RNS Number : 4636J
  Asset Management Investment Co.PLC
  03 December 2008

    For immediate release 3rd December 2008



    Asset Management Investment Company PLC ('AMIC'), the specialist investor in the global asset management industry, announces its results
for the year to 30 September 2008.


    *     Net assets �23.6 million (30 September 2007 �27.6 million)

    *     Gearing 9% (30 September 2007 17%)

    *     NAV per share 125.46p (30 September 2007 133.76p)

    *     Pre-tax revenue profit �1.79 million (30 September 2007 �2.08 million)

    *     Final dividend 4.5p net per share (2007 4.0p net per share)

    Chairman's statement

    In my statement which accompanied the annual report for 2007 sent to shareholders on 10 January 2008 I was able to comment on the
favourable operating environment for the asset management industry continuing through much of the second half of that year. The dislocation
in credit markets which commenced in August 2007 had at the time of my statement little effect on the companies in the AMIC portfolio and no
negative effect on valuations or on income from these investments. Since then the world has changed, and your Company's investment portfolio
has not been immune from the economic turmoil which has had no parallel since the great depression of the early 1930's.  

    The falling stock markets which are anticipating world recession and possibly deflation and depression inevitably have had a severe
negative impact on the asset management industry and the values attributed to asset management companies. In valuing your Company's unquoted
investments your Directors are required to take a careful and prudent approach, which includes comparison with valuations in the quoted
sector and transactions occurring in the industry. The exceptional conditions in the course of the year resulted in downward reviews of
these valuations and a year-end Net Asset Value per share of 125.46p compared with 133.76p on 30 September 2007. However, since the year-end
this trend has accelerated and the Net Asset Value per share as 28 November 2008 was 107.24p.

    The revenue picture has been much better. Your Company's three principal sources of revenue are the receipts from FX Concepts, IFDC
Group and City of London Investment Group. FX Concepts and IFDC Group report in United States dollars and the fee income of City of London
is substantially received in United States dollars. The weakness of sterling against the United States dollar since the year-end is
therefore enhancing current income, and may provide some cushion against the possibility of lower revenue receipts.  

    Investment portfolio

    Your company holds two quoted investments, City of London Investment Group plc and Integrated Asset Management plc. City of London
invests in emerging markets through the medium of international closed-end companies and funds and inevitably has suffered a reduction in
the level of funds under management as a consequence of markets. In accordance with the strategy adopted by your Company in October 2006 the
holding was reduced in the course of the year with the sale of 281,275 shares for a consideration of �0.94 million at a price per share of
335p compared to the share price of 140p as at 28 November 2008. Integrated Asset Management in March completed the acquisition of the
Altigefi hedge fund group in Paris to achieve assets under management of $2.8 million. The company's business is as a manager of funds of
hedge funds and an institutional broker, and the unfashionable sector in which it operates, the AIM listing and poor liquidity have all
contributed to an extremely depressed share price despite a strong balance sheet and a viable business.

    IFDC Group S.A., a manager of funds invested in the Japanese stock market, continues to be the largest investment in the portfolio and a
major contributor to our revenue, although the extreme weakness in the Japanese market has inevitably had a negative impact on the level of
funds under management.  FX Concepts Inc, an investment manager in the foreign exchange markets, has been less affected by stock markets and
has had another excellent year, with close to $15.0 billion under management and revenues which are again well ahead of the level which
ensures that AMIC will receive the maximum revenue of $1.4 million from its note.  Lombardia Capital Partners, located in California, who
are managers of large cap, mid cap and small cap equity portfolios invested in the United States stock markets, have suffered a
market-related fall in funds under management to approximately $1.4 billion, but continue to maintain an excellent investment management
performance in each investment area.

    Three exits from investments were completed in the course of the year. Your Company's interest in Hillview Capital Advisors, a private
wealth management company located in New York City, was sold to the management of Hillview in December 2007 for a total consideration of
$1.3 million, comprising a first payment of $0.5 million received in December 2007, a deferred payment of $0.54 million and the remainder
due in stage payments.  

    In February the Company announced the disposal of its investment in Principal Investment Holdings Limited for a total consideration
satisfied partly at completion and partly by a deferred payment.  �2.45 million in cash (representing 80% of the value of the investment)
was received on completion of the sale in March, and the balance of the consideration, calculated by reference to the performance of the
FTSE 100 Index in 2008, is scheduled to be received on the first anniversary of completion. The current level of the FTSE Index suggests
that it is unlikely that the deferred element will be received. 
    For a considerable period your Board and management were working to achieve a satisfactory outcome in connection with your Company's
investment in Financial Management Advisors, a fixed income manager located in California. As previously reported a full provision was made
against the value of the investment following FMA receiving an unfavourable judgement in a significant litigation in December 2006. 
Finally, your Company achieved an exit from the investment when the business was sold to First Western Bank of Colorado for a total
consideration to AMIC of $ 0.7 million.  

