RNS Number:7694Y
Australian Opp Inv Tst PLC
12 February 2001

Objective of the Company
The objective of the Company is to provide long term capital appreciation by
investing in a portfolio of listed Australasian securities including New
Zealand, focusing on investment companies, financial services companies and
small industrial companies. In addition, the Company may invest up to 10% of its
assets in special situations worldwide.

Financial highlights
                                                                       % change
                                                                    At    since
                                                           30 November   31 May
                                                                  2000     2000
Australian Dollar
Australian All Ordinaries Index                                 3222.0    5.97%
Total assets less current liabilities (A$'000)                  38,773    8.14%
Fully-diluted net asset value per ordinary share (A$)           1.9168    8.14%
Basic net asset value per ordinary share (A$)                   1.5919   12.24%

# Sterling / Australian $ exchange rate                         2.6963   -2.91%

# Sterling
Australian All Ordinaries Index (Sterling adjusted)             1195.0    2.97%
Total assets less current liabilities (#'000)                   14,381    5.08%
Fully-diluted net asset value per ordinary share (pence)         71.09    5.08%
Basic net asset value per ordinary share (pence)                 59.04    9.07%
Middle market share price per ordinary share (pence)              44.5    9.88%

Chairman's Statement

During the half year to 30 November 2000 the basic net asset value per
ordinary share ("NAV") rose by 9.1% from 54.1 pence to 59.0 pence, compared to
a rise of 3.0% in the Sterling adjusted Australian All Ordinaries Index.
During the same period the Australian dollar has weakened slightly against
Sterling by 2.9% to A$2.6963. Revenue earnings per ordinary share on a
fully-diluted basis were 0.4 pence, compared to 0.2 pence in the comparable
period last year.

The Australian economy has continued to grow strongly with GDP rising 4.2% in
the year to end September. Within this trend domestic demand is slowing,
offset by strong growth in exports helped by the weak Australian dollar and
earnings derived directly and indirectly from the Olympics. This has resulted
in a sharp improvement in the balance of payments current account from a
deficit of A$7.3 billion in the June quarter to a deficit of A$4.5 billion in
the September quarter. Competition pressures have held core inflation, which
excludes the recently introduced goods and services tax, at 2.4%, well within
the Reserve Bank's guideline of 3%. Short term interest rates have remained
steady at around 6.2%, although looking ahead the Reserve Bank is expected to
lower rates in response to weakening domestic activity. In contrast New
Zealand economic growth has slackened appreciably and the balance of payments
current account deficit remains over NZ$ 7 billion a calendar quarter, an
unsustainable 7.2% of GDP. Thus, while short term interest rates have declined
slightly to 6.7%, the New Zealand dollar has been under pressure falling 4.5%
against Sterling between end May and end December.

Over the period the Stock Market, as measured by the Australian All Ordinaries
Index rose 9.0% from 2964 to 3230, but it has since weakened slightly to 3140.
The index of smaller capitalisation stocks has moved within more narrower
parameters over the period rising by 5.3% from 1710 to 1802 and it has since
settled back to 1766. Within the Company's portfolio, which is comprised
exclusively of smaller companies, the largest holding Permanent Trustee fell
by 13% over the period, but this was more than offset by the movements of the
third and fourth largest holdings namely Dairy Brands +65% and Utilico +48%.
In a concentrated portfolio comprising exclusively smaller companies price
movements tend to be more volatile and in the shorter run to have a
disproportionate effect on the NAV.

The prospect of lower interest rates should help to support the Australian
stock market. However, if economic growth slackens, particularly in the USA,
export volumes will inevitably trend lower. Further, the Australian stock
market will tend to be influenced by movements in the major world stock
markets, particularly the USA. Nevertheless, there should still be
opportunities in smaller companies in the Australian market.
Australian Opportunities Investment Trust PLC

Consolidated Statement of Total Return

                           Six months to                  Six months to         
                        30 November 2000               30 November 1999         
                               Unaudited                      Unaudited         
                       Revenue   Capital   Total   Revenue   Capital     Total

