RNS Number : 6496O 
Arawak Energy Limited 
11 March 2009 

Whiteley Chambers, Don Street, St. Helier, Jersey JE4 9WG 
11 March 2009 
ARAWAK releases 2008 reserves summary 
Arawak Energy Limited ("Arawak" or the "Company"), an oil and gas exploration 
and production company, announces the results of its independent reserves 
evaluation as at 31 December 2008. Evaluations were conducted by McDaniel & 
Associates Consultants Ltd for Kazakhstan, and Ryder Scott Company, L.P. for 
Russia and Azerbaijan, and were prepared in accordance with standards set out 
under the National Instrument 51-101 Standards of Disclosure for Oil and Gas 
Activities of the Canadian Securities Administrators ("NI 51-101"). 
The Company's proved(5) reserves ("1P") totalled 36.99 million barrels of oil 
equivalent ("boe") as at 31 December 2008, a decline of 7% from the 39.93 
million boe recorded as at 31 December 2007(4). Arawak's probable(6) reserves 
increased 6% to 24.86 million boe as at 31 December 2008 compared with 23.41 
million boe a year ago. Overall, the Company's net proved plus probable reserves 
("2P") declined 2% to 61.85 million boe. 
Arawak's total working interest production in 2008 was 4.17 million boe, or 
11,393 barrels of oil equivalent per day ("boepd"). At the beginning of March 
2009, Arawak was producing approximately 14,300 boepd. 
The assets included in the latest evaluation are a 100% working interest in the 
Akzhar, Besbolek, Alimbai and Karataikyz oil fields and a 40% participation in 
the Saigak oil field, all in Kazakhstan, a 50% working interest in the North 
Irael and Sotchemyu-Talyu oil fields in Russia, and a 29.7% holding in the South 
West Gobustan oil and gas blocks in Azerbaijan. 
Under NI 51-101 reporting standards, the reserve auditors also provide 
field-level net present value ("NPV") calculations of the reserve base at 
standard discount rates. These NPV calculations do not take into account general 
and administrative costs, corporate overheads, the indebtedness of the group or 
the Company's actual cost of capital, and therefore may be materially different 
from any market valuation of the business on normal commercial terms. Using an 
assumed 10% discount rate, the NPV of the Company's 2008 year-end 2P reserves 
base was US$608.1 million. Further information regarding NPVs and the associated 
price assumptions can be found in Appendix 1. Dollar amounts referred to in 
Appendix 1 are expressed in United States dollars. 
  Kazakhstan Reserves Summary 
  *  1P reserves increased 7% to 23.06 million barrels of oil from 21.49 million 
  barrels as at 31 December 2007(4) after production of 2.50 million barrels of 
  *  2P reserves rose 8% to 37.44 million barrels of oil from 34.76 million 
  barrels as at 31 December 2007(4); 
  *  The reserves growth in Kazakhstan is primarily attributable to exploration 
  success at the Akzhar field, which was later confirmed by delineation drilling; 
  *  Arawak drilled ten successful development wells in the Akzhar field in the 
  fourth quarter of 2008 following regulatory approval in September of the 
  technical plan of development. However, perforation of five wells was delayed 
  until 2009 due to the temporary suspension of production in December as a result 
  of unfavourable commercial conditions. Production at Akzhar recommenced in 
  mid-January and is currently at approximately 6,000 barrels of oil per day as 
  new wells continue to be brought on stream. 
Russia Reserves Summary 
  *  1P reserves decreased 35% to 7.98 million barrels of oil from 12.29 million 
  barrels as at 31 December 2007 after production of 1.63 million barrels of oil; 
  *  2P reserves declined 29% to 9.44 million barrels of oil from 13.31 million 
  barrels as at 31 December 2007; 
  *  Additional incremental volumes relating to recently interpreted 3D seismic data 
  for the North Irael field have been incorporated as probable and possible(7) 
  *  Reappraisal of some marginal well locations against revised economic thresholds 
  for taxation and increasing costs has resulted in a downwards adjustment to the 
  corresponding reserve estimates. 
Azerbaijan Reserves Summary 
  *  1P reserves fell 3% to 5.95 million boe from 6.16 million boe as at 31 December 
  *  2P reserves slipped 2% to 14.97 million boe with oil accounting for 58% of the 
  total, or 8.63 million barrels, and gas accounting for 42% or 6.34 million boe; 
  *  No drilling activity occurred in 2008 while seismic data was processed and 
  Reserves summary table: 
(Reserves stated in thousand of barrels of oil equivalent ("Mboe")) 
