RNS Number : 8250U 
Asia Resources PLC 
30 June 2009 

30 June 2009 
Asia Resources plc 
Annual Accounts for the year ended 31 December 2008 
  *  LSJ, the operating subsidiary,  is incorporated in Malaysia and it's principal 
  activities are the purchase and reprocessing of scrap gold 
  *  Turnover of RM 1,206,996,000 (approximately GBP207.6m) 
  *  Operating profit of RM 9,393,000 (approximately GBP1.61m) 
  *  Profit after tax of RM 2,912,000 (approximately GBP500k) 
  *  The quantity of physical gold resold during the year exceeded 12 tonnes at a 
  time when gold peaked at US$ 1,000 per ounce 
  *  The Board remains dedicated to continue identifying investment opportunities in 
  the gold and related industries and creating value for shareholders. 
The latest available exchange rate for the Malaysian Ringgit is 1 RM/GBP 0.1720 
for the purposes of the currency translation above 
Chairman's Statement 
I am pleased to announce the Company's first results incorporating the 
successful acquisition of LS Gold Bullion Sdn Bhd ('LSJ', formerly known as Lin 
Shoon Jewellers Sdn Bhd). The acquisition, by way of a reverse transaction under 
the AIM rules, was satisfied with a new issue of 109,636,364 of new Ordinary 
Shares to the Vendors credited as fully paid at a price of 10.95 pence per 
share, a discount to the mid-market closing price of 11.74 pence on 1 July 2007 
(the day immediately prior to the proposed acquisition being announced by the 
Company). The Consideration Shares rank pari passu with the Existing Ordinary 
Shares. The consideration of GBP12M was agreed on the basis of the audited 
financial statements of LSJ as at 31December 2006, as agreed by the two 
independent Financial Advisers, representing the Vendor and the Company 
The Company entered into the Acquisition Agreement on 3 July 2007 and, as result 
of this Agreement the shares of Asia Resources Plc were suspended from trading. 
On the 28 January 2008 the resolution to acquire the entire issued share capital 
of LSJ was duly passed at the Company's EGM and the Company was subsequently 
re-admitted onto AIM on 29 January 2008. 
LSJ is a company incorporated in Malaysia and it's principal activities are the 
purchase and reprocessing of scrap gold and the reselling of the resulting 
bullion. LSJ also produces and sells high quality, high gold content, hand-made 
jewellery as well as selling products from other jewellery manufacturers. 
The acquisition resulted in the Vendors owning 73.17 per cent. of the Enlarged 
Issued Share Capital of the Company. As such, the acquisition fell within the 
ambit of Rule 9 of the City Code, where the Waiver by the Panel was duly 
obtained. The acquisition was a reverse takeover under the AIM Rules and, as 
such, required the consent of the independent shareholders which was duly 
obtained at the EGM of the Company on 28 January2008. 
The Group's results have been prepared according to IFRS 3 (UK GAAP does not 
include such an accounting method but the UITF permit the use of Reverse 
Acquisition Accounting by means of a Companies Act true and fair override). 
Accordingly the Group's results for 2008 include the full year of LSJ together 
with post acquisition costs and interest income of the Company, the Group's 2007 
results are those of LSJ only. 
Shareholders should note that following the acquisition the Company will no 
longer be subject to the provisions of the City Code as the place of central 
management will be located outside the United Kingdom, the Channel Islands or 
the Isle of Man and the shareholders will no longer benefit from the 
protections of the City Code. 
If circumstances change, including if changes to the Board are made, the Company 
will consult with the Panel to ascertain whether this will affect the central 
place of management of the Company. The Company will make an announcement in the 
event that the Company will be deemed to be subject to the Code. 
Business Review 
During the year to 31 December 2008 the Group made a profit before tax of RM 
7.31 million (2007: RM 7.20 million) and I am pleased to announce that LSJ's 
turnover has, for the first time, exceeded RM 1 billion. 
The quantity of physical gold resold during the year exceeded 12 tonnes, this at 
a time when gold prices peaked at over US$ 1,000 per ounce. LSJ has established 
itself as the market leader in Malaysia and continues to seek further local 
sources of scrap gold. Whilst there is sufficient availability onshore for 
growth the directors are also investigating sourcing further turnover from other 
ASEAN countries. 
