30 June 2008

                                  Amteus plc                                   

                          ("Amteus" or "the Company")                          

            Interim Results for the six months ended 31 March 2008             

Chairman's statement

Amteus, the provider of secure and identifiable instant messaging solutions,
announces its interim results for the six months ended 31 March 2008.


Revenue in the six months to 31 March 2008 amounted to �69,289 (2007: �47,959)
and the loss before and after tax was �1,606,480 (2007: �1,595,155). Under the
Company's revenue recognition policy, there was �243,212 of deferred revenue
held at the balance sheet date.

On 23 April 2008, the company raised �1.5 million (after expenses) through a
placing of 12,000,200 new ordinary shares at 15p per share.

Related party transaction

On 29 May 2008, Amteus announced that it had entered into an agreement with The
Media Buzz Ltd ("The Media Buzz") to sell its relationship and acquisition
intelligent marketing services product to small and medium enterprise (`SME')
and corporate customers. As a result of this agreement, sales in the current
quarter to June 2008 have increased substantially compared with the same period
last year. In addition, the average order value has increased significantly
from less than �2,000 during March 2008 to approximately �12,000 during June

Outsourcing agreement

As already announced, the Company is working with a reseller partner to sell
into the education sector and certain other business sectors. The reseller
partner has now received its first substantial order for Amteus' products and
the Company is finalising arrangements to commence a roll-out programme as soon
as possible.

Amteus is also making progress in identifying similar partners and the
Directors are confident that further agreements will be signed in the next 12

Product development

We have continued to invest in our secure communication product with particular
emphasis on new interactive functionality. The Company will also be seeking to
combine this functionality with a Web 2.0 website jointly developed with The
Media Buzz.

International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS")

As an AIM listed company, Amteus has had to comply with IFRS for the first time
when preparing these interim results. Consequently, the interim statement has
been prepared using these new accounting standards and the comparative numbers
from prior periods have been restated where necessary.


Amteus now employs 54 people, of which 19 have been recruited since March 2008,
with the majority of them working in sales and marketing.


The Board is confident that, by developing its relationship with The Media Buzz
further, the significant sales growth achieved in the third quarter to 30 June
2008 will be maintained for the full year. The directors also believe that the
Company's new reseller agreement, combined with the exciting and innovative Web
2.0 developments, will enable Amteus to achieve further growth and increase
shareholder value in the future.

Michael Abrahams CBE DL
30 June 2008

Condensed Consolidated Income Statement
For the six month ended 31 March 2008

                                     Note    Unaudited   Unaudited      Audited
                                              31 March    31 March 30 September
                                                  2008        2007         2007
                                             (6 months)  (6 months)  (12 months)
                                                     �           �            �
Continuing operations                                                          
Revenue                                2        69,289      47,959      131,668
Cost of sales                                 (55,365)     (6,656)     (56,275)
Gross profit                                    13,924      41,303       75,393
Operating expenses                         (1,593,152) (1,623,180)  (3,209,526)
OPERATING LOSS                             (1,579,228) (1,581,877)  (3,134,133)
Investment revenue                               4,377      12,736       48,708
Finance costs                                 (31,629)    (26,014)     (33,369)
LOSS BEFORE TAXATION                       (1,606,480) (1,595,155)  (3,118,794)
Tax on loss on ordinary activities     3             -           -            -
LOSS FOR THE PERIOD FROM CONTINUING        (1,606,480) (1,595,155)  (3,118,794)
OPERATIONS ATTRIBUTABLE TO EQUITY                                              
HOLDERS OF THE PARENT COMPANY                                                  
Loss per share                         4        (4.0p)      (4.6p)       (8.3p)
  * basic and diluted                                                          


There is no recognised income or expense for the financial period other than
those shown in the condensed consolidated income statement above and
consequently no separate statement of recognised income and expense has been

Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet
31 March 2008

                                           Unaudited   Unaudited        Audited
                                            31 March    31 March   30 September
                                                2008        2007           2007
                                                   �           �              �
NON-CURRENT ASSETS                                                             
Intangible assets                             52,903      15,184         23,349
Property, plant and equipment                132,162     168,817        178,855
                                             185,065     184,001        202,204
CURRENT ASSETS                                                                 
Inventories                                  400,334     105,581        480,096
Trade and other receivables                  211,942     183,239        267,720
Cash and cash equivalents                         63   2,534,795        626,360
                                             612,339   2,823,615      1,374,176
TOTAL ASSETS                                 797,404   3,007,616      1,576,380
CURRENT LIABILITIES                                                            
Trade and other payables                 (1,829,429) (1,711,373)    (1,067,127)
Obligations under finance leases            (25,677)    (29,158)       (37,129)
                                         (1,855,106) (1,740,531)    (1,104,256)
NET CURRENT (LIABILITIES)/ASSETS         (1,242,767)   1,083,084        269,920
NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES                                                        
Obligations under finance leases            (27,249)    (25,541)       (44,736)
TOTAL LIABILITIES                        (1,882,355) (1,766,072)    (1,148,992)
NET (LIABILITIES)/ASSETS                 (1,084,951)   1,241,544        427,388
Share capital                              4,045,328   3,948,709      4,045,328
Share premium                              5,937,455   5,347,789      5,937,455
Share options reserve                        394,365     277,026        300,224
Retained earnings                       (11,462,099) (8,331,980)    (9,855,619)
TOTAL EQUITY                             (1,084,951)   1,241,544        427,388

Condensed Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
For the six months ended 31 March 2008

                                     Note    Unaudited   Unaudited      Audited
                                              31 March    31 March 30 September
                                                  2008        2007         2007
                                            (6 months)  (6 months)  (12 months)
                                                     �           �            �
Net cash from operating activities     5     (922,656) (1,430,399)  (3,301,754)
INVESTING ACTIVITIES                                                           
Interest received                                4,377      14,574       48,708
Proceeds on disposal of property,               43,950      25,651       54,902
plant and equipment                                                            
Purchase of property, plant and               (68,968)    (44,946)     (87,133)
Net cash used in investing                    (20,641)     (4,721)       16,477
FINANCING ACTIVITIES                                                           
Finance cost                                  (31,629)     (2,510)     (57,853)
Proceeds on issue of shares                          -   3,269,579    3,163,865
Repayments of obligations under               (28,939)    (17,679)     (45,700)
finance leases                                                                 
Receipt/(Repayment) of related party           377,568   (199,433)     (68,633)
Net cash used in financing                     317,000   3,049,957    2,991,679
Net (decrease)/increase in cash and          (626,297)   1,614,837    (293,598)
cash equivalents                                                               
Cash and cash equivalents at                   626,360     919,958      919,958
beginning of year                                                              
Cash and cash equivalents at end of                 63   2,534,795      626,360


The interim results for the six months ended 31 March 2008, which are
unaudited, do not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of the
Companies Act 1985 and have not been delivered to the Registrar of Companies.
The results for the six months ended 31 March 2008 and 31 March 2007 have been
reviewed, but not audited, by the auditors.

As Amteus plc is listed on the AIM Market ("AIM") the consolidated financial
statements for the year ended 30 September 2008 are required to be presented in
accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS"). The
interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with IFRS and
comparative information has been restated accordingly. Further details are set
out in note 7.

The interim financial information has been prepared in accordance with IFRS and
comparative information has been restated accordingly.

Amteus plc has adopted revised accounting policies in accordance with IFRS and
the interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with these
accounting policies, which have been published on the group's website 

The financial information for the period ended 30 September 2007 is an abridged
version of Amteus plc's published statutory financial statements which received
an unqualified auditors' report, contained no statement under section 237(2) or
(3) of the Companies Act 1985 and which have been filed with the Registrar of

The auditors have included an emphasis of matter paragraph in their audit
report, for the year ended 30 September 2007, to draw attention to the material
uncertainties associated with the Company's reliance on the adequate continued
financial support of its majority shareholder and the shareholder approval of
the placing.

The existence of these material uncertainties may cast significant doubt about
the Company's ability to continue as a going concern.

Going Concern

The interim financial statements have been prepared on the going concern basis,
which assumes that the group will continue in operational existence for the
foreseeable future.

A placing of ordinary shares has been concluded and has resulted in a cash
injection of �1.5m net of issue costs. The Directors as part of the placing
process, have prepared detailed forecasts that indicate the requirement for the
continuing adequate financial support from the major shareholder.

