RNS Number:3928J
AGA Foodservice Group PLC
4 September 2001

4th September 2001


                                AGA FOODSERVICE GROUP PLC

                                   2001 INTERIM RESULTS


       Half year to 30th June   2001        2001             2000        2000

        _____________________   ____        ____             ____        _____

                          Continuing       Total       Continuing       Total

                                  #m         #m                #m          #m

  Turnover                       106.0     244.7             94.2       475.7

  Operating profit

  before exceptional costs &

  goodwill                         9.3      15.3              7.6        52.0

  Profit before tax                         10.7                         33.1

  Shareholders' funds                      261.2                        413.8

  Net cash / (borrowings)                  119.9                      (308.7)


  Earnings per share based on profit

  before goodwill amortisation and

  disposal of businesses                     5.0p                       11.1p

  Dividend per share                         1.7p                        4.4p


 *   Aga Foodservice : UK leader in commercial and domestic kitchen products

     created by decisive strategic steps taken in 2001. Good first half trading


 *   Major developments in 2001 : #786 million pipe systems disposal; #335m

     tender offer to shareholders; and #29.5 million Fired Earth acquisition.

 *   Development plans for Aga and Fired Earth progressing well. Major autumn

     2001 marketing and sales initiatives underway.

 *   Alignment of foodservice operations with national accounts continuing

     with important new contracts won. Particularly strong performance from

     bakery operations.

 *   Current trading is satisfactory but the Group is alert to the risks

     posed by an economic slowdown.

"While trading conditions are obviously uncertain, we have strong niche and

brand led businesses that make the opportunities available to us exciting :

we also have further resources available for investment. Much has been

achieved in the first half and we expect to maintain the impetus created."

William McGrath

Chief Executive


William McGrath, Chief Executive                020 7404 5959 (today)

Shaun Smith, Finance Director                   0121 742 2366 (thereafter)

Jonathan Glass     (Brunswick)                  020 74045959

                            Aga Foodservice Group plc

                              2001 Interim Results


2001 has been an exciting period of change for the Group. Our new strategy is

to focus on commercial, domestic and kitchen products with expanded retail

operations. The turning point was the sale of our pipe systems division for

#786 million in March to Etex. As industrial conditions have toughened since

then the timing of the disposal has proved sound. The sale enabled us to

return #335 million to shareholders by means of a tender offer in which the

Group acquired 130.8 million of its own shares at 255 pence per share. The

Group was also left with the opportunity and resources to develop its core

businesses. The first step was taken in July 2001 with the acquisition of

Fired Earth.

Financial Results


The results for the half year are heavily affected by the disposal of Glynwed

Pipe Systems, completed on 9th March. However, for the future it is the

results of the continuing businesses which are significant. Total turnover

was #245 million, of which continuing businesses accounted for #106 million.

Glynwed Pipe Systems had a slow start to the year, partly because of

particularly poor weather in Canada, and its operating profits for the period

up to disposal were down on the previous year. Trading profits from

continuing businesses were #9.3 million, compared with #7.6 million in 2000,

with a useful first time contribution from Mono, acquired for #11 million in

July 2000.

The #2.1 million exceptional costs relate largely to Agalinks, our on-line

portal, which is now established as an important complement to our consumer

facing operations. It will be close to self funding next year.

In the first half the Group received net interest of #1.6 million. This

comprised interest payable on debt prior to the disposal in March 2001

followed by interest receivable on cash balances of over #400 million until

the completion of the #335 million tender offer on 21st May 2001.

At the half year the net cash balance was #120 million. Since then the Group

has acquired Fired Earth for #29.5 million of which #23 million was in cash.

The tax rate was 29.2 per cent (25 per cent excluding goodwill) and is

expected to continue marginally below the UK standard rate. EPS was 5.0


The dividend has been set at 1.7 pence per share, an appropriate level for

the Group as now configured. As set out in the Annual Report the Group has a

benchmark dividend cover of 3 times and expects to have a progressive

dividend policy.