These are the first results incorporating LSJ and, in accordance with IFRS 3, 
the Group's comparative results do not include the expenses of the Company. 
Following the acquisition of LSJ, Directors' remuneration and fees were reviewed 
and disclosed in the re-admission document and in the Corporate Governance 
section of this annual report. 
The Group tax charge for the year is at higher than marginal rates as a result 
of disallowed expenses relating to fees paid for the consideration of new 
opportunities for sourcing scrap gold. 
With the acquisition of LSJ, the Company has taken a first major step in the 
fulfillment of its strategy. In 2009 the Board intends to focus on consolidating 
this acquisition and on seeking further sourcing opportunities. The 
Board remains dedicated to continue identifying investment opportunities in the 
gold and related industries and creating value for shareholders. 
Going forward 
Having acquired LSJ the Company has identified opportunities for enhancing 
margin with the creation of a bespoke, branded product - this is still within 
the development stage and customer appetite is being sought. 
There is no immediate prospect of physical capacity constraints in LSJ, the 
Company therefore remains committed to seeking further opportunities to source 
scrap gold. The Company is currently investigating prospects that will assist in 
sourcing more raw product, some of these products have a natural commercial 
hedge to the reprocessing business. 
Stock turnover remains at affordable levels and further turnover is financed on 
approximately a 50:1 basis, the Company is seeking further non-recourse debtor 
finance to assist with future growth and reserves the right to increase it's 
standard reprocessing margin in the event of sustained price increases in the 
value of gold. 
Pursuant to Rule 20 of the AIM Rules, the Company has sent copies of its Annual 
Report for the year ending 31 December 2008. Also, the Annual Report is 
available on www.asiaresourcesplc.com 
Asia Resources Plc: 
Michael Stainer                                                  Tel: 07879 
Zimmerman Adams International Limited 
Dominique Doussot                                            Tel: (0)207 398 
Jonathan Evans 
Hichens, Harrison & Co. Plc 
Daniel Briggs                                                     Tel: (0)207 
382 4450 
|                         |       |          GROUP           |  |        COMPANY        | 
|                         |Notes  |    2008     |    2007    |  |   2008    |   2007    | 
|                         |       |   RM'000    |  RM'000    |  |  RM'000   |  RM'000   | 
|                         |       |             |            |  |           |           | 
| Revenue                 |       |  1,206,996  |   814,915  |  |         - |         - | 
|                         |       |             |            |  |           |           | 
| Cost of sales           |       | (1,186,400) |  (794,313) |  |         - |         - | 
|                         |       |             |            |  |           |           | 
| Gross profit            |       |     20,596  |    20,602  |  |         - |         - | 
|                         |       |             |            |  |           |           | 
| Other income            |       |      3,358  |        382 |  |         - |         - | 
| Loss on disposal of     |       |          -  |    (1,339) |  |         - |         - | 
| subsidiaries            |       |             |            |  |           |           | 
| Administrative expenses |       |    (14,561) |   (10,840) |  |   (3,704) |   (1,184) | 
|                         |       |             |            |  |           |           | 
|                         |       |             |            |  |           |           | 
| Operating profit/(loss) |  2    |       9,393 |      8,805 |  |   (3,704) |   (1,184) | 
|                         |       |             |            |  |           |           | 
| Finance income          |       |       1,496 |        834 |  |       522 |       666 | 
| Finance costs           |  3    |     (3,583) |    (2,440) |  |         - |         - | 
|                         |       |             |            |  |           |           | 
|                         |       |             |            |  |           |           | 
| Profit/(loss) before    |       |       7,306 |      7,199 |  |   (3,182) |     (518) | 
| taxation                |       |             |            |  |           |           | 
|                         |       |             |            |  |           |           | 
| Taxation                |       |     (4,394) |    (2,628) |  |         - |         - | 
|                         |       |             |            |  |           |           | 
| Profit/(loss) for the   |       |       2,912 |      4,571 |  |   (3,182) |     (518) | 
| year                    |       |             |            |  |           |           | 
|                         |       |             |            |  |           |           | 
| Attributable to:        |       |             |            |  |           |           | 