This dependency on continued adequate support of the majority shareholder
indicates the existence of material uncertainties, which may cast significant
doubt about the company's ability to continue as a going concern and,
therefore, that it may be unable to realise its assets and discharge its
liabilities in the normal course of business.

In forming their opinion the Directors have taken into account the proceeds
from the placing of ordinary shares and the commitment by the majority
shareholder to continue to provide adequate financial support.

If the going concern basis was inappropriate, adjustments, which it is not
practicable to quantify, would be required, including those to write down
assets to their recoverable value, to reclassify fixed assets as current assets
and to provide for any further liabilities that may arise.

2. segment information

Analysis between activities is not presented as the group's operations comprise
a single class of business, which is the provision of secure and private
communications over the internet for business. The group's operations are
located in Great Britain.

3. tax on loss on ordinary activities

There is no tax charge for the period.


Loss per share is calculated by dividing the loss after taxation by the
weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue of 40,453,278 (31 March
2007: 34,970,320 shares and 30 September 2007: 37,631,140 shares).


                                             Unaudited   Unaudited      Audited
                                               31 March    31 March 30 September
                                                  2008        2007         2007
                                            (6 months)  (6 months)  (12 months)
                                                     �           �            �
Loss for the period                        (1,606,480) (1,595,155)  (3,118,794)
Adjustments for:                                                               
Investment revenue                             (4,377)    (12,736)     (48,708)
Finance costs                                   31,629      26,014       33,369
(Profit)/Loss on disposal of property,           (852)         860        6,649
plant and equipment                                                            
Amortisation of intangible assets                1,922         397          790
Depreciation of property, plant and             41,087      43,839       87,577
Employee share based payment                    94,141     111,530      134,728
Operating cash flows before movements in   (1,442,930) (1,425,251)  (2,904,389)
working capital                                                                
Decrease/(Increase) in inventories              79,762    (20,456)    (394,971)
Decrease/(Increase) in receivables              55,778   (128,575)    (199,447)
Increase in payables                           384,734     143,883      197,053
Net cash from operating activities           (922,656) (1,430,399)  (3,301,754)


No dividends are proposed for the six months ended 31 March 2008 (six months
ended 31 March 2007: �nil, year ended 30 September 2007: �nil).


The year ending 30 September 2008 is the first year that the group will present
its consolidated financial statements under IFRS. The last consolidated
financial statements under UK GAAP were for the year ended 30 September 2007.
The group's date of transition to IFRS was therefore 1 October 2006. The
adoption of IFRS does not affect the cash flows of the group. The disclosures
required in the period of transition are given below:

Reconciliation of equity at 31 March 2007

                                              UK GAAP    Effect of     Restated
                                             31 March   transition   under IFRS
                                                 2007      to IFRS             
                                                    �            �            �
NON-CURRENT ASSETS                                                             
Intangible assets                                   -       15,184       15,184
Property, plant and equipment                 184,001     (15,184)      168,817
                                              184,001            -      184,001
CURRENT ASSETS                                                                 
Inventories                                   105,581            -      105,581
Trade and other receivables                   183,239            -      183,239
Cash and cash equivalents                   2,534,795            -    2,534,795
                                            2,823,615            -    2,823,615
TOTAL ASSETS                                3,007,616            -    3,007,616
CURRENT LIABILITIES                                                            
Trade and other payables                  (1,711,373)            -  (1,711,373)
Obligations under finance leases             (29,158)            -     (29,158)
                                          (1,740,531)            -  (1,740,531)
NET CURRENT ASSETS                          1,083,084            -    1,083,084
NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES                                                        
Obligations under finance leases             (25,541)            -     (25,541)
TOTAL LIABILITIES                         (1,766,072)            -  (1,766,072)
NET ASSETS                                  1,241,544            -    1,241,544
Share capital                               3,948,709            -    3,948,709
Share premium                               5,347,789            -    5,347,789
Share options reserve                         277,026            -      277,026
Retained earnings                         (8,331,980)            -  (8,331,980)
TOTAL EQUITY                                1,241,544            -    1,241,544

The adoption of IAS 38 requires computer software to be recognised as an
intangible asset. Computer software under UK GAAP was capitalised and recorded
as property, plant and equipment.

