RNS Number : 0512U 
Brookwell Limited 
07 October 2010 

Announcement of results for the year ended 30 June 2010 
|                                    |    A Shares |    B Shares | 
| Amount raised in placing           |    GBP25.5m |    GBP13.0m | 
|                                    |             |             | 
| Amount returned to shareholders in |     GBP5.2m |     GBP8.3m | 
| the year to 30 June 2010           |             |             | 
| Amount returned to shareholders in |    GBP10.7m |    GBP10.7m | 
| the period from admission of       |             |             | 
| shares to trading on AIM           |             |             | 
| ("Admission")* to 30 June 2010     |             |             | 
| Number of securities acquired in   |          84 |          62 | 
| the placing*                       |             |             | 
|                                    |             |             | 
| Number of securities at 30 June    |           4 |          12 | 
| 2010                               |             |             | 
|                                    |             |             | 
| Net asset value per Share at       |      97.00p |      96.60p | 
| Admission**                        |             |             | 
|                                    |             |             | 
| Net asset value per Share at 30    |      45.57p |     110.53p | 
| June 2010                          |             |             | 
|                                    |             |             | 
| Weighted average net asset         |      46.17p |     110.76p | 
| value*** at 30 June 2010           |             |             | 
|                                    |             |             | 
* The A Shares were admitted to trading on AIM on 26 June 2008 and the B Shares 
were admitted to trading on AIM on 19 February 2009. 
** after share issue expenses 
*** net assets and cash returned to shareholders 
              shares issued in placing 
The Investment Manager of the two funds within Brookwell Limited ("Brookwell" or 
"the Company") has completed a successful year maintaining a healthy pace of 
realisation and, in accordance with the Company's objective, returning GBP13.5 
million to shareholders. 
 On 30 December 2009, the Company returned GBP2.7 million to A Shareholders, 
with a pro-rata redemption of 4,774,523 A Shares at a price of 56.6p per share, 
and on 30 June 2010 a further GBP2.5 million was returned to its A Shareholders 
through the pro-rata redemption of 5,502,959 A Shares at a price of 45.4p. This 
means that, to date, GBP10.7 million has been returned, representing in 
aggregate approximately 42 per cent of the placing value of the issued A Shares. 
 The net asset value ('NAV') per A Share, as at 30 June 2010, was 45.6p and 
the number of holdings had been reduced to 4 from 25 at 30 June 2009. 
Subsequently the NAV per A Share at 1 October 2010 was 38.2p and the number of 
holdings has remained the same. Despite the recent deteriorating market 
conditions, progress has continued and the A Share class fund held cash of 
GBP0.2 million on that date. 
 On 30 December 2009, GBP5.5 million was returned to B shareholders through 
the pro-rata redemption of 4,814,839 B Shares at a price of 114.2p per B share; 
and on 30 June 2010 a further GBP2.8 million was returned to B Shareholders 
through the pro-rata redemption of 2,554,972 B Shares at the price of 109.6p per 
B Share. This means that GBP10.7 million has been returned to date, representing 
approximately 82 per cent of the placing value of the issued B Shares. The NAV 
per B Share at 30 June 2010 was 110.5p and the number of holdings had been 
reduced from 36 to 12. Subsequently, the NAV at 1 October 2010 was 115.3p and 
the number of holdings was further reduced to 6. The B Share class fund held 
cash and receivables of GBP2.8 million, on that date. 
 The next pro-rata redemptions for the A Shares and B Share are scheduled 
for the end of December 2010. 
Further details on disposals of the respective A Share and B Share portfolios 
are provided in the Investment Manager's report. Portfolio concentration tends 
to occur at this stage in the life of most work-out funds and Brookwell is no 
exception to this rule. Summary profiles of the key holdings are given in the 
Investment Manager's report. 
I am pleased to note that since the year end the Company has disposed of six 
holdings in the B Share portfolio including the three largest. The aggregate 
disposal proceeds from these holdings exceeded the aggregate carrying value at 
the year end. Moreover, based on the successful realisation programme so far, 
the directors and the Investment Manager are considering the appropriateness of 
launching a new class fund. 
Continued economic uncertainty suggests that many of the investee companies will 
face further commercial challenges. However, I remain confident that the 
Investment Manager will continue to identify and exploit opportunities to 
extract liquidity and value wherever possible. 
