RNS Number:9425S
Credit Suisse Securities (Eur) Ltd
14 March 2007

                                                                                                          FORM 38.5 (b)
                                    DEALINGS BY CONNECTED EXEMPT PRINCIPAL TRADERS
                                     BUT NOT DEALING IN A CLIENT-SERVING CAPACITY
                                          (Rule 38.5(b) of the Takeover Code)
Name of exempt principal trader                             CSS (EUROPE) LTD
Company dealt in                                            Alliance Boots Plc
Class of relevant security to which the dealings being      Ordinary Shares
disclosed relate (Note 1)
Date of dealing                                             13-Mar-2007

(a) Interests and short positions (following dealing) in the class of relevant security dealt in (Note 2)
                                            Long                               Short
                                            Number               (%)           Number                  (%)
(1) Relevant securities                                                        -1796646                0.000
(2) Derivatives (other than options)
(3) Options and agreements to purchase/sell
Total                                                                          -1796646                0.000

(b) Interests and short positions in relevant securities of the company, other than the class dealt in (Note 2)
Class Of Relevant Security :                                Long                          Short
(1) Relevant Securities
(2) Derivatives (other than options)
(3) Options and agreements to purchase/sell

(c)  Rights to subscribe (Note 2)
Class of relevant security:                                                                  Details

3.  DEALINGS (Note 3)
(a) Purchases and sales
Purchase/sale              Number of securities                       Price per unit (Note 4)
Buy                        1375                                       10.025

