RNS Number:7399B
Bank of Nova Scotia
30 November 1999

         Attention Business/Financial Editors:
         Scotiabank completes fiscal year with strong net income

         TORONTO, Nov. 30 /PR Newswire/ - Scotiabank today reported net income
of $1.551 billion for fiscal 1999, up 11% from last year. This marks the Bank's
tenth consecutive year of record operating income. Earnings per share were
$2.93, up 11% from $2.64 last year, while return on equity was 15.3%.
Net income in the fourth quarter of 1999 was $402 million, compared
to $359 million for the last quarter of 1998. Earnings per share during the
quarter were $0.76 compared to $0.67 in the fourth quarter of 1998, and return
on equity was 15.3% compared to 14.8%.
The Board of Directors today approved a quarterly dividend of 24
cents per common share, payable on January 27, 2000 to shareholders of record as
of the close of business on January 4, 2000.
"Strong results for fiscal 1999 reflect substantial contributions by
all of our core business lines," said Peter Godsoe, Scotiabank's Chairman and
Chief Executive Officer. "Our wholesale businesses -- corporate and investment
banking -- had a record year, reflecting a robust North American economy and
improved financial markets. International banking benefited from another year
of solid growth in the Caribbean and the economic recovery in Asia. And
although margins narrowed in the highly competitive Canadian retail and
commercial market, our focus on customer service and product innovation led to
very good growth in business volumes.
"As we greet the new millennium, Scotiabank can look back on its past
with great pride and toward its future knowing that we are well positioned for
ongoing success," Godsoe continued. "By putting people first, continuing to
build our diverse businesses and carefully managing our costs, we will
maintain our record of consistent success -- for our shareholders, our
customers and our employees."
During the fourth quarter of 1999, the Bank recorded a one-time
increase to the general provision of $550 million ($314 million after tax) as a
direct charge to retained earnings, as opposed to net income. This accounting
treatment, while not in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting
principles, is in accordance with the accounting requirements specified by the
Superintendent of Financial Institutions Canada (OSFI) under the Bank Act. The
impact on the full year and quarterly results are summarized in the attached
table of performance highlights.

         Business line highlights

The Bank's Canadian Retail and Commercial Banking division earned net
income of $610 million in 1999, up $5 million from last year.
"Our domestic retail and commercial operations performed well in 1999
in an intensely competitive environment," said Godsoe. "We generated
particularly strong growth in mortgages, up $4.1 billion, and personal deposits,
which increased by $1.7 billion, giving Scotiabank the second highest market
share in these two important product groups."
To set the stage for future growth, the Bank introduced a number of
new and innovative products, including the Scotia Total Equity Plan -- a
flexible, all-in-one lending package for homeowners -- and the Scotia One
Service -- a comprehensive package for customers with a large number of banking
transactions and extensive investing and borrowing needs. Scotiabank also
introduced low-cost, convenient packaged account plans and a new overdraft
line of credit for small businesses.
Fiscal 1999 also marked a successful year of helping Scotiabank
customers to bank when, where and how they want with electronic banking.
Scotiabank introduced wireless banking and discount brokerage services in
partnership with Rogers Cantel, and was the first to offer mobile merchant
terminals nationally to accept debit card payments from any location. The Bank
launched e-Scotia.com to provide secure e-commerce solutions and announced a
strategic partnership with Microsoft Canada, whereby the Bank will become the
premier banking partner on Microsoft's portal Website, MSN.ca.
During 1999, several groups within Scotiabank -- including
ScotiaMcLeod, Scotia Discount Brokerage, Scotia Securities, Scotia Cassels
Investment Counsel and Scotiatrust -- were realigned to better focus on
investment and advisory needs of customers. The new Wealth Management Group made
solid progress during the year, earning revenues of $662 million. Assets under
administration were 17% higher in 1999, totalling $82 billion at the end of the
year. Assets under management by Scotia Cassels Investment Counsel grew a
substantial 20% from last year, to $16 billion at the end of 1999.

"Our new Wealth Management Group is well positioned for solid growth
in the future as a key part of our domestic strategy," said Godsoe. "By
delivering these products and services in an integrated, convenient and
knowledgeable way, we will help customers meet their expanding investment
needs and improve their financial well-being throughout the various stages of
their lives."

