009 | 
|          GBP |                          |Note  |           GBP |          |          GBP | 
|              |                          |      |               |          |              | 
|     (13,950) | Administrative expenses  |      |       (7,050) |          |      (6,900) | 
|              |                          |      |               |          |              | 
|     (13,950) | OPERATING LOSS           |      |       (7,050) |          |      (6,900) | 
|              |                          |      |               |          |              | 
|  153,588,511 | Interest receivable and  |  2   |    75,337,836 |          |   76,848,847 | 
|              | similar income           |      |               |          |              | 
|              |                          |      |               |          |              | 
| (98,407,784) | Interest payable and     |  3   | (104,493,046) |          | (23,114,383) | 
|              | similar charges          |      |               |          |              | 
|              |                          |      |               |          |              | 
|   55,166,777 |                          |      |  (29,162,260) |          |   53,727,564 | 
|              | (LOSS)/PROFIT ON         |      |               |          |              | 
|              | ORDINARY                 |      |               |          |              | 
|              | ACTIVITIES BEFORE        |      |               |          |              | 
|              | TAXATION                 |      |               |          |              | 
|              |                          |      |               |          |              | 
|            - | Tax on (loss)/profit on  |  4   |             - |          |            - | 
|              | ordinary activities      |      |               |          |              | 
|              |                          |      |               |          |              | 
|   55,166,777 | (LOSS)/PROFIT ON         |  8   |  (29,162,260) |          |   53,727,564 | 
|              | ORDINARY                 |      |               |          |              | 
|              | ACTIVITIES AFTER         |      |               |          |              | 
|              | TAXATION FOR THE PERIOD  |      |               |          |              | 
|              |                          |      |               |          |              | 
All amounts relate to continuing activities in the United Kingdom. 
The Notes numbered 1 to 9 form an integral part of this Half Yearly Financial 
The Half Yearly Financial Report for the six months ended 30 June 2010 was 
approved by the Board of Directors on 25 August 2010. 
ENDED 30 JUNE 2010 
|     Audited |                              |    Unaudited |          |   Unaudited | 
|  Year ended |                              |          Six |          |         Six | 
|             |                              |       months |          |      months | 
|          31 |                              |        ended |          |       ended | 
|    December |                              |              |          |             | 
|        2009 |                              |      30 June |          |     30 June | 
|             |                              |         2010 |          |        2009 | 
|         GBP |                              |          GBP |          |         GBP | 
|  55,166,777 | (Loss)/profit for the        | (29,162,260) |          |  53,727,564 | 
|             | financial year               |              |          |             | 
|  51,512,715 | Fair value adjustment on     | (38,282,920) |          |  55,878,562 | 
|             | effective hedging            |              |          |             | 
|             | instruments                  |              |          |             | 
|   5,715,286 | Payments from effective      |    8,096,920 |          |   1,457,438 | 
|             | hedging instruments          |              |          |             | 
| (1,045,022) | Hedge reserve recycling      |    (507,831) |          |   (527,388) | 
| 111,349,756 |                              | (59,856,091) |          | 110,536,176 | 
|             | Total recognised             |              |          |             | 
|             | (losses)/gains relating to   |              |          |             | 
|             | the year                     |              |          |             | 
|             |                              |              |          |             | 
The Notes on numbered 1 to 9 form an integral part of this Half Yearly Financial 
|         Audited |                            |      |       Unaudited |          |       Unaudited | 
|              31 |                            |      |        30 June  |          |         30 June | 
|        December |                            |      |                 |          |                 | 
|            2009 |                            |      |            2010 |          |            2009 | 
|             GBP |                            | Note |             GBP |          |             GBP | 
|                 |                            |      |                 |          |                 | 
|                 | CURRENT ASSETS             |      |                 |          |                 | 
|                 | Debtors:                   |  5   |                 |          |                 | 
|   2,534,909,653 | Amounts falling due after  |      |   2,505,469,849 |          |   2,564,355,281 | 
|                 | one year                   |      |                 |          |                 | 
|      88,744,717 | Amounts falling due within |      |      88,405,287 |          |      89,113,193 | 
|                 | one year                   |      |                 |          |                 | 
|       1,513,916 | Cash at bank               |      |       1,441,134 |          |       1,189,590 | 
|                 |                            |      |                 |          |                 | 
|   2,625,168,286 |                            |      |   2,595,316,270 |          |   2,654,658,064 | 
|                 |                            |      |                 |          |                 | 