| Field            |Operator  |  Arawak  |Arawak's  |Arawak's  |  Arawak's  | 
|                  |          |Interest  |  share   |share of  | share of   | 
|                  |          |          |   of     |  proved  |  proved    | 
|                  |          |          |  proved  |  plus    |    plus    | 
|                  |          |          |reserves  |probable  |  probable  | 
|                  |          |          | Mboe(1)  |reserves  |    plus    | 
|                  |          |          |          | Mboe(1)  |  possible  | 
|                  |          |          |          |          |  reserves  | 
|                  |          |          |          |          |   Mboe(1)  | 
| Kazakhstan       |          |          |          |          |            | 
| Akzhar           |  Arawak  |     100% |   16,372 |   27,154 |     39,867 | 
| Besbolek         |  Arawak  |     100% |    4,530 |    6,898 |     11,806 | 
| Saigak           |  Maersk  |      40% |    1,320 |    2,260 |      3,157 | 
|                  |   Oil    |          |          |          |            | 
| Karataikyz       |  Arawak  |     100% |      252 |      354 |        522 | 
| Alimbai          |  Arawak  |     100% |      587 |      770 |        953 | 
| East Zharkamys   |  Arawak  |     100% |        - |        - |          - | 
| III              |          |          |          |          |            | 
| Tamdykol         |  Arawak  |     100% |        - |        - |          - | 
| Total Kazakhstan |          |          |   23,061 |   37,436 |     56,305 | 
| Russia           |          |          |          |          |            | 
| Sotchemyu-Talyu  |  PNG(9)  |      50% |    6,463 |    6,463 |      6,856 | 
| North Irael      |  Recher  |      50% |    1,513 |    2,977 |      3,657 | 
|                  |   (9)    |          |          |          |            | 
| Kymbozhyuskaya   |  Arawak  |     100% |        - |        - |          - | 
| South            |  Arawak  |     100% |        - |        - |          - | 
| Sotchemyu        |          |          |          |          |            | 
| Total Russia     |          |          |    7,977 |    9,440 |     10,513 | 
| Azerbaijan       |          |          |          |          |            | 
| South West       |  CNPC    |  29.736% |    2,311 |    8,627 |     12,909 | 
| Gobustan - oil   |          |          |          |          |            | 
|                  |          |          |          |          |            | 
| South West       |  CNPC    |  29.736% |    3,639 |    6,342 |      9,341 | 
| Gobustan - gas   |          |          |          |          |            | 
| Total            |          |          |    5,950 |   14,970 |     22,249 | 
| Azerbaijan       |          |          |          |          |            | 
| Total Reserves   |          |          |   36,987 |   61,846 |     89,068 | 
  1.  Columns and rows may not add up precisely due to rounding. 
  2.  Proved, probable and possible reserves are based on forecast prices and costs 
  evaluated as of 31 December 2008 by the independent reserves evaluators. 
  3.  The reserves outlined are Arawak's working interest (operating or non-operating) 
  share before deduction of royalty obligations payable to other parties and 
  without including any royalty interests of Arawak. 
  4.  Reserves as of 31 December 2007 were restated in June 2008 to include reserves 
  associated with the acquisition of a 40% working interest in the Saigak field in 
  5.  "Proved" reserves are those reserves that can be estimated with a high degree of 
  certainty to be recoverable. It is likely that the actual remaining quantities 
  recovered will exceed the estimated proved reserves. 
  6.  "Probable" reserves are those additional reserves that are less certain to be 
  recovered than proved reserves. It is equally likely that the actual remaining 
  quantities recovered will be greater or less than the sum of the estimated 
  proved plus probable reserves. 
  7.  "Possible" reserves are those additional reserves that are less certain to be 
  recovered than probable reserves. It is unlikely that the actual quantities 
  recovered will exceed or equal the sum of the estimated proved plus probable 
  plus possible reserves. 
  8.  For the purpose of this announcement a barrel of oil equivalent ("boe") is 
  derived by converting gas to oil in the ratio of six thousand cubic feet of 
  natural gas to one barrel of crude oil. Boe may be misleading, particularly if 
  used in isolation. A boe conversion is based on an energy equivalency conversion 
  method primarily applicable at the burner tip and does not represent a value 
  equivalency at the wellhead. 
  9.  Arawak's producing assets in Russia are held through ZAO PechoraNefteGas ("PNG") 
  and LLC NK Recher-Komi ("Recher"), in which Arawak has a 50% interest. 
For further information please contact: 
Arawak Energy Limited 
                        Tel: +44 (0) 20 7973 4285 
Tanya Pang, Head of Investor Relations Fax: +44 (0) 20 7824 8466 
               Web: www.arawakenergy.com 
Brunswick Group LLP 
    Tel: +44 (0)20 7404 5959 
Patrick Handley 
JPMorgan Cazenove Limited 
        Tel: +44 (0)20 7588 2828 
Steve Baldwin 
Neil Haycock 
Oriel Securities Limited 
               Tel: +44 (0)20 7710 7600 
Richard Crawley 
Natalie Fortescue 
Notes to editors: 
Arawak's Common Shares are listed for trading on both the Toronto Stock Exchange 
("TSX") and the London Stock Exchange ("LSE") under the symbol "AAK". On 16 
January 2008, Arawak together with Rosco S.A. ("Rosco"), announced that the 
Boards of both companies had reached agreement on the terms of a recommended and 
increased pre-conditional cash offer to be made by Rosco (or a wholly owned 
subsidiary of Rosco) to acquire the entire issued and to be issued share capital 
of Arawak (the "Increased Recommended Offer"). The Increased Recommended Offer 
is being made at a price of CAD 1.00 for each Arawak share. All documentation 
related to the Offer can be found on www.arawakenergy.com or on www.sedar.com. 
