(Reg. No. 1933/004580/06)

(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)

("Avmin" or "the Company")

Interim Results for the period ended 31 December 2002


* Good contributions from Assmang and Nkomati

* Avgold's Target mine production included for the full six months

* Chambishi's furnace now operating at full capacity

* Debt to equity ratio declines significantly due to stronger rand

* ETC sold by Avgold for R300 million in February 2003


Certain statements included in this report constitute "forward looking
statements". Such statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and
other factors that may cause the results, performances, objectives or
achievements of Anglovaal Mining Limited and its subsidiary or associated
companies to be materially different from future results, performances,
objectives or achievements expressed or implied by these forward looking
statements. Anglovaal Mining Limited is subject to the effect of changes in the
minerals and metals commodity prices, currency fluctuations and the risks
involved in mining operations.

Financial summary and statistics

                                                  Unaudited             Audited
                                                  Half-year ended    Year ended
                                                  31 December           30 June
                                                      2002     2001       2002 
                                                        Rm       Rm         Rm 
BALANCE SHEET                                                                  
Total assets                                         8 990    8 332      8 786 
Total interest bearing borrowings                    2 669    2 883      2 696 
Shareholders' equity                                 4 924    4 146      4 591 
INCOME STATEMENT                                                               
Revenue                                              2 340    1 663      4 047 
Earnings                                               118  (1 125)      (866) 
Headline earnings                                      105       31        204 
Basic earnings per share (cents)                       106  (1 017)      (780) 
Headline earnings per share (cents)                     94       28        184 
CASH FLOW STATEMENT                                                            
Cash generated from operations                         198      160        619 
Cash and cash equivalents                              905      472        779 
Cash generated from operations per share               177      145        558 
JSE SECURITIES EXCHANGE SOUTH AFRICA                                           
Ordinary shares                                                                
- high (cents)                                       4 225    4 280      4 280 
- low (cents)                                        3 550    3 200      3 100 
- period end (cents)                                 3 950    4 080      3 701 
Volume of shares traded (thousands)                 10 892   11 104     51 524 
Number of ordinary shares in issue (thousands)     112 225  111 159    111 444 

FINANCIAL STATISTICS        Definition                                         
Effective taxation rate          1      (per cent)         38        -        -
Interest rate                    2      (times)          3,88     3,38     5,34
Debt: equity ratio               3                       0,36     0,58     0,42
Net asset value per share        4      (cents)         2 486    2 062    2 337
Market capitalisation            5      (R million)     4 433    4 535    4 125
(R million)                                                                    


1. Effective taxation rate (per cent)

Taxation charge per income statement less Secondary Tax on Companies divided

by profit before taxation.

2. Interest cover (times)

Profit before exceptional items, finance costs and taxation divided by

finance costs.

3. Debt: equity ratio

Total debt divided by total equity. Total debt comprises long-term

borrowings, overdrafts and short-term borrowings less cash and cash


Total equity comprises total shareholders' interest.

4. Net asset value per share (cents)

Ordinary shareholders' interest in capital and reserves divided by number of

shares in issue.

5. Market capitalisation (R million)

Number of ordinary shares in issue multiplied by market value of shares at

reporting date.



Avmin's revenue and headline earnings increased at the rates of 41 per cent and
239 per cent to R2,34 billion (R1,66 billion) and R105 million (R31 million),
respectively, for the six months ended 31 December 2002 compared to the 2001
comparative period. Headline earnings per share were 94 cents (28 cents).
Assmang Limited (Assmang) and Nkomati nickel mine (Nkomati) continued to
perform satisfactorily. Increased contributions were received from Avgold
Limited (Avgold) and losses have been contained at Chambishi Metals plc
(Chambishi). A major determinant of the Group's financial performance was the
stengthening of the rand/US dollar exchange rate during the period under
review. This has adversely affected rand revenue of US dollar priced products
and generated exchange gains on borrowings denoted in US dollars.

Avgold's results showed an improvement as Target attained full production,
while ETC also performed well. Avgold benefited from an exchange gain on the
US$35 million of borrowings following the strengthening of the rand/US dollar
exchange rate. Avgold concluded an agreement to sell its ETC assets for R300
million to a consortium that includes a significant Black Economic Empowerment

The Chambishi cobalt/copper operation in Zambia is now running at planned
production levels following the commissioning of the redesigned furnace. The
low cobalt price caused Chambishi to incur a loss during the period. There has
been an increase in the cobalt price in 2003.

