BW20030131002287  20030131T182139Z UTC

( BW)(MELROSE-FIN.-NO.1)(BN22) Annual report & accounts

    Business Editors

    LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Jan. 31, 2003--



MELROSE FINANCING No.1 PLC                                                                                             

                                                      I W G McDonald
                                                      SFM Directors Limited
                                                      SFM Directors (No.2) Limited

The Directors submit their report and the audited accounts of the
company for the year ended 31 December 2002

Principal Activities

The principal activity of the company has been to issue asset backed
floating rate notes and to make loan advances to a fellow subsidiary.

Results and review of operations for the period

The profit for the year after taxation amounted to �6,684 (10 month
period to 31 December 2001: �5,215). The Directors do not recommend
the payment of a dividend.

Directors and their interests

The Directors at the date of this report are stated above. All the
Directors served throughout the year.

No Director held any beneficial interest in the shares of the company
or any other associated company or corporate body.

The services of SFM Directors Limited and SFM Directors (No 2) Limited
as directors of the company are provided by SFM Corporate Services
Limited. SFM Corporate Services holds 12,506 ordinary shares of �1
each in Melrose Holdings Limited, the parent company of Melrose
Financing No.1 plc. These shares comprise the entire issued share
capital of Melrose Holdings Limited and are held on a discretionary
trust basis for charitable purposes.

Directors' emoluments in the period are disclosed in the notes to the

Company Secretary

The Company Secretary throughout the year was SFM Corporate Services Limited.


KPMG Audit Plc have signified their willingness to continue in office
and a resolution for their re-appointment will be proposed at the
Annual General Meeting.

                        By Order of the Board,

                            I W G McDonald

Registered Office                                                                       31 January 2003
Blackwell House
Guildhall Yard

For the year ended 31 December 2002

                                                    Notes              12 Months to              10 months to
                                                    -----             ----------------          ----------------  
                                                                        31 December          31 December 2001
                                                                      ----------------          ----------------
                                                                                �                         �

Interest receivable                                   2                73,104,376                75,379,246

Interest payable                                      3               (73,097,165)              (75,371,796)
                                                                    ------------------        ------------------
                                                                    ------------------        ------------------

Profit on ordinary activities before taxation         4                     7,211                     7,450

Taxation                                              5                      (527)                   (2,235)

                                                                    ------------------        ------------------
                                                                    ------------------        ------------------
Retained profit for the year                         11                     6,684                     5,215
                                                                    ==================        ==================

All gains and losses arising during the year have been recognised in
the profit and loss account and derive from continuing activities.

The notes on pages 5 to 11 form part of these accounts.

As at 31 December 2002
                                                             Notes                      2002                      2001
                                                             -----                      ----                      ----
                                                                                           �                         �
                                                                                           -                         -
Current assets:
amounts falling due within one year

Amounts due from group undertakings                             6                   11,139,446               10,224,232

Cash at bank                                                                           382,238                  385,182
                                                                           -------------------     --------------------
                                                                           -------------------     --------------------
                                                                                    11,521,684               10,609,414
Current assets:
amounts falling due after more than one year

Loan Notes                                                      7                1,510,950,687            1,510,950,687

Creditors: amounts falling due within one year

Interest payable                                                                  (9,250,530)               (9,396,973)

Amounts due to group undertakings                                                       (880)                   (2,092)

Accruals                                                                             (69,628)                  (47,991)

Corporation Tax                                                                         (639)                   (2,235)
                                                                          -------------------      --------------------
                                                                          -------------------      --------------------
                                                                                  (9,321,677)               (9,449,291)

Net current assets                                                                  2,200,007                 1,160,123

Total assets less current liabilities                                           1,513,150,694             1,512,110,810

amounts falling due after more than one year

Asset backed floating rate notes                              8               (1,495,452,515)           (1,494,419,315)

Subordinated Debt                                             9                  (17,673,780)              (17,673,780)

                                                                          ===================      ====================
Net assets                                                                            24,399                    17,715
                                                                          ===================      ====================
                                                                          ===================      ====================

Share capital & reserves

Called up share capital                                      10                      12,500                     12,500

Profit and loss account                                                              11,899                      5,215

                                                                          -------------------      --------------------
Equity shareholders' funds                                   11                      24,399                     17,715
                                                                          ===================      ====================

Approved by the board on 31 January 2003 and signed on its behalf by:



The notes on pages 5 to 11 form part of these accounts.