Arawak is engaged in the exploration, development and production of oil and 
natural gas in Kazakhstan, Russia and Azerbaijan. In Kazakhstan, the Company 
holds five producing fields and two exploration blocks. The Company has a 40% 
participating interest in the Saigak producing block acquired in June 2008. The 
remaining assets are held through its 100% wholly-owned subsidiary Altius Energy 
Corporation ("Altius"). Altius' main producing field is Akzhar with smaller 
fields at Besbolek, Karataikyz and Alimbai. The two exploration blocks East 
Zharkamys III and Tamdykol are also situated in western Kazakhstan. Arawak's 
producing assets in Russia are held through ZAO PechoraNefteGas ("PNG") and LLC 
NK Recher-Komi ("Recher-Komi"), in which Arawak has a 50% interest with the 
remaining interest being held by Lundin Petroleum AB. Also in Russia, Arawak 
holds a 100% interest in the Kymbozhyuskaya exploration block and in the South 
Sotchemyu appraisal block. In Azerbaijan, the Company's asset is its interest in 
the Exploration Development and Production Sharing Agreement ("EDPSA") for the 
South West Gobustan oil and gas fields. CGL, a company registered in Anguilla, 
British West Indies, in which the Company has a 37.17% interest, holds an 80% 
interest in the EDPSA with the remaining 20% held by an affiliate of SOCAR. The 
remaining 62.83% share in CGL is held by two affiliates of the project operator, 
This announcement includes "forward-looking statements", including statements 
with respect to Arawak's anticipated exploration and development activities 
which are based on the opinions and estimates of management at the date the 
statements are made, and are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties and 
other factors that could cause actual events or results to differ materially 
from those projected in the forward-looking statements. These risks and 
uncertainties include, but are not limited to, risks associated with the oil and 
gas industry (including operational risks in development, exploration and 
production; delays or changes in plans with respect to exploration or 
development projects or capital expenditures; the uncertainty of reserve 
estimates; the uncertainty of estimates and projections in relation to 
production, costs and expenses and health, safety and environmental risks), the 
risk of commodity price and foreign exchange rate fluctuations, the uncertainty 
associated with commercial negotiations and negotiating with foreign governments 
and risks associated with international activity. Statements relating to 
"reserves" are deemed to be forward looking statements as they involve the 
implied assessment, based on certain estimates and assumptions, that the 
reserves described exist in the quantities predicted or estimated and can be 
profitably produced in the future. Although Arawak believes that its 
expectations represented by these forward-looking statements are reasonable, 
there can be no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct. Due 
to the risks, uncertainties and assumptions inherent in forward-looking 
statements, prospective investors in the Company's securities should not place 
undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. For a detailed description 
of the risks and uncertainties facing Arawak, readers should refer to Arawak's 
Annual Information Form for the year ended 31 December, 2007 and dated 31 March, 
2008 as filed at www.sedar.com. 
Net present values of future net revenue based on forecast prices and costs 
(thousands of $ (M$)): 
|     |                       |                    |                                    |                       |                                               |   |                                                        |  |                                       |             |  |  |                       |                            |                                    |                   |  Net Unit   | 
|     |                       |                    |                                    |                       |                                               |   |                                                        |  |                                       |             |  |  |                       |                            |                                    |                   |             | 
|     |                       |                    |                                    |                       |                                               |   |                                                        |  |                                       |             |  |  |                       |                            |                                    |                   |    Value    | 
|     |                       |                    |                                    |                       |                                               |   |                                                        |  |                                       |             |  |  |                       |                            |                                    |                   |   Before    | 
|     |                       |                    |                                                                                                                                                      |       |                                                                                                                                                                                    |  |   Income    | 
|     |                       |                    |                                                                                                                                                      |       |                                                                                                                                                                                    |  |    Tax      | 
|     |                       |                    |                                                                  Before Deducting                                                                    |       |                                                                                  After Deducting                                                                                   |  | Discounted  | 
|     |                       |                    |                                                                                                                                                      |       |                                                                                                                                                                                    |  |     at      | 
|     |                       |                    |                                                              Income Taxes Discounted At                                                              |       |                                                                            Incoming Taxes Discounted At                                                                            |  |  10%/year   | 
|     |                       |                    |      0%      |       |              5%              |                       |     10%      |       |            15%             |       |    20%     |       |              0%              |       |      5%      |       |            10%             |                       |            15%             |       |            20%             |  |             | 
|     |                       |                    |    (M$)      |       |            (M$)              |                       |    (M$)      |       |            (M$)            |       |    (M$)    |       |            (M$)              |       |    (M$)      |       |            (M$)            |                       |            (M$)            |       |            (M$)            |  |  ($/boe)    | 
| Proved Developed                                                |       |                              |                       |              |       |                            |       |            |       |                              |       |              |       |                            |                       |                            |       |                            |  |          |  | 
| Producing (1) (5)                                               |       |                              |                       |              |       |                            |       |            |       |                              |       |              |       |                            |                       |                            |       |                            |  |          |  | 
|     | Kazakhstan                                 |   306,038    |       |   257,826                    |                       |   221,503    |       |   193,452                  |       |   171,321  |       |   241,454                    |       |   203,055    |       |   174,183                  |                       |   151,926                  |       |   134,394                  |  |   16.15  |  | 
|     | Russia                |                    |   50,261     |       |   43,346                     |                       |   37,766     |       |   33,222                   |       |   29,486   |       |   44,379                     |       |   38,226     |       |   33,288                   |                       |   29,286                   |       |   26,009                   |  |    6.83  |  | 
|     | Azerbaijan            |                    |   304        |       |   265                        |                       |   233        |       |   207                      |       |   184      |       |   304                        |       |   265        |       |   233                      |                       |   207                      |       |   184                      |  |    3.90  |  | 
|     | Total                 |                    |   356,603    |   -   |   301,437                    |   -                   |   259,502    |   -   |   226,881                  |   -   |   200,992  |   -   |   286,137                    |   -   |   241,546    |   -   |   207,704                  |   -                   |   181,419                  |   -   |   160,587                  |  |   13.44  |  | 
| Proved Developed                                                |       |                              |                       |              |       |                            |       |            |       |                              |       |              |       |                            |                       |                            |       |                            |  |          |  | 