|    (86,781,165) | CREDITORS: Amounts falling |  6   |    (86,244,045) |          |    (86,952,897) | 
|                 | due within one year        |      |                 |          |                 | 
|                 |                            |      |                 |          |                 | 
|   2,538,387,121 | NET CURRENT ASSETS         |      |   2,509,072,225 |          |   2,567,705,167 | 
|                 |                            |      |                 |          |                 | 
|   2,538,387,121 | TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT  |      |   2,509,072,225 |          |   2,567,705,167 | 
|                 | LIABILITIES                |      |                 |          |                 | 
|                 |                            |      |                 |          |                 | 
| (2,621,289,655) | CREDITORS: Amounts falling |  7   | (2,651,830,850) |          | (2,651,421,281) | 
|                 | due after more than one    |      |                 |          |                 | 
|                 | year                       |      |                 |          |                 | 
|                 |                            |      |                 |          |                 | 
|    (82,902,534) | NET LIABILITIES            |      |   (142,758,625) |          |    (83,716,114) | 
|               | CAPTAL AND RESERVES    |    |               |          |               | 
|        50,000 | Called-up share        |    |        50,000 |          |        50,000 | 
|               | capital                |    |               |          |               | 
|  (32,717,455) | Hedging reserve        | 8  |  (63,411,286) |          |  (32,091,822) | 
| (50,235,079)  | Profit and loss        | 8  |  (79,397,339) |          |  (51,674,292) | 
|               | account                |    |               |          |               | 
|               |                        |    |               |          |               | 
| (82,902,534)  | SHAREHOLDER'S DEFICIT  |    | (142,758,625) |          |               | 
|               |                        |    |               |          |  (83,716,114) | 
|               |                        |    |               |          |               | 
The Notes on numbered 1 to 9 form an integral part of this Half Yearly Financial 
        The Half Yearly Financial Report has been prepared on a going concern 
basis and in accordance with pronouncements on interim reporting issued by the 
Accounting Standards Board and on the basis of the accounting policies set out 
in the company's financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2009, which 
are prepared in accordance with UK GAAP. 
        The financial information relating to the six month periods ended 30 
June 2010 and 30 June 2009 is unaudited. 
        The results for the year ended 31 December 2009 are not statutory 
accounts.  A copy of the statutory accounts for the year has been delivered to 
the Registrar of Companies.  The auditors report on those accounts was not 
qualified, did not contain a reference to any matters which the auditors drew 
attention by way of emphasis without qualifying the report and did not contain 
statements under Section 498(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006. 
        In accordance with the provisions of FRS 1 (Revised) the company is 
exempt from the requirements to prepare a cash flow statement, as it is a 
wholly-owned subsidiary of Canary Wharf Group plc, which makes its consolidated 
financial statements publicly available. 
|     Audited |                              |  Unaudited |          |  Unaudited | 
|        Year |                              | Six months |          |        Six | 
|       ended |                              |            |          |     months | 
|          31 |                              |      ended |          |      ended | 
|    December |                              |            |          |            | 
|        2009 |                              |    30 June |          |    30 June | 
|             |                              |       2010 |          |       2009 | 
|         GBP |                              |        GBP |          |        GBP | 
|      30,373 | Bank interest receivable     |      7,870 |          |     21,938 | 
| 153,558,138 | Interest receivable from     | 75,329,966 |          | 76,826,909 | 
|             | group undertakings           |            |          |            | 
|             |                              |            |          |            | 
| 153,588,511 |                              | 75,337,836 |          | 76,848,847 | 
|      Audited |                              |   Unaudited |          |    Unaudited | 
|         Year |                              |  Six months |          |          Six | 
|        ended |                              |             |          |       months | 
|           31 |                              |       ended |          |        ended | 
|     December |                              |             |          |              | 
|         2009 |                              |     30 June |          |      30 June | 
|              |                              |        2010 |          |         2009 | 
|          GBP |                              |         GBP |          |          GBP | 
|  153,304,806 | Interest payable on          |  75,205,877 |          |   76,699,771 | 
|              | securitised debt (Note 7)    |             |          |              | 
| (53,852,000) | Fair value adjustments on    |  29,795,000 |          | (53,058,000) | 
|              | derivative financial         |             |          |              | 
|              | instruments                  |             |          |              | 
|  (1,045,022) | Hedge reserve recycling      |   (507,831) |          |    (527,388) | 
|              | (Note 8)                     |             |          |              | 
|              |                              |             |          |              | 
|   98,407,784 |                              | 104,493,046 |          |   23,114,383 | 
Of the interest payable on securitised debt GBP2,538,604 (30 June 2008: 
GBP3,863,902) was due to a fellow subsidiary undertaking. 
