RNS Number : 5817M

Bailey(C.H.) PLC

19 September 2012

Date: Wednesday 19 September 2012

C. H. Bailey plc

Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 March 2012

C. H. Bailey plc ("C. H. Bailey", the "Company" or together with its subsidiaries the "Group"), a diverse group of international businesses, with investments and operations in leisure, property and engineering with its current key markets being Tanzania, Malta and the UK announces its audited preliminary results for the year ended

31 March 2012.

2012 Preliminary Results

     Financial Highlights:                                        March 2012         March 
                                                                   GBP4.33m         GBP4.29m 
        *    Revenue from continuing operations 
                                                                   GBP1.19m         GBP1.06m 
        *    Gross profit from continuing operations 
                                                                   GBP9.30m         GBP0.26m 
        *    Trading profit 
                                                                   GBP8.94m        (GBP0.25m) 
        *    Operating profit 
        *    Gross profit margin                                    27.6%            24.7% 
                                                                   GBP8.90m        (GBP0.48m) 
        *    Profit before tax and minority interests 
        *    Earnings per share from continuing operations          93.99p          (7.12)p 
                                                                   GBP6.8m          GBP1.4m 
        *    Gross cash 
        *    Net debt to equity                                     19.9%            48.8% 
                                                                    5.00p              - 
        *    Proposed special dividend 
                   Commercial Highlights: 
                    *    Tanzania now accounts for 41% of group income 
                         reflecting the group's diverse business interests 
                   in high end niche properties 
                    *    Solid performance from UK non-services, Bailey 
                         Industrial Engineering-- increasing revenue 
                   by over 29% 
                   Post balance sheet: 
                    *    Acquisition of 24-acres of prime beach front property 
                         south of Dar es Salaam 
                    *    Purchase of prime location heritage property for 
                         renovation and sale in Malta 
                    *    New skills added to the Main and subsidiaries' boards 
                         to assist to deliver the next stage 
                   of growth & development 

"The Company in the year under review made a net profit after tax of GBP7.7m, which largely is due to the profit on the sale of part of our hotel assets in Malta that we announced last September. While this has had a significant impact on our net results, I am pleased to report further improvements in the group's underlying performance. During the year, our operating profit, although modest, improved for a third consecutive year, as did the operating gross margin. Also, the group's income from operations increased for a second year running."

Charles Bailey, Chairman


     C. H. Bailey plc            Arden Partners       TooleyStreet Communications 
--------------------------  -------------------  -------------------------------- 
     Bryan Warren,               Richard Day          Fiona Tooley 
      Company Secretary                                Graeme Cull 
--------------------------  -------------------  -------------------------------- 
     Tel: +44 (0)1633            Tel: +44 (0)20       Tel: +44 (0) 7785 
      262961                      7614 5900            703523 
--------------------------  -------------------  -------------------------------- 
     AIM: Ticker: BLEY                                Office: +44 (0) 
                                                       121 309 0099 
--------------------------  -------------------  -------------------------------- 
--------------------------  -------------------  -------------------------------- 

C. H. Bailey plc

Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 March 2012

Statement by the Chairman, Charles Bailey

The Company in the year under review made a net profit after tax of GBP7.7m, which largely is due to the profit on the sale of part of our hotel assets in Malta that we announced last September. While this has had a significant impact on our net results, I am pleased to report further improvements in the group's underlying performance. During the year, our operating profit, although modest, improved for a third consecutive year, as did the operating gross margin. Also, the group's income from operations increased for a second year running.

2012 marks our 50th anniversary in Tanzania, and our operations there accounted for some GBP1.8m of gross group income from continuing operations (excluding profit on asset disposals) in the period under review. We are benefiting from increased levels of economic activity due, in part, to significant natural resources discoveries in the region.

Our single remaining UK non-services business, Bailey Industrial Engineering, has benefited from the economic downturn in Europe as our clients have sought to repair machinery and equipment rather than invest in new, as well as certain of our clients expanding their business in light of increased environmental considerations. Turnover has increased 29% over the previous year, and we have seen profitability improve for the third consecutive year.


The group's consolidated pre-tax profit for the year was GBP8.9m, compared to -GBP0.5m in the previous year which is, of course, due in large part to the profit on the part disposal of the group's Maltese assets.

