RNS Number:7074E
Abraxus Investments PLC
28 September 2007


Annual report and accounts for the year ended 31 March 2007

Chairman's statement

I am pleased to set out below the Directors' Report and Financial Statements of
Abraxus Investments PLC (''Abraxus'') for the year ended 31 March 2007. Contents 
Comparatives are for the year ended 31 March 2006.

Financial Results:

Turnover for the year was #nil (2006 - #nil) with a loss on ordinary activities
before taxation of #15,447 (2006 - loss #451,526). At 31 March 2007 the Group
had cash balances of #1,641,334 (2006: #397,881). The Board is not recommending
the payment of a dividend.

Operational Review:

Sale of Hungarian Subsidiary

On 20 July 2006, the Company announced that the disposal of its wholly owned
Hungarian subsidiary, First AB Kft, had been completed. The Company confirmed
that it had received gross proceeds of #1,053,762 from the successful bidder,
Real Asset Holdings Ltd. After deducting selling costs of #20,662, the net
proceeds from the sale totaled #1,033,100, representing a profit on disposal of
#8,256. In addition to the sale proceeds, the Company has received full
repayment of the 866,238 Euro loan made to First AB kft. Total monies received
from the purchaser was #1.65 million. Following the disposal of the property,
the Company has terminated its relationship agreement with Mr Uri Heller.

Resolution of Shareholder Dispute

On 26 January 2007, the Company announced that Alon Liberman, Director,
acquired, through Shairline Trading Ltd, in which he is beneficially interested,
9,341,740 ordinary shares in the Company, representing 27.11% of the issued
share capital. Alon Liberman, together with his existing holding of 833,333
Ordinary Shares, representing 2.42% of the issued share capital, is now
interested in 10,175,073 Ordinary Shares, representing 29.53% of the issued
share capital.

On the same day, Mission Capital Plc announced that it had sold its entire
holding of 10,041,740 ordinary shares in the Company. The sale by Mission
Capital Plc of its shareholding in the Company marked the end of the shareholder
deadlock so that the Company is now able to implement its stated strategy


Following the sale of its Subsidiary, the Company is now treated as an ''
investing company'' under AIM rules and following the sale, the Company has cash
deposits in excess of #1.6 million. I am pleased to say that the differences
between certain groups of shareholders have been resolved and I would like to
take this opportunity to thank shareholders for their patient support in what
has been a difficult time for the Company.  The Board looks forward to
delivering enhanced shareholder value and will advise shareholders when a
suitable investment opportunity arises.

D. Sparks


28 September 2007

Group profit and loss account for the year ended 31 March 2007

                             Notes        2007                2006
                                             #                   #

Administrative expenses              (216,843)           (489,255)

Operating loss                   2   (216,843)           (489,255)

Profit on disposal of subsidiary        96,221                   -

Interest receivable and similar 
income                           4     105,175              37,729

Loss on ordinary activities 
before taxation                       (15,447)           (451,526)

Taxation                         5           -                   -

Retained loss for the year            (15,447)           (451,526)

Loss per ordinary share

Basic and diluted                6     (0.04p)             (1.31p)

Group balance sheet as at 31 March 2007

                             Notes        2007                2006
                                             #                   #

Fixed assets

Tangible fixed assets            8           -           1,402,376

Current assets

Debtors                         10       5,903             103,738

Cash and short term deposits 
at bank                              1,641,334             397,881

                                     1,647,237             501,619

Creditors: amounts falling due 
within one year                 11   (135,013)           (376,324)

Net current assets                   1,512,224             125,295

Total assets less current 
liabilities                          1,512,224           1,527,671

Capital and reserves

Called up share capital         12   1,722,222           1,722,222

Share premium account           13   7,435,193           7,435,193

Profit and loss account         13 (7,645,191)         (7,629,744)

Equity shareholders' funds      13   1,512,224           1,527,671

Company balance sheet as at 31 March 2007

                        Notes       2007        2006
                                       #           #
Fixed assets

Investments                9           -   1,024,844

Current assets

Debtors                   10       5,903     514,375

Cash and short                 1,641,334     197,195
term deposits at
                               1,647,237     711,570

Creditors: amounts
falling due within        11    (135,013)   (120,778)

Net current assets             1,512,224     590,792

Total assets less              1,512,224   1,615,636

Capital and

Called up share           12   1,722,222   1,722,222
Share premium             13   7,435,193   7,435,193
Profit and loss           13   (7,645,191) (7,541,779)

