RNS Number : 7500H

Aldermore Group PLC

14 March 2018

14 March 2018


Aldermore Group PLC

(the "Company")

Notification and Public Disclosure of Transactions by

Persons Discharging Managerial Responsibilities and

Persons Closely Associated With Them

The Company announces that, on 12 March 2018, pursuant to the Court sanctioning the Scheme of Arrangement by which the Company's entire issued share capital will be acquired by FirstRand International Limited, the following directors/PDMRs exercised options granted under the executive share plans identified below and the Aldermore Group PLC Sharesave Plan. In addition, conditional awards granted under the Aldermore Group PLC Deferred Share Plan on 28 March 2017 also vested on 12 March 2018.

This announcement, in relation to transactions in London, is made in accordance with the requirements of the FCA's DTR Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules sourcebook and EU Market Abuse Regulation.

 1    Details of the person discharging managerial 
       responsibilities / person closely associated 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Name                   Phillip Monks 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 2    Reason for the notification 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Position /             Chief Executive Officer 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 b)   Initial notification   Initial notification 
       / Amendment 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 3    Details of the issuer, emission allowance 
       market participant, auction platform, 
       auctioneer or auction monitor 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Name                   Aldermore Group PLC 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 b)   LEI                    213800JQLWHE8NQYXX31 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 4    Details of the transaction(s): section 
       to be repeated for: (i) each type of instrument; 
       (ii) each type of transaction; (iii) each 
       date; and (iv) each place where transactions 
       have been conducted 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Description            Acquisition of 111,784 ordinary 
       of the financial       shares of GBP0.10 each following 
       instrument,            the vesting of award granted 
       type of instrument     under the Deferred Share Plan 
       Identification         (grant date 21 March 2016) 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 b)   Nature of              Acquisition of ordinary shares 
       the transaction 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 c)   Price(s) and                  Price(s)    Volume(s) 
       volume(s)                   ----------  ---------- 
                                         -        111,784 
                                   ----------  ---------- 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 d)   Aggregated             N/A 
       - Aggregated 
       - Price 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 e)   Date of the            2018-03-12 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 f)   Place of the           Outside a trading venue 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 1    Details of the person discharging managerial 
       responsibilities / person closely associated 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Name                   Phillip Monks 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 2    Reason for the notification 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Position /             Chief Executive Officer 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 b)   Initial notification   Initial notification 
       / Amendment 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 3    Details of the issuer, emission allowance 
       market participant, auction platform, 
       auctioneer or auction monitor 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Name                   Aldermore Group PLC 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 b)   LEI                    213800JQLWHE8NQYXX31 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 4    Details of the transaction(s): section 
       to be repeated for: (i) each type of instrument; 
       (ii) each type of transaction; (iii) each 
       date; and (iv) each place where transactions 
       have been conducted 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Description            Acquisition of 137,325 ordinary 
       of the financial       shares of GBP0.10 each following 
       instrument,            the vesting of award granted 
       type of instrument     under the Deferred Share Plan 
       Identification         (grant date 28 March 2017) 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 b)   Nature of              Acquisition of ordinary shares 
       the transaction 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 c)   Price(s) and                  Price(s)    Volume(s) 
       volume(s)                   ----------  ---------- 
                                         -        137,325 
                                   ----------  ---------- 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 d)   Aggregated             N/A 
       - Aggregated 
       - Price 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 e)   Date of the            2018-03-12 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 f)   Place of the           Outside a trading venue 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 1    Details of the person discharging managerial 
       responsibilities / person closely associated 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Name                   Phillip Monks 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 2    Reason for the notification 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Position /             Chief Executive Officer 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 b)   Initial notification   Initial notification 
       / Amendment 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 3    Details of the issuer, emission allowance 
       market participant, auction platform, 
       auctioneer or auction monitor 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Name                   Aldermore Group PLC 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 b)   LEI                    213800JQLWHE8NQYXX31 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 4    Details of the transaction(s): section 
       to be repeated for: (i) each type of instrument; 
       (ii) each type of transaction; (iii) each 
       date; and (iv) each place where transactions 
       have been conducted 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Description            Acquisition of 245,601 ordinary 
       of the financial       shares of GBP0.10 each following 
       instrument,            the vesting of award granted 
       type of instrument     under the Performance Share 
       Identification         Plan (grant date 2 March 2015) 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 b)   Nature of              Acquisition of ordinary shares 
       the transaction 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 c)   Price(s) and                  Price(s)    Volume(s) 
       volume(s)                   ----------  ---------- 
                                         -        245,601 
                                   ----------  ---------- 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 d)   Aggregated             N/A 
       - Aggregated 
       - Price 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 e)   Date of the            2018-03-12 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 f)   Place of the           Outside a trading venue 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 1    Details of the person discharging managerial 
       responsibilities / person closely associated 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Name                   Phillip Monks 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 2    Reason for the notification 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Position /             Chief Executive Officer 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 b)   Initial notification   Initial notification 
       / Amendment 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 3    Details of the issuer, emission allowance 
       market participant, auction platform, 
       auctioneer or auction monitor 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Name                   Aldermore Group PLC 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 b)   LEI                    213800JQLWHE8NQYXX31 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 4    Details of the transaction(s): section 
       to be repeated for: (i) each type of instrument; 
