Antrim Energy Inc.: Interim Financial Report - First Quarter 2014 
May 14, 2014 
Antrim Energy Inc.: Interim Financial Report - First Quarter 2014 
CALGARY, ALBERTA--(Marketwired - May 14, 2014) - 
=-  Agreement in February 2014 to sell UK subsidiary for $53 million plus 
    assumption of certain liabilities (sale closed April 2014) 
=-  Repayment in April 2014 of outstanding bank loan (Payment Swap) and oil 
    hedge (Oil Swap) obligations 
=-  Ongoing processing and interpretation of Skellig (Ireland) 3D seismic 
=-  Extension of period for submission of FDP for the Fyne Field 
This management's discussion and analysis ("MD&A") provides a detailed explanation of Antrim Energy Inc.'s (the 
"Company" or "Antrim") operating results for the three months ended March 31, 2014 compared to the same period 
ended March 31, 2013 and should be read in conjunction with the audited consolidated financial statements of 
Antrim for the year ended December 31, 2013. This MD&A has been prepared using information available up to May 
12, 2014. The interim consolidated financial statements of the Company have been prepared in accordance with 
International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS"). Unless otherwise noted all amounts are reported in United 
States dollars. 
Non-IFRS Measures 
Cash flow from operations, cash flow from operations per share and netback do not have standard meanings under 
IFRS and may not be comparable to those reported by other companies. Antrim utilizes cash flow from operations 
and netback to assess operational and financial performance to allocate capital among alternative projects and 
to assess the Company's capacity to fund future capital programs. 
Cash flow from operations is defined as cash flow from operating activities before changes in working capital. 
Cash flow from operations per share is calculated as cash flow from operations divided by the weighted-average 
number of outstanding shares. Reconciliation of cash flow from operations to its nearest measure prescribed by 
IFRS is provided below. Netback is the per unit of production amount of revenue less operating costs and the 
financial derivative and is used in capital allocation decisions and to economically assess projects. 
On February 7, 2014 the Company announced that it entered into an agreement to sell, subject to shareholder and 
regulatory approval, its Causeway, Kerloch and Cormorant East assets, structured as a sale of all of the issued 
and outstanding shares in the capital of Antrim Resources (N.I.) Limited ("ARNIL") for $53 million in cash, 
plus the assumption of certain liabilities and adjusted working capital, from which Antrim would settle on 
closing all outstanding obligations under its Payment and Oil Swap agreements. On April 24, 2014 the Company 
completed the sale of ARNIL and settled its outstanding obligations under its Payment and Oil Swap agreements. 
Calculation of Cash Flow from Continuing Operations 
                                                       Three Months Ended 
                                                           March 31, 
                                                           2014        2013 
Cash flow provided by (used in) operating activities        762      (3,611) 
Less: change in non-cash working capital                  1,941        (243) 
Cash flow used in operations                             (1,179)     (3,368) 
Overview of Continuing Operations 
Fyne Licence 
P077 Block 21/28a - Fyne, Antrim 100% 
In late March 2013 the Company announced that it would not proceed with development of the Fyne Field using an 
FPSO. This followed a significant escalation of expected future development costs. The Company subsequently 
signed a joint development agreement with Enegi Oil Plc ("Enegi") and Advanced Buoy Technology ("ABTechnology") 
to undertake engineering studies and preparation of a Field Development Plan ("FDP") using buoy technology. The 
terms of the agreement include that there will be no costs to the Company prior to FDP approval. During the 
second half of 2013 and into 2014 Enegi-ABTechnology has worked with contractors to engineer the production 
facility for Fyne and an environmental statement was submitted to the UK Department of Energy and Climate 
Change ("DECC") during March 2014. Engineering work is now expected to continue during the summer with FDP 
approval to be sought prior to August 31, 2014. Upon approval of the FDP by DECC, Enegi-ABTechnology will earn 
the right to acquire 50% working interest in the licence. Antrim will remain operator. 
DECC has agreed to amend the terms of the Fyne Licence to allow for a FDP for the Fyne Field to be submitted no 
later than August 31, 2014. DECC's consent to the amendment includes conditions, amongst other things, that the 
FDP submission is in its final form, the environmental statement is cleared, the Company is approved as a 
production operator, there is satisfactory evidence of project financing, and first production is achieved 
prior to November 25, 2016. If these conditions are not met, or if extensions from DECC are not obtained, the 
Fyne Licence could expire in accordance with its terms. The carrying value of the Fyne Licence at March 31, 
2014 is $nil (December 31, 2013 - $nil). 
Erne Licence 
P1875 Block 21/29d - Erne, Antrim 50% 
The Erne Licence started in January 2011 and is a Promote Licence with a drill-or-drop commitment. The Erne 
wells drilled in late 2011 met all the commitments on the Licence. A discovery was made with the 21/29d-11 well 
and also in the up-dip side-track 21/29d-11z well. These discoveries are not commercial on their own, but may 
be economic to develop as tie-backs to an adjacent Fyne production facility if that transpires. The initial 
four year term of the Licence expires in January 2015 at which time there is a requirement to relinquish 50% of 
the Licence area. The carrying value of the Erne Licence at March 31, 2014 is $nil (December 31, 2013 - $nil). 
Frontier Exploration Licence 1-13, Antrim 25% 
Antrim acquired a Licensing Option in the 2011 Atlantic Margin Licensing Round which included Blocks 44/4, 44/5 
(part), 44/9, 44/10, 44/14 and 44/15 covering an area of 1,409 km2 (the "Skellig Block"). Antrim licensed, 
reprocessed and interpreted 2D seismic data over the blocks and identified a Cretaceous deep sea fan complex 
similar in seismic character to many of the recent Cretaceous oil discoveries offshore West Africa. 
In April 2013, the Company farmed out a 75% interest in, and operatorship, of the Licensing Option to Kosmos 
Energy Ltd. ("Kosmos") in exchange for Kosmos carrying the full costs of a planned 3D seismic program within 
the licence area and re-imbursement to Antrim of a portion of the exploration costs incurred on the blocks to 
date. Antrim retained a 25% interest. The transaction was approved by the Department of Communications, Energy 
and Natural Resources of Ireland ("DCENR"). 
On July 15, 2013, DCENR approved the conversion of the Licensing Option to a Frontier Exploration Licence 
("FEL"). FEL 1-13 has a 15 year term, with an initial three-year term followed by three four- year terms, 
following a mandatory 25% relinquishment of the Licensing Option area. The remaining licence area is 1,051.75 
The approved work programme for the initial three year term of the FEL involves acquisition of 3D seismic over 
the FEL area followed by seismic processing, interpretation and geological studies. Seismic acquisition 
commenced on July 10, 2013 and was completed by the end of September 2013. Processing and interpretation of the 
seismic data is in progress. 
Overview of Discontinued Operations 
Causeway Licences 
Licence P201 Block 211/22a South East Area and P1383 Block 211/23d, Antrim 35.5% 
Production from the Causeway Field averaged 1,209 gross barrels of oil per day ("bopd") (Antrim net 354 bopd) 
in the first quarter of 2014 compared to an average of 3,336 gross bopd (Antrim net 976 bopd) for the 
corresponding period in 2013. Production averaged 1,714 gross bopd (Antrim net 501 bopd) for the three months 
ended December 31, 2013. Until startup of the electric submersible pump ("ESP"), oil was produced in the first 
quarter of 2014 in cycles to allow for sufficient pressure buildup between cycles. 
Contender Licence 
P201 Block 211/22a Contender Area, Antrim 8.4% 
Production from the Cormorant East Field has been constrained for mechanical reasons and averaged 275 gross 
bopd (Antrim net 23 bopd) in the first quarter of 2014 compared to 688 gross bopd (Antrim net 58 bopd) for the 
corresponding period in 2013. Production from the Cormorant East Field averaged 377 gross bopd (Antrim net 32 
bopd) for the three months ended December 31, 2013. 
