Interim Results
November 27 2003 - 11:01AM
UK Regulatory
RNS Number:5901S
Aurora Investment Trust PLC
27 November 2003
Aurora Investment Trust plc.
Announcement of half-yearly results
I am very pleased to be able to report a quite considerable increase in the net asset value of your Company's shares
during the first six months of the current year. It rose by 46.6% from 120.20p to 176.22p per share, including revenue
reserves. This increase compares favourably with that of our benchmark, the FTSE All Share Index, which rose by 17.4%.
At the start of the period equity markets world-wide were suffering from a number of uncertainties which included the
prospect of a war in Iraq, uncertainty about a recovery in the US economy and the outbreak of SARS in the Far East.
Happily these three uncertainties seem to have been laid to rest, for the moment at least. Perhaps the most important
of the three from a stock market point of view, was the strength of the American economy; the news and statistics that
are now emerging suggest that the recovery that is developing is quite robust and that the outlook for 2004 would seem
to be quite encouraging. On the back of these developments, equity markets world-wide, including that of the UK, have
recovered considerably.
Our share price rose even more than the net asset value, increasing by 71.1% from 95p to 162.5p. This represented a
considerable reduction in the discount which stood at 7.8%, representing, I believe, a recognition in the marketplace
of the success achieved by James Barstow, our investment manager.
James has done an excellent job in choosing the shares of companies that have performed well both absolutely and
relatively; during the six and a half years from launch to 31 August 2003, the Company's net asset value outperformed
the market by 88.2%. Since 1 September, he has continued to focus the portfolio on the same areas as before, including
importantly on investments in housebuilders. The recent slippage in the prices of shares of housebuilders generally
(caused by the recent increase in interest rates) and of BTG particularly has diminished our outperformance but not
dented our long term belief in the main themes of the Trust's investment policy.
Investment policy
The Board notes the publication of the Investment Entities (Listing Rules and Conduct of Business) Instrument 2003. We
have determined that, for the current year, our investment policy will not involve holding more than 15% of the
Company's gross assets in UK listed investment companies.
After such a robust recovery in equity markets world-wide, it would not be surprising if there were a period of
consolidation. The most important issue for equities is the underlying growth of corporate profits. Certainly, the
increases in corporate profits in America have surprised everybody by their strength and the outlook for 2004 continues
to be good. That is important because America is the engine economy driving global economic growth and if it is strong
then other areas including the UK will benefit.
The UK economy's strength is being driven by Government expenditure; that in turn is keeping unemployment low and
consumer confidence reasonably high. In such circumstances - a strengthening global economy and a growing UK economy -
it is likely that corporate profits in the UK will also grow. Given that the valuation of equities in the UK is not
expensive and is somewhat supported by dividend yields, we believe the prospects for the UK market are reasonably good.
Of more importance to us, is James's ability to identify areas and sectors that will do well and then pick the shares
of the companies in those areas which will do particularly well. He clearly has succeeded in doing that in the past
and, although we cannot always expect such good relative performance, I am confident that over a reasonable time
period, James's management will result in further increases in our net asset value.
27 November 2003
6 months to 6 months 6 months 6 months 6 months 6 months
31 Aug. to 31 Aug. to 31 Aug. to 31 Aug. to 31 Aug. to 31 Aug.
2003 2003 2003 2002 2002 2002
Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total
#'000 #'000 #'000 #'000 #'000 #'000
Gains/(losses) on investments
Realised - 866 866 - (72) (72)
Unrealised - 7,621 7,621 - (1,107) (1,107)
Exchange differences on overdraft - (32) (32) - - -
Realised gains/(losses) of trading 68 - 68 7 - 7
Unrealised gains/(losses) of trading 214 - 214 51 - 51
Income 554 - 554 542 - 542
Investment management fees (58) (617) (675) (57) (57) (114)
Other expenses (80) - (80) (75) - (75)
Return on ordinary activities before
finance costs and taxation 698 7,838 8,536 468 (1,236) (768)
Interest payable and similar charges - (38) (38) (76) (77) (77) (154)
bank overdraft interest
Return on ordinary activities
Before taxation 660 7,800 8,460 391 (1,313) (922)
Taxation 2 - 2 (11) - (11)
Return on ordinary activities after
662 7,800 8,462 380 (1,313) (933)
Dividends - - - - - -
Transfers to/from reserves 662 7,800 8,462 380 (1,313) (933)
Return per ordinary share 4.38p 51.63p 56.01p 2.52p (8.69p) (6.17p)
At 31 August At 31 August At 28 February
2003 2002 2003
#'000 #'000 #'000
Fixed assets - Investments at market value 30,147 22,310 21,763
Current asset investments 1,088 768 -
Other current assets 481 256 826
1,569 1,024 826
Bank loan (4,397) (3,094) (3,729)
Performance fee (559) - -
Other current liabilities (138) (210) (700)
(5,094) (3,304) (4,429)
Net current liabilities (3,525) (2,280) (3,603)
Total net assets 26,622 20,030 18,160
Share capital 3,777 3,777 3,777
Share premium account 10,997 10,997 10,997
Capital reserves 10,832 4,679 3,032
Revenue reserve 1,016 577 354
Equity shareholders funds 26,622 20,030 18,160
Net asset value per ordinary share 176.22p 132.59p 120.20p
For the six months ended 31 August 2003
2003 2002
#'000 #'000
Net Cash Outflow from Operating Activities (495) (381)
Servicing of Finance
Interest paid (103) (154)
Taxation recovered 36 -
Financial Investment
Payments to acquire fixed asset investments (5,257) (5,096)
Receipts on disposal of fixed asset investments 5,489 7,571
Net Cash Inflow from Investing Activities 232 2,475
Equity Dividends Paid (468) (394)
Net Cash Inflow before Financing (798) 1,546
Increase(Decrease) in Cash (798) 1,546
#'000 #'000
Increase/(decrease) in cash in the period (798) 1,546
Translation difference (32) (139)
Movement in net debt in the period (830) 1,407
Net debt at 1 March 2003 (3,322) (4,389)
Net debt at 31 August 2003 (4,152) (2,982)
These financial statements are not the Group's statutory accounts for the purposes of Section 240 of the Companies Act
1985. They are unaudited.
The revenue column of the Statement of Total Return is the consolidated profit and loss account of the Group,
comprising Aurora Investment Trust plc and AIT Trading Limited.
All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing operations. No operations were acquired or
discontinued in the period.
Returns per share and net assets per share are based on 15,107,250 shares in issue throughout the period and at the
Balance Sheet date (2002: 15,107,250 shares)
Income is derived entirely from investments, with the exception of bank interest of #5,391 (2002: #3,526).
In accordance with the stated policy of the Group, the directors do not recommend an interim dividend. The final
dividend in respect of the year ending on 28 February 2004 is expected to be paid in May 2004.
This interim report is being sent to shareholders and copies will be made available to the public at the registered
office of the Group.
Cavendish Administration Limited
Crusader House
145-157 St John Street
London EC1V 4RU
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange