RNS Number : 5541F
  Official List
  10 October 2008

    10/10/2008 7:30am



    The Financial Services Authority ("the FSA") temporarily suspends the securities set out below from the Official List effective from
10/10/2008 7:30am at the request of the company following the appointment of Receivers:

   3.755% Notes due 30/06/2009                                   (XS0160267943) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of EUR100,000 each) 

   1.00%/Floating Rate Notes due 30/06/2009                      (XS0160200282) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of CHF500,000 each) 

   3.84% Capital Notes due 30/06/2017                            (XS0158547827) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of EUR100,000 each) 

   3.415% Notes due 30/07/2012                                   (XS0146371769) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of CHF50,000 each) 

   4.96% Notes due 31/01/2011                                    (XS0144966453) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of EUR100,000 each) 

   4.81% Notes due 30/08/2011                                    (XS0135593175) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of EUR500,000 each) 

   4.84% Notes due 15/02/2011                                    (XS0124651497) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of EUR500,000 each) 

   4.89% Capital Notes due 16/08/2010                            (XS0116368530) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of EUR500,000 each) 

   2.97% Notes due 30/03/2010                                    (XS0109641133) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of CHF500,000 each) 

   3.295% Notes due 30/07/2009                                   (XS0099452293) 
   fully paid
   (Rerpesented by notes to bearer of CHF500,000 each) 

   3.58% Notes due 30/12/2009                                    (XS0171627051) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of CHF500,000 each) 

   2.6375% Notes due 30/12/2009                                  (XS0171627564) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of CHF500,000 each) 

   3.485% Notes due 30/09/2010                                   (XS0173273722) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of EUR50,000 each) 

   Callable Index-Linked Notes due 07/07/2014                    (XS0194833801) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of EUR50,000 each) 

   Capital Floating Rate Notes due 15/05/2012                    (XS0219324422) 
   fully paid 
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Capital Floating Rate Notes due 18/02/2014                    (XS0186586581) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by a note to bearer) 

   Capital Floating Rate Notes due 18/02/2014                    (XS0186593280) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Capital Floating Rate Notes due 18/02/2014                    (XS0186586235) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Capital Floating Rate Notes due 18/02/2014                    (XS0186593793) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Capital Floating Rate Notes due 18/02/2014                    (XS0186594098) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Capital Floating Rate Notes due 18/02/2014                    (XS0186594338) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   7% Capital Notes due 25/02/2021                               (XS0187449029) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of EUR50,000 each and
   thereafter in increments of EUR1) 

   2.92% Capital Notes due 18/02/2009                            (XS0217493971) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of SEK500,000 each) 

   Capital Floating Rate Notes due 30/05/2014                    (XS0241030567) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD100,000 each) 

   Capital Floating Rate Notes due 29/01/2016                    (XS0241412922) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   3.755% Capital Notes due 30/06/2009                           (XS0244965462) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of EUR100,000 each) 

   3.505% Notes due 15/03/2013                                   (XS0248135419) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of EUR100,000 each) 

   2.34% Capital Notes due 28/03/2013                            (XS0248255829) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of CHF500,000 each) 

   5.17% Captal Notes due 28/03/2013                             (XS0248256470) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer USD500,000 each) 

   2.34% Capital Notes due 28/03/2013                            (XS0248255589) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of CHF500,000 each) 

   3.875% Capital Notes due 30/03/2016                           (XS0249383877) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of EUR100,000 each) 

   3.46625% Capital Notes due 28/03/2013                         (XS0248604265) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of EUR100,000 each) 

   3.46625% Capital Notes due 28/03/2013                         (XS0248605072) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of EUR100,000 each) 

   3.875% Capital Notes due 30/03/2016                           (XS0249385062) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer EUR100,000 each) 

   5.4125% Capital Notes due 15/06/2016                          (XS0258079796) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Capital Floating Rate Notes due 16/06/2014                    (XS0268758975) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Capital Floating Rate Notes due 30/09/2013                    (XS0269232558) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of EUR100,000 each) 

   Capital Floating Rate Notes due 30/09/2013                    (XS0269556022) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of EUR100,000 each) 

   Capital Floating Rate Notes due 30/03/2012                    (XS0270948218) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   3.92% Capital Notes due 17/01/2017                            (XS0280723841) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of EUR100,000 each) 