The AGM will be held at the offices of Legis Corporate Services Limited, Valley 
House, Hirzel Street, St Peter Port, Guernsey at 11.00 a.m. on 7 December 2010. 
Christopher Clark 
7 October 2010 
Brookwell was launched in June 2008 with one class of shares. Following 
approval at the Extraordinary General meeting held on the 29 January 2009, the 
shares issued at launch were re-designated as A Shares and B Shares were issued 
pursuant to a placing. 
As with our previous work-out companies, we have sought to use a variety of 
methods to realise the Company's holdings.  Last year we flagged the increasing 
difficulty we were experiencing in finding corporate solutions to the Company's 
more challenging investments.  This trend has continued despite a bounce in UK 
equity indices during the year under review.  Bank lending remains difficult and 
expensive for UK smaller companies.  In addition, whilst the AIM market has 
rallied in line with broader UK equity indices, it is clear from the steady flow 
of company delistings that the AIM market is still going through a period of 
re-adjustment.  In fact, over the last three years the number of companies on 
AIM has fallen by more than a quarter. 
The rally since March 2009 has continued with the AIM All-Share Index ending the 
year more than 70% above its nadir.  However, the A and B portfolios have become 
more concentrated as realisations occur and both stock and sector weightings 
deviate significantly from the AIM All-Share Index. 
Liquidity in the micro cap sector (sub GBP50m market cap), which dominates both 
portfolios, remains very difficult.  Whilst global equity markets have rallied, 
the general economic environment has remained uncertain.  Many western economies 
face very high, and in many cases, unsustainable budget deficits.  Greece, in 
particular, has attracted much attention in recent months, but the UK faces 
similar challenges.  In the run up to the general election the three major 
parties were reluctant to flag the scale of the inevitable spending cuts/tax 
rises.  Now the election is out of the way, the new coalition government has 
started the slow and painful process of devising a programme to bring the budget 
deficit down to more prudent levels.  The debate about the UK's ability to 
weather spending cuts without de-railing the economic recovery continues and the 
risk of a "double-dip" recession remains.  Only a few months ago the US Federal 
Reserve appeared to be tilting towards tightening monetary policy on the back of 
an improving economy but with signs that growth maybe slowing again the 
crisis-era monetary policy remains firmly in place. 
The Bank of England's August Inflation Report saw not only a reduction, as 
expected, in its economic growth forecasts, but also a warning that inflation 
was likely to stay higher for longer.  The report highlighted the lack of bank 
lending and the impact this was likely to have on growth.  All this suggests 
that the UK economy will struggle to deliver normal economic growth and the 
future still remains highly uncertain. 
A Share portfolio 
From an initial portfolio of 84, the A portfolio had been reduced to just 25 
stocks at the start of the financial year.  Further progress has been made over 
the year, with the number of holdings reduced to just four, one of which has 
been written down to zero.  The most significant disposal during the year was 
Claimar Care Group which, as described in last year's annual accounts, was 
subject to a highly satisfactory cash takeover in the first half of the 
Company's financial year. 
Inevitably, a number of investee companies have struggled as a result of both 
the difficult UK domestic economy and the challenges facing the UK banking 
sector.  During the year, only one investment, Entelos, was delisted.  This was 
written down to zero.  In the previous period Synarbor delisted, and because we 
believed the business had some intrinsic value, we continued to value the 
investment at an amount equal to its pre-delisting share price.  We are pleased 
to report that we managed to realise this investment at premium to this 
The portfolio has inevitably become more concentrated, with only three holdings 
representing 100% of the aggregate value of GBP0.9m.  These companies are 
described below: 
Hotel Corporation:  an owner, not an operator, of UK hotels which successfully 
renegotiated its bank facilities and raised GBP20 million of new equity; 
Shieldtech:  this company is a specialist in homeland security, providing body 
armour, mainly to UK police forces and the Ministry of Defence; 
Rotala:  the company operates bus, coach and transport services in the UK, 
focusing on local passenger transport with a strong presence in both the West 
Midlands and the South West (Bristol and Bath). 
Every opportunity is being considered to realise value from these final 
investments and the fund remains on track to meet, if not exceed, its original 
expected timetable.  As highlighted last year, the NAV of the A Shares has been 
impacted by the difficulties experienced by the AIM market since launch, rather 
than issues specific to Brookwell. 