Buy                        59                                         10.025

Buy                        4510                                       10.045

Buy                        900                                        10.05

Buy                        1298                                       10.1

Buy                        2763                                       10.1

Buy                        4500                                       10.125

Buy                        222                                        10.125

Buy                        3488                                       10.15

Buy                        3502                                       10.16

Buy                        1053                                       10.16

Buy                        1066                                       10.17

Buy                        1000                                       10.21

Buy                        40                                         10.21

Buy                        2612                                       10.24

Buy                        7                                          10.24

Buy                        2600                                       10.24

Buy                        65                                         10.24

Buy                        914                                        10.255

Buy                        2954                                       10.265

Buy                        1954                                       10.25

Buy                        1718                                       10.265

Buy                        735                                        10.24

Buy                        5                                          10.24

Buy                        4967                                       10.19

Buy                        1727                                       10.2

Buy                        267                                        10.2

Buy                        3455                                       10.2

Buy                        99                                         10.2

Buy                        3468                                       10.2

Buy                        4843                                       10.27

Buy                        1053                                       10.265

Buy                        2402                                       10.26

Buy                        4277                                       10.255

Buy                        46                                         10.255

Buy                        581                                        10.275

Buy                        1400                                       10.28

Buy                        32                                         10.28

Buy                        1476                                       10.28

Buy                        519                                        10.28

Buy                        2926                                       10.28

Buy                        524                                        10.285

Buy                        17                                         10.285

Buy                        3955                                       10.285

Buy                        521                                        10.32

Buy                        451                                        10.32

Buy                        4459                                       10.32

Buy                        1239                                       10.305

Buy                        518                                        10.305

Buy                        196                                        10.305

Buy                        17                                         10.24

Buy                        4678                                       10.24

Buy                        467                                        10.255

Buy                        3079                                       10.255

Buy                        101                                        10.255

Buy                        423                                        10.25

Buy                        2763                                       10.25

Buy                        1705                                       10.25

Buy                        5008                                       10.23

Buy                        1070                                       10.22

Buy                        5                                          10.22

Buy                        512                                        10.22

Buy                        4009                                       10.22

Buy                        356                                        10.22

Buy                        1045                                       10.175

Buy                        1917                                       10.18

Buy                        559                                        10.18

Buy                        1590                                       10.18

Buy                        914                                        10.18

Buy                        1719                                       10.18

Buy                        2126                                       10.155

Buy                        1374                                       10.13

Buy                        2921                                       10.13

Buy                        1215                                       10.15

Buy                        521                                        10.15

Buy                        1073                                       10.16

Buy                        2300                                       10.155

Buy                        720                                        10.155

Buy                        399                                        10.155

Buy                        837                                        10.155

Buy                        400                                        10.155

Buy                        93                                         10.155

Buy                        35                                         10.155

Buy                        678                                        10.155

Buy                        3973                                       10.155

Buy                        3683                                       10.17

Buy                        1254                                       10.17

Buy                        2426                                       10.175

Buy                        696                                        10.175

Buy                        730                                        10.175

Buy                        269                                        10.175

Buy                        600                                        10.2

Buy                        154                                        10.2

Buy                        364                                        10.305

Buy                        468                                        10.305

Buy                        1500                                       10.215

Buy                        1447                                       10.235

Buy                        53                                         10.235

Buy                        1393                                       10.235

Buy                        1500                                       10.235

Buy                        1734                                       10.225

Buy                        200                                        10.205

Buy                        1117                                       10.205

Buy                        873                                        10.2

Buy                        42                                         10.2

Buy                        926                                        10.17

Buy                        3413                                       10.17

Buy                        473                                        10.17

Buy                        1918                                       10.17

Buy                        1301                                       10.17

Buy                        3690                                       10.17

Buy                        2582                                       10.105

Buy                        744                                        10.1

Buy                        547                                        10.145

Buy                        530                                        10.16

Buy                        2111                                       10.175

Buy                        1                                          10.26

Buy                        2409                                       10.19

Buy                        2782                                       10.19

Buy                        98                                         10.19

Buy                        1049                                       10.24

Buy                        857                                        10.24

Buy                        847                                        10.24

Buy                        894                                        10.235

Buy                        1423                                       10.23

Buy                        1444                                       10.215

Buy                        1148                                       10.225

Buy                        960                                        10.225

Buy                        732                                        10.215

Buy                        481                                        10.215

Buy                        322                                        10.22

Buy                        100                                        10.22

Buy                        400                                        10.22

Buy                        67                                         10.22

Buy                        977                                        10.22

Buy                        87                                         10.215

Buy                        891                                        10.215

Buy                        948                                        10.23

Buy                        933                                        10.23

Buy                        999                                        10.23

Buy                        796                                        10.245

Buy                        767                                        10.24

Buy                        598                                        10.23

Buy                        774                                        10.23

Buy                        117                                        10.23

Buy                        322                                        10.225

Buy                        258                                        10.225

Buy                        993                                        10.255

Buy                        738                                        10.26

Buy                        794                                        10.26

Buy                        950                                        10.255

Buy                        116                                        10.255

Buy                        915                                        10.26

Buy                        675                                        10.255

Buy                        260                                        10.255

Buy                        744                                        10.255

Buy                        320                                        10.25

Buy                        639                                        10.25

Buy                        819                                        10.245

Buy                        1012                                       10.25

Buy                        819                                        10.245

Buy                        358                                        10.255

Buy                        935                                        10.265

Buy                        762                                        10.27

Buy                        975                                        10.265

Buy                        871                                        10.27

Buy                        812                                        10.265

Buy                        492                                        10.265