   3.92% Capital Notes due 17/01/2017                            (XS0281000439) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of EUR100,000 each) 

   3.92% Capital Notes due 17/01/2017                            (XS0280728303) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of EUR100,000 each) 

   3.92% Capital Notes due 17/01/2017                            (XS0280723684) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of EUR100,000 each) 

   Capital Floating Rate Notes due 18/02/2014                    (XS0287356009) 
   fully paid
   Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Capital 5.17% Notes due 15/02/2017                            (XS0287627128) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   5.17% Capital Notes due 15/02/2017                            (XS0287628282) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Capital Floating Rate Notes due 30/05/2017                    (XS0279940166) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Capital Floating Rate Notes due 30/05/2012                    (XS0303147788) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Capital Floating Rate Notes due 30/05/2017                    (XS0303174675) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Capital Floating Rate Notes due 30/05/2012                    (XS0301589387) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of EUR100,000 each) 

   Capital Floating Rate Notes due 30/09/2010                    (XS0310193544) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by a note to bearer) 

   Capital Floating Rate Notes due 15/03/2013                    (XS0309789518) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of EUR100,000 each) 

   Capital Floating Rate Notes due 15/03/2013                    (XS0309788973) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of EUR100,000 each) 

   Capital Floating Rate Notes due 15/07/2010                    (XS0310167035) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of EUR100,000 each) 

   Capital Floating Rate Notes due 15/03/2013                    (XS0310218630) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Capital Notes due 28/02/2012                                  (XS0163559411) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD50,000 each) 

   Capital Notes due 30/04/2009                                  (XS0163871857) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Capital Notes due 18/02/2009                                  (XS0163190829) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Fixed Rate Notes due 17/02/2009                               (XS0123666983) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of EUR500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 15/03/2011                    (XS0176153780) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of EUR100,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 16/06/2014                    (XS0194523444) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 16/06/2014                    (XS0193256103) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 15/07/2014                    (XS0196519754) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 17/08/2009                    (XS0199034603) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 16/06/2014                    (XS0195382733) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 15/08/2011                    (XS0186708797) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD100,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 15/10/2009                    (XS0203227219) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 15/10/2014                    (XS0203226831) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 17/10/2011                    (XS0203226674) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 17/11/2014                    (XS0205355638) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 17/11/2014                    (XS0205281255) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of CHF500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 15/06/2010                    (XS0207394874) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 15/12/2014                    (XS0208353119) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of EUR100,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 15/09/2016                    (XS0208476977) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 27/02/2015                    (XS0212342579) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to beraer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 27/02/2015                    (XS0212342819) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 27/02/2015                    (XS0212354079) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by a note to bearer) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 27/02/2015                    (XS0212392244) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 27/02/2015                    (XS0212392087) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 27/02/2015                    (XS0213289365) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 27/02/2015                    (XS0213290025) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 27/02/2015                    (XS0213684151) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 15/03/2013                    (XS0214979915) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by a note to bearer) 

   Fixed Rate/Index-Linked Notes due 21/10/2013                  (XS0177503581) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to berear of USD10,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 17/02/2009                    (XS0124964270) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 15/06/2010                    (XS0183029429) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 15/09/2014                    (XS0200570926) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 15/06/2015                    (XS0221460842) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 15/12/2016                    (XS0221460503) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 15/06/2015                    (XS0222230202) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   CMS Linked Notes due 30/06/2012                               (XS0223155796) 
   fully paid 
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD100,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 15/12/2014                    (XS0224639186) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 30/03/2012                    (XS0229220842) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of EUR100,000 each) 

   Capital Floating Rate Notes due 30/10/2009                    (XS0241029718) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of EUR100,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 28/02/2011                    (XS0245361224) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 15/03/2016                    (XS0247905846) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 15/03/2016                    (XS0247768327) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 15/03/2016                    (XS0247700445) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 15/03/2013                    (XS0247772352) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of EUR100,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 15/10/2014                    (XS0252174031) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by a note to bearer) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 15/06/2009                    (XS0257066174) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of EUR100,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 15/06/2009                    (XS0257065879) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of EUR100,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 15/06/2016                    (XS0258079010) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 15/03/2011                    (XS0262598518) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by a note to bearer) 