Scotiabank's International Banking division had strong earnings of
$305 million this year, up 20% over last year.
"In the Caribbean, where we have a dominant 216-branch franchise, we
extended our record of exceptional earnings growth," explained Godsoe. "A new
brand positioning program and the use of programs proven in the Canadian
market contributed to strong gains in lending and deposit volumes."

In Latin America, Scotiabank reached agreement in principle to
purchase an additional 33% in Banco Sud Americano in Chile, which will bring the
Bank's ownership stake to more than 60%. It made significant progress in
strengthening the credit and marketing processes and reducing costs at Grupo
Financiero Inverlat, the Bank's Mexican affiliate and at Scotiabank Quilmes,
its Argentinean subsidiary, positioning these operations for future growth and

"In Asia, profitability increased substantially in 1999, driven by
the economic recovery and improving credit quality," Godsoe said. "Provisions
for credit losses in Asia dropped to virtually zero in 1999, and the prospects
for expanding our growing trade finance business look very bright."

Corporate Banking reported record earnings of $604 million, up 40%
over 1998. These strong results arose from higher assets, spreads, fee income
and securities gains, all of which contributed to a 30% increase in revenues.
"We maintained our status as a leading player in the Canadian
syndicated loan market, covering all industries but with a particular focus on
the mining, media and communications and transportation sectors," Godsoe said.
"And once again, we ranked among the top 10 lenders in the U.S. syndicated
bank loan market -- the only Canadian bank to do so. In fact, globally, we
acted as agent bank in 134 transactions with a total volume of $131 billion."
Investment Banking earned a record $368 million in 1999, up 69% over
1998. Over half of this income came from Group Treasury, which had earnings of
$212 million, an increase of 48% from the prior year. A substantial portion of
this increase came from gains of $281 million on the sale of investment
securities. Notwithstanding the gains realized during the year, the surplus of
market over book value in the Bank's investment portfolio (including emerging
market bonds) was $300 million as at October 31, 1999.

Taking advantage of favourable market conditions, Global Trading had
a very strong year, generating record earnings in five of seven groups. Fixed
income results improved dramatically, reflecting the very active new issue
market for bonds during 1999, and higher commercial paper volumes. The
corporate finance area continued to enhance its equity research capabilities,
achieving top-tier rankings in 13 industry sectors. Notable transactions in
corporate finance included acting as global co-ordinator for the $2.5 billion
initial public offering for Manulife Financial -- the largest IPO in Canadian

"We devoted considerable effort in 1999 to the integration of
Corporate Banking and Scotia Capital Markets, which now operate under the banner
of Scotia Capital," explained Godsoe. "The move to a relationship-based
approach, from a product-based approach, will provide new opportunities to bring
customized, tailored solutions to clients."

         Financial results

         Net interest income on a taxable-equivalent basis was $4.8 billion in
1999, up 7% over 1998. This arose from good asset growth across the Bank's
major business lines. The full extent of the growth in interest income was
understated in 1999 as a result of higher asset securitizations. In 1999, $9.4
billion of assets were securitized, compared with $1.0 billion in 1998. This
reduced interest profit by $175 million, with securitization revenues being
reported in other income.
The Bank's net interest margin, which expresses net interest income
as a percentage of average total assets, was 2.11% in 1999, unchanged from the
prior year.

Other income reached $3.2 billion in 1999, an 11% increase year over
year. Credit fees increased by a substantial 15% in 1999, benefiting from the
Bank's position as one of North America's pre-eminent corporate lenders.
Investment banking revenues rose by 23%, with solid results in the securities
trading, foreign exchange, derivative products and underwriting areas.
Revenues from the Bank's retail and commercial accounts increased by 7% due to
greater customer usage of a greater variety of products and services.
Management and trust revenues also rose by 7%.
Non-interest expenses were $4.8 billion in 1999, an increase of 7% or
$310 million from 1998. This includes $87 million due to the inclusion of
Scotiabank Quilmes for a full year. In addition, the Bank took a $60 million
provision for some restructuring in the domestic branch network and the
integration of Corporate Banking and Scotia Capital Markets, offset in part by
a reversal into income of $20 million in National Trust-related restructuring
charges. Excluding these items, operating expenses rose by 4%. Salary growth
accounted for approximately 40% of this increase. Other factors included
technology investments aimed at better serving our customers, in areas such as
ABMs, point-of-sale terminals, and telephone and PC banking. In 1999, the Bank
incurred $1.5 billion in taxes -- an amount almost equal to its net income for
the year. Bank taxation remains among the highest of all Canadian industries.

