RNS No 0007j
12th January 1999

                         Interim Results Highlights
                   For the 26 weeks ended 30 October 1998

                                   1998          1997    
                               (Unaudited)  (Unaudited and

Turnover                          #41.9m        #42.3m      Down 1%
Profit before tax                  #7.0m         #6.6m      Up 7%
Earnings per share                 20.3p         18.9p      Up 7%
Dividend per share                  5.6p          5.1p      Up 10%
Net funds                          #3.2m         #5.5m     

*   Record profits

*   Excellent cash generation

*   Continuing growth in drug delivery

*   Investment plan on-track to support major new product programmes

*   HFA transition is accelerating and will impact second half-year

*   Major new customer agreements in drug delivery strengthen future growth

*   Interim dividend increased by 10% to 5.6p

Bespak plc Chairman, Sir David Cooksey, commented today:

"Bespak   continues  to  serve  growing  markets  in  healthcare  and   the
opportunities for long term growth remain good.  The first half year has been
a  period  of  further  progress and the Group has  performed  in  line  with
expectations and developed further the prospects for the future."


Peter Chambre, Chief Executive
Robert J. Preece, Finance Director
Bespak plc
0171 638 9571

Bespak plc
Interim Statement


The first half of this year has been satisfactory for Bespak, with the
achievement of record profits of #7.0 million and earnings per share
increasing by 7% to 20.3 pence.  The improvement in profits was achieved as a
result of the 9% growth of the drug delivery business and improved operating
effectiveness in all the Group's businesses.  During the period the Group has
also strengthened its longer term prospects in drug delivery.  The major
investment programme to support new product launches is on target, with
capital expenditure of #7.7 million during the period.  Excellent cash
generation, once again, has resulted in the Group having net cash of #3.2
million at the end of the first half.

While the second half-year outlook is now not as strong as previously
anticipated, the future growth prospects remain good and the Board has
decided to increase the interim dividend by 10% to 5.6 pence (1997 5.1


Sales in the UK increased by 12% to #30.0 million and operating profits
improved by 18% to #6.3 million.  The principal business in the UK is the
supply of drug delivery products to the respiratory drug industry.  Sales of
these products during the first half-year increased by 17% to #26.4 million.
Within drug delivery, sales of valves for metered dose inhalers and critical
care fluid control valves declined by 19% to #10.6 million, reflecting the
commencement of the transition from chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) as propellants
to new hydrofluoroalkane (HFA) propellants and the anticipated short-term
reduction in Bespak's market share.

Sales of Bespak's range of devices have continued to grow rapidly during the
first half. Driven by the increases in dry powder inhalers, sales of devices
grew 68% to #15.8 million.

The capital investment programme has continued on schedule, with the new
manufacturing capacity for Glaxo Wellcome's Diskus (TM) dry powder inhaler at
Milton Keynes fully operational. Further investment in HFA valve capacity has
also been made to support the future requirements of Bespak's customers.

Turnover in the personal care business declined by 15% to #3.6 million,
reflecting a slow-down in the market, especially in continental Europe.


In the USA, overall sales declined by 23% (22% at constant exchange rates) to
#11.9 million and profits also declined from #1.0 million during the first
half of last year to #0.5 million this year.

At Bespak Inc., the Group's drug delivery business in the USA, sales were 21%
lower at #7.1 million and profits were also reduced.  Sales of valves for
drug delivery, which are manufactured in the UK and distributed by Bespak
Inc., fell by 19%, reflecting timing differences in customers requirements
during the year. Sales of drug delivery devices, which are manufactured by
Bespak Inc., also declined. This was due to reductions in sales to two major

At Tenax, which serves medical device customers in the USA, profits declined
on sales which reduced from #6.5 million to #4.8 million.  This was due to a
reduction in off-take from the company's top three customers.  The resultant
decline in profits was minimised by substantial improvements in operating
effectiveness and overhead cost reductions.  Most importantly, Tenax has
begun to convert some of the new business opportunities resulting from its
strengthened quality and operating performance.