Two Rivers Platinum (Proprietary) Limited (Two Rivers) signed a memorandum of
understanding with a Black Economic Empowerment consortium to acquire up to 25
per cent of Two Rivers. The consortium is to be managed by TISO Capital
(Proprietary) Limited, The Two Rivers and TISO consortium shareholders'
agreement will, when fully implemented, result in Avmin holding 41,3 per cent
of the venture, with Impala Platinum Holdings Limited (Implats) holding 33,7
per cent and the TISO consortium 25 per cent. Avmin and Implats will combine
their interests into a new holding structure managed by Avmin with 75 per cent
of the project's equity.

Total capital expenditure for the period amounted to R257 million, expended as
follows: precious metals -- R74 million; ferrous metals - R140 million; cobalt/
copper - R25 million; and nickel - R17 million.

The Group's debt-to-equity ratio showed a significant improvement, falling to
36 per cent (58 per cent), and similarly net borrowings (borrowings less
deposits and cash) declined 27 per cent to R1,8 billion (R2,4 billion) as a
result of the strengthening of the rand/US dollar exchange rate.


Three employees tragically lost their lives in two separate accidents at the
Black Rock and Beeshoek mines during December 2002. The Board very much regrets
these deaths and extends its condolences to the bereaved families and friends.

All operations showed a decrease in reportable incidents compared to the
previous quarter. Target achieved one million fatality free shifts in November


Avmin's 50,3 per cent held manganese, chrome and iron ore producer, Assmang,
reported a 14 per cent increase in headline earnings to R138 million (R121
million). The increase in earnings was mainly attributable to increased sales
volumes for all products and higher prices received for manganese alloys in
both US dollar and rand terms.

Sales Volume

Six months to: 31 Dec 2002 31 Dec 2001 % Change

Manganese ore (tons)* 409 000 382 000 7,1

Iron ore (tons) 2 259 000 2 149 000 5,1

Ferro-manganese (tons) 96 900 85 400 13,5

Ferro-chrome (tons) 103 600 88 900 16,5

*excludes intra group sales

Capital expenditure to maintain and improve operations during the period under
review amounted to R140 million (R186 million) and was spent mainly on:

* The development of the Nchwaning III shaft complex: This project is scheduled
for completion by 31 December 2003. Problems associated, inter alia, with
ground conditions and the commissioning of the 2,2 km long decline conveyor
have caused the final estimated cost to completion to increase by R68 million
to R585 million. This complex will have a life in excess of 20 years and will
supply the total estimated sales requirement for high-grade manganese ore.

* The chrome division's new 54 MVA furnace and 350 000 tons per annum
pelletising plant. These have experienced some technical problems, which
delayed the attainment of sustained planned production levels. These problems
have been addressed and full production is expected to be reached during the
March 2003 quarter.


The Nkomati nickel mine, 75 per cent owned by Avmin, posted a lower profit
before taxation of R105 million (R109) mainly as a result of the firmer rand/US
dollar exchange rate. However, Nkomati's results reflect a good operating
performance. Total ore treated increased to 137 000 tons (135 000 tons),
producing 28 900 tons (23 700 tons) of concentrates with average grades of 10,2
per cent (9,3 per cent) for nickel and 6,5 per cent (6,8 per cent) for copper.
The grade of the nickel feed was above two per cent.

Sales achieved were higher at 2 620 tons (1 880 tons) of nickel, 1 670 tons (1
380 tons) of copper, 33 tons (26 tons) of cobalt and 19 040 ounces (16 940
ounces) of Platinum Group Metals (PGMs). Despite the rand's gains against the
US dollar the mine remains cost competitive with a nickel production cost, net
of by-product credits, of US$0,50/lb, while the average nickel price over the
period amounted to US$3,16/lb (US$2,40/lb).

The Nkomati expansion project's feasibility study has been concluded and
regulatory issues pertaining to environmental and mining authorisations are
being progressed. In addition to the current feasibility study, which envisages
nickel production to increase to some 16 000 tons, various alternatives are
being considered to ensure the optimal return on investment.


