RNS Number : 3681W

Archipelago Resources PLC

30 January 2012

30 January 2012


Archipelago Resources plc

("Archipelago" or "the Company")

Updated resource and reserve estimates for Archipelago

Archipelago is pleased to announce a material increase in mineral resource and ore reserve estimates at its Toka Tindung Mine in North Sulawesi, Indonesia. The Company also provides an update on operations.


Highlights include the following:

Resource & reserve upgrade for Toka Tindung Mine

-- The resource has increased to 52.6Mt @ 1.53 g/t Au for 2.58M contained oz Au (and 3.7 g/t Ag for 6.14M contained oz Ag) from 15Mt @ 3.4g/t Au for 1.7M contained oz Au (and 8 g/t Ag for 4M contained oz Ag);

-- the proven and probable ore reserve has increased to 27.6Mt @ 1.7g/t Au for 1.47M contained oz Au (and 4.3 g/t Ag for 3.79M contained oz Ag) from 7.62Mt @ 3.7g/t Au for 920k contained oz Au (and 8.9 g/t Ag for 2.18M contained oz Ag);

-- excluding silver as gold equivalent ounces, contained gold resources have increased by 52%; with ore reserves increasing by 60%;

-- the increase in ore reserves supports extending the mine life from six to nine years (with additional stockpile processing extended from two to seven years);

-- 'life of mine' planning indicates average production of circa 160,000 Au Eq oz for the next six years at a head grade of no less than 2.89 g/t Au; and

   --      drilling and modelling continues, with further increases to resource estimates likely. 

Operational update

-- In line with Q4 guidance for the 2011 calendar year, the Toka Tindung Mine produced 61,191 contained Au Eq oz at a cost of US$579 per oz; and

-- Archipelago expects to produce between 135,000 and 145,000 Au Eq oz for the 2012 calendar year, at a cash cost of between US$540 and US$590 per oz.

To view the full Reserve & Resource Update announcement, including the full tables and graphs, please download the following pdf document: http://www.rns-pdf.londonstockexchange.com/rns/3681W_-2012-1-30.pdf



Mr Marcus Engelbrecht, Managing Director and CEO commented:

"The increase in Toka Tindung's resource and reserve, and the extension of 'life of mine', are considerable achievements for Archipelago, with the Company sustaining robust grade and production levels at a relatively low cash cost, during a period of appreciating gold prices. This will support strong cash flow generation for Archipelago, providing the platform to pursue growth opportunities at Toka Tindung and elsewhere."

Conference call - 9am London, UK time Monday 30(th) January

Archipelago will host a conference call today at 9am (London, UK time) to update investors and analysts on its reserve and resource upgrade. Participants may join the call by dialling one of the following numbers, approximately 10 minutes before the start of the call.

 From UK:           (toll free) 0800 
                     368 1895 
 From Australia:    (toll free) 1800 
                     190 490 
 From US:           (toll free) 1866 
                     928 6049 
 From Canada:       (toll free) 1866 
                     561 8617 
 From rest of 
  world:            +44 20 3140 0693 
  pass code:        177638# 


Resource & reserve upgrade for Toka Tindung Mine

Archipelago's Toka Tindung Mine consists of two projects located near processing infrastructure: Toka Tindung and Batupangah. The later incorporates the four satellite pits of Pajajaran, Araren, Blambangan and Kopra Extended (comprising the deposits of Kopra, Semut Barat, Jipang and Bone).

With the objective of optimising existing and nearby mineralised deposits for production, Archipelago expanded drilling efforts at the Toka Tindung Mine from Q2 2011. On an initial spend of circa US$9 million, Archipelago has now finalised a JORC compliant resource and reserve for these deposits; resulting in significant increases to mineral estimates. A summary of the updated JORC compliant resource and reserve is set out below in Table A.