| Equity holders of the   |       |       2,912 |      4,571 |  |           |           | 
| company                 |       |             |            |  |           |           | 
|                         |       |             |            |  |           |           | 
| Earnings per share      |       |             |            |  |           |           | 
| (Sen):                  |       |             |            |  |           |           | 
| Basic                   |       |        1.94 |       3.05 |  |           |           | 
|   Diluted               |       |        1.94 |       3.05 |  |           |           | 
|                         |       |             |            |  |           |           | 
| Net dividend per share  |       |           - |          - |  |           |           | 
| (Sen)                   |       |             |            |  |           |           | 
|                                     | GROUP                      | COMPANY                | 
|                                 |Notes  |  2008   |  2007    |       |  2008   |  2007    | 
|                                 |       | RM'000  |  RM'000  |       | RM'000  |  RM'000  | 
| ASSETS                          |       |         |          |       |         |          | 
| Non-current assets              |       |         |          |       |         |          | 
| Property, plant and equipment   |  5    |   9,623 |    9,382 |       |       - |        - | 
| Investment properties           |       |   1,373 |    1,409 |       |       - |        - | 
| Investments in subsidiaries     |       |       - |        - |       |  92,575 |        - | 
| Goodwill                        |  6    |  19,039 |      211 |       |       - |        - | 
| Available-for-sale investments  |       |   1,157 |      400 |       |       - |        - | 
|                                 |       |  31,192 |   11,402 |       |  92,575 |        - | 
| Current assets                  |       |         |          |       |         |          | 
| Inventories                     |       |  21,550 |   17,053 |       |       - |        - | 
| Trade and other receivables     |       |  77,008 |   62,588 |       |     572 |   10,672 | 
| Fixed deposits                  |       |  32,372 |   21,026 |       |       - |        - | 
| Cash and cash equivalents       |  7    |   2,471 |      536 |       |     307 |    7,538 | 
|                                 |       | 133,401 |  101,203 |       |     877 |   18,210 | 
|                                 |       |         |          |       |         |          | 
| TOTAL ASSETS                    |       | 164,593 |  112,605 |       |  93,454 |   18,210 | 
|                                 |       |         |          |       |         |          | 
| EQUITY AND LIABILITIES          |       |         |          |       |         |          | 
|                                                   |          |       |         |          | 
| Share capital                   |       |   9,621 |    3,288 |       |   9,621 |    2,581 | 
| Share premium                   |       |  15,680 |        - |       |  15,680 |   15,680 | 
| Merger reserve                  |       |       - |        - |       |  70,046 |        - | 
| Share-based payments reserve    |       |     861 |        - |       |     861 |       96 | 
| Reverse acquisition reserve     |       |   6,156 |        - |       |       - |        - | 
| Foreign exchange reserve        |       |     182 |        - |       |     182 |        - | 
| Retained earnings/(losses)      |       |  26,467 |   23,555 |       | (4,113) |    (931) | 
| Total Equity                    |       |  58,967 |   26,843 |       |  92,277 |   17,426 | 
|                                 |       |         |          |       |         |          | 
| Current liabilities             |       |         |          |       |         |          | 
| Trade and other payables        |       |  26,055 |   25,892 |       |   1,177 |      784 | 
| Tax payable                     |       |   6,926 |    6,148 |       |       - |        - | 
| Borrowings                      |  8    |  67,990 |   50,382 |       |       - |        - | 
|                                 |       | 100,971 |   82,422 |       |   1,177 |      784 | 
| Non-current liabilities         |       |         |          |       |         |          | 
| Borrowings                      |  8    |   3,814 |    2,813 |       |       - |        - | 
| Deferred taxation               |       |     841 |      527 |       |       - |        - | 
|                                 |       |   4,655 |    3,340 |       |       - |        - | 
|                                 |       |         |          |       |         |          | 
| Total Liabilities               |       | 105,626 |   85,762 |       |   1,177 |      784 | 
|                                 |       |         |          |       |         |          | 
| TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES    |       | 164,593 |  112,605 |       |  93,454 |   18,210 | 
|        |                                 |        GROUP        |  |      COMPANY        | 
|        |                                 |  2008    |  2007    |  |  2008    |  2007    | 