B Share portfolio 
At the end of March 2009 the B portfolio was established with an initial 62 
investments, which had been reduced to 36 by the end of June 2009.  Over the 
Company's year a further 24 holdings have been sold taking the portfolio down to 
just 12 investments. 
During the year the B portfolio benefited from an agreed bid for Medical House 
and managed to exit the investment in Fusion IP on the back of a successful fund 
raising.  Elsewhere the fund had several investments, most notably IQE and 
Patsystems, where continued good trading news enabled us to exit at a 
substantial premium to book cost.  In addition, the impressive turnaround at 
Portrait Software attracted a cash bid for the company at a significant premium 
to book cost, although we had been top-slicing the investment as the stock 
responded to improving newsflow ahead of the bid. 
During the year Hexagon, which was experiencing trading difficulties and bank 
refinancing issues, delisted and was written down to zero. 
As with the A portfolio, the continued reduction in the number of holdings has 
resulted in a further concentration in the portfolio, with the top three 
holdings accounting for over 58% of the aggregate value of GBP3.2m at 30 June 
2010.  Since the year end the Company has disposed of six further investments in 
the B Share portfolio including those top three holdings leaving a balance of 
six holdings. The aggregate disposal proceeds from the six holdings sold 
exceeded the aggregate carrying value at year end. 
As outlined above the economic conditions remain uncertain and we continue to 
assume liquidity in micro-caps will remain challenging. Despite this backdrop we 
remain confident we have the right approach to deliver value and liquidity from 
the remaining holdings. 
Progressive AIM Realisation Limited 
7 October 2010 
       For the year ended 30 June 2010 
| COMPANY                | |     For |     For |     For |     For |      For |      For | 
|                        | |     the |     the |     the |     the |      the |      the | 
|                        | |    year |    year |    year |  period |   period |   period | 
|                        | |   ended |   ended |   ended |    from |     from |     from | 
|                        | |      30 |      30 |      30 |  28 May |   28 May |   28 May | 
|                        | |    June |    June |    June |    2008 |     2008 |     2008 | 
|                        | |    2010 |    2010 |    2010 |   to 30 |    to 30 |    to 30 | 
|                        | |         |         |         |    June |     June |     June | 
|                        | |         |         |         |    2009 |     2009 |     2009 | 
|                        |  | Revenue | Capital |   Total | Revenue |  Capital |    Total | 
|                        |  | GBP'000 | GBP'000 | GBP'000 | GBP'000 |  GBP'000 |  GBP'000 | 
| Gains/(losses) on      | |       - |   2,402 |   2,402 |       - | (12,253) | (12,253) | 
| investments designated | |         |         |         |         |          |          | 
| at fair value through  | |         |         |         |         |          |          | 
| profit or loss         | |         |         |         |         |          |          | 
| Investment income      | |     129 |       - |     129 |     302 |        - |      302 | 
| Investment management  | |   (255) |   (319) |   (574) |   (194) |    (273) |    (467) | 
| fees                   | |         |         |         |         |          |          | 
| Other expenses         | |   (352) |       - |   (352) |   (315) |        - |    (315) | 
| (Loss)/profit on       | |   (478) |   2,083 |   1,605 |   (207) | (12,526) | (12,733) | 
| ordinary activities    | |         |         |         |         |          |          | 
| before taxation        | |         |         |         |         |          |          | 
| Taxation               | |    (11) |       - |    (11) |       - |        - |        - | 
| (Loss)/profit          | |   (489) |   2,083 |   1,594 |   (207) | (12,526) | (12,733) | 
| attributable to        | |         |         |         |         |          |          | 
| shareholders           | |         |         |         |         |          |          | 
|                        | |         |         |         |         |          |          | 
| (Loss)/earnings per A  | | (2.45)p |  11.36p |   8.91p | (0.81)p | (64.04)p | (64.85)p | 
| Share                  | |         |         |         |         |          |          | 
| (Loss)/earnings per B  | | (2.88)p |  11.09p |   8.21p | (0.26)p |    9.25p |    8.99p | 
| Share                  | |         |         |         |         |          |          | 
| A SHARE                | |     For |     For |     For |     For |      For |      For | 
|                        | |     the |     the |     the |     the |      the |      the | 
|                        | |    year |    year |    year |  period |   period |   period | 
|                        | |   ended |   ended |   ended |    from |     from |     from | 
|                        | |      30 |      30 |      30 |  28 May |   28 May |   28 May | 
|                        | |    June |    June |    June |    2008 |     2008 |     2008 | 
