Mineral Resources Plc / EPIC: ALBA / Market: AIM / Sector:
24 April 2024
Alba Mineral Resources
or the "Company")
Acquires Option Over Andover West Lithium Project in Western
Alba Mineral Resources plc (AIM:
ALBA) is very pleased to announce that it has acquired an option to
purchase a 50% interest in a package of highly prospective lithium
exploration licences in the West Pilbara, Western
· Alba
has secured an option to acquire an initial 50% interest in the
lithium rights over the highly prospective Andover West Lithium
Project in the West Pilbara, Western Australia (the "Andover West
Project" or the "Project"), comprising exploration licence E47-3373
("AW1") and exploration licence application ELA47-4844 ("AW2") (the
"Optioned Licences").
· A
significant amount of lithium exploration activity has taken place
in neighbouring tenements in recent years, including the discovery
at the Andover Project immediately to the east of AW2 of numerous
thick, high-grade lithium intersections (e.g. 209.4m @ 1.42%
· The
Andover Project's 60% owner, Azure Minerals, is currently the
subject of an approved takeover by Hancock Prospecting and SQM
which values Azure at A$1.7 billion.
· Western Australia already hosts four of the world's biggest
lithium mines, with combined reserves exceeding 500 Mt.
· Favourable geology within the Optioned Licences is indicative
of the significant lithium potential of the Andover West Lithium
o The
adjacent West Pilbara Lithium Project has identified mineralisation
within pegmatites in the Roebourne group basalts. These basalts are
also present in the Optioned Licences.
o Large NE-SW trending structures present in the Roebourne
basalts within AW1 have shown high lithium anomalies (1.8%
Li₂O) further south-west
in the Osborne JV tenement.
o A
small section of the Andover Intrusion is present in the north-west
of AW2. Given the Andover Intrusion hosts the Azure Lithium
Discovery (with a
target estimate of 100-240 million tonnes grading
1.0-1.5% Li₂O), this represents a priority target for future
· If,
following the carrying out of confirmatory due diligence during the
initial 30-day option period, Alba elects to exercise the option
for a 50% interest in the lithium rights over the Optioned
Licences, it will pay GBP 250,000 in Alba shares at a premium of
25% above the VWAP of Alba ordinary shares in the 15 trading days
prior to the exercise of the option plus 1 for 1 attaching 12 month
share warrants at an exercise price of 0.2p per
· An
unincorporated joint venture shall be formed for the exploration of
the lithium rights over the Tenements, with each party contributing
to expenditures on a pro rata basis and Alba being appointed
Manager with ultimate responsibility for setting budgets and work
· Alba
shall have pre-emption rights and a separate tag-along right in
respect of any sale or disposal by the other JV partner of its 50%
of the lithium rights in the Tenements.
George Frangeskides, Alba's
Executive Chairman, commented:
"We are delighted to have secured an
option to acquire a 50% interest in the Andover West Lithium
Project in the West Pilbara, including management rights.
Western Australia is home to some of the world's biggest and best
iron ore, gold and lithium deposits. The West Pilbara, where
the Andover West Project is situated, has in recent years seen a
surge in exploration for lithium, with the most notable success
being the lithium discovery made by Azure Minerals on a
neighbouring licence last year which has resulted in its imminent
takeover for A$1.7 billion. High-grade lithium has also been
found across a number of other neighbouring licence
"While lithium prices have come off
substantially in recent times as various global and macroeconomic
factors have taken their effect, the underlying fundamentals remain
very strong with a significant supply shortfall forecast by the end
of the decade. As Andover West is not a near-term production
asset, the current price of lithium is not hugely relevant to our
decision to invest in this project. Indeed, the massive
correction in lithium prices in recent times has only been to our
advantage as we have been able to secure terms with the vendor
which I do not think would have been conceivable 12 or 24 months
ago. We take a medium to long-term view as we seek to build value
for our shareholders.
"We now have a foothold in a
world-class mining district to explore for a commodity that is
absolutely fundamental to the global energy transition."
Exploration licence E47-3373
("Andover West 1" or "AW1") comprises 10 blocks over 10.9 square
miles situated in the West Pilbara region of Western Australia
(Figure 1). The licence was granted on 5 November 2019 and
expires on 4 November 2024, with the right for the licence holder
to extend the term thereafter. The licence has previously
been explored for gold and iron ore but to Alba's knowledge has
never been the subject of any concerted lithium
Exploration licence application
ELA47-4844 ("Andover West 2" or "AW2") comprises 4 blocks over 4.95
square miles immediately to the east of AW1 (Figure 1). The
application area has previously been explored for gold. While
no records have yet been identified in relation to any previous
lithium exploration, the area shares many of the same geological
characteristics of AW1 and other highly prospective licences in the
neighbouring area.