Table A: Summary of Toka Tindung Mine Resource & Reserve as at 31 December 2011

-----------------------------------------  -------  ----------  ---------- 
 Category     Tonnes   Grade    Contained   Grade    Contained   Contained 
                         Au                   Ag                   Au Eq 
               '000     (g/t)    Au '000     (g/t)    Ag '000     Oz '000 
-----------  -------  -------  ----------  -------  ----------  ---------- 
 Measured     19,500    1.45       910       3.40      2,100        940 
 Indicated    25,600    1.51      1,240      3.80      3,080       1,300 
 Inferred     7,400     1.81       430       4.00       960         450 
===========  =======  =======  ==========  =======  ==========  ========== 
 TOTAL        52,600    1.53      2,580      3.70      6,140       2,690 
-----------  -------  -------  ----------  -------  ----------  ---------- 
--------------------  -------  ----------  -------  ----------  ---------- 
 Category     Tonnes   Grade    Contained   Grade    Contained   Contained 
                         Au                   Ag                   Au Eq 
               '000     (g/t)    Au '000     (g/t)    Ag '000     Oz '000 
-----------  -------  -------  ----------  -------  ----------  ---------- 
 Proven       16,800    1.50       790       3.50      1,910        830 
 Probable     10,800    1.90       680       5.40      1,880        710 
===========  =======  =======  ==========  =======  ==========  ========== 
 TOTAL        27,600    1.70      1,470      4.30      3,790       1,540 
-----------  -------  -------  ----------  -------  ----------  ---------- 

The full JORC compliant statement is contained below in the APPENDIX to this release (inclusive of key assumptions).

Archipelago's targeted drilling campaign has produced significant increases in the resource and reserve at the Toka Tindung Mine. The resource has increased to 52.6Mt @ 1.53 g/t Au for 2.58M contained oz Au (and 3.7 g/t Ag for 6.14M contained oz Ag) from 15Mt @ 3.4g/t Au for 1.7M contained oz Au (and 8 g/t Ag for 4M contained oz Ag). The proven and probable ore reserve has increased to 27.6Mt @ 1.7g/t Au for 1.47M contained oz Au (and 4.3 g/t for 3.79M contained oz Ag) from 7.62Mt @ 3.7g/t Au for 920k contained oz Au (and 8.9 g/t Ag for 218M contained oz Ag);

Resource estimates for the Toka Tindung and Kopra Extended pits have also marginally increased since the Company's announcement of 13 December 2011.

Overall, the updated analysis indicates estimated contained gold resource and reserve increases of 52% and 60% respectively for the Toka Tindung Mine (excluding silver as gold equivalent ounces).

In this regard, please refer to Table B (in the pdf download http://www.rns-pdf.londonstockexchange.com/rns/3681W_-2012-1-30.pdf for a comparison of prior and revised resources. Amongst other trends, this demonstrates the scale of adjustment to the total proven and probable ore reserve. Based on current assumptions, Archipelago has extended the 'life of mine' from six to nine years (with additional stockpile processing extended from two to seven years).

The updated JORC resource and reserve has been prepared using a gold price of US$1,150 per oz; and a silver price of US$25 per oz. The JORC compliant reserve grade is adjusted to 1.7 g/t. However, the Company's current 'life of mine' planning is based on average annual production of circa 160,000 Au Eq oz for the next six years, at a head grade of not less than 2.89 g/t.

The Company is continuing drilling and assay analysis across the Toka Tindung Mine, which will support a further review of Archipelago's resource and reserve estimates.

Operational update

For the 2011 calendar year, the Company is also pleased to announce the Toka Tindung Mine produced 61,191 contained Au Eq oz (excluding Ag as Au Eq oz) at a cost of US$579 per ounce. This was in line with Q4 guidance. For the 2012 year, the Company expects to produce between 135,000 and 145,000 Au Eq oz, at a cash cost of between US$540 and US$590 per oz.

Competent Person Statement

The information in this report that relates to the Resource, mineral exploration results, together with any related assessments and interpretations, have been verified by and approved for release by Mr. Graeme Fleming B App Sc (Geol), MAusIMM, a qualified geologist and full-time consultant for PT. Tambang Tondano Nusajaya, a subsidiary of Archipelago Resources Plc. The information in this report that relates to Ore Reserves is based on information compiled by Dean Pontin, a full time employee of PT. Tambang Tondano Nusajaya. Mr. Fleming and Mr. Pontin are Members of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and have sufficient experience relevant to the style of mineralization and type of deposit under consideration to qualify as Competent Persons as defined in the 2004 Edition of the JORC Code. Mr. Fleming and Mr. Pontin consent to the inclusion of the information contained in this report in the form and context in which it appears.