Our underlying operating profit, which excludes profit on the sale of assets and depreciation, was -GBP0.3m. This shows an improvement over the previous year's figure (2011: -GBP0.5m).

Group comprehensive total income increased from -GBP0.6m in 2011 to GBP6.4m this year, and this is after spending some GBP960,509 on buying back our own shares during the capital reorganisation that took place in January. The 727,658 ordinary shares purchased are retained as treasury shares.

The group's cash holdings grew to GBP6.8m from GBP1.4m in 2011. This will give us a greater ability to plan and to make strategic longer term acquisitions.

Net debt to equity improved from 48.8% in 2011 to 19.9% in 2012, and the loss per share of -7.12p improved to a profit per share of 93.99p.


Total Group income derived from our businesses in Tanzania increased from GBP1.2m in 2011 to GBP1.8m this year, and now represents 41% of total group income, testifying to the significance of our diverse businesses there. We expect this percentage should increase in the coming period.

In the tourism sector, we continue to own and operate niche, high-end properties at The Oyster Bay, our hotel in Dar es Salaam, and Beho Beho, our safari camp in the Selous Game Reserve. We also operate Mikumi Wildlife Camp, which provides a safari experience for educational groups and for "Visiting Friends & Relatives" of expatriates based in Dar es Salaam.

Gross income from our hospitality operations in Tanzania fell 2% to $372,000 (2011: $379,000). Given the adverse economic conditions in our major markets, we consider this to be a reasonable result.

During the year, we completed the construction of a second block of serviced offices on the Oyster Bay site, facing the Indian Ocean on the Msasani Peninsular in Dar es Salaam. This building takes our investment in serviced commercial office space to 8,199m(2) . Its prime location and quality of construction was reflected in the

building being fully let prior to completion to good quality global corporations. The offices should produce in 2013 a net rental yield of 12.6%. These figures exclude 153 underground car parking spaces that are rented out to tenants at $123,000 per annum.

Our Oyster Bay Hotel shops continue to be profitable. With just under 1,900m(2) of serviced retail space, we achieved an average occupancy of 94.6%. We will be adding some 250 m(2) of retail space this coming year, at a rent in excess of the current average.

To capitalise on our reputation locally for providing high end hospitality, and serviced commercial and retail space, we have begun construction of a further building of some 6,000 m(2) on the corner of the Oyster Bay Hotel site, facing the Indian Ocean. With spacious luxury suites and studios, The Oyster Bay Club & Spa will offer the business community a new venue for short and medium term accommodation. The building will also contain retail space and serviced offices. The Club is scheduled to open in Q4 of 2013.

As a post balance sheet event, we announced, on the 11 June 2012, the acquisition of approximately 24 acres of prime, undeveloped beach front property, 45 minutes south of Dar es Salaam. As The Oyster Bay Club & Spa will be the final development on our Dar es Salaam site, this purchase offers an exciting opportunity to provide guests with a beach-based hospitality facility to complement Beho Beho and the Oyster Bay Hotel. The size of the site will allow consideration of other development opportunities that might arise in the future as Dar es Salaam grows.


Hotel operations continue on a reduced scale, due to the sale of part of the property. Because of this, turnover in 2012 was down some 27% on the previous year, and a small operating loss was made in the year of -GBP19,000 (2011: GBP107,000).

As announced on the 11 June 2012, we recently purchased for 1.2m Euros a "heritage property" - equivalent to a listed townhouse in London - in a prime location in Valletta, with uninterrupted views of the Grand Harbour. It is being renovated and we expect that it will be offered for sale in Q4 of this calendar year.

The United Kingdom

Bailey Industrial Engineering, while operating on a modest scale, continues to go from strength to strength. Total income increased during the year by 29% to GBP1.8m, with operating profit increasing to GBP46,000 (2011: GBP15,000).

This is a very pleasing result under any circumstances, and reflects the hard work of the BIE Board and the team in Wales, for which I congratulate them.

Board & senior management matters

Since the end of the period under review, Rod Reynolds has joined your board as a non-executive director and brings with him experience gained globally over many years in financial services and investment. Rod will chair the Remuneration Committee, and succeeds Sir William McAlpine as your senior independent director. Rod will also serve on the Audit & Risk Committee.

