RNS No 7275h
1st October 1998

                 RESULTS FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 31 JULY 1998

* Excluding the impact of the expiry of ALPHA Retail's Heathrow management
  contract, sales rose in all three divisions by over 10%

* Underlying pre tax profit* was, as expected, lower than last year falling
  7.5% to #12.3m (1997/98: #13.3m)

* Adjusted earnings per share fell 11.5% to 4.94p (1997/98: 5.58p)

* Exceptional provision of #5.9m arising from losses in ALPHA Retail's duty
  free contract in Orlando

* Interim dividend maintained at 1.84p (1997/98: 1.84p)

Commenting on today's announcement Rodney Galpin, Chairman of ALPHA Airports
Group Plc, said

"Despite being unable to sell its Retail division for fair value, ALPHA has
developed several important operational initiatives which, although bringing
no immediate financial reward are fundamental to improving our medium-term
prospects.  These measures include Retail contract extensions and Catering's
move to identify and implement best practice."

*Underlying pre tax profit is stated before exceptional costs of #7.0m
(1997/98: exceptional profit #0.7m) and before goodwill amortisation #0.6m
(1997/98: nil)


ALPHA Airports Group Plc
Kevin Abbott, Chief Executive      Tel: 0171 457 2345 (1 October 1998)
Stuart Siddall, Finance Director   Tel: 0181 580 3200 (Thereafter)

Gavin Anderson & Company           Tel: 0171 457 2345
Marc Popiolek
Laura Hickman


The Group's underlying pre tax profit on ordinary activities before
exceptional items and goodwill amortisation for the half year to 31 July 1998
was #12.3m.  These results were, as expected, below those for the first half
of 1997/98 (#13.3m before the exceptional profit of #0.7m) following the
expiry of ALPHA Retail's Heathrow management contract in March this year.
Performance was also held back by losses of #1.4m (first half 1997/98 loss of
#0.1m) in our Orlando Duty Free business.  The increased loss in Orlando is
disappointing and stems from the poor level of passenger numbers and reduced
passenger spending.


ALPHA Retail's UK operations continue to perform well with increased sales
volume and operating profit.

The UK Retail business is focused on the challenges that the potential
abolition of European duty free allowances will bring in 1999.  With our
airport partners, we are developing Travel Retail concepts that will be
available for the first time to domestic travellers.

We have continued to extend and re-negotiate our contracts with the UK
Regional Airports.  Contracts representing approximately 50% of current sales
now have an expiry date of between 2002 and 2006.  In addition we have revised
the basis of rental payments for some of our UK Regional Airports such that
rents arising on approximately 50% of our UK Regional Airport Duty Free
business will be based on profit sharing arrangements if the expected
abolition of Intra European Duty Free allowances occurs.

Our Duty Free business in Sanford, Florida and Orient Lanka, Sri Lanka have
performed well.  In Barbados the travel retail business which was acquired in
early 1998 is responding to the improved retailing skills that ALPHA Retail

I am pleased to report that the Retail business has secured 7 new specialist
shops in the United Kingdom and 1 in Sanford, Florida in 1998.  The estimated
annual sales of these shops is approximately #3.5m.

Our Inflight Retailing business secured a 25% increase in sales.  Our overseas
operations reported a loss as expected, but two important full service
concessions for Air India and Canadian Airlines were commenced.

Ground Handling

Ground Handling business was affected adversely by a decline in air traffic
between the USA and Asia.  Nevertheless, the results for the first half of
1998/99 were in line with the same period last year.  In the Spring of this
year ALPHA Ground Services lost business with an annual value of #5.5m at JFK,
New York as a result of the opening of a new terminal.  Elsewhere in the USA
we have seen a net gain in business despite the loss of contracts arising from
US airlines linking in code-share arrangements with our international airlines


Catering profits advanced 9.6% over last year.  Meal volume was up 11.7% with
21.2 million meals served.  Approximately 50% of the growth arose as a result
of low-value return catering out of our UK facilities for shorthaul flights
into Europe.

Most importantly, we have improved service levels to our airline customers,
and we have established and trained a powerful team of ALPHA specialists to
implement best practice throughout our kitchen network.  We have incurred
additional wage costs, partly to secure these enhanced service levels, and
partly to reflect rapidly rising wage levels at some of our airports where
there is very strong competition for skilled staff.

