RNS No 7774j
24th November 1997

                              PART 1

    This document is not for distribution in or into the United
                    Canada, Australia or Japan
        Recommended Offers by Greig Middleton & Co. Limited
                           on behalf of
                       Silvermines Group PLC
  for the entire issued ordinary and preference share capital of
                        Active Imaging plc

The  Boards of Silvermines plc ("Silvermines") and Active  Imaging
plc  ("Active Imaging") are pleased to announce that agreement has
been  reached  on  the terms of recommended Offers  on  behalf  of
Silvermines for the whole of the issued and to be issued  ordinary
and preference share capital of Active Imaging.

Summary of Offers

* Silvermines  is offering 17 New Silvermines Ordinary  Shares
  for  every  92  Active Imaging Ordinary Shares,  valuing  Active
  Imaging plc at approximately #4.5 million and each Active Imaging
  Ordinary   Share  at  9.33p.   This  represents  a  premium   of
  approximately  16.6% over the closing price  of  Active  Imaging
  Ordinary Shares on the last dealing day prior to the announcement.
* Silvermines  has also offered 50p in cash  for  each  Active
  Imaging 'A' and 'B' Preference Share and warrants to subscribe for
  Silvermines' Ordinary Shares.

Key Points

* Active Imaging's expertise in the field of digital technology
  will  provide  Silvermines  with the necessary  capabilities  to
  compete  in the CCTV market as it moves from analogue to digital

* The  acquisition  provides Silvermines  with  the  necessary
  technology for communications protocols and networking competence,
  digital  image  processing, digital storage  and  recording  and
  digital switching technology.

* Silvermines'  standing in the worldwide CCTV  industry  will
  enhance the sale opportunities for Active Imaging's products.

Silvermines'   Chairman,   Mr  Bob  Morton,   commented   on   the
acquisition, saying:

"We  are  convinced that the combination of the two groups  offers
an  excellent strategic fit and represents a sensible step  forward
for  Silvermines as the CCTV market undergoes the transition  into
digital  technology.   This deal also fulfils Silvermines'  states
criteria of seeking strategic business acquisitions."

Clem Jansen, Group Managing Director of Silvermines Group, said:

"We  have  been  actively  pursuing  the  acquisition  of  digital
technology over the last 18 months for application in our CCTV and
Building  Automation Division to provide us with  a  technological
lead in these sectors.

"The  acquisition  of  Active Imaging also has  synergy  with  the
digital broadcast technology of Continental Microwave Group, which
was acquired in November 1997."

The Chairman of Active Imaging, Michael Brooke, commented:

"I  am  confident  that Active Imaging's businesses  will  prosper
within the enlarged Silvermines Group.  Significant synergies will
result   from   this  association,  from  which   Active   Imaging
shareholders will benefit through accepting the Offers."

For further enquiries, please contact:

Silvermines Group plc                        0116 222 2111
Clem Jansen, Group Managing Director

Greig Middleton & Co Limited
Rod Venables                                 0171 655 4000
Paul Smith                                   0141 240 4000

Square Mile Communications Limited           0171 583 4567
Tim Jackaman / James Melville-Ross

Active Imaging plc                           01628 415 440
Michael Brooke, Chairman


The   boards  of  Silvermines  and  Active  Imaging  have  reached            
agreement today on the terms of recommended Offers to be  made  by            
Greig  Middleton on behalf of Silvermines to acquire  all  of  the            
issued  and to be issued ordinary and preference share capital  of            
Active Imaging ("Active Imaging Securities").  In recommending  to            
shareholders  of Active Imaging that the terms of the  offers  are            
fair  and reasonable, the board of Active Imaging has been advised            
by  Beeson Gregory Limited.  In providing advice to the  board  of            
Active Imaging, Beeson Gregory Limited has taken into account  the            
directors' commercial assessment of the Offers.   
Silvermines  has received irrevocable undertakings to  accept  the            
Offers  from  the  Active  Imaging  directors  and certain  other
shareholders in respect of their aggregate holdings of  10,723,062
Active  Imaging Ordinary Shares (representing approximately  26.01
per cent. of the Active Imaging Ordinary Shares in issue), 166,660
Active  Imaging 'A' Preference Shares (representing  approximately
66.67  per  cent. of the Active Imaging 'A' Preference  Shares  in
issue)   and   46,667   Active  Imaging  'B'   Preference   Shares
(representing  approximately 4.44 per cent. of the Active  Imaging
'B'  Preference  Shares  in  issue). These  undertakings  are  not
revocable even if a higher offer is made.