Guy Leadbeater joins the senior management team as Chief Operating Officer. Guy has worked both in London and abroad for Coopers & Lybrand (now PwC) and KPMG in their management consulting divisions. In these roles, he gained extensive experience of working in emerging economies, especially in Africa, where he lived in Tanzania for a number of years. More recently, Guy worked for well-known family offices in London, holding positions in corporate advisory and, latterly, as finance director. We are pleased to have him on board.

In addition to these appointments, we have taken steps to strengthen our subsidiaries' boards further. We hope to continue this process during the coming year.

Annual General Meeting and proposed special dividend

I had stated previously that a dividend from the sale of the Maltese assets would be considered after the second part of the sale of the Maltese property was completed in 2015.

However, in light of both the group's cash reserves and improved trading, which I believe to be sustainable, we will be asking shareholders at the Annual General Meeting on the 12 October 2012 for their approval to pay a special dividend of 5p per share to Members on the share register as at 26 October 2012. The shares will become ex-dividend on 24 October 2012.


We expect that income and net profits from our Tanzanian operations will improve again in 2013, due to the Oyster Bay Hotel shops and serviced offices being fully let. With the continuing economic downturn in our principal tourist markets, we have budgeted for reduced occupancies and profitability in our hospitality division.

In respect of ongoing operations in Malta, we expect again that a small loss will be made. However, during the year we will be developing in greater detail our business model for new ventures on the island. With Malta as a springboard, we also will be looking at one or two opportunities within the Mediterranean basin.

We anticipate that Bailey Industrial Engineering will continue to increase its turnover and profit this coming year.

The sale of our principle Maltese asset has acted as a catalyst that, over the past few years, has allowed the group to restructure organisationally and operationally. With this almost complete, we now are focussed on future growth and adding value to the business. I believe that we face a very exciting and rewarding decade.

I take this opportunity to thank all our staff in the Group for their continued hard work, commitment and enthusiasm.

C. H. Bailey plc

18 September 2012

     C. H. Bailey plc                       2012            2011            2010            2009 
      Summary of Group results             GBP'000s        GBP'000s        GBP'000s        GBP'000s 
     Revenue from continuing 
      operations                              4,339           4,299           3,897           5,370 
     Gross profit from continuing 
      operations                              1,196           1,063             781             682 
     Gross profit margin                      27.6%           24.7%           20.0%           12.7% 
     Operating profit/(loss) 
      from continuing operations, 
      before exceptional 
      items, investment activities 
      and depreciation                           64              40           (238)           (730) 
     Profit/(loss) before 
      tax and minority interests              8,907           (480)           1,369             769 
     Profit/(loss) from 
      continuing operations 
      after tax                               7,700           (593)           1,104             371 
     Earnings/(loss) per 
      share from continuing 
      operations                             93.99p         (7.12p)          13.25p           4.53p 
     Earnings/(loss) per 
      share from total operations            93.99p         (7.12p)          13.25p           3.38p 

C. H. Bailey plc

Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 March 2012

     Consolidated Income Statement 
      for the year ended 31 
      March 2012 
                                          Notes          2012              2011 
                                                          GBP               GBP 
     Continuing operations 
     Revenue                                2           4,339,390         4,298,596 
     Cost of sales                                    (3,143,612)       (3,235,190) 
                                                 ----------------  ---------------- 
     Gross profit                                       1,195,778         1,063,406 
     Profit on the sale of 
      property                              6           9,625,213           587,859 
     Administrative expenses                          (1,517,395)       (1,386,761) 
                                                 ----------------  ---------------- 
     Trading profit                                     9,303,596           264,504 
     Investment activities 
      and other income                                  (355,379)         (517,198) 
                                                 ----------------  ---------------- 
     Operating profit (loss)                            8,948,217         (252,694) 
     EBITDA*                                            (291,586)         (477,368) 
     Depreciation                                       (384,387)         (363,313) 
                                                          (1,023)               128 
                                                 ----------------  ---------------- 
     Normalised operating (loss)                        (676,996)         (840,553) 
     Profit on sale of property                         9,625,213           587,859 
                                                 ----------------  ---------------- 
     Operating profit (loss)                            8,948,217         (252,694) 
-----------------------------------  ----------  ----------------  ---------------- 
     Finance income                                       154,208            44,799 
     Finance costs                                      (195,153)         (272,035) 
                                                 ----------------  ---------------- 
     Profit (loss) before taxation          4           8,907,272         (479,930) 
     Taxation                               5         (1,113,748)         (106,358) 
     Minority interest                                   (93,939)           (7,032) 
                                                 ----------------  ---------------- 
     Profit (loss) for the 
      financial year                                    7,699,585         (593,320) 
                                                 ----------------  ---------------- 
     Earnings (loss) per share 
      from continuing and total 
      operations                            7              93.99p           (7.12p) 

*Earnings before interest, taxation, depreciation, profit on sale of plant and equipment and profit on sale of property.

Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Total Income

for the year ended 31 March 2012

                                            2012            2011 
                                             GBP             GBP 
     Profit (loss) for the 
      financial year                      7,699,585       (593,320) 
     Investment in own shares             (960,509)               - 
     Purchase of minority interest                -        (22,234) 
     Exchange differences                 (374,867)        (10,415) 
     Total comprehensive income 
      for the year                        6,364,209       (625,969) 
                                     --------------  -------------- 

C. H. Bailey plc

Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 March 2012

     Balance Sheets 
      as at 31 March                           Group                                         Company 
                                    2012                   2011                    2012                     2011 
                                    GBP                    GBP                      GBP                     GBP 
     Non-current assets 
     Property, plant 
      and equipment                  8,821,655             10,727,180                     1,928                  1,985 
     Investments in 
      undertakings                           -                      -                 2,736,111              3,147,216 
     Deferred tax asset                139,447                151,868                   139,447                151,868 
                                     8,961,102             10,879,048                 2,877,486              3,301,069 
                         ---------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------  --------------------- 
     Current assets 
     Inventory                          23,731                 29,498                         -                      - 
     Trade and other 
      receivables                    1,892,898              1,351,953                 1,626,413              1,339,451 
     Current asset 
      investments                    3,010,643              1,731,722                 1,117,168                465,805 
     Cash and cash 
      equivalents                    6,795,648              1,364,541                 2,954,356                      - 
                                    11,722,920              4,477,714                 5,697,937              1,805,256 
                         ---------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------  --------------------- 
     Trade and other 
      payables                     (2,617,354)            (1,755,831)                 (893,717)            (1,434,999) 
     Bank loans and 
      overdrafts                     (711,349)            (1,241,666)                 (297,021)              (257,869) 
     Other loans                     (697,285)              (676,531)                         -                      - 
     Obligations under 
      finance leases                  (23,661)               (14,491)                         -                      - 
     Provisions                      (225,000)              (225,000)                 (225,000)              (225,000) 
                                   (4,274,649)            (3,913,519)               (1,415,738)            (1,917,868) 
                         ---------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------  --------------------- 
     Net current assets              7,448,271                564,195                 4,282,199              (112,612) 
                         ---------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------  --------------------- 
     Total assets less 
      liabilities                   16,409,373             11,443,243                 7,159,685              3,188,457 
     Trade and other 
      payables                               -              (720,431)                         -                      - 
     Bank loans                    (2,619,374)            (2,893,409)                         -                      - 
     Obligations under 
      finance leases                  (62,872)                (2,859)                         -                      - 
     Deferred tax 
      liabilities                    (271,723)              (732,642)                         -                      - 
     Net assets                     13,455,404              7,093,902                 7,159,685              3,188,457 
                         ---------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------  --------------------- 
     Called-up share 
      capital                          833,541                833,541                   833,541                833,541 
     Share premium 
      account                          609,690                609,690                   609,690                609,690 
     Capital redemption 
      reserve                        5,163,332              5,163,332                 5,163,332              5,163,332 
     Investment in own 
      shares                         (960,509)                      -                 (960,509)                      - 
      reserve                          695,086                874,630                         -                      - 
     Retained earnings               7,040,162              (464,100)                 1,513,631            (3,418,106) 
                         ---------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------  --------------------- 
      to the parent's 
      shareholders                  13,381,302              7,017,093                 7,159,685              3,188,457 
     Minority interest                  74,102                 76,809                         -                      - 
     Total equity                   13,455,404              7,093,902                 7,159,685              3,188,457 
                         ---------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------  --------------------- 