For the year ended 31 December 2002

1.    Accounting policies 

1.1   The accounts have been prepared under the historical cost
      convention and in accordance with currently applicable UK
      accounting standards.

1.2      Interest receivable and payable is accrued on a daily basis.

1.3   In the current year, the company  implemented  FRS 19 "Deferred  Tax".  There has been no impact on prior
      or current years of implementing this standard.

1.4   Cross currency swaps which are used to hedge on-balance sheet
      assets and liabilities, are accounted for on an accruals basis
      reflecting the treatment of the underlying items being hedged.

      Where a hedge transaction is terminated early, any profit or
      loss is spread over the remaining life of the underlying asset
      or liability being hedged.

1.5   The company is a 99.996% owned subsidiary of Melrose Holdings
      Limited and the cash flows of the company are included in the
      consolidated group cash flow statement of Melrose Holdings
      Limited. Consequently the company is exempt under the terms of
      Financial Reporting Standard No.1 (Revised 1996) from publishing
      a cash flow statement.

1.6   Issue costs in respect of the asset backed floating rate notes
      have been deferred and are being charged to the profit and loss
      account over a six year period, being the estimated average life
      of the asset backed floating rate notes.

1.7   Interest accrued but not paid in the period on the Expenses Loans is capitalised.

2.       Interest receivable
                                                                             12 months to              10 months to
                                                                              31 December               31 December
                                                                                     2002                      2001
                                                                                     ----                      ----
                                                                                        �                         �
     Interest receivable in the period arose from the following

     Interest on Loan Notes                                                    73,104,368                75,379,184

     Interest on cash deposits                                                          8                        62

                                                                       ---------------------     ---------------------
                                                                               73,104,376                75,379,246
                                                                       =====================     =====================

For the year ended 31 December 2002

3.       Interest payable
                                                                             12 months to              10 months to
                                                                              31 December               31 December
                                                                                     2002                      2001
                                                                                        �                         �
     On Asset Backed Floating Rate Notes:
     Series 2001-1               Class A1                                      11,554,563                19,639,826
                                 Class A2                                       4,263,828                 4,493,786
                                 Class B1                                         301,343                   457,403
                                 Class B2                                         785,342                   834,225
                                 Class C1                                         358,233                   483,296
                                 Class C2                                         636,579                   652,089
                                 Class D1                                         380,321                   422,405
                                 Class D2                                         785,053                   750,205
                                 Class D3                                       1,035,123                   977,504
                                 Class E                                        2,627,118                 2,500,188

     Series 2001-2               Class A                                       14,001,808                23,521,344
                                 Class B                                          839,495                 1,253,958
                                 Class C                                          845,098                 1,123,076
                                 Class D1                                         255,133                   278,804
                                 Class D2                                         782,709                   743,192
                                 Class D3                                       1,352,263                 1,270,325
                                 Class E                                        2,627,118                 2,507,590
                                                                             -----------------     --------------------
                                                                             -----------------     --------------------
                                                                               43,431,127                61,909,216
     Amortisation of issue costs                                                1,063,035                   876,318
     On cross currency swaps                                                   27,819,607                11,774,372
     On Expenses Loans                                                            783,396                   811,890
                                                                            ------------------     --------------------
                                                                            ------------------     --------------------
                                                                               73,097,165                75,371,796
                                                                            ==================     ====================

4.    Profit on ordinary activities before taxation
    The profit on ordinary activities before taxation is stated after

                                                                             12 months to               10 months to
                                                                              31 December                31 December
                                                                                     2002                       2001
                                                                                        �                          �

     Auditors' Remuneration for non audit services                                 12,500                     47,116
                                                                         ================            ===============

      The fee of �2,000 (December 2001 - �2,000) for audit services
      will be borne by Melrose Investor Limited, a fellow subsidiary.

