RNS Number : 1365Q 
Softbank Corp 
29 July 2010 

                                                                  July 29, 2010 
                      Issuance of Stock Acquisition Rights 
                          (Stock Options with Charge) 
SOFTBANK CORP. (hereafter "the Company") announces that its Board of Directors 
resolved the issuance of stock acquisition rights (hereafter "the Stock 
Acquisition Rights") to certain directors, corporate officers and employees of 
the Company and subsidiaries of the Company pursuant to Article 236, 238 and 240 
of the Corporate Law as stated below at the Board of Directors' meeting held on 
July 29, 2010. 
The Stock Acquisition Rights will be issued without approval of a general 
meeting of shareholders as these are issued with charge at the price equivalent 
to the fair value of the Stock Acquisition Rights, and not particularly 
favorable for individuals who are allotted the Stock Acquisition Rights. 
I Reason for Issuance of the Stock Acquisition Rights 
This is to issue Stock Acquisition Rights with charge to directors, corporate 
officers and  senior employees of the Company and subsidiaries of the Company, 
in order to encourage their motivation on enhancing the corporate value of the 
Company.  The Stock Acquisition Rights are exercisable only when preassigned 
criteria of the Company's consolidated financial results are achieved as 
stipulated in "II Outline of the issuance of the Stock Acquisition Rights, 1. 
Features of the Stock Acquisition Rights, (6) Conditions for the exercise of the 
Stock Acquisition Rights." 
II Outline of the issuance of the Stock Acquisition Rights 
1.    Features of the Stock Acquisition Rights 
(1) Class and number of shares to be issued or transferred upon exercise of the 
Stock Acquisition Rights 
The class of shares to be issued or transferred upon exercise of the Stock 
Acquisition Rights shall be common stock of the Company, and the number of 
shares to be issued or transferred upon exercise of each of the Stock 
Acquisition Rights (hereafter "the Number of Shares to be Allotted") shall be 
100 (the number of shares to be issued or transferred upon exercise of total of 
the Stock Acquisition Rights is initially limited to 4,000,000). 
Provided, however, that in the event the Company conducts, with respect to the 
shares of its common stock, a stock split or a consolidation of shares, the 
Number of Shares to be Allotted shall be adjusted using the following formula. 
Such adjustment shall be made only to the Number of Shares to be Allotted for 
the Stock Acquisition Rights, which have not yet been exercised at the time of 
the adjustment.  Any amount less than one share arising from the adjustment 
shall be rounded down. 
Number of Shares to be Allotted after adjustment= Number of Shares to be 
Allotted before adjustment x ratio of stock split or stock consolidation 
Other than the above, in the event it becomes necessary to adjust the Number of 
Shares to be Allotted for the Stock Acquisition Rights, the Number of Shares to 
be Allotted may be adjusted by the Company within the scope deemed reasonable. 
Such adjustment shall be made only to the Number of Shares to be Allotted for 
the Stock Acquisition Rights, which have not yet been exercised at the time of 
the adjustment.  Any amount less than one share arising from the adjustment 
shall be rounded down. 
(2) Amount of assets to be contributed upon exercise of the Stock Acquisition 
The assets to be contributed upon exercise of the Stock Acquisition Rights shall 
be cash, and the amount of the assets to be contributed upon exercise of each of 
the Stock Acquisition Rights shall be an amount obtained by multiplying the 
price per share to be issued or transferred upon exercise of the Stock 
Acquisition Rights hereafter defined (hereafter "the Exercise Price",by the 
Number of Shares to be Allotted defined in (1) above. 
Exercise Price: JPY 2,625 
Provided, however, that in the event the Company conducts, with respect to the 
shares of its common stock, a stock split or a consolidation of shares, the 
Exercise Price shall be adjusted using the following formula with any amount 
less than one yen arising from the adjustment rounded up. 
Exercise Price        Exercise Price                           1 
after adjustment = before adjustment ×Ratio of stock split or stock 
In the event the Company newly issues shares of common stock or disposes of its 
treasury shares of common stock at a price below the current quotation 
(excluding the case upon exercise of Stock Acquisition Rights), the Exercise 
Price shall be adjusted using the following formula with all figures less than 
one yen arising from the adjustment rounded up. 