Furthermore,  the  directors of Active Imaging and  certain  other
shareholders  have  each granted a call option to  Silvermines  in
respect  of  their  holdings of 4,634,238 Active Imaging  Ordinary
Shares  (representing approximately 11.24 per cent. of the  Active
Imaging Ordinary Shares in issue). Pursuant to these call options,
Silvermines  may,  if  a third party makes  an  offer  for  Active
Imaging  Securities which the board of Active Imaging is  advised,
by  Beeson Gregory, to be more favourable than any of the  Offers,
require  the  directors  of  Active  Imaging  and  certain   other
shareholders   to   sell  to  Silvermines   their   holdings   for
consideration  equal  to  that payable under  the  Active  Imaging
Ordinary Share Offer.

In  addition, 3i Group plc has indicated in writing to Silvermines
that  it  intends to accept the Offers in respect of its aggregate
holdings   of   10,018,358   Active   Imaging   Ordinary    Shares
(representing approximately 24.30 per cent. of the Active  Imaging
Ordinary   Shares  in  issue)  and  980,000  Active  Imaging   'B'
Preference Shares (representing approximately 93.33 per  cent.  of
the Active Imaging 'B' Preference Shares in issue).

Neither  Silvermines  nor  any  person  acting  in  concert   with
Silvermines  owns  or  holds any rights over  any  Active  Imaging
Securities  or  holds any options to purchase any  Active  Imaging
Securities with the exception of the irrevocable undertakings  and
call options referred to above.

Based  on the mid-market price of a Silvermines Ordinary Share  of
50.5p (as derived from the Daily Official List of the London Stock
Exchange)  as  at the close of business on 21 November  1997,  the
last  dealing  day prior to the announcement of  the  Offers,  the
Active  Imaging  Ordinary Share Offer values each  Active  Imaging
Ordinary  Share  at 9.33p and the Offers value the  entire  issued
share capital of Active Imaging at approximately #4.5 million.

The  offer  document  and relevant Forms of Acceptance  are  being
despatched today to Active Imaging shareholders.

Background to and reasons for the Offers

The CCTV market is in the course of a transition from analogue  to
digital technology. Were Silvermines to attempt to develop digital
technology  of  the  quality to compete with  the  Active  Imaging
Group's  products,  the board of Silvermines  believes  that  this
process would, in all probability, be likely to take 18 months  to
2  years  to  complete with the attendant costs and risks.  Buying
Active  Imaging  would  provide  Silvermines  with  the  necessary
technology   for:  (1)  communications  protocols  and  networking
competence; (2) digital image processing, (3) digital storage  and
recording;  and  (4) digital switching technology.  All  of  these
technologies are currently utilised by the Active Imaging Group in
its  products  which are complementary to the Silvermines  Group's
CCTV products.