Drug Delivery

Bespak is the leading supplier of drug delivery products to the worldwide
respiratory drug industry.  This is both a growing market, due to the
continuing rise in the incidence of respiratory disease, and one that is
undergoing a period of rapid change, with the introduction of new products
and technologies.  Bespak is well placed to take advantage of these trends.
We have recently signed major new long term contracts with Boehringer
Ingelheim for the supply of HFA valves and with Rhone-Poulenc Rorer covering
both HFA valves and a range of device products.  The Group is also now half
way through a major investment programme to support new products and capacity
expansion over the next three years.


The transition to HFA propellants is expected to be substantially completed
in Europe by the end of 2000, but not in the USA until 2005.  A temporary
decline in market share has been anticipated for some time as our customers
implement their product launch plans for the transition.  It is likely that
the reduction in Bespak's valve business during this financial year will be
greater than originally anticipated as a result of some customers
accelerating their changeover plans.  However, by the end of next year, the
valve business should have recommenced its growth.  The Boehringer Ingelheim
agreement will add significantly to the valve business in the future and,
overall, Bespak expects to complete the transition to HFA inhalers with a
greater share of this core market.


While the overall valve market will continue to grow modestly, the market for
dry powder inhalers is increasing much more rapidly.  Bespak is a leading
supplier of dry powder inhalers. Sales to Glaxo Wellcome of the Diskus (TM)
dry powder inhaler are expected to continue growing during the 1999 and 2000
financial years, fully utilising Diskus (TM) capacity at King's Lynn and
Milton Keynes.

The Clickhaler (R) dry powder inhaler has been launched by Medeva and approval
has recently been received to market a second drug in the device.  The
manufacturing capacity is now being expanded to support this opportunity.

Bespak will also supply the Ultrahaler (TM) dry powder inhaler to
Rhone-Poulenc Rorer.  While the Ultrahaler (TM) development remains on
schedule, Rhone-Poulenc Rorer has announced that it will not proceed with one
of the drugs in the Ultrahaler (TM) programme.  This will have some effect in
reducing Bespak's volume expectations for Ultrahaler (TM) in the early years
following its launch.

In the USA, Bespak Inc. has a number of device development programmes
underway.  The first of these, as part of the supply partnership with Rhone-
Poulenc Rorer, will result in Bespak becoming the sole supplier of the
Azmacort (TM) actuator in 1999.  This will help to offset the current trends
in volumes to this customer which are expected to continue into the next
financial year.  There are a number of other device development programmes
underway with other major pharmaceutical customers in the USA that are
expected to result in accelerating growth for Bespak Inc. beyond that.

Expanded world-class manufacturing facilities are being created at the Cary,
North Carolina operation to support this growth.  These will be completed in

Investment is also continuing in new products and technologies for drug
delivery.  During the first half, Bespak licensed two nasal drug delivery
technologies that will have future application in this rapidly growing area
for therapies.

Medical Devices

Despite the downturn in sales at Tenax during the current year, the
revitalisation of the business is beginning to bring opportunities for growth
with new major medical device customers.  Also the US medical device industry
is undergoing a consolidation, which will inevitably bring a rationalisation
of the number of suppliers to it.  The key to the future growth of Tenax is
to be able to take advantage of this rationalisation.


In the UK, it is now expected that the more rapid short-term decline in CFC
valve volumes will offset the continuing growth of devices.  In the US, the
performance of Bespak Inc. will meet expectations.  However, at Tenax the
difficult trading conditions are expected to continue through to the end of
this year.

The prospects for growth in the future remain good.  Bespak should continue
to benefit from the pipeline of new products and its position serving growing
markets in the global healthcare industry.