Equity                    13   1,512,224   1,615,636

Group cash flow statement for the year ended 31 March 2007

                       Notes          2007       2006
                                         #          #

Net cash outflow
from operating            14     (352,064)  (240,550)

Returns on
investments and
servicing of

Interest received                105,175      37,729

Cash outflow
before use of
liquid resources
financing                       (246,888)   (202,821)

expenditure and
Net proceeds of
sale of subsidiary
& disposal of
fixed assets                   1,490,431    (472,770)

Increase/                      1,243,453    (675,591)
(decrease) in cash
for the year

Analysis of changes in net funds        31 March                31 March
                                            2006   Cash flow        2007

                                               #           #           #

Cash at bank and                         397,881   1,243,453   1,641,334
in hand

                                         397,881   1,243,453   1,641,334

Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net funds   2007         2006
                                                              #            #

Increase/                                             1,243,453    (675,591)
(decrease) in cash
for the year

Movement in net                                       1,243,453    (675,591)
funds in the year

Net funds at 31                                         397,881   1,073,472
March 2006

Net funds at 31                                       1,641,334     397,881
March 2007

Notes to the financial statements

For the year ended 31 March 2007

1.         Accounting policies

The financial statements are prepared in accordance with applicable UK
accounting standards.

(a)        Accounting convention

The financial statements are prepared under the historical cost convention.

(b)        Basis of consolidation

The group profit and loss account and balance sheet include the financial
statements of the company and all its subsidiaries for the year to 31 March
2007, consolidated under the acquisition method.

(c)        Tangible fixed assets

Depreciation is provided to write off the cost or revalued amounts less
estimated residual value (based on prices prevailing at the date of acquisition
or revaluation) in equal monthly installments over the estimated useful economic
lives of the assets.

(d)        Investments

Investments held as fixed assets are stated at cost less provision for any

(e)        Deferred taxation

Deferred taxation is provided in full on timing differences that result in an
obligation at the balance sheet date to pay more tax, or a right to pay less
tax, at a future date, at rates expected to apply when they crystallize based on
current tax rates and law.   Timing differences arise from the inclusion of
items of income and expenditure in taxation computations in periods different
from those in which they are included in the financial statements.   Deferred
tax assets are recognised to the extent that it is regarded as more likely than
not that they will be recovered.   Deferred tax assets and liabilities are not

(f)         Foreign exchange

Assets and liabilities in foreign currencies are translated into sterling at the
rates of exchange ruling at the balance sheet date. Transactions in foreign
currencies are translated into sterling at the average rate of exchange for the
period.  Exchange differences are taken into account in arriving at operating

2.         Operating loss                              2007                 2006
                                                          #                    #

            This is stated after charging:

            Auditor's remuneration - audit services   5,500                6,000

                                   - other fees       2,000                2,000

3.         Staff costs, employees and directors' emoluments

            i)          Directors' remuneration:

                                             2007                 2006
                                               #                     #

                        Fees              80,000                83,354

            ii)          Staff costs (including directors' emoluments)

                                              2007                 2006
                                                 #                    #

                        Wages and salaries  80,000               83,354

The average number of employees (including directors) during the
year was 5  (2006 : 5).

4.         Interest receivable and similar income

                                              2007                 2006
                                                #                     #

            Bank interest                 105,175                37,729

5.         Tax on loss on ordinary activities

There was no tax charge on the loss on ordinary activities in both current and
preceding year.

            Factors affecting tax charge for period

                                                     2007                   2006
                                                        #                      #

            Loss on ordinary activities before tax  (15,447)           (451,526)

            Loss on ordinary activities multiplied 
            by standard rate of corporation tax in 
            the UK of 30% (2006: 30%)                (4,634)           (135,458)

            Effects of:

            Tax losses carried forward                 4,634             135,458

            Current tax for period                         -                   -

No deferred tax asset has been recognised in respect of tax losses carried
forward in the accounts as there is insufficient evidence that the asset will be
recoverable within the meaning of Financial Reporting Standard No 19 'Deferred

6.         Loss per ordinary share

Basic loss per share is calculated by dividing the loss attributable to ordinary
shareholders by the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during
the year.

Diluted loss per share is calculated by adjusting the weighted average number of
ordinary shares in issue on the assumption of exercise of all dilutive options.