   Floaing Rate Capital Notes due 29/07/2011                     (XS0262985046) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD100,000 each) 

   Capital Floating Rate Notes due 30/09/2016                    (XS0269878814) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 17/01/2017                    (XS0279701253) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 15/01/2014                    (XS0282505097) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of EUR100,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 15/01/2010                    (XS0282504793) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of EUR100,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 15/08/2011                    (XS0291399037) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by a note to bearer) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 17/03/2014                    (XS0290571099) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 18/04/2017                    (XS0295142839) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 15/04/2014                    (XS0295289267) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 17/05/2010                    (XS0299869247) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of EUR500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 15/06/2017                    (XS0305790031) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Fixed Rate Capital Notes due 30/07/2015                       (XS0312350498) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of CHF500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 29/05/2009                    (XS0157820480) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 30/10/2012                    (XS0157181966) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 30/09/2009                    (XS0167742351) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 30/09/2009                    (XS0167767267) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 29/07/2011                    (XS0204375025) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of EUR100,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 30/08/2011                    (XS0200168846) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of EUR100,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 30/07/2012                    (XS0204374994) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 29/05/2009                    (XS0193635629) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 29/05/2009                    (XS0193624268) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 30/04/2014                    (XS0191844801) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 30/09/2016                    (XS0188932155) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of EUR100,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 30/09/2014                    (XS0189614828) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 31/03/2014                    (XS0189726382) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by a note to bearer) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 31/03/2014                    (XS0189725905) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by a note to bearer) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 30/06/2014                    (XS0204374481) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 28/11/2014                    (XS0207147272) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 30/12/2014                    (XS0209089712) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 30/03/2015                    (XS0215521518) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 30/03/2015                    (XS0216787167) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 29/06/2007                    (XS0079605498) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to beraer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 30/11/2011                    (XS0082534982) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 30/01/2009                    (XS0182029262) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 30/10/2014                    (XS0204084726) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 28/03/2013                    (XS0200571064) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 30/01/2009                    (XS0183029262) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 31/08/2010                    (XS0228506100) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 30/09/2015                    (XS0231331561) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by Notes to bearer of CHF100,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 30/09/2015                    (XS0220555188) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by Notes to bearer of CHF100,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 30/11/2015                    (XS0220555931) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of CHF500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 30/07/2012                    (XS0244712682) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of EUR100,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 30/07/2012                    (XS0244713573) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of EUR100,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 30/03/2016                    (XS0249570473) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of CHF500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 29/04/2016                    (XS0252109722) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 30/06/2017                    (XS0254075988) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 30/09/2009                    (XS0255752023) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 30/05/2013                    (XS0255957267) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 30/05/2013                    (XS0256214254) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of EUR100,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Notes due 09/06/2008                            (XS0257338607) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD100,0000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 30/07/2012                    (XS0261731169) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by a note to bearer) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 29/07/2011                    (XS0262322109) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Notes due 10/11/2008                            (XS0274164622) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of GBP100,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 30/11/2016                    (XS0276627493) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 30/11/2016                    (XS0276872297) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 30/11/2016                    (XS0275466331) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 30/11/2016                    (XS0275308699) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 29/12/2017                    (XS0279938855) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 30/12/2016                    (XS0249570713) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by a note to bearer) 