The closure of our oldest Heathrow kitchen was achieved ahead of schedule.
Business from this kitchen has been integrated within our other two Heathrow
kitchens, and the consolidation of the Corporate and ALPHA Catering's
divisional offices will be completed by October 1998.  In addition three
kitchens in the UK are undergoing significant refurbishment and expansion at a
cost of #3m.


The Group's underlying tax rate before exceptional items remained at 27%.  As
a consequence of the goodwill amortisation, and the exceptional provisions
where only partial tax relief has been reflected in line with Financial
Reporting Standards, the total tax rate was 34%.


The Board has decided to hold the interim dividend at 1.84 pence (1997/98:
1.84 pence) per ordinary share.  This dividend with a scrip alternative will
be payable on 24th November 1998 to shareholders on the Register as at 16th
October 1998.


Net debt increased by #2.8m to #74.1m.  In August 1998 the Group replaced its
existing term facilities with a 5 year #100m facility.  In total the Group has
committed facilities of #113m and has capacity to fund growth of the Group's
core businesses at a steady pace.

During August 1998 the Government of Sri Lanka exercised its option to sell
its remaining 37% stake in Orient Lanka Limited to the ALPHA Group for #7m.
Consequently we expect debt to rise in the second half of the year.

Interest cover (before exceptional items) was 5.6 times (1997/98:  5.9 times).

Exceptional loss #7.0m

We have reviewed the performance of the Orlando Duty Free shops.  As we cannot
foresee a major recovery in passenger numbers the results are not going to
improve significantly over the short term.  Consequently, we have reported an
exceptional provision of #5.9m in respect of this contract.

Exceptional costs incurred in relation to the unsuccessful sale of the Retail
Division totalled #2.1m.  These relate to pre-sale advisory fees,
restructuring costs, and the costs of refinancing that were necessitated by
the planned sale.

Closure of Catering's Heathrow kitchens has been achieved ahead of schedule.
With 50% of our customers transferring to our two remaining Heathrow kitchens,
redundancy costs have been lower than previously anticipated and we have
reduced the closure provision made in 1997/98 by #1m.


The Group has reviewed its strategy following its decision to withdraw ALPHA
Retail from sale.  With extended financing in place, we can develop the core
businesses at a steady pace.  We will continue to focus on European growth at
regional airports where we expect to joint venture with local partners.

In Catering, we will implement best practice, enhance our service offering and
thus extend our contracts with our major customers, and grow with them as they
develop their European business.  In Ground Handling, we will expand our US
commercial resources to offset the enhanced risk of contract losses due to
code-sharing and alliances.  As the European Ground Handling market opens up,
we will aim to extend our Ground Handling activities into the UK and, in joint
venture with local partners, into mainland Europe.  In Retail, we are focused
on the challenges and opportunities that will arise upon the planned abolition
of Intra EU Duty Free.  We envisage future opportunities to exploit new Travel
Retail concepts with partners in mainland Europe.

Year 2000 Compliance

The Group continues to address the effects of the Millennium date change on
its business.

Plans are in place covering most of the critical business systems and in many
cases these are well advanced with effective implementation of the first of
these expected by the end of 1998.  Work is ongoing in respect of other key
systems where solutions are being formulated.  However, appropriate
contingency plans will be developed to ensure business continuity where it is
felt key systems may be at risk.

Key external suppliers are being contacted and we are working together with
the objective of seeking an uninterrupted supply of goods and services to the

It is estimated that the cost of modifying or replacing systems directly as a
result of the Millennium issue will be around #1.4m in total of which #1m has
still to be incurred.

Economic and Monetary Union (EMU)

Preparations are also being made to enable ALPHA to adapt its commercial and
financial processes so that it can conduct business in the Euro after its
initial introduction from 1st January 1999.  Conversion of internal systems to
the Euro will not require significant level of expenditure.


During the summer months we have seen increased uncertainty in some of the
markets in which we operate.  However, the UK Regional Duty Free market seems
to have been less affected than other markets and we expect ALPHA Retail's UK
Regional Duty Free business to perform satisfactorily.  As previously
indicated, with the expiry of ALPHA Retail's Heathrow management contract our
Retail profits will be below those achieved in 1997/98.

Ground Handling is likely to see a small reduction in volume in the second
half as a result of decreased Asian traffic and reduced activity in New York.