C. H. Bailey plc

Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 March 2012

     Consolidated Cash Flow Statement        Note          2012              2011 
      for the year ended 31 March 
                                                            GBP               GBP 
     Cash flows from operating 
     Cash generated from operations             8          (19,952)         (320,553) 
     Interest paid-continuing 
      operations                                          (195,153)         (272,035) 
     Overseas tax paid                                  (1,521,006)          (85,390) 
                                                   ----------------  ---------------- 
     Net cash flow from operating 
      activities                                        (1,736,111)         (677,978) 
                                                   ----------------  ---------------- 
     Investing activities 
     Sale of property, plant 
      and equipment                                      12,415,560           609,163 
     Purchase of property, plant 
      and equipment                                     (2,348,529)       (1,327,713) 
     Sale of investments                                     29,194            97,109 
     Purchase of investments                            (1,479,261)         (254,997) 
     Dividend to minority interest                         (81,479)          (30,000) 
     Interest received                                      154,208            44,799 
                                                   ----------------  ---------------- 
     Net cash flow from investing 
      activities                                          8,689,693         (861,639) 
                                                   ----------------  ---------------- 
     Financing activities 
     Investment in own shares                             (960,509)                 - 
     Movement in bank loans                               (280,928)         1,074,529 
     Movement in directors' loans                           223,436         (286,039) 
     Movement in other loans                                 20,754             7,517 
     Movement in capital element 
      of finance leases                                      69,183          (20,518) 
                                                   ----------------  ---------------- 
     Net cash flow from financing 
      activities                                          (928,064)           775,489 
                                                   ----------------  ---------------- 
     Net increase (decrease) 
      in cash and cash equivalents                        6,025,518         (764,128) 
     Cash and cash equivalents 
      at beginning of year                                  122,875           911,428 
     Exchange differences                                  (64,094)          (24,425) 
                                                   ----------------  ---------------- 
     Cash and cash equivalents 
      at end of year                                      6,084,299           122,875 
                                                   ----------------  ---------------- 
     Reconciliation of net cash 
      flow to movement in net 
      fund (debt) in the year 
     Net increase (decrease) 
      in cash and cash equivalents                        6,025,518         (764,128) 
     Net cash flow from the movement 
      in debt                                               190,991       (1,061,528) 
                                                   ----------------  ---------------- 
     Movement in net funds (debt) 
      during the year                                     6,216,509       (1,825,656) 
     Net (debt) at the beginning 
      of the year                                       (3,464,415)       (1,704,989) 
     Exchange differences                                  (70,987)            66,230 
                                                   ----------------  ---------------- 
     Net funds (debt) at the 
      end of the year                                     2,681,107       (3,464,415) 
                                                   ----------------  ---------------- 

C. H. Bailey plc

Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 March 2012

Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

for the year ended 31 March 2012

                        Called-up        Share         Capital         Investment       Translation       Retained        Minority         Total 
                          share         premium       redemption         in own           reserve          earnings       interest 
                         capital        account        reserve           shares 
                           GBP            GBP            GBP              GBP               GBP              GBP            GBP             GBP 
     At 31 March 
      2010                833,541       609,690        5,163,332                -           769,123         267,376         79,023        7,722,085 
     Purchase of 
      interest                  -             -                -                -                 -        (22,234)        (7,766)         (30,000) 
     (Loss) for 
      year                      -             -                -                -                 -       (593,320)          7,032        (586,288) 
      differences               -             -                -                -           105,507       (115,922)        (1,480)         (11,895) 
                   --------------  ------------  ---------------  ---------------  ----------------  --------------  -------------  --------------- 
     At 31 March 
      2011                833,541       609,690        5,163,332                -           874,630       (464,100)         76,809        7,093,902 
      in own 
      shares                    -             -                -        (960,509)                 -               -              -        (960,509) 
     Dividend to 
      interest                  -             -                -                -                 -               -       (81,479)         (81,479) 
     Profit for 
      year                      -             -                -                -                 -       7,699,585         93,939        7,793,524 
      differences               -             -                -                -         (179,544)       (195,323)       (15,167)        (390,034) 
                   --------------  ------------  ---------------  ---------------  ----------------  --------------  -------------  --------------- 
     At 31 March 
      2012                833,541       609,690        5,163,332        (960,509)           695,086       7,040,162         74,102       13,455,404 
                   --------------  ------------  ---------------  ---------------  ----------------  --------------  -------------  --------------- 
     At 31 March 
      2010              833,541        609,690       5,163,332                -        -        (4,761,720)        -        1,844,843 
     Profit for 
      year                    -              -               -                -        -          1,343,614        -        1,343,614 
                  -------------  -------------  --------------  ---------------  -------  -----------------  -------  --------------- 
     At 31 March 
      2011              833,541        609,690       5,163,332                -        -        (3,418,106)        -        3,188,457 
      in own 
      shares                  -              -               -        (960,509)        -                  -        -        (960,509) 
     Profit for 
      year                    -              -               -                -        -          4,931,737        -        4,931,737 
     At 31 March 
      2012              833,541        609,690       5,163,332        (960,509)        -          1,513,631        -        7,159,685 
                  -------------  -------------  --------------  ---------------  -------  -----------------  -------  --------------- 