|                        | |    2010 |    2010 |    2010 |   to 30 |    to 30 |    to 30 | 
|                        | |         |         |         |    June |     June |     June | 
|                        | |         |         |         |    2009 |     2009 |     2009 | 
|                        |  | Revenue | Capital |   Total |Revenue  | Capital  |  Total   | 
|                        |  | GBP'000 | GBP'000 | GBP'000 |GBP'000  | GBP'000  | GBP'000  | 
| Gains/(losses) on      | |       - |   1,318 |   1,318 |       - | (13,559) | (13,559) | 
| investments designated | |         |         |         |         |          |          | 
| at fair value through  | |         |         |         |         |          |          | 
| profit or loss         | |         |         |         |         |          |          | 
| Investment income      | |      40 |       - |      40 |     225 |        - |      225 | 
| Investment management  | |   (152) |   (152) |   (304) |   (158) |    (158) |    (316) | 
| fees                   | |         |         |         |         |          |          | 
| Other expenses         | |   (135) |       - |   (135) |   (240) |        - |    (240) | 
| (Loss)/profit on       | |   (247) |   1,166 |     919 |   (173) | (13,717) | (13,890) | 
| ordinary activities    | |         |         |         |         |          |          | 
| before taxation        | |         |         |         |         |          |          | 
| Taxation               | |     (4) |       - |     (4) |       - |        - |        - | 
| (Loss)/profit          | |   (251) |   1,166 |     915 |   (173) | (13,717) | (13,890) | 
| attributable to        | |         |         |         |         |          |          | 
| shareholders           | |         |         |         |         |          |          | 
|                        | |         |         |         |         |          |          | 
| (Loss)/earnings per A  | | (2.45)p |  11.36p |   8.91p | (0.81)p | (64.04)p | (64.85)p | 
| Share                  | |         |         |         |         |          |          | 
|                        | |         |         |         |         |          |          | 
|  B SHARE               | |     For |     For |     For |     For |     For |     For | 
|                        | |     the |     the |     the |     the |     the |     the | 
|                        | |    year |    year |    year |  period |  period |  period | 
|                        | |   ended |   ended |   ended |    from |    from |    from | 
|                        | |      30 |      30 |      30 |  28 May |  28 May |  28 May | 
|                        | |    June |    June |    June |    2008 |    2008 |    2008 | 
|                        | |    2010 |    2010 |    2010 |   to 30 |   to 30 |   to 30 | 
|                        | |         |         |         |    June |    June |    June | 
|                        | |         |         |         |    2009 |    2009 |    2009 | 
|                        |  | Revenue | Capital |   Total |Revenue  |Capital  |  Total  | 
|                        |  | GBP'000 | GBP'000 | GBP'000 |GBP'000  |GBP'000  |GBP'000  | 
| Gains/(losses) on      | |       - |   1,084 |   1,084 |       - |   1,306 |   1,306 | 
| investments designated | |         |         |         |         |         |         | 
| at fair value through  | |         |         |         |         |         |         | 
| profit or loss         | |         |         |         |         |         |         | 
| Investment income      | |      89 |       - |      89 |      77 |       - |      77 | 
| Investment management  | |   (103) |   (167) |   (270) |    (36) |   (115) |   (151) | 
| fees                   | |         |         |         |         |         |         | 
| Other expenses         | |   (217) |       - |   (217) |    (75) |       - |    (75) | 
| (Loss)/profit on       | |   (231) |     917 |     686 |    (34) |   1,191 |   1,157 | 
| ordinary activities    | |         |         |         |         |         |         | 
| before taxation        | |         |         |         |         |         |         | 
| Taxation               | |     (7) |       - |     (7) |       - |       - |       - | 
| (Loss)/profit          | |   (238) |     917 |     679 |    (34) |   1,191 |   1,157 | 
| attributable to        | |         |         |         |         |         |         | 
| shareholders           | |         |         |         |         |         |         | 
|                        | |         |         |         |         |         |         | 
| (Loss)/earnings per B  | | (2.88)p |  11.09p |   8.21p | (0.26)p |   9.25p |   8.99p | 
| Share                  | |         |         |         |         |         |         | 
|                        | |         |         |         |         |         |         | 
The total column of this statement represents the Company's Comprehensive 
Income, prepared under IFRS.  The revenue and capital columns, including the 
revenue and capital earnings per share data, are supplementary information 
prepared under guidance published by the Association of Investment Companies. 