The Bank's productivity ratio -- non-interest expenses as a
percentage of total revenues -- improved to 59.3%, better than the Bank's target
of 60%.

Net impaired loans declined by $577 million in 1999 to -$156 million,
with the decrease resulting primarily from an addition to the general
provision totalling $700 million in 1999. Net impaired loans as a percentage
of loans and acceptances were -0.1% at October 31, 1999. This ratio has
steadily improved from the peak of the early 1990s and is now at its lowest
level in many years.

Specific provisions for credit losses in 1999 were $485 million,
compared to $495 million in 1998. The Bank also increased the general provision
by $700 million to $1.3 billion. This $700 million addition was comprised of
$150 million charged to the income statement in the first quarter, and a
one-time adjustment of $550 million in the fourth quarter charged directly to
retained earnings as specified by OSFI.
Capital funds increased by $902 million to $17 billion at October 31,
1999. Seventy per cent or $630 million of this increase was growth in Tier 1
capital arising from a substantial increase in retained earnings generated by
the Bank's solid net income performance. Tier 2 capital grew by about $442
million or 8% mainly because of the increase in the general provision.

The Bank's Tier 1 capital ratio grew to 8.1% at October 31, 1999 from
7.2% last year, despite the 21 basis point reduction to Tier 1 capital from
the addition to the general provision in the fourth quarter of 1999. As well,
the Total capital ratio increased to 11.9% from 10.6%. Both ratios are well in
excess of levels defined by OSFI as "well capitalized", (7% for Tier 1 capital
and 10% for Total capital).
Total assets were $222.7 billion at October 31, 1999. The full extent
of loan growth over the last year was muted by the asset securitizations that
the Bank completed in 1999, the impact of which was a reduction of $9.0 billion
in total assets. Adjusting for securitizations, assets decreased by $1.9
billion, primarily due to the foreign currency translation arising from a
stronger Canadian dollar.

         Year 2000

         The Year 2000 issue arises because many computerized systems use two
digits rather than four to identify a year. Date-sensitive systems, if not
modified or replaced, may incorrectly recognize a date using "00" as other
than the year 2000. This could result in system failure or miscalculations,
causing disruption to operations, including a temporary inability to process
transactions or to engage in normal business activities.

All mission-critical Bank systems and devices have been modified and
tested in integrated test environments and verified as Y2K compliant. In
addition, all critical business partners have confirmed they are compliant.
Contingency plans to deal with any failure of mission-critical systems have
been updated and rigorously tested. Disaster, back-up and recovery processes
have also been successfully tested.

The Bank's success in minimizing the impact of the Year 2000 issue
and ensuring a reliable transition also depends on the readiness of external
parties. These parties include payment systems, financial exchanges, other
financial institutions, securities depositories, telecommunication companies,
government agencies, data processing companies and networks in Canada and
worldwide. Fully integrated testing with key external parties was successfully
completed in 1999.
By modifying and replacing internal Bank systems, monitoring the
readiness of key external parties, and developing both specific system and
overall business contingency plans, the Bank believes it has mitigated the
risk of the Year 2000 issue. However, it is not possible to be certain that
all aspects of the Year 2000 issue affecting the Bank, including those related
to the efforts of customers, suppliers or other third parties, will not
materially and adversely affect the Bank.
The ability and readiness of the Bank's customers and counterparties
may affect credit risk. Any failure of customers to fully address the Year 2000
issue may result in increases in impaired loans and provisions for credit
losses in future years. At this time, it is not possible to estimate the
amount of such increases, if any, for specific customers.