|        |                                 |  RM'000  |  RM'000  |  |  RM'000  |  RM'000  | 
| Cash flows from operating activities     |          |          |  |          |          | 
| Operating profit/(loss)                  |    9,363 |    8,805 |  |  (3,704) |  (1,184) | 
|        |                                 |          |          |  |          |          | 
| Adjustments for items not requiring an   |          |          |  |          |          | 
| outflow of funds:                        |          |          |  |          |          | 
| Share-based payments                     |      134 |        - |  |      134 |       96 | 
| Loss on gold loan from changes in gold   |      805 |    2,938 |  |        - |        - | 
| prices                                   |          |          |  |          |          | 
| Impairment of investments                |       43 |        - |  |        - |        - | 
| Loss on disposal of tangible assets      |        6 |       68 |  |        - |        - | 
| Depreciation                             |    1,520 |    1,660 |  |        - |        - | 
| Operating profit/(loss) before changes   |   11,871 |   13,471 |  |  (3,570) |  (1,184) | 
| in working capital                       |          |          |  |          |          | 
|        |                                 |          |          |  |          |          | 
| Changes in working capital:              |          |          |  |          |          | 
| (Increase)/decrease in inventories       |  (4,498) |    2,812 |  |        - |        - | 
| (Increase)/decrease in trade and other   |  (3,626) | (25,348) |  |   10,279 |  (8,651) | 
| receivables                              |          |          |  |          |          | 
| (Decrease)/increase in trade and other   |    (620) |    4,293 |  |      214 |      552 | 
| payables                                 |          |          |  |          |          | 
| Interest paid                            |  (3,583) |  (2,440) |  |        - |        - | 
| Income taxes payable                     |  (3,393) |  (2,006) |  |        - |        - | 
| Net cash (used in)/from operating        |  (3,849) |  (9,218) |  |    6,923 |  (9,283) | 
| activities                               |          |          |  |          |          | 
|        |                                 |          |          |  |          |          | 
| Investing activities                     |          |          |  |          |          | 
| Interest and dividends received          |    1,496 |      834 |  |      522 |      666 | 
| Cash acquired on acquisition             |    7,538 |        - |  |        - |        - | 
| Purchases of investments                 |  (8,160) |        - |  | (14,858) |        - | 
| Proceeds from disposals of property,     |      179 |      962 |  |        - |        - | 
| plant and                                |          |          |  |          |          | 
| equipment and investment properties      |          |          |  |          |          | 
| Payments to acquire property, plant and  |  (1,736) |  (2,488) |  |        - |        - | 
| equipment and investment properties      |          |          |  |          |          | 
| Net cash (used in)/from investing        |    (683) |    (692) |  | (14,336) |      666 | 
| activities                               |          |          |  |          |          | 
|        |                                 |          |          |  |          |          | 
| Financing activities                     |          |          |  |          |          | 
| Placement of fixed deposits              | (11,346) |  (9,119) |  |        - |        - | 
| Bank borrowings obtained                 |   41,879 |   23,183 |  |        - |        - | 
| Bank borrowings repaid                   | (30,115) |  (5,487) |  |        - |        - | 
| Finance lease repayments                 |    (315) |    (104) |  |        - |        - | 
| Net cash from financing activities       |      103 |    8,473 |  |        - |        - | 
|        |                                 |          |          |  |          |          | 
| Decrease in cash and cash equivalents    |  (4,429) |  (1,437) |  |  (7,413) |  (8,617) | 
| Effects of foreign exchange rate changes |      182 |        - |  |      182 |        - | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at 1 January   |  (4,320) |  (2,883) |  |    7,538 |   16,155 | 
|        |                                 |          |          |  |          |          | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at 31 December |  (8,567) |  (4,320) |  |      307 |    7,538 | 
The group's consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 December 
2008, from which this financial information has been extracted, and for the 
comparative year ended 31 December 2007 are prepared on a going concern basis 
and in accordance with IFRS, and in accordance with those parts of the Companies 
Act 1985 applicable to companies reporting under IFRS. 
The financial information contained in this report does not constitute full 
statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. 
