RNS Number : 2649O 
Allianz Dresdr 2 Endw Policy TstPLC 
03 March 2009 

 For Immediate Release3rd March 2009 
Results for the year ended 31st December 2008 
The following comprises extracts from the Company's Annual Financial Report for 
the year ended 31st December 2008. The full Annual Financial Report is available 
to be viewed on or downloaded from the Company's website at 
www.rcm.com/investmenttrusts.  Copies will be mailed to shareholders shortly. 
Chairman's Statement 
The net asset value per 2009 Share as at 31st December 2008 was 146.0p per share 
compared to 157.0p per share as at 31st December 2007.This represents a decrease 
of 7% over the year. Over the same period, the Company's share price declined 
from 136.5p per share to 131.5p per share, a decrease of 3.7%. By way of 
comparison, over the same period the UK equity market, as measured by the FTSE 
All-Share Index, declined by 33%. 
As at 31st December 2008, the Company had repaid all borrowings and had fixed 
interest and cash of GBP5.9 million, approximately 20% of net asset value. As it 
approaches the planned wind up date of 31st December 2009, the Company's 
liquidity will increase as policies mature during the course of the year. The 
Managers will continue to invest the Company's cash in a range of sterling bank 
deposits and government securities with a view to achieving a reasonable and 
secure return for shareholders on the Company's cash over the remainder of the 
Company's life. 
The year to 31st December 2008 was a very difficult one for financial markets: 
equities, bonds, property and many commodities saw steep falls.The outlook for 
the near future remains highly uncertain given the backdrop of continued 
financial dislocation, a developing global recession 
and consumer retrenchment. 
It is not surprising in the context of these difficult markets that many life 
offices have already reduced bonus rates and pay outs. Whilst this trend may 
well continue for the foreseeable future, shareholders may take comfort from the 
fact that a significant proportion of the Company's net asset value is 
represented by sums assured and declared reversionary bonuses. 
I am pleased to report that settlement has been reached with the Managers, RCM 
(UK) Ltd, about the recovery of VAT following the ruling of the European Court 
of Justice in the VAT case brought by JPMorgan Fleming Claverhouse Trust plc in 
conjunction with the AIC. On 29th October 2008 the Company received GBP77,749 in 
relation to the 2009 Pool and GBP81,786 in relation to the 2006 Pool as 
compensation for VAT paid in the period from 2001 to 2007. The amount paid in 
respect of the 2006 Pool has been distributed to the relevant shareholders. 
Return of capital 
The Board will continue to consult with shareholders regarding the possibility 
of a tax efficient continuation of their investment in the second half of 2009. 
An announcement will be made in due course when this exercise has been 
Managers' Review 
The Company is managed with the objective of providing long-term capital growth 
by investing in a diversified portfolio of mid-term traded endowment policies. 
Net Asset Value 
Over the year to 31st December 2008 the Company's Net Asset Value (NAV) has 
declined by 7% to 146.0p per 2009 Share. Since the launch of the Company in 
1993, the NAV per share has increased at a compound annual rate of 3.6% for the 
2009 Shares (4.9% for the 2006 Shares). 
The Net Asset Value is calculated using the current estimated market value of 
the Company's investments. The valuation of endowment policies has been carried 
out by LPVC under the supervision of the Actuarial Committee. The Board has 
determined that, in the absence of sufficient transactional data, the most 
appropriate basis of valuation of the Company's portfolio at 31st December 2008 
is that of estimated surrender value. 
Investment Review 
At the year end, the 2009 Pool portfolio included policies from a total of 49 
with-profits funds. During the year, the 2009 Pool received proceeds of GBP7.7 
million from the maturity of policies. The average annualised return since 
purchase on these policies was 5.99%. This calculation makes no allowance for 
windfalls such as those arising from demutualisations or the distribution of 
orphan assets. 
Projected Final Net Asset Values 
The Company publishes projected final net asset values on a quarterly basis. 
These projections are based on possible bonus rate levels which themselves 
reflect, inter alia, assumptions about the investment returns earned by the 
underlying with-profits funds. These will be lower than previously anticipated, 
as a consequence of the steep falls in many asset classes since the summer of 
2008. The projected final net asset values are based on an immediate reduction 
of 20%, 50% and 100% from current bonus levels, as well as current bonus rates. 