                         #'000     #'000   #'000     #'000     #'000     #'000
  Gains / (losses)           -       576     576         -   (1,557)   (1,557)
  on investments                                                              
  Exchange                   -       142     142         -        57        57
  Trading loss of          (8)         -     (8)      (81)         -      (81)
  Income                   346         -     346       511         -       511
  Investment              (32)         -    (32)      (44)         -      (44)
  management fee                                                              
  Other expenses         (120)       (3)   (123)     (189)       (4)     (193)
  Net return /                                                                
  (deficit) before                                                            
  finance costs and        186       715     901       197   (1,504)   (1,307)
  Interest payable                                                            
  and similar                                                                 
  charges                (195)         -   (195)     (228)         -     (228)
  Return /                                                                    
  (deficit) on                                                                
  activities before        (9)       715     706      (31)   (1,504)   (1,535)
  Tax on ordinary         (19)         -    (19)      (33)         -      (33)
  Return /                                                                    
  (deficit) on                                                                
  activities after        (28)       715     687      (64)   (1,504)   (1,568)
  tax for the                                                                 
  Dividends in               -         -       -         -         -         -
  respect of equity                                                           
  Transfer to /           (28)       715     687      (64)   (1,504)   (1,568)
  (from) reserves                                                             
  Return / (loss)                                                             
  per ordinary                                                                
  share (pence):                                                              
  Basic                 (0.19)      5.10    4.91    (0.46)   (10.74)   (11.20)
  Diluted                 0.35      3.54    3.89      0.17    (7.44)    (7.27)
                                                                   Year ended
                                                                  31 May 2000
                                                  Revenue   Capital     Total

                                                    #'000     #'000     #'000
   Gains / (losses) on investments                      -   (6,495)   (6,495)
   Exchange differences                                 -       117       117
   Trading loss of subsidiary                        (95)         -      (95)
   Income                                           1,213         -     1,213
   Investment management fee                         (81)         -      (81)
   Other expenses                                   (197)      (14)     (211)
   Net return / (deficit) before                                             
   finance costs and taxation                         840   (6,392)   (5,552)
   Interest payable and similar                                              
   charges                                          (477)         -     (477)
   Return / (deficit) on ordinary                                            
   activities before tax                              363   (6,392)   (6,029)
   Tax on ordinary activities                           8         -         8
   Return / (deficit) on ordinary                                            
   activities after tax for the                       371   (6,392)   (6,021)
   Dividends in respect of equity                   (315)         -     (315)
   Transfer to / (from) reserves                       56   (6,392)   (6,336)
   Return / (loss) per ordinary share (pence):                               
   Basic                                             2.65   (45.63)   (42.98)
   Diluted                                           2.58   (31.60)   (29.02)

The revenue column of this statement is the consolidated profit and loss account
of the Group.

All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing

Consolidated Balance Sheet
                                                30 November 30 November  31 May
                                                       2000        1999    2000
                                                  Unaudited   Unaudited Audited
                                                      #'000       #'000   #'000
Fixed assets
Investments                                          15,314      21,560  16,531
Current assets
Investments                                             282         303     290
Debtors                                                 501         873     420
Cash at bank and short-term deposits                    125          17      24
                                                        908       1,193     734
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year      (1,841)     (4,306) (3,579)

Net current liabilities                               (933)     (3,113) (2,845)
Total assets less current liabilities                14,381      18,447  13,686

Creditors: amounts falling due after more
than one year
Convertible Loan Stock 2007                         (6,108)     (6,096) (6,103)

Net assets                                            8,273      12,351   7,583

Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                               3,503       3,502   3,502
Share premium account                                 2,515       2,513   2,513
Capital reserve - realised                            7,876       8,776   7,709
Capital reserve - unrealised                        (4,145)       (872) (4,693)
Revenue reserve                                     (1,476)     (1,568) (1,448)
Equity shareholders' funds                            8,273      12,351   7,583

Net asset value per share:
- Basic                                              59.04p      88.17p  54.13p
- Fully-diluted                                      71.09p      91.19p  67.65p

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
                                                Six months   Six months Year to
                                                        to           to
                                               30 November  30 November  31 May
                                                      2000         1999    2000
                                                 Unaudited    Unaudited Audited
                                                     #'000        #'000   #'000

Net cash inflow from operating activities              131          323     868
Returns on investments and servicing of               (88)        (120)   (431)
Taxation                                               (6)        (132)   (158)
Financial investment                                 1,729          235     549
                                                     1,766          306     828
Equity dividends paid                                (315)        (252)   (252)
                                                     1,451           54     576
Financing                                          (1,454)          104      94
Increase/(decrease) in cash                            (3)          158     670

Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt
Increase/(decrease) in cash in the period              (3)          158     670
Cash (inflow) / outflow from movement in debt        1,454        (104)    (94)
Change in net debt resulting from cash flows         1,451           54     576
Exchange movements                                     142           57     117
Other non-cash flow movements                          (5)          (5)    (13)
Opening net debt                                   (9,106)      (9,786) (9,786)
Closing net debt                                   (7,518)      (9,680) (9,106)

Represented by:
Cash at bank                                           125           17      24
Overdrafts                                           (145)        (545)    (41)
Debt due within 1 year                             (1,390)      (3,056) (2,986)
Debt due after 1 year                              (6,108)      (6,096) (6,103)
                                                   (7,518)      (9,680) (9,106)

1. The financial information for the year ended 31 May 2000 included in this
half-year report has been taken from the Company's full accounts, which for the
year to 31 May 2000 carry an unqualified audit report and did not include
statements under section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985 and which
have been filed with the Registrar of Companies.

2. The financial statements for the period to 30 November 2000 have been
prepared on a basis consistent with the accounting policies adopted by the
Company in its statutory accounts for the year ended 31 May 2000.

3. The Statement of Total Return for the six months to 30 November 2000, six
months to 30 November 1999 and year to 31 May 2000 have been prepared in
accordance with the Statement of Recommended Practice "Financial Statements of
Investment Trust Companies" which have been adopted by the Company.

4. The Statement of Total return includes the results of the Company and its
subsidiary, and together with the Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statement at 30
November 2000, are unaudited and do not constitute full statutory accounts
within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985.

5. The basic consolidated net asset value per ordinary share is based on net
assets at 30 November 2000 of #8,273,000 (31 May 2000: #7,583,000 and 30
November 1999: #12,351,000)(adjusted to reflect the deduction
of the convertible debt at par) and on 14,010,352 ordinary shares in issue at
30 November 2000 (31 May 2000 and 30 November 1999: 14,008,790).

6. The fully-diluted consolidated net asset value per ordinary share is based
on net assets at 30 November 2000 of #14,381,000 (31 May 2000: #13,686,000 and
30 November 1999: #18,447,000) (adjusted to reflect the conversion of the
convertible debt at par) and on 20,229,506 ordinary shares in issue at 30
November 2000 (31 May 2000 and 30 November 1999: 20,229,507) calculated on the
assumption that the 2007 Loan Stock was converted at the rate of 0.90545251 of
an ordinary share of 25p for each unit of 2007 Loan Stock.

7. Basic returns:
The calculation of the basic consolidated revenue return per ordinary share of
25 pence each is based on net revenue deficit on ordinary activities after
taxation of #(28,000) for the six months ended 30 November 2000
(31 May 2000: surplus #371,000 and 30 November 1999: deficit #64,000) divided
by 14,009,038 (31 May 2000:14,008,105 and 30 November 1999: 14,007,420) being
the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the period.
The calculation of the basic consolidated capital return per ordinary share of
25 pence each is based on net capital profit of #715,000 for the six months
ended 30 November 2000 (31 May 2000: deficit #6,392,000
and 30 November 1999: deficit #1,504,000) divided by 14,009,038 (31 May 2000:
14,008,105 and 30 November 1999: 14,007,420) being the weighted average number
of ordinary shares in issue during the period.

8. Diluted returns:
The diluted returns per ordinary share of 25p each for the six months ended 30
November 2000 have been calculated on the assumption that the Convertible Loan
Stock 2007 was fully converted on the first day of that financial period giving
a weighted average of 20,229,506 (31 May 2000 and 30 November 1999: 20,229,507)
shares and based on net revenue on ordinary activities after taxation of #
71,000 (31 May 2000: #523,000 and 30 November 1999: #35,000) and net capital
profit of #715,000 (31 May 2000: deficit #6,392,000 and
30 November 1999: deficit #1,504,000). The diluted revenue return of 0.35p (31
May 2000: 2.58p and
30 November 1999: 0.17p) includes the savings of finance costs on the Loan

There was no dilution effect on basic consolidated revenue or capital returns
per ordinary share of 25p each for the six months ended 30 November 1999.

9. The Interim report will be sent to shareholders shortly.

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