        No provision for corporation tax has been made since the tax profit for 
the year will be covered by the group relief expected to be made available to 
the company by other companies in the group. No charge will be made by other 
group companies for the surrender of group relief. It is anticipated that group 
relief and other tax reliefs will impact on future tax charges. There is no 
unprovided deferred taxation. 
|     Audited |                                   |     Unaudited |          |     Unaudited | 
|          31 |                                   |       30 June |          |       30 June | 
|    December |                                   |               |          |               | 
|        2009 |                                   |          2010 |          |          2009 | 
|         GBP |                                   |           GBP |          |           GBP | 
|             | Due within one year:              |               |          |               | 
|  86,617,063 | Loans to fellow subsidiary        |    86,284,622 |          |    86,994,209 | 
|             | undertaking                       |               |          |               | 
|   2,126,381 | Amount owed by fellow subsidiary  |     2,119,331 |          |     2,116,031 | 
|             | undertaking                       |               |          |               | 
|       1,273 | Accrued interest receivable       |         1,334 |          |         2,953 | 
|             |                                   |               |          |               | 
|  88,744,717 |                                   |               |          |    89,113,193 | 
|             |                                   |    88,405,287 |          |               | 
|               |                          |      |               |          |               | 
|               | Due in more than one     |      |               |          |               | 
|               | year:                    |      |               |          |               | 
| 2,534,909,653 | Loans to fellow          |      | 2,505,469,849 |          | 2,564,355,281 | 
|               | subsidiary undertaking   |      |               |          |               | 
|               |                          |      | 2,505,469,849 |          | 2,564,355,281 | 
| 2,534,909,653 |                          |      |               |          |               | 
|               |                          |      |               |          |               | 
|             | |                          |      |               |          |               | 
The loans to a fellow subsidiary undertaking bear fixed rates of interest 
between 5.12% and 6.81% and are repayable in instalments between 2005 and 2035. 
At 30 June 2010 the fair value of the loan was GBP2,527,739,000 (31 December 
2009: GBP2,289,728,000), calculated by reference to the fair values of the 
company's financial liabilities. 
        Other amounts owed by group undertakings are non-interest bearing. 
6.CREDITORS: Amounts falling due within one year 
|    Audited |                        |  Unaudited |          |  Unaudited | 
|         31 |                        |    30 June |          |    30 June | 
|   December |                        |            |          |            | 
|       2009 |                        |       2010 |          |       2009 | 
|        GBP |                        |        GBP |          |        GBP | 
| 86,774,115 | Securitised debt (Note | 86,236,995 |          | 86,945,997 | 
|            | 7)                     |            |          |            | 
|      7,050 | Accruals and deferred  |      7,050 |          |      6,900 | 
|            | income                 |            |          |            | 
|            |                        | 86,244,045 |          | 86,952,897 | 
| 86,781,165 |                        |            |          |            | 
The amount of the securitised debt due within one year comprises GBP28,704,355 
(31 December 2009: GBP29,241,475) of interest and GBP57,532,640 (31 December 
2009: GBP57,532,640) of capital. 