For the year ended 31 December 2002

      The Company has no employees. SFM Corporate Services Limited has
      a contract to provide the services of SFM Directors Limited and
      SFM Directors (No 2) Limited as directors to the Company. In
      addition SFM Corporate Services Limited provides company
      secretarial and certain corporate administrative services to the
      company. During the year the company's fellow subsidiary,
      Melrose Investor Limited, paid for these services. The directors
      do not receive any emoluments from the company.

5.       Taxation
                                                                                                         As restated
                                                                               12 months to             10 months to
                                                                               31 December               31 December
                                                                                      2002                      2001
                                                                                         �                         �                        
     Tax on Profit on Ordinary Activities

     Current Tax:
     Corporation tax charge for the period at a rate of 19%/20% (2001 30%)
                                                                                       639                     2,235
     Corporation tax (credit)/charge in respect of earlier periods                    (112)
                                                                               --------------------     ---------------

                                                                               ====================     ===============                     
                                                                                       527                     2,235
                                                                               ====================     ===============

     Factors Affecting the Current Tax Charge for the Period: The tax
     assessed for the period is lower than the standard rate of
     corporation tax in the UK of 19%/20% The differences are
     explained below:

     Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities before taxation                            7,211                     7,450
                                                                               ====================     ===============
     Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities multiplied by the standard rate of
     corporation tax in the UK                                                       1,386                     2,235
                                                                               --------------------     ---------------

     Effects of:
     Adjustments to tax in respect of previous periods                                (112)
     Smaller companies marginal relief                                                (747)
                                                                               --------------------     ---------------
     Current corporation tax charge for the period                                     527                     2,235
                                                                               ====================     ===============

6.       Amounts due from group company

                                                                                      2002                      2001
                                                                                         �                         �
    Due from fellow subsidiary:

     Interest receivable on Loan Notes                                          11,145,041                10,210,312

     Reimbursement of expenses                                                      (5,595)                   13,920
                                                                               --------------------     ---------------
                                                                               --------------------     ---------------
                                                                                11,139,446                 10,224232
                                                                               ====================     ===============

For the year ended 31 December 2002

7.       Loan Notes

    Details of each Loan Note are as follows:
                                                                                     Scheduled                    Legal
                                                               Value             Maturity Date            Maturity Date
     Series 2001-1 Loan Note                             755,451,093          15 February 2006         15 February 2011
     Series 2001-2 Loan Note                             755,499,594          15 February 2008         15 February 2011

    The Loan Notes bear interest at a margin above three month LIBOR.

8.       Asset backed floating rate notes

    Details of the asset backed floating rate notes ("Notes") are as

                                                                                Value                  Maturity date
    Series 2001-1
    Class A1 Notes ( $790,000,000 )                                       544,827,586                  February 2006
    Class A2 Notes                                                        100,000,000                  February 2006
    Class B1 Notes ( $16,200,000)                                          11,172,414                  February 2006
    Class B2 Notes ( Euro 30,000,000)                                          18,838,305                  February 2006
    Class C1 Notes ( $14,400,000)                                           9,931,034                  February 2006
    Class C2 Notes ( Euro 20,000,000)                                          12,558,870                  February 2006
    Class D1 Notes ( $8,000,000)                                            5,517,241                  February 2006
    Class D2 Notes ( Euro 15,000,000)                                           9,419,152                  February 2006
    Class D3 Notes                                                         11,300,000                  February 2006
    Class E Notes                                                          26,250,000                  February 2006
    Series 2001-2
    Class A Notes ( $935,000,000)                                         644,827,586                  February 2008
    Class B Notes ( $43,500,000 )                                          30,000,000                  February 2008
    Class C Notes ( $32,600,000 )                                          22,482,759                  February 2008
    Class D1 Notes ( $5,000,000 )                                           3,448,276                  February 2008
    Class D2 Notes ( Euro 14,100,000)                                           8,854,003                  February 2008
    Class D3 Notes                                                         14,000,000                  February 2008
    Class E Notes                                                          26,250,000                  February 2008
    Less incidental costs of issuing the Notes                            (4,224,711)


     Notes denominated in US Dollars bear interest at a margin above
     three month USD LIBOR. Notes denominated in Euros bear interest
     at a margin above three month Euribor. Notes denominated in
     Sterling bear interest at a margin above three month sterling

For the year ended 31 December 2002

     Repayment of principal for the Notes denominated in foreign
     currencies are hedged by means of cross currency swap agreements,
     which result in fixed exchange rates at maturity.