Financial Discussion of Continuing Operations 
                                                       Three Months Ended 
                                                           March 31, 
                                                           2014        2013 
Financial Results ($000's except per share amounts) 
Cash flow used in operations (1)                         (1,179)     (3,368) 
Cash flow used in operations per share (1)                (0.01)      (0.02) 
Net loss - continuing operations                         (1,538)     (4,307) 
Net loss per share - basic, continuing operations         (0.01)      (0.02) 
Net loss                                                 (8,461)     (2,853) 
Net loss per share - basic                                (0.05)      (0.02) 
Total assets                                             91,865      91,836 
Working capital (deficiency)                             (5,072)        788 
Capital expenditures - continuing operations                142         159 
Common shares outstanding (000's) 
End of period                                           184,731     184,731 
Weighted average - basic                                184,731     184,731 
Weighted average - diluted                              184,731     185,336 
(1) Cash flow from operations and cash flow from operations per share are 
    Non-IFRS Measures. Refer to "Non-IFRS Measures" in Management's 
    Discussion and Analysis. 
With the classification of Causeway to discontinued operations, the Company did not have any revenue in 2014 or 
General and Administrative 
General and administrative ("G&A") costs decreased to $1.2 million in the first quarter of 2014 compared to 
$1.4 million for the corresponding period in 2013. The decrease in G&A is primarily due to reduced employee 
Exploration & Evaluation Expenditures 
Exploration and evaluation ("E&E") expenditures decreased to $7 thousand in the first quarter of 2014 compared 
to $1.8 million for the corresponding period in 2013. The decrease in E&E expenditures is primarily related to 
less work on the development plan for the Fyne Licence. 
Finance Costs 
Finance costs were $13 thousand in the first quarter of 2014 compared to $0.7 million for the corresponding 
period in 2013. The decrease in finance costs is primarily related to fees in 2013 related to sourcing debt 
Income Taxes 
Current income tax assets and liabilities are measured at the amount expected to be recovered from or paid to 
the taxation authorities. The Company did not pay or recover any taxes during the quarter ended March 31, 2014 
(2013 - $nil). 
The Company follows the liability method of accounting for income taxes. As at March 31, 2014, no deferred 
income tax assets were recorded due to uncertainty with respect to the ability of Antrim to generate sufficient 
taxable income to utilize the unrecognized losses. 
Cash Flow and Net Loss from Continuing Operations 
In the first quarter of 2014, Antrim generated a cash deficiency from continuing operations of $1.2 million 
compared to a cash deficiency from continuing operations of $3.4 million for the corresponding period in 2013. 
The cash flow deficiency decreased in 2014 due to lower general and administrative costs and E&E expenditures. 
In the first quarter of 2014, Antrim had a net loss from continuing operations of $1.5 million compared to a 
net loss from continuing operations of $4.3 million for the corresponding period in 2013. Net loss decreased 
due to lower general and administrative costs and E&E expenditures. 
Foreign Exchange and Comprehensive Income 
The reporting currency of the Company is the US dollar. Effective January 1, 2013, the Company's UK operations 
have been accounted for as a US functional currency entity. A significant portion of the Company's activities 
are transacted in or referenced to US dollars, Canadian dollars or British pounds sterling. The Company's 
operating costs and certain of the Company's payments in order to maintain property interests are made in the 
local currency of the jurisdiction where the applicable property is located. As a result of these factors, 
fluctuations in the Canadian dollar, British pounds sterling and US dollar could result in unanticipated 
fluctuations in the Company's financial results. 
The Company incurred a foreign exchange loss of $0.1 million in the first quarter of 2014 compared to a loss of 
$0.1 million for the corresponding period in 2013. The Company recognized other comprehensive loss of $16 
thousand in the first quarter of 2014, compared to other comprehensive loss of $0.1 million for the 
corresponding period in 2013 related to foreign currency translation adjustments. 
Financial Discussion of Discontinued Operations 
Discontinued operations relate to the sale of Antrim's Causeway, Kerloch and Cormorant East assets structured 
as the sale of all of the issued and outstanding shares in ARNIL. On April 24, 2014 the Company completed the 
sale of ARNIL and settled its outstanding obligations under its Payment and Oil Swap agreements. 
The Company recorded revenue of $2.5 million in the first quarter of 2014 compared to $12.0 million for the 
corresponding period in 2013. Revenue decreased due to lower production. Revenue is recognized when title and 
risk transfer to the purchaser, which occurs at the time of lifting into a tanker at the Sullom Voe terminal. 
Under the contract with the sole UK purchaser, Antrim invoices and receives payment for its oil in the month 
after production; however, the purchaser retains certain rights impacting the timing of liftings which may 
result in no sales in a particular month resulting in deferred revenue. 
Antrim's oil sales prices, before adjusting for Antrim's oil price commodity swaps, averaged $110.74 for the 
first quarter of 2014 compared to $114.21 for the corresponding period in 2013. The sales price for Causeway 
oil is calculated based on the monthly average price for Brent Ninian Blend, in the month subsequent to the 
month of production. 
The following table provides oil production and sales from the Causeway Field for the three months ended March 
31, 2014 and 2013. 
                                                       Three Months Ended 
                                                           March 31, 
(Barrels)                                                  2014        2013 
Opening inventory (1)                                    75,236      74,000 
Net production                                           31,828      86,943 
Net sales                                               (22,362)   (104,995) 
Processing and shrinkage                                 (1,161)     (1,024) 
Ending inventory (1)                                     83,541      54,924 
(1) Included in inventory is linefill and deadstock of 31,050 barrels 
Production from the Causeway Field averaged 1,209 gross barrels of oil per day ("bopd") (Antrim net 354 bopd) 
in the first quarter of 2014 compared to an average of 3,336 gross bopd (Antrim net 976 bopd) for the 
corresponding period in 2013. Until startup of the ESP oil was being produced in the first quarter of 2014 in 
cycles to allow for sufficient pressure buildup between cycles. 
The following table provides a comparative analysis of field netbacks, based on sales, for the three months 
ended March 31, 2014 and 2013: 
                                                       Three Months Ended 
                                                            March 31, 
                                                           2014        2013 
Sales price                                              110.74      114.21 
Financial derivative                                      (6.49)      (2.86) 
Direct production and operating expenses                 (43.58)     (12.03) 
Netback                                                   60.68       99.32 
Direct production and operating expenses consist of operator, production platform and export terminal costs. 
Direct production and operating expenses decreased to $1.0 million from $1.3 million due to lower production 
from the Causeway Field partially offset by adjustments related to pipeline charges. 
Depletion expense was $0.8 million for the first quarter of 2014 compared to $7.1 million for the corresponding 
period in 2013. The depletion rate in the first quarter of 2014 was $37.75 per barrel compared to $67.19 per 
barrel for the corresponding period in 2013. 
Finance Costs 
Finance costs were $4.5 million for the first quarter of 2014 compared to $1.8 million for the corresponding 
period in 2013. The increase in finance costs is due to recognition in the first quarter of 2014 of $3.4 
million relating to the increase in the present value at March 31, 2014 of the Payment Swap. Both the Payment 
Swap and Oil Swap were repaid in April 2014 as part of the sale of ARNIL. Remaining finance costs were lower in 
the first quarter of 2014 due to lower debt principal outstanding and non-recurring costs in 2013 relating to 
the debt financing. 
Financial Derivative 
The following table summarizes the commodity hedge outstanding as at March 31, 2014: 
                                             Volume     Fixed price 
 Derivative              Term                  bbl         $/bbl 
  Oil Swap    April 2014 - December 2016     467,287       $81.21 
The Company recorded a $3.1 million loss on the financial derivative in the first quarter of 2014 compared to a 
loss of $0.4 million for the corresponding period in 2013. The increase in loss on the financial derivative is 
due to recognition in the first quarter of 2014 of $2.6 million relating to the increase in the present value 
at March 31, 2014 of the Oil Swap. 