Consumer Products


Aga Rayburn achieved record first half profitability with Aga volumes up 5

per cent to over 3,600. Rayburn volumes were little changed; cookware was

well ahead. Our objective is to sell over 10,000 Agas worldwide in 2003 up

from a little over 7,000 in 2000 and the business is gearing up to achieve

this as will be seen from a major new advertising programme starting this

autumn based on the theme "Iron Age Man and Woman". Aga is also accelerating

its shop refurbishment programme and upgrading its sales support processes.

The acquisition of Fired Earth, a growing and clearly empathetic brand-driven

business with synergistic opportunities, will enhance the Group's consumer

market focus. It has an energetic and imaginative management team which is

growing sales not only in tiles and paints but also now in the newly launched

bathroom products. Fired Earth has traded well through the summer with its

three large "inspirational" format stores performing particularly strongly.

Aga and Fired Earth's management teams are planning formats involving both

brands. Tiles for example, are being matched to Aga's expanding colour


Leisure continues to work hard in the tough UK cooker and sink markets.

Volumes were satisfactory but margins have not yet improved in spite of

impressive cost reduction work. The strong, current product offering and the

introduction of new products including a remodelled Rangemaster and an

up-market sink range demonstrate continuing progress.

Foodservice Products


Foodservice markets in the UK have been relatively quiet with the difficult

conditions for manufacturers adding to current concerns for the tourism

sector. Against that background the operations have performed well. Williams

Refrigeration is benefitting from last year's restyling of its products and

has picked up significant new contracts with Sainsbury and with Compass in

the UK and France. Victory, our comparable refrigeration business in the US,

has held its own in spite of weak US markets. Falcon, the prime cooking

business, has found markets slow, but is looking to the public sector to

provide renewed impetus in the second half. Mono, the bakery operation, had

an excellent first half year as it undertook roll out programmes for Safeway

and Marks and Spencer. With further contracts won in the growing bakery

market, Mono's prospects are good for the remainder of the year. Our

distribution arms, AFE Online and AFE Serviceline, also won new major


Strategic Development


Aga Foodservice has excellent core operations which are in growth sectors and

capable of expansion. Investment in organic growth will continue at a higher


In the UK consumer markets we have a greater retail focus and improved

accessibility, while overseas we are putting resources into enhancing the

distribution network. This will be backed across our consumer operations by

further new product introductions. In Foodservice we have a strong UK

presence which we are again supporting with new products. In looking to

develop overseas the need is to identify the growth segments for the next few

years, particularly as the fast food market has slowed.

The strong financial position of the Group enables us to look actively at

development opportunities.

Current trading is satisfactory but we are alert to the risks which a market

slow down would present for our business in which the second half year

generates the larger part of sales and profits. For Aga the opportunities

outweigh the risks, while for Leisure the momentum from new products has to

counter volume and margin concerns. In Foodservice the strong current order

book, notably of Williams and Mono, helps underpin prospects. The Group has

achieved much in the first half year and is well placed to maintain the

impetus created.

C J Farrow                                           W B McGrath

Chairman                                             Chief


4th  September 2001

                      GROUP PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT

                           Half year    Half year      Year to

                             to June      to June     December

                                2001         2000         2000

                           _________    _________   __________

                               #m           #m              #m


  Continuing operations        106.0         94.2        204.6

  Discontinued operations      138.7        381.5        764.5


  Total turnover               244.7        475.7        969.1


  Operating profit


  Continuing operating

  profit before exceptional

  costs and goodwill            9.3          7.6         21.4

  Exceptional costs            (2.1)        (0.6)        (1.3)

  Goodwill amortisation        (1.7)        (1.5)        (3.1)


  Continuing operations         5.5          5.5         17.0


  Discontinued operations       3.6         37.3         69.4


  Total operating profit        9.1         42.8         86.4

  Provision for loss on

  disposal of businesses        -            -          (36.0)


  Profit before interest and

  tax                           9.1         42.8         50.4

  Net interest receivable /

  (payable)                     1.6         (9.7)       (19.6)