     Incidental costs of issuing the Notes represent legal and
     professional costs incurred to date less amounts charged to the
     profit and loss account.

    The Notes are secured under the terms and conditions defined
within the Issuer Deed of Charge. (Note 13).

9.    Subordinated Debt

                                                                                      2002                      2001
                                                                                         �                         �

     Series 2001-1 Expenses Loan                                                 8,849,710                 8,849,710
     Series 2001-2 Expenses Loan                                                 8,824,070                 8,824,070
                                                                         --------------------     ---------------------
                                                                         --------------------     ---------------------
                                                                                17,673,780                17,673,780
                                                                         ====================     =====================

    The Expenses Loans bear interest at a rate of 0.25% above
    three-month LIBOR and are subordinate to inter alia payments of
    principal and interest on the asset backed floating rate notes.
    The liability of Melrose Financing No 1 plc is limited to the
    extent it has sufficient assets to meet its obligations under the
    Expenses Loans. The Expenses Loans have no specified maturity date
    but will become due and payable when the asset backed floating
    rate notes have been repaid in full.

10.   Share capital

                                                                                     2002                      2001
                                                                                        �                         �

     100,000 ordinary shares of �1 each                                           100,000                    100,000
                                                                              =====================     ===============


     50,000 ordinary shares of �1 each                                             50,000                      50,000
                                                                              =====================     ===============

     Called up and partly paid

     50,000 ordinary shares of �1, 25p paid                                        12,500                      12,500
                                                                              =====================     ===============
For the year ended 31 December 2002

11.   Reconciliation of movement in equity shareholders' funds

                                                                                      2002                     2001
                                                                                         �                        �

     Share capital called up and paid in the period                                      -                   12,500

     Profit for the year                                                             6,684                    5,215

     Equity shareholders' funds at 1 January                                        17,715                        -
                                                                              ---------------------     ---------------

     Equity shareholders' funds at 31 December                                      24,399                   17,715
                                                                              =====================     ===============

12.      Derivatives and off balance sheet transactions

                                                    Notional Principal          Carrying Value             Fair Value/                      
                                                                 Value             in Accounts        Replacement Cost
                                                                     �                       �                       �
    Series 2001-1
    Cross currency swap - US Dollars                       544,827,586             (1,779,543)             (56,493,329)
    Cross currency swap - US Dollars                        11,172,414                (36,749)              (1,172,093)
    Cross currency swap - Euros                             18,838,305                (20,240)                 678,657
    Cross currency swap - US Dollars                         9,931,034                (32,910)              (1,072,525)
    Cross currency swap - Euros                             12,558,870                (14,340)                 451,635
    Cross currency swap - US Dollars                         5,517,241                (18,674)                (643,825)
    Cross currency swap - Euros                              9,419,152                (12,284)                 355,455

    Series 2001-2
    Cross currency swap - US Dollars                       644,827,586             (2,105,684)             (66,726,561)
    Cross currency swap - US Dollars                        30,000,000                (97,925)              (3,156,201)
    Cross currency swap - US Dollars                        22,482,759                (74,327)              (2,460,246)
    Cross currency swap - US Dollars                         3,448,276                (11,733)                (425,130)
    Cross currency swap - Euros                              8,854,003                (12,500)                 339,989

      The cross currency swaps are used to hedge the liability to make
      payments of interest and principal in foreign currency on the
      asset backed floating rate notes from a sterling income stream.
      The notional principal value represents the sterling equivalent
      of the principal values converted at the rates of exchange
      defined in the cross currency swap agreements.

13.      Deed of charge

      All assets of the company are subject to fixed or floating
      charges under the terms of deeds of charge (the Series 2001-1
      Deed of Charge and the Series 2001-2 Deed of Charge) held by
      Citibank, N.A. London Branch, the Note Trustee. Secured amounts
      and the security interest are defined within the Series 2001-1
      and the Series 2001-2 Deed of Charge.