Cash Flow and Net Loss from Discontinued Operations 
In the first quarter of 2014 Antrim generated cash flow from discontinued operations of $1.1 million compared 
to a cash flow from discontinued operations of $10.3 million for the corresponding period in 2013. Cash flow 
from discontinued operations decreased due to the lower production and revenue from Causeway. 
In the first quarter of 2014, Antrim had a net loss from discontinued operations of $6.9 million compared to 
net income from discontinued operations of $1.5 million for the corresponding period in 2013. The net loss 
increased primarily due to higher finance costs and lower production and revenue from Causeway. 
Capital Expenditures Related to Discontinued Operations 
Antrim incurred capital expenditures related to discontinued operations of $3.1 million in the first quarter of 
2014 compared to $13.3 million for the corresponding period in 2013. Capital expenditures in 2014 primarily 
relate to ongoing development costs of the Causeway Licence. 
Financial Resources, Liquidity and Going Concern 
Antrim had a working capital deficiency at March 31, 2014 of $5.1 million compared to a working capital surplus 
of $0.8 million as at December 31, 2013. Without the reclassification of assets and liabilities held for sale, 
Antrim had a working capital deficiency at March 31, 2014 of $35.3 million compared to a working capital 
deficiency at December 31, 2013 of $24.0 million, including bank debt (after discount) of $20.3 million and 
financial derivative (after discount) of $10.5 million. 
The sale of ARNIL in April 2014 resulted in the repayment and settlement of all outstanding obligations under 
the Company's bank debt and financial derivative. After commission and the payment of any change of control 
payments triggered by the completion of the ARNIL sale, Antrim estimates it will have working capital of 
approximately $17.1 million. The Company will also have limited contractual obligations and commitments as 
noted in the table below. 
Contractual Obligations, Commitments and Contingencies 
Antrim has several commitments in respect of its petroleum and natural gas properties and operating leases as 
at March 31, 2014 as follows: 
                                 2014   2015   2016   2017   2018 Thereafter 
Office Leases                     175    244    244    227     10          - 
Ireland                           350      -      -      -      -          - 
United Kingdom 
Continuing operations: 
  Fyne (1)                         34     34     34      -      -          - 
  Erne                             14      -      -      -      -          - 
                                  573    278    278    227     10          - 
Assets held for sale: 
  Causeway (2)                  1,917     27     30     32     32         32 
  Cormorant East (2)            1,821      8      8      8      8          8 
Total                           4,311    313    316    267     50         40 
(1) In March 2013, the Company decided not to proceed with development of 
    the Fyne Field using an FPSO. The Company continues to hold the licence 
    pending further evaluation using buoy technology. 
(2) Subsequent to March 31, 2014 Antrim no longer has these commitments 
    following the sale of ARNIL in April 2014. 
Subsequent to March 31, 2014 Antrim is no longer involved with a claim by a drilling management services 
contractor for approximately $5 million in additional costs as this claim was retained by ARNIL as part of the 
ARNIL sale. 
Subsequent Events 
On April 24, 2014, the Company completed the sale of ARNIL for $53 million in cash plus the assumption of 
certain liabilities and adjusted working capital and settled its outstanding obligations under its Payment and 
Oil Swap agreements. The amounts paid in April 2014 to settle the Payment and Oil Swap obligations were $20.8 
million and $10.9 million, respectively. After commission and the payment of any change of control payments 
triggered by the completion of the ARNIL sale, Antrim estimates it will have working capital of approximately 
$17.1 million. 
Following completion of the ARNIL Sale, Antrim's Vice-President, Operations and Vice-President, Commercial 
resigned from the Company. 
With the ARNIL sale completed, Antrim has no debt and will be able to continue to operate as a going concern, 
engaged in the oil and gas business, with greater financial resources and an opportunity to further develop 
Antrim's remaining assets as well as greater opportunities to raise capital or seek other strategic 
alternatives, including a possible business combination, to maximize shareholder value. 
In addition to further development of its remaining properties, Antrim continues to consider various 
international exploration opportunities where Antrim believes such opportunities will create value for Antrim's 
The Company has made an application for its common shares to be listed on the TSX Venture Exchange ("TSXV") and 
anticipates moving the listing of its common shares from the Toronto Stock Exchange to the TSXV by the end of 
May 2014. 
Summary of Quarterly Results 
                                                                  Net Income 
($000, except per    Revenue, Net of Cash Flow Used Net Income    (Loss) Per 
 share amounts)            Royalties  in Operations     (Loss) Share - Basic 
                            (note 1)       (note 1) 
First quarter                      -        (1,179)    (8,461)        (0.05) 
Fourth quarter                     -        (1,836)   (21,212)        (0.11) 
Third quarter                      -        (1,506)   (16,067)        (0.09) 
Second quarter                     -        (1,816)        930          0.01 
First quarter                      -        (3,368)    (2,853)        (0.02) 
                                   -        (8,526)   (39,202)        (0.21) 
Fourth quarter                     -        (8,137)   (67,155)        (0.36) 
Third quarter                      -          (472)    (5,396)        (0.03) 
Second quarter                     -        (3,178)    (6,572)        (0.04) 
First quarter                      -        (1,601)   (55,421)        (0.30) 
                                   -       (13,388)  (134,544)        (0.73) 
1. Continuing operations only 
Key factors relating to the comparison of net income (loss) for the first quarter of 2014 to previous quarters 
are as follows: 
=-  In the fourth quarter of 2013, the Company recognized a $14.6 million 
    impairment charge on assets to be disposed of (subject to shareholder 
=-  In the third quarter of 2013, the Company recognized a $12.1 million 
    impairment charge with respect to delays and cost overruns for the 
    Causeway Field; 
=-  In the fourth quarter of 2012, the Company recognized a $50.4 million 
    impairment charge related to the decision not to participate in further 
    development of its 35.5% working interest in the Fionn Field, a $5.9 
    million impairment charge related to the abandonment of the Cyclone well 
    21/7b-4 and a $1.8 million impairment charge related to the West Teal 
=-  In the third quarter of 2012, the Company recognized a $2.3 million 
    impairment charge related to the planned relinquishment of Carra Licence 
    P1563 Blocks 21/28b & 21/29c; 
=-  The second quarter 2012 net loss was impacted by a $10 million reduction 
    in the fair value of the Crown Point shares partially offset by a $5.9 
    million gain on the disposal of the Argentina assets; 
=-  During the first quarter of 2012, net loss included $54.7 million in 
    impairment costs related to the Fyne Licence, the Erne discovery well 
    and the Erne sidetrack well. 
Disclosure Controls and Procedures and Internal Controls Over Financial Reporting 
Antrim has established disclosure controls, procedures and corporate policies so that its consolidated 
financial results are presented accurately, fairly and on a timely basis. The Chief Executive Officer and Chief 
Financial Officer have designed or have caused such internal controls over financial reporting to be designed 
under their supervision to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and 
preparation of the Company's financial statements in accordance with IFRS. The Company tested and evaluated the 
effectiveness of its disclosure controls and procedures and internal controls over financial reporting as at 
December 31, 2013. During this evaluation the Corporation identified a weakness due to the limited number of 
finance and accounting personnel at the Corporation dealing with complex and non-routine accounting 
transactions that may arise. 
There were no changes in the Company's internal controls over financial reporting that occurred during the 
first three months of 2014 that have materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, the 
Company's internal controls over financial reporting except for further limited segregation of duties which 
occurred in the quarter. 
All internal control systems, no matter how well designed, have inherent limitations. Therefore, these systems 
provide reasonable but not absolute assurance that financial information is accurate and complete. 