| Non-Producing (1)                                               |       |                              |                       |              |       |                            |       |            |       |                              |       |              |       |                            |                       |                            |       |                            |  |          |  | 
| (6)                                                             |       |                              |                       |              |       |                            |       |            |       |                              |       |              |       |                            |                       |                            |       |                            |  |          |  | 
|     | Kazakhstan                                 |   -          |   -   |   -                          |   -                   |   -          |   -   | -                          |   -   |   -        |   -   |                              |   -   |   -          |   -   |   -                        |   -                   |   -                        |   -   |   -                        |  |       -  |  | 
|     |                                            |              |       |                              |                       |              |       |                            |       |            |       | -                            |       |              |       |                            |                       |                            |       |                            |  |          |  | 
|     | Russia                |                    |   15,025     |       |   11,954                     |                       |   9,624      |       |   7,835                    |       |   6,448    |       |   11,946                     |       |   9,566      |       |   7,746                    |                       |   6,340                    |       |   5,243                    |  |    7.45  |  | 
|     | Azerbaijan            |                    |   2,035      |       |   1,649                      |                       |   1,352      |       |   1,120                    |       |   937      |       |   2,035                      |       |   1,649      |       |   1,352                    |                       |   1,120                    |       |   937                      |  |    4.47  |  | 
|     | Total                 |                    |   17,060     |   -   |   13,603                     |   -                   |   10,975     |   -   |   8,955                    |   -   |   7,385    |   -   |   13,981                     |   -   |   11,215     |   -   |   9,097                    |   -                   |   7,460                    |   -   |   6,180                    |  |    6.89  |  | 
| Proved                                           |              |       |                              |                       |              |       |                            |       |            |       |                              |       |              |       |                            |                       |                            |       |                            |  |          |  | 
| Undeveloped                                      |              |       |                              |                       |              |       |                            |       |            |       |                              |       |              |       |                            |                       |                            |       |                            |  |          |  | 
| (1) (7)                                          |              |       |                              |                       |              |       |                            |       |            |       |                              |       |              |       |                            |                       |                            |       |                            |  |          |  | 
|     | Kazakhstan                                 |   220,103    |       |   166,296                    |                       |   128,744    |       |   101,717                  |       |   81,739   |       |   147,153                    |       |   108,805    |       |   82,375                   |                       |   63,574                   |       |   49,828                   |  |   18.50  |  | 
|     | Russia                |                    |   11,094     |       |   9,444                      |                       |   8,067      |       |   6,912                    |       |   5,939    |       |   8,655                      |       |   7,359      |       |   6,274                    |                       |   5,362                    |       |   4,592                    |  |    6.98  |  | 
|     | Azerbaijan            |                    |   73,126     |       |   45,551                     |                       |   27,613     |       |   15,903                   |       |   8,251    |       |   73,126                     |       |   45,551     |       |   27,613                   |                       |   15,903                   |       |   8,251                    |  |    4.94  |  | 
|     | Total                 |                    |   304,323    |   -   |   221,291                    |   -                   |   164,424    |   -   |   124,532                  |   -   |   95,930   |       |   228,934                    |   -   |   161,715    |   -   |   116,262                  |   -                   |   84,839                   |   -   |   62,671                   |  |    4.75  |  | 
| TOTAL                       |                    |              |       |                              |                       |              |       |                            |       |            |       |                              |       |              |       |                            |                       |                            |       |                            |  |          |  | 
| PROVED                      |                    |              |       |                              |                       |              |       |                            |       |            |       |                              |       |              |       |                            |                       |                            |       |                            |  |          |  | 
| (1)                         |                    |              |       |                              |                       |              |       |                            |       |            |       |                              |       |              |       |                            |                       |                            |       |                            |  |          |  | 
|                 | Kazakhstan                     |   526,140    |   -   |   424,122                    |   -                   |   350,247    |   -   |   295,170                  |   -   |   253,060  |   -   |   388,607                    |   -   |   311,859    |   -   |   256,558                  |   -                   |   215,501                  |   -   |   184,222                  |  |   16.94  |  | 
|                 | Russia                     |   |   76,379     |   -   |   64,744                     |   -                   |   55,456     |   -   |   47,970                   |   -   |   41,874   |   -   |   64,981                     |   -   |   55,150     |   -   |   47,307                   |   -                   |   40,987                   |   -   |   35,844                   |  |    6.95  |  | 
|                 | Azerbaijan                 |   |   75,465     |   -   |   47,465                     |   -                   |   29,199     |   -   |   17,230                   |   -   |   9,372    |   -   |   75,465                     |   -   |   47,465     |   -   |   29,199                   |   -                   |   17,230                   |   -   |   9,372                    |  |    4.91  |  | 
|                 | Total                      |   |   677,984    |   -   |   536,331                    |   -                   |   434,902    |   -   |   360,370                  |   -   |   304,306  |   -   |   529,052                    |   -   |   414,475    |   -   |   333,064                  |   -                   |   273,718                  |   -   |   229,438                  |  |   12.57  |  | 
| TOTAL                                        |   |              |       |                              |                       |              |       |                            |       |            |       |                              |       |              |       |                            |                       |                            |       |                            |  |          |  | 
| PROBABLE                                     |   |              |       |                              |                       |              |       |                            |       |            |       |                              |       |              |       |                            |                       |                            |       |                            |  |          |  | 
| (2)                                          |   |              |       |                              |                       |              |       |                            |       |            |       |                              |       |              |       |                            |                       |                            |       |                            |  |          |  | 
|                 | Kazakhstan                     |   413,804    |       |   295,749                    |                       |   219,389    |       |   167,829                  |       |   131,713  |       |   280,405                    |       |   195,853    |       |   141,973                  |                       |   106,097                  |       |   81,294                   |  |   17.31  |  | 
|                 | Russia                     |   |   16,607     |       |   14,125                     |                       |   12,051     |       |   10,311                   |       |   8,844    |       |   12,721                     |       |   10,805     |       |   9,198                    |                       |   7,845                    |       |   6,700                    |  |    8.23  |  | 
|                 | Azerbaijan                 |   |   235,352    |       |   169,110                    |                       |   123,818    |       |   92,126                   |       |   69,488   |       |   235,352                    |       |   169,110    |       |   123,818                  |                       |   92,126                   |       |   69,488                   |  |   13.73  |  | 