Chambishi, owned 90 per cent by Avmin, continued to address and resolve the
issues affecting production at the plant, resulting in the plant processing a
total of 76 900 tonnes (64 500 tonnes) of slag during the period. Cobalt
production increased 43 per cent to 2 200 tons during the period, of which 1
300 tons (300 tons) were for Chambishi's own account. Some 5 300 tons (6 400
tons) of copper were produced, of which 610 tons (240 tons) were from
Chambishi's own metal. The average cobalt price received during the period was
significantly lower than the previous period at US$6,22/lb (US$8,00 lb). The
lower realised cobalt price and the reduced output resulting from the
refurbishment of the furnace in August/September 2002 adversely impacted on
Chambishi's results. Chambishi reported an operating loss attributable to Avmin
of R61 million (R82 million loss).

Chambishi continues to discuss with the Government of the Republic of Zambia
(GRZ) the full implementation of the development agreement signed in 1998. The
GRZ has undertaken to implement the development agreement and apply equal
fiscal treatment and lower tariff arrangements to the mining industry.

Chambishi's continues to seek a partner to share risk at Chambishi. Any
transaction may effect the carrying value of the Chambishi.


Avmin's 56 per cent held gold producer, Avgold, increased revenue to R502
million (R128 million) following Target's commissioning on 1 May 2002. The
results for the previous period excludes Target and therefore are not
comparable. Costs and expenses amounted to R453 million (R114 million).
Operating profit increased to R50 million (R14 million). Headline earnings
increased to R79 million (R15 million), largely as a result of an unrealised
exchange gain of R52 million on the US$35 million borrowing following the
strengthening of the rand. The gain helped to offset the effects of the rand
selling price, which reduced to R83 488/kg (R89 133/kg), or US$299/oz (US$306/
oz) as a result of the hedges put in place when the funding for Target was
arranged. Capital expenditure declined significantly to R58 million from R369

The mark-to-market value of Avgold's hedge book as at 31 December 2002 was a
negative R485 million - significantly lower than 31 December 2001's negative R1
036 million - as a result of the strengthening of the rand/US dollar exchange
rate and delivery into the hedge book.

Ore milled at ETC declined to 162 700 tonnes (169 800 tonnes); gold sold
increased to 1 486 kg (1 438 kg) as a result of the grade improving to 9,13g/t
(8,47g/t). Cash costs increased to R71 097/kg (R68 140/kg), but declined in
dollar terms to US$218/oz (US$233/oz).

Ore milled at Target amounted to 576 400 tonnes, while gold sold was 4 524 kg.
The yield was 7,85g/t, while the cash cost was R53 634/kg, or US$165/oz.
Capital expenditure totalled R47 million (R346 million).

Target's Life of Mine plan was updated during the period, resulting in an
increased life of 18 years, compared to the previous 13 years.

Exploration work continued in the northern Free State in the Paradise area,
immediately north of the Target mine. Pre-feasibility work on a mine design
using the updated geological model and the latest mineral resource estimate is
underway and is expected to be presented to Avgold's Board by 30 June 2003.

A detailed feasibility study on Two Rivers has been completed. The study
suggests that the sinking of a decline shaft is the best option to access the
ore body and that mechanised mining would allow the mine to attain full
production within two years after the completion of the shaft. A concentrator
would be erected on site and the concentrates sold to Impala Refining Services.
Implats will undertake marketing of the PGMs while the marketing of the base
metals contained in the concentrate will be conducted by Avmin.


The stabilisation of the Chambishi operation and Target's contribution to
Avgold's earnings for the entire 2003 financial year are expected to improve
Avmin's headline earnings for the year as a whole compared to the 2002
financial year. The rand/US dollar exchange rate will remain a key determinant
in Avmin's financial performance for the year to 30 June 2003.


Roy Oron and Nir Livnat resigned as non-executive directors on 24 October and 9
December 2002 respectively.

For and on behalf of the Board:

RP Menell                               DN Murray                              
Chairman                                Chief executive officer                