Risks and Uncertainties 
The oil and gas industry involves a wide range of risks which include but are not limited to the uncertainty of 
finding new commercial fields, securing markets for existing reserves, commodity price fluctuations, exchange 
and interest rate costs and changes to government regulations, including regulations relating to prices, taxes, 
royalties, land tenure, allowable production and environmental protection and access to off-shore production 
facilities in the UK. The oil and natural gas industry is intensely competitive and the Company competes with a 
large number of companies that have greater resources. 
Substantial Capital Requirements 
The Company's ability to establish reserves in the future will depend not only on its ability to develop its 
present properties but also on its ability to select and acquire suitable exploration or producing properties 
or prospects. The acquisition and development of properties also requires that sufficient funds, including 
funds from outside sources, will be available in a timely manner. The availability of equity or debt financing 
is affected by many factors, many of which are outside the control of the Company. Recent world financial 
market events and the resultant negative impact on economic conditions have increased the risk and uncertainty 
of the availability of equity or debt financing. 
Foreign Operations 
A number of risks are associated with conducting foreign operations over which the Company has no control, 
including currency instability, potential and actual civil disturbances, restriction of funds movement outside 
of these countries, the ability of joint venture partners to fund their obligations, changes of laws affecting 
foreign ownership and existing contracts, environmental requirements, crude oil and natural gas price and 
production regulation, royalty rates, OPEC quotas, potential expropriation of property without fair 
compensation, retroactive tax changes and possible interruption of oil deliveries. 
Further discussions regarding the Company's risks and uncertainties, can be found in the Company's Annual 
Information Form dated March 27, 2014 which is filed on SEDAR at www.sedar.com. 
Forward-Looking and Cautionary Statements 
This MD&A and any documents incorporated by reference herein contain certain forward-looking statements and 
forward-looking information which are based on Antrim's internal reasonable expectations, estimates, 
projections, assumptions and beliefs as at the date of such statements or information. Forward-looking 
statements often, but not always, are identified by the use of words such as "seek", "anticipate", "believe", 
"plan", "estimate", "expect", "targeting", "forecast", "achieve" and "intend" and statements that an event or 
result "may", "will", "should", "could" or "might" occur or be achieved and other similar expressions. These 
statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, 
assumptions and other factors that may cause actual results or events to differ materially from those 
anticipated in such forward-looking statements and information. Antrim believes that the expectations reflected 
in those forward-looking statements and information are reasonable but no assurance can be given that these 
expectations will prove to be correct and such forward-looking statements and information included in this MD&A 
and any documents incorporated by reference herein should not be unduly relied upon. Such forward- looking 
statements and information speak only as of the date of this MD&A or the particular document incorporated by 
reference herein and Antrim does not undertake any obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking 
statements or information, except as required by applicable laws. 
In particular, this MD&A and any documents incorporated by reference herein, contain specific forward-looking 
statements and information pertaining to the quantity of and future net revenues from Antrim's reserves of oil, 
natural gas liquids ("NGL") and natural gas production levels. This MD&A may also contain specific forward- 
looking statements and information pertaining to Antrim's plans for exploring and developing its licences, 
including exploration of the Skellig block, the financial effect of the ARNIL Sale upon Antrim, commodity 
prices, foreign currency exchange rates and interest rates, capital expenditure programs and other 
expenditures, Antrim's financing arrangements, supply and demand for oil, NGLs and natural gas, expectations 
regarding Antrim's ability to raise capital, to continually add to reserves through acquisitions and 
development, the anticipated listing of the Company's common shares on the TSXV, the schedules and timing of 
certain projects, Antrim's strategy for growth, Antrim's future operating and financial results, treatment 
under governmental and other regulatory regimes and tax, environmental and other laws. 
With respect to forward-looking statements contained in this MD&A and any documents incorporated by reference 
herein, Antrim has made assumptions regarding: Antrim's ability to obtain additional drilling rigs and other 
equipment in a timely manner, obtain regulatory and TSXV approvals, future oil and natural gas production 
levels from Antrim's properties and the price obtained from the sales of such production, the consideration 
received in the ARNIL Sale will not change materially as a result of post-closing adjustments, the level of 
future capital expenditure required to exploit and develop reserves, the ability of Antrim's partners to meet 
their commitments as they relate to the Company and Antrim's reliance on industry partners for the development 
of some of its properties, the general stability of the economic and political environment in which Antrim 
operates and the future of oil and natural gas pricing. In respect to these assumptions, the reader is 
cautioned that assumptions used in the preparation of such information may prove to be incorrect. 
Antrim's actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements and 
information as a result of assumptions proving inaccurate and of both known and unknown risks, including risks 
associated with the exploration for and development of oil and natural gas reserves such as the risk that 
drilling operations may not be successful, unanticipated delays with respect to the development of Antrim's 
properties, operational risks and liabilities that are not covered by insurance, volatility in market prices 
for oil, NGLs and natural gas, changes or fluctuations in oil, NGLs and natural gas production levels, changes 
in foreign currency exchange rates and interest rates, the ability of Antrim to fund its capital requirements, 
Antrim's reliance on industry partners for the development of some of its properties, risks associated with 
ensuring title to the Company's properties, liabilities and unexpected events inherent in oil and gas 
operations, including geological, technical, drilling and processing problems, the risk that the consideration 
from the ARNIL Sale is reduced as a result of post-closing adjustments, the risk that additional change of 
control payments to employees of Antrim become payable as a result of the ARNIL Sale, the risk that the listing 
of the Company's common shares on the TSXV is delayed for any reason, the risk of adverse results from 
litigation, the accuracy of oil and gas reserve estimates and estimated production levels as they are affected 
by the Antrim's exploration and development drilling. Additional risks include the ability to effectively 
compete for, among other things, capital, acquisitions of reserves, undeveloped lands and skilled personnel, 
incorrect assessments of the value of acquisitions, Antrim's success at acquisition, exploitation and 
development of reserves, changes in general economic, market and business conditions in Canada, North America, 
the United Kingdom, Europe and worldwide, actions by governmental or regulatory authorities including changes 
in income tax laws or changes in tax laws, royalty rates and incentive programs relating to the oil and gas 
industry and more specifically, changes in environmental or other legislation applicable to Antrim's 
operations, and Antrim's ability to comply with current and future environmental and other laws, adverse 
regulatory rulings, order and decisions and risks associated with the nature of the Common Shares. 
Many of these risk factors, other specific risks, uncertainties and material assumptions are discussed in 
further detail throughout this MD&A and in Antrim's Annual Information Form for the year ended December 31, 
2013. Readers are specifically referred to the risk factors described in this MD&A under "Risk Factors" and in 
other documents Antrim files from time to time with securities regulatory authorities. Copies of these 
documents are available without charge from Antrim or electronically on the internet on Antrim's SEDAR profile 
at www.sedar.com. Readers are cautioned that this list of risk factors should not be construed as exhaustive. 
The calculation of barrels of oil equivalent ("boe") is based on a conversion rate of six thousand cubic feet 
of natural gas ("mcf") to one barrel of crude oil ("bbl"). Boe's may be misleading, particularly if used in 
isolation. A boe conversion ratio of 6 mcf: 1 bbl is based on an energy equivalency conversion method primarily 
applicable at the burner tip and does not represent a value equivalency at the wellhead. 
In accordance with AIM guidelines, Mr. Murray Chancellor, C. Eng., MICE and Managing Director, United Kingdom 
for Antrim, is the qualified person that has reviewed the technical information contained in this MD&A. Mr. 
Chancellor has over 25 years operating experience in the upstream oil and gas industry. 
Antrim Energy Inc. 