All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing 
operations.  No operations were acquired or discontinued during the year. 
The Company was incorporated on 28 May 2008 and its A Shares commenced trading 
on AIM on 26 June 2008. The B Shares were admitted to trading on AIM on 19 
February 2009. 
30 June 2010 
|                                 |          |        A |       B |  Company |        A |       B |  Company | 
|                                 |          |    Share |   Share |          |    Share |   Share |          | 
|                                 |          |       30 |      30 |       30 |       30 |      30 |       30 | 
|                                 |          |     June |    June |     June |     June |    June |     June | 
|                                 |          |     2010 |    2010 |     2010 |     2009 |    2009 |     2009 | 
|                                 |          |  GBP'000 | GBP'000 |  GBP'000 |  GBP'000 | GBP'000 |  GBP'000 | 
|                                 |          |          |         |          |          |         |          | 
| Non-current assets              |          |          |         |          |          |         |          | 
| Investments designated at fair  |          |      869 |   3,243 |    4,112 |    5,090 |  11,022 |   16,112 | 
| value through profit and loss   |          |          |         |          |          |         |          | 
| Current assets                  |          |          |         |          |          |         |          | 
| Sales for future settlement     |          |        - |      22 |       22 |        - |      31 |       31 | 
| Other receivables               |          |       10 |      13 |       23 |       33 |      14 |       47 | 
| Cash and cash equivalents       |          |      275 |     502 |      777 |      314 |     342 |      656 | 
|                                 |          |      285 |     537 |      822 |      347 |     387 |      734 | 
| Total assets                    |          |    1,154 |   3,780 |    4,934 |    5,437 |  11,409 |   16,846 | 
| Current liabilities:            |          |          |         |          |          |         |          | 
| Other payables                  |          |       69 |     124 |      193 |       67 |     132 |      199 | 
|                                 |          |       69 |     124 |      193 |       67 |     132 |      199 | 
| Total                           |          |    1,085 |   3,656 |    4,741 |    5,370 |  11,277 |   16,647 | 
| Capital and reserves            |          |          |         |          |          |         |          | 
| attributable to shareholders    |          |          |         |          |          |         |          | 
| Share capital and share premium |          |   14,060 |   1,820 |   15,880 |   19,260 |  10,120 |   29,380 | 
|                                 |          |          |         |          |          |         |          | 
| Capital reserve                 |          | (12,551) |   2,108 | (10,443) | (13,717) |   1,191 | (12,526) | 
| Revenue reserve                 |          |    (424) |   (272) |    (696) |    (173) |    (34) |    (207) | 
| Total shareholders' funds       |          |    1,085 |   3,656 |    4,741 |    5,370 |  11,277 |   16,647 | 
| Net assets per Share            |          |   45.57p | 110.53p |      n/a |   42.42p | 105.61p |      n/a | 
| COMPANY                      | |      Share |  Capital | Revenue |    Total | 
|                              | |    premium |  Reserve | reserve |          | 
|                              | |    account |          |         |          | 
|                              | |    GBP'000 |  GBP'000 | GBP'000 |  GBP'000 | 
| For the period from 28 May   | |            |          |         |          | 
| 2008 to 30 June 2009         | |            |          |         |          | 
|                              | |            |          |         |          | 
| Issue of shares              | |     38,486 |        - |       - |   38,486 | 
| Share issue expenses         | |    (1,206) |        - |       - |  (1,206) | 
| Purchases and redemption of  | |    (7,900) |        - |       - |  (7,900) | 
| shares                       | |            |          |         |          | 
| Loss for the period          | |          - | (12,526) |   (207) | (12,733) | 
| Closing shareholders' funds  | |     29,380 | (12,526) |   (207) |   16,647 | 
| as at 30 June 2009           | |            |          |         |          | 
|                              | |            |          |         |          | 
| For the year ended 30 June   | |            |          |         |          | 
| 2010                         | |            |          |         |          | 
|                              | |            |          |         |          | 
| Purchases and redemption of  | |   (13,500) |        - |       - | (13,500) | 
| shares                       | |            |          |         |          | 
| Profit/(loss) for the year   | |          - |    2,083 |   (489) |    1,594 | 
| Closing shareholders' funds  | |     15,880 | (10,443) |   (696) |    4,741 | 
| as at 30 June 2010           | |            |          |         |          | 
| A SHARE                      | |      Share |  Capital | Revenue |    Total | 