    Corporate developments

    Your Board took the decision to apply the proceeds from the disposal of Principal and the shares in City of London to the reduction of
the balance of the revolving credit facility provided by Investec Bank (UK) Limited. This resulted in the balance being eliminated, and
borrowings from Investec were further reduced on the receipt of the third tranche of $4 million from FX Concepts payable on 2 July 2008,
leaving a balance of $4 million which will be repaid on 2 July 2009.

    On 4 September 2008 your Company announced that it had received notification from FX Concepts, Inc. of its intention to exercise the
call option which it held in respect of the 20,014 ordinary shares of FX Concepts Inc held by AMIC at a price of $500 per share. The total
amount receivable by your Company of approximately $10.0 million was converted into sterling on 31 October 2008 using a forward contract at
a �/US$ exchange rate of 1.755 and the gross sterling equivalent of approximately �5.7 million was subsequently received. The investment
held by AMIC in the 10% promissory loan note issued by FX Concepts Inc and the significant revenue derived from the note remain unaffected
by the exercise of this call option. 

    Your Board consulted with major shareholders and its advisers to determine the most appropriate method for returning the proceeds of
this sale to Shareholders in accordance with the strategy approved by Shareholders in October 2006. In formulating the return of cash the
Board was mindful to ensure that all Shareholders were treated equally and that substantially all of the proceeds of the sale, after costs,
were returned to Shareholders. On 21 November 2008 a circular was sent to Shareholders detailing the arrangements for returning 27p per
share in cash, which is expected to be completed early in February 2009.

    Your Company will continue the programme of buying back ordinary shares for cancellation as and when the opportunity is available.
Between 1 October 2007 and 30 September 2008 1,737,093 ordinary shares were bought back and cancelled at a cost of �2.0 million, equal to
8.4% of the ordinary share capital in issue at the start of the financial year. 

    Financial results

    Revenue profit before tax and minority interests for the year was �1.79 million (2007: �2.08 million), a decrease of 14%. Profit after
taxation decreased by 17.1% to �1.37 million (2007: �1.65 million) and revenue return per ordinary share decreased by 11.2% to 6.96p (2007:
7.83p). Your Board is recommending payment of a final dividend of 4.5p net per share (2007: 4.0p net per share), which, together with the
interim dividend of 2.0p net per share (2007: 1.5p net per share) paid on 15 August 2008, will make a total payment of 6.5p net per share
(2007: 5.5p net per share). The final dividend will be proposed at the Annual General Meeting on 5 February 2009 for payment on 10 February
2009 to shareholders on the register at the close of business on 23 January 2009. At 30 September 2008 the gearing (being the proportion of
interest bearing debt to total assets) stood at 9% (30 September 2007: 17%). 


    Throughout the world there are major economic and financial problems, which your Board believe will take a considerable time to be
resolved. The current year is likely to be a difficult one throughout the financial sector, including the asset management industry. It is
not possible to forecast when growth will return to stock markets, and until then asset management companies will have to operate with lower
levels of funds under management, revenues and earnings than in recent years. However, your Board is confident that in general the principal
investments held by AMIC are well managed businesses, well equipped to deal with the problems of these difficult times and well positioned
to take advantage of the recovery in markets which will come in due course.

    Charles Wilkinson

    3 December 2008

 for the year ended 30 September 2008

                                                                                                                 Year ended            Year

                                                                                                              30 September 2008        30
September 2007

                                                                                                        Revenue     Capital     Total 
Revenue  Capital  Total
                                                                                               Notes      �'000       �'000     �'000  �'000
 �'000  �'000
 Gains/(losses) on fair value through profit or loss                                                          -     (1,212)   (1,212)  - 
2,578  2,578
 Investment income                                                                                        2,109           -     2,109  2,424
 -  2,424
 Administration expenses                                                                                  (287)       (860)   (1,147)  (214)
 (645)  (859)

 Profit/(loss) before finance costs and taxation                                                          1,822     (2,072)     (250)  2,210
 1,933  4,143

 Interest payable                                                                                          (75)       (226)     (301)  (154)
 (460)  (614)
 Movement on loan redemption derivative                                                                    (11)        (34)      (45)  (63) 
(188)  (251)
 Interest receivable                                                                                         54           -        54  87  -
 Other finance charges