       (ii) each type of transaction; (iii) each 
       date; and (iv) each place where transactions 
       have been conducted 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Description            Acquisition of 167,496 ordinary 
       of the financial       shares of GBP0.10 each following 
       instrument,            the vesting of award granted 
       type of instrument     under the Performance Share 
       Identification         Plan (grant date 21 March 2016) 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 b)   Nature of              Acquisition of ordinary shares 
       the transaction 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 c)   Price(s) and                  Price(s)    Volume(s) 
       volume(s)                   ----------  ---------- 
                                         -        167,496 
                                   ----------  ---------- 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 d)   Aggregated             N/A 
       - Aggregated 
       - Price 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 e)   Date of the            2018-03-12 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 f)   Place of the           Outside a trading venue 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 1    Details of the person discharging managerial 
       responsibilities / person closely associated 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Name                   Phillip Monks 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 2    Reason for the notification 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Position /             Chief Executive Officer 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 b)   Initial notification   Initial notification 
       / Amendment 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 3    Details of the issuer, emission allowance 
       market participant, auction platform, 
       auctioneer or auction monitor 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Name                   Aldermore Group PLC 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 b)   LEI                    213800JQLWHE8NQYXX31 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 4    Details of the transaction(s): section 
       to be repeated for: (i) each type of instrument; 
       (ii) each type of transaction; (iii) each 
       date; and (iv) each place where transactions 
       have been conducted 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Description            Acquisition of 95,399 ordinary 
       of the financial       shares of GBP0.10 each following 
       instrument,            the vesting of award granted 
       type of instrument     under the Performance Share 
       Identification         Plan (grant date 28 March 2017) 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 b)   Nature of              Acquisition of ordinary shares 
       the transaction 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 c)   Price(s) and                  Price(s)    Volume(s) 
       volume(s)                   ----------  ---------- 
                                         -        95,399 
                                   ----------  ---------- 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 d)   Aggregated             N/A 
       - Aggregated 
       - Price 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 e)   Date of the            2018-03-12 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 f)   Place of the           Outside a trading venue 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 1    Details of the person discharging managerial 
       responsibilities / person closely associated 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Name                   Phillip Monks 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 2    Reason for the notification 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Position /             Chief Executive Officer 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 b)   Initial notification   Initial notification 
       / Amendment 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 3    Details of the issuer, emission allowance 
       market participant, auction platform, 
       auctioneer or auction monitor 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Name                   Aldermore Group PLC 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 b)   LEI                    213800JQLWHE8NQYXX31 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 4    Details of the transaction(s): section 
       to be repeated for: (i) each type of instrument; 
       (ii) each type of transaction; (iii) each 
       date; and (iv) each place where transactions 
       have been conducted 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Description            Acquisition of 5,194 ordinary 
       of the financial       shares of GBP0.10 each following 
       instrument,            the exercise of options granted 
       type of instrument     under the Sharesave Plan (grant 
       Identification         date 12 October 2016) 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 b)   Nature of              Acquisition of ordinary shares 
       the transaction 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 c)   Price(s) and                  Price(s)    Volume(s) 
       volume(s)                   ----------  ---------- 
                                         -         5,194 
                                   ----------  ---------- 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 d)   Aggregated             N/A 
       - Aggregated 
       - Price 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 e)   Date of the            2018-03-12 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 f)   Place of the           Outside a trading venue 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 1    Details of the person discharging managerial 
       responsibilities / person closely associated 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Name                   James Mack 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 2    Reason for the notification 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Position /             Chief Financial Officer 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 b)   Initial notification   Initial notification 
       / Amendment 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 3    Details of the issuer, emission allowance 
       market participant, auction platform, 
       auctioneer or auction monitor 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Name                   Aldermore Group PLC 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 b)   LEI                    213800JQLWHE8NQYXX31 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 4    Details of the transaction(s): section 
       to be repeated for: (i) each type of instrument; 
       (ii) each type of transaction; (iii) each 
       date; and (iv) each place where transactions 
       have been conducted 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Description            Acquisition of 52,786 ordinary 
       of the financial       shares of GBP0.10 each following 
       instrument,            the vesting of award granted 
       type of instrument     under the Deferred Share Plan 
       Identification         (grant date 21 March 2016) 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 b)   Nature of              Acquisition of ordinary shares 
       the transaction 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 c)   Price(s) and                  Price(s)    Volume(s) 
       volume(s)                   ----------  ---------- 
                                         -        52,786 
                                   ----------  ---------- 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 d)   Aggregated             N/A 
       - Aggregated 
       - Price 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 e)   Date of the            2018-03-12 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 f)   Place of the           Outside a trading venue 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 1    Details of the person discharging managerial 
       responsibilities / person closely associated 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Name                   James Mack 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 2    Reason for the notification 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Position /             Chief Financial Officer 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 b)   Initial notification   Initial notification 
       / Amendment 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 3    Details of the issuer, emission allowance 
       market participant, auction platform, 