Figure 1: Location Map.
Optioned Licences Andover West 1 (E47-3373) and Andover West 2
(ELA47-4844) shown centre top, shaded blue, with Azure Minerals'
Andover Discovery immediately to the east (shaded pink). Other
neighbouring lithium projects and prospects also shown.
(map courtesy of Artemis
Resources, amended)
Geological Setting
The regional geology is of Archean
age and is known as the Pilbara Block. This block hosts the
Roebourne George Creek and Wundoo groups. The Roebourne group is
formed of felsic volcanic, ultramafic, mafic extrusive and
sedimentary successions in which lithium-bearing pegmatites have
been identified. The group is characterised by igneous intrusions
along fracture lines into unconsolidated sediment. The regional
structures show an overall north-east to south-west trend due to
nine identified deformation events. The highest lithium grades
returned to date are within the Andover Intrusion.
The dominant lithology present in
AW1 is the Regal Formation (part of the Roebourne Group), which is
mainly composed of basalts (Figure 2). The West
Pilbara Lithium Project (held by Artemis Resources, ASX: ARV) has
identified mineralisation within pegmatites in the Roebourne group
basalts. It is expected, therefore, that this large, central
lithology will be among the most prospective targets for lithium
exploration within the licence area.

Figure 2: Simplified Geology
Map with Alba's optioned Andover West licences (E47-3373 and
ELA47-4844) outlined in blue and Azure Minerals' licences,
including the Andover Lithium Discovery, outlined in
There are also large NE-SW trending
structures through this lithology, which are associated with
lithium-bearing intrusions in licence E47-3719, part of the Osborne
Joint Venture project (held by GreenTech Minerals (ASX: GRE) as to
51% and Artemis as to 49%).
AW2 is located north-west of the
Andover Intrusion. The geology also includes basal peridotitic
komatiite overlain by pillow basalt, BIFs, clastics, felsic
volcanics and Karratha Granodiorite. Rock
chip sampling near the boundary of the Gorge Creek and Roebourne
Groups has shown elevated lithium values, which may be indicative
of pegmatites in the area.
Around 60% of AW2 is dominated by
Quaternary deposits, with one large structural boundary to the east
of the site. This boundary separates the Quaternary deposits and
the Roebourne Group. The presence of basalts, in which
mineralised pegmatites have been found elsewhere, indicates
potential for the identification of lithium anomalies.
A relatively small section of the
Andover Intrusion is present in the north-east of the licence
area. This therefore represents a priority target for
exploration. The Regal Formation is also present with AW2. These
basaltic rocks are located on the main structural boundaries within
the licence area and therefore may also represent a lithium
exploration target.
Infrastructure and Logistics
The licences are located in the
Pilbara region of Western Australia, just three miles west of the
town of Roebourne and 19 miles east of the town of Karratha (pop.
17,000) (Figure 3). As both are mining towns, there is a high
social acceptance of mining and multiple operating mines in the
North-West Coastal Highway runs through the western part of AW1
providing good accessibility and transport routes. There are also a
series of off-road tracks that provide access from the highway into
the licences. Karratha airport is approximately 24 miles north-west
of the licences, with multiple ports situated around Dampier (a
further 12 miles north-west of Karratha). The town of Roebourne
also has a small airstrip.
The Rio Tinto railway line which
travels north to Point Samson runs through the centre of Andover
West 2.
The topography of the licences is
mostly flat. Temperatures can reach a maximum of 40°C in summer and
25°C in winter. Annual rainfall is moderate at 250-400mm per
Figure 3: Infrastructure map (Optioned Licences in
Neighbouring Lithium Projects
The main lithium projects
surrounding the tenement are as follows (see Figure 4):
Andover Project (owners Azure Minerals Limited 60% (ASX: AZS, market cap.
A$1.66 billion), Creasy Group 40%). The Andover licence area is
characterised by hundreds of outcropping pegmatites from the
Andover pegmatite swarm that trend roughly NE-SW. Azure's
maiden lithium pegmatite sampling campaign returned first results
in October 2022, and drilling only commenced there in March
2023. The discovery of numerous thick, high-grade lithium
intersections such as 209.4m @ 1.42% Li₂O have confirmed Andover as
a significant lithium exploration project globally.