The figures are extracted from the audited financial statements for the year 
ended 31 December 2008 which will be filed with the Registrar of Companies, sent 
to shareholders and will be available on Asia Resources' website at 
The comparative figures for the year ended 31 December 2007 are not the 
statutory financial statements for that year. Those accounts have been reported 
on by the company's auditors and delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The 
report of the auditors was (i) unqualified, (ii) did not include a reference to 
any matters to which the auditors drew attention by way of emphasis without 
qualifying their report, and (iii) did not contain a statement under section 
237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. 
The accounting policies applied are consistent with those adopted and disclosed 
in the Group's annual financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2008. 
Accounting Policies 
The consolidated financial statements of Asia Resources plc ("the company") and 
its subsidiaries (together "the group") for the year ended 31 December 2008 were 
authorized for issue by the directors on 29 June 2009. Asia Resources plc is a 
public limited company incorporated and domiciled in the United Kingdom. Its 
shares are publicly traded on the Alternative Investment Market ("AIM") of the 
London Stock Exchange. The principal activities of the group are dealing of 
jewellery, trading of gold bullion and the provision of craftsmanship works on 
The group's subsidiaries all operate in Malaysia and the principal place of 
business is 22, Jalan Serunai 16, Taman Klang Jaya, 41200 Klang, Selangor Darul 
Ehsan. The principal accounting policies applied in the preparation of these 
financial statements are set out below. These policies have been consistently 
applied to all the years presented, unless otherwise stated below. 
1.1 Basis of preparation 
The financial statements are prepared under the historical cost convention and 
on a going concern basis, except for the revaluation of available-for-sale 
investments to their fair values. 
These consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with 
International Financial Reporting Standards, as adopted by the European Union 
("IFRS") and in accordance with the UK's Companies Act 1985. The parent 
company's financial statements have also been prepared in accordance with IFRS. 
The financial statements are presented in Malaysian Ringgits and all values are 
rounded to the nearest thousand Ringgits (RM'000) except when otherwise 
indicated.  The exchange rate of Malaysian Ringgits to Pounds Sterling at 31 
December 2008 was GBP1 : RM4.9989 (RM1 : GBP0.2000). 
1.2    Basis of consolidation, reverse acquisition accounting and comparative 
The consolidated financial statements incorporate the financial statements of 
the company and its subsidiary undertakings. The financial information of the 
subsidiaries are prepared for the same reporting period as the parent company 
using consistent accounting policies. Intra-group sales, transactions and 
balances are eliminated on consolidation. 
Reverse acquisition accounting 
On 28 January 2008 the company became the legal parent company of LS Gold 
Bullion Sdn. Bhd. and its subsidiaries (the "LS Gold Bullion Group"). Due to the 
relative values of the companies, the former LS Gold Bullion Sdn. Bhd. 
shareholders became the majority shareholders with 73% of the enlarged share 
capital. Furthermore, the company's continuing operations and 
executive management were mainly those of LS Gold Bullion Group. Accordingly, 
the substance of the combination was LS Gold Bullion Sdn. Bhd. acquired Asia 
Resources plc in a reverse acquisition. 
Under the requirements of the Companies Act 1985 it would normally be necessary 
for the company's consolidated accounts to follow the legal form of the business 
combination. In that case the pre-combination results would be those of Asia 
Resources plc. The results of LS Gold Bullion Group would then be brought into 
the group from 28 January 2008. However, this would portray the combination as 
an acquisition of the LS Gold Bullion Group by Asia Resources plc and would, in 
the opinion of the directors, fail to give a true and fair view of the substance 
of the business combination. Accordingly, the directors have adopted reverse 
acquisition accounting as the basis of consolidation in order to give a true and 
fair view. 