                                                                                                          1,790     (2,332)     (542)  2,080
 1,285  3,365
 Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities before taxation
 Taxation                                                                                                 (417)        229      (188)  (424)
 291  (133)

 Profit/(loss) for the period                                                                             1,373     (2,103)     (730)  1,656
 1,576  3,232
 Earnings per share
 Return per ordinary share (basic)                                                                3       6.96p    (10.66p)    (3.7p)  7.83p
 7.46p  15.29p

 Return per ordinary share (diluted)                                                              3       6.96p    (10.66p)    (3.7p)  7.83p
 7.46p  15.29p

 The total column of this statement represents the Group's Income Statement, prepared in accordance with IFRS. The supplementary revenue and
capital columns are both
 prepared under guidance published by the Association of Investment Companies. All items in the above statement derive from continuing

 for the year ended 30 September 2008
                                                                                                  30 September 2008      30 September 2007

                                                                                                   Group   Company     Group        Company
                                                                                  Notes            �'000    �'000      �'000         �'000

 Non-current assets                                                                                     2         2           3             
 Property, plant and equipment

 Fair value through profit or loss
 - Listed investments                                                                               3,765     3,765       6,964          
 - Unlisted investments                                                                            13,319    13,319      21,529         
                                                                                                   17,086    17,086      28,496         

 Current assets
 Investment                                                                                         5,614     5,614           -             
 Receivables                                                                                        2,675     2,675       3,669          
 Cash and cash equivalents                                                                          1,233     1,233       1,424          
 Total assets                                                                                      26,608    26,608      33,589         

 Current liabilities
 Payables                                                                                           (400)     (400)       (196)          
 Bank loans                                                                                       (2,244)   (2,244)     (1,963)        
 Loan Redemption Derivative                                                                         (295)     (295)          -              
                                                                                                  (2,939)   (2,939)     (2,159)        

 Total assets less current liabilities                                                             23,669    23,669      31,430         

 Non-current liabilities
 Bank loans                                                                                             -         -     (3,567)        
 Loan Redemption Derivative                                                                             -         -       (251)          
 Net assets                                                                                        23,669    23,669      27,612         

 Ordinary share capital                                                                             4,752     4,752       5,186          
 Special Reserve                                                                                    4,433     4,433       6,438          
 Capital Redemption Reserve                                                                         8,764     8,764       8,330          
 Other capital reserves                                                                             3,367     3,367       5,766          
 Retained earnings                                                                                  2,430     2,430       1,960          
 Own share reserve                                                                                   (77)      (77)        (68)           
 Total equity                                                                                      23,669    23,669      27,612         

 Allocation of shareholders' funds
 Net asset value per ordinary 
 25p share (basic)                                                                  4             125.46p   125.46p     133.76p        
 Net asset value per ordinary 
 25p share (diluted)                                                                4             125.46p   125.46p     133.76p        

 for the year ended 30 September 2008
                                                           Total          Special Reserve        Capital  Own shares       Other  Retained
earnings  Total
                                                                                              Redemption                 capital            
                                                                                                 reserve                 reserve            
                                                          reserve                           account
                                                           �'000                    �'000          �'000       �'000       �'000  �'000 
 Net assets at 30 September 2007                          27,612                    6,438          8,330        (68)       5,766  1,960 
 Profit for the period                                     (730)                        -              -           -     (2,103)  1,373 
 Total recognised income and expenses for the period      26,882                    6,438          8,330        (68)       3,663  3,333 
 Dissolution of subsidiary                                    11                        -              -           -       (296)  307  11
 Cancellation of Ordinary shares                         (2,005)                  (2,005)            434           -           -  - 
 Ordinary dividend paid                                  (1,210)                        -              -           -              (1,210) 
 Movement in own shares                                      (9)                        -              -         (9)           -  -  (9)
 Net assets at 30 September 2008                          23,669                    4,433          8,764        (77)       3,367  2,430 

                                                           Total          Special Reserve        Capital  Own shares       Other  Retained
earnings  Total
                                                                                              Redemption                 capital            
                                                                                                 reserve                 reserve            
                                                          reserve                           account
                                                           �'000                    �'000          �'000       �'000       �'000  �'000 
 Net assets at 30 September 2007                          27,623                    6,438          8,330        (68)       5,470  2,267 
 Profit for the period                                     (730)                        -              -           -     (2,103)  1,373 
 Total recognised income and expenses for the period      26,893                    6,438          8,330        (68)       3,367  3,640 
 Cancellation of ordinary shares                         (2,005)                  (2,005)            434           -           -  - 
 Ordinary dividend paid                                  (1,210)                        -              -           -           -  (1,210) 
 Movement in own shares                                      (9)                        -              -         (9)           -  -  (9)
 Net assets at 30 September 2008                          23,669                    4,433          8,764        (77)       3,367  2,430 