Consolidated Balance Sheets 
As at (unaudited) 
(Amounts in US$ thousands) 
                                                       March 31 December 31 
                                               Note        2014        2013 
  Current assets 
    Cash and cash equivalents                               686       1,082 
    Accounts receivable                                     250         184 
    Prepaid expenses                                        438         539 
                                                          1,374       1,805 
Assets held for sale                             3       89,180      88,842 
Property, plant and equipment                    4           45          64 
Exploration and evaluation assets                5        1,266       1,125 
                                                         91,865      91,836 
  Current liabilities 
    Accounts payable and accrued liabilities              6,446       1,017 
                                                          6,446       1,017 
Liabilities held for sale                        3       60,863      57,977 
Decommissioning obligations                      7        4,180       4,130 
                                                         71,489      63,124 
Shareholders' equity 
Share capital                                    8      361,922     361,922 
Contributed surplus                                      21,668      21,527 
Accumulated other comprehensive income                    4,657       4,673 
Deficit                                                (367,871)   (359,410) 
                                                         20,376      28,712 
Total Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity               91,865      91,836 
Commitments and contingencies                   12 
Subsequent event                                14 
The accompanying notes are an integral part of the interim consolidated 
financial statements. 
Antrim Energy Inc. 
Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Loss 
For the three months ended March 31, 2014 and 2013 (unaudited) 
(Amounts in US$ thousands, except per share data) 
                                                       Three Months Ended 
                                                            March 31 
                                                Note        2014        2013 
Revenue                                                        -           - 
General and administrative                                 1,237       1,393 
Depletion and depreciation                         4          17          24 
Share-based compensation                           9         141         249 
Exploration and evaluation                         5           7       1,774 
Finance income                                                 -         (2) 
Finance costs                                                 13         733 
Foreign exchange loss                                        123         136 
Loss from continuing operations before income 
 taxes                                                   (1,538)     (4,307) 
Income tax expense                                             -           - 
Loss from continuing operations after income 
 taxes                                                   (1,538)     (4,307) 
Income (loss) from discontinued operations         3     (6,923)       1,454 
Net loss for the period                                  (8,461)     (2,853) 
Other comprehensive income 
Items that may be subsequently reclassified to 
 profit or loss: 
Foreign currency translation adjustment                     (16)        (75) 
Other comprehensive income for the period                   (16)        (75) 
Comprehensive loss for the period                        (8,477)     (2,928) 
Net income (loss) per common share 
Basic and diluted- continuing operations          10      (0.01)      (0.02) 
Basic and diluted - discontinued operations       10      (0.04)        0.01 
The accompanying notes are an integral part of the interim consolidated 
financial statements. 
Antrim Energy Inc. 
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows 
For the three months ended March 31, 2014 and 2013 (unaudited) 
(Amounts in US$ thousands) 
                                                       Three Months Ended 
                                                            March 31 
                                                Note       2014        2013 
Operating Activities 
Loss from continuing operations after income 
 taxes                                                   (1,538)     (4,307) 
Items not involving cash: 
  Depletion and depreciation                       4         17          24 
  Share-based compensation                         9        141         249 
  Accretion of decommissioning obligations         7         11          14 
  Foreign exchange loss                                     190         652 
Changes in non-cash working capital items - 
 continuing operations                            11      1,941        (243) 
Cash provided by (used in) operating 
 activities - continuing operations                         762      (3,611) 
Cash provided by (used in) operating 
 activities - discontinued operations                     1,055      10,274 
Cash provided by (used in) operating 
 activities                                               1,817       6,663 
Financing Activities 
Proceeds from long-term debt facility              6          -      30,000 
Issuance costs on long-term debt facility                     -      (1,423) 
Payments on long-term debt facility                6     (4,000)          - 
Financial derivative settlements                  13       (588)       (293) 
Cash provided by (used in) financing 
 activities - discontinued operations                    (4,588)     28,284 
Investing Activities 
Capital expenditures                                       (142)       (159) 
Change in restricted cash                                   617     (21,830) 
Cash proceeds from disposal of assets              3      5,000           - 
Cash used in investing activities - continuing 
 operations                                               5,475     (21,989) 
Cash used in investing activities - 
 discontinued operations                                 (3,051)    (13,320) 
Cash provided by (used in) investing 
 activities                                               2,424     (35,309) 
Effects of foreign exchange on cash and cash 
 equivalents                                                (49)       (118) 
Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents                  (396)       (480) 
Cash and cash equivalents - beginning of 
 period                                                   1,082       1,503 
Cash and cash equivalents - end of period         13        686       1,023 
The accompanying notes are an integral part of the interim consolidated 
financial statements. 
Antrim Energy Inc. 
Consolidated Statements of Changes in Equity 
For the three months ended March 31, 2014 and 2013 (unaudited) 
(Amounts in US$thousands) 
                                     Number of                   Contributed 
                           Note  Common Shares  Share Capital        Surplus 
Balance, December 31, 2012         184,731,076        361,922         20,626 
Net loss for the period                                     -              - 
Other comprehensive loss                                    -              - 
Share-based compensation    9                               -            317 
Balance, March 31, 2013            184,731,076        361,922         20,943 
Balance, December 31, 2013         184,731,076        361,922         21,527 
Net loss for the period                      -              -              - 
Other comprehensive loss                     -              -              - 
Share-based compensation    9                -              -            141 
Balance, March 31, 2014            184,731,076        361,922         21,668 
                           Note         Income        Deficit          Total 
Balance, December 31, 2012               4,656      (320,208)         66,996 
Net loss for the period                      -        (2,853)        (2,853) 
Other comprehensive loss                  (75)              -           (75) 
Share-based compensation    9                -              -            317 
Balance, March 31, 2013                  4,581      (323,061)         64,385 
Balance, December 31, 2013               4,673      (359,410)         28,712 
Net loss for the period                      -        (8,461)        (8,461) 
Other comprehensive loss                  (16)              -           (16) 
Share-based compensation    9                -              -            141 
Balance, March 31, 2014                  4,657      (367,871)         20,376 
The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial 
Antrim Energy Inc. 
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements 
For the three months ended March 31, 2014 and 2013 (unaudited) 
(Amounts in US$ thousands) 
1) Nature of Operations 
Antrim Energy Inc. ("Antrim" or the "Company") is a Calgary based oil and natural gas company. Through 
subsidiaries, the Company conducts exploration activities in the United Kingdom and Ireland. Antrim Energy Inc. 
is incorporated and domiciled in Canada. The Company's common shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange 
("TSX") and the London Alternative Investment Market ("AIM") under the symbols "AEN" and "AEY", respectively. 
The address of its registered office is 1600, 333 - 7th Avenue S.W, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. 
The Company entered into an agreement on February 7, 2014 to sell its UK subsidiary, Antrim Resources (N.I.) 
Limited ("ARNIL") for $53 million in cash, plus the assumption of certain liabilities and adjusted working 
capital, from which Antrim would settle on closing all outstanding obligations under its Payment and Oil Swap 
agreements. On April 24, 2014 the Company completed the sale of ARNIL and settled its outstanding obligations 
under its Payment and Oil Swap agreements (see note 3). 
2) Basis of Presentation 
a) Statement of compliance 
These interim consolidated financial statements for the three months ended March 31, 2014 have been prepared in 
accordance with International Accounting Standard ("IAS") 34 Interim Financial Reporting, and have been 
prepared following the same accounting policies as the annual consolidated financial statements for the year 
ended December 31, 2013. The interim consolidated financial statements should be read in conjunction with the 
annual consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2013, which have been prepared in 
accordance with International 
Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS"). 
The policies applied in these interim consolidated financial statements are based on IFRS issued and 
outstanding as at May 12, 2014, the date the Board of Directors approved the interim consolidated financial 
b) Presentation currency 
In these consolidated financial statements, unless otherwise indicated, all dollar amounts are expressed in 
United States ("US") dollars. The Company has adopted the US dollar as its presentation currency to facilitate 
a more direct comparison to North American oil and gas companies with international operations. 
c) Critical accounting judgments and key sources of estimation uncertainty 
The timely preparation of financial statements requires that management make estimates and assumptions and use 
judgment regarding assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses. Such estimates primarily relate to unsettled 
transactions and events as at the date of the financial statements. Accordingly, actual results may differ from 
estimated amounts as future confirming events occur. 