2.  Operating profit/(loss) 
|                            |  |        Group         |  |        Company        | 
|                            |  |  2008    |   2007    |  |   2008    |   2007    | 
|                            |  |  RM'000  |  RM'000   |  |  RM'000   |  RM'000   | 
| The operating              |  |          |           |  |           |           | 
| profit/(loss) is stated    |  |          |           |  |           |           | 
| after                      |  |          |           |  |           |           | 
| charging/(crediting):      |  |          |           |  |           |           | 
| Auditors' remuneration:    |  |     235  |        -  |  |       235 |         - | 
| Current parent company     |  |      90  |        -  |  |        90 |         - | 
| auditors                   |  |      53  |      135  |  |         - |         - | 
| Previous parent company    |  |          |           |  |           |           | 
| auditors                   |  |          |           |  |           |           | 
|   Subsidiaries' auditors   |  |          |           |  |           |           | 
| Non-audit fees relating to |  |       -  |    1,932  |  |         - |   1,932   | 
| acquisition payable to     |  |          |           |  |           |           | 
| previous parent company    |  |          |           |  |           |           | 
| auditors                   |  |          |           |  |           |           | 
| Depreciation               |  |   1,520  |    1,660  |  |         - |         - | 
| Write back of provision    |  |  (3,000) |        -  |  |         - |         - | 
| for                        |  |          |           |  |           |           | 
| contingent loss not        |  |          |           |  |           |           | 
| required                   |  |          |           |  |           |           | 
| Rental income from         |  |    (138) |      (69) |  |         - |         - | 
| investment                 |  |          |           |  |           |           | 
|  properties                |  |          |           |  |           |           | 
| Loss on disposal of        |  |       -  |    1,339  |  |         - |         - | 
| subsidiary                 |  |          |           |  |           |           | 
| Loss on disposal of        |  |       6  |       68  |  |         - |         - | 
| tangible assets            |  |          |           |  |           |           | 
| Loss on gold loan          |  |   805    |   2,938   |  |         - |         - | 
| resulting from gold price  |  |          |           |  |         - |         - | 
| appreciation               |  |          |           |  |           |           | 
| Rental expense             |  |     152  |      221  |  |         - |         - | 
|     -   land and buildings |  |      18  |       13  |  |         - |         - | 
|     -   other              |  |          |           |  |           |           | 
| Staff costs (including     |  |    5,710 |     4,413 |  |     1,461 |       624 | 
| directors' remuneration)   |  |          |           |  |           |           | 
| (note 9)                   |  |          |           |  |           |           | 
| Foreign exchange           |  |     (53) |      194  |  |         - |         - | 
| (gains)/losses             |  |          |           |  |           |           | 
| Bad and doubtful debts     |  |     433  |      483  |  |         - |         - | 
| expense                    |  |          |           |  |           |           | 
3. Finance Costs 
|                            |   |        Group          |   |        Company        | 
|                            |   |   2008    |   2007    |   |   2008    |   2007    | 
|                            |   |  RM'000   |  RM'000   |   |  RM'000   |  RM'000   | 
| Interest and charges on:   |   |           |           |   |           |           | 
| Bank overdraft             |   |       676 |       345 |   |         - |         - | 
| Banker's acceptance        |   |     1,175 |       763 |   |         - |         - | 
| Finance leases             |   |        32 |        40 |   |         - |         - | 
| Gold loans                 |   |       817 |       659 |   |         - |         - | 
| Term loans                 |   |       166 |       117 |   |         - |         - | 
| Other financing and loans  |   |       717 |       516 |   |         - |         - | 
|                            |   |           |           |   |           |           | 
|                            |   |     3,583 |     2,440 |   |         - |         - | 
 4.  Earnings per share 
The basic earnings per ordinary share has been calculated using the profit for 
the financial year attributable to the company's equity shareholders of 
RM3,099,000 (2007: RM4,571,000) and the weighted average number of ordinary 
shares in issue of 149,836,364 (2007: 149,836,364). The diluted loss per share 
has been calculated using a weighted average number of shares in issue and to be 
issued of 149,836,364 (2007: 149,947,858). The weighted average number of shares 
in issue for 2008 and 2007 has been calculated on a reverse acquisition 
accounting basis as follows : 
 Number of shares    Number of shares 
Number of shares in issue prior to reverse acquisition 
40,200,000                  40,200,000 
    Number of ordinary shares issued by the legal parent 
    to the owners of the legal subsidiary on 28 January 2008109,636,364 
Actual number of shares issued149,836,364                149,836,364 
========= ========= 
    Deemed weighted average number of shares issued 
149,836,364                149,836,364 
                 =========               ========= 
For the purpose of calculating diluted earnings per share, the profit for the 
year attributable to company's equity shareholders and the weighted average 
number of ordinary shares in issue during the financial year have been adjusted 
for the dilutive effects of all potentially dilutive ordinary shares, i.e. share 
options in issue at 31 December 2008. 