For the year ended 31 December 2002

14.      Related Party Transaction

      The company has taken advantage of the exemption under Financial
      Reporting Standard 8 not to disclose details of transactions
      with related parties that are part of the Melrose Holdings
      Limited group.

15.      Parent Undertaking
      The company's parent undertaking is Melrose Holdings Limited.
      The results of this company are incorporated in the consolidated
      accounts of Melrose Holdings Limited. Copies of the annual
      accounts of Melrose Holdings Limited may be obtained from its
      registered office at Blackwell House, Guildhall Yard, London,
      EC2V 5AE.

      Melrose Holdings Limited is wholly owned by SFM Corporate
      Services Limited. SFM Corporate Services Limited holds the
      shares on a discretionary trust basis for charitable purposes.


    Company Law requires the directors to prepare financial statements
for each financial year which give a true and fair view of the state
of affairs of the Company and of the profit or loss for that period.
In preparing those financial statements, the directors are required

    --  select suitable accounting policies and then apply them

    --  make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent;

    --  state whether applicable accounting standards have been
        followed, subject to any material departures disclosed and
        explained in the financial statements;

    --  prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis
        unless it is inappropriate to presume that the Company will
        continue in business.

    The directors are responsible for keeping proper accounting
records which disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the
financial position of the company and to enable them to ensure that
the financial statements comply with the Companies Act 1985. They have
general responsibility for taking such steps as are reasonably open to
them to safeguard the assets of the Company and to prevent and detect
fraud and other irregularities.


    We have audited the financial statements on pages 3 to 11.

    This report is made solely to the company's members, as a body, in
accordance with section 235 of the Companies Act 1985. Our audit work
has been undertaken so that we might state to the company's members
those matters we are required to state to them in an auditor's report
and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we
do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the
company and the company's members as a body, for our audit work, for
this report, or for the opinions we have formed.

Respective responsibilities of directors and auditors

The directors are responsible for preparing the Annual Report. As
described on page 12, this includes responsibility for preparing the
financial statements in accordance with applicable United Kingdom law
and accounting standards. Our responsibilities, as independent
auditors, are established in the United Kingdom by statute, the
Auditing Practices Board, and by our profession's ethical guidance.

We report to you our opinion as to whether the financial
statements give a true and fair view and whether the financial
statements have been properly prepared in accordance with the
Companies Act 1985. We also report to you if, in our opinion, the
directors' report is not consistent with the financial statements, if
the company has not kept proper accounting records, if we have not
received all the information and explanations we require for our
audit, or if information specified by law regarding directors'
remuneration and transactions with the group is not disclosed.

Basis of audit opinion

We conducted our audit in accordance with Auditing Standards
issued by the Auditing Practices Board. An audit includes examination,
on a test basis, of evidence relevant to the amounts and disclosures
in the financial statements. It also includes an assessment of the
significant estimates and judgements made by the directors in the
preparation of the financial statements, and of whether the accounting
policies are appropriate to the group's circumstances, consistently
applied and adequately disclosed.

We planned and performed our audit so as to obtain all the
information and explanations which we considered necessary in order to
provide us with sufficient evidence to give reasonable assurance that
the financial statements are free from material misstatement, whether
caused by fraud or other irregularity or error. In forming our opinion
we also evaluated the overall adequacy of the presentation of
information in the financial statements.


In our opinion:

    --  the financial statements give a true and fair view of the
        state of affairs of the company as at 31 December 2002 and of
        its profit for the year then ended; and

    --  the financial statements have been properly prepared in
        accordance with the Companies Act 1985.

KPMG Audit Plc
Chartered Accountants
Registered Auditor                                                                      Saltire Court
                                                                                    20 Castle Terrace
                                                                                    Edinburgh EH1 2EG
31 January 2003

   Short Name: Melrose Fin. No. 1
   Category Code: ACS
   Sequence Number: 00001777
   Time of Receipt (offset from UTC): 20030131T173231+0000


    CONTACT: Melrose Financing No.1 plc             

    SOURCE: Melrose Fin. No.1

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