There were no dilutive options outstanding at 31 March 2007

                                                     2007                   2006
                                                        #                      #

Loss attributable to ordinary shareholders       (15,447)              (451,526)

Weighted average number of ordinary shares     34,444,444             34,444,444

Loss per share                                    (0.04p)                (1.31p)

7.         Profit and loss account

The company has taken advantage of s230 of the Companies Act 1985 and has not
presented its own profit and loss account.

8.         Tangible fixed assets

                  Group                        Freehold

                  At 1 April 2006             1,402,376
                  Disposals                  (1,402,376)

                  At 31 March 2007                    -

                  At 1 April 2006                     -
                  and at 31 March

                  Net book value:
                  At 31 March 2007                    -

                  At 31 March 2006            1,402,376

9.  Investments
    Company                                   Shares in

                  At 1 April 2006             1,024,844
                  Disposals                  (1,024,844)

                  As at 31 March                      -
                  Provision for
                  At 1 April 2006                     -
                  and at 31 March

                  Net book value:
                  At 31 March 2007                    -

                  At 31 March 2006            1,024,844

The investments
of the group are
as follows:

                  undertakings                 Ordinary
                                                 Shares Registered        Principal         Carrying
                                              % holding         in         Activity            value

                  Abraxus                           100   England           Dormant           Nil
                  Investments (UK)

                  Arachnid Systems                  100   England           Dormant           Nil

                  08004homes.com                    100   England           Dormant           Nil

On 20 July 2006, the Company completed the sale of First AB kft and received
gross proceeds of #1,053,762 from the successful bidder, Real Asset Holdings
Ltd. After deducting selling costs of #20,662, the net proceeds from the sale
total #1,033,100, representing a profit on disposal of #8,256.

10.  Debtors                                               2007                                2006
                                                 Group             Company           Group             Company
                                                     #                   #               #                   # 

                  Other debtors                   2,413             2,413           103,597            14,209
                  Intercompany                        -                 -                 -           500,025
                  Payments and                    3,491             3,491               141               141
                  accrued income
                                                  5,903             5,903           103,738           514,375

11.  Creditors: amounts falling due
     within one year                                       2007                                2006
                                                 Group             Company           Group             Company
                                                     #                   #               #                   #

                  Other creditors                34,253            34,253           286,190            34,253
                  Accruals and                  100,760           100,760            90,134            86,525
                  deferred income

                                                135,013           135,013           376,324           120,778

12.  Called up share capital
                                                   2007              2006
                                                      #                 #

                  108,888,888                 5,444,444         5,444,444
                  ordinary shares
                  of 5p each (2006
                  : 108,888,888)

                  Called up and
                  34,444,444                  1,722,222         1,722,222
                  ordinary shares
                  of 5p each (2006
                  : 34,444,444)

13.  Reconciliation of shareholders' funds and
     movement on reserves

                  Group                                             Share             Profit             Total
                                                  Share           premium           and loss     shareholders'
                                                capital           account            account             funds
                                                      #                 #                  #                 #

                  At 1 April 2006             1,722,222         7,435,193        (7,629,744)        1,527,671
                  Loss for the year                   -                 -           (15,447)          (15,447)

                  At 31 March 2007            1,722,222         7,435,193        (7,645,191)        1,512,224

                  Company                                           Share             Profit            Total
                                                  Share           premium           and loss    shareholders'
                                                capital           account            account            funds
                                                      #                 #                 #                 #

                  At 1 April 2006             1,722,222         7,435,193        (7,541,779)        1,615,636
                  Loss for the year                   -                 -          (103,412)         (103,412)

                  At 31 March 2007            1,722,222         7,435,193        (7,645,191)        1,512,224

14.  Reconciliation of operating loss to net cash outflow from operating activities

                                                   2007              2006
                                                      #                 #

                  Operating loss               (208,537)         (489,255)
                  Decrease in                    97,835            77,456
                  (Decrease) /                 (241,311)          171,249
                  Increase in

                  Net cash outflow             (352,064)         (240,550)
                  from operating

15. Transactions with connected parties

Transactions in the year relate to payments of #25,531 (2006: #25,917) to
Sunnyside Services Inc, a company connected with one of the directors in respect
of advisory services.

16. Controlling party

The directors believe there is no ultimate controlling party.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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