Buy                        489                                        10.26

Buy                        385                                        10.26

Buy                        968                                        10.26

Buy                        584                                        10.255

Buy                        115                                        10.255

Buy                        426                                        10.27

Buy                        76                                         10.27

Buy                        538                                        10.265

Buy                        60                                         10.265

Buy                        588                                        10.285

Buy                        482                                        10.28

Buy                        578                                        10.3

Buy                        505                                        10.325

Buy                        280                                        10.32

Buy                        241                                        10.32

Buy                        544                                        10.31

Buy                        359                                        10.33

Buy                        535                                        10.25

Buy                        484                                        10.28

Buy                        483                                        10.28

Buy                        552                                        10.225

Buy                        471                                        10.2

Buy                        537                                        10.18

Buy                        535                                        10.175

Buy                        65                                         10.175

Buy                        335                                        10.17

Buy                        410                                        10.17

Buy                        242                                        10.17

Buy                        1122                                       10.31

Buy                        472                                        10.31

Sell                       439                                        10.295

Sell                       424                                        10.305

Sell                       410                                        10.26

Sell                       394                                        10.265

Sell                       383                                        10.225

Sell                       198                                        10.175

Sell                       602                                        10.17

Sell                       589                                        10.18

Sell                       708                                        10.185

Sell                       773                                        10.205

Sell                       157                                        10.3

Sell                       177                                        10.185

Sell                       185                                        10.17

Sell                       212                                        10.17

Sell                       86                                         10.165

Sell                       414                                        10.175

Sell                       8600                                       10.16224

Sell                       2000                                       10.07

Sell                       2263                                       10.07

Sell                       1815                                       10.085

Sell                       2195                                       10.095

Sell                       1000                                       10.11

Sell                       1439                                       10.115

Sell                       5133                                       10.13

Sell                       930                                        10.16

Sell                       530                                        10.16

Sell                       38                                         10.16

Sell                       5000                                       10.17

Sell                       96                                         10.17

Sell                       1856                                       10.225

Sell                       1018                                       10.225

Sell                       114                                        10.225

Sell                       883                                        10.2

Sell                       547                                        10.2

Sell                       3266                                       10.24

Sell                       2259                                       10.23

Sell                       76                                         10.23

Sell                       100                                        10.235

Sell                       2000                                       10.235

Sell                       817                                        10.23

Sell                       970                                        10.23

Sell                       774                                        10.23

Sell                       598                                        10.23

Sell                       128                                        10.215

Sell                       1704                                       10.215

Sell                       1000                                       10.2

Sell                       3807                                       10.2

Sell                       2928                                       10.19

Sell                       3121                                       10.2

Sell                       2306                                       10.23

Sell                       32                                         10.23

Sell                       849                                        10.24

Sell                       4                                          10.24

Sell                       2700                                       10.255

Sell                       950                                        10.255

Sell                       4945                                       10.255

Sell                       619                                        10.265

Sell                       975                                        10.265

Sell                       407                                        10.265

Sell                       1000                                       10.285

Sell                       588                                        10.285

Sell                       4747                                       10.28

Sell                       4750                                       10.28

Sell                       986                                        10.28

Sell                       1378                                       10.335

Sell                       50                                         10.335

Sell                       4689                                       10.3

Sell                       1378                                       10.315

Sell                       83                                         10.265

Sell                       1309                                       10.27

Sell                       4831                                       10.265

Sell                       757                                        10.29

Sell                       257                                        10.295

Sell                       4841                                       10.295

Sell                       2821                                       10.24

Sell                       3082                                       10.225

Sell                       5077                                       10.21

Sell                       4973                                       10.2

Sell                       1042                                       10.19

Sell                       1479                                       10.19

Sell                       2409                                       10.19

Sell                       1860                                       10.19

Sell                       438                                        10.19

Sell                       927                                        10.14

Sell                       1150                                       10.155

Sell                       4281                                       10.16

Sell                       567                                        10.16

Sell                       4629                                       10.155

Sell                       3962                                       10.16

Sell                       463                                        10.16

Sell                       1949                                       10.18

Sell                       810                                        10.18

Sell                       1959                                       10.18

Sell                       1005                                       10.25

Sell                       1500                                       10.25

Sell                       1603                                       10.285

Sell                       1445                                       10.285

Sell                       158                                        10.285

Sell                       1028                                       10.285

Sell                       30                                         10.285

Sell                       693                                        10.28

Sell                       1650                                       10.28

Sell                       278                                        10.28

Sell                       1236                                       10.185

Sell                       4760                                       10.165

Sell                       4732                                       10.165

Sell                       6680                                       10.165

Sell                       2152                                       10.08

Sell                       16150                                      10.23292

Sell                       3568                                       10.165

Sell                       1991                                       10.175

Sell                       1991                                       10.175

(b) Derivatives transactions (other than options)
Product name, e.g. CFD   Long/short (Note 5)     Number of securities (Note 6)          Price per unit (Note 4)

(c)  Options transactions in respect of existing securities
(i)  Writing, selling, purchasing or varying
Product        Writing, selling,    Number of securities to     Exercise Type, e.g.        Expiry Option money paid/
name,e.g. call purchasing, varying  which the option relates    price    American,         date   received per unit
option         etc.                 (Note 6)                             European etc.            (Note 4)

(ii)  Exercising
Product name, e.g. call option            Number of securities          Exercise price per unit (Note 4)

(d)  Other dealings (including new securities) (Note 3)
Nature of transaction (Note 7)          Details       Price per unit (if applicable) (Note 4)

Agreements, arrangements or understandings relating to options or derivatives
Full details of any agreement, arrangement or understanding between the person disclosing and any other person relating
to the voting rights of any relevant securities under any option referred to on this form or relating to the voting
rights or future acquisition or disposal of any relevant securities to which any derivative referred to on this form is
referenced. If none, this should be stated.

Is a Supplemental Form 38.5(b) attached?  (Note 8)   No

Date of disclosure                                          14-Mar-2007
Contact name                                                Braham,Emma
Telephone number                                            44 20 7883 5798
Name of offeree/offeror with which connected                Alliance Boots Plc
Nature of connection (Note 9)                               BROKER

The Notes on Form 38.5(b) can be viewed on the Takeover Panel's website at http://www.thetakeoverpanel.org.uk/.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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