RNS Number : 3346B
  Aberdeen Grwth Opp VCT2 PLC
  14 August 2008

    Aberdeen Growth Opportunities VCT 2 PLC

    Interim results 

    The Directors announce the unaudited interim results for the six months ended 30 June 2008.

    We are pleased to report on a period of stable performance for your Company at a time when equity markets generally have seen a downward
trend and prices are likely to remain volatile given the prevailing economic conditions.

    *     Total Return on Ordinary Shares 111.0p per share at period end, down 1.7% over the period
    *     Total Return on S Shares 99.95p per share at period end, up 2.8% over the period
    *     NAVs at period end of 101.5p per Ordinary Share 98.7p per S Share
    *     Realised gains on AIM stocks equivalent to 0.4p per Ordinary Share and 1.5p per S Share

    The Total Return per Ordinary Share at 30 June 2008 was 111.0p per share, a decrease of 1.7% over the equivalent figure at December
2007, while for the S Share pool it was 99.95p compared with 97.2p at the end of December 2007, an increase of 2.8%.

    The Net Asset Value (NAV) per Ordinary share at 30 June 2008, after payment of the final dividend of 1.5p in respect of the year ended
December 2007, was 101.5p compared with 104.9p at 31 December 2007. 

    The NAV per S Share at 30 June 2008 was 98.7p after payment of the final dividend of 1.25p in respect of the year ended 31 December
2007, compared with 97.2p at the year end.

    The Company paid dividends totalling 3.5p to Ordinary Shareholders in respect of the year ended 31 December 2007; this represents a
yield of 5.8% on the Ordinary Shares based on their net cost after initial tax relief. The yield is tax free and is therefore equivalent to
a yield of 7.7% from a listed equity for a higher rate taxpayer. 

    The Company paid an initial dividend of 1.25p to S Shareholders in respect of the year ended 31 December 2007. Since this portfolio is
still in its investment phase, dividends are likely to be lower and more variable until its investments mature. However, the payment of this
dividend earlier than for the first dividend paid to the Ordinary Shareholders does demonstrate the benefit of spreading the cost base over
a larger fund size.

    The Board declares interim dividends of 1.0p, payable on 17 October 2008 to holders of Ordinary shares and S Ordinary shares on the
registers at 19 September 2008.

    Since the Company's launch, and after receipt of the interim dividend now declared, holders of Ordinary shares will have received 10.5p
in tax-free dividends, which is equivalent to 14.0p in dividends from a taxed equity investment. Taking the 40% initial tax relief into
account, the cost of investment was 60p per share and, in three and a half years, shareholders will have received back the equivalent of 23%
of their initial net cost of investment.

    After payment of the interim dividend, holder of S Ordinary shares will have received 2.25p in tax-free dividends equivalent to 3.0p
from a taxed equity investment. If the initial tax relief of 30% is taken into account, the cost of investment was 70p per share, of which
the equivalent of 4.3% has been paid back to shareholders in dividends.

    VCT Qualifying Status
    The VCT qualifying status of your Company is monitored on a continuous basis to ensure that all of the criteria required to maintain VCT
status are being achieved. The Company must achieve a level of 70% on the combined Original and S Share pools by December 2009 to maintain
qualifying status. The Company is well placed to achieve this and in fact could do so before December 2008 assuming deals under
consideration actually complete.

    Investment Activity
    During the period ended 30 June 2008, seven new unlisted and AIM investments were completed and a total of �1.7 million was invested of
which �819,000 was from the Original pool and �884,000 was from the S Share pool. At the period end, the portfolio stood at 60 unlisted and
AIM investments at a total cost of �9.9 million. Since 30 June 2008, 2 further new investments have been made at a cost of �200,000.

    The following investments have been completed during the period.