Reconciliation of equity at 30 September 2007

                                            UK GAAP    Effect of       Restated
                                       30 September   transition     under IFRS  
                                               2007      to IFRS 
                                                  �            �              �    
                                                                                                                        NON-CURRENT ASSETS  
Intangible assets                                 -       23,349         23,349
Property, plant and equipment               202,204     (23,349)        178,855
                                            202,204            -        202,204
CURRENT ASSETS                                                                 
Inventories                                 480,096            -        480,096
Trade and other receivables                 267,720            -        267,720
Cash and cash equivalents                   626,360            -        626,360
                                          1,374,176            -      1,374,176
TOTAL ASSETS                              1,576,380            -      1,576,380
CURRENT LIABILITIES                                                            
Trade and other payables                (1,067,127)            -    (1,067,127)
Obligations under finance leases           (37,129)            -       (37,129)
                                        (1,104,256)            -    (1,104,256)
NET CURRENT ASSETS                          269,920            -        269,920
NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES                                                        
Obligations under finance leases           (44,736)            -       (44,736)
TOTAL LIABILITIES                       (1,148,992)            -    (1,148,992)
NET ASSETS                                  427,388            -        427,388
Share capital                             4,045,328            -      4,045,328
Share premium                             5,937,455            -      5,937,455
Share options reserve                       300,224            -        300,224
Retained earnings                       (9,855,619)            -    (9,855,619)
TOTAL EQUITY                                427,388            -        427,388

The adoption of IAS 38 requires computer software to be recognised as an
intangible asset. Computer software under UK GAAP was capitalised and recorded
as property, plant and equipment.

Reconciliation of equity at 1 October 2006

                                            UK GAAP    Effect of       Restated
                                          1 October   transition     under IFRS   
                                               2006      to IFRS     
                                                  �            �              �
NON-CURRENT ASSETS                                                             
Intangible assets                                 -       15,478         15,478
Property, plant and equipment               178,715     (15,478)        163,237
                                            178,715            -        178,715
CURRENT ASSETS                                                                 
Inventories                                  85,125            -         85,125
Trade and other receivables                  59,774            -         59,774
Cash and cash equivalents                   919,958            -        919,958
                                          1,064,857            -      1,064,857
TOTAL ASSETS                              1,243,572            -      1,243,572
CURRENT LIABILITIES                                                            
Trade and other payables                (1,169,350)            -    (1,169,350)
Obligations under finance leases           (25,547)            -       (25,547)
                                        (1,194,897)            -    (1,194,897)
NET CURRENT LIABILITIES                   (130,040)            -      (130,040)
NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES                                                        
Trade and other payables                  (577,342)            -      (577,342)
Obligations under finance leases           (15,744)            -       (15,744)
                                          (593,086)            -      (593,086)
TOTAL LIABILITIES                       (1,787,983)            -    (1,787,983)
NET LIABILITIES                           (544,411)            -      (544,411)
Share capital                             3,447,458            -      3,447,458
Share premium                             2,579,460            -      2,579,460
Share options reserve                       165,496            -        165,496
Retained earnings                       (6,736,825)            -    (6,736,825)
TOTAL EQUITY                              (544,411)            -      (544,411)

The adoption of IAS 38 requires computer software to be recognised as an
intangible asset. Computer software under UK GAAP was capitalised and recorded
as property, plant and equipment.

Reconciliation of profit for the year ended 30 September 2007 and the six month
period ended 31 March 2007

The reclassification of computer software from property, plant and equipment to
intangible assets required a corresponding reclassification of the related
depreciation charge to amortisation. This has no impact on the operating loss
recorded for these periods.


The interim report will be available for inspection by the public at the
registered office of the company during normal business hours on any weekday
and from the Company's website www.amteus.com. Further copies are available on


The Company raised an additional �1.5 million net of expenses through a placing
of 12,000,200 new shares at 15p per share. These shares were admitted to
trading on AIM on 30 April 2008. The Company's founder and major shareholder,
JC Morris, has been providing financial support to the Company and will
continue to do so as required.

Further enquiries:

Amteus plc                                                    Tel: 01653 618016
Michael Abrahams (Chairman)                                                    
John East & Partners Limited                                 Tel: 020 7628 2200
Simon Clements                                                                 
Rawlings Financial                                            Tel: 01653 618016
Catriona Valentine                                                             


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