Final net asset values projected as at 31st December 2009 are given in the table 
on page 8. 
|                     |   100%    |    80%    |    50%    |    No     | 
|                     |  Current  |  Current  |  Current  |  Further  | 
|                     |  Bonus    |  Bonus    |  Bonus    |  Bonuses  | 
|                     |  Rates    |  Rates    |  Rates    |           | 
|                     |           |           |           |           | 
| Projected final net |  155.0p   |  150.3p   |  143.3p   |  132.0p   | 
| asset value at 31st |           |           |           |           | 
| December 2009 (2009 |           |           |           |           | 
| Pool)               |           |           |           |           | 
Projected final net asset values are calculated using the principal bases and 
assumptions set out below.  These illustrations are given to provide an 
indication of the sensitivity of the projected final net asset value to bonus 
rate changes. They should not be taken as forecasts of any particular degree of 
change in bonus rate levels. 
Principal bases and assumptions used in projecting the estimated final net asset 
The final net asset values for the 2009 Pool have been calculated at 31st 
December 2009 on the basis that: 
1)    All policies are held to maturity, no further death claims or 
demutualisation benefits are received and no further purchases or disposals of 
policies are made; 
2)    The latest reversionary and terminal bonus rates declared at 31st December 
2008 continue to apply until maturity or are reduced immediately by 20%, 50% or 
3)    The estimated mid-market gross redemption yields as at 31st December 2008, 
for policies of differing remaining terms, are assumed to remain unchanged; 
4)    Annual expenses are assumed to be in line with recent experience, and 
future annual inflation is assumed to be 3%. Interest rates over the Company's 
remaining life, in so far as not fixed by swaps, are assumed to be consistent 
with the shape of the swap rate yield curve at 31st December 2008; 
5)    No further shares are issued or repurchased, nor are any dividends 
paid; and 
6)    They do not account for any likely costs of liquidation. 
Accrued guaranteed benefits 
Guaranteed benefits are attached to the policy portfolio (comprising sums 
assured and reversionary bonuses declared to date) and these have continued to 
grow as reversionary bonuses have been declared over the year. Stated as a 
projected final net asset value after projected expenses - including the cost of 
borrowings - they represented 132.0p per 2009 Share as at 31st December 2008. 
Principal Risks and Uncertainties 
The principal risks and uncertainties fall broadly under the following 
Level of bonus declarations:  the original investment programme was targeted at 
companies which the Board believed had the best prospects of returns from future 
bonuses in relation to the prices paid for policies. 
Undue concentration of investment:  The limitation of investment in any one 
company to 25% by cost of the portfolio was intended to limit the risk from 
Gearing: To justify gearing, the returns on policies must exceed the cost of 
borrowing. As anticipated, all borrowings were repaid during the year. 
Board and outsourcing of management of the Company:  The Board considers that it 
is in shareholders' best interests to save costs by keeping the numbers of Board 
members to a minimum.  Nevertheless, the skills and attributes of the Directors 
overlap sufficiently for no one individual to be indispensable. The performance 
of Managers and Advisers is reviewed regularly. 
Related Parties' Transactions 
During the financial year, no transactions with related parties have taken 
place, which have materially affected the financial position or the performance 
of the Company during the period. 