28 February 2003

Group balance sheet                               Unaudited             Audited
                                                  Half-year ended    Year ended
                                                  31 December           30 June
                                                      2002     2001       2002 
                                                        Rm       Rm         Rm 
Non-current assets                                   5 627    5 520      5 686 
Tangible assets                                                                
Intangible assets                                        7        8          7 
Deferred tax assets                                     38       39         38 
Environmental rehabilitation trust funds                64       59         64 
Investments                                            215      104        176 
                                                     5 951    5 730      5 971 
Current assets                                       1 148      867        976 
Inventories                                            986    1 263      1 060 
Trade and other receivables                            905      472        779 
Deposits and cash                                    3 039    2 602      2 815 
Total assets                                         8 990    8 332      8 786 
EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                                                         
Capital and reserves                                                           
Ordinary share capital                                   6        6          6 
Share premium                                           69       59         62 
Non-distributable reserves                             184       85        110 
Distributable reserves                               2 531    2 142      2 401 
Shareholders' interest in capital and reserves       2 790    2 292      2 579 
Minority interest                                    2 134    1 854      2 012 
Total shareholders's interest                        4 924    4 146      4 591 
Non-current liabilities                                                        
Long-term borrowings - interest bearing              1 367    1 478      1 181 
Deferred tax liabilities                               524      369        493 
Long-term provisions                                   219      212        215 
                                                     2 110    2 059      1 889 
Current liabilities                                                            
Trade and other payables                               523      591        637 
Provisions                                              60       63         62 
Taxation                                                68       68         45 
Derivative instruments                                   3        -         47 
Overdrafts and short-term borrowings                 1 302    1 405      1 515 
                                                     1 956    2 127      2 306 
Total equity and liabilities                         8 990    8 332      8 786 

Group income statement                 Unaudited                    Audited    
                                    Half-year ended    Increase/    Year ended 
                                     31 December      (Decrease)  30 June      
                                     2002        2001             2002         
                                       Rm          Rm           %          Rm  
Revenue                             2 340       1 663          41       4 047  
Cost of sales                       1 828       1 271          44       2 985  
Gross profit                          512         392          31       1 062  
Other operating income                234         153          53         215  
Other operating expenses              354         322          10         478  
Profit from oeprations                392         223          76         799  
Interest received                      47          27          74          55  
Finance costs                         113          74          53         160  
Profit before taxation and            326         176          85         694  
exceptional items                                                              
Exceptional items                      13     (1 157)                 (1 084)  
Profit/(loss) before taxation         339       (981)         135       (390)  
Taxation                              128         134         (4)         313  
Profit/(loss) after taxation          211     (1 115)         119       (703)  
Minority interest                      92          10         830         163  
Earnings                              118     (1 125)                   (866)  
Headline earnings                     105          31         239         204  
Basic earnings per share              106     (1 017)                   (780)  
Headline earnings per share            94          28                     184  
Full diluted earnings per             104     (1 002)                   (771)  
share (cents)                                                                  
Full diluted headline                  93          28                     182  
earnings per share (cents)                                                     
Number of shares in issue at      112 225     111 159                 111 444  
end of period (thousands)                                                      
Weighted average number of        111 783     110 661                 110 977  
shares in issue (thousands)                                                    
Weighted average number of        113 303     112 246                 112 367  
shares used in calculating                                                     
fully diluted earnings per                                                     
share (thousands)                                                              

Group cash flow statement                         Unaudited             Audited
                                                  Half-year ended    Year ended
                                                  31 December           30 June
                                                      2002     2001       2002 
                                                        Rm       Rm         Rm 
CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES                                            
Cash receipts from customers                         2 399    1 651      3 823 
Cash paid to suppliers and employees                 2 201    1 491      3 204 
Cash generated from operations                         198      160        619 
Interest received                                       46       25         55 
Interest paid                                        (113)     (74)      (160) 
Dividends received                                       1        1          2 
Dividends paid to minorities                          (12)      (9)       (23) 
Taxation paid                                         (78)    (116)      (197) 
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating                42     (13)        296 
CASH FLOW FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES                                            
Additions to fixed assets to maintain                (199)    (144)      (122) 
Additions to fixed assets to expand operations        (58)    (599)    (1 101) 
Proceeds on disposal of investments                     13      713      1 013 
Proceeds on dilution of interest in                      -        -        139 
in subsidiaries                                                                
Net cash outflow from investing activities           (244)     (30)       (71) 
CASH FLOW FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES                                            
Funding received from shareholders                       7        3          6 
Funding received from minority shareholders              8      248        264 
Long-term borrowings raised                            348      312        314 
Long-term borrowings repaid                           (62)        -      (153) 
Increase/(decrease) in short-term borrowings            27    (487)      (316) 
Net cash inflow from financing activities              328       76        115 
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents              126       33        340 
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of              779      439        439 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period             905      472        779 