Catering Services is expected to see less growth in the second half.  We
continue to invest resources for the development of best practice throughout
our kitchen network, and we expect to continue to incur additional costs to
maintain the high service levels achieved through the summer.

Group Profit and Loss Account
                                                       Six      Six     Year
                               Before     Except-   months   months    ended
                              Except-       ional    ended    ended       31
                                ional       Items  31 July  31 July  January
                                Items    (Note 5)     1998     1997     1998
                      Notes        #m          #m       #m       #m       #m
Turnover                  2     325.3           -    325.3    341.9    702.2
Cost of sales                 (189.6)         0.7  (188.9)  (199.3)  (410.9)*
                                -----       -----    -----    -----    -----
Gross profit                    135.7         0.7    136.4    142.6    291.3
and other costs                                                             
before goodwill                                                             
amortisation                  (120.3)       (7.7)  (128.0)  (126.6)  (271.3)*
amortisation              4     (0.6)           -    (0.6)        -       -
                                -----       -----    -----    -----    -----
Total administration                                                        
and other costs               (120.9)       (7.7)  (128.6)  (126.6)  (271.3)
                                -----       -----    -----    -----    -----
Other operating                                                             
income - exceptional                                                        
on sales of current                 -           -        -      0.7      0.7
asset investment                -----       -----   ------    -----    -----
                                 14.8       (7.0)      7.8     16.7     20.7

Operating profit/(loss)                           
Income from interest                                                        
in associated                                                               
undertakings                    (0.4)           -    (0.4)        -        -
                                -----       -----    -----    -----    -----

Profit/(loss) on                                                            
ordinary activities                                                         
before interest           2      14.4       (7.0)      7.4     16.7     20.7
Interest receivable               0.2           -      0.2      0.3      0.7
Interest payable                (2.9)           -    (2.9)    (3.0)    (5.9)
                               ------       -----    -----    -----    -----
Profit/(loss) on                                                            
ordinary activities                                                         
before taxation           2      11.7       (7.0)      4.7     14.0     15.5
Taxation on profit                                                          
on ordinary                                                                 
activities                      (3.2)         1.6    (1.6)    (3.2)    (6.4)
                                -----       -----    -----    -----    -----

Profit/(loss) on                                                            
ordinary activities                                                         
after taxation                    8.5       (5.4)      3.1     10.8      9.1
Minority interest                                                           
(equity)                        (0.8)           -    (0.8)    (0.7)    (1.5)
                                -----       -----    -----    -----     ----
Profit/(loss) for                                                           
the financial                                                               
period                            7.7       (5.4)      2.3     10.1      7.6
Dividends                 3     (3.1)           -    (3.1)    (3.1)    (9.0)
                                -----       -----    -----   ------     ----
Retained profit/                                                            
(loss) for the                                                              
period                            4.6       (5.4)    (0.8)      7.0    (1.4)
                                 ====        ====     ====     ====     ====
Net earnings per                                                            
share                     6                          1.35p    6.00p    4.52p
IIMR headline                                                               
earnings per share        6                          1.71p    6.00p    4.52p
Adjusted earnings                                                           
per share                 6                          4.94p    5.58p   11.60p

*The amounts for the year ended 31 January 1998 include exceptional items as
described in Note 5.

Statement of total recognised gains and losses

                                   Six months     Six months         Year
                                        ended          ended        ended
                                      31 July        31 July       31 Jan
                                         1998           1997         1998
                                           #m             #m           #m
Profit for the                                                           
financial period                          2.3           10.1          7.6
Currency translation                                                     
differences on foreign                                                   
currency net assets                                                      
and certain loans                       (0.1)          (1.4)        (1.2)
                                         ----          -----        -----
Total recognised                                                         
gains for the period                    (2.2)          (8.7)        (6.4)
                                        -----          -----        -----

There are no differences between the reported results for the current and
prior periods and the results for those periods restated on a historical cost