  Profit before tax            10.7         33.1         30.8

  Tax on profit on ordinary

  activities                   (3.1)       (11.8)       (22.1)


  Profit on ordinary            7.6         21.3          8.7

  activities after tax

  Equity minority interests     -           (0.3)        (0.2)


  Profit attributable to

  shareholders                 7.6          21.0          8.5

  Dividends                   (3.5)        (10.7)       (32.0)


  Profit retained /

  (transfer from reserves)     4.1          10.3        (23.5)


  Trading profit              15.3          52.0        104.5

  Exceptional reorganisation

  costs                       (2.1)         (1.9)        (3.0)

  Goodwill amortisation       (4.1)         (7.3)       (15.1)


  Operating profit             9.1         42.8          86.4

  Net interest receivable /

  (payable)                    1.6         (9.7)        (19.6)

  Goodwill amortisation        4.1          7.3          15.1


  Profit before tax,

  disposal of businesses and

  goodwill amortisation       14.8         40.4          81.9


  Earnings per share             p            p            p

  Before disposal of

  businesses and goodwill

  amortisation                 5.0         11.1         22.6

  Before disposal of

  businesses, reorganisation

  costs and goodwill           5.6         11.5         23.4

  Basic                        3.4          8.7          3.5

  Diluted                      3.4          8.4          4.1


                     GROUP BALANCE SHEET

                          Half year     Half year      Year to

                            to June       to June     December

                               2001          2000         2000

                       ____________   ___________    _________

                                 #m            #m           #m

  Fixed assets

  Goodwill                     58.8         275.8        275.8

  Tangible assets              45.9         283.0        288.2


  Total fixed assets          104.7         558.8        564.0


  Current assets

  Stocks                       29.1         204.3        194.4

  Operating debtors            80.7         208.0        177.3

  Tax recoverable              -              5.2         15.6

  Cash at bank and in hand    143.8          39.9         33.5


  Total current assets        253.6         457.4        420.8


  Creditors - amounts

  falling due within one year

  Operating creditors         (31.1)       (172.2)      (163.9)

  Borrowings                  (13.3)        (47.3)       (56.8)

  Exchangeable shares          -            (33.5)       (33.5)

  Tax and dividends payable    (9.1)        (12.6)       (33.6)


  Total amounts falling due

  within one year             (53.5)       (265.6)      (287.8)


  Net current assets          200.1         191.8        133.0


  Total assets less current   304.8         750.6        697.0


  Creditors - amounts falling due after

  more than one year

  Borrowings                  (10.6)       (301.3)      (247.5)

  Provisions for liabilities

  and charges                 (32.7)        (33.9)       (68.6)


  Total net assets employed    261.5        415.4        380.9


  Capital and reserves

  Called up share capital      31.9         60.6         60.6

  Share premium account        56.0         25.8         25.9

  Revaluation reserve           7.0          7.6          7.0

  Capital redemption reserve   35.0          2.3          2.3

  Profit and loss account     131.3        317.5        283.8


  Total shareholders' funds   261.2        413.8        379.6

  Equity minority interests     0.3          1.6          1.3


  Total funds                 261.5        415.4        380.9


                      GROUP CASH FLOW STATEMENT

                          Half year     Half year       Year to

                            to June       to June      December

                               2001          2000          2000

                             _______    _________     _________

                                 #m           #m            #m

  Net cash (outflow) /

  inflow from operating

  activities                   (51.2)       19.2         106.0


  Returns on investments and

  servicing of finance

  - net interest received /

    (paid)                       1.6        (9.7)        (16.8)

  - dividends to minority

    interests                    0.1         -            (0.2)


  Net returns on investments

  and servicing of finance       1.7        (9.7)        (17.0)


  Tax paid                     (1.7)        (12.0)       (20.9)


  Capital expenditure and

  financial investment

  - capital expenditure        (8.3)        (21.1)       (37.5)