|                 | Total                      |   |   665,764    |   -   |   478,983                    |   -                   |   355,258    |   -   |   270,266                  |   -   |   210,045  |   -   |   528,479                    |   -   |   375,768    |   -   |   274,989                  |   -                   |   206,068                  |   -   |   157,482                  |  |   15.34  |  | 
| TOTAL                                            |              |       |                              |                       |              |       |                            |       |            |       |                              |       |              |       |                            |                       |                            |       |                            |  |          |  | 
| PROVED                                           |              |       |                              |                       |              |       |                            |       |            |       |                              |       |              |       |                            |                       |                            |       |                            |  |          |  | 
| PLUS                                             |              |       |                              |                       |              |       |                            |       |            |       |                              |       |              |       |                            |                       |                            |       |                            |  |          |  | 
| PROBABLE                                     |   |              |       |                              |                       |              |       |                            |       |            |       |                              |       |              |       |                            |                       |                            |       |                            |  |          |  | 
| (1) (2)                                      |   |              |       |                              |                       |              |       |                            |       |            |       |                              |       |              |       |                            |                       |                            |       |                            |  |          |  | 
|                 | Kazakhstan                     |   939,943    |   -   |   719,871                    |   -                   |   569,636    |   -   |   462,999                  |   -   |   384,772  |   -   |   669,011                    |   -   |   507,713    |   -   |   398,531                  |   -                   |   321,597                  |   -   |   265,515                  |  |   17.08  |  | 
|                 | Russia                     |   |   92,987     |   -   |   78,868                     |   -                   |   67,507     |   -   |   58,281                   |   -   |   50,718   |   -   |   77,702                     |   -   |   65,955     |   -   |   56,505                   |   -                   |   48,832                   |   -   |   42,544                   |  |    7.15  |  | 
|                 | Azerbaijan                 |   |   310,817    |   -   |   216,575                    |   -                   |   153,017    |   -   |   109,356                  |   -   |   78,860   |   -   |   310,817                    |   -   |   216,575    |   -   |   153,017                  |   -                   |   109,356                  |   -   |   78,860                   |  |   10.22  |  | 
|                 | Total                      |   |   1,343,747  |   -   |   1,015,314                  |   -                   |   790,160    |   -   |   630,636                  |   -   |   514,350  |   -   |   1,057,530                  |   -   |   790,243    |   -   |   608,053                  |   -                   |   479,785                  |   -   |   386,919                  |  |   13.68  |  | 
| TOTAL                                        |   |              |       |                              |                       |              |       |                            |       |            |       |                              |       |              |       |                            |                       |                            |       |                            |  |          |  | 
| POSSIBLE                                     |   |              |       |                              |                       |              |       |                            |       |            |       |                              |       |              |       |                            |                       |                            |       |                            |  |          |  | 
| (3)                                          |   |              |       |                              |                       |              |       |                            |       |            |       |                              |       |              |       |                            |                       |                            |       |                            |  |          |  | 
|                 | Kazakhstan                     |   692,371    |       |   504,554                    |                       |   381,290    |       |   296,905                  |       |   237,039  |       |   451,819                    |       |   325,661    |       |   243,950                  |                       |   188,623                  |       |   149,730                  |  |   23.08  |  | 
|                 | Russia                     |   |   16,583     |       |   13,535                     |   -                   |   11,172     |   -   |   9,314                    |   -   |   7,837    |   -   |   13,177                     |   -   |   10,805     |   -   |   8,957                    |   -                   |   7,498                    |   -   |   6,334                    |  |   10.41  |  | 
|                 | Azerbaijan                 |   |   139,223    |       |   89,423                     |                       |   58,710     |       |   39,196                   |       |   26,483   |       |   139,223                    |       |   89,423     |       |   58,710                   |                       |   39,196                   |       |   26,483                   |  |    8.06  |  | 
|                 | Total                      |   |   848,177    |   -   |   607,512                    |   -                   |   451,172    |   -   |   345,415                  |   -   |   271,360  |   -   |   604,219                    |   -   |   425,889    |   -   |   311,617                  |   -                   |   235,317                  |   -   |   182,547                  |  |   18.14  |  | 
| TOTAL                                            |              |       |                              |                       |              |       |                            |       |            |       |                              |       |              |       |                            |                       |                            |       |                            |  |          |  | 
| PROVED                                           |              |       |                              |                       |              |       |                            |       |            |       |                              |       |              |       |                            |                       |                            |       |                            |  |          |  | 
| PLUS                                             |              |       |                              |                       |              |       |                            |       |            |       |                              |       |              |       |                            |                       |                            |       |                            |  |          |  | 
| PROBABLE                                     |   |              |       |                              |                       |              |       |                            |       |            |       |                              |       |              |       |                            |                       |                            |       |                            |  |          |  | 
| PLUS                                         |   |              |       |                              |                       |              |       |                            |       |            |       |                              |       |              |       |                            |                       |                            |       |                            |  |          |  | 
| POSSIBLE        |                            |   |              |       |                              |                       |              |       |                            |       |            |       |                              |       |              |       |                            |                       |                            |       |                            |  |          |  | 
|                 | Kazakhstan                     |   1,632,314  |   -   |   1,224,425                  |   -                   |   950,927    |   -   |   759,904                  |   -   |   621,811  |   -   |   1,120,830                  |   -   |   833,374    |   -   |   642,481                  |   -                   |   510,221                  |   -   |   415,246                  |  |   19.07  |  | 
|                 | Russia                     |   |   109,569    |   -   |   92,403                     |   -                   |   78,679     |   -   |   67,595                   |   -   |   58,555   |   -   |   90,879                     |   -   |   76,760     |   -   |   65,462                   |   -                   |   56,330                   |   -   |   48,878                   |  |    7.48  |  | 
|                 | Azerbaijan                 |   |   450,040    |   -   |   305,998                    |   -                   |   211,727    |   -   |   148,552                  |   -   |   105,344  |       |   450,040                    |   -   |   305,998    |   -   |   211,727                  |   -                   |   148,552                  |   -   |   105,344                  |  |    9.52  |  | 
|                 | Total                      |   |   2,191,924  |   -   |   1,622,826                  |   -                   |   1,241,333  |   -   |   976,051                  |   -   |   785,710  |       |   1,661,749                  |   -   |   1,216,132  |   -   |   919,670                  |   -                   |   715,103                  |   -   |   569,468                  |  |   15.02  |  | 
  1.  "Proved" reserves are those reserves that can be estimated with a high degree of 
  certainty to be recoverable. It is likely that the actual remaining quantities 
  recovered will exceed the estimated proved reserves. 