Azure Minerals has published a
target estimate for Andover of 100-240 million tonnes grading
1.0-1.5% Li₂O[1]. Earlier this month, Azure
shareholders approved the company's takeover by billionaire Gina
Rinehart's private company Hancock Prospecting Pty Ltd. and partner
Sociedad Química y Minera de Chile, or SQM, one of the largest
producers of lithium carbonate in the world, valuing Azure at A$1.7
Osborne Joint Venture
(GreenTech Minerals, 51% (ASX: GRE), Artemis
Resources, 49% (ASX: ARV). Two lithium-bearing pegmatite trends
have been identified running roughly east to west and up to 2.5km
long. Rock chip sampling in the area has returned Li₂O values up to
West Pilbara Lithium Project
(Artemis Resources Ltd, 100%). High lithium soil
concentrations identified of up to 2.36% Li₂O.
Mt Sholl Project (Raiden Resources Ltd, 100% (ASX:
RDN). This project is located around Mt
Sholl, south-west of the Optioned Licences. An extensive soil
sampling programme has found large lithium-in-soil trends with the
highest tenors (100-188ppm) occurring over Roebourne basalts and
Karratha granodiorites. These rock types are present in the
Optioned Licences, indicating a possibility for lithium
prospectivity in the licences.

Figure 4: Geological map of
the West Pilbara region showing AW1 (E47-3373) and AW2 (ELA47-4844)
(red outline), with other tenements prospective for lithium in
yellow. Green circles denote elevated lithium
Western Australia - World-Class Lithium
Western Australia hosts four of the
world's biggest lithium mines, whose combined reserves exceed 500
Mt, namely:
- Wodgina
(reserves of 151.94Mt @ 1.17% Li₂O), a 50:50 JV between Mineral
Resources (ASX: MIN, market capitalisation A$13.5 billion) and
Albemarle Corporation (LON: 0HC7, market cap. US$13.8
Pilgangoora (reserves of 214Mt
@ 1.19% Li₂O, 103 ppm Ta2O5 and 0.99% Fe2O3), 100% owned by Pilbara
Minerals (ASX: PLS, market cap. A$11.6 billion);
- Earl Grey
(reserves of 94.5Mt @ 1.5% Li₂O), owned 50:50 by Wesfarmers (ASX:
WES, market cap. A$74.4 billion) and SQM (NYSE: SQM, market cap.
US$13.2 billion); and
- Greenbushes
(reserves of 86.4Mt @ 2.35% Li₂O), owned by Tianqi Lithium Corp
(SHE: 002466, market cap. CN¥ 74.6 billion).
Planned First-Phase Exploration Activities
Whilst numerous mineral exploration
projects have been carried out over Andover West, they have been
primarily focused on gold and iron ore. Previous exploration programmes have
shown lithium-bearing rocks (possibly pegmatites) to be present in
the licence area, and accordingly field exploration is now required
which expressly targets those rocks. Reconnaissance field mapping
and sampling at AW1 will focus both on the Roebourne Group basalts,
which appear to be a source of lithium-bearing pegmatites at the
neighbouring West Pilbara Lithium Project, and on the NE-SW
trending structures known to be prospective for lithium in the
Osborne JV licence area to the south-west.
As for AW2, this sits within the
Roebourne Group and the Regal Formation basalts, both of which are
prospective for lithium. In addition, a relatively small area
within AW2 appears to be situated on the Andover Intrusion, which
hosts the Andover Discovery (see Figure 2). Given the
significance of the Andover Discovery, this location within AW2
would be the first priority for field mapping and
Option Agreement Terms
A summary of key terms of the Option
Agreement entered into between Alba and the owner of the Optioned
Licences ("Seller"):
(a) Option Fee: Alba shall pay an
option fee of £10,000 in Alba shares at an issue price of 0.0875p
per share (equal to a premium of 25% above the volume weighted
average price ("VWAP") of Alba ordinary shares in the 10 trading
days prior to the date of the Option Agreement), or a total
of 11,428,571 shares ("Option Fee
(b) Option Period: 30-day option to
acquire a 50% interest in the "Optioned Licences").
(c) Option Exercise: If Alba elects
to exercise the option, it shall:
(i) pay to
the Seller GBP 250,000 in Alba ordinary shares at an issue price
equal to a premium of 25% above the VWAP of Alba ordinary shares in
the 15 trading days prior to the exercise of the option;
(ii) issue share
warrants to the Seller on a 1 for 1 attaching basis (such that, for
example, if the total number of Alba consideration shares to be
issued is 250m then the total number of warrants to be issued shall
also be 250m). The warrants shall have an exercise price of
0.2p per share and be exercisable within 12 months from the date of
grant. If at any time during the warrant exercise period, the
10-day VWAP of Alba ordinary shares exceeds 0.3p, Alba may give the
warrant holders notice to exercise their warrants, failing which
their warrants would lapse.