Active  Imaging  has  recently  secured  substantial  orders  from
Trafficmaster plc to deliver MvVision technology. However, further
orders  will depend on the market's overall perception  of  Active
Imaging's  products  and their capability and  the  completion  of
development  and  trials  in respect of  the  Mv  2000  and  other
products.  Accordingly, the board of Silvermines does  not  expect
the  Active Imaging Group to make any contribution to the Enlarged
Group's  operating profits over the next 12 months.  However,  the
board  of  Silvermines  would expect to reduce  substantially  the
Active Imaging Group's losses in the year ending 31 December 1998.
In the six months to 30 June 1997, Active Imaging reported pre-tax
losses  of  #2,886,000 and at 31 December 1996 had net  assets  of

The  board of Silvermines believes that the acquisition of  Active
Imaging  and  its  technology will give Silvermines  Group's  CCTV
products  added  capability  and  that  the  Silvermines   Group's
knowledge  and experience of the CCTV industry worldwide  and  its
established   distribution  network   will   enhance   the   sales
opportunities  for  the  Active  Imaging  Group's   portfolio   of

The Offers

(a)   The   Active  Imaging  Ordinary  Share  OfferOn  behalf   of
Silvermines,  Greig Middleton & Co Limited offers to  acquire,  on
the  terms and subject to the conditions contained or referred  to
in  the offer document and in the Blue Form of Acceptance, all  of
the  issued and to be issued Active Imaging Ordinary Shares on the
following basis:

for  every  92 Active           17  New
Imaging Ordinary Shares         Silvermines Ordinary Shares

and  so  in  proportion  for any other number  of  Active  Imaging
Ordinary Shares held.

(b)  The  Active  Imaging 'A' Preference Share Offer
On  behalf  of Silvermines,  Greig Middleton & Co Limited offers to  acquire, 
on the  terms and subject to the conditions contained or referred  to         
in  the offer document and in the Pink Form of Acceptance, all  of            
the  issued and to be issued Active Imaging 'A' Preference  Shares            
on the following basis:                                                       

for each Active Imaging 
A' Preference Share              50p in cash

for  every  2 Active Imaging
'A' Preference  Shares           1 warrant to subscribe 
                                 for 1 Silvermines
                                 Ordinary Share at a subscription 
                                 price of 80p per share at any time
                                 on, or prior to, 31 December 1999

and  so  in proportion for any other number of Active Imaging  'A'
Preference Shares held.

(c)  The  Active  Imaging 'B' Preference Share Offer
On  behalf  of Silvermines,  Greig Middleton & Co Limited offers to  acquire, 
on the  terms and subject to the conditions contained or referred  to
in  the offer document and in the White Form of Acceptance, all of
the  issued and to be issued Active Imaging 'B' Preference  Shares
on the following basis:

for each Active Imaging 
'B' Preference Share             50p in cash


for every 2 Active Imaging 
'B' Preference Shares            1 warrant to subscribe 
                                 for 1 Silvermines
                                 Ordinary Share at a subscription 
                                 price of 80p per share at any time
                                 on, or prior to, 31 December 1999

and  so  in proportion for any other number of Active Imaging  'B'
Preference Shares held.

Value of the Offers

Based  on the mid-market price of a Silvermines Ordinary Share  of
50.5p  as  at the close of business on 21 November 1997, the  last
dealing  day prior to the announcement of the Offers,  the  Active
Imaging  Ordinary Share Offer values each Active Imaging  Ordinary
Share at 9.33p and all the Active Imaging Ordinary Shares in issue
at  the  date of this announcement at approximately #3.85 million.
This represents a premium of approximately 16.6 per cent. over the
closing mid-price of an Active Imaging Ordinary Share on AIM of 8p
on   21  November  1997,  the  last  dealing  day  prior  to   the
announcement of the Offers.

Attributing  no  value  to the Warrants, the  Active  Imaging  'A'
Preference Share Offer and the Active Imaging 'B' Preference Share
Offer  value  each Active Imaging 'A' Preference  Share  and  each
Active  Imaging  'B' Preference Share at 50p and  all  the  Active
Imaging  'A'  Preference  Shares and all the  Active  Imaging  'B'
Preference  Shares  in  issue at the  date  of  this  document  at
#124,995 and #525,000 respectively.