Bespak plc                                      
Consolidated Profit and Loss Account
                                    Unaudited       Unaudited         Audited
                                  26 weeks to     26 weeks to     52 weeks to
                                   30 October      31 October           1 May
                                         1998            1997            1998 
                                         #000            #000            #000 
                         Notes                     (restated)      (restated)
Turnover                   2           41,879          42,260          86,067
Operating expenses                    (35,085)        (35,917)        (72,662)
                                   -----------      ----------       ---------
Net operating income       2            6,794           6,343          13,405
Net interest receivable    3              234             213             415
                                   -----------      ----------       ---------
Profit on ordinary activities 
before taxation                         7,028           6,556          13,820
Taxation                   4           (1,827)         (1,771)         (3,734)
                                   -----------      ----------       ---------
Profit on ordinary activities                                    
after taxation                          5,201           4,785          10,086
                                   -----------      ----------       ---------
Dividends                              (1,437)         (1,295)         (3,497)
                                   -----------      ----------       ---------
Retained profit                         3,764           3,490           6,589
                                   -----------      ----------       ---------
Dividends per share        5             5.6p            5.1p           13.7p
                                   -----------      ----------       ---------
Earnings per share         6            20.3p           18.9p           39.7p
                                   -----------      ----------       ---------

Bespak plc
Consolidated Balance Sheet

                                    Unaudited       Unaudited         Audited
                                   30 October      31 October           1 May
                                         1998            1997            1998 
                                         #000            #000            #000 
                           Notes                   (restated)      (restated)
Fixed assets                                           
Tangible assets                        48,983          37,718          44,501
Investments                             1,177             966           1,200
                                   -----------      ----------       ---------
                                       50,160          38,684          45,701
                                   -----------      ----------       ---------
Current assets                                          
Stocks                                  4,516           5,184           4,241
Debtors                                12,688          15,250          14,736
Short-term deposits                     8,000           8,000           9,000
Cash at bank and in hand                6,926           5,733           6,464
                                   -----------      ----------       ---------
                                       32,130          34,167          34,441
                                   -----------      ----------       ---------
 - amounts falling due 
within one year              7        (23,872)        (24,647)        (28,833)
                                   -----------      ----------       ---------
Net current assets                      8,258           9,520           5,608
                                   -----------      ----------       ---------
Total assets less current  
liabilities                            58,418          48,204          51,309
 - amounts falling due                                  
after more than one year     8         (7,288)         (3,896)         (2,879)
Provisions for liabilities 
and charges                  9         (4,088)         (5,446)         (5,350)
                                   -----------      ----------       ---------
Net assets                             47,042          38,862          43,080
                                   -----------      ----------       ---------
Capital and reserves                                    
Called up share capital                 2,572           2,538           2,565
Share premium account                  16,131          14,853          15,923
Special reserve                           308             308             308
Profit and loss account                28,031          21,163          24,284
                                   -----------      ----------       ---------
Equity shareholders  funds             47,042          38,862          43,080
                                   -----------      ----------       ---------