Group Balance Sheet

                                          31 July     31 July      31 Jan
                                             1998        1997        1998
                             Notes             #m          #m          #m
Fixed assets                                                             
Tangible assets                              80.7        85.9        79.7
Investments                                     -         0.4         0.5
                                            -----        ----       -----
                                             80.7        86.3        80.2
                                            -----        ----       -----
Current assets                                                           
Stocks                                       29.4        32.2        27.1
Debtors                                      63.5        58.1        53.5
Cash at bank and                                                         
in hand                                       5.3         5.5         2.7
                                             ----        ----       -----
                                             98.2        95.8        83.3
                                            -----       -----        ----
Creditors: amounts                                                       
falling due within
one year
Bank and other                                                           
borrowings                                  (1.8)       (5.7)       (8.0)
Other creditors                            (95.7)      (99.7)      (91.0)
                                            -----       -----       -----
                                           (97.5)     (105.4)      (99.0)
                                            -----       -----       -----
Net current                                                              
assets/(liabilities)                          0.7       (9.6)      (15.7)
Total assets less                                                        
current liabilities                          81.4        76.7        64.5
Creditors: amounts                                                       
falling due after
more than one year
Bank and other                                                           
borrowings                   10(b)         (75.4)      (70.2)      (63.4)
Other creditors                             (4.6)       (4.2)       (1.8)
                                            -----       -----       -----
                                           (80.0)      (74.4)      (65.2)
                                            -----       -----       -----
Provision for                                                            
liabilities                                 (9.5)       (4.4)       (9.9)
and charges                                 -----       -----       -----

Total net liabilities                       (8.1)       (2.1)      (10.6)
                                            -----       -----       -----
Capital and reserves                                                     
Called up share capital                      17.1        16.8        16.8
Share premium account                        40.7        38.5        38.7
Profit and loss account                    (68.4)      (59.9)      (68.1)
                                            -----       -----       -----
Shareholders' funds              7         (10.6)       (4.6)      (12.6)
Minority interests                                                       
(equity)                                      2.5         2.5         2.0
                                            -----       -----        ----
Total Equity                                (8.1)       (2.1)      (10.6)
                                            -----       -----       -----

Group Cash Flow Statement

                                     Six months    Six months        Year
                                          ended         ended       ended
                                        31 July       31 July      31 Jan
                                           1998          1997        1998
                             Notes           #m            #m          #m
Net cash inflow from                                                     
operating activities          8(1)         14.2          21.9        45.9
Net cash outflow for                                                     
returns on investments                                                   
and servicing of                                                         
finance                                   (3.1)         (3.6)       (6.6)
Taxation paid                             (0.8)         (1.0)       (9.1)
Net capital expenditure                   (8.1)         (7.7)      (15.3)
Acquisition of                                                           
subsidiary undertaking           9        (1.3)             -       (0.1)
Equity dividend                           (3.6)         (5.6)       (8.5)
paid                                      -----         -----       -----

Net cash (outflow)/inflow                                                
before financing                          (2.7)           4.0         6.3
                                          -----         -----       -----
Debt due beyond                                                          
one year
-    Unsecured loan                                                      
     repayable in 2000 (see note 10(b))     8.0             -           -
Repayment of external                                                    
borrowings                                (1.5)         (5.1)      (11.9)
Capital element of                                                       
finance lease payments                    (0.4)         (0.4)       (0.9)
                                         ------         -----       -----
Net cash inflow/(outflow)                                                
from financing                              6.1         (5.5)      (12.8)
                                          -----         -----       -----
in cash                       8(2)          3.4         (1.5)       (6.5)
                                          -----         -----      ------

Notes to the Interim Financial Statements

1.   Basis of accounting

The consolidated interim financial statements have been prepared under the
historical cost convention and in accordance with applicable accounting and
financial reporting standards.  The accounting policies are the same as
those set out in the financial statements of the Group for the year ended 31
January 1998, except for the adoption of FRS10 "Goodwill and Intangible
Assets" which is now effective.  FRS10 requires that goodwill arising on
acquisitions occurring after 1 February 1998 is capitalised and amortised
through the profit and loss account over its useful economic life and will
be subject to regular impairment review.  This represents a change from the
previous accounting policy under which goodwill arising prior to 1 February
1998 was written off direct to reserves upon acquisition.  As permitted by
the FRS10 transitional arrangements, goodwill previously written off to
reserves has not been reinstated.

This change in accounting policy has had no effect on the current period
profit and loss account but has necessitated a prior year adjustment
transferring goodwill previously charged against a 'Goodwill reserve' to the
profit and loss reserve.