Further information:

  Matthew Salthouse                    Klara Kaczmarek 
  VP Investor Relations & Corporate    Ambrian Partners Ltd 
  Affairs                              Tel : +44 20 7634 4700 
  Archipelago Resources Plc 
  Tel : +65 6535 3419 
-----------------------------------  ---------------------------------- 
  Bobby Morse/James Strong             Gerry Beaney/David Hignell 
  Buchanan                             Grant Thornton Corporate Finance 
  Tel : +44 20 7466 5000               Tel : +44 20 7383 5100 
-----------------------------------  ---------------------------------- 

Glossary of Terms

  Ag     Silver 
------  --------------------------------------------------------- 
  Au     Gold 
------  --------------------------------------------------------- 
  g/t    Grams per tonnes 
------  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 JORC    The 2004 Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration 
          Results, Mineral Resources & Ore Reserves 
------  --------------------------------------------------------- 
   k     Thousand 
------  --------------------------------------------------------- 
   M     Million 
------  --------------------------------------------------------- 
  oz     Troy ounces 
------  --------------------------------------------------------- 
   t     Tonnes 
------  --------------------------------------------------------- 
  US$    United States Dollars 
------  --------------------------------------------------------- 
   %     Percentage 
------  --------------------------------------------------------- 
 The following terms have the meaning given to them by JORC: 
  Competent Person, Indicated, Inferred, Measured, Ore Reserve, 
  Resource, Reserve. 

About Archipelago

Archipelago is a mining company listed on the AIM market of the London Stock Exchange. Archipelago's principal activities are gold mining and exploration in Indonesia (as the 95% owner of the producing Toka Tindung Gold Mine in North Sulawesi, Indonesia). Archipelago is also advancing exploration projects in Vietnam and the Philippines. In 2012, Archipelago expects to produce between 135,000 and 145,000 gold equivalent ounces at a cash cost of between US$540 and US$590 per ounce.


Mineral Resource & Ore Reserve Statement for the

Toka Tindung & Batupangah Projects as at 31 December 2011

                                            Grade         Contained oz 
 Deposit            Category    Tonnes    Au     Ag     Au     Ag    Au Eq 
                                                        oz     oz 
                                 '000    g/t    g/t      M      M    oz M 
----------------  -----------  -------  -----  -----  -----  -----  ------ 
 Toka Tindung       Measured    18,900   1.38   3.1    0.84   1.87   0.88 
           Indicated            20,000   0.93   1.9    0.60   1.24   0.62 
           Inferred             4,600    0.98   1.3    0.14   0.20   0.15 
             Total              43,500   1.13   2.4    1.59   3.30   1.65 
 ----------------------------  -------  -----  -----  -----  -----  ------ 
 Kopra Extended     Measured 
           Indicated            1,800    3.51   8.0    0.20   0.44   0.21 
           Inferred             2,100    3.20   9.0    0.21   0.59   0.22 
             Total              3,900    3.34   8.5    0.41   1.03   0.43 
 ----------------------------  -------  -----  -----  -----  -----  ------ 
 Pajajaran          Measured 
           Indicated            1,300    4.40   18.0   0.19   0.76   0.20 
           Inferred              200     3.70   12.0   0.02   0.07   0.02 
             Total              1,500    4.40   17.0   0.21   0.82   0.23 
 ----------------------------  -------  -----  -----  -----  -----  ------ 
 Blambangan         Measured     600     3.70   13.0   0.07   0.23   0.07 
           Indicated            1,200    3.60   14.0   0.13   0.52   0.14 
           Inferred              200     2.90   9.0    0.02   0.05   0.02 
             Total              1,900    3.60   13.0   0.22   0.78   0.23 
 ----------------------------  -------  -----  -----  -----  -----  ------ 
 Araren             Measured 
           Indicated            1,300    2.90   3.0    0.13   0.13   0.13 
           Inferred              400     2.80   3.0    0.03   0.04   0.03 
 ----------------------------  -------  -----  -----  -----  -----  ------ 
             Total              1,700    2.80   3.0    0.16   0.17   0.16 
 ----------------------------  -------  -----  -----  -----  -----  ------ 
 Stockpiles         Subtotal     200     1.10   2.7    0.01   0.02   0.01 
----------------  -----------  -------  -----  -----  -----  -----  ------ 
 All Deposits       Measured    19,500   1.45   3.4    0.91   2.10   0.94 
           Indicated            25,600   1.51   3.8    1.24   3.08   1.30 
           Inferred             7,400    1.81   4.0    0.43   0.95   0.44 
 ----------------------------  -------  -----  -----  -----  -----  ------ 
             Total              52,600   1.53   3.7    2.58   6.14   2.69 
 ----------------------------  -------  -----  -----  -----  -----  ------ 
                                        Grade         Contained Oz 
 Deposit         Category    Tonnes   Au     Ag     Au     Ag    Au Eq 
                              '000                 oz M   oz M    Oz M 
--------------  ----------  -------  ----  -----  -----  -----  ------ 
 Toka Tindung     Proved     16,300   1.4   3.3    0.74   1.70   0.77 
          Probable           7,100    1.0   2.4    0.23   0.56   0.24 
           Total             23,400   1.3   3.0    0.97   2.26   1.01 
 -------------------------  -------  ----  -----  -----  -----  ------ 
 Pajajaren        Proved       0      0.0   0.0    0.00   0.00     0 
          Probable           1,000    4.7   20.6   0.15   0.66   0.16 
           Total             1,000    4.7   20.6   0.15   0.66   0.16 
 -------------------------  -------  ----  -----  -----  -----  ------ 
 Araren           Proved       0      0.0   0.0    0.00   0.00     0 
          Probable            800     3.2   2.6    0.08   0.06   0.08 
           Total              800     3.2   2.6    0.08   0.06   0.08 
 -------------------------  -------  ----  -----  -----  -----  ------ 
 Blambangan       Proved      500     3.3   11.9   0.06   0.21   0.06 
          Probable           1,000    3.3   13.0   0.10   0.40   0.11 
           Total             1,500    3.3   12.6   0.16   0.61   0.17 
 -------------------------  -------  ----  -----  -----  -----  ------ 
 Kopra            Proved       0      0.0   0.0    0.00   0.00     0 
 Extended        Probable     800     4.1   7.1    0.11   0.19   0.11 
           Total              800     4.1   7.1    0.11   0.19   0.11 
 -------------------------  -------  ----  -----  -----  -----  ------ 
 Stockpiles      Subtotal     200     1.1   2.7    0.01   0.02   0.01 
--------------  ----------  -------  ----  -----  -----  -----  ------ 
           Proved            16,800   1.5   3.5    0.79   1.91   0.83 
          Probable           10,700   1.9   5.4    0.67   1.86    0.7 
           Total             27,600   1.7   4.3    1.47   3.79   1.54 
 -------------------------  -------  ----  -----  -----  -----  ------ 