Significant estimates and judgments used in the preparation of the financial statements are described in the 
Company's consolidated annual financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2013. 
d) Changes in accounting policies 
The interim consolidated financial statements are prepared on a historical cost basis except as detailed in the 
accounting policies disclosed in the Company's consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 
31, 2013, except for the retrospective adoption of the following interpretation effective January 1, 2014: 
International Financial Reporting Interpretation Committee 21 Levies clarified that an entity recognizes a 
liability for a levy when the activity that triggers payment occurs. For a levy that is triggered upon reaching 
a minimum threshold, the interpretation clarified that no liability should be anticipated before the minimum 
threshold is reached. The adoption of this interpretation did not have an impact to the Company's condensed 
interim consolidated financial statements. 
3) Discontinued operations 
The Company entered into an agreement (the "Agreement") on February 7, 2014 with First Oil Expro Limited 
("FOE") pursuant to which, subject to the terms and conditions of the Agreement, FOE agreed to purchase from 
the Company (the "Transaction") all of the issued and outstanding shares in the capital of Antrim's UK 
subsidiary, Antrim Resources (N.I.) Limited ("ARNIL") for $53 million in cash, plus the assumption of certain 
liabilities and adjusted working capital, from which Antrim would settle on closing all outstanding obligations 
under its Payment and Oil Swap agreements. The economic date of the transaction was January 1, 2014 and a $5 
million deposit was received in February 2014. On April 24, 2014 the Company completed the sale of ARNIL. 
The major classes of assets and liabilities comprising the operations classified as held for sale at the 
balance sheet date are as follows: 
                                                     March 31    December 31 
                                                         2014           2013 
Assets held for sale 
Cash and cash equivalents                                   -              - 
Restricted cash                                         6,070          6,687 
Accounts receivable                                     1,432          3,512 
Inventory and prepaid expenses                          6,795          6,811 
Property, plant and equipment                          74,883         71,832 
Exploration and evaluation assets                           -              - 
                                                       89,180         88,842 
Liabilities held for sale 
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities                9,528         10,472 
Debt (note 6)                                          20,332         20,159 
Financial derivative (note 13)                         10,541          8,158 
Deferred revenue                                        4,123          2,990 
Decommissioning obligations                            16,339         16,198 
                                                       60,863         57,977 
The combined results of the discontinued operations which have been included in the consolidated statement of 
loss and comprehensive loss are as follows. The comparative period income and cash flows from discontinued 
operations have been reclassified to include those operations classified as discontinued in the current period: 
                                                       Three Months Ended 
                                                        March 31    March 31 
                                                            2014        2013 
Discontinued operations 
Revenue                                                    2,476      11,991 
Direct production and operating expenditures                 974       1,264 
Depletion and depreciation                                   844       7,055 
Finance costs                                              4,465       1,839 
Loss on financial derivative                               3,116         379 
Income (loss) from discontinued operations               (6,923)       1,454 
4) Property, plant and equipment 
                                                    March 31    December 31 
                                                        2014           2013 
Opening balance                                           64         81,069 
Additions                                                  -         23,590 
Depletion and depreciation                               (17)       (13,612) 
Impairment                                                 -        (26,540) 
Changes in decommissioning estimate                        -          7,393 
Transferred from exploration and evaluation 
 assets                                                    -              - 
Foreign currency translation                              (2)            (4) 
Reclassified to assets held for sale                       -        (71,832) 
Closing balance                                           45             64 
During the period, the Company capitalized $nil (2013 - $61) of general and administrative costs and $nil (2013 
- $35) of share-based compensation related to development activity. 
In the third quarter of 2013, the Company recognized an impairment charge of $12.1 million related to Causeway 
following further delays in completing the Causeway electric submersible pump and water injection facilities 
together with additional significant capital cost overruns on the project. The Causeway CGU was written down to 
the estimated recoverable amount based on fair value less cost of disposal. The estimated fair value was 
determined using future cash flows adjusted for risks specific to the asset and discounted using an after tax 
discount rate of 15%. 
At December 31, 2013, the Company assessed the carrying amount of its property, plant and equipment assets for 
indicators of impairment. For assets to be disposed of, the recoverable amount is fair value less costs of 
disposal rather than value in use. In 2014, the Company agreed to the sale of the Company's Causeway, Kerloch 
and Cormorant East assets to be structured as a sale of all of the issued and outstanding shares in Antrim's UK 
subsidiary, Antrim Resources (N.I.) Limited ("ARNIL") for $53 million in cash, plus the assumption of certain 
liabilities. In the fourth quarter of 2013, the Company recognized an impairment charge of $14.6 million with 
respect to the proposed transaction and assets to be disposed of. 
5) Exploration and evaluation assets 
                                                    March 31    December 31 
                                                        2014           2013 
Opening balance                                        1,125          6,931 
Additions                                                142            684 
Changes in decommissioning estimate                        -            475 
Impairment                                                 -         (7,006) 
Transferred to property, plant and equipment               -              - 
Foreign currency translation                              (1)            41 
Closing balance                                        1,266          1,125 
Exploration and evaluation assets at December 31, 2013 relate to the Company's Ireland Frontier Exploration 
Licence. During the period, the Company capitalized $18 (2013 - $70) of general and administrative costs and 
$nil (2013 - $33) of share-based compensation related to exploration and evaluation activity. 
In the third quarter of 2013, the Company recognized an impairment charge of $7,006 relating to the West 
Causeway licence as the licence was nearing the end of its exploration term. 
6) Debt 
                                                    March 31    December 31 
                                                        2014           2013 
Opening balance                                       20,159              - 
Additions                                                  -         21,444 
Payments                                              (4,000)        (5,350) 
Interest on long-term debt                             3,484          3,332 
Amortization of transaction costs                        689            733 
Closing balance                                       20,332         20,159 
In January 2013, the Company entered into a $30 million payment swap transaction ("Payment Swap") with a major 
financial institution. Under the terms of the transaction, $30 million was repayable in 29 instalments 
commencing September 2013 and concluding January 2016. To enable the Company to pay amounts under the payment 
swap the Company also entered into a Brent Oil Price Commodity Swap ("Oil Swap") to forward sell 657,350 
barrels of Brent crude oil at an initial fixed price of $89.37 covering the period from February 2013 to 
December 2015. In December 2013 the fixed price was reduced to $81.21 per barrel in exchange for amendments to 
the Payment and Oil Swap (see note 13). 
The estimated fair value of the credit-adjusted financial derivative on inception was $7,133. The payment swap 
was measured based on the present value of the cash received offset by the fair value of the financial 
derivative. The actual principal amount of bank debt outstanding at March 31, 2014 is $20,650 (December 31, 
2013 - $24,650). The payment swap is accreted to its face value through a charge to earnings using the 
effective interest method at a discount rate of 24.3%. Transaction costs of $1,423 are amortized over the term 
of the contract. 
On April 24, 2014 the Company completed the sale of ARNIL and settled its outstanding obligations under its 
Payment and Oil Swap agreements. The amount paid in April 2014 to settle the Payment Swap, including interest 
and other fees, was $20,795. 
7) Decommissioning obligations 
                                                     March 31   December 31 
                                                         2014          2013 
Opening balance                                         4,130        10,270 
Additions                                                   -           759 
Accretion                                                  11           220 
Change in estimate                                          -         8,056 
Foreign currency translation                               39         1,023 
Reclassified to liabilities held for sale                   -       (16,198) 
Closing balance                                         4,180         4,130 
At March 31, 2014, the estimated undiscounted decommissioning obligations are $4,309 (December 31, 2013 - 
$4,269). The undiscounted obligation is forecast to be payable in 2016. 