|                              | |    premium |  Reserve | reserve |          | 
|                              | |    account |          |         |          | 
|                              | |    GBP'000 |  GBP'000 | GBP'000 |  GBP'000 | 
| For the period from 28 May   | |            |          |         |          | 
| 2008 to 30 June 2009         | |            |          |         |          | 
|                              | |            |          |         |          | 
| Issue of shares              | |     25,525 |        - |       - |   25,525 | 
| Share issue expenses         | |      (765) |        - |       - |    (765) | 
| Purchases and redemption of  | |    (5,500) |        - |       - |  (5,500) | 
| shares                       | |            |          |         |          | 
| Loss for the period          | |          - | (13,717) |   (173) | (13,890) | 
| Closing shareholders' funds  | |     19,260 | (13,717) |   (173) |    5,370 | 
| as at 30 June 2009           | |            |          |         |          | 
|                              | |            |          |         |          | 
| For the year ended 30 June   | |            |          |         |          | 
| 2010                         | |            |          |         |          | 
|                              | |            |          |         |          | 
| Purchases and redemption of  | |    (5,200) |        - |       - |  (5,200) | 
| shares                       | |            |          |         |          | 
| Profit/(loss) for the year   | |          - |    1,166 |   (251) |      915 | 
| Closing shareholders' funds  | |     14,060 | (12,551) |   (424) |    1,085 | 
| as at 30 June 2010           | |            |          |         |          | 
| B SHARE                      | |      Share |  Capital | Revenue |   Total | 
|                              | |    premium |  Reserve | reserve |         | 
|                              | |    account |          |         |         | 
|                              | |    GBP'000 |  GBP'000 | GBP'000 | GBP'000 | 
| For the period from 28 May   | |            |          |         |         | 
| 2008 to 30 June 2009         | |            |          |         |         | 
|                              | |            |          |         |         | 
| Issue of shares              | |     12,961 |        - |       - |  12,961 | 
| Share issue expenses         | |      (441) |        - |       - |   (441) | 
| Purchases and redemption of  | |    (2,400) |        - |       - | (2,400) | 
| shares                       | |            |          |         |         | 
| Profit/(loss) for the period | |          - |    1,191 |    (34) |   1,157 | 
| Closing shareholders' funds  | |     10,120 |    1,191 |    (34) |  11,277 | 
| as at 30 June 2009           | |            |          |         |         | 
|                              | |            |          |         |         | 
| For the year ended 30 June   | |            |          |         |         | 
| 2010                         | |            |          |         |         | 
|                              | |            |          |         |         | 
| Purchases and redemption of  | |    (8,300) |        - |       - | (8,300) | 
| shares                       | |            |          |         |         | 
| Profit/(loss) for the year   | |          - |      917 |   (238) |     679 | 
| Closing shareholders' funds  | |      1,820 |    2,108 |   (272) |   3,656 | 
| as at 30 June 2010           | |            |          |         |         | 
For the year ended 30 June 2010 
|                            |   |     For |     For |      For |     For |     For |     For | 
|                            |   |     the |     the |      the |     the |     the |     the | 
|                            |   |    year |    year |     year |  period |  period |  period | 
|                            |   |   ended |   ended |    ended |    from |    from |    from | 
|                            |   |      30 |      30 |       30 |  28 May |  28 May |  28 May | 
|                            |   |    June |    June |     June |    2008 |    2008 |    2008 | 
|                            |   |    2010 |    2010 |     2010 |   to 30 |   to 30 |   to 30 | 
|                            |   |         |         |          |    June |    June |    June | 
|                            |   |         |         |          |    2009 |    2009 |    2009 | 
|                            |   |         |         |          |         |         |         | 
|                            |   |       A |       B |  Company |       A |       B | Company | 
|                            |   |  Shares |  Shares |          |  Shares |  Shares |         | 
|                            |   | GBP'000 | GBP'000 |  GBP'000 | GBP'000 | GBP'000 | GBP'000 | 
|                            |   |         |         |          |         |         |         | 
| Operating activities       |   |         |         |          |         |         |         | 
| Cash inflow from           |   |      70 |      96 |      166 |     195 |      69 |     264 | 
| investment income and      |   |         |         |          |         |         |         | 
| interest                   |   |         |         |          |         |         |         | 