Statement of changes in equity

                            Share  Currency                                    
                          capital    trans-   Reval-                           
                              and    lation   uation          Retained         
                          premium   reserve  surplus   Other    profit    Total
                               Rm        Rm       Rm      Rm        Rm       Rm
Half-year ended                                                                
31 December 2002                                                               
Balance at 30 June 2002        68      (42)      141      11     2 401    2 579
Currency translation            -        32        -       -         -       32
Revaluation of listed           -         -       40       -         -       40
Earnings                        -         -        -       -       118      118
Share options exercised         7         -        -       -         -        7
Allocation to minority          -      (24)        -       -        14     (10)
Mark to market of                                                              
currency derivative                                                            
contracts                       -         -        -      24         -       24
Other movements                 -         -        -       2       (2)        -
Balance at 31 December         75      (34)      181      37     2 531    2 790
Half-year ended                                                                
31 December 2001                                                               
Balance at 30 June 2001        62         6      638      35     3 267    4 008
Earnings                        -         -        -       -   (1 125)  (1 125)
Currency translation            -      (24)        -       -         -     (24)
Revaluation and                 -         -    (570)       -         -    (570)
disposal of listed                                                             
Share options exercised         3         -        -       -         -        3
Transfer to reserves            -         -        3     (3)         -        -
Balance at 31 December         65      (18)       71      32     2 142    2 292
Year ended 30 June 2002                                                        
Balance at 30 June 2001        62         6      638      35     3 267    4 008
Earnings                        -         -        -       -     (866)    (866)
Revaluation of listed           -         -       65       -         -       65
Disposal of listed              -         -    (562)       -         -    (562)
Foreign entity                  -      (48)        -       -         -     (48)
Unrealised loss on              -         -        -    (26)         -     (26)
currency derivative                                                            
Share options exercised         6         -        -       -         -        6
Other                           -         -        -       2         -        2
Balance at 30 June 2002        68      (42)      141      11     2 401    2 579

Notes to the financial statements for the half-year ended 31 December 2002


The financial information for the half-year ended 31 December 2002 has been
prepared adopting the same accounting policies used in the most recent annual
financial statements which are in accordance with South African Statements of
Generally Accepted Accounting Practice and International Accounting Standards.

These condensed financial statements are prepared in accordance with AC 127 -
interim reporting, and are prepared on the historical cost basis as adjusted
for financial instruments and investment properties. These are accounted for on
the fair value or amortised cost basis.

                                                  Unaudited             Audited
                                                  Half-year ended    Year ended
                                                  31 December           30 June
                                                      2002     2001       2002 
                                                        Rm       Rm         Rm 
2. INVESTMENTS                                                                 
Original cost                                           31       31         31 
Revaluation surplus                                    178       68        138 
Closing carrying amount                                209       99        169 
Unlisted - book value                                    6        5          7 
Total carrying amount of investments                   215      104        176 
3. BORROWINGS                                                                  
Long-term borrowings are made up as follows:                                   
- Anglovaal Mining Limited                             454        -          - 
- Assmang Limited                                        -        4          1 
- Avgold Limited                                       502      657        548 
- Chambishi Metals plc                                 411      812        632 
- Two Rivers Platinum (Proprietary) Limited              -        5          - 
                                                     1 367    1 478      1 181 
Overdrafts and short-term borrowings are made                                  
up as follows:                                                                 
- Anglovaal Mining Limited                             301      712        595 
- Assmang Limited                                      656      424        577 
- Anglovaal Air (Proprietary) Limited                    -       12          - 
- Avgold Limited                                       120        3        126 
- Chambishi Metals plc                               1 302    1 405      1 515 
Total Borrowings                                     2 669    2 883      2 696 