There were no transactions with owners recorded directly in equity during the year ended 31 March 2012.

C. H. Bailey plc

Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 March 2012

Notes to the Statements

   1.             General Information 

Basis of preparation

These financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standards (IAS) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as adopted by the European Union and with the Companies Act 2006. Therefore these financial statements comply with the AIM rules.

The financial statements are prepared using the historical cost basis of accounting except for:

   --      Properties held at the date of transition to IFRS which are stated at deemed cost; and 

-- Assets held for sales which are stated at the lower of fair value less anticipated disposal costs and carrying value.

Going concern

The directors have prepared these financial statements on the fundamental assumption that the group is a going concern and will continue to trade for at least 12 months following the date of approval of the financial statements.

Further information explaining why the directors believe the group is a going concern is given in the financial review section of the Directors' Report contained in the 2012 Annual Report.

   2.             Segmental information 
                                    Revenue           Operating          Net assets 
                                   continuing        profit (loss) 
                                   operations         continuing 
                                      GBP                GBP                GBP 
      Classes of business 
                       2012         1,784,430               46,008          420,791 
                       2011         1,384,600               15,261          423,504 
                       2012         2,554,960            9,848,049        6,757,502 
                       2011         2,895,498              705,833        6,495,933 
                       2012                 -            (945,840)        6,277,111 
                       2011            18,498            (973,788)          174,465 
                       2012         4,339,390            8,948,217       13,455,404 
                       2011         4,298,596            (252,694)        7,093,902 
     Geographical segments 
            United Kingdom: 
                       2012         1,988,465            (396,559)        3,713,612 
                       2011         2,253,789            (443,720)           93,830 
            Malta, Tanzania 
            and Rest of the 
                       2012         2,350,925            9,344,776        9,741,792 
                       2011         2,044,807              191,026        7,000,072 
                       2012         4,339,830            8,948,217       13,455,404 
                       2011         4,298,596            (252,694)        7,093,902 
   3.     Investment activities and other income 
                                                 2012            2011 
                                                  GBP             GBP 
     Income from current asset 
      investments                                 93,467          83,202 
     (Loss) profit on sale of 
      current asset investments                     (51)          26,333 
     (Increase) in provision on 
      current asset investments                 (92,996)       (118,175) 
     Net foreign exchange (loss)               (277,700)       (629,381) 
     Fair value movement on investments         (78,099)         120,823 
                                               (355,379)       (517,198) 
                                          --------------  -------------- 
   4.     Profit (loss) before taxation 

The following have been charged (credited) in arriving at the profit (loss) before taxation:

                                               2012             2011 
                                                GBP             GBP 
     Depreciation - owned assets                355,734        349,723 
     Depreciation - finance leased 
      assets                                     28,653         13,590 
     (Profit) on sale of property 
      (note 6)                              (9,625,213)        587,859 
     Loss (profit) on sale of 
      plant and equipment                         1,023          (128) 
     Operating lease rental payments             15,323         13,997 

The profit on the sale of property arises on the sale of part of the hotel complex in Malta.