Further details of the Offers

The  Active  Imaging  Securities will be acquired  free  from  all
liens, charges, encumbrances and other interests and together with
all  rights  now  or  after  the date  hereof  attaching  thereto,
including the right to receive and retain all dividends and  other
distributions  declared,  paid  or  made  after  the  date  hereof
including, for the avoidance of doubt, the dividend payable on the
Active  Imaging  'A'  Preference Shares on  31  December  1998  in
respect of the period from 1 January 1997 to 31 December 1998.

Full  acceptance  of  the  Active  Imaging  Ordinary  Share  Offer
including  New Silvermines Ordinary Shares to be issued  following
the  exercise  of Active Imaging Share Options previously  granted
over  131,675  Active Imaging Ordinary Shares  would  involve  the
issue  of  7,749,532 New Silvermines Ordinary Shares  representing
approximately 8.44 per cent. of the enlarged issued share  capital
of Silvermines.

Fractions of New Silvermines Ordinary Shares which would otherwise
be  issued under the Active Imaging Ordinary Share Offer will  not
be  allotted to accepting Active Imaging Shareholders but will  be
aggregated  and  sold in the market and the net proceeds  of  sale
will be distributed to the Active Imaging Shareholders entitled to
them,  except  that amounts of #3.00 or less will be retained  for
the benefit of the Enlarged Group.

The conditions of the Offers are set out in the Appendix below.

The New Silvermines Ordinary Shares

Application has been made to the Irish Stock Exchange and  to  the
London  Stock Exchange for the New Silvermines Ordinary Shares  to
be  issued pursuant to the Active Imaging Ordinary Share Offer  to
be  admitted  to the Official Lists. The New Silvermines  Ordinary
Shares  will  be issued credited as fully paid and free  from  all
liens,  charges, encumbrances and other interests  and  will  rank
pari  passu  in all respects with the existing issued  Silvermines
Ordinary  Shares  save  that they will  not  rank  for  the  final
dividend  which the Silvermines directors expect to  recommend  in
respect of the year ending 31 December 1997.

The Warrants

Each  Warrant entitles its holder to subscribe for one Silvermines
Ordinary Share at a subscription price of 80p per share payable in
cash at any time on or before 31 December 1999. No application has
been  or will be made to the Irish Stock Exchange or to the London
Stock  Exchange  for the Warrants to be admitted to  the  Official
Lists,  although application will be made at the appropriate  time
for  the Silvermines Ordinary Shares that are allotted on exercise
of  the  subscription  rights conferred  by  the  Warrants  to  be
admitted to the Official Lists following their allotment.

Information on Silvermines

The  Silvermines Group is an electronics and electrical group with
four  divisions  and  a  49  per  cent.  equity  shareholding   in
Automotive Motion Technology Limited ("AMTL"), details of  all  of
which are set out below.

CCTV   and  Building  Automation  Division

The  CCTV  and  Building Automation  Division comprises Videmech Limited, 
Molynx  Limited, Hernis Scan Systems A/S, Molynx NV and BV and American
Auto-Matrix Inc.  These  companies serve different segments of  the  CCTV  and
security  market  and  together with building automation  products
from  American  Auto-Matrix  can  offer  a  total  and  integrated
capability for these systems. In 1996 the Division's turnover  was
#24.76  million. Continued growth is expected from export  markets
in  the  United  States  of  America,  the  Middle  East  and,  in
particular, from China, where contracts have been secured  in  the
first half of this financial year including the China Construction
Bank  for  CCTV and Access Control and the prestigious  Astronauts

Electrical Division

Elequip Projects Limited ("Elequip") is the Electrical Division of
Silvermines.  Elequip's principal activity is  the  management  of
turnkey  projects.  These projects embrace all  or  a  portion  of
Elequip's   extensive   technical  capabilities,   which   include
electrical   and   mechanical   engineering,   specialist   diesel
generating  sets,  low  and high voltage  distribution  and  motor
control   switchgear,  electrical  controls  for  rolling   stock,
electrical  protection and process control systems.  Elequip  also
provides commissioning and maintenance services. Elequip has  this
year  continued  its  penetration  of  overseas  markets  and,  in
particular,  the  Middle East with the award  of  a  #7.5  million
contract  to  provide  and  manage  electrical  power  for  a  gas
processing plant in Egypt.