         Community involvement

         "Vibrant, healthy communities are key to growing vibrant, healthy
businesses," Godsoe concluded. "Scotiabank is committed to helping build the
communities in which we do business -- in Canada and around the world -- by
dedicating both financial and human resources to help meet today's social
         In 1999, Scotiabank contributed $17 million in donations and
sponsorships to worthwhile causes, including a $1.5 million donation to The
University of Western Ontario's Centre for Research on Violence Against Women
and Children  and $200,000 to fund the second World Conference on Breast Cancer
in Ottawa in July. In addition, through the Scotia Employee Volunteer Program,
now in its second year, Scotiabank has donated more than $400,000 to registered
charities where Scotiabank employees and pensioners have volunteered their time.

         Performance Highlights                                     

                                             For the three months ended
                                     October 31        July 31     October 31
                                       1999 (1)           1999           1998

         Net income (millions)             $402           $397           $359

         Earnings per share               $0.76          $0.75          $0.67

         Return on equity                 15.3%          15.3%          14.8%

         Return on assets                 0.70%          0.71%          0.62%

         Productivity ratio               59.8%          60.4%          60.9%

                                                   For the twelve months ended
                                                 October 31         October 31
                                                   1999 (1)               1998

         Net income (millions)                       $1,551             $1,394

         Earnings per share                           $2.93              $2.64

         Return on equity                             15.3%              15.3%

         Return on assets                             0.68%              0.65%

         Productivity ratio                           59.3% (2)          60.4%

         (1)  The above financial results have been prepared in accordance
              with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP),
              other than the accounting for the one-time increase to the
              general provision for credit losses of $550 million ($314
              Million after tax), recorded as a direct charge to retained       
             earnings in the fourth quarter of 1999, which is in accordance     
            with the accounting requirements specified by the Superintendent    
           of Financial Institutions Canada under the Bank Act. Had the
              one-time increase to the general provision been recorded as a
              charge to the Statement of Income, the above financial results
              would have been as follows: a) for the three months ended
              October 31, 1999 -- net income $88 million, earnings per share    
             $0.12, return on equity 2.5%, return on assets 0.15%; b) for the   
            twelve months ended October 31, 1999 -- net income $1,237           
           million, earnings per share $2.29, return on equity 12.0% and        
          return on assets 0.54%.

         (2)  The productivity ratio was 59.9% when a one-time gain of $77
              million realized on the sale of shares acquired several years
              ago through a loan restructuring is excluded.

         Consolidated Statement of Income                            

                                  For the three               For the twelve
                                   months ended                months ended
                     October 31    July 31  October 31  October 31  October 31
        ($ millions)    1999(1)       1999        1998     1999(1)        1998

         Interest income
         Loans            $2,650     $2,565      $2,804     $10,654    $10,269
        Securities          496        480         494       1,874       1,815
         Deposits with
         banks              213        212         258         943       1,007

                          3,359      3,257       3,556      13,471      13,091

         Interest expense
        Deposits          1,783      1,720       2,017       7,284       7,303
         debentures          82         81          93         314         354
        Other               322        300         295       1,201       1,057

                          2,187      2,101       2,405       8,799       8,714

         Net interest
         income           1,172      1,156       1,151       4,672       4,377
         Provision for
         credit losses      159        108         124         635         595

         Net interest
          income after
           provision for
         credit losses    1,013      1,048       1,027       4,037       3,782

         Other income
         Deposit and
         payment services   150        152         160         602         619
         and trust           89         79          79         331         310
        Credit fees         154        136         138         543         472
         banking            250        246         127         979         798
         Net gain on
         securities         102         89          74         343         322
         revenues            42         45          10         155          38
        Other                53         39         102         230         299

                            840        786         690       3,183       2,858

         Net interest and
         other income     1,853      1,834       1,717       7,220       6,640

         Non-interest expenses
        Salaries            582        583         561       2,297       2,193
          and other staff
         benefits            73         96          74         330         308
         Premises and
         depreciation       245        250         250       1,007         958
        Other               356        267         258       1,142         987
          provision for
         Trustco Inc.       (20)         -           -         (20)          -

                          1,236      1,196       1,143       4,756       4,446

         Income before
         the undernoted:    617        638         574       2,464       2,194
           Provision for
           income taxes     206        228         204         867         762
            interest in
            net income of
           subsidiaries       9         13          11          46          38

        Net income         $402       $397        $359      $1,551      $1,394

         dividends paid     $27        $27         $27        $108         $97

         Net income
          to common
         shareholders      $375       $370        $332      $1,443      $1,297

         Certain comparative amounts in these financial statements have been
         reclassified to conform with current period presentation.
         (1) Refer to footnote (1) on Performance Highlights page.