Directors' Responsibilities 
The Directors each confirm to the best of their knowledge that: 
  *  the financial statements have been prepared in accordance with applicable UK 
  accounting standards, and     give a true and fair view of the assets, 
  liabilities, financial position and profit or loss of the Company; and 
  *  the Annual Financial Report, to be published shortly, includes a fair review of 
  the development and performance of the business and the position of the Company, 
  together with a description of the principal risks and uncertainties that it 
| 155 Bishopsgate                                     | By Order of the Board     | 
| London EC2M 3AD                                     | J Clement                 | 
|                                                     | Chairman                  | 
| 3rd March 2009                                      |                           | 
For further information contact: 
Simon White 
Head of Investment Trusts 
RCM (UK) Limited 
Telephone: 020 7065 1539 
| RESULTS                                | 
| INCOME STATEMENT                       | 
| For the year ended 31st December 2008               |             |            | 
|                                        |            |             |            | 
|                                        |    Revenue |     Capital |      Total | 
|                                        |            |             |     Return | 
|                                        |   GBP'000s |    GBP'000s |   GBP'000s | 
|                                        |            |             |   (Note B) | 
| Net losses on investments at fair      |          - |     (2,061) |    (2,062) | 
| value                                  |            |             |            | 
| Income                                 |        151 |           - |        151 | 
| Management and advisory fees           |      (453) |           - |      (453) | 
| Management fee - VAT refund            | 78         |           - | 78         | 
| Administration expenses                |      (176) |           - |      (176) | 
|                                        |            |             |            | 
| Net return before finance costs and    |      (400) |     (2,061) |    (2,462) | 
| taxation                               |            |             |            | 
|                                        |            |             |            | 
| Finance costs : interest payable and   |        307 |           - |        307 | 
| similar charges                        |            |             |            | 
|                                        |            |             |            | 
| Net return attributable to 2009        |       (93) |     (2,061) |    (2,155) | 
| Shareholders                           |            |             |            | 
|                                        |            |             |            | 
| Taxation                               |          - |           - |          - | 
|                                        |            |             |            | 
| Net return attributable to 2009        |       (93) |     (2,061) |    (2,155) | 
| Shareholders                           |            |             |            | 
|                                        |            |             |            | 
| Return per 2009 Share (Note A)         |    (0.47)p |    (10.44)p |   (10.91)p | 
|                                        |            |             |            | 
|                                        |            |             |            | 
| BALANCE SHEET                          |            |             |   GBP'000s | 
| As at 31st December 2008               |            |             |            | 
|                                        |            |             |            | 
| Investments held at fair value through profit or    |             |     26,160 | 
| loss                                                |             |            | 
| Fair value of interest rate swaps      |            |             |   395      | 
| Net Current Assets                     |            |             |      2,278 | 
| Total Assets less Current Liabilities               |             |     28,833 | 
| Creditors: Amounts falling due after more than one year           |          - | 
| Total Net Assets                                    |             |     28,833 | 
|                                        |            |             |            | 
| Called up Share Capital                |            |             |        197 | 
| Share Premium Account                  |            |             |     18,925 | 
| Capital Redemption Reserve             |            |             |          3 | 
| Capital Reserves: Realised             |            |             |   23,967   | 
|     : Unrealised                       |            |             |      6,517 | 
| Hedging Reserve                        |            |             |         19 | 
| Revenue Reserve                        |            |             |   (20,795) | 
| Equity Shareholders' Funds             |            |             |     28,833 | 
|                                        |            |             |            | 
| Net Asset Value per 2009 Share         |            |             |     146.0p | 
|                                        |            |             |            | 
| The net asset value is based on 19,745,000 2009 Shares in issue   |            | 
| at the year end.                                                  |            | 
| RESULTS                                | 
| INCOME STATEMENT                       | 
| For the year ended 31st December 2007  |            |            |            | 
|                                        |            |            |            | 
|                                        |    Revenue |    Capital |      Total | 
|                                        |            |            |     Return | 
|                                        |   GBP'000s |   GBP'000s |   GBP'000s | 
|                                        |            |            |   (Note B) | 
| Net gains on investments at fair value |          - |      2,257 |      2,257 | 
| Income                                 |         87 |          - |         87 | 
| Management and advisory fees           |      (507) |          - |      (507) | 
| Administration expenses                |      (171) |          - |      (171) | 
|                                        |            |            |            | 
| Net return before finance costs and    |      (591) |      2,257 |      1,666 | 
| taxation                               |            |            |            | 
|                                        |            |            |            | 
| Finance costs : interest payable and   |      (179) |          - |      (179) | 
| similar charges                        |            |            |            | 
|                                        |            |            |            | 
| Net return on ordinary activities      |      (770) |      2,257 |      1,487 | 
| before taxation                        |            |            |            | 
|                                        |            |            |            | 
| Taxation                               |          - |          - |          - | 
|                                        |            |            |            | 