Broadcast and Telecommunications Division

The    Broadcast   and   Telecommunications   Division   comprises
Continental  Microwave Limited ("CML"), RF Technology  Inc.,  USA,
Falcon  Equipment  & Systems Limited and Tru-Lon Printed  Circuits
(Royston)  Limited. CML products and applications include  a  full
range  of  VHF  and  microwave  technology  based  equipment   for
broadcasts   transmission;  portable  microwave  links;   longhaul
network  distribution links; electronic news gathering;  satellite
news  gathering;  RF  Technology  manufactures  and  markets   CML
products in the United States of America; Falcon which designs and
manufactures electronic equipment for defence communications;  and
Tru-Lon  Printed Circuits (Royston) Limited produces  and  markets
prototype  and  pre-production run printed circuit boards.  Export
orders  in the first half of the current financial year  from  all
over  the  world but, in particular, from China, the Pacific  Rim,
the  Middle East and South America are a feature of the growth  of
this business.

Aerospace  Division

The Aerospace Division comprises the businesses of Muirhead Vactric 
Components Limited which includes the recently acquired  avionics  
and  accessories business  from  Hunting  plc, Norcroft  Dynamics Limited and
Pickering Controls Inc., USA.  This Division   specialises   in  unique 
solutions   from   individual components  to integrated systems and is focused
in the aerospace, defence  and industrial markets. The technology is used to 
direct and  control  high  performance equipment to  exacting  levels  of
accuracy and reliability.


AMTL  is a joint venture company formed with Echlin Inc. (USA),  a
leading  producer  of  quality automotive products  worldwide,  to
design,   develop,  manufacture  and  sell  electric  motors   for
automotive applications.

Current trading

While  Silvermines performed strongly in the first  half  of  this
financial year the economic problems in Silvermines' major new and
expanding markets in Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia  and
Philippines, part of the Association of South East Asian  Nations,
and  the consequent collapse in the value of their currencies, has
adversely  impacted  on Silvermines CCTV and  Building  Automation
businesses in this region in the second half of 1997. Furthermore,
South Korea, which had remained isolated from the problems of this
region  and  from where Silvermines had secured good business  for
the  first  9 months of 1997, has also, very recently, suffered  a

The  directors of Silvermines are confident that trading in  South
East  Asia will recover in due course and will remain an  area  of
very  high  growth potential for its CCTV and Building  Automation
products. Silvermines continues to remain active in these  markets
helping  its customers in these difficult times with the objective
of  not  losing market share. It is not believed by the  board  of
Silvermines   that  the  performance  of  other   divisions   will
compensate  for the trading shortfall experienced  in  South  East
Asia this year.

Information on Active Imaging

Active  Imaging was incorporated on 15 February 1996.  Its  shares
were  admitted  to  trading on AIM on 24 April  1996  following  a
placing  of 4,910,714 Active Imaging Ordinary Shares at  112p  per
share.  On  4 February 1997, TVX Inc. announced that a recommended
offer  would  be  made  to  acquire all the  issued  ordinary  and
preference shares in Active Imaging. The offer was withdrawn on 21
March  1997,  TVX Inc. stating that this was due to adverse  stock
market  conditions in the United States of America at  that  time.
Following  the  withdrawal  of that  offer,  a  rights  issue  was
required  to meet Active Imaging's needs for immediate finance  in
order  to  continue the investment already made  in  the  MvVision
technology  and to continue to establish Data Cell  as  a  leading
systems  integrator and value added reseller of imaging  products.
Without  this  finance Active Imaging would have  been  unable  to
continue to trade. On 15 August 1997 Active Imaging concluded a  5
for   4  rights  issue  raising  approximately  #2  million  after

The  Active  Imaging Group develops, manufactures and markets  its
proprietary  and jointly owned imaging products. It also  operates
as  a  value  added reseller, systems integrator and  supplier  of
third party imaging products through Data Cell. The operations  of
the  Active  Imaging  Group are focused  on  the  application  and
development  of  solutions and products for digital  imaging.  Its
products  have  been  sold in applications in traffic  management,
security  and surveillance, the Internet, industrial  imaging  and
inspection and bio-medical.