         Consolidated Balance Sheet Highlights

                                                              As at

                                     October 31       July 31   October 31
         ($ millions)                      1999          1999      1998

      Cash resources                       $17,115       $19,626   $22,900
         Securities                         33,969        33,350    29,500
         Assets purchased under
          resale agreements                 13,921        13,706    11,189
         Loans                             131,938       134,114   139,293
         Other assets                       25,748        26,603    30,706

         Total assets                     $222,691      $227,399  $233,588

         Deposits - Personal               $65,715       $64,962  $62,656
                  - Business and
                    governments                64,070     65,437   70,779
                  - Banks                      26,833     26,099   32,925

         Total deposits                       156,618       156,498 166,360

         Other liabilities                     49,293        53,909 50,932
         Subordinated debentures                5,374         5,451 5,482

         Equity - Preferred                     1,775         1,775  1,775
                - Common                        9,631         9,766  9,039

         Total liabilities and equity        $222,691      $227,399  $233,588


         Components of Net Income and Average Assets

                                   For the three                For the twelve
                                    months ended                 months ended

                    October 31     July 31  October 31  October 31 October 31
      ($ millions)       1999        1999        1998        1999        1998

         Net Income

         By business line:
         Domestic Banking   $155        $147        $144        $610     $605
          Banking             85          85          87         305      255
         Corporate Banking   121         144         117         604      431
         Scotia Capital
          Markets             42          35           3         156       74
         Group Treasury       51          62          18         212      144
          adjustments (1)   (52)        (76)        (10)       (336)     (15)

                            $402        $397        $359      $1,551   $1,394
         By geography:
         Canada             $317        $252        $190      $1,081      $838
         United States        13         100          71         343       311
         International       124         121         108         463       360
          adjustments (1)   (52)        (76)        (10)       (336)     (115)

                            $402        $397        $359      $1,551    $1,394


         Average Assets

         By business line:
Domestic Banking        $80,943     $79,725     $80,148     $79,966    $78,313
International Banking    28,132      27,494      26,124      27,573     23,415
Corporate Banking         41,358      40,993      44,173      43,725    38,924
Scotia Capital Markets    51,377      51,694      54,858      53,999    50,567
Group Treasury            15,570      14,673      13,601      14,917    13,578
Corporate adjustments      8,792       8,686       9,897       8,857     9,176

                        $226,172    $223,265    $228,801    $229,037  $213,973


 By geography:
    Canada         $130,870    $128,284    $131,551    $129,569  $126,410
    United States        34,903      34,485      33,958      36,992    30,007
    International         51,607      51,810      53,395      53,619    48,380
corporate adjustments      8,792       8,686       9,897       8,857     9,176

                        $226,172    $223,265    $228,801    $229,037  $213,973

         (1) Refer to footnote (1) on Performance Highlights page.

         Capital and Common Share Information

                                                             As at

                                      October 31       July 31    October 31
                                            1999          1999          1998
         Capital ratios         
Tier 1                                 8.1%          8.0%          7.2%       
 Total                                 11.9%         11.5%         10.6%

         Common shares
          outstanding (millions)        494.3         493.8         492.1

         Book value per share           $19.49        $19.78        $18.37
         Market value per share         $33.60        $31.35        $32.20

                                                  For the three months ended

                                        October 31       July 31    October 31
                                             1999          1999          1998

         Common dividends paid
         Total (millions)                  $118.5        $103.7         $98.4

         Per share                           $0.24         $0.21         $0.20
-  /For further information: please contact: Sabi Marwah, Executive
Vice-President and Chief Financial Officer, (416) 866-6808 or Shelley Jourard,
Senior Manager, Public Affairs, (416) 866-6204/



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