| Cash outflow from          |   |   (448) |   (508) |    (956) |   (492) |   (100) |   (592) | 
| management and other       |   |         |         |          |         |         |         | 
| expenses                   |   |         |         |          |         |         |         | 
| Cash inflow from disposal  |   |   5,539 |   8,872 |   14,411 |   6,876 |   3,214 |  10,090 | 
| of investments             |   |         |         |          |         |         |         | 
|                            |   |         |         |          |         |         |         | 
|                            |   |         |         |          |         |         |         | 
| Net cash inflow from       |   |   5,161 |   8,460 |   13,621 |   6,579 |   3,183 |   9,762 | 
| operating activities       |   |         |         |          |         |         |         | 
|                            |   |         |         |          |         |         |         | 
|                            |   |         |         |          |         |         |         | 
|                            |   |         |         |          |         |         |         | 
| Financing                  |   |         |         |          |         |         |         | 
| Expenses of issue of share |   |       - |       - |        - |   (765) |   (441) | (1,206) | 
| capital                    |   |         |         |          |         |         |         | 
| Payments to purchase own   |   | (5,200) | (8,300) | (13,500) | (5,500) | (2,400) | (7,900) | 
| shares                     |   |         |         |          |         |         |         | 
| Net cash outflow from      |   | (5,200) | (8,300) | (13,500) | (6,265) | (2,841) | (9,106) | 
| financing activities       |   |         |         |          |         |         |         | 
|                            |   |         |         |          |         |         |         | 
| (Decrease)/increase in     |   |    (39) |     160 |      121 |     314 |     342 |     656 | 
| cash and cash equivalents  |   |         |         |          |         |         |         | 
|                            |   |         |         |          |         |         |         | 
| Opening balance            |   |     314 |     342 |      656 |       - |       - |       - | 
| Cash flow                  |   |    (39) |     160 |      121 |     314 |     342 |     656 | 
| Closing balance            |   |     275 |     502 |      777 |     314 |     342 |     656 | 
|                            |   |         |         |          |         |         |         | 
|                            |   |         |         |          |         |         |         | 
1.   Status 
The Company is a closed-ended investment company incorporated and resident in 
2.  Basis of Accounting 
The financial statements of the Company have been prepared in accordance with 
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), as adopted by the European 
Union, which comprise standards and interpretations approved by the IASB and 
International Accounting Standards and Standing Interpretations Committee 
interpretations approved by the IASC that remain in effect at the date of this 
document. The financial statements are presented in accordance with IAS 1 
Presentation of Financial Statements (Revised 2007). The Company has elected to 
present the 'Statements of Comprehensive Income' as one statement. 
Under IFRS, the Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP) issued by the 
Association of Investment Companies in January 2009 has no formal status, but 
the Company has taken the guidance of the SORP and information contained in the 
Company's Admission Document into account to the extent that is appropriate and 
compatible with IFRS as adopted by the European Union. 
3. Investments 
As the Company's business is investing in financial assets with a view to 
profiting from their total return in the form of increases in fair value, 
financial assets are designated as fair value through profit or loss on initial 
recognition in accordance with IAS 39.  At this time, fair value is the 
consideration given, excluding material transaction or other dealing costs 
associated with the investment. 
After initial recognition such investments are valued at fair value.  For quoted 
investments this is established by reference to market bid price. The valuation 
of suspended or delisted securities requires significant judgement. Suspended or 
delisted securities are valued at directors' best estimate of fair value after 
taking into account conditions that led to that investment's suspension or 
delisting and in particular the financial health and business outlook for the 
investee company concerned.  Investments are derecognised when realised.  Gains 
or losses are recognised in the capital column of the Statements of 
Comprehensive Income.  All purchases and sales of investments are accounted for 
on a trade date basis. 
4. Investment management fees 
One half of the basic and capital return investment management fee is allocated 
to the capital column of the Statements of Comprehensive Income. The entirety of 
the equity appreciation fee is allocated to the capital column of the Statements 
of Comprehensive Income. 
5. Going concern 
The directors have adopted the going concern basis in preparing the accounts. 