Active Imaging's products

The  principal  products  developed by the  Active  Imaging  Group
centre around the use of MvVision technology.
MvVision  is  a  digital imaging capture and  transmission  device
consisting  of a video sensor, a frame grabber, a processor  chip,
appropriate memory and hard disk space and communications modules.
All  the necessary computing power is embedded directly inside the
camera.  It  transmits images in digital format over a variety  of
networks.  The  images  are automatically  compressed  within  the
device  before transmission, thereby reducing the volume  of  data
being  sent  and, consequently, reducing the need for transmission

The  MvVision  technology has been applied by the  Active  Imaging
Group  into  application areas of security  and  surveillance  and
"live"  video over networks. The underlying technology is sold  as
MvEngine  to  original equipment manufacturers  and  to  strategic
partners  who  are  well  positioned in these  chosen  markets  to
integrate MvVision technology with their own applications. A major
order   worth  #1  million  has  been  received  this  year   from
Trafficmaster plc for MvVision technology. Deliveries commenced in
October  1997 and are scheduled to finish in March 1998. A further
order worth #177,000 was recently received from Trafficmaster plc.


This  product  is  aimed at the security and surveillance  market.
Based  on  MvVision technology it offers many of the  features  of
MvNet  Plus  but  offers additional capabilities in  security  and
surveillance applications including trigger inputs for interfacing
to  external  devices (for example, alarms) and relay outputs  for
controlling  other external devices (for example,  lighting).  The
device  can  also record digitally for subsequent  playback  at  a
remote  monitoring station across a telephone or computer network.
Each  Mv2000 can be connected to six standard security cameras  to
provide cost effective surveillance and digital recording.  Mv2000
has been evaluated by a number of major organisations including UK
banks,   UK   utilities  and  by  Aritech,  a   leading   European
manufacturer  and distributor of security products.   The  initial
units  have  been  delivered  to customers  for  extended  trials.
Production  units are scheduled to be shipped before  the  end  of
1997.  In  February 1997, Mv2000 won the award for the  best  CCTV
product for 1997 from the British Security Industry Association.

MvNetMvNet  Plus  allows "live" video to  be  delivered  across  a
variety  of  computer and telephone networks and is  available  in
both  ethernet and modem versions. Up to five additional  standard
CCTV  cameras can be connected to a unit. Each monitoring  station
can  control  and  view  multiple cameras  situated  at  different
locations.  This  product is fully developed. The  camera  can  be
controlled  remotely  and  can be  mounted  on  a  pan  tilt  zoom
mechanism.  Active Imaging is now building a reseller network  and
dealing   directly   with  key  original  equipment   manufacturer
accounts. Resellers, focusing on particular vertical markets, have
been  appointed  in  the United Kingdom, France  and  Japan.  This
policy is also now being followed in the United States of America.
Users  of  MvNet  Plus  have  included Lords  cricket  ground  (to
broadcast  Test  Match  cricket over  the  Internet),  the  London
Notting  Hill  Carnival  (to  webcast the  event),  various  adult
entertainment sites, a United Kingdom utility company  to  monitor
power   stations,   a  toll-bridge  project  in   California   and
Smartroutes in Boston, New England, which are using a custom built
MvNet   Plus   for   traffic  monitoring   in   their   commercial
SmartTraveller service.