   5.     Taxation 
                                               2012            2011 
                                                GBP            GBP 
     Current tax - overseas tax 
      based on taxable profit for 
      the year                               1,521,006         85,390 
     Deferred tax (credit) charge 
      on the origination and reversal 
      of temporary differences               (407,258)         20,968 
                                        --------------  ------------- 
     Total tax charge for the 
      financial year attributable 
      to total operations                    1,113,748        106,358 
                                        --------------  ------------- 

The tax charge for the financial year can be reconciled to the profit before tax per the income statement multiplied by the standard applicable corporation tax rate in the UK of 26% as follows:

                                                     2012              2011 
                                                      GBP               GBP 
     Profit (loss) before taxation                   8,907,272       (377,010) 
                                            ------------------  -------------- 
     Tax at the UK effective corporation 
      tax rate of 26% (2011: 28%)                    2,315,891       (105,563) 
     Effects of: 
      Non-deductable expenses                            2,854             447 
      Movement in overseas trading 
       losses and effect of different 
       overseas tax rates                          (1,343,343)         136,400 
      Differences arising on capital 
       sales and investment income                      22,148          34,437 
      Deferred tax on losses not 
       recoverable                                      82,261          58,024 
      Effect of change in tax rate                      33,937        (17,387) 
     Total tax charge for the financial 
      year                                           1,113,748         106,358 
                                            ------------------  -------------- 
   6.     Profit on the sale of property 

On the 9 October 2009, St George's Bay Hotel Limited entered in to a conditional agreement to sell the majority of the group's hotel complex in Malta. A deposit of 815,300 Euros was paid by the purchaser. On completion a further 28,301,867 Euros was to be paid giving a total consideration of 29,117,167 Euros.

On 9 September 2011, the agreement was varied and pursuant to the variation, completion took place on the sale of part of the hotel complex for 15,373,884 Euros. Pursuant the variation, it was also agreed that the purchaser has until 30 March 2015 to complete the purchase of the remaining property. The total consideration of 29,117,167 Euros remains unchanged. Therefore, the consideration payable for the remaining property will be 13,743,283 Euros.

The amount received as per the cash flow was 14,337,688 Euros (GBP12,415,560) which was made up of the agreed price of 15,373,884 Euros less the original deposit of 815,300 Euros and sale cost of 220,896 Euros.

   7.     Earnings (loss) per share 

The earnings per share has been calculated by reference to the weighted average number of ordinary shares of 10p each in issue of 8,192,267 (2011: 8,335,413) which excludes own shares held. There are no share options, convertible equity or debt instruments in issue.

                                         Continuing       Number of 
                                          earnings          shares 
     Basic earnings/weighted 
      average number of shares            7,699,585       8,192,267 
                                    ---------------  -------------- 
     Basic earnings per share 
      (pence)                                93.99p 
     Basic earnings/weighted 
      average number of shares            (593,320)       8,333,413 
                                    ---------------  -------------- 
     Basic loss per share (pence)           (7.12p) 
   8.     Cash generated from operations 
                                                   2012              2011 
                                                    GBP              GBP 
     Operating profit (loss) continuing 
     operations                                   8,948,217        (252,694) 
     Depreciation                                   384,387          363,313 
     (Profit) on the sale of property, 
      plant and equipment                       (9,624,190)        (587,987) 
     Loss (profit) on sale of current 
      asset investments                                  51         (26,333) 
     Fair value movement of investments              78,099        (120,823) 
     Provision on current asset 
      investments                                    92,996          118,175 
     Exchange differences                           (2,421)          541,664 
                                           ----------------  --------------- 
     Cash generated from operations 
      before movements in 
      working capital                             (122,861)           35,315 
     Decrease in inventories                          5,767            1,964 
     (Increase) in trade and other 
      receivables                                 (540,945)        (432,607) 
     Increase in trade and other 
      payables                                      638,087           74,775 
     Cash generated from operations                (19,952)        (320,553) 
                                           ----------------  --------------- 
   9.     Preliminary Statement 

This preliminary statement will not be posted to shareholders; however, a copy will be available on the Company's website, www.chbaileyplc.co.uk. This preliminary announcement does not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 435 of the Companies Act 2006. The annual report and accounts for the year ended 31 March 2012 and the comparatives under IFRS have not yet been filed with the Registrar of Companies.

The full Annual Report & Financial Statements, together with the notice convening the company's the annual general meeting, is being posted to shareholders today and will be available for viewing and download on the Group's website, from today.

The statutory financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2011, prepared under adopted IFRS, have been reported on by the group's auditors and delivered to the registrar of companies. The auditors' report was unqualified and did not contain a statement under section 498 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006.

This announcement contains forward looking statements which are made in good faith based on the information available at the time of its approval. It is believed that the expectations reflected in these statements are reasonable but they may be affected by a number of risks and uncertainties that are inherent in any forward looking statement which could cause actual results to differ materially from those currently anticipated.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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