|    |            |   |            |   | No.         |+  | No. of |×  | Amount  | 
|    |            |   |            |   | of          |   | shares |   | to be   | 
|    |            |   |            |   | outstanding |   | newly  |   | paid    | 
|    |            |   |            |   | shares      |   | issued |   | per     | 
|    |            |   |            |   |             |   |        |   | share   | 
+----+------------+---+------------+---+             +   +--------+---+---------+ 
|    | Exercise   |=  | Exercise   |×  |             |   |    Quotation per     | 
|    | Price      |   | Price      |   |             |   |        share         | 
|    | after      |   | before     |   |             |   |                      | 
|    | adjustment |   | adjustment |   |             |   |                      | 
+----+            +   +            +   +-------------+---+----------------------+ 
|    |            |   |            |   |       No. of outstanding shares        | 
|    |            |   |            |   |         + No. of shares newly          | 
|    |            |   |            |   |                issued                  | 
The "number of outstanding shares" provided in the above formula is derived by 
deducting the number of treasury shares of common stock of the Company from the 
total number of issued shares of common stock of the Company.  In the event the 
Company disposes of its treasury shares of common stock, the gnumber of shares 
newly issuedh shall be replaced by the "number of treasury shares to be disposed 
Other than the above, in the event it becomes necessary to adjust the Exercise 
Price for the Stock Acquisition Rights, the Exercise Price may be adjusted by 
the Company within the scope deemed reasonable. 
(3) Period during which the Stock Acquisition Rights are exercisable 
Period during which the Stock Acquisition Rights are exercisable (hereafter "the 
Exercise Period") is from July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2017. 
(4) Matters concerning the capital and capital reserve to be increased 
(A) The amount of capital to be increased due to the issuance of shares upon 
exercise of the Stock Acquisition Rights shall be one half (1/2) of the maximum 
amount of increases of the capital, etc. to be calculated according to Article 
17, Paragraph 1 of the Corporate Accounting Regulations, with any amount less 
than one yen arising from such calculation to be rounded up. 
(B) The amount of capital reserve to be increased due to the issuance of shares 
upon exercise of the Stock Acquisition Rights shall be the amount obtained by 
deducting the amount of capital to be increased set forth in (A) above, from the 
maximum amount of increases of the capital, etc. set forth in (A) above. 
(5) Restriction on the acquisition of the Stock Acquisition Rights through 
Any acquisition of the Stock Acquisition Rights through transfer shall require 
the approval of the Board of Directors of the Company. 
(6) Conditions for the exercise of the Stock Acquisition Rights 
(A) A holder of the Stock Acquisition Rights (hereafter "Right Holder") may 
exercise the Stock Acquisition Rights only if all the conditions below (i), (ii) 
and (iii) are fulfilled. 
(i)  Total amount of free cash flow in the Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows 
for the fiscal year ending March 2010, 2011 and 2012, which will be stated in 
the Annual Security Report to be submitted by the Company in accordance with the 
Financial Instruments and Exchange Law, must be more than JPY 1 trillion.  Free 
cash flow shall be calculated using the following formula. 
Free cash flow = 
Cash flows from operating activities + Cash flows from investing activities 
(ii)   Amount of net interest-bearing debt in the Consolidated Balance Sheet for 
the fiscal year ending March 2012, which will be stated in the Annual Security 
Report to be submitted by the Company in accordance with the Financial 
Instruments and Exchange Law, must be less than JPY 0.97 trillion. Net 
interest-bearing debt shall be calculated using the following formula. 
Net interest-bearing debt = Interest-bearing debt - cash position 
Interest-bearing debt = short-term borrowings + commercial paper + current 
portion of corporate bonds + corporate bonds + long-term borrowings. 
Interest-bearing debt shall not include following (a) and (b). 
(a)  Lease obligations 
(b)  Corporate bonds (WBS Class B2 Funding Notes, issued by J-WBS Funding K.K.) 
with a face value of JPY 27,000 million acquired by the Company during the 
fiscal year ended March 2010 that were issued under the whole business 
securitization scheme associated with the acquisition of Vodafone K.K. 
Cash position = cash and cash deposits + marketable securities recorded as 
current assets 
(iii)  Total amount of operating income in the Consolidated Statements of Income 
for the fiscal year ending March 2011 and 2012, which will be stated in the 
Annual Security Report to be submitted by the Company in accordance with the 
Financial Instruments and Exchange Law, must be more than JPY 1.1 trillion. 
(B) The number of the Stock Acquisition Rights exercisable during the period 
from (i) to (iv) by Right Holder shall be limited as below.  Any amount less 
than one of the exercisable number of the Stock Acquisition Rights shall be 
rounded down. 
(i)    50% of the allotted Stock Acquisition Rights including the Stock 
Acquisition Rights exercised during the period (i) above may be exercised during 
the period from July 1, 2013, to June 30, 2014. 
(ii)   75% of the allotted Stock Acquisition Rights including the Stock 
Acquisition Rights exercised during the period (i) and (ii) above may be 
exercised during the period from July 1, 2014, to June 30, 2015. 
(iii)  All of the allotted Stock Acquisition Rights including the Stock 
Acquisition Rights exercised during the period (i), (ii) and (iii) above may be 
exercised during the period from July 1, 2015, to June 30, 2017. 