Data  Cell

Data Cell is a value added reseller of image acquisition
hardware and related software and imaging systems.
Its  principal  product  is the "Snapper",  an  image  acquisition
board, the technology for which is jointly owned, which provides a
modular approach to interfacing cameras or other video sources  to
industry standard computers. Snapper, when installed as part of  a
computer, allows images to be arranged and compressed making  them
available  for analysis. Applications for Snapper include  medical
image   analysis   and  a  range  of  industrial  and   scientific

To date Data Cell has provided the majority of the revenue for the
Active  Imaging  Group and is expected to continue  to  be  a  key
contributor  to the Active Imaging Group's revenues,  particularly
during  the  initial phase of sales generation  for  the  MvVision

In the first half of 1997, Data Cell's sales showed an improvement
on  the previous six months. Since March 1997, Data Cell has  been
involved  in  a project to develop an evidential video enhancement
system.  This has now received approval from the Police Scientific
Development Branch;  consequently it is expected that this  system
will  become an important source of new sales during the remainder
of this financial year and into 1998.

Current  trading

As stated in the interim results announcement,  an
order   worth   approximately  #1  million   was   received   from
Trafficmaster   plc   which  utilises  the  MvVision   technology.
Deliveries  of  this order commenced in October and will  continue
into 1998 and a further order worth #177,000 was recently received
from Trafficmaster plc.

The  months from September to date were part of a critical  period
in  which  it was necessary to secure volume orders from  security
integrators,  original  equipment  manufacturers,  resellers   and
technology   partners.  While  orders  have  been  received   from
Trafficmaster  plc  for  Mv2000 and also  for  the  MvNet  camera,
anticipated  volume  orders for these  products  have  yet  to  be
received. In addition, Data Cell sales have failed to rise to  the
level  of  earlier expectations due to delays in  the  placing  of
orders  from  original  equipment  manufacturers  and  lower  than
expected  orders from the education sector. In the light of  this,
and  with  a  view to reducing Active Imaging Group's  costs,  the
board  of  Active Imaging intend to rationalise the operations  at
Active Imaging Inc.

Management and employees

Raymond Fagan, George Hayter, Simon Acland and Michael Brooke have
indicated their intention to resign as directors of Active Imaging
if  the  Offers  become  or  are  declared  wholly  unconditional.
Existing employment rights of the management and employees of  the
Active  Imaging Group, including pension and share  option  rights
(except for share options whose exercise price is more than #1 per
share), will be fully safeguarded.

Active Imaging Share Options

The  Active  Imaging Ordinary Share Offer extends  to  any  Active
Imaging  Ordinary  Shares  which are unconditionally  allotted  or
issued pursuant to the valid exercise of options in respect of the
Active  Imaging  Share Option Scheme, the Data Cell  Share  Option
Scheme and an option agreement in favour of Beeson Gregory Limited
("Active  Imaging  Share  Options"),  while  the  Active   Imaging
Ordinary  Share Offer remains open for acceptance  or  until  such
earlier  time and/or date as Silvermines may, subject to the  City
Code, decide.

Appropriate proposals will be made by Silvermines in due course to
the  holders  of  Active Imaging Share Options (except  for  those
share  options whose exercise price is more than #1 per share)  to
the  extent that they are not exercised and in the event that  the
Offers  become or are declared unconditional in all  respects.  In
view  of the closing mid-price of an Active Imaging Ordinary Share
on  AIM  of 8p as at 21 November 1997 (the last dealing day before
the  announcement of the Offers) Silvermines does  not  intend  to
make any proposal to holders of Active Imaging Share Options whose
exercise price is more than #1 per share.

M O R E   T O   F O L L O W


Advance Visual Communications (LSE:ACV)
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From Jun 2024 to Jul 2024 Click Here for more Advance Visual Communications Charts.
Advance Visual Communications (LSE:ACV)
Historical Stock Chart
From Jul 2023 to Jul 2024 Click Here for more Advance Visual Communications Charts.