       auctioneer or auction monitor 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Name                   Aldermore Group PLC 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 b)   LEI                    213800JQLWHE8NQYXX31 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 4    Details of the transaction(s): section 
       to be repeated for: (i) each type of instrument; 
       (ii) each type of transaction; (iii) each 
       date; and (iv) each place where transactions 
       have been conducted 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Description            Acquisition of 97,414 ordinary 
       of the financial       shares of GBP0.10 each following 
       instrument,            the vesting of award granted 
       type of instrument     under the Deferred Share Plan 
       Identification         (grant date 28 March 2017) 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 b)   Nature of              Acquisition of ordinary shares 
       the transaction 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 c)   Price(s) and                  Price(s)    Volume(s) 
       volume(s)                   ----------  ---------- 
                                         -        97,414 
                                   ----------  ---------- 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 d)   Aggregated             N/A 
       - Aggregated 
       - Price 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 e)   Date of the            2018-03-12 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 f)   Place of the           Outside a trading venue 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 1    Details of the person discharging managerial 
       responsibilities / person closely associated 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Name                   James Mack 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 2    Reason for the notification 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Position /             Chief Financial Officer 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 b)   Initial notification   Initial notification 
       / Amendment 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 3    Details of the issuer, emission allowance 
       market participant, auction platform, 
       auctioneer or auction monitor 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Name                   Aldermore Group PLC 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 b)   LEI                    213800JQLWHE8NQYXX31 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 4    Details of the transaction(s): section 
       to be repeated for: (i) each type of instrument; 
       (ii) each type of transaction; (iii) each 
       date; and (iv) each place where transactions 
       have been conducted 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Description            Acquisition of 152,818 ordinary 
       of the financial       shares of GBP0.10 each following 
       instrument,            the vesting of award granted 
       type of instrument     under the Performance Share 
       Identification         Plan (grant date 2 March 2015) 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 b)   Nature of              Acquisition of ordinary shares 
       the transaction 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 c)   Price(s) and                  Price(s)    Volume(s) 
       volume(s)                   ----------  ---------- 
                                         -        152,818 
                                   ----------  ---------- 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 d)   Aggregated             N/A 
       - Aggregated 
       - Price 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 e)   Date of the            2018-03-12 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 f)   Place of the           Outside a trading venue 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 1    Details of the person discharging managerial 
       responsibilities / person closely associated 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Name                   James Mack 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 2    Reason for the notification 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Position /             Chief Financial Officer 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 b)   Initial notification   Initial notification 
       / Amendment 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 3    Details of the issuer, emission allowance 
       market participant, auction platform, 
       auctioneer or auction monitor 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Name                   Aldermore Group PLC 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 b)   LEI                    213800JQLWHE8NQYXX31 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 4    Details of the transaction(s): section 
       to be repeated for: (i) each type of instrument; 
       (ii) each type of transaction; (iii) each 
       date; and (iv) each place where transactions 
       have been conducted 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Description            Acquisition of 117,246 ordinary 
       of the financial       shares of GBP0.10 each following 
       instrument,            the vesting of award granted 
       type of instrument     under the Performance Share 
       Identification         Plan (grant date 21 March 2016) 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 b)   Nature of              Acquisition of ordinary shares 
       the transaction 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 c)   Price(s) and                  Price(s)    Volume(s) 
       volume(s)                   ----------  ---------- 
                                         -        117,246 
                                   ----------  ---------- 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 d)   Aggregated             N/A 
       - Aggregated 
       - Price 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 e)   Date of the            2018-03-12 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 f)   Place of the           Outside a trading venue 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 1    Details of the person discharging managerial 
       responsibilities / person closely associated 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Name                   James Mack 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 2    Reason for the notification 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Position /             Chief Financial Officer 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 b)   Initial notification   Initial notification 
       / Amendment 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 3    Details of the issuer, emission allowance 
       market participant, auction platform, 
       auctioneer or auction monitor 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Name                   Aldermore Group PLC 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 b)   LEI                    213800JQLWHE8NQYXX31 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 4    Details of the transaction(s): section 
       to be repeated for: (i) each type of instrument; 
       (ii) each type of transaction; (iii) each 
       date; and (iv) each place where transactions 
       have been conducted 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Description            Acquisition of 66,779 ordinary 
       of the financial       shares of GBP0.10 each following 
       instrument,            the vesting of award granted 
       type of instrument     under the Performance Share 
       Identification         Plan (grant date 28 March 2017) 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 b)   Nature of              Acquisition of ordinary shares 
       the transaction 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 c)   Price(s) and                  Price(s)    Volume(s) 
       volume(s)                   ----------  ---------- 
                                         -        66,779 
                                   ----------  ---------- 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 d)   Aggregated             N/A 
       - Aggregated 
       - Price 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 e)   Date of the            2018-03-12 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 f)   Place of the           Outside a trading venue 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 1    Details of the person discharging managerial 
       responsibilities / person closely associated 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Name                   James Mack 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 2    Reason for the notification 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Position /             Chief Financial Officer 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 b)   Initial notification   Initial notification 