 Investment                   Date    Activity              Investment cost             Website
                                                                   Original   S Share 
                                                                        pool      Pool
 Atlantic Foods               Feb-08  Value -added food                  199         -  www
                                      services supplier.                                atlanticfoods.co.uk
 Camwatch                     Mar-08  Provider of CCTV                    50       149  www.camwatch.co.uk
                                      monitoring and
 MoneyPlus                    Jun-08  Provider of debt                    10         4  www.moneyplusgroup.
                                      management services                               co.uk
                                      to individuals.
 Nessco                       Jun-08  Telecommunication                  124       199  www.nessco.co.uk
                                      services provider.
 Riverdale Publishing         Jun-08  Publisher of                        10         -  www.
                                      greeting cards.                                   riverdalepublishing.
 TC Communications            May-08  Marketing and                      159        99  www.
                                      communications                                    tccommunications.co.
                                      services agency.                                  uk
 Training For Travel          Apr-08  Provision of                       149       174  No website available
                                      assessment, tuition
                                      and or training in
                                      travel services.
 Total Unlisted investment                                                            
                                                                         701       625


 Animalcare                   Jan-08  Markets and sells a                 -       100   www.animalcare.co.uk
                                      wide range of
                                      pharmaceutical and
                                      other premium
                                      products and
                                      services to vets and
                                      vet wholesalers.
 Betbrokers                   Mar-08  Provider of                        55       110   www.betbrokers.com
                                      independent betting
                                      brokerage services.
 Brookwell                    Jun-08  Close-ended                         14         -  www.
                                      investment company                                brookwelllimited.com
                                      established to
                                      acquire AIM
                                      Securities and
                                      Listed Securities
                                      from financial
 OPG Power Ventures           May-08  Develops, owns and                  49        49  www.opgpower.org
                                      manages power
                                      generation plants in
 Total AIM / PLUS investment                                            118       259 

 Total                                                                  819       884 

    Aberdeen Growth Opportunities VCT 2 has co-invested with Aberdeen Income and Growth VCT, Aberdeen Growth VCT I, Aberdeen Growth
Opportunities VCT, Talisman First Venture Capital Trust, Gateway VCT and Guinness Flight Venture Capital Trust in some or all of the above
transactions and is expected to continue to do so with these as well as other clients of the Manager. The advantage is that, together, the
funds are able to underwrite a wider range and size of transaction than would be the case on a stand alone basis.

    Portfolio Developments
    The table below gives details of all realisations during the reporting period. There were two partial realisations from the unlisted
investment portfolio during the period and a major realisation after the period end. The first partial realisation was from Lime Investments
which had been set up as an investment vehicle with an entrepreneur well known to Aberdeen Asset Managers to seek acquisitions in the food
sector; however, none has been completed within the timescales allowed by the VCT legislation and the company repaid the amount invested in
loan stock together with a commercial yield and will be wound up. This will return the equity investment to the Company in due course. In
addition during the reporting period, the second partial realisation was from Homelux which repaid part of its loan stock at par ahead of
its repayment schedule.
    Since the period end, the investment in ID Support Services has been sold at the holding value generating a gain of �184,000 split
between the two pools which is a return, including the interest received during the life of the investment, of c1.8 times the cost of
�254,000 over the fifteen month holding period.

    Conditions in the AIM market continued to be testing during the reporting period and there were few opportunities to actively trade the
portfolio. However, net realised gains of �34,000 were generated for the Original Pool and gains of �74,000 were achieved for the S Share
pool during the period. 

    The FTSE AIM All-share index decreased over the period by 8.4% and has now fallen by over 20% since June 2007; in comparison the
performance of the Company's portfolio varied significantly with the Original Pool showing a decline of 3.8% and the S Share pool an
increase of 24.3% for the period. The reason for this divergence is related to the differences in the constituent holdings of the two
portfolios with the newer investments performing relatively better than the older holdings, thus favouring the S Share pool. The underlying
performance of the businesses in the AIM portfolio remains sound and is expected to remain so. It is anticipated that this will be reflected
in positive share price movements when market conditions improve, although the timing is uncertain.

    Risks and Uncertainties

    The Board has reviewed the principal risks and uncertainties facing the Company in the second half of its financial year; these are
unchanged from those it faced at the start of the year, being the risks involved in investment in small and unquoted companies. The Company
remains compliant with the regulations governing venture capital trusts. The Manager closely monitors the position of the Company to ensure
that it complies with the various tests at all times. In order to reduce the exposure to investment risk, the Company has reinvested in a
broadly-based portfolio of investments in unlisted and AIM-quoted companies in the United Kingdom.

    The performance of the quoted markets generally has been volatile and it appears that these conditions will prevail for some time.
Opportunities to invest in companies seeking to achieve an IPO on the AIM Market have therefore been limited and little change is expected
in the short term.
    The majority of the assets in the invested portfolio are in well managed private companies whose values are not directly affected by
short term fluctuations in the quoted markets. This portfolio is still relatively young but is maturing and a number of successful
realisations may be possible which will result in a continuing need to re-invest the proceeds in due course in accordance with the VCT

    The following table shows all sales from the investment portfolio made by the Company during the reporting period.

                                                                   Ordinary Shares                                           S Shares 
                        Date first invested  Complete/ Partial     Cost of shares        Sales Proceeds  Realised Gain/Loss  Cost of shares 
      Sales Proceeds  Realised Gain/Loss
                                             Exit                  disposed of                                               disposed of
                                                                   �'000                 �'000           �'000               �'000          
      �'000           �'000

 Homelux Nenplas        2006                 Partial                                 50              50                   -                 
   -               -                   -
 Lime Investments       2007                 Partial                                175             175                   -                 
   -               -                   -

                                                                                    225             225                   -                 
   -               -                   -

 AT Communications      2005                 Complete                                20              14                 (6)                 
   -               -                   -
 Craneware              2007                 Partial                                 29              47                  18                 
  10              15                   5
 Darwen                 2007                 Partial                                 60             163                 103                 
  40             109                  69
 Expansys               2007                 Complete                                31               6                (25)                 
   8               2                 (6)
 Imprint                2005                 Complete                               153              58                (95)                 
   -               -                   -
 Mount Engineering      2007                 Partial                                 48              55                   7                 
  14              16                   2
 Pressure Technologies  2007                 Complete                                95             124                  29                 
   -               -                   -
 Other                                                                               25              28                   3                 
  16              20                   4
                                                                                    461             495                  34                 
  88             162                   4

 Total                                                                              686             720                  34                 
  88             162                  74

    For the six months ended 30 June 2008 (unaudited)

                                 Ordinary Shares            S Ordinary Shares         TOTAL

                                 Revenue  Capital    Total  Revenue  Capital   Total  Revenue  Capital    Total
                                   �'000    �'000    �'000    �'000    �'000   �'000    �'000    �'000    �'000
 (Losses)/gains on investments        -     (157)    (157)       -      112     112        -      (45)     (45)
 Income from investments            158        -      158      115        -     115      273        -      273 
 Other income                         5        -        5        4        -       4        9        -        9 
 Investment management fees         (19)     (76)     (95)     (11)     (46)    (57)     (30)    (122)    (152)
 Other expenses                     (59)       -      (59)     (36)       -     (36)     (95)       -      (95)
 Profit/(loss) on ordinary           85     (233)    (148)      72       66     138      157     (167)     (10)
 before taxation

 Tax on ordinary activities         (15)      15        -      (13)      13       -      (28)      28        - 
 Profit/(loss) on ordinary           70     (218)    (148)      59       79     138      129     (139)     (10)
 activities after taxation

 Earnings per share (pence)         0.9     (2.8)    (1.9)     1.2       1.6    2.8      2.1     (1.2)     0.9 

    A Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses has not been prepared, as all gains and losses are recognised in the Income Statement.

    All items in the above statement are derived from continuing operations. The Company has only one class of business and derives its
income from investments made in shares, securities and bank deposits.
    The total column of this statement is the Profit and Loss Account of the Company. 

    Reconciliation of movements in Shareholders' Funds
                               Ordinary    S Ordinary Shares      TOTAL
                                   �'000               �'000      �'000
 Opening Shareholders' funds      8,221               4,831     13,052 
 Total (loss)/profit for year      (148)                138        (10)
 Dividends paid - revenue          (118)                (62)      (180)
 Dividends paid - capital             -                   -          - 
 Closing Shareholders' funds      7,955               4,907     12,862 

    The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.

    For the six months ended 30 June 2007 (unaudited)

                                 Ordinary Shares                                      TOTAL
                                                            S Ordinary Shares

                                 Revenue  Capital    Total  Revenue  Capital   Total  Revenue  Capital    Total
                                   �'000    �'000    �'000    �'000    �'000   �'000    �'000    �'000    �'000
 Gains on investments                 -      254      254        -       11      11        -      265      265 
 Income from investments            168        -      168       39        -      39      207        -      207 
 Other income                        22        -       22       12        -      12       34        -       34 
 Investment management fees         (20)     (81)    (101)      (5)     (21)    (26)     (25)    (102)    (127)
 Other expenses                     (80)       -      (80)     (24)       -     (24)    (104)       -     (104)
 Profit/(loss) on ordinary           90      173      263       22      (10)     12      112      163      275 
 before taxation

 Tax on ordinary activities         (16)      16        -       (4)       4       -      (20)      20        - 
 Profit/(loss) on ordinary           74      189      263       18       (6)     12       92      183      275 
 activities after taxation

 Earnings per share (pence)          0.9      2.4      3.3      0.5    (0.2)     0.3      1.4      2.2      3.6

    A Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses has not been prepared, as all gains and losses are recognised in the Income Statement.