The change in estimate in 2013 is primarily related to increased costs estimates for the reclamation of 
producing wells as well as water injection and suspended wells. 
The present value of the decommissioning obligations has been calculated using a risk-free interest rate of 
2.17% (2013 - 2.17%) and an inflation rate of 2.0% (2013 - 2.0%). 
8)Share capital 
Unlimited number of common voting shares 
Common shares issued                                Number of         Amount 
                                                       Shares              $ 
Balance, March 31, 2014 and December 31, 2013     184,731,076        361,922 
9) Share-based compensation 
The Company has a program whereby it may grant options to its directors, officers and employees to purchase up 
to 10% of the issued and outstanding number of common shares. The exercise price of each option is no less than 
the market price of the Company's stock on the date of grant. Stock option terms are determined by the 
Company's Board of Directors but options typically vest evenly over a period of three years from the date of 
grant and expire five years after the date of grant. 
Share-based compensation for the three months ended March 31, 2014 was $141 (2013 - $317) of which $141 (2013 - 
$249) was expensed and $nil (2012 - $68) was capitalized. 
The following table illustrates the number and weighted average exercise prices of and movements in share 
options under the option program during the period: 
                           Three Months Ended         Three Months Ended 
                             March 31, 2014             March 31, 2013 
                                         Weighted                   Weighted 
                                          average                    average 
                              # of exercise price       # of  exercise price 
                           options          Cdn $    options           Cdn $ 
Outstanding at 
 beginning of period     7,575,000           0.67 12,350,065            0.98 
Forfeited                        -              -   (633,333)           0.62 
Expired                          -              -    (60,000)           3.21 
Outstanding at end of 
 period                  7,575,000           0.67 11,656,732            0.99 
10) Earnings per share 
                                                    Three Months Ended 
                                                    March 31       March 31 
                                                        2014           2013 
Loss from continuing operations                       (1,538)        (4,307) 
Income (loss) from discontinued operations            (6,923)         1,454 
Net loss for the period                               (8,461)        (2,853) 
Basic earnings per share was calculated as 
Issued common shares                             184,731,076    184,731,076 
Effect of share options exercised                          -              - 
Weighted average number of common shares - 
 basic                                           184,731,076    184,731,076 
Diluted earnings per share was calculated as 
Weighted average number of common shares - 
 basic                                           184,731,076    184,731,076 
Effect of outstanding options                              -        605,304 
Weighted average number of common shares - 
 diluted                                         184,731,076    185,336,380 
Basic and diluted loss (income) per common 
From continuing operations                             (0.01)         (0.02) 
From discontinued operations                           (0.04)          0.01 
Total basic and diluted loss per share                 (0.05)         (0.02) 
There have been no other transactions involving ordinary shares or potential ordinary shares between the 
reporting date and the date of completion of these financial statements. 
For the periods ended March 31, 2014 and 2013, all stock options were anti-dilutive and were not included in 
the diluted common share calculation. 
11) Supplemental cash flow information 
                                                       Three Months Ended 
                                                       March 31    March 31 
                                                           2014        2013 
(Increase)/decrease of assets: 
  Trade and other receivables                             2,013          (1) 
  Inventory and prepaid expenses                           (734)        237 
Increase/(decrease) of liabilities: 
  Trade and other payables                                  662        (479) 
                                                          1,941        (243) 
Cash and cash equivalents are comprised of: 
  Cash in bank                                              686       1,023 
  Short-term deposits                                         -           - 
                                                            686       1,023 
12) Commitments and contingencies 
The Company has commitments in respect of its petroleum and natural gas properties and operating leases as 
                                 2014   2015   2016   2017   2018 Thereafter 
Office Leases                     175    244    244    227     10          - 
Ireland                           350      -      -      -      -          - 
United Kingdom 
Continuing operations: 
  Fyne (1)                         34     34     34      -      -          - 
  Erne                             14      -      -      -      -          - 
                                  573    278    278    227     10          - 
Assets held for sale: 
  Causeway (2)                  1,917     27     30     32     32         32 
  Cormorant East (2)            1,821      8      8      8      8          8 
Total                           4,311    313    316    267     50         40 
(1) In March 2013, the Company decided not to proceed with development of 
    the Fyne Field using an FPSO. The Company continues to hold the licence 
    pending further evaluation using buoy technology. 
(2) Subsequent to March 31, 2014 Antrim no longer has these commitments 
    following the sale of ARNIL in April 2014. 
In 2011, the Company entered into a variation to an existing contract for drilling management services in the 
UK North Sea which required the drilling of two wells, estimated to take 50 days in a letter of intent 
preceding the contract variation. The Company contends that it met its contractual obligations under this 
variation through the drilling of the Erne pilot well (21/29d-11) and the Erne sidetrack well (21/29d-11Z). The 
drilling of these two wells took place over a period of 58 days. Subsequent to releasing the rig, the Company 
received an invoice from the drilling management services contractor charging the Company for approximately $5 
million in additional costs as the contractor claims all conditions of the contract had not yet been satisfied. 
In July 2012, the drilling management services contractor filed a claim against the Company for the additional 
invoice costs plus interest and lost management time. The Company has filed a defence against this claim in the 
High Court of England and Wales and believes it is more likely than not that it will not have to pay. As a 
result, a contingent liability has not been recorded. Subsequent to March 31, 2014 Antrim is no longer involved 
with this claim as the claim was retained by ARNIL as part of the ARNIL sale. 
13) Financial instruments and financial risks 
Financial instruments 
Financial assets and financial liabilities are initially recognized at fair value and are subsequently 
accounted for based on their classification. The classification categories, which depend on the purpose for 
which the financial instruments were acquired and their characteristics include held-for- trading, available- 
for-sale, held-to-maturity, loans and receivables, investments, and other liabilities. Except in very limited 
circumstances, the classification is not changed subsequent to initial recognition. 
The Company's financial instruments consist of cash, cash equivalents, restricted cash, accounts receivable, 
accounts payable, debt and financial derivative. Cash and cash equivalents, restricted cash, and accounts 
receivable are classified as loans and receivables and are accounted for at amortized cost. Accounts payable 
are classified as other liabilities and are accounted for at amortized cost. Due to the short-term maturity of 
these financial instruments, fair values approximate carrying amounts. Debt is classified as other financial 
liabilities and is accounted for at amortized cost. The financial derivative is classified as a financial 
liability at fair value through profit or loss. 
Financial risks 
The Company is exposed to financial risks encountered during the normal course of its business. These financial 
risks are composed of credit risk, liquidity risk and market risk including commodity price and foreign 
currency exchange risks. 
(a) Credit risk 
The Company is exposed to the risk that its counterparties will fail to discharge their obligations to the 
Company on its cash, cash equivalents, accounts receivable and certain non-current assets. 
Cash and cash equivalents and restricted cash are on deposit with reputable Canadian and international banks, 
and therefore the Company does not believe these financial instruments are subject to material credit risk. The 
Company sells all of its production to one oil and natural gas marketer and therefore is subject to 
concentration risk. Management does not believe that this concentration of credit risk will result in any loss 
to the Company based on past payment experience and its investment grade credit rating as established by 
independent credit rating agencies. 
The Company's sales from discontinued operations in 2013 and 2014 were all to a single customer. Factors 
included in the assessment of accounts receivable for impairment are the relationship between the purchaser and 
the Company and the age of the receivable. 