       / Amendment 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 3    Details of the issuer, emission allowance 
       market participant, auction platform, 
       auctioneer or auction monitor 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Name                   Aldermore Group PLC 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 b)   LEI                    213800JQLWHE8NQYXX31 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 4    Details of the transaction(s): section 
       to be repeated for: (i) each type of instrument; 
       (ii) each type of transaction; (iii) each 
       date; and (iv) each place where transactions 
       have been conducted 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Description            Acquisition of 5,194 ordinary 
       of the financial       shares of GBP0.10 each following 
       instrument,            the exercise of options granted 
       type of instrument     under the Sharesave Plan (grant 
       Identification         date 21 October 2016) 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 b)   Nature of              Acquisition of ordinary shares 
       the transaction 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 c)   Price(s) and                  Price(s)    Volume(s) 
       volume(s)                   ----------  ---------- 
                                         -         5,194 
                                   ----------  ---------- 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 d)   Aggregated             N/A 
       - Aggregated 
       - Price 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 e)   Date of the            2018-03-12 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 f)   Place of the           Outside a trading venue 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 1    Details of the person discharging managerial 
       responsibilities / person closely associated 
---  ---------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Name                   Carl D'Ammassa 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 2    Reason for the notification 
---  ---------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Position /             Group Managing Director - Business 
       status                 Finance 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 b)   Initial notification   Initial notification 
       / Amendment 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 3    Details of the issuer, emission allowance 
       market participant, auction platform, 
       auctioneer or auction monitor 
---  ---------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Name                   Aldermore Group PLC 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 b)   LEI                    213800JQLWHE8NQYXX31 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 4    Details of the transaction(s): section 
       to be repeated for: (i) each type of instrument; 
       (ii) each type of transaction; (iii) each 
       date; and (iv) each place where transactions 
       have been conducted 
---  ---------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Description            Acquisition of 17,854 ordinary 
       of the financial       shares of GBP0.10 each following 
       instrument,            the vesting of award granted 
       type of instrument     under the Deferred Share Plan 
       Identification         (grant date 21 March 2016) 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 b)   Nature of              Acquisition of ordinary shares 
       the transaction 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 c)   Price(s) and                  Price(s)    Volume(s) 
       volume(s)                    ----------  ---------- 
                                          -        17,854 
                                    ----------  ---------- 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 d)   Aggregated             N/A 
       - Aggregated 
       - Price 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 e)   Date of the            2018-03-12 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 f)   Place of the           Outside a trading venue 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 1    Details of the person discharging managerial 
       responsibilities / person closely associated 
---  ---------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Name                   Carl D'Ammassa 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 2    Reason for the notification 
---  ---------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Position /             Group Managing Director - Business 
       status                 Finance 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 b)   Initial notification   Initial notification 
       / Amendment 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 3    Details of the issuer, emission allowance 
       market participant, auction platform, 
       auctioneer or auction monitor 
---  ---------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Name                   Aldermore Group PLC 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 b)   LEI                    213800JQLWHE8NQYXX31 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 4    Details of the transaction(s): section 
       to be repeated for: (i) each type of instrument; 
       (ii) each type of transaction; (iii) each 
       date; and (iv) each place where transactions 
       have been conducted 
---  ---------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Description            Acquisition of 34,858 ordinary 
       of the financial       shares of GBP0.10 each following 
       instrument,            the vesting of award granted 
       type of instrument     under the Deferred Share Plan 
       Identification         (grant date 28 March 2017) 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 b)   Nature of              Acquisition of ordinary shares 
       the transaction 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 c)   Price(s) and                  Price(s)    Volume(s) 
       volume(s)                    ----------  ---------- 
                                          -        34,858 
                                    ----------  ---------- 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 d)   Aggregated             N/A 
       - Aggregated 
       - Price 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 e)   Date of the            2018-03-12 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 f)   Place of the           Outside a trading venue 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 1    Details of the person discharging managerial 
       responsibilities / person closely associated 
---  ---------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Name                   Carl D'Ammassa 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 2    Reason for the notification 
---  ---------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Position /             Group Managing Director - Business 
       status                 Finance 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 b)   Initial notification   Initial notification 
       / Amendment 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 3    Details of the issuer, emission allowance 
       market participant, auction platform, 
       auctioneer or auction monitor 
---  ---------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Name                   Aldermore Group PLC 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 b)   LEI                    213800JQLWHE8NQYXX31 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 4    Details of the transaction(s): section 
       to be repeated for: (i) each type of instrument; 
       (ii) each type of transaction; (iii) each 
       date; and (iv) each place where transactions 
       have been conducted 
---  ---------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Description            Acquisition of 52,306 ordinary 
       of the financial       shares of GBP0.10 each following 
       instrument,            the vesting of award granted 
       type of instrument     under the Performance Share 
       Identification         Plan (grant date 2 March 2015) 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 b)   Nature of              Acquisition of ordinary shares 
       the transaction 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 c)   Price(s) and                  Price(s)    Volume(s) 
       volume(s)                    ----------  ---------- 
                                          -        52,306 
                                    ----------  ---------- 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 d)   Aggregated             N/A 
       - Aggregated 
