RNS Number:2277Y
Nipro Corporation
10 February 2006

Summary Report of Consolidated Financial Results             February 10, 2006
For the Nine-Month Period ended December 31, 2005 
(Fiscal Year ending March 31,2006)

Company name: NIPRO CORPORATION            Code No.:8086   TSE/OSE-1st Section

(URL: http://www.nipro.co.jp/)
Representative: Minoru Sano, President and Representative Director
Contact:        Akihiko Yamabe, Director, 
                General Manager of Accounting & Corporate
                Planning Division
                TEL (06) 6372-2331

1.Matters related to the preparation of quarterly financial summary
     (1)Adoption of simplified accounting treatments: N/A
     (2)Difference in the method of accounting treatment 
        from the most recent fiscal year:
        Accounting standard for impairment of fixed asset has been adopted since 
        this accounting period.
     (3)Changes in the scope of consolidation and application of the equity method:
        Adoption (Content: Consolidation (New) 4)

2.Business results and financial position for the nine months 
ended December 31, 2005 of the Fiscal Year ending March 31,2006.
(From April 1, 2005 to December 31, 2005)
(1)Results of Operations (Note: Amounts are rounded off per one million yen)

                 Net Sales     Operating     Recurring      Net (Quarter)
                                Income        Income          Income

                  Millions  %  Millions   %  Millions   %   Millions   %
                   of yen       of yen        of yen         of yen
Nine months
ended             156,047 7.1  10,573  15.5  10,957  37.6   4,610  (1.6)
December 31,

Nine months
ended             145,732 2.4   9,158 (9.0)  7,964  (1.1)   4,684  20.4
December 31,

Fiscal Year
ended             192,320       10,404       8,685          4,518
March 31,

                  Basic Earnings   Diluted Earnings
                     per Share          per Share
                        Yen                Yen

Nine months ended      72.55                -
December 31, 2005

Nine months ended      73.65                -
December 31, 2004

Fiscal Year ended      69.37                -
March 31, 2005

(Note)Percentage for net sales, operating income, etc. represents the ratio of
change from the same period of the previous fiscal year.

(Supplementary information on the consolidated results of operations)
The situation of Japanese economy for this nine-month period generally 
remained in the trend of gradual recovery supported by the firm growth of
capital investments and individual consumptions as a result of the improvement
of corporate earnings. At the same time it still remained unpredictable, since
US Dollar indicated its weakness in the exchange market in addition to the
decelerating of overseas economy and high crude oil price.  

Under such circumstances, Nipro Corporation continuously strived to develop 
new products and focused on reinforcement of production capacity and sales
capability in order to improve the business performance.

As a result, net sales for the nine months ended December 31, 2005 increased
by 7.1% from the same period of the previous fiscal year to 156,072 million 
yen.  Operating income increased by 15.5% from the same period of the previous
fiscal year to 10,573 million yen and recurring income increased by 37.6% from
the same period of the previous fiscal year to 10,957 million yen.

Net income decreased, due to the loss on impairment of fixed assets, by 1.6% 
to 4,610 million yen from the same period of the previous fiscal year.
(2)Financial Position

            Total  Shareholders'   Ratio of         Shareholders'     
           Assets     Equity    Shareholders'     Equity per Share
                                  Equity to
                                Total Assets
          Millions   Millions          %               yen 
           of yen     of yen

months     327,635    108,825       33.2            1,712.78
31, 2005

months     292,575    93,571        32.0            1,471.63
31, 2004

Year       293,748    96,700        32.9            1,519.58
31, 2005

Cash Flows
          Cash flows from   Cash flows from   Cash flows from   Cash and cash
            operating         investing         financing        equivalents  
            activities        activities        activities                     
         Millions of yen   Millions of yen   Millions of yen   Millions of yen
months        3,092          (21,064)             8,362           45,166
31, 2005

months        9,163           (9,512)            10,666           52,638
31, 2004

Year         17,375          (12,627)             7,088           53,734
31, 2005

(Supplementary information on the changes in the financial position)

(1)Changes in the financial position
Total assets increased by 33,887 million yen to 327,635 million yen from the
end of previous fiscal year.

Current assets increased by 4,372 million yen to 139,738 million yen and 
fixed assets increased by 29,514 million yen to 187,897 million yen from the
end of previous fiscal year. Fixed assets increased mainly due to the increase
in investment securities by 21,251 million yen.

Shareholders' equity increased by 12,124 million yen from the end of previous
fiscal year,mainly due to the rise in valuation difference of other securities
by 9,501 million yen.

(2)Cash flows
Net cash provided by operating activities was 3,092 million yen, net cash
used in investing activities was 21,064 million yen, net cash provided by
financing activities was 8,362 million yen.  As a result, cash and cash 
equivalents at the end of the period amounted to 45,166 million yen.
Net cash used in investing activities was mainly spent in acquisition of
fixed assets for 14,331 million yen and investment securities for 9,501 
million yen, net cash provided by financing activities was mainly owing to
the long-term borrowing for 10,510 million yen.

Consolidated Business Forecasts for the Fiscal Year ending March 31, 2006 
(From April 1, 2005 to March 31, 2006)

              Sales       Recurring Income     Net Income     
          Millions of yen  Millions of yen   Millions of yen
Fiscal Year
ending       205,000          10,500            4,400
March 31,

(Reference) Projected Earnings per Share 
for the Fiscal Year ending March 31, 2006:67.56 yen

(Supplementary information on the business forecasts)

The business environment is anticipated to remain severe due to the concern 
of risks in persisting high crude oil price and proceeding weakness of US 
Dollar. Nipro Corporation, however, continuously endeavors to develop new 
products, as well as to reinforce the production capacity and sales capability
in order to improve the business performance.

There is no amendment to the forecasts announced on November 21, 2005.
*The above forecasts are based on the information available to the management 
as of the date of this report. The actual results may differ from these 
forecasts due to various factors occurring hereafter.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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