  - sale of tangible fixed

    assets                      0.1           3.6         10.1


  Net capital expenditure

  and financial investment     (8.2)        (17.5)       (27.4)


  Acquisitions and disposals

  - cash paid for

  acquisitions less cash

  acquired                     -            (18.0)       (19.3)

  - disposal proceeds

  received less costs

  incurred                     804.7        -              0.2


  Net cash flow from

  acquisitions and disposals   804.7        (18.0)       (19.1)


  Equity dividends paid        (21.9)       (21.3)       (32.0)


  Cash inflow / (outflow)

  before financing             723.4        (59.3)       (10.4)



  - issue of ordinary shares     34.1         -            0.1

  - buyback of ordinary        (335.1)        -            -

    share capital

  - increase / (decrease) in

    debt                       (312.1)      69.0           3.4


  Net financing                (613.1)      69.0           3.5


  Increase / (decrease) in

  cash in the period           110.3        9.7           (6.9)


  Reconciliation of net cash

  flow to movement in net cash

  Increase / (decrease) in

  cash in the period           110.3        9.7          (6.9)

  (Increase) / decrease in

  debt                         312.1       (69.0)        (3.4)


  Change in net debt

  resulting from cash flows    422.4       (59.3)        (10.3)

  Borrowings acquired with

  acquisitions                 -            -            (4.5)

  Loan notes issued for

  acquisitions                 -            -            (7.1)

  Exchange adjustment          1.8          (9.0)        (8.5)


  Increase / (decrease) in

  net cash                    424.2        (68.3)       (30.4)

  Opening net borrowings     (304.3)      (273.9)      (273.9)


  Closing net cash / (debt)   119.9       (342.2)      (304.3)



                    Half year       Half year  Half year  Half year    Year to

                   Continuing   Discontinued     to June    to June   December

                         2001           2001        2001       2000       2000

                  ___________  _____________   _________  _________  _________

  Reconciliation of

  operating profit to      #m             #m          #m         #m         #m

  net cash (outflow)

  / inflow from



  Operating profit        5.5            3.6          9.1      42.8       86.4


  amortisation            4.0            7.3         11.3      23.6       41.8

  Profit on disposal

  of fixed assets       (0.1)            -          (0.1)       -        (2.4)

  (Increase) /

  decrease in stocks    (2.6)          (8.1)       (10.7)     (24.7)    (13.1)

  (Increase) /

  decrease in debtors   (0.4)         (43.8)       (44.2)     (27.7)       5.7

  Increase /

  (decrease) in

  creditors             (6.3)          (8.7)       (15.0)      8.4       (5.8)

  Increase /

  (decrease) in

  provisions            (0.8)          (0.8)        (1.6)     (3.2)      (6.6)


  Net cash (outflow)

  / inflow from


  activities            (0.7)         (50.5)       (51.2)     19.2       106.0


                              Half year    Half year       Year to

                                to June      to June      December

                                   2001         2000          2000

                              _________    _________      ________

  Statement of total                 #m           #m            #m

  recognised gains and


  Profit attributable to

  shareholders                      7.6         21.0           8.5

  Exchange adjustment on net

  investments                       2.7          8.7           8.2


  Total recognised gains and

  losses relating to the

  period                           10.3         29.7          16.7


                                        Half year    Half year         Year to

                                          to June      to June        December

                                             2001         2000           2000

                                       __________   __________       _________

  Reconciliation of movements in               #m           #m             #m

  shareholders' funds

  Total recognised gains and losses

  relating to the period                     10.3         29.7            16.7

  Dividends                                  (3.5)       (10.7)         (32.0)

  New share capital    - share premium       30.1           -              0.1


                       - share capital        4.0           -              -

  Buy back of share    - ordinary shares    (32.7)          -              -


                       - profit and

                         loss account      (335.1)          -              -

                       - capital redemption

                         reserve             32.7           -              -

  Goodwill reinstated on disposals          175.8           -              -


  Net (decrease) / increase in

  shareholders' funds                      (118.4)         19.0         (15.2)