The taxation charge is based on the estimated effective rate for the full

The interim financial statements are unaudited but have been reviewed by the
auditors, and their report to the Directors is set out on page 16.  The
comparative figures for the year to 31 January 1998 have been extracted from
the Group's financial statements which have been delivered to the Registrar
of Companies.  The auditors' report on those statements was unqualified and
did not include a statement under Section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act

2.  Segmental Analysis        Six months    Six months            Year
                                   ended         ended           Ended
                                 31 July       31 July          31 Jan
                                    1998          1997            1998
                                      #m            #m              #m
(a)  Turnover                                                         
Business sector                                                       
ALPHA Catering                     
Services                           115.6         104.1           212.6
ALPHA Retail Services              132.4         169.7           345.5
ALPHA Inflight                      
Retailing                           18.1          14.5            31.3
ALPHA Ground Services               59.2          53.6           112.8
                                    ----          ----            ----
Total turnover                     325.3         341.9           702.2
                                    ----          ----            ----
Geographical analysis                                                 
United Kingdom                     233.3         260.8           531.2
USA                                 65.9          57.7           123.6
Rest of the world                   26.1          23.4            47.4
                                    ----          ----            ----
Total turnover                     325.3         341.9           702.2
                                    ----           ---            ----

2.  Segmental analysis              Six months   Six months         Year
(continued)                              ended        ended        Ended
                                       31 July      31 July       31 Jan
                                          1998         1997         1998
                             Notes          #m           #m           #m

(b)  Profit before taxation
Business Sector analysis
ALPHA Catering Services                                                 
- before exceptional                                                    
items                                      6.8          6.2         13.2
- exceptional                                                           
items                            5         1.0            -       (12.2)
                                           ---         ----         ----
                                           7.8          6.2          1.0
                                           ---         ----         ----
ALPHA Retail Services                                                   
- before exceptional                                                    
items                            5        4.0*          6.1         12.7
- exceptional                                                           
items                                    (5.9)          0.7         (0.7)
                                           ---         ----         ----
                                         (1.9)          6.8         12.0
                                           ---         ----         ----
ALPHA Inflight Retailing                 
- before exceptional            
items                             5       (0.1)            -         0.1 
- exceptional items                           -            -        (0.3)     
                                           ---         ----         ----
                                          (0.1)            -        (0.2)
                                           ---         ----         ----
ALPHA Ground Services                      3.7          3.7          7.9      
Corporate exceptional            5        (2.1)           -            -
provision                                  ---         ----         ----
                                           7.4         16.7         20.7
Net Interest                              (2.7)        (2.7)        (5.2)
                                           ---         ----         ----
Profit on ordinary                        4.7*         14.0         15.5
activities  before                         ---         ----         ----

*stated after deducting goodwill amortisation #0.6m (1997/98 #nil).

In the six months to 31 July 1997 ALPHA On Board Sales & Services and Flight
Bonds were included within ALPHA Retail Services and have now been
reclassified as ALPHA Inflight Retailing to reflect the operational

In January 1998, Jersey Retail was included in ALPHA Inflight Retailing, but
is now part of ALPHA Retail Services.  Accordingly, the prior period figures
for the six months ended 31 July 1997 and the year ended 31 January 1998
have been restated to show the segments on a comparable basis.

2.  Segmental Analysis             Six months      Six months        Year
    (continued)                         ended           ended       ended
                                      31 July         31 July      31 Jan
                                         1998            1997        1998
                           Notes           #m              #m          #m

(b)  Profit before                                                       
taxation -                                                               
United Kingdom                                                           
- before                                  
exceptional items                          9.4             9.9        21.1    
- exceptional                           
items                          5          (1.1)               -       (7.9)
                                          -----          ------      ------
                                           8.3             9.9        13.2
                                           -----          ------      ------
- before                       
exceptional items                           2.7             3.8         7.8  
- exceptional                           
items                         5            (5.9)               -           -
                                           -----          ------      ------
                                           (3.2)             3.8         7.8
                                           -----          ------      ------ 
Rest of the world              
- before                                
exceptional items                           2.3*             3.0         5.0 
- exceptional                      
items                         5               -                -       (5.3) 
                                           -----          ------      ------ 
                                            2.3              3.0       (0.3) 
                                           -----          ------      ------
                                            7.4             16.7        20.7
Net interest                               (2.7)           (2.7)       (5.2)
                                          ------          ------      ------
Profit on ordinary                          4.7*            14.0        15.5
activities                                ------          ------      ------
before taxation

*stated after deducting goodwill amortisation #0.6m (1997/98 #nil).