(C)                Right Holder may not exercise the Stock Acquisition Rights 
yet to be exercised if he/she loses all of his/her positions as director or 
employee (including corporate officer) of the Company or subsidiaries of the 
Company (hereafter, "Qualification for Exercise of Right"). 
(D)                Regardless of (C) above, in case that Right Holder loses 
his/her Qualification for Exercise of Right due to the retirement at the Company 
or subsidiaries of the Companyfs convenience, he/she may exercise the Stock 
Acquisition Rights which he/she could exercise if he/she had not lost his/her 
Qualification for Exercise of Right only until the day on which 1 year from the 
loss of Qualification for Exercise of Right passes or the expiration of the 
Exercise Period, whichever is earlier, when the Company approves in writing, 
with due consideration of various facts, him/her to exercise the Stock 
Acquisition Rights. 
(E) Regardless of (C) and (D) above, in case that Right Holder loses his/her 
Qualification for Exercise of Right (excluding the case of Right Holder's 
death), he/she may exercise the Stock Acquisition Rights which he/she could 
exercise if he/she had not lost his/her Qualification for Exercise of Right when 
the Company approves in writing, with due consideration of various facts, 
him/her to exercise the Stock Acquisition Rights. 
(F) Regardless of (C) above, in case Right Holder dies, heirs of Right Holder 
may exercise the Stock Acquisition Rights which Right Holder could exercise if 
he/she was alive, until the day on which 1 year from the death of Right Holder 
passes or the expiration of the Exercise Period, whichever is earlier. 
(G)                Regardless of (C) and (F) above, in case Right Holder dies, 
heirs of Right Holder may exercise the Stock Acquisition Rights which Right 
Holder could exercise if he/she was alive when the Company approves in writing, 
with due consideration of various facts, the heirs of Right Holder to exercise 
the Stock Acquisition Rights. 
(H) Except as specified in (F) and (G) above, it is not permitted to inherit the 
Stock Acquisition Rights. It is also not permitted to inherit the Stock 
Acquisition Rights again in case the heirs of Right Holder die. 
(I)  In case the total number of issued shares of the Company exceeds the total 
number of authorized shares of the Company, or the total number of issued shares 
of common stock of the Company exceeds the total number of authorized shares of 
common stock of the Company, through the exercise of the Stock Acquisition 
Rights, Right Holder may not exercise the Stock Acquisition Rights. 
(J) Right Holder may not exercise the Stock Acquisition Rights yet to be 
exercised if he/she falls under any of sub-items (i) to (vi). 
(i)    In case Right Holder receives suspension or severer disciplinary 
punishment stipulated in the working regulations, when he/she is an employee 
(including corporate officer) of the Company or subsidiaries of the Company. 
(ii)   In case Right Holder falls under any reason of disqualification 
stipulated in Article 331, Paragraph 1 of the Corporate Law, when he/she is a 
director of the Company or subsidiaries of the Company. 
(iii)  In case Right Holder carries out competition transaction stipulated in 
Article 356, Paragraph 1, Item 1 of the Corporate Law without due formality, 
when he/she is a director of the Company or subsidiaries of the Company. 
(iv)  In case Right Holder carries out conflict interest transaction stipulated 
in Article 356, Paragraph 1, Item 2 or 3 of the Corporate Law without due 
formality, when he/she is a director of the Company or subsidiaries of the 
(v)   In case Right Holder is sentenced to imprisonment or severer penalty. 
(vi)  In case Right Holder carries out an act regarded as discreditable or 
disloyal to the Company or subsidiaries or affiliates of the Company. 
(7) Conditions for acquisition of the Stock Acquisition Rights by the Company 
(A) The Company may acquire the Stock Acquisition Rights without compensations 
at the arrival of the day prescribed by the Board of Directors of the Company, 
in case an agenda for approval of a merger agreement, under which the Company 
shall be defunct, an absorption-type company split agreement or an 
incorporation-type company split plan, under which the Company shall be split, a 
share exchange agreement or a share transfer plan, under which the Company shall 
be a wholly-owned subsidiary, is approved at a general meeting of shareholders 
of the Company (or, if approval of a general meeting of shareholders is not 
required, is resolved at the Board of Directors of the Company). 
(B) The Company may acquire the Stock Acquisition Rights without compensations 
at the arrival of the day prescribed by the Board of Directors of the Company in 
case Right Holder comes to be unable to exercise all or part of the Stock 
Acquisition Rights in accordance with (6) above. 
(C)                The Company may acquire the Stock Acquisition Rights without 
compensation at the arrival of the day prescribed by the Board of Directors of 
the Company in case Right Holder renounces all or part of the Stock Acquisition 
(D)                The Company may acquire the Stock Acquisition Rights without 
compensation at the arrival of the day prescribed by the Board of Directors of 
the Company in case a general meeting of shareholders of the Company approves 
the acquisition of all of the class shares subject to wholly call in accordance 
with Article 171, Paragraph 1 of the Corporate Law. 