 for the year ended 30 September 2007
                                                          Share capital          Special Reserve      Capital  Own shares       Other 
Retained earnings  Total
                                                                                                   Redemption                 capital       
                                                                                                      reserve                 reserve       
                                                          reserve                        account
                                                                  �'000                    �'000        �'000       �'000       �'000  �'000
 Net assets at 30 September 2006                                  5,396                    9,380        7,107       (171)       3,179  2,227
 Profit for the period                                                -                        -            -           -       1,576  1,656
 Total recognised income and expenses for the period              5,396                    9,380        7,107       (171)       4,755  3,883
 Cancellation of Ordinary shares                                  (210)                    (918)          210           -           -  - 
 Cancellation of ZDP shares                                           -                  (2,024)        1,013           -       1,011  -  -
 Ordinary dividend paid                                               -                        -            -           -           - 
(1,923)  (1,923)
 Movement in own shares                                               -                        -            -         103           -  - 
 Net assets at 30 September 2007                                  5,186                    6,438        8,330        (68)       5,766  1,960

                                                          Share capital          Special Reserve      Capital  Own shares       Other 
Retained earnings  Total
                                                                                                   Redemption                 capital       
                                                                                                      reserve                 reserve       
                                                          reserve                        account
                                                                  �'000                    �'000        �'000       �'000       �'000  �'000
 Net assets at 30 September 2006                                  5,396                    9,380        7,107       (171)       2,995  2,544
 Profit for the period                                                -                        -            -           -       1,464  1,646
 Total recognised income and expenses for the period              5,396                    9,380        7,107       (171)       4,459  4,190
 Cancellation of ordinary shares                                  (210)                    (918)          210           -           -  - 
 Cancellation of ZDP shares                                           -                  (2,024)        1,013           -       1,011  -  -
 Ordinary dividend paid                                               -                        -            -           -           - 
(1,923)  (1,923)
 Movement in own shares                                               -                        -            -         103           -  - 
 Net assets at 30 September 2007                                  5,186                    6,438        8,330        (68)       5,470  2,267

 for the year ended 30 September 2008

                                                                           30 September 2008  30 September 2007
                                                                           Group     Company   Group    Company
                                                                           �'000     �'000       �'000    �'000

 Net income from operations before tax                                        (542)    (542)     3,365    3,240

 Depreciation                                                                     1        1         7        7
 Decrease in receivables                                                        994      994     4,140    4,129
 Increase/(decrease) in payables                                                334      140     (572)    (546)
 Losses/(gains) on investments held at fair value through profit and loss     1,212    1,212   (2,578)  (2,493)
 Loss on derivative                                                              44       44       251      251
 Net payment to EBT scheme                                                      (9)      (9)       103      103
 Cash generated by operations                                                 2,034    1,840     4,716    4,691
 Taxation                                                                       103      103         -        -
 Net cash inflow from operating activities                                    2,137    1,943     4,716    4,691

 Investing activities
 Purchase of investments                                                          -        -       (2)      (2)
 Sale of investments                                                          3,938    4,157     2,656    2,656
 Net cash inflow from investing activities                                    3,938    4,157     2,654    2,654

 Net cash inflow from opearating and investing activities                     6,075    6,100     7,370    7,345

 Financing activities
 Repurchase of ZDP shares                                                         -        -   (2,024)  (2,024)
 Repurchase of ordinary shares                                              (2,005)  (2,005)     (918)    (918)
 Repayment of loan                                                          (4,286)  (4,286)   (4,671)  (4,671)
 Drawdown of loan                                                             1,000    1,000         -        -
 Equity dividend paid                                                       (1,210)  (1,210)   (1,923)  (1,923)
 Net cash outflow from financing                                            (6,501)  (6,501)   (9,536)  (9,536)

 Decrease in cash                                                             (426)    (401)   (2,166)  (2,191)
 Effect of foreign exchange rate changes                                        235      235       467      467
 Changes in cash and cash equivalents                                         (191)    (166)   (1,699)  (1,724)

 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period                             1,424    1,399     3,123    3,123

 Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                                   1,233    1,233     1,424    1,399

    Asset Management Investment Company PLC
    Notes to the Financial Statements:

    1.    Accounting policies

    Basis of preparation

    The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS"), comprising
standards and interpretations issued by the International Accounting Standards Board ("IASB") as adopted by the European Union and in
accordance with Companies Act 1985. The Consolidated financial Statements are presented in pounds sterling, rounded to the nearest

    The financial statements are prepared under the historic cost convention except for measurement at fair value of investments. The
financial statements have been prepared on an ongoing basis. The principal accounting policies adopted are set out below. Where
presentational guidance set out in the Statement of Recommended Practice ("the SORP") for investment trusts issued by the Association of
Investment Companies ("the AIC") in December 2005 is consistent with the requirements of IFRS, the directors have sought to prepare the
financial statements on a basis compliant with the recommendations of the SORP.