  2.  "Probable" reserves are those additional reserves that are less certain to be 
  recovered than proved reserves. It is equally likely that the actual remaining 
  quantities recovered will be greater or less than the sum of the estimated 
  proved plus probable reserves. 
  3.  "Possible" reserves are those additional reserves that are less certain to be 
  recovered than probable reserves. It is unlikely that the actual quantities 
  recovered will exceed the sum of the estimated proved plus probable plus 
  possible reserves. 
  4.  "Developed" reserves are those reserves that are expected to be recovered from 
  existing wells and installed facilities or, if facilities have not been 
  installed, that would involve a low expenditure (e.g. when compared to the cost 
  of drilling a well) to put the reserves on production. 
  5.  "Developed Producing" reserves are those reserves that are expected to be 
  recovered from completion intervals open at the time of the estimate. These 
  reserves may be currently producing or, if shut-in, they must have previously 
  been on production, and the date of resumption of production must be known with 
  reasonable certainty. 
  6.  "Developed Non-Producing" reserves are those reserves that either have not been 
  on production, or have previously been on production, but are shut in, and the 
  date of resumption of production is unknown. 
  7.  "Undeveloped" reserves are those expected to be recovered from know 
  accumulations where a significant expenditure (for example, when compared to the 
  cost of drilling a well) is required to render them capable of production. They 
  must fully meet the requirements of the reserves classification (proved, 
  probable, possible) to which they are assigned. 
The pricing assumptions used in the Kazakhstan McDaniel Report with respect to 
net present values of future net revenue (forecast) are set forth below. As a 
result of both economic and political forces, there is significant uncertainty 
regarding the forecasting of future hydrocarbon prices. The Kazakhstan McDaniel 
Report assumes 85% of Arawak's production from the Akzhar, Besbolek and 
Karataikyz fields is sold at export price and 15% is sold at the domestic price. 
For the Alimbai field the Kazakhstan McDaniel Report assumes 0% to be sold to 
the export markets in 2009 and 80% thereafter. Under the terms of the Temir 
Production Sharing Agreement 100% of production from the Saigak field is 
entitled to be exported. The domestic price excludes VAT. 
|                                                             Crude Oil                                                              | 
|  Date  |    WTI    |  Brent  |    Urals     |  Urals  |    Akzhar    | Akzhar  |  Akzhar  |  Besbolek,   | Besbolek,  | Besbolek,  | 
|        |  Cushing  |($/bbl)  |    Price     |  Crude  |    Export    | Export  |Domestic  |  Karataikyz  |Karataikyz  |Karataikyz  | 
|        |Oklahoma   |         |Differential  |  Oil    |    Price     |  Price  |  Price   |  & Alimbai   | & Alimbai  | & Alimbai  | 
|        |  ($/bbl)  |         | ($2009/bbl)  |  Price  |Differential  |($/bbl)  | ($/bbl)  |    Export    |  Export    |  Domestic  | 
|        |           |         |              |($/bbl)  |  $2009/bbl   |         |          |    Price     |   Price    |   Price    | 
|        |           |         |              |         |              |         |          |Differential  |  ($/bbl)   |  ($/bbl)   | 
|        |           |         |              |         |              |         |          |($2009 /bbl)  |            |            | 
|  2009  |  54.00    |  52.15  |    3.00      |  49.15  |    16.64     |  35.51  |  25.00   |    16.24     |   35.91    |   25.00    | 
|  2010  |  65.00    |  63.21  |    3.00      |  60.15  |    16.64     |  46.23  |  25.00   |    16.24     |   46.64    |   25.00    | 
|  2011  |  73.00    |  71.25  |    3.00      |  68.13  |    16.64     |  53.94  |  25.00   |    16.24     |   54.35    |   25.00    | 
|  2012  |  82.00    |  80.30  |    3.00      |  77.11  |    16.64     |  62.64  |  28.19   |    16.24     |   63.06    |   28.38    | 
|  2013  |  91.00    |  89.34  |    3.00      |  86.10  |    16.64     |  71.33  |  32.10   |    16.24     |   71.77    |   32.29    | 
|  2014  |  93.00    |  91.35  |    3.00      |  88.04  |    16.64     |  72.98  |  32.84   |    16.24     |   73.42    |   33.04    | 