       - Price 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 e)   Date of the            2018-03-12 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 f)   Place of the           Outside a trading venue 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 1    Details of the person discharging managerial 
       responsibilities / person closely associated 
---  ---------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Name                   Carl D'Ammassa 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 2    Reason for the notification 
---  ---------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Position /             Group Managing Director - Business 
       status                 Finance 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 b)   Initial notification   Initial notification 
       / Amendment 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 3    Details of the issuer, emission allowance 
       market participant, auction platform, 
       auctioneer or auction monitor 
---  ---------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Name                   Aldermore Group PLC 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 b)   LEI                    213800JQLWHE8NQYXX31 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 4    Details of the transaction(s): section 
       to be repeated for: (i) each type of instrument; 
       (ii) each type of transaction; (iii) each 
       date; and (iv) each place where transactions 
       have been conducted 
---  ---------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Description            Acquisition of 60,050 ordinary 
       of the financial       shares of GBP0.10 each following 
       instrument,            the vesting of award granted 
       type of instrument     under the Performance Share 
       Identification         Plan (grant date 21 March 2016) 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 b)   Nature of              Acquisition of ordinary shares 
       the transaction 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 c)   Price(s) and                  Price(s)    Volume(s) 
       volume(s)                    ----------  ---------- 
                                          -        60,050 
                                    ----------  ---------- 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 d)   Aggregated             N/A 
       - Aggregated 
       - Price 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 e)   Date of the            2018-03-12 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 f)   Place of the           Outside a trading venue 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 1    Details of the person discharging managerial 
       responsibilities / person closely associated 
---  ---------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Name                   Carl D'Ammassa 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 2    Reason for the notification 
---  ---------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Position /             Group Managing Director - Business 
       status                 Finance 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 b)   Initial notification   Initial notification 
       / Amendment 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 3    Details of the issuer, emission allowance 
       market participant, auction platform, 
       auctioneer or auction monitor 
---  ---------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Name                   Aldermore Group PLC 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 b)   LEI                    213800JQLWHE8NQYXX31 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 4    Details of the transaction(s): section 
       to be repeated for: (i) each type of instrument; 
       (ii) each type of transaction; (iii) each 
       date; and (iv) each place where transactions 
       have been conducted 
---  ---------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Description            Acquisition of 18,655 ordinary 
       of the financial       shares of GBP0.10 each following 
       instrument,            the vesting of award granted 
       type of instrument     under the Performance Share 
       Identification         Plan (grant date 28 March 2017) 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 b)   Nature of              Acquisition of ordinary shares 
       the transaction 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 c)   Price(s) and                  Price(s)    Volume(s) 
       volume(s)                    ----------  ---------- 
                                          -        18,655 
                                    ----------  ---------- 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 d)   Aggregated             N/A 
       - Aggregated 
       - Price 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 e)   Date of the            2018-03-12 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 f)   Place of the           Outside a trading venue 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 1    Details of the person discharging managerial 
       responsibilities / person closely associated 
---  ---------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Name                   Carl D'Ammassa 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 2    Reason for the notification 
---  ---------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Position /             Group Managing Director - Business 
       status                 Finance 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 b)   Initial notification   Initial notification 
       / Amendment 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 3    Details of the issuer, emission allowance 
       market participant, auction platform, 
       auctioneer or auction monitor 
---  ---------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Name                   Aldermore Group PLC 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 b)   LEI                    213800JQLWHE8NQYXX31 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 4    Details of the transaction(s): section 
       to be repeated for: (i) each type of instrument; 
       (ii) each type of transaction; (iii) each 
       date; and (iv) each place where transactions 
       have been conducted 
---  ---------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Description            Acquisition of 9,327 ordinary 
       of the financial       shares of GBP0.10 each following 
       instrument,            the vesting of award granted 
       type of instrument     under the Restricted Share 
       Identification         Plan (grant date 28 March 2017) 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 b)   Nature of              Acquisition of ordinary shares 
       the transaction 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 c)   Price(s) and                  Price(s)    Volume(s) 
       volume(s)                    ----------  ---------- 
                                          -         9,327 
                                    ----------  ---------- 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 d)   Aggregated             N/A 
       - Aggregated 
       - Price 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 e)   Date of the            2018-03-12 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 f)   Place of the           Outside a trading venue 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 1    Details of the person discharging managerial 
       responsibilities / person closely associated 
---  ---------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Name                   Carl D'Ammassa 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 2    Reason for the notification 
---  ---------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Position /             Group Managing Director - Business 
       status                 Finance 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 b)   Initial notification   Initial notification 
       / Amendment 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 3    Details of the issuer, emission allowance 
       market participant, auction platform, 
       auctioneer or auction monitor 
---  ---------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Name                   Aldermore Group PLC 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 b)   LEI                    213800JQLWHE8NQYXX31 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 4    Details of the transaction(s): section 
       to be repeated for: (i) each type of instrument; 
       (ii) each type of transaction; (iii) each 
       date; and (iv) each place where transactions 
       have been conducted 
---  ---------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Description            Acquisition of 131,081 ordinary 
       of the financial       shares of GBP0.10 each following 
       instrument,            the vesting of Pre-IPO award 
       type of instrument     granted under the Performance 