    All items in the above statement are derived from continuing operations. The Company has only one class of business and derives its
income from investments made in shares, securities and bank deposits.
    The total column of this statement is the Profit and Loss Account of the Company. 

    Reconciliation of movements in Shareholders' Funds

                                  Ordinary    S Ordinary       TOTAL
                                     Shares        Shares
                                      �'000         �'000      �'000
 Opening Shareholders' funds         8,789             -      8,789 
 Total profit for year                 263            12        275 
 Net proceeds of issue of shares         -         4,232      4,232 
 Dividends paid - revenue              (39)            -        (39)
 Dividends paid - capital             (274)            -       (274)
 Closing Shareholders' funds         8,739         4,244     12,983 

    The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.

    For the year ended 31 December 2007 (audited)

                                 Ordinary Shares             S Ordinary Shares        TOTAL

                                 Revenue  Capital    Total  Revenue  Capital  Total   Revenue  Capital  Total
                                   �'000    �'000    �'000    �'000    �'000  �'000     �'000    �'000  �'000
 (Losses)/gains on investments        -     (120)    (120)       -       69      69        -      (51)     (51)
 Income from investments            334        -      334      145        -     145      479        -      479 
 Other income                        28        -       28       27        -      27       55        -       55 
 Investment management fees         (37)    (148)    (185)     (14)     (56)    (70)     (51)    (204)    (255)
 Other expenses                    (155)       -     (155)     (64)       -     (64)    (219)       -     (219)
 Profit/(loss) on ordinary          170     (268)     (98)      94       13     107      264     (255)       9 
 activities before taxation

 Tax on ordinary activities         (29)      29        -      (17)      17       -      (46)      46        - 

 Profit/(loss) on ordinary          141     (239)     (98)      77       30     107      218     (209)       9 
 activities after taxation

 Earnings per share (pence)         1.8     (3.1)    (1.3)     1.8      0.7     2.5      3.6     (2.4)     1.2 

    A Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses has not been prepared, as all gains and losses are 
    recognised in the Income Statement.

    All items in the above statement are derived from continuing operations. The Company has only one class of business and derives its
income from investments made in shares, securities and bank deposits. 

    The total column of this statement is the Profit and Loss Account of the Company. 

    Reconciliation of movements in Shareholders' Funds

                                 Ordinary Shares   S Ordinary Shares      TOTAL
                                           �'000               �'000      �'000
 Opening Shareholders' funds              8,789                   -      8,789 
 Total (loss)/profit for year               (98)                107          9 
 Net proceeds of issue of                     -               4,724      4,724 
 Dividends paid - revenue                   (39)                  -        (39)
 Dividends paid - capital                  (431)                  -       (431)
 Closing Shareholders' funds              8,221               4,831     13,052 

    As at 30 June 2008

                                  30 June 2008                     30 June 2007                     31 December 2007 
                                  (unaudited)                      (unaudited)                      (audited) 

                                  Ordinary     S Ord               Ordinary     S Ord               Ordinary      S Ord 
                                    Shares    Shares      Total      Shares    Shares      Total      Shares     Shares      Total 
                                     �'000     �'000      �'000       �'000     �'000      �'000       �'000      �'000      �'000 
 Fixed assets
 Investments at fair value           7,651     4,781     12,432       8,072     3,679     11,751       7,714      4,494     12,208 
 through profit or loss

 Current assets
 Debtors                               230        95        325         241        55        296         152         72        224 
 Cash and overnight deposits            99        43        142         485       541      1,026         444        307        751 
                                       329       138        467         726       596      1,322         596        379        975 
 Creditors: amounts falling due        (25)      (12)       (37)        (59)      (31)       (90)        (89)       (42)      (131)
 within one year
 Net current assets                    304       126        430         667       565      1,232         507        337        844 
 Total net assets                    7,955     4,907     12,862       8,739     4,244     12,983       8,221      4,831     13,052 