Borrowings are reflected net of amounts utilised by companies from Group cash

No interest was capitalised for the half-year ended 31 December 2002 (2001: R53

No interest was capitalised for the year ended 30 June 2002 (2001: R94

                                                  Unaudited             Audited
                                                  Half-year ended    Year ended
                                                  31 December           30 June
                                                      2002     2001       2002 
                                                        Rm       Rm         Rm 
4. EXCEPTIONAL ITEMS                                                           
Surplus on disposal of Iscor Limited                     -      343        343 
Surplus on disposal of other investments                13      123        197 
Exchange gain - Chambishi Metals plc                     -      400        400 
Impairment of assets                                     -  (2 019)    (2 019) 
Provision for guarantees                                 -      (4)        (5) 
Exceptional items as per income statement               13  (1 157)    (1 084) 
Taxation                                                 -     (55)       (52) 
Minority interest                                        -       56         66 
Net exceptional items                                   13  (1 156)    (1 070) 
5. HEADLINE EARNINGS                                                           
Earnings per income statement                          118  (1 125)      (866) 
Impairment of assets                                     -    1 619      1 619 
Provisions for guarantees                                -        4          5 
Surplus on disposal of investments                    (13)    (466)      (540) 
                                                       105       32        218 
Taxation                                                 -       55         52 
Minority interest                                        -     (56)       (66) 
Headline earnings as per income statement              105       31        204 
6. COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENT LIABILITIES                                      
Commitments in respect of capital expenditure:                                 
Approved by directors                                                          
- contracted for                                       511      523        229 
- not contracted for                                   371      512        588 
Total commitments                                      882    1 035        817 
Contingent liabilities                                                         
- Back-to-back guarantees                              180      180        180 
Total commitments and contingent liabilities         1 062    1 215        997 

The Company has a contingent liability for tax relating to the Anglovaal
Limited loan stock redemption premium that the South African Revenue Service
disallowed in 1998. The potential liability for tax is R107 million at a tax
rate of 30 per cent plus interest. The matter is currently under appeal. A
back-to-back guarantee to Assore Limited (Assore) is in respect of guarantees
issued to bankers by Assore to secure a short-term export finance agreement
facility of R180 million (2001: R180 million). Short-term export finance loans
negotiated in terms of the above facility in the ordinary course of business at
31 December 2002 were R9 million (2001: R105 million)

Anglovaal Mining Limited has provided an irrevocable and unconditional
guarantee to Copperbelt Energy Corporation plc (CEC) and The Development Bank
of Southern Africa Limited (DBSA) for the due and punctual payment by Chambishi
Metals plc (Chambishi) of the capital charge component of the power supply
assets installed and owned by CEC for which financing was obtained by CEC from
DBSA. The total outstanding capital charge obligation at 31 December 2002
amounted to US$10,8 million (2001: US$11,5 million) and will reduce over 10
years ending June 2012 as capital charge payments are made by Chambishi.

A contingent liability exists, arising from an agreement with LTA Process
Engineering whereunder Avgold Limited is liable for the erection costs of a
tailing dam, should a dump reclamation project at the latter's ETC mining
complex be cancelled.

                       Precious  Cobalt/   Ferrous                 and         
                         metals   copper    metals   Nickel      other    Total
                             Rm       Rm        Rm       Rm         Rm       Rm
7. SEGMENTAL                                                                   
Primary segmental                                                              
Half-year ended                                                                
31 December 2002                                                               
External revenue            502      287     1 351      200          -    2 340
Cost of sales             (439)    (291)     (993)    (105)          -  (1 828)
Other operating              53       31        13        6        131      234
Other operating            (11)     (70)     (112)     (23)      (138)    (354)
Reallocated corporate         -        1        20        1       (22)        -
Segment result              105     (42)       279       79       (29)      392
Income from                   6        -         1        1         39       47
Finance cost               (29)     (29)      (42)        -       (13)    (113)
Exceptional items             -        -         -        -         13       13
Taxation                      -        -      (80)     (23)       (25)    (128)
Minority interest          (35)       10      (68)        -          -     (93)
Contribution to              47     (61)        90       57       (15)      118
Other information         3 028    1 150     3 318      266        901    8 663
Consolidated total                                                             
operating assets                                                               
Intangibles and             141        -       179        -          7      327
mineral rights                                                                 
Consolidated total        3 169    1 150     3 497      266        908    8 990
Consolidated total          823      885     1 258       68      1 033    4 067
Capital expenditure          74       25       140       17          1      257
Depreciation                 92       20        68        8          2      190
Half-year ended 31                                                             
December 2001                                                                  
External revenue            128      232         1      162        141    1 663
Cost of sales             (109)    (233)     (850)     (79)          -  (1 271)
Other operating               -        -        26       28         99      153
Other operating             (7)     (52)     (106)     (10)      (147)    (322)
Reallocated corporate         -     (10)        23        3       (16)        -
Segment result               12     (63)       255       83       (64)      223
Income from                   -        -         1        1         25       27
Finance cost                  -     (19)      (43)        -       (12)     (74)
Exceptional items                                                              
- Chambishi Metals            -  (1 619)         -        -          -  (1 619)
- Other                       -        -         -        -        462      462
Taxation                      -        1      (68)     (27)       (40)    (134)
Minority interest           (6)       56      (60)        -          -     (10)
Contribution to               6  (1 644)        85       57        371  (1 125)
Contribution to               6     (82)        85       57       (35)       31
headline earnings                                                              
Other information                                                              
Consolidated total        2 992    1 226     2 652      243        890    8 003
operating assets                                                               
Intangibles and             141        -       184        -          4      329
mineral rights                                                                 
Consolidated total          937    1 236     1 000       68        945    4 186
Capital expenditure         369      274       186       14          -      843
Depreciation                 14       34        51        7          2      108