5. Property, Plant and Equipment 
| Group               |  Land &    |  Office    |  Tools &  |  Motor    |  Total    | 
|                     |buildings   |equipment,  |equipment  | vehicles  |           | 
|                     |            |fixtures &  |           |           |           | 
|                     |            |  fittings  |           |           |           | 
|                     |  RM'000    |  RM'000    |  RM'000   |  RM'000   |  RM'000   | 
| Cost                |            |            |           |           |           | 
| At 1 January 2007   |      3,032 |      8,779 |        57 |     1,175 |    13,043 | 
| Additions           |        887 |        655 |       (3) |       210 |     1,749 | 
| Disposals           |          - |      (905) |         - |         - |     (905) | 
| Write off of assets |      (121) |       (44) |         - |         - |     (165) | 
| Reclassifications   |       (24) |         24 |         - |         - |         - | 
|                     |            |            |           |           |           | 
| At 31 December 2007 |      3,775 |      8,509 |        54 |     1,385 |    13,723 | 
|                     |            |            |           |           |           | 
| At 1 January 2008   |      3,775 |      8,509 |        54 |     1,385 |    13,723 | 
| Additions           |      1,437 |        258 |         1 |       216 |     1,912 | 
| Disposals           |        (1) |       (27) |         - |     (198) |     (226) | 
| Write off of assets |       (19) |       (27) |         - |         - |      (46) | 
|                     |            |            |           |           |           | 
| At 31 December 2008 |      5,192 |      8,713 |        55 |     1,403 |    15,363 | 
|                     |            |            |           |           |           | 
| Accumulated         |            |            |           |           | 
| depreciation and    |            |            |           |           | 
| impairment          |            |            |           |           | 
| At 1 January 2007   |        284 |      2,623 |         1 |       530 |     3,438 | 
| Depreciation        |        270 |      1,105 |         6 |       239 |     1,620 | 
| Disposals           |       (46) |      (659) |       (1) |         - |     (706) | 
| Write off of        |          - |       (11) |         - |         - |      (11) | 
| assets              |            |            |           |           |           | 
|                     |            |            |           |           |           | 
| At 31 December 2007 |        508 |      3,058 |         6 |       769 |     4,341 | 
|                     |            |            |           |           |           | 
| At 1 January 2008   |        508 |      3,058 |         6 |       769 |     4,341 | 
| Depreciation        |        206 |      1,021 |         6 |       253 |     1,486 | 
| Disposals           |        (1) |        (7) |         - |      (62) |      (70) | 
| Write off of assets |       (10) |        (7) |         - |         - |      (17) | 
|                     |            |            |           |           |           | 
| At 31 December 2008 |        703 |      4,065 |        12 |       960 |     5,740 | 
|                     |            |            |           |           |           | 
| Net book values     |      4,489 |      4,648 |        43 |       443 |     9,623 | 
| At 31 December 2008 |            |            |           |           |           | 
|                     |            |            |           |           |           | 
| At 31 December 2007 |      3,267 |      5,451 |        48 |       616 |     9,382 | 
(a)Freehold land and buildings with a carrying amount of RM1,584,000 (2007: 
RM1,441,000) have been pledged to banks as security for credit facilities 
granted to the group. 
(b)   Included in the property, plant and equipment above are motor vehicles 
under finance leases with carrying amounts of RM365,389 (2007: RM499,869). 
(c)  Included in the property, plant and equipment above are assets which are 
fully depreciated with costs of RM691,000 (2007: RM512,000). 
6. Goodwill 
2008 2007 
    RM'000       RM'000 
    At 1 January 211629 
Arising on reverse acquisition18,828 - 
    Disposal of subsidiary 
________    ________ 
    At 31 December19,039 211 
                                             =======       ======= 
As discussed in note 1.2 above, the group has applied reverse acquisition 
accounting in respect of the company's acquisition of the LS Gold Bullion Group 
on 28 January 2008. The company (Asia Resources plc) is the legal parent company 
although under reverse acquisition accounting it is deemed to be a subsidiary 
company of LS Gold Bullion Sdn Bhd. 