3.   Dividends

An interim dividend of 1.84 pence (31 July 1997 - 1.84 pence) per ordinary
share will be paid on 24 November 1998 to shareholders on the register at
the close of business on 16 October 1998.

4.   Goodwill amortisation

As discussed in the Annual Report 1997/98 with effect from 1 February 1998
goodwill which arose on the acquisition of the 63% shareholding of Orient
Lanka Limited in 1996 is being amortised over 8.5 years (the remaining life
of the licence).  The amortisation charge for the six months ended 31 July
1998 was #0.6m.

5.   Exceptional items

The exceptional items for the half year to 31 July 1998 comprise #5.9m in
respect of the duty free retail operations in Orlando (an impairment
provision of #1.6m in respect of the fixed assets, and #4.3m being the
directors' estimate of the unavoidable costs accruing under this onerous
contract); #2.1m costs associated with the unsuccessful sale of the retail
division, pre-sale restructuring costs and the refinancing costs incurred in
anticipation of such sale:  offset by the release of #1.0m being exceptional
closure costs made in 1997/98 which are no longer required.

The full year to 31 January 1998 included exceptional items of #1.8m in cost
of sales and #12.1m in administration and other costs, and an exceptional
profit on the sale of a current asset investment.  The exceptional items
comprised a writedown of fixed assets in the UK and France (#7.4m), closure
costs for one of the kitchens at Heathrow Airport (#3.8m), a provision in
respect of uncertainties associated with the group's joint venture in Hong
Kong (#1.2m), and costs associated with closing two overseas businesses of
AOBSS and the cost of consolidating corporate offices (#1.5m).  The profit
on the sale of the current investment arose from the sale of Euro-Hub

6.   Earnings per share

                    Profit/(loss) for the period       Earnings per share

                            31      31      31      31        31       31 
                          July    July     Jan    July      July      Jan
                          1998    1997    1998    1998      1997     1998
                            #m      #m      #m   Pence     Pence    Pence

Profit for the                                                           
financial period                                                         
and net earnings                                                         
per share                  2.3     10.1    7.6    1.35      6.00     4.52
Adjustment for                                                           
goodwill amortisation      0.6        -      -    0.36         -        -
                           ---     ----   ----     ---      ----     ----
Adjusted profit and                                                      
IIMR headline                                                            
earnings per share         2.9     10.1    7.6    1.71      6.00     4.52
Adjustment for                                                           
exceptional provisions     7.0        -   13.9    4.16         -     8.27
Adjusted for                                                             
exceptional profit                                                       
on sale of current                                                       
asset investment             -    (0.7)  (0.7)       -    (0.42)   (0.42)
Taxation relating                                                        
to these items           (1.6)        -  (1.3)  (0.93)         -   (0.77)
                           ---     ----   ----     ---      ----     ----
Adjusted profit and                                                      
adjusted earnings                                                        
per share                  8.3      9.4   19.5    4.94      5.58    11.60
                           ---     ----   ----     ---      ----     ----

Weighted average number of shares in issue during the six months to 31 July
1998 were 168,607,435 (31 July 1997:  167,896,429 and 31 January 1998:

Net earnings per ordinary share are calculated by dividing the profit for
the financial period by the weighted average number of shares in issue
during the period.  An additional measure of earnings per share has been
recommended by the Institute of Investment Management and Research (IIMR).
The IIMR headline earnings require the adjustment of standard earnings to
eliminate certain items, adjusted for any tax effect.

7.   Reconciliation of movements in shareholders' funds

                              Six months    Six months           Year
                                   ended         ended          ended
                                 31 July       31 July         31 Jan
                                    1998          1997           1998
                                      #m            #m             #m
Profit for the                                                       
financial period                     2.3          10.1            7.6
Dividends                          (3.1)         (3.1)          (9.0)
                                     ---          ----           ----
Retained (loss)/profit                                               
for the financial                  (0.8)           7.0          (1.4)
Issue of additional                                                  
share capital to                     2.3           0.3            0.5

Currency translation                                                 
differences on                                                       
foreign currency net               (0.1)         (1.4)          (1.2)
assets and certain                                                   

Amount written back                                                  
in respect of goodwill               
amortised in profit                  
and loss account                     0.6             -              -
                                     ---          ----           ----