The extent of the Company's credit risk exposure is identified in the 
 following table: 
                                                     March 31    December 31 
                                                         2014           2013 
Cash and cash equivalents                                 686          1,082 
Accounts receivable                                       250            184 
                                                          936          1,266 
The Company's credit risk exposure with respect to assets held for sale is identified in the following table: 
                                                     March 31    December 31 
                                                         2014           2013 
Cash and cash equivalents                                   -              - 
Restricted cash                                         6,070          6,687 
Accounts receivable                                     1,432          3,512 
                                                        7,502         10,199 
(b) Liquidity risk 
The Company is exposed to liquidity risk from the possibility that it will encounter difficulty meeting its 
financial obligations. The Company manages this risk by forecasting cash flows in an effort to identify future 
liabilities and arrange financing, if necessary. It may take many years and substantial cash expenditures to 
pursue exploration and development activities on all of the Company's existing undeveloped properties. 
Accordingly, the Company will need to raise additional funds from outside sources in order to explore and 
develop its properties. There is no assurance that adequate funds from debt and equity markets will be 
available to the Company in a timely manner. 
As at March 31, 2014 the Company had a working capital deficiency of $5,072 compared to a working capital 
surplus of $788 as at December 31, 2013. The Company was also in breach at March 31, 2014 of certain covenants 
including its capex reserve and debt service cover ratio covenants. Subsequent to March 31, 2014 the Company 
completed the sale of ARNIL and settled its outstanding obligations under its Payment and Oil Swap agreements. 
The sale of ARNIL eliminated the working capital deficiency and reduced the Company's contractual obligations 
and commitments (see note 12). 
(c) Market risk 
Market risk consists of commodity price risk and foreign currency exchange risk. 
Commodity price risk 
Currently all of the Company's production revenue is from one property in the UK. Commodity price risk related 
to crude oil production represents a significant market risk exposure. Crude oil prices and quality 
differentials can be influenced by global supply and demand factors as well as political events, quotas imposed 
on members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and weather. 
At March 31, 2014, the Company had the following financial derivative contract: 
                                            Undelivered     Fixed     Fair 
                                              Volumes       price    value 
 Derivative              Term                   Bbl         $/bbl      $ 
  Oil Swap    April 2014 - December 2016      467,287      $81.21    10,541 
For the three month period ended March 31, 2014 and year ended December 31, 2013 the financial derivative 
liability movements were: 
                                                    March 31    December 31 
                                                        2014           2013 
Opening balance                                        8,158              - 
Additions                                                  -          7,133 
Settlements                                             (588)        (2,225) 
Unrealized loss on financial derivative                2,971          3,250 
Closing balance                                       10,541          8,158 
On April 24, 2014 the Company completed the sale of ARNIL and settled its outstanding obligations under its 
Payment and Oil Swap agreements. The amount paid in April 2014 to settle the Oil Swap was $10,864. 
Foreign currency exchange risk 
The Company is exposed to fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates as many of the Company's financial 
instruments are denominated in United States dollars, Canadian dollars and British pounds sterling ("GBP "). As 
a result, fluctuations in the United States dollar against the Canadian dollar and British pound sterling could 
result in unanticipated fluctuations in the Company's financial results. The Company seeks to minimize foreign 
exchange risk by holding cash and cash equivalents in United States dollars when not required in support of 
current operations. 
Capital management 
The Company's objective when managing its capital is to safeguard the Company's ability to continue as a going 
concern, maintain adequate levels of funding to support its exploration and development program, and provide 
flexibility in the future development of its business. The ability of the Company to successfully carry out its 
business plan is dependent upon the continued support of its shareholders, attracting joint venture partners, 
the discovery of economically recoverable reserves and the ability of the Company to obtain financing to 
develop reserves. The Company maintains and adjusts its capital structure based on changes in economic 
conditions and the Company's planned requirements. The Company may adjust its capital structure by issuing new 
equity and/or debt, selling assets, and controlling capital expenditure programs. The Company intends to fund 
its planned capital program through existing cash resources, debt and through cash generated from production at 
The Company's capital structure at March 31, 2014 consisted of cash and cash equivalents, bank debt and 
shareholders' equity. Shareholders' equity includes shareholders' capital, contributed surplus, and accumulated 
other comprehensive loss and deficit. 
The capital structure of the Company consists 
                                                     March 31    December 31 
                                                         2014           2013 
Cash and cash equivalents                                 686          1,082 
Shareholders' equity                                   20,376         28,712 
                                                       21,062         29,794 
Current restrictions on the availability of credit may limit the Company's ability to access debt or equity 
financing for its development projects. The Company forecasts cash flows against a range of macroeconomic and 
financing market scenarios in an effort to identify future liabilities and arrange financing, if necessary. 
Although the Company may need to raise additional funds from outside sources, if available, in order to develop 
its oil and gas properties, the Company seeks to maintain flexibility to manage financial commitments on these 
Methods employed to adjust the Company's capital structure could include any, all or a combination of the 
following activities: 
(i) Issue new shares through a public offering or private placement; 
(ii) Issue equity linked or convertible debt; 
(iii) Raise fixed or floating rate debt; 
(iv) Sell or farmout existing exploration, development and producing assets. 
14) Subsequent event 
On April 24, 2014, the Company completed the sale of ARNIL for $53 million in cash plus the assumption of 
certain liabilities and adjusted working capital and settled its outstanding obligations under its Payment and 
Oil Swap agreements. The amounts paid in April 2014 to settle the Payment and Oil Swap obligations were $20.8 
million and $10.9 million, respectively. 
Stephen Greer 
President and Chief Executive Officer, 
Antrim Energy Inc. 
Colin Maclean (2) (3) (4) (5) 
Independent Director 
Dr. Gerry Orbell (1) (3) (4) (5) 
Antrim Energy Inc. 
Erik Mielke 
Independent Director 
Jim Perry (1) (3) (4) (5) 
Alternative Fuel Systems business unit 
IMPCO Technologies Canada, Inc. 
Jim Smith (1) (2) (5) 
Independent Director 
Jay Zammit (2) (5) 
Burstall Winger LLP 
(1) Member of the Audit Committee 
(2) Member of the Compensation Committee 
(3) Member of the Reserves Committee 
(4) Member of the Exploration Committee 
(5) Member of the Corporate Governance Committee 
Stephen Greer 
President and Chief Executive Officer 
Anthony Potter 
Chief Financial Officer 
Adrian Harvey 
Corporate Secretary 
Toronto Stock Exchange: Trading Symbol "AEN" 
London Stock Exchange (AIM): Trading Symbol 
610, 301 8th Avenue SW 
Calgary, Alberta 
Canada T2P 1C5 
Main: +1 403 264 5111 
Fax: + 1 403 264 5113 
The Company's website is not incorporated by reference in and does not form a part of this report. 
Ashbourne House, The Guildway 
Old Portsmouth Road, Artington 
Guildford, Surrey 
United Kingdom GU3 1LR 
Main: +44 (0) 1483-307 530 
Fax: +44 (0) 1483-307 531 
Antrim Energy Ltd. 
Antrim Exploration (Ireland) Limited 
Antrim Resources (N.I.) Limited 
Antrim Energy (UK) Limited 
Antrim Energy (Ventures) Limited 
Burstall Winger LLP 
Calgary, Alberta 
Toronto-Dominion Bank of Canada 
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP 
Calgary, Alberta 
McDaniel & Associates Consultants Ltd. 
Inquiries regarding change of address, registered shareholdings, stock transfers or lost certificates should be 
direct to: 
CST Trust Company 
Calgary, Alberta 
Stephen Greer 
President & CEO 
Antrim Energy Inc. 
Telephone: + 1 403 264-5111 
E-mail: greer@antrimenergy.com 
Anthony Potter 
Chief Financial Officer 
Antrim Energy Inc. 
Telephone: + 1 403 264-5111 
E-mail: potter@antrimenergy.com 
Nominated Advisor 
RFC Ambrian Limited 
Sarah Wharry 
Telephone: +44 (0) 20 3440 6800 
Tim Thompson 
Telephone: +44 (0) 20 7466 5000 
INDUSTRY:  Energy and Utilities-Oil and Gas 
Antrim Energy Inc. 

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Antrim Egy (LSE:AEY)
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