  Shareholders' funds at beginning of

  period                                    379.6         394.8          394.8


  Shareholders' funds at end of

  period                                    261.2         413.8          379.6


                            SEGMENTAL ANALYSIS

                      Half year to          Half year to            Year to

                       June 2001             June 2000          December 2000

               ___________________   ___________________  ____________________

  By                     Operating            Operating             Operating

  business     Turnover     profit   Turnover     profit  Turnover     profit


___________   ____________________   ___________________  ____________________

                    #m         #m         #m         #m         #m         #m


  Products        55.7        4.1       52.7        3.3      111.3       10.5


  Products        50.3        5.2       41.5        4.3       93.3       10.9



  operations     106.0        9.3       94.2        7.6      204.6       21.4


  costs - continuing -      (2.1)        -         (0.6)      -          (1.3)



  continuing        -       (1.7)      -           (1.5)      -          (3.1)


  operations     138.7       3.6       381.5        37.3     764.5       69.4


  Total Group    244.7       9.1       475.7        42.8     969.1       86.4


Half year goodwill amortisation relates entirely to Foodservice Products.

                 Half year to         Half year to            Year to

                  June 2001            June 2000           December 2000

         ___________________________ ____________________   ____________________

  By geographical     Operating            Operating            Operating

  Origin         Turnover     profit  Turnover     profit  Turnover      profit

  __________________________________ ____________________   ____________________

                       #m        #m        #m         #m         #m         #m

  United Kingdom     93.3       7.2      80.0        6.8      177.4       19.2

  North America      10.9        -       11.5        0.1       21.5        0.4

  Rest of World       1.8        -        2.7        0.1        5.7        0.5


  Total continuing

  operations        106.0       7.2       94.2       7.0      204.6       20.1

  Goodwill amortisation -      (1.7)        -       (1.5)         -      (3.1)


  operations        138.7       3.6      381.5      37.3      764.5       69.4


  Total Group       244.7       9.1      475.7      42.8      969.1       86.4


Half year goodwill amortisation relates to United Kingdom #1.3m (#1.1m) and

North America #0.4m (#0.4m) and for the year 2000 #2.3m and #0.8m


  Turnover by        Half year to       Half year to           Year to

  geographical         June 2001          June 2000          December 2000


                    ______________      _______________      ________________

                         #m        %        #m        %           #m        %

  United Kingdom       87.7     82.7      75.1     79.7        165.2     80.7

  North America        11.0     10.4      11.4     12.1         22.3     10.9

  Rest of World         7.3      6.9       7.7      8.2         17.1      8.4


  Total continuing

  operations          106.0    100.0      94.2    100.0        204.6    100.0


                               EARNINGS PER SHARE

  Earnings before disposal  Half year          Half year        Year to

  of businesses               to June            to June        December

                                 2001               2000           2000

                           __________          _________        _________

                                  #m                  #m             #m

  Profit on ordinary activities

  after tax                      7.6                 21.3            8.7

  Minority interests              -                  (0.3)          (0.2)

  Disposal of businesses

  net of tax                      -                   -             34.3

  Goodwill amortisation net

  of tax                         3.5                  5.8           12.0


  Earnings before disposal

  of businesses and

  goodwill amortisation       11.1                  26.8            54.8


  Reorganisation costs net

  of tax                      1.5                   1.2             2.0


  Earnings before disposal

  of businesses,

  reorganisation costs and

  goodwill amortisation       12.6                  28.0            56.8



  Profit on ordinary activities

  After tax                   7.6                   21.3            8.7

  Minority interests          -                     (0.3)           (0.2)