For the benefit of international investors, the group's balance sheet, income
statement, the cash flow statement and statement of changes in equity,
presented in South African rand and set out on pages 7 to 10, have been
translated into United States dollars and are presented on pages 15 to 18. The
balance sheet is translated at the rate of exchange ruling at at the close of
business on the last day of the periods and the income statement and cash flow
statement are translated at the average exchange rates for the periods
reported. These schedules do not form part of the financial statements.

                                                  Half-year ended    Year ended
                                                  31 December           30 June
Exchange rates used:                                  2002     2001       2002 
                                                     R/US$    R/US$      R/US$ 
Balance sheets                                       R8,65   R11,50     R10,25 
Income and cash flow statements                     R10,10    R9,29     R10,15 
US$ GROUP BALANCE SHEET                               US$m     US$m       US$m 
Non-current assets                                                             
Tangible assets                                        651      480        555 
Intangible assets                                        -        -          1 
Deferred tax assets                                      4        3          4 
Environmental rehabilitation trust funds                 8        5          6 
Investments                                             25        9         17 
                                                       688      497        583 
Current assets                                                                 
Inventories                                            133       75         95 
Trade and other receivables                            114      110        103 
Deposits and cash                                      105       41         76 
                                                       352      226        274 
Total assets                                         1 040      723        857 
EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                                                         
Capital and reserves                                                           
Ordinary share capital                                   1        1          1 
Share premium                                            8        5          6 
Non-distributable reserves                              21        7         10 
Distributable reserves                                 293      186        235 
Shareholders' interest in capital and reserves         323      199        252 
Minority interest                                      247      161        196 
Total shareholders' interest                           579      360        448 
Non-current liabilities                                                        
Long-term borrowings - interest bearing                158      129        115 
Deferred tax liabilities                                61       32         48 
Long-term provisions                                    25       18         21 
                                                       244      179        184 
Current liabilities                                                            
Trade and other payables                                60       51         62 
Provisions                                               7        5          6 
Taxation                                                 8        6          4 
Derivative instruments                                   -        -          5 
Overdrafts and short-term borrowings                   151      122        148 
                                                       226      184        225 
Total equity and liabilities                         1 040      723        857 


                                                  Half-year ended    Year ended
                                                  31 December           30 June
                                                      2002     2001       2002 
                                                      US$m     US$m       US$m 
Revenue                                                232      179        399 
Cost of sales                                          181      137        294 
Gross profit                                            51       42        105 
Other operating income                                  23       16         21 
Other operating expenses                                35       35         47 
Profit from operationgs                                 39       23         79 
Interest received                                        5        3          5 
Finance costs                                           11        8         16 
Profit before taxation and exceptional items            33       18         68 
Exceptional items                                        1    (125)      (107) 
Profit/(loss) before taxation                           34    (107)       (39) 
Taxation                                                13       14         31 
Profit/(loss) after taxation                            21    (121)       (70) 
Minority interest                                        9        1         16 
Earnings                                                12    (122)       (86) 
Headline earnings                                       11        4         20 
Basic earings per share (cents)                         11    (110)       (77) 
Headline earnings per share (cents)                     10        4         18 
Fully diluted earnings per share (cents)                11    (109)       (76) 
Fully diluted headline earnings per share               10        4         18 
Number of shares in issue at end                   112 225  111 159    111 444 
of period (thousands)                                                          
Weighted average number of shares                  111 783  110 661    110 977 
in issue (thousands)                                                           
Weighted average number of shares                  111 783  110 661    110 977 
used in calculating fully diluted                                              
earnings per share (thousands)                                                 