   Floating Rate Notes due 09/01/2009                            (XS0281463371) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of GBP100,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 30/01/2017                    (XS0284603684) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 30/01/2012                    (XS0284110227) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 30/01/2017                    (XS0284603254) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 30/01/2014                    (XS0285330477) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Note due 09/03/2009                             (XS0290214146) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of EUR100,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 31/03/2014                    (XS0290958841) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Note due 20/06/2012                             (XS0292912846) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of GBP100,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 31/03/2014                    (XS0291942208) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of EUR100,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 30/03/2017                    (XS0294083869) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by a note to bearer) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 30/03/2017                    (XS0294276661) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 31/03/2014                    (XS0293841341) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 30/04/2014                    (XS0297386616) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 28/04/2017                    (XS0249571521) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of CHF500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 30/04/2014                    (XS0291942893) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of EUR100,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 30/06/2014                    (XS0307556182) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 30/06/2017                    (XS0307588037) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by a note to bearer) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 30/06/2017                    (XS0306998823) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by a note to bearer) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 30/06/2017                    (XS0307203181) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by a note to bearer) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 30/06/2017                    (XS0307815620) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by a note to bearer) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 30/06/2017                    (XS0307813500) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by a note to bearer) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 30/06/2017                    (XS0307869718) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by a note to bearer) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 30/08/2017                    (XS0274193720) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 30/10/2008                    (XS0320266215) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of EUR100,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 30/10/2008                    (XS0320266132) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of EUR100,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 30/09/2014                    (XS0294862809) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of EUR100,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 31/10/2011                    (XS0328603898) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by a note to bearer) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 29/12/2017                    (XS0337119050) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD200,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Capital Notes due 30/01/2012                    (XS0343828918) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of EUR100,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Notes due 30/01/2009                            (XS0161999072) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Notes due 30/01/2013                            (XS0162163645) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Notes due 30/01/2009                            (XS0162163991) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Notes due 30/01/2009                            (XS0161999668) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Notes due 30/10/2009                            (XS0162163306) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Notes due 30/07/2012                            (XS0152459482) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD1,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Notes due 17/09/2012                            (XS0154563299) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Notes due 17/09/2012                            (XS0154752348) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of EUR10,000, EUR50,000 and
   EUR100,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Notes due 30/04/2012                            (XS0147243033) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of CHF1,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Notes due 30/04/2012                            (XS0147242811) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of EUR10,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Notes due 30/04/2012                            (XS0147242225) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Notes due 27/02/2009                            (XS0146638944) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Notes due 30/04/2012                            (XS0146872899) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Notes due 29/02/2012                            (XS0139374606) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD50,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Notes due 30/11/2011                            (XS0135594140) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Notes due 31/05/2011                            (XS0131230632) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Notes due 16/05/2011                            (XS0129518337) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Notes due 15/02/2011                            (XS0124901355) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Notes due 31/01/2011                            (XS0123661596) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Notes due 31/01/2011                            (XS0123662214) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Notes due 18/01/2011                            (XS0122861122) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Notes due 30/11/2010                            (XS0121413867) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Notes due 30/11/2010                            (XS0121204860) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Notes due 30/06/2010                            (XS0113672082) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Notes due 28/05/2010                            (XS0112426340) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Notes due 28/05/2010                            (XS0112171680) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Notes due 28/02/2010                            (XS0108113845) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Notes due 28/02/2010                            (XS0108110403) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Notes due 30/11/2009                            (XS0104968457) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Notes due 30/10/2009                            (XS0103833660) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Variable Rate Notes due 30/09/2009                            (XS0101637659) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of EUR500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Notes due 30/06/2009                          (XS0099387291) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating rate notes due 29/6/2007   (XS0076940674) 

   Floating Rate Notes due 30/07/2013                          (XS0173495549) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Notes due 15/10/2008                          (XS0174327964) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate notes due 15/12/2013                          (XS0175837946) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD100,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Notes due 30/10/2012                          (XS0156836602) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of 10,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Notes due 22/03/2010                          (XS0210941539) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of GBP1,000,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Notes due 15/11/2012                          (XS0235478137) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Notes due 15/11/2010                          (XS0235478301) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by Notes to bearer of USD500,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Notes due 20/03/2009                          (XS0247517914) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of GBP100,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Notes due 20/06/2013                          (XS0249469080) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of JPY10,000,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Notes due 15/05/2016                          (XS0252782163) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of USD100,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Notes due 20/09/2013                          (XS0261659469) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of JPY10,000,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Notes due 10/11/2008                          (XS0274165512) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of GBP100,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Notes due 20/12/2013                          (XS0275026952) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of JPY10,000,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Notes due 15/12/2008                          (XS0278773626) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of GBP100,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Notes due 11/01/2010                          (XS0281463967) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of GBP100,000 each) 

   Senior Floating Rate Notes due 16/03/2009                   (XS0290954006) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of GBP100,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Notes due 20/03/2014                          (XS0294049415) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of AUD100,000 each) 

   Floating Rate Notes due 30/04/2009                          (XS0299055094) 
   fully paid
   (Represented by notes to bearer of GBP100,000 each) 

    If you have any queries relating to the above, please contact the Listing Applications Team at the FSA on 020 7066 8333 Option 3.

This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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