       Identification         Share Plan (grant date 2 March 
       code                   2015) 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 b)   Nature of              Acquisition of ordinary shares 
       the transaction 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 c)   Price(s) and                  Price(s)    Volume(s) 
       volume(s)                    ----------  ---------- 
                                         -        131,081 
                                    ----------  ---------- 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 d)   Aggregated             N/A 
       - Aggregated 
       - Price 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 e)   Date of the            2018-03-12 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 f)   Place of the           Outside a trading venue 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 1    Details of the person discharging managerial 
       responsibilities / person closely associated 
---  ---------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Name                   Carl D'Ammassa 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 2    Reason for the notification 
---  ---------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Position /             Group Managing Director - Business 
       status                 Finance 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 b)   Initial notification   Initial notification 
       / Amendment 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 3    Details of the issuer, emission allowance 
       market participant, auction platform, 
       auctioneer or auction monitor 
---  ---------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Name                   Aldermore Group PLC 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 b)   LEI                    213800JQLWHE8NQYXX31 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 4    Details of the transaction(s): section 
       to be repeated for: (i) each type of instrument; 
       (ii) each type of transaction; (iii) each 
       date; and (iv) each place where transactions 
       have been conducted 
---  ---------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Description            Acquisition of 5,194 ordinary 
       of the financial       shares of GBP0.10 each following 
       instrument,            the exercise of options granted 
       type of instrument     under the Sharesave Plan (grant 
       Identification         date 12 October 2016) 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 b)   Nature of              Acquisition of ordinary shares 
       the transaction 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 c)   Price(s) and                  Price(s)    Volume(s) 
       volume(s)                    ----------  ---------- 
                                          -         5,194 
                                    ----------  ---------- 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 d)   Aggregated             N/A 
       - Aggregated 
       - Price 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 e)   Date of the            2018-03-12 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 f)   Place of the           Outside a trading venue 
---  ---------------------  ----------------------------------- 
 1    Details of the person discharging managerial 
       responsibilities / person closely associated 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Name                   Rob Divall 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 2    Reason for the notification 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Position /             Group HR Director 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 b)   Initial notification   Initial notification 
       / Amendment 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 3    Details of the issuer, emission allowance 
       market participant, auction platform, 
       auctioneer or auction monitor 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Name                   Aldermore Group PLC 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 b)   LEI                    213800JQLWHE8NQYXX31 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 4    Details of the transaction(s): section 
       to be repeated for: (i) each type of instrument; 
       (ii) each type of transaction; (iii) each 
       date; and (iv) each place where transactions 
       have been conducted 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Description            Acquisition of 8,959 ordinary 
       of the financial       shares of GBP0.10 each following 
       instrument,            the vesting of award granted 
       type of instrument     under the Deferred Share Plan 
       Identification         (grant date 28 March 2017) 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 b)   Nature of              Acquisition of ordinary shares 
       the transaction 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 c)   Price(s) and                  Price(s)    Volume(s) 
       volume(s)                   ----------  ---------- 
                                         -         8,959 
                                   ----------  ---------- 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 d)   Aggregated             N/A 
       - Aggregated 
       - Price 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 e)   Date of the            2018-03-12 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 f)   Place of the           Outside a trading venue 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 1    Details of the person discharging managerial 
       responsibilities / person closely associated 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Name                   Rob Divall 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 2    Reason for the notification 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Position /             Group HR Director 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 b)   Initial notification   Initial notification 
       / Amendment 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 3    Details of the issuer, emission allowance 
       market participant, auction platform, 
       auctioneer or auction monitor 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Name                   Aldermore Group PLC 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 b)   LEI                    213800JQLWHE8NQYXX31 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 4    Details of the transaction(s): section 
       to be repeated for: (i) each type of instrument; 
       (ii) each type of transaction; (iii) each 
       date; and (iv) each place where transactions 
       have been conducted 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Description            Acquisition of 36,681 ordinary 
       of the financial       shares of GBP0.10 each following 
       instrument,            the vesting of award granted 
       type of instrument     under the Performance Share 
       Identification         Plan (grant date 3 October 
       code                   2016) 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 b)   Nature of              Acquisition of ordinary shares 
       the transaction 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 c)   Price(s) and                  Price(s)    Volume(s) 
       volume(s)                   ----------  ---------- 
                                         -        36,681 
                                   ----------  ---------- 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 d)   Aggregated             N/A 
       - Aggregated 
       - Price 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 e)   Date of the            2018-03-12 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 f)   Place of the           Outside a trading venue 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 1    Details of the person discharging managerial 
       responsibilities / person closely associated 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Name                   Rob Divall 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 2    Reason for the notification 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Position /             Group HR Director 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 b)   Initial notification   Initial notification 
       / Amendment 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 3    Details of the issuer, emission allowance 
       market participant, auction platform, 
       auctioneer or auction monitor 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Name                   Aldermore Group PLC 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 b)   LEI                    213800JQLWHE8NQYXX31 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 4    Details of the transaction(s): section 