| Net return attributable to 2009        |      (770) |      2,257 |      1,487 | 
| Shareholders                           |            |            |            | 
|                                        |            |            |            | 
| Return per 2009 Share (Note A)         |    (3.90)p |     11.43p |      7.53p | 
|                                        |            |            |            | 
|                                        |            |            |            | 
|                                        |            |            |            | 
| BALANCE SHEET                          |            |            |   GBP'000s | 
| As at 31st December 2007               |            |            |            | 
|                                        |            |            |            | 
| Investments held at fair value through |            |            |  32,847    | 
| profit or loss                         |            |            |            | 
| Fair value of interest rate swaps      |            |            | 78         | 
| Net Current Assets                     |            |            |        707 | 
| Total Assets less Current Liabilities  |            |            |     33,632 | 
| Creditors: Amounts falling due after more than one  |            |    (2,625) | 
| year                                                |            |            | 
| Total Net Assets                                                 |     31,007 | 
|                                        |            |            |            | 
| Called up Share Capital                |            |            |        197 | 
| Share Premium Account                  |            |            |     18,925 | 
| Capital Redemption Reserve             |            |            |          3 | 
| Capital Reserves: Realised             |            |            |      7,941 | 
|     : Unrealised                       |            |            |     11,729 | 
| Hedging Reserve                        |            |            |         39 | 
| Revenue Reserve                        |            |            |    (7,827) | 
| Equity Shareholders' Funds             |            |            |     31,007 | 
|                                        |            |            |            | 
| Net Asset Value per 2009 Share         |            |            |     157.0p | 
|                                                                  |            | 
| The net asset value is based on 19,745,000 2009 Shares in issue  |            | 
| at the year end.                                                 |            | 
For the year ended 31st December 2008 
|              |   Called |    Share |    Capital |  Capital |    Capital |  Hedging |  Revenue |    Total | 
|              |       up |  Premium | Redemption |  Reserve |    Reserve |  Reserve |  Reserve | GBP'000s | 
|              |    Share |  Account |   Reserve  | Realised | Unrealised | GBP'000s | GBP'000s |          | 
|              |  Capital | GBP'000s |   GBP'000s | GBP'000s |   GBP'000s |          |          |          | 
|              | GBP'000s |          |            |          |            |          |          |          | 
| Net Assets   |      197 |   18,925 |          3 |    6,325 |     11,088 |       49 |  (7,057) |   29,530 | 
| at 31st      |          |          |            |          |            |          |          |          | 
| December     |          |          |            |          |            |          |          |          | 
| 2006         |          |          |            |          |            |          |          |          | 
| Amortisation |        - |        - |          - |        - |          - |     (10) |        - |     (10) | 
| of Hedging   |          |          |            |          |            |          |          |          | 
| Reserve      |          |          |            |          |            |          |          |          | 
| Revenue      |        - |        - |          - |        - |          - |        - |    (770) |    (770) | 
| Return       |          |          |            |          |            |          |          |          | 
| Capital      |        - |        - |          - |    1,616 |        641 |        - |        - |    2,257 | 
| Return       |          |          |            |          |            |          |          |          | 
| Net Assets   |      197 |   18,925 |          3 |    7,941 |     11,729 |       39 |  (7,827) |   31,007 | 
| at 31st      |          |          |            |          |            |          |          |          | 
| December     |          |          |            |          |            |          |          |          | 
| 2007         |          |          |            |          |            |          |          |          | 
|              |          |          |            |          |            |          |          |          | 
| Net Assets   |      197 |   18,925 |          3 |    7,941 |     11,729 |       39 |  (7,827) |   31,007 | 
| at 31st      |          |          |            |          |            |          |          |          | 
| December     |          |          |            |          |            |          |          |          | 
| 2007         |          |          |            |          |            |          |          |          | 
| Amortisation |        - |        - |          - |        - |          - |     (20) |        - |     (20) | 
| of Hedging   |          |          |            |          |            |          |          |          | 
| Reserve      |          |          |            |          |            |          |          |          | 
| Revenue      |        - |        - |          - |        - |          - |        - |     (93) |     (93) | 
| Return       |          |          |            |          |            |          |          |          | 
| Capital      |        - |        - |          - |    3,151 |    (5,212) |        - |        - |  (2,061) | 
| Return       |          |          |            |          |            |          |          |          | 
| Transfer     |        - |        - |          - |   12,875 |          - |        - | (12,875) |        - | 
| from 2006    |          |          |            |          |            |          |          |          | 
| Pool         |          |          |            |          |            |          |          |          | 
| Net Assets   |      197 |   18,925 |          3 |   23,967 |      6,517 |       19 | (20,795) |   28,833 | 
| at 31st      |          |          |            |          |            |          |          |          | 
| December     |          |          |            |          |            |          |          |          | 
| 2008         |          |          |            |          |            |          |          |          | 
|              |          |          |            |          |            |          |          |          | 
The Company previously consisted of the 2006 and 2009 Pools. The reconstruction 
of the 2006 Pool and the subsequent repayment of the 2006 Shares were both 
completed on 6th October 2006. The remaining 2006 Pool balances at 31st December 
2007, consisting of Realised Capital Reserve GBP12,874,878 and Revenue Reserve 
(GBP12,874,878), were transferred into the 2009 Pool during the year. At 31st 
December 2008, no assets remained within the 2006 Pool. The 2009 Pool therefore 
represents all assets and liabilities attributable to the Company. 
Following the ruling of the European Court of Justice, settlement has been 
reached with the Managers, RCM, in respect of the recovery of overpaid VAT in 
past years. On 29th October 2008, an amount of GBP81,786 in respect of the 2006 
Pool and GBP77,749 in respect of the 2009 Pool was paid to the Company in 
relation to VAT paid in the period from 2001 to 2007. Subsequently, with regard 
to the amount received in respect of the 2006 Pool, a further distribution was 
made to 2006 Shareholders on 7th November 2008. 
For the year ended 31st December 2008 
|                                          |         Year ended |  |              Year ended | 
|                                          | 31st December 2008 |  |      31st December 2007 | 
|                                          |                    |  |                         | 
|                                          |           GBP'000s |  |                GBP'000s | 
|                                          |                    |  |                         | 
| Net cash outflow from operating          |              (450) |  |                   (598) | 
| activities                               |                    |  |                         | 
|                                          |                    |  |                         | 
| Returns on investment and servicing of   |                    |  |                         | 
| finance                                  |                    |  |                         | 
| Interest paid                            |               (46) |  |                   (245) | 
|                                          |                    |  |                         | 
|                                          |                    |  |                         | 
| Taxation                                 |                    |  |                         | 
| Income tax repaid                        |                  - |  |                       - | 
|                                          |                    |  |                         | 
|                                          |                    |  |                         | 
| Capital expenditure and financial        |                    |  |                         | 
| investment                               |                    |  |                         | 
| Purchases of fixed asset investments     |            (3,688) |  |                   (770) | 
| Sales of fixed asset investments         |              8,314 |  |                   4,601 | 
| Net cash inflow from capital expenditure |              4,626 |  |                   3,831 | 
| and financial investment                 |                    |  |                         | 
|                                          |                    |  |                         | 
| Net cash inflow before financing         |              4,130 |  |                   2,988 | 
|                                          |                    |  |                         | 
| Financing                                |                    |  |                         | 
| Decrease in bank loan                    |            (2,625) |  |                 (2,675) | 
| Amounts cancelled upon reconstruction    |                  - |  |                    (53) | 
| and repayment of 2006 shares             |                    |  |                         | 
| Net cash outflow from financing          |            (2,625) |  |                 (2,728) | 
|                                          |                    |  |                         | 
|                                          |                    |  |                         | 
| Increase in cash                         |              1,505 |       |                260 | 
| AS AT 31st DECEMBER 2008                           |   |   |         |           | 
|                                                    |   |   |         |           | 
|  |                                       |    |                           | |         | 
|  |                                       |    |           Value |         |    Investments | 
|  | POLICIES BY LIFE OFFICE               |    |        GBP'000s |         |     % of Total | 
|  |                                       |    |                 |         |                | 
|  | Standard Life                         |    |           7,371 |         |           28.2 | 
|  | Legal & General                       |    |           2,618 |         |           10.0 | 
|  | Prudential (Scottish Amicable)        |    |           2,166 |         |            8.3 | 
|  | AVIVA (Norwich Union)                 |    |           1,440 |         |            5.5 | 
|  | Scottish Widows                       |    |           1,400 |         |            5.4 | 
|  | Prudential                            |    |           1,397 |         |            5.3 | 