(d) Restrictions on disposals etc:
Alba consideration shares, including those resulting from the
exercise of warrants, shall be subject to a six-month lock-up
provision (no sales without Alba's prior written consent) followed
by a six-month orderly market provision (no sales without first
consulting with Alba in order to maintain an orderly market in
Alba's shares).
(e) A 50:50 unincorporated joint
venture would be formed between Alba and the Seller ("Joint
Venture") on customary terms, with the parties contributing to
expenditures pro rata or diluting in accordance with a customary
dilution formula; Alba being the manager of the Joint Venture with
ultimate responsibility for setting budgets and work programmes
(including as to annual budgets and work programmes).
(f) The JV Board shall comprise an
equal number of representatives from Alba and the Optionor.
Decisions shall be taken by a simple majority, however in the case
of deadlock Alba's Board representatives shall have the casting
(g) Alba shall have pre-emption
rights and a separate tag-along right in respect of any sale or
disposal by the other JV partner of its 50% of the lithium rights
in the Tenements.
(h) All mineral rights other than in
respect of lithium and lithium-bearing ores within the Optioned
Licences shall be retained by the Seller.
Admission to AIM
Application will be made for
the 11,428,571 Option Fee Shares to be admitted to trading on AIM
("Admission"). It is expected that Admission will become effective at 8.00 a.m. on 30 April
2024. The new ordinary shares will be issued credited as
fully paid and will rank in full for all dividends and other
distributions declared, made or paid after Admission and will
otherwise rank on Admission pari
passu in all respects with the existing ordinary
Total Voting Rights
Following Admission, the total
number of ordinary shares in issue will be 8,325,732,952. The Company does not
hold any ordinary shares in treasury. Therefore, the total number
of ordinary shares with voting rights will be 8,325,732,952. This figure may be used
by shareholders in the Company as the denominator for the
calculations by which they will determine if they are required to
notify their interest in, or a change to their interest in, the
share capital of the Company under the Financial Conduct
Authority's Disclosure and Transparency Rules.
This announcement contains
inside information for the purposes of the UK Market Abuse
Regulation and the Directors of the Company are responsible for the
release of this announcement.
Forward Looking
This announcement contains
forward-looking statements relating to expected or anticipated
future events and anticipated results that are forward-looking in
nature and, as a result, are subject to certain risks and
uncertainties, such as general economic, market and business
conditions, competition for qualified staff, the regulatory process
and actions, technical issues, new legislation, uncertainties
resulting from potential delays or changes in plans, uncertainties
resulting from working in a new political jurisdiction,
uncertainties regarding the results of exploration, uncertainties
regarding the timing and granting of prospecting rights,
uncertainties regarding the timing and granting of regulatory and
other third party consents and approvals, uncertainties regarding
the Company's or any third party's ability to execute and implement
future plans, and the occurrence of unexpected events. Actual
results achieved may vary from the information provided herein as a
result of numerous known and unknown risks and uncertainties and
other factors.
Competent Person's
The information in this release that
relates to Exploration Results has been reviewed by Mr Mark Austin.
Mr Austin is a member of SACNASP (Reg. No. 400235/06), Fellow of
The Geological Society and Fellow of the Geological Society of
South Africa. He has a B.Sc. Honours in Geology with 42 years'
Mark Austin has sufficient
experience that is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type
of deposit under consideration and to the activity being undertaken
to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2012 Edition of
the 'Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration targets,
Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves', also
known as the JORC Code. The JORC code is a national reporting
organisation that is aligned with CRIRSCO. Mr Austin consents to
the inclusion in the announcement of the matters based on his
information in the form and context in which they
For further information, please
visit or
Alba Mineral Resources
George Frangeskides, Executive
+44 20
3950 0725
SPARK Advisory Partners Limited
Andrew Emmott
+44 20
3368 3555
CMC Markets plc (Broker)
Thomas Smith / Douglas
+44 20
3003 8632
Projects & Investments
Projects Operated by Alba
Clogau (gold)
Dolgellau Gold Exploration
Gwynfynydd (gold)
Investments Held by Alba
GreenRoc Mining Plc
Horse Hill (oil)
Option to Purchase Held by Alba
Optioned Percentage
Andover West Lithium