The Company owns 95% of the Toka Tindung Mine (and therefore 95% of the deposit identified above). Some rounding of figures may cause numbers not to add correctly. Cut of grade used for mineral resources were as follows - Toka Tindung: 0.5g/t Au; Kopra: 1.0g/t Au; Pajajara: 1.0g/t Au; Blambangan: 1.0g/t Au; Araren: 1.0g/t Au. Toka Tindung: The mineral resource estimate is based on 2.296 drill holes (124,212m) of which 204 (17,594m) are diamond drill holes and 2,092 (106,618m) are RC drill holes. Cube Consulting Pty Ltd conducted a review of the methodologies used in previous resource estimates, which included a site visit during the course of the exploration and grade control drilling programs. The Batupangah project consists of Kopra, Pajajaran, Blambangan, and Araren deposits. The mineral resource estimate for Kopra is based on 444 drill holes (41,255m) of which 219 (19,469m) are diamond rill holes and 225 (21,786m) and RC drill holes. The mineral resource estimate for Pajajaran is based on 192 drill holes (17,323m) of which 87 (7,194m) are diamond drill holes and 105 (10,129m) are RC drill holes. The mineral resource estimate for Blambangan is based on 232 drill holes (21,751m) of which 63 (6,47m) are diamond drill holes and 169 (6,308m) are RC drill holes. The mineral resource for estimate of Araren is based on 170 drill holes (13,707m) which 93 (7,399m) are diamond drill holes and 77 (6,308m) are RC drill holes. Mining Associates Pty Ltd conducted a review of the methodologies used in previous resource estimates, which included a site visit during the course of the exploration and grade control drilling programs. The different cut-off grades are due to the additional ore haulage cost associated with the increased distance to the central processing plant site from the southern satellite Batupangah ore bodies. Gold equivalent ounces are calculated using the following factors: Au oz + (Ag oz x (Ag price/Au price) x (projected average Ag recovery/projected average Au recovery)). The latter currently equate to: US$25/US$1150 and 78%/93% respectively. Reserve optimisation is based on a gold price of US$1150 per ounce and silver price of US$25 per ounce. The ore reserve incorporates depletion from mining prior to 31 December 2011. This statement has been prepared in accordance with the guidelines defined in the Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserve (the JORE Code, 2004 Edition).

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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