       to be repeated for: (i) each type of instrument; 
       (ii) each type of transaction; (iii) each 
       date; and (iv) each place where transactions 
       have been conducted 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Description            Acquisition of 13,788 ordinary 
       of the financial       shares of GBP0.10 each following 
       instrument,            the vesting of award granted 
       type of instrument     under the Performance Share 
       Identification         Plan (grant date 28 March 2017) 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 b)   Nature of              Acquisition of ordinary shares 
       the transaction 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 c)   Price(s) and                  Price(s)    Volume(s) 
       volume(s)                   ----------  ---------- 
                                         -        13,788 
                                   ----------  ---------- 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 d)   Aggregated             N/A 
       - Aggregated 
       - Price 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 e)   Date of the            2018-03-12 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 f)   Place of the           Outside a trading venue 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 1    Details of the person discharging managerial 
       responsibilities / person closely associated 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Name                   Rob Divall 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 2    Reason for the notification 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Position /             Group HR Director 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 b)   Initial notification   Initial notification 
       / Amendment 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 3    Details of the issuer, emission allowance 
       market participant, auction platform, 
       auctioneer or auction monitor 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Name                   Aldermore Group PLC 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 b)   LEI                    213800JQLWHE8NQYXX31 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 4    Details of the transaction(s): section 
       to be repeated for: (i) each type of instrument; 
       (ii) each type of transaction; (iii) each 
       date; and (iv) each place where transactions 
       have been conducted 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Description            Acquisition of 6,894 ordinary 
       of the financial       shares of GBP0.10 each following 
       instrument,            the vesting of award granted 
       type of instrument     under the Restricted Share 
       Identification         Plan (grant date 28 March 2017) 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 b)   Nature of              Acquisition of ordinary shares 
       the transaction 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 c)   Price(s) and                  Price(s)    Volume(s) 
       volume(s)                   ----------  ---------- 
                                         -         6,894 
                                   ----------  ---------- 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 d)   Aggregated             N/A 
       - Aggregated 
       - Price 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 e)   Date of the            2018-03-12 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 f)   Place of the           Outside a trading venue 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 1    Details of the person discharging managerial 
       responsibilities / person closely associated 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Name                   Rob Divall 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 2    Reason for the notification 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Position /             Group HR Director 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 b)   Initial notification   Initial notification 
       / Amendment 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 3    Details of the issuer, emission allowance 
       market participant, auction platform, 
       auctioneer or auction monitor 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Name                   Aldermore Group PLC 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 b)   LEI                    213800JQLWHE8NQYXX31 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 4    Details of the transaction(s): section 
       to be repeated for: (i) each type of instrument; 
       (ii) each type of transaction; (iii) each 
       date; and (iv) each place where transactions 
       have been conducted 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Description            Acquisition of 5,194 ordinary 
       of the financial       shares of GBP0.10 each following 
       instrument,            the exercise of options granted 
       type of instrument     under the Sharesave Plan (grant 
       Identification         date 12 October 2016) 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 b)   Nature of              Acquisition of ordinary shares 
       the transaction 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 c)   Price(s) and                  Price(s)    Volume(s) 
       volume(s)                   ----------  ---------- 
                                         -         5,194 
                                   ----------  ---------- 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 d)   Aggregated             N/A 
       - Aggregated 
       - Price 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 e)   Date of the            2018-03-12 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 f)   Place of the           Outside a trading venue 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 1    Details of the person discharging managerial 
       responsibilities / person closely associated 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Name                   Christine Palmer 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 2    Reason for the notification 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Position /             Chief Risk Officer 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 b)   Initial notification   Initial notification 
       / Amendment 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 3    Details of the issuer, emission allowance 
       market participant, auction platform, 
       auctioneer or auction monitor 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Name                   Aldermore Group PLC 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 b)   LEI                    213800JQLWHE8NQYXX31 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 4    Details of the transaction(s): section 
       to be repeated for: (i) each type of instrument; 
       (ii) each type of transaction; (iii) each 
       date; and (iv) each place where transactions 
       have been conducted 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Description            Acquisition of 104,350 ordinary 
       of the financial       shares of GBP0.10 each following 
       instrument,            the vesting of award granted 
       type of instrument     under the Deferred Share Plan 
       Identification         (grant date 28 March 2017) 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 b)   Nature of              Acquisition of ordinary shares 
       the transaction 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 c)   Price(s) and                  Price(s)    Volume(s) 
       volume(s)                   ----------  ---------- 
                                         -        104,350 
                                   ----------  ---------- 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 d)   Aggregated             N/A 
       - Aggregated 
       - Price 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 e)   Date of the            2018-03-12 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 f)   Place of the           Outside a trading venue 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 1    Details of the person discharging managerial 
       responsibilities / person closely associated 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Name                   Christine Palmer 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 2    Reason for the notification 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Position /             Chief Risk Officer 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 b)   Initial notification   Initial notification 
       / Amendment 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 3    Details of the issuer, emission allowance 
       market participant, auction platform, 