 Capital and reserves
 Called up share capital               784       497      1,281         784       446      1,230         784        497      1,281 
 Share premium                           -     4,227      4,227           -     3,786      3,786           -      4,227      4,227 
 Distributable reserve               6,660         -      6,660       6,660         -      6,660       6,660          -      6,660 
 Capital reserves - realised           937        12        949       1,099       (13)     1,086         965        (32)       933 
 Capital reserves - unrealised        (578)       97       (481)         63         7         70        (388)        62       (326)
 Revenue reserve                       152        74        226         133        18        151         200         77        277 
 Net assets attributable to          7,955     4,907     12,862       8,739     4,244     12,983       8,221      4,831     13,052 
 Ordinary Shareholders
 Net asset value per ordinary        101.5      98.7                  111.5      95.3                    104.9     97.2            
 share (pence)

    For the six months ended 30 June 2008

                                 Six months to 30 June 2008      Six months to 30 June 2007       Year to 31 December 2007
                                 (unaudited)                     (unaudited)                      (audited)
                                 Ordinary      S Ord              Ordinary      S Ord              Ordinary      S Ord
                                   Shares     Shares      Total     Shares     Shares      Total     Shares     Shares       Total
                                    �'000      �'000      �'000      �'000      �'000      �'000      �'000      �'000       �'000
 Operating activities
 Investment income received          119        104        223        189          -        189        297         56         353 
 Deposit interest received             6          5         11         26         10         36         36         25          61 
 Investment management fees         (126)       (76)      (202)      (130)       (26)      (156)      (183)       (51)       (234)
 Secretarial fees paid               (38)       (20)       (58)       (39)        (8)       (47)       (48)       (13)        (61)
 Cash paid to and on behalf of       (19)       (10)       (29)       (14)        (5)       (19)       (39)       (12)        (51)
 Other cash payments                 (39)       (19)       (58)       (54)       (11)       (65)       (63)       (18)        (81)
 Net cash outflow from               (97)       (16)      (113)       (22)       (40)       (62)         -        (13)        (13)
 operating activities

 Corporation tax                       -          -          -          -          -          -          -          -           - 

 Financial investment
 Purchase of investments            (809)    (2,281)    (3,090)    (4,717)    (3,677)    (8,394)    (6,407)    (4,459)    (10,866)
 Sale of investments                 679      2,095      2,774      5,034         26      5,060      6,818         55       6,873 
 Net cash (outflow)/inflow from     (130)      (186)      (316)       317     (3,651)    (3,334)       411     (4,404)     (3,993)
 financial investment

 Equity dividends paid              (118)       (62)      (180)      (313)         -       (313)      (470)         -        (470)

 Net cash (outflow)/inflow          (345)      (264)      (609)       (18)    (3,691)    (3,709)       (59)    (4,417)     (4,476)
 before financing

 Issue of ordinary shares              -          -          -          -      4,455      4,455          -      4,972       4,972 
 Expense of share issue                -          -          -          -       (223)      (223)         -       (248)       (248)
 Net cash inflow from financing        -          -          -          -      4,232      4,232          -      4,724       4,724 
 (Decrease)/increase in cash        (345)      (264)      (609)       (18)       541        523        (59)       307         248 

    Notes to the Financial Statements

    1.    Accounting Policies
    The financial information for the six months ended 30 June 2008 and the six months ended 30 June 2007 comprises non-statutory accounts
within the meaning of section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The financial information contained in this report has been prepared on the
basis of the accounting policies set out in the Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2007. 

 2.                                   Capital               Capital
                                     reserves              reserves  Revenue       Distributable
     Movement in reserves            realised            unrealised  reserve             reserve
     ORDINARY SHARES                    �'000                 �'000    �'000               �'000

     As at 31 December                   965                  (388)      200               6,660
     Gains on sales of                    33                     -        -                   - 
     Decrease in                           -                  (190)       -                   - 
     Investment                          (76)                    -        -                   - 
     management fees
     Dividends paid                        -                     -     (118)                  - 
     Tax effect of                        15                     -        -                   - 
     capital items
     Retained net revenue                  -                     -       70                   - 
     for period

     As at 30 June 2008                  937                  (578)     152               6,660 

                                      Capital               Capital                        Share
                                     reserves              reserves  Revenue             Premium
     Movement in reserves            realised            unrealised  reserve             account
      S ORDINARY SHARES                 �'000                 �'000    �'000               �'000