(8) Treatment of the Stock Acquisition Rights upon the acts of structural 
In case the Company conducts a merger (limited to the case where the Company is 
to be extinguished as a result of the merger), an absorption-type company split, 
an incorporation-type company split, a share exchange or a share transfer 
(hereafter collectively referred to as "the acts of structural reorganization"), 
Stock Acquisition Rights of the companies listed in (a) to (e) of Article 236, 
Paragraph 1, Item 8, of the Corporate Law (hereafter "the Reorganized Company") 
shall be delivered, in each of the above cases, to Right holders holding the 
Stock Acquisition Rights remaining at the effective time of the relevant acts of 
structural reorganization (hereafter gthe Remaining Stock Acquisition Rightsh) 
according to the following conditions. In this case, Remaining Stock Acquisition 
Rights shall be extinguished. Provided, however, that the foregoing shall be on 
the condition that delivery of Stock Acquisition Rights of the Reorganized 
Company in accordance with the following conditions is stipulated in an 
absorption-type merger agreement, a consolidation-type Merger Agreement, an 
absorption-type company split agreement, an incorporation-type company split 
plan, a stock change agreement or a stock transfer plan. 
(A) Number of Stock Acquisition Rights of the Reorganized Company to be 
The identical number of Stock Acquisition Rights to the number of the Remaining 
Stock Acquisition Rights held by Right Holder shall be delivered respectively. 
(B) Class of shares of the Reorganized Company to be issued or transferred upon 
exercise of Stock Acquisition Rights 
Shall be shares of common stock of the Reorganized Company. 
(C)                Number of shares of the Reorganized Company to be issued or 
transferred upon exercise of Stock Acquisition Rights 
Shall be determined in accordance with (1) above based on the consideration of 
conditions for the acts of structural reorganization, etc. 
(D)        Amount of assets to be contributed upon exercise of Stock Acquisition 
Shall be determined in accordance with (2) above based on the consideration of 
conditions for the acts of structural reorganization, etc. 
(E) Period during which Stock Acquisition Rights are exercisable 
Shall be from commencing date of the Exercise Period stipulated in (3) above, or 
the effective date of the acts of structural reorganization, whichever is later, 
to expiry date of the Exercise Period stipulated in (3) above. 
(F) Conditions for the exercise of Stock Acquisition Rights 
Shall be determined in accordance with (6) above. 
(G)                Matters concerning the capital and capital reserve to be 
increased when shares are issued upon exercise of Stock Acquisition Rights 
Shall be determined in accordance with (4) above. 
(H) Restriction on acquisition of Stock Acquisition Rights through transfer 
Acquisition of Stock Acquisition Rights through transfer shall require the 
approval by the Reorganized Company. 
(I)  Conditions for acquisition of Stock Acquisition Rights 
Shall be determined in accordance with (7) above 
(J) Treatment of Stock Acquisition Rights upon the acts of structural 
Shall be determined in accordance with (8) 
(K) In case the number of shares to be delivered to the holders who have 
exercised Stock Acquisition Rights includes any fraction less than one share, 
such fraction shall be rounded down. 
(9) Handling of fraction less than one share to be delivered 
In case the number of shares to be delivered to Right Holders who have exercised 
the Stock Acquisition Rights includes any fraction less than one share, such 
fraction shall be rounded down. 
(10) Matters concerning certificates of the Stock Acquisition Rights 
Certificates of the Stock Acquisition Rights shall not be issued. 
2.    Total number of the Stock Acquisition Rights 
40,000 units 
3.    Money to be paid in exchange for the Stock Acquisition Rights 
The amount of the money to be paid in exchange for the Stock Acquisition Rights 
shall be JPY 2,900 per the stock acquisition right.  The amount is determined 
based on the result of the Monte Carlo simulation, a general model for option 
price valuation, considering the stock price information of the Company, etc. by 
PLUTUS CONSULTING Co., Ltd, a third party evaluation organization. 
4.    Allotment date of the Stock Acquisition Rights 
August 27, 2010 
5.    Due date of payment in exchange for the Stock Acquisition Rights 
September 10, 2010 
6.    Due date for application 
August 20, 2010 
7.    Persons to be allotted the Stock Acquisition Rights, their number, and 
number of the Stock Acquisition Rights to be allotted 
40,000 units to 300 directors, corporate officers or employees of the Company or 
subsidiaries of the Company. 
The number of the persons stated above is the number expected when this press 
release is submitted and it may change. 
The number of the Stock Acquisition Rights stated above is the number of upper 
limit for issuance, and it may decrease according to the number of applications, 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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