The following is a summary of the directors' assessment of the going concern 
status of the Company: 
Operational resources 
The directors have considered the Company's working capital position including 
its cash levels and the liquidity of its investments and following that 
consideration have a reasonable expectation that the Company has adequate 
resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future. 
Life of the Company 
At separate class meetings of each of the A Shareholders and the B Shareholders 
to be held in the third quarter of 2011, Shareholders holding Shares of each 
class will be invited to consider the future of the Class Fund attributed to the 
relevant class of Shares and will be given an opportunity to initiate the 
winding up of the relevant Class Fund by passing a resolution by simple majority 
requesting the directors of the Company to wind up the relevant Class Fund. It 
is possible that shareholders may vote to wind up either or both Class Funds 
within 12 months of the date of this report. The directors believe that 
preparing the accounts on an orderly realisation basis would not have resulted 
in a material adjustment to these accounts and the balances therein. Having 
regard to all circumstances, the directors consider it appropriate to continue 
to prepare the accounts on a going concern basis until a proposal for 
liquidation is made by the board or, if earlier, shareholders vote to wind up 
both Class Funds or the Company. 
6. Redemptions 
i.  Pro rata redemptions of A Shares 
On 30 December 2009, 4,774,523 A Shares were redeemed at a price of 56.55p per 
share. On 30 June 2010 5,502,959 A Shares were redeemed at a price of 45.43p per 
share.  These redemptions were effected pro rata to the number of A Shares held 
by each holder at the time of redemption. 
ii.  Pro rata redemption of B Shares 
On 30 December 2009, 4,814,839 B Shares were redeemed at a price of 114.23p per 
share. On 30 June 2010 2,554,972 B Shares were redeemed at a price of 109.59p 
per share. 
7. Net assets per Share 
The figure for net assets per A Share is based on GBP1,085,000 (2009: 
GBP5,370,000) divided by 2,380,891 (2009: 12,658,373) A Shares in issue at the 
year end. 
The figure for net assets per B Share is based on GBP3,656,000 (2009: 
GBP11,277,000) divided by  3,307,720 (2009: 10,677,531) B Shares in issue at the 
year end. 
8. Earnings/(loss) per Share 
A Shares 
Earnings per A Share is based on the profit of GBP915,000 (2009: loss 
GBP13,890,000) attributable to the weighted average of 10,262,575 (2009: 
21,419,910) A Shares of no par value in issue during the year ended 30 June 
Supplementary information is provided as follows: revenue earnings per A Share 
is based on the revenue loss of GBP251,000 (2009: loss GBP173,000) and capital 
earnings per A Share is based on the net capital profit of GBP1,166,000 (2009: 
loss GBP13,717,000) attributable to 10,262,575 (2009: 21,419,910) A Shares of no 
par value. 
B Shares 
Earnings per B Share is based on the profit of GBP679,000 (2009: profit 
GBP1,157,000) attributable to the weighted average of 8,269,707 (2009: 
12,867,313) B Shares of no par value in issue during the year ended 30 June 
Supplementary information is provided as follows: revenue loss per B Share is 
based on the revenue loss of GBP238,000, (2009: loss GBP34,000) and capital 
earnings per B Share is based on the net capital profit of GBP917,000 
(2009:profit GBP1,191,000) attributable to 8,269,707 (2009: 12,867,313) B Shares 
of no par value. 
9. Annual report 
The annual report was approved by the Board of directors on 7 October 2010.  The 
information in this announcement has been extracted from the annual report on 
which the Company's auditors have given an unqualified report.  The annual 
report will be available on the Company's website www.brookwelllimited.com and 
will be sent to shareholders. It will also be available from the registered 
office of Company and the UK administration agent. 
1 Le Marchant Street 
St Peter Port 
GY1 4HP 
Cavendish Administration Limited 
145-157 St John Street 
For further information please contact: 
Brookwell Limited 
Hannah Girard Tel: 01481 726 034 
Progressive AIM Realisation Limited (Investment manager) 
Robert Legget / Ross Courtier Tel: 020 7566 5550 
Deloitte Corporate Finance (Nominated adviser) 
Jonathan Hinton / James Lewis Tel: 020 7936 3000 
Marshall Securities Limited (Broker) 
John Webb Tel: 020 7490 3788 
Website: www.brookwelllimited.com 
7 October 2010 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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