       auctioneer or auction monitor 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Name                   Aldermore Group PLC 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 b)   LEI                    213800JQLWHE8NQYXX31 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 4    Details of the transaction(s): section 
       to be repeated for: (i) each type of instrument; 
       (ii) each type of transaction; (iii) each 
       date; and (iv) each place where transactions 
       have been conducted 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Description            Acquisition of 54,966 ordinary 
       of the financial       shares of GBP0.10 each following 
       instrument,            the vesting of award granted 
       type of instrument     under the Restricted Share 
       Identification         Plan (grant date 12 May 2016) 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 b)   Nature of              Acquisition of ordinary shares 
       the transaction 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 c)   Price(s) and                  Price(s)    Volume(s) 
       volume(s)                   ----------  ---------- 
                                         -        54,966 
                                   ----------  ---------- 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 d)   Aggregated             N/A 
       - Aggregated 
       - Price 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 e)   Date of the            2018-03-12 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 f)   Place of the           Outside a trading venue 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 1    Details of the person discharging managerial 
       responsibilities / person closely associated 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Name                   Christine Palmer 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 2    Reason for the notification 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Position /             Chief Risk Officer 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 b)   Initial notification   Initial notification 
       / Amendment 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 3    Details of the issuer, emission allowance 
       market participant, auction platform, 
       auctioneer or auction monitor 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Name                   Aldermore Group PLC 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 b)   LEI                    213800JQLWHE8NQYXX31 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 4    Details of the transaction(s): section 
       to be repeated for: (i) each type of instrument; 
       (ii) each type of transaction; (iii) each 
       date; and (iv) each place where transactions 
       have been conducted 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Description            Acquisition of 22,613 ordinary 
       of the financial       shares of GBP0.10 each following 
       instrument,            the vesting of award granted 
       type of instrument     under the Restricted Share 
       Identification         Plan (grant date 28 March 2017) 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 b)   Nature of              Acquisition of ordinary shares 
       the transaction 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 c)   Price(s) and                  Price(s)    Volume(s) 
       volume(s)                   ----------  ---------- 
                                         -        22,613 
                                   ----------  ---------- 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 d)   Aggregated             N/A 
       - Aggregated 
       - Price 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 e)   Date of the            2018-03-12 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 f)   Place of the           Outside a trading venue 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 1    Details of the person discharging managerial 
       responsibilities / person closely associated 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Name                   Christine Palmer 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 2    Reason for the notification 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Position /             Chief Risk Officer 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 b)   Initial notification   Initial notification 
       / Amendment 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 3    Details of the issuer, emission allowance 
       market participant, auction platform, 
       auctioneer or auction monitor 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Name                   Aldermore Group PLC 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 b)   LEI                    213800JQLWHE8NQYXX31 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 4    Details of the transaction(s): section 
       to be repeated for: (i) each type of instrument; 
       (ii) each type of transaction; (iii) each 
       date; and (iv) each place where transactions 
       have been conducted 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Description            Acquisition of 466,179 ordinary 
       of the financial       shares of GBP0.10 each following 
       instrument,            the vesting of Recruitment 
       type of instrument     award granted under the terms 
       Identification         of the Restricted Share Plan 
       code                   (grant date 12 May 2016) 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 b)   Nature of              Acquisition of ordinary shares 
       the transaction 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 c)   Price(s) and                  Price(s)    Volume(s) 
       volume(s)                   ----------  ---------- 
                                         -        466,179 
                                   ----------  ---------- 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 d)   Aggregated             N/A 
       - Aggregated 
       - Price 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 e)   Date of the            2018-03-12 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 f)   Place of the           Outside a trading venue 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 1    Details of the person discharging managerial 
       responsibilities / person closely associated 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Name                   Christine Palmer 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 2    Reason for the notification 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Position /             Chief Risk Officer 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 b)   Initial notification   Initial notification 
       / Amendment 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 3    Details of the issuer, emission allowance 
       market participant, auction platform, 
       auctioneer or auction monitor 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Name                   Aldermore Group PLC 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 b)   LEI                    213800JQLWHE8NQYXX31 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 4    Details of the transaction(s): section 
       to be repeated for: (i) each type of instrument; 
       (ii) each type of transaction; (iii) each 
       date; and (iv) each place where transactions 
       have been conducted 
---  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 a)   Description            Acquisition of 3,116 ordinary 
       of the financial       shares of GBP0.10 each following 
       instrument,            the vesting of award granted 
       type of instrument     under the Sharesave Plan (grant 
       Identification         date 12 October 2016) 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 b)   Nature of              Acquisition of ordinary shares 
       the transaction 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 c)   Price(s) and                  Price(s)    Volume(s) 
       volume(s)                   ----------  ---------- 
                                         -         3,116 
                                   ----------  ---------- 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 d)   Aggregated             N/A 
       - Aggregated 
       - Price 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 e)   Date of the            2018-03-12 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 f)   Place of the           Outside a trading venue 
---  ---------------------  ---------------------------------- 

For further information contact:

Anchna Devi

Company Secretary

+44 (0)20 3953 7479

Martin Adams

Director of Investor Relations

+44 (0)20 8185 3108

Holly Marshall

Director of Corporate Affairs

+44 (0)7557 391682

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



(END) Dow Jones Newswires

March 14, 2018 11:19 ET (15:19 GMT)

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