  Earnings - for basic EPS    7.6                   21.0            8.5

  Dilutive effect of

  exchangeable shares          -                     0.7            2.0


  Earnings - for diluted

  EPS                         7.6                   21.7            10.5


  Weighted average number                 million         million     million

  of shares in issue

  For basic EPS calculation                 223.3           242.5       242.5

  Dilutive effect of

  exchangeable shares                           -            14.9        14.9

  Outstanding share options                   0.8             -           -


  For diluted EPS

  calculation                               224.1           257.4       257.4

  Earnings per share                            p               p           p

  Before disposal of

  businesses and goodwill

  amortisation                                5.0            11.1        22.6

  Before disposal of businesses,

  reorganisation costs and

  goodwill amortisation                       5.6            11.5        23.4

  Basic                                       3.4             8.7         3.5

  Diluted                                     3.4             8.4         4.1



1.    Dividends

The Board has approved the payment of an interim dividend amounting to 1.7p

per share (2000 4.4p). The dividend will be paid on 5th December 2001 to

shareholders registered on 19th October 2001.

2. Exchange rates

The profit and loss accounts of overseas subsidiaries are translated into

sterling using average exchange rates, balance sheets are translated at

period end rates. The main currencies and exchange rates are:

                        Half year            Half year                Year to

                          to June              to June               December

                             2001                 2000                   2000

                       __________            _________               _________


  EUR                        1.64                 1.64                   1.64

  USD                        1.42                 1.57                   1.52

  Period end

  EUR                        1.66                 1.58                   1.59

  USD                        1.41                 1.51                   1.49

3. Tax

Tax on profit on ordinary activities in respect of the half year to June 2001

has been charged at the estimated rates chargeable for the full year in the

respective jurisdictions, and includes a credit of #0.3m (2000 half year

charge of #10.2m, full year #16.9m) in respect of overseas operations.

4. Comparative figures for the year 2000

The figures for the full year 2000 have been extracted from the Company's

statutory accounts which have been filed with the Registrar of Companies and

which contain an unqualified audit report. The half year figures have not

been audited but have been reviewed and reported on by




We have been instructed by the company to review the financial information

set out on pages 4-10 in this document and we have read the other information

contained in the interim report for any apparent misstatements or material

inconsistencies with the financial information.

Directors' responsibilities

The interim report, including the financial information contained therein, is

the responsibility of, and has been approved by the directors. The Listing

Rules of the Financial Services Authority require that the accounting

policies and presentation applied to the interim figures should be consistent

with those applied in preparing the preceding annual accounts except where

any changes, and the reasons for them, are disclosed.

Review work performed

We conducted our review in accordance with guidance contained in Bulletin

1999/4 issued by the Auditing Practices Board. A review consists principally

of making enquiries of group management and applying analytical procedures to

the financial information and underlying financial data, and based thereon,

assessing whether the accounting policies and presentation have been

consistently applied, unless otherwise disclosed. A review excludes audit

procedures such as tests of controls and verification of assets, liabilities

and transactions. It is substantially less in scope than an audit performed

in accordance with Auditing Standards and therefore provides a lower level of

assurance than an audit. Accordingly we do not express an audit opinion on

the financial information.

Review conclusion

On the basis of our review we are not aware of any material modifications

that should be made to the financial information as presented for the six

months ended 30th June 2001.


Chartered Accountants


4th September 2001

                       MAIN ADDRESSES AND ADVISERS

Head Office and Registered Office

Headland House, 54 New Coventry Road,

Sheldon, Birmingham B26 3AZ

Telephone: 0121 742 2366

Fax: 0121 742 0403

e-mail: info@agafoodservice.com

Website: www.agafoodservice.com

Registered in England No. 354715


Lloyds TSB Registrars

The Causeway


West Sussex

BN99 6DA

Telephone (Helpline): 0870 600 3953



Financial Adviser and Joint Stockbrokers

Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein

Joint Stockbrokers

Hoare Govett


        Record date for interim ordinary dividend      19th   October

        Interim ordinary dividend payable               5th   December

        2001 year end                                  31st   December

AGA Rangemaster (LSE:AGA)
Historical Stock Chart
From Jun 2024 to Jul 2024 Click Here for more AGA Rangemaster Charts.
AGA Rangemaster (LSE:AGA)
Historical Stock Chart
From Jul 2023 to Jul 2024 Click Here for more AGA Rangemaster Charts.