Net increase/(decrease)                                              
to shareholders' funds               2.0           5.9          (2.1)
Opening shareholders'                                                
funds                             (12.6)        (10.5)         (10.5)
                                     ---          ----           ----
Closing shareholders'                                                
funds                             (10.6)         (4.6)         (12.6)
                                     ---          ----           ----

8.   Notes to the cash flow statement

(1)  Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow/(outflow) from
     operating activities

Operating profit                     7.8          16.7           20.7
Depreciation (including                                              
exceptional items                    
#1.6m)                               7.9           5.9           20.0
Goodwill amortisation                0.6             -              -
Increase in stocks                  (0.8)         (9.0)          (4.0)
Increase in debtors                 (8.9)         (8.6)          (1.7)
Increase in creditors                7.6          16.9           10.9
                                     ---          ----           ----

Net cash inflow from                                                 
operating activities                14.2          21.9           45.9
                                     ---          ----           ----

(2)  Reconciliation to net debt

Increase/(decrease) in                                              
cash in the period                    3.4         (1.5)        (6.5)
(Increase)/decrease in                                              
debt and lease financing            (6.1)           5.5         12.8
                                      ---          ----         ----
Change in net debt                                                  
from cash flows                     (2.7)           4.0          6.3
Translation differences             (0.1)           0.7          0.5
                                      ---          ----         ----
Movements in net debt                                               
in period                           (2.8)           4.7          6.8
Opening net debt                   (71.3)        (78.1)       (78.1)
                                      ---          ----         ----
Closing net debt                   (74.3)        (73.4)       (71.3)
                                      ---          ----         ----

9.   Acquisition of a business

On 1 February 1998 the Group acquired a 51% interest in a duty free and duty
paid retail business in Barbados for a cash consideration of #1.3m.  Goddard
Enterprises Limited, Barbados, holds the remaining interest.  Although the
fair value adjusted balance sheet is still being finalised, there is not
likely to be a material amount of goodwill arising on this acquisition.

10.  Post balance sheet events

(a)   On 29 August 1998 the government of Sri Lanka exercised its option to
sell the group its remaining 37% interest in Orient Lanka Limited at a cost
of approximately #7.0m.  The goodwill arising on this transaction
(approximately #5m) will be capitalised and amortised over approximately
eight years in accordance with FRS10 (Goodwill and Intangible Assets).

(b)   Subsequent to 31 July 1998 the unsecured loan facility due for
repayment in 2000 was repaid and a new loan facility of #100m due for
repayment in 2003 became effective.  Under the terms of this facility,
proceeds from the sale of assets up to a maximum of #30m will be used to
reduce the facility amount available.

11.  Related party transactions

In addition to the ongoing business relations described in the ALPHA Groups
Annual Report 1997/98, the ALPHA Group has a commission agreement with Mr R
S Jayawardena, who occupies a senior position in the ALPHA Group, to develop
business and provide support for ALPHA activities performed in the Indian
Sub-Continent.  For the period to 31 July 1998 #65,000 is payable (for the
year ended 31 January 1998 #120,000).

12.  Payment to former director

Mr P F Ashworth resigned as a director on 24 June 1998.  He received a
severance payment of #140,000 plus the retention of certain benefits to 30
June 1998.

13.  Approval of Financial Statements

The financial statements were approved by a committee of the Board of
Directors on 1 October 1998.

Review Report by the Auditors to the Board of Directors of ALPHA Airports
Group Plc

We have reviewed the interim financial statements for the six months ended
31 July 1998, which are the responsibility of, and have been approved by,
the Directors.  Our responsibility is to report on the results of our

Our review was carried out having regard to the Bulletin "Review of Interim
Financial Information" issued by the Auditing Practices Board.  This review
consisted principally of applying analytical procedures to the underlying
financial data, assessing whether accounting policies have been consistently
applied, and making enquiries of the group management responsible for the
financial accounting matters.  The review excluded audit procedures such as
tests of controls and verification of assets and liabilities and was
therefore substantially less in scope than an audit performed in accordance
with Auditing Standards. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion on
the interim financial statements.

On the basis of our review:

-    In our opinion the interim financial information has been prepared
     using accounting policies consistent with those adopted by ALPHA Airports
     Group Plc in its financial statements for the year ended 31 January 1998
     except for the adoption of FRS 10 "Goodwill and intangible assets" as
     described in Note 1.

-    We are not aware of any material modifications that should be made to
     the interim financial information as presented.

Chartered Accountants



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