The above addition to goodwill of RM18.5 million arose on the difference between 
the fair value of Asia Resources plc's share capital and the fair value of its 
net assets at the reverse acquisition date, as shown below. 
          Book and fair values 
    Cash at bank 
Trade payables(783) 
                Net assets acquired 17,427 
Goodwill arising on acquisition 18,828 
Total consideration of acquisition36,255 
    Consideration satisfied by: 
Company shares in issue at acquisition 
    (40,200,000 shares at GBP0.1095 each) 
    Costs of acquisition        7,991 
The book values and fair values of the assets and liabilities at the date of 
acquisition were considered to be the same. 
The group tests goodwill annually for impairment, or more frequently if there 
are indications that goodwill might be impaired. 
The recoverable amounts of the CGU's are determined from value in use 
calculations. The key assumptions for the value in use calculations are those 
regarding the discount rates, growth rates and expected changes to selling 
prices and direct costs during the forecast period. Management estimated the 
discount rate of 10% using pre-tax rates that reflect current market assessments 
of the time value of money and the risks specific to the CGU's. The growth rates 
are based on industry growth forecasts. Changes in selling prices and direct 
costs are based on past practices and expectations of future changes in the 
The group prepares cash flow forecasts derived from the most recent financial 
budgets approved by management and extrapolates cash flows based on an estimated 
growth rate of 3 per cent. after the fifth year of forecasts. 
7. Cash and Cash Equivalents 
|                             |         Group          |       Company        | 
|                             |    2008    |   2007    |   2008    |  2007    | 
|                             |  RM'000    |  RM'000   |  RM'000   |  RM'000  | 
|                             |            |           |           |          | 
| Cash at bank                |      2,471 |       536 |       307 |    7,538 | 
| Fixed deposits              |     32,372 |    21,026 |         - |        - | 
|                             |            |           |           |          | 
|                             |     34,843 |    21,562 |       307 |    7,538 | 
Cash and cash and cash equivalents includes fixed deposits of RM32,372,000 (2007 
- RM21,026,000) pledged as security for bank borrowings. As these are pledged 
accounts they are not included in the cash and cash equivalents in the cash flow 
statement and are shown separately on the balance sheet. Movements in these 
deposits have therefore been treated as a financing activity in the cash flow 
8. Borrowings 
|                           |         Group          |        Company         | 
|                           |    2008    |   2007    |   2008    |    2007    | 
|                           |  RM'000    |  RM'000   |  RM'000   |  RM'000    | 
| Current liabilities       |            |           |           |            | 
| Bank overdrafts           |     11,038 |     4,856 |         - |          - | 
| Term loans                |        622 |       369 |         - |          - | 
| Gold loans                |     22,709 |    24,297 |         - |          - | 
| Banker's acceptances      |     19,396 |    18,300 |         - |          - | 
| Revolving credit          |     11,711 |         - |         - |          - | 
| Trust receipts            |      2,000 |     2,000 |         - |          - | 
| Factoring                 |        347 |       384 |         - |          - | 
| Finance leases            |        167 |       176 |         - |          - | 
|                           |            |           |           |            | 
|                           |     67,990 |    50,382 |         - |          - | 
| Non-current liabilities   |            |           |           |            | 
| Term loans                |      3,403 |     2,273 |         - |          - | 
| Finance leases            |        411 |       540 |         - |          - | 
|                           |            |           |           |            | 
|                           |      3,814 |     2,813 |         - |          - | 
|                           |            |           |           |            | 
| Total Borrowings          |     71,804 |    53,195 |         - |          - | 
The above bank borrowings are secured by the following: 
  *  legal charge over the group's freehold land and buildings; 
  *  pledge of fixed deposits of the group and third party; 
  *  monthly sinking fund contribution placed as fixed deposit by a subsidiary 
  *  minimum investment of RM1,200,000 in "Floating Rate Negotiable Instrument of 
  *  joint and several guarantee by all the directors of LS Gold Bullion Sdn Bhd. 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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