|  2015  |  94.86    |  93.22  |    3.00      |  89.85  |    16.64     |  74.49  |  33.52   |    16.24     |   74.94    |   33.72    | 
|  2016  |  96.76    |  95.13  |    3.00      |  91.69  |    16.64     |  76.02  |  34.21   |    16.24     |   76.48    |   34.41    | 
|  2017  |  98.69    |  97.08  |    3.00      |  93.56  |    16.64     |  77.58  |  34.91   |    16.24     |   78.05    |   35.12    | 
|  2018  |  100.67   |  99.06  |    3.00      |  95.48  |    16.64     |  79.18  |  35.63   |    16.24     |   79.65    |   35.84    | 
|  2019  |  102.68   | 101.09  |    3.00      |  97.43  |    16.64     |  80.80  |  36.36   |    16.24     |   81.29    |   36.58    | 
|  2020  |  104.73   | 103.15  |    3.00      |  99.42  |    16.64     |  82.46  |  37.11   |    16.24     |   82.96    |   37.33    | 
|  2021  |  106.83   | 105.26  |    3.00      | 101.45  |    16.64     |  84.15  |  37.87   |    16.24     |   84.66    |   38.10    | 
|  2022  |  108.96   | 107.40  |    3.00      | 103.52  |    16.64     |  85.88  |  38.65   |    16.24     |   86.40    |   38.88    | 
|  2023  |  111.14   | 109.59  |    3.00      | 105.64  |    16.64     |  87.64  |  39.44   |    16.24     |   88.17    |   39.67    | 
|  2024  |  111.14   | 109.59  |    3.00      | 105.64  |    16.64     |  87.64  |  39.44   |    16.24     |   88.17    |   39.67    | 
|  2025  |  111.14   | 109.59  |    3.00      | 105.64  |    16.64     |  87.64  |  39.44   |    16.24     |   88.17    |   39.67    | 
|  2026  |  111.14   | 109.59  |    3.00      | 105.64  |    16.64     |  87.64  |  39.44   |    16.24     |   88.17    |   39.67    | 
|  2027  |  111.14   | 109.59  |    3.00      | 105.64  |    16.64     |  87.64  |  39.44   |    16.24     |   88.17    |   39.67    | 
|  2028  |  111.14   | 109.59  |    3.00      | 105.64  |    16.64     |  87.64  |  39.44   |    16.24     |   88.17    |   39.67    | 
|                                  Crude Oil                                   | 
|  Date  |    WTI    |  Brent  |    Saigak    | Saigak  |  Saigak  |Inflation  | 
|        |  Cushing  |($/bbl)  |    Export    | Export  |Domestic  | Forecast  | 
|        |Oklahoma   |         |    Price     |  Price  |  Price   |    %      | 
|        |  ($/bbl)  |         |Differential  |($/bbl)  | ($/bbl)  |           | 
|        |           |         | ($2009/bbl)  |         |          |           | 
|  2009  |  54.00    |  52.15  |    16.50     |  35.65  |  25.00   |    2.0    | 
|  2010  |  65.00    |  63.21  |    16.83     |  46.38  |  25.00   |    2.0    | 
|  2011  |  73.00    |  71.25  |    17.17     |  54.08  |  25.00   |    2.0    | 
|  2012  |  82.00    |  80.30  |    17.51     |  62.79  |  28.25   |    2.0    | 
|  2013  |  91.00    |  89.34  |    17.86     |  71.48  |  32.17   |    2.0    | 
|  2014  |  93.00    |  91.35  |    18.22     |  73.14  |  32.91   |    2.0    | 
|  2015  |  94.86    |  93.22  |    18.58     |  74.64  |  33.59   |    2.0    | 
|  2016  |  96.76    |  95.13  |    18.95     |  76.18  |  34.28   |    2.0    | 
|  2017  |  98.69    |  97.08  |    19.33     |  77.75  |  34.99   |    2.0    | 
|  2018  |  100.67   |  99.06  |    19.72     |  79.34  |  35.70   |    2.0    | 
|  2019  |  102.68   | 101.09  |    20.11     |  80.97  |  36.44   |    2.0    | 
|  2020  |  104.73   | 103.15  |    20.52     |  82.63  |  37.19   |    2.0    | 
|  2021  |  106.83   | 105.26  |    20.93     |  84.33  |  37.95   |    2.0    | 
|  2022  |  108.96   | 107.40  |    21.34     |  86.06  |  38.73   |    2.0    | 
|  2023  |  111.14   | 109.59  |    21.77     |  87.82  |  39.52   |    2.0    | 
|  2024  |  111.14   | 109.59  |    21.77     |  87.82  |  39.52   |    0.0    | 
|  2025  |  111.14   | 109.59  |    21.77     |  87.82  |  39.52   |    0.0    | 
|  2026  |  111.14   | 109.59  |    21.77     |  87.82  |  39.52   |    0.0    | 
|  2027  |  111.14   | 109.59  |    21.77     |  87.82  |  39.52   |    0.0    | 
|  2028  |  111.14   | 109.59  |    21.77     |  87.82  |  39.52   |    0.0    | 
The pricing assumptions used in the Russia Ryder Scott Report with respect to 
net present values of future net revenue (forecast) are set forth below. As a 
result of both economic and political forces, there is significant uncertainty 
regarding the forecasting of future hydrocarbon prices. 
|                                    Crude Oil                                    | 
|  Date  |    WTI    |  Brent  |  Urals  | Export  |Domestic  | Blend¹  |Netback  | 
|        |  Cushing  |($/bbl)  |($/bbl)  |($/bbl)  | ($/bbl)  |($/bbl)  |  Price  | 
|        |Oklahoma   |         |         |         |          |         |         | 
|        |  ($/bbl)  |         |         |         |          |         |         | 
|  2009  |  54.00    |  52.15  |  50.15  |  47.15  |  28.80   |  36.14  |  14.31  | 
|  2010  |  65.00    |  63.21  |  61.21  |  58.21  |  35.55   |  44.62  |  16.69  | 
|  2011  |  73.00    |  71.25  |  69.25  |  66.25  |  40.47   |  50.78  |  18.43  | 
|  2012  |  82.00    |  80.30  |  78.30  |  75.30  |  45.99   |  57.71  |  20.37  | 
|  2013  |  91.00    |  89.34  |  87.34  |  84.34  |  51.52   |  64.65  |  22.32  | 
|  2014  |  93.00    |  91.35  |  89.35  |  86.35  |  52.75   |  66.19  |  22.76  | 
|  2015  |  94.86    |  93.22  |  91.22  |  88.22  |  53.89   |  67.62  |  23.16  | 
|  2016  |  96.76    |  95.13  |  93.13  |  90.13  |  55.06   |  69.09  |  23.57  | 
|  2017  |  98.69    |  97.08  |  95.08  |  92.08  |  56.24   |  70.58  |  23.99  | 
|  2018  |  100.67   |  99.06  |  97.06  |  94.06  |  57.46   |  72.10  |  24.42  | 
|  2019  |  102.68   | 101.09  |  99.09  |  96.09  |  58.69   |  73.65  |  24.85  | 
|  2020  |  104.73   | 103.15  | 101.15  |  98.15  |  59.95   |  75.23  |  25.30  | 
|  2021  |  106.83   | 105.26  | 103.26  | 100.26  |  61.24   |  76.85  |  25.75  | 
|  2022  |  108.96   | 107.40  | 105.40  | 102.40  |  62.55   |  78.49  |  26.21  | 
|  2023  |  111.14   | 109.59  | 107.59  | 104.59  |  63.89   |  80.17  |  26.68  | 
|  2024  |  111.14   | 109.59  | 107.59  | 104.59  |  63.89   |  80.17  |  26.68  | 
|  2025  |  111.14   | 109.59  | 107.59  | 104.59  |  63.89   |  80.17  |  26.68  | 
|  2026  |  111.14   | 109.59  | 107.59  | 104.59  |  63.89   |  80.17  |  26.68  | 
|  2027  |  111.14   | 109.59  | 107.59  | 104.59  |  63.89   |  80.17  |  26.68  | 
|  2028  |  111.14   | 109.59  | 107.59  | 104.59  |  63.89   |  80.17  |  26.68  | 
|        |           |         |         |         |          |         |         | 
| ¹ Blend assumes export sales 40% and domestic sales         |         |         | 
| 60%                                                         |         |         | 
  The pricing assumptions used in the Azerbaijan Ryder Scott Report with respect 
to net present values of future net revenue (forecast) for the proved plus 
probable case are set forth below. As a result of both economic and political 
forces, there is significant uncertainty regarding the forecasting of future 
hydrocarbon prices. 
|                    Crude Oil                     |    Natural Gas     | 
|  Date  |    WTI    |  Brent  |  Urals  | Export  |    SW Gobustan     | 
|        |  Cushing  |($/bbl)  |($/bbl)  |($/bbl)  |      ($/mcf)       | 
|        |Oklahoma   |         |         |         |                    | 
|        |  ($/bbl)  |         |         |         |                    | 
|  2009  |  54.00    |  52.15  |  47.98  |  43.94  |        1.33        | 
|  2010  |  65.00    |  63.21  |  58.15  |  54.04  |        2.76        | 
|  2011  |  73.00    |  71.25  |  65.55  |  61.35  |        2.80        | 
|  2012  |  82.00    |  80.30  |  73.87  |  69.59  |        2.82        | 
|  2013  |  91.00    |  89.34  |  82.20  |  77.83  |        2.82        | 
|  2014  |  93.00    |  91.35  |  84.05  |  79.59  |        2.82        | 
|  2015  |  94.86    |  93.22  |  85.77  |  81.23  |        2.83        | 
|  2016  |  96.76    |  95.13  |  87.52  |  82.89  |        2.83        | 
|  2017  |  98.69    |  97.08  |  89.31  |  84.59  |        2.83        | 
|  2018  |  100.67   |  99.06  |  91.14  |  86.32  |        2.83        | 
|  2019  |  102.68   | 101.09  |  93.00  |  88.08  |        2.83        | 
|  2020  |  104.73   | 103.15  |  94.90  |  89.88  |        2.83        | 
|  2021  |  106.83   | 105.26  |  96.84  |  91.72  |        2.83        | 
|  2022  |  108.96   | 107.40  |  98.81  |  93.60  |        2.83        | 
|  2023  |  111.14   | 109.59  | 100.83  |  95.51  |        2.83        | 
|  2024  |  111.14   | 109.59  | 100.83  |  95.51  |        2.83        | 
|  2025  |  111.14   | 109.59  | 100.83  |  95.51  |        2.83        | 
|  2026  |  111.14   | 109.59  | 100.83  |  95.51  |        2.83        | 
|  2027  |  111.14   | 109.59  | 100.83  |  95.51  |        2.83        | 
|  2028  |  111.14   | 109.59  | 100.83  |  95.51  |        2.83        | 
  1.   In the Azerbaijan, after tax income is equal to before tax income as the State 
  Oil Company of the Azerbaijan Republic ("SOCAR") pays taxes on behalf of the 
  2.   For the proved case, the forecast price of natural gas for the SW Gobustan 
  EDPSA was held constant at $1.33/mcf. The gas price used for the proved plus 
  probable scenario was flat $2.83/mcf for the life of the project. The terms of 
  the South West Gobustan EDPSA allows for future changes in gas pricing. 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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