7.CREDITORS: Amounts falling due after more than one year 
|       Audited |                        |     Unaudited |          |     Unaudited | 
|            31 |                        |       30 June |          |       30 June | 
|      December |                        |               |          |               | 
|          2009 |                        |          2010 |          |          2009 | 
|           GBP |                        |           GBP |          |           GBP | 
| 2,534,909,655 | Securitised debt       | 2,505,469,850 |          | 2,564,355,281 | 
|    86,380,000 | Derivate financial     |   146,361,000 |          |    87,066,000 | 
|               | instruments            |               |          |               | 
| 2,621,289,655 |                        | 2,651,830,850 |          |               | 
|               |                        |               |          | 2,651,421,281 | 
|               |                        |               |          |               | 
        The amounts at which the securitised debt is stated comprise: 
|       Audited |                        |     Unaudited |          |     Unaudited | 
|            31 |                        |       30 June |          |       30 June | 
|      December |                        |               |          |               | 
|          2009 |                        |          2010 |          |          2009 | 
|           GBP |                        |           GBP |          |           GBP | 
| 2,626,086,740 | Brought forward        | 2,592,442,295 |          | 2,626,086,740 | 
|  (32,221,760) | Repaid in period       |  (28,766,320) |          |   (3,455,440) | 
|   (4,990,672) | Amortisation of issue  |   (2,442,816) |          |   (2,512,710) | 
|               | premium                |               |          |               | 
|     3,567,987 | Accrued financing      |     1,769,331 |          |     1,769,331 | 
|               | expenses               |               |          |               | 
|               |                        | 2,563,002,490 |          | 2,621,887,921 | 
| 2,592,442,295 | Carried forward        |               |          |               | 
|               |                        |               |          |               | 
|    57,532,640 | Payable within one     |    57,532,640 |          |    57,532,640 | 
|               | year or on demand      |               |          |               | 
| 2,534,909,655 | Payable after more     | 2,505,469,850 |          | 2,564,355,281 | 
|               | than one year          |               |          |               | 
|               |                        | 2,563,002,490 |          | 2,621,887,921 | 
| 2,592,442,295 |                        |               |          |               | 
Certain of the A1, A3 and B notes were issued at a premium which is being 
amortised to the profit and loss account on a straight-line basis over the life 
of the relevant notes.  At 30 June 2010 GBP60,809,992 (31 December 2009: 
GBP63,252,808) remained unamortised. 
        On 2 April 2009, a fellow subsidiary undertaking acquired GBP119,778,000 
of notes comprising GBP26,101,000 of B3 notes, GBP35,338,000 of C2 notes and 
GBP58,339,000 of D2 notes.  These notes remain in issue and have not been 
At 30 June 2010 there were accrued financing costs of GBP11,368,657 (31 December 
2009: GBP9,599,326) relating to future increases in margins. 
The securitised debt has a face value of GBP2,490,823,840 (31 December 2009: 
GBP2,519,590,161), of which GBP1,764,823,840 (31 December 2009: 
GBP1,793,590,160) carries fixed rates of interest between 5.95% and 6.80%. The 
other GBP726,000,000 (31 December 2009: GBP726,000,000) of the securitised debt 
carries floating rates of interest at LIBOR plus a margin.  The company uses 
interest rate swaps to hedge exposure to the variability in cash flows on 
floating rate debt caused by movements in market rates of interest.  The hedged 
rates of the floating notes, including the margins, are between 5.11% and 5.80%. 
        The market value of the securitised debt at 30 June 2010 was 
GBP2,381,378,000 (31 December 2009: GBP2,203,349,000).  At 30 June 2010 the fair 
value of the interest rate derivatives resulted in the recognition of a net 
liability of GBP146,361,000 (31 December 2009: GBP86,380,000). Of this net 
liability, GBP74,687,000 was in respect of interest rate swaps which qualify for 
hedge accounting (31 December 2009: GBP44,501,000) and GBP71,674,000 was in 
respect of interest rate swaps which do not qualify for hedge accounting (31 
December 2009: GBP41,879,000). 
        The notes are secured on certain property interests in fellow subsidiary 
undertakings and the rental income stream therefrom. 
|                          |     Hedging  |       Profit |          |         Total | 
|                          |      reserve |     and loss |          |               | 
|                          |              |      account |          |               | 
|                          |          GBP |          GBP |          |           GBP | 
| At 1 January 2010        | (32,717,455) | (50,235,079) |          |  (82,952,534) | 
| Loss for the period      |            - | (29,162,260) |          |  (29,162,260) | 
| Fair value adjustment on | (38,282,920) |            - |          |  (38,282,920) | 
| effective hedging        |              |              |          |               | 
| instruments              |              |              |          |               | 
| Payments from effective  |    8,096,920 |            - |          |     8,096,920 | 
| hedging instruments      |              |              |          |               | 
| Movements on             |    (507,831) |            - |          |     (507,831) | 
| discontinued hedge       |              |              |          |               | 
| accounting transferred   |              |              |          |               | 
| to the profit and loss   |              |              |          |               | 
| account                  |              |              |          |               | 
| At 30 June 2010          | (63,411,286) | (79,397,339) |          | (142,808,625) | 
        As at 30 June 2010 the company had given a fixed charge over all its 
assets, including first fixed charges over its bank accounts, to secure the 
notes referred to in Note 7. 
Contact for queries: 
J R Garwood 
Company Secretary 
Canary Wharf Finance II plc 
Telephone:  020 7418 2000 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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