     As at 31 December                   (32)                   62       77               4,227 
     Gains on sales of                    77                     -        -                   - 
     Increase in                           -                    35        -                   - 
     Investment                          (46)                    -        -                   - 
     management fees
     Dividends paid                        -                     -      (62)                  - 
     Tax effect of                        13                     -        -                   - 
     capital items
     Retained net revenue                  -                     -       59                   - 
     for period

     As at 30 June 2008                   12                    97       74               4,227 

 3.                                                                            Six months ended 
     Returns per ordinary                                                           30 June 2008

     The returns per share have been based on the following
     Weighted average number of ordinary shares                                        7,835,163
     Revenue Return                                                        �              70,000
     Capital Return                                                        �             218,000

     The returns per share have been based on the following
     Weighted average number of ordinary shares                                       4,972,459 
     Revenue Return                                                        �             59,000 
     Capital Return                                                        �             79,000 

    A summary of investment changes for the period under review and an investment portfolio summary as at 30 June 2008 are attached.

    A full copy of the Interim Report and Financial Statements will be printed and issued to shareholders.

    Copies of this announcement will be available to the public at the registered office of the Company, 149 St Vincent Street, Glasgow, G2

    By Order of the Board


    14 August 2008
    For the period ended 30 June 2008 

                         Valuation           Net investment     Appreciation      Valuation 
                        31 December 2007     (disinvestment)    (depreciation)   30 June 2008
                          �'000         %              �'000             �'000     �'000         % 
 Unlisted investments 
 Equities                 1,061      12.9                 75               (27)    1,109      13.9 
 Preference                  31       0.4                  1                 -        32       0.4 
 Loan stocks              2,942      35.8                390              (151)    3,181      40.0 
                          4,034      49.1                466              (178)    4,322      54.3 
 AIM investments 
 Equities                 3,083      37.5               (377)               27     2,733      34.4 

 Listed investments 
 Fixed income               597       7.3                  5                (6)      596       7.5 
 Unit trusts                  -         -                  -                 -         -         - 
 Total investments        7,714      93.9                 94              (157)    7,651      96.2 

 Other net assets           507       6.1               (203)                -       304       3.8 

 Total Assets             8,221     100.0               (109)             (157)    7,955     100.0 

    For the period ended 30 June 2008 

                         Valuation           Net investment    Appreciation     Valuation 
                        31 December 2007    (disinvestment)    depreciation)   30 June 2008
                          �'000         %             �'000            �'000     �'000         % 
 Unlisted investments 
 Equities                   236       4.9                64               (6)      294       6.0 
 Preference                   4       0.1                 1                -         5       0.1 
 Loan stocks                812      16.8               561              (89)    1,284      26.2 
                          1,052      21.8               626              (95)    1,583      32.3 
 AIM investments 
 Equities                   450       9.3                98              245       793      16.2 

 Listed investments 
 Fixed income             2,992      61.9              (549)             (38)    2,405      49.0 
 Unit Trusts                  -         -                 -                -         -         - 
 Total investments        4,494      93.0               175              112     4,781      97.5 

 Other net assets           337       7.0              (211)               -       126       2.5 

 Total Assets             4,831     100.0               (36)             112     4,907     100.0 
    As at 30 June 2008

                                 Ordinary shares               S Ordinary shares                     % of equity
                                                        % of                          % of     % of      held by
                                 Book cost  Valuation   total  Book cost  Valuation   total  equity        other
 Investment                          �'000      �'000  assets      �'000      �'000  assets    held      clients