|  | Scottish Life                         |    |           1,221 |         |            4.7 | 
|  | Clerical Medical                      |    |           1,102 |         |            4.2 | 
|  | Scottish Provident                    |    |           1,066 |         |            4.1 | 
|  | Friends Provident                     |    |             291 |         |            1.1 | 
|  | Colonial                              |    |             290 |         |            1.1 | 
|  | Gresham Life                          |    |             190 |         |            0.7 | 
|  | Sun Life of Canada                    |    |             173 |         |            0.7 | 
|  | Royal & Sun Alliance (Royal Life)     |    |             165 |         |            0.6 | 
|  | AVIVA (Provident Mutual)              |    |             148 |         |            0.6 | 
|  | Pearl Assurance                       |    |             106 |         |            0.4 | 
|  | AXA Sun Life                          |    |              95 |         |            0.4 | 
|  | Royal & Sun Alliance (Sun Alliance)   |    |              88 |         |            0.3 | 
|  | NFU Mutual                            |    |              81 |         |            0.3 | 
|  | National Provident                    |    |              80 |         |            0.3 | 
|  | Total of twenty largest holdings      |    |          21,488 |         |           82.2 | 
|  |                                       |    |                 |         |                | 
|  | Holdings in other life offices        |    |           1,018 |         |            3.9 | 
|  | Total holdings of endowment policies  |    |          22,506 |         |           86.1 | 
|  |                                       |    |                 |         |                | 
|  |                                       |    |                 |         |                | 
|  | FIXED INTEREST HOLDINGS               |                      |         |                | 
|  | UK Govt GBP Bd 5.75% 07.12.09         |    |           3,144 |         |           12.0 | 
|  | Abbey National 5.375% Note 30.12.09   |    |             510 |         |            1.9 | 
|  | 30.12.09                              |    |                 |         |                | 
|  | Total Fixed Interest Holdings         |    |           3,654 |         |           13.9 | 
|  |                                       |    |                 |         |                | 
|  | Total of Invested Funds               |    |          26,160 |         |          100.0 | 
|  |                                       |    |                 |         |                | 
Note A 
The return per 2009 Share is based on a weighted average number of 2009 Shares 
in issue during the year of 19,745,000. 
Note B 
The total return column on this statement is the profit and loss of the 
Company.All revenue and capital items derived from continuing operations. No 
operations were acquired or discontinued in the year. A Statement of Total 
Recognised Gains and Losses is not required as all gains and losses of the 
Company have been reflected in the Income Statement. 
Note C 
Valuation - Investments in endowment policies and bonds are designated as held 
at fair value through profit or loss in accordance with FRS 26 'Financial 
Instruments: Recognition and Measurement'. Gains or losses arising from changes 
in the fair value of the 'investments held at fair value through profit or loss' 
category are presented in the Income Statement within 'Net gains on investments 
at fair value' in the period in which they arise. Endowment policies are valued 
on the basis set out in Note 7 to the Annual Financial Report. Listed 
Investments are valued at bid market prices. The Company intends to hold 
investments in endowment policies and bonds to maturity. 
An Unrealised Capital Reserve has been established to reflect differences 
between book value and book cost. Net gains or losses arising on realisation of 
investments are taken directly to the Realised Capital Reserve. 
Note D 
The financial information set out in this announcement does not constitute the 
Company's statutory financial statements for the year ended 31st December 2008. 
The financial information for the year ended 31st December 2007 is derived from 
the statutory financial statements for that year which have been delivered to 
the Registrar of Companies. The auditors' report on those financial statements 
was unqualified and did not contain a statement under section 237(2) or (3) of 
the Companies Act 1985. The statutory financial statements for the year ended 
31st December 2008 will be finalised on the basis of the financial information 
presented by the Directors in this announcement and will be delivered to the 
Registrar of Companies following the Company's Annual General Meeting. 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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