                                                  Half-year ended    Year ended
                                                  31 December           30 June
                                                      2002     2001       2002 
                                                      US$m     US$m       US$m 
CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES                                            
Cash receipts from customers                           238      178        377 
Cash paid to suppliers and employees                   217      160        318 
Cash generated from operations                          21       18         59 
Translation adjustment                                  16     (59)       (11) 
Interest received                                        5        3          5 
Dividends paid to minorities                           (1)      (1)        (2) 
Taxation paid                                          (8)     (12)       (19) 
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating                22     (59)         16 
CASH FLOW FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES                                            
Additions to fixed assets to maintain                 (20)     (16)       (12) 
Additions to fixed assets to expand operations         (6)     (64)      (108) 
Proceeds on disposal of investments                      1      117        100 
Proceeds on dilution of interest in                      -        -         14 
in subsidiaries                                                                
Net cash outflow from investing activities            (25)       37        (6) 
CASH FLOW FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES                                            
Funding received from shareholders                       1        -          1 
Funding received from minority shareholders              -       27         26 
Long-term borrowings raised                             34       34         31 
Long-term borrowings repaid                            (6)        -       (15) 
Increase/(decrease) in short-term borrowings             3     (52)       (31) 
Net cash inflow from financing activities               32        9         12 
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash                29     (13)         22 
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of               76       54         54 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period             105       41         76 

US$ Statement of changes in equity

                          Share  Currency                                      
                        capital    trans-    Reva-                             
                            and    lation  luation            Retained         
                        premium   reserve  surplus    Other     profit    Total
                             Rm        Rm       Rm       Rm         Rm       Rm
Half-year ended                                                                
31 December 2002                                                               
Balance at 30 June            7       (4)       14        -        235      252
Currency translation          1         6        2        -         44       53
Revaluation of listed         -         -        5        -          -        5
Earnings                      -         -        -        -         12       12
Share options                 1         -        -        -          -        1
Allocated from                -       (3)        -        1          2        -
minority shareholders                                                          
Balance at 31                 9       (1)       21        1        293      323
December 2002                                                                  
Half-year ended 31                                                             
December 2001                                                                  
Balance at 30 June            8         1       80        3        405      497
Foreign currency            (2)         -     (25)        -       (97)    (124)
translation reserve                                                            
Earnings                      -         -        -        -      (122)    (122)
Revaluation and               -         -     (52)        -          -     (52)
disposal of listed                                                             
Balance at 31                 6         1        3        3        186      199
December 2001                                                                  
Year ended 30 June                                                             
Balance at 30 June            8         1       80        3        405      497
Currency translation        (1)         -     (18)        -       (85)    (104)
Earnings                      -         -        -        -       (85)     (85)
Revaluation of listed         -         -        6        -          -        6
Disposal of listed            -         -     (54)        -          -     (54)
Unrealised loss on                                                             
currency derivative                                                            
contracts                     -         -        -      (3)          -      (5)
Other                         -       (5)        -        -          -      (5)
Balance at 30 June            7       (4)       14        -        235      252



RP Menell (Chairman)

DN Murray (Chief executive officer)


DD Barber

PM Baum

BE Davison

B Frank

DE Jowell

KW Maxwell

JR McAlpine

BM Menell

Dr MZ Nkosi

WA Nairn (Alternated to BE Davison)

Group company secretary:

RH Phillips

Share codes:

JSE Securities Exchange

South Afirca: AIN ISIN000017141

London Stock Exchange: AGM

Registered office:

Anglovaal Mining Limited

56 Main Street

Johannesburg 2001

South Africa

Transfer secretaries:

Computershare Investor Services Limited

70 Marshall Street

Johannesburg, 2001

South Africa

Transfer secretaries' postal address:

PO Box 1053

Johannesburg, 2000

South Afirca

Telephone (+27 11) 370-5000

Telefax (+27 11) 370-5271/2

London secretaries:

St James's Corporate Services Limited

6 St James's Place

London SW1A1NP

United Kingdom

Telephone (020) 7499-3916

Telefax (020) 7491-1989

United Kingdom share registrars:

Capita Registrars

Balfour House

390/398 High Road

llford, Essex IGI 1NQ

United Kingdom

For further information, please contact:

Ebrahim Takolia on

(+27 11) 634-0333 or