 Money Plus Group Limited              340        260    4.3%        129        129    2.6%    5.9%        33.2%
 Transys Holdings Limited              285        249    3.6%        171        149    3.5%    4.6%        65.3%
 ID Support Services Holdings          352        204    4.4%         86         50    1.8%    2.7%        29.4%
 Silkwater Holdings (trading as        304        249    3.8%        121         99    2.5%    4.8%        14.1%
 Funeral Services Partnership          298        298    3.7%        124        124    2.5%    3.0%        25.2%
 Camwatch Limited                      261        261    3.3%       149        149     3.0%    9.8%        34.6%
 Energy Services Investment            248        248    3.1%         99         99    2.0%   13.3%        68.4%
 Company (ESIC) Limited
 Training For Travel Group             149        149    1.9%        174        174    3.5%    3.7%        24.7%
 Nessco Group Holdings Limited         124        124    1.6%       199        199     4.2%    4.2%        32.0%
 Homelux Nenplas Limited               319        149    4.0%         -          -       -     3.4%        41.6%
 Steminic (trading as MS               184        184    2.3%         84         84    1.7%    4.5%        40.1%
 Industrial Services Ltd)
 TC Communications Holdings            159        159    2.0%         99         99    2.0%    5.4%        29.9%
 Adler & Allan Holdings Limited        150        150    1.9%         75         75    1.5%    1.0%        38.7%
 Martel Instruments Holdings           224        224    2.8%         -          -       -     3.2%        30.2%
 Oliver Kay Holdings Limited           209        209    2.6%         -          -       -     1.3%        18.7%
 Atlantic Foods Group Limited          199        199    2.5%         -          -       -     1.1%         7.7%
 Enpure Holdings Limited               137        100    1.7%         -          -       -     0.4%        79.2%
 Essential Viewing Systems             122        162    1.5%         -          -       -     9.5%        39.9%
 Buildstore Limited                    105        105    1.3%         -          -       -     0.6%         6.8%
 Countcar                               77          6    1.0%        43          3     0.9%    3.1%        23.7%
 Others                                 76        736    1.0%         30         36    0.6%           
                                     4,322      4,425   54.3%      1,583      1,469   32.3%           
 AIM / PLUS                                                  
 Darwen Group Plc                      213         89    2.7%        142         60    2.9%    2.0%         2.7%
 Concateno plc                         225        176    2.8%         46         50    0.9%    0.4%         1.1%
 Craneware plc                         183        114    2.3%         60         47    1.2%    0.8%         0.3%
 Plastics Capital Plc                  177        197    2.2%         45         50    0.9%    0.9%         2.1%
 Melorio Plc                           118        148    1.5%         72         90    1.5%    0.8%         0.9%
 Mount Engineering plc                 131        124    1.6%         38         35    0.8%    0.9%         1.0%
 Litcomp plc                           155        100    1.9%         -          -       -        -         4.9%
 Betbrokers Plc                         51         55    0.6%       103        110     2.1%    0.6%         0.8%
 Axeon plc                             128        106    1.6%         -          -       -     0.4%         3.2%
 DM PLC                                 84         79    1.1%         42         40    0.9%    0.6%         0.1%
 Essentially Group PLC                  92        135    1.2%         33         49    0.7%    0.7%         1.8%
 Software Radio Technology PLC         122        138    1.5%         -          -       -     0.4%         2.2%
 Amazing Holdings PLC                  118        151    1.5%          -          -       -    0.5%         1.7%
 Datong PLC                            116        151    1.5%         -          -       -     0.9%         1.1%
 Animalcare Group Plc                    -          -       -       100        100     2.0%    0.9%         3.7%
 Formation Group PLC                    50         49    0.6%         50         49    1.0%    0.2%         0.2%
 OPG Power Ventures                     47         41    0.6%        47         41     1.0%    0.2%            -
 System C Healthcare plc                89        150    1.1%         -          -       -     0.3%         1.0%
 Work Group PLC                         86        151    1.1%         -          -       -     0.7%         2.6%
 Hambledon Mining PLC                   81         83    1.0%         -          -       -     0.2%         0.1%
 Avanti Communications Group            76         69    1.0%         -          -       -     0.1%         1.3%
 Smart Identity plc                     70         72    0.9%         -          -       -     1.9%         3.4%
 Universe Group PLC                     68        100    0.9%         -          -       -     1.2%         1.4%
 Neutrahealth plc                       63         89    0.8%         -          -       -     0.6%         1.3%
 Hasgrove plc                           48         49    0.6%         -          -       -     0.2%         1.8%
 Individual Restaurant Company          31         47    0.4%         -          -       -     0.1%         0.9%
 St Helen's Capital PLC                 28         26    0.4%         -          -       -     0.6%         4.2%
 Others                                 83        523    1.0%        15         74     0.3%                     
                                     2,733      3,212   34.4%        793        795   16.2%                     
 Listed Fixed Income                                                                                  
 Treasury 5.75% Dec 2009                 -          -       -      1,362      1,388   27.7%           
 Treasury 4% 07/03/09                  596        593    7.5%      1,043      1,040   21.3%                     
                                       596        593    7.5%      2,405      2,428   49.0%           
  Total                              7,651      8,230   96.2%      4,781      4,692   97.5%           

This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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