    2.    Dividends

    An interim dividend of 2.0p per share was paid on 15 August 2007 to the shareholders on the register on 25 July 2008. A final dividend
of 4.5p will be proposed at the next Annual General Meeting.

    3.    Return per share

    Basic returns per ordinary share are calculated on the basis of retained net revenue after taxation of �1,373,000 (30 September 2007:
�1,656,000) divided by weighted average number of     shares in issue during the period being 19,730,598 (30 September 2007: 20,642,632)
following adjustments for shares held in an Employee Benefit Trust.

    4.    Net asset value

    The net asset value per ordinary share for the Group is based on a net asset value of �23,669,000 (30 September 2007: 27,612,000) and on
18,865,833 (30 September 2007: 20,642,632) ordinary shares in issue at year-end.

    The basic net asset value per ordinary share as at 30 September 2008 is calculated on the basis of net assets attributable to equity
shareholders divided by the number of shares that would be in issue following adjustment for shares held in Employee Benefit Trust

    5.    Principal Risks

    Market price risk

    The Group's investment portfolio is exposed to mainly from uncertainty about future prices of investments held in its portfolio. It
represents the potential loss the group might suffer through holding market positions in the face of price movements. The Investment Manager
constantly monitors the price of listed investments held by the Group on a real-time basis. The Investment manager reports to the Board on
the unlisted investments and constantly monitors their carrying values.

    Liquidity risk 

    Liquidity risk arises as the investment portfolio will comprise mainly unlisted securities, which represent a potential delay for
realisation. This risk is managed by the holding of cash balances to meet payments in the foreseeable future. 

    Foreign Currency risk 

    The Board has identified three principal areas where foreign currency risk could impact  the Group:

    Movements in exchange rates affect the value of investments
    Movement in exchange rates affect the income received
    Movement in exchange rates affect the value of bank borrowings and interest payments

    Foreign currency risk arises as the income and capital value of the Group's investments can be affected by exchange rate movements as
some of the Group's assets and income are denominated in currencies other than sterling which is the Group's reporting currency. As at 30
September 2008, the Group had no open forward contracts. The Company may use short term forward currency contracts to manage capital

    Other market risk exposure

    The Loan Redemption Derivative, being the movement in the equity-based derivative for     the redemption premium payable to Investec
Bank on the date the last loan facility is settled in full, equal to 5% of the increase in market capitalisation of the LSE listed  ordinary
shares of the Company from 13 September 2006, the date of funding. The Loan Redemption Derivative, valued at �295,000 (2007: �251,000) is
therefore exposed to market price changes. 

    Market share price risk

    The Group's share price can trade at a discount to its underlying net asset value which is not a factor the Group is able to control.
Some influence over the discount may exercised by the     use of the buy-back of shares in the market by the Group.

    Regulatory risk

    The Group operates in a regulatory environment and faces a number of regulatory risks. Any breach of regulations, such as Section 842 of
the Income and Corporation Taxes Act, the UKLA Listing Rules among other things could lead to detrimental outcomes. The Audit Committee
monitors compliance with regulations by reviewing internal control reports from both internally and externally.

    6.    Basis of preparation

    The financial information set out above does not constitute statutory accounts as defined in section 240 of the Companies Act 1985.

    The statutory accounts for 2008 will be finalised on the basis of the financial information presented by the Directors in this
preliminary announcement and will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies following the Annual General Meeting. 

    The information for the year ended 30 September 2007 has been extracted from the latest published audited accounts. The audited accounts
for the year ended 30 September 2007 have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. The report of the auditors on those accounts contained
no qualification or statement under either section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985.

    7.    Responsibility Statement 

    We confirm to the best of our knowledge:

    In accordance with Chapter 4 of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules we confirm, in respect of the Annual Report for the year ended 30
September 2008 of which this statement is an extract, that to the best of our knowledge: 

    the financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") as adopted by
the European Union.
    the Annual Report, to be published shortly includes a fair review of the information required by the Disclosure and Transparency Rules,
being an indication of important events that have     occurred during the financial year and description of principal risks and
    *the Annual Report, to be published shortly includes details of related party transactions.

    By Order of the Board 

    Bharat Bhagani
    Company Secretary

    3 December 2008

This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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