Bespak plc
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

                                    Unaudited       Unaudited         Audited
                                  26 weeks to     26 weeks to     52 weeks to
                                   30 October      31 October           1 May
                                         1998            1997            1998 
                                         #000            #000            #000 
                             Notes                 (restated)      (restated)
Cash inflow from operating  
activities                     10       7,713           9,266          21,541
Returns on investment and                                  
servicing of finance
Interest received                         614             525           1,042
Interest paid                            (389)           (312)           (622)
                                   -----------      ----------       ---------
Net cash inflow from returns                               
on investment and servicing  
of finance                                225             213             420
                                   -----------      ----------       ---------
UK corporation tax                          -               -          (2,929)
Overseas tax                              (94)             12             (29)
                                   -----------      ----------       ---------
Net cash (outflow)/inflow 
from taxation                             (94)             12          (2,958)
                                   -----------      ----------       ---------
Capital expenditure and                                    
financial investment
Payments to acquire tangible 
fixed assets                           (6,497)         (8,847)        (18,151)
Payments to acquire tangible                               
fixed assets in respect of  
the Innovata Biomed contract           (1,332)              -               -
Receipts from sales of  
tangible fixed assets                      52              20             111
Purchase of fixed asset  
investments                               (36)           (247)           (503)
                                   -----------      ----------       ---------
Net cash outflow from                                      
capital expenditure and     
financial investment                   (7,813)         (9,074)        (18,543)
                                   -----------      ----------       ---------
Equity dividends paid                  (2,203)         (1,948)         (3,242)
                                   -----------      ----------       ---------
Net cash outflow before                                    
management of liquid    
resources and financing                (2,172)         (1,531)         (2,782)
Management of liquid resources
Movement in short-term deposits         1,000           4,500           3,500
Issue of ordinary share capital           215             523           1,620
Proceeds of new borrowings              8,957               -               -
Borrowings repaid                      (4,098)           (264)         (1,532)
                                   -----------      ----------       ---------
Net cash inflow from financing          5,074             259              88
                                   -----------      ----------       ---------
Increase in cash and cash  
equivalents                             3,902           3,228             806
                                   -----------      ----------       ---------

Bespak plc
Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses
                                    Unaudited       Unaudited         Audited
                                  26 weeks to     26 weeks to     52 weeks to
                                   30 October      31 October           1 May
                                         1998            1997            1998
                                         #000            #000            #000
                                                   (restated)      (restated)
Profit on ordinary activities 
after taxation                          5,201           4,785          10,086
Exchange movements on foreign                        
currency net investments                  (17)            (94)            (72)
                                   -----------      ----------       ---------
Total recognised gains and  
losses for the period                   5,184           4,691          10,014
                                   -----------      ----------       ---------
Prior year adjustment                    (254)                      
Total gains and losses                                      
recognised since last annual report     4,930

Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds
                                    Unaudited       Unaudited         Audited
                                  26 weeks to     26 weeks to     52 weeks to
                                   30 October      31 October           1 May
                                         1998            1997            1998
                                         #000            #000            #000
                                                   (restated)      (restated)
Profit on ordinary activities 
after taxation                          5,201           4,785          10,086
Dividends                              (1,437)         (1,295)         (3,497)
Issue of ordinary share capital           215             523           1,620
Exchange movements on foreign                        
currency net investments                  (17)            (94)            (72)
Shareholders  funds brought                          
forward (originally #43,334,000                      
before deducting prior year 
adjustment of #254,000)                43,080          34,943          34,943
                                   -----------      ----------       ---------
Shareholders  funds carried  
forward                                47,042          38,862          43,080
                                   -----------      ----------       ---------

Bespak plc

1. Basis of preparation and accounting policies                  
The unaudited results for the 26 weeks ended 30 October 1998 have been
prepared in accordance with UK generally accepted accounting principles.  The
accounting policies applied are those set out in the Group's Annual Report and
Accounts for the 52 weeks ended 1 May 1998 except that the Company has
implemented the following new Financial Reporting Standards: FRS 9 'Associates
and Joint Ventures';  FRS 10 'Goodwill and Intangible Assets';  FRS 11
'Impairment of Fixed Assets and Goodwill'; FRS 12  'Provisions, contingent
liabilities and contingent assets';  FRS 13 'Derivatives and other financial
instruments';  and FRS 14 'Earnings per share'.  FRS 9, FRS 13 and FRS 14 had
no effect on the Group results in the period.

In accordance with FRS 10, the Company has changed its policy on goodwill and
intangible assets.  Intangible assets acquired, whether acquired as part of a
business acquisition or separately, and goodwill arising on acquisition, are
now capitalised and amortised over their useful economic life to a maximum of
20 years.  Goodwill written off to reserves under the Company's previous
policy will not be reinstated.  In addition patent expenditure on internally
developed products is no longer capitalised.  Patent expenditure capitalised
in prior years has been written off against opening reserves as a prior year
adjustment.  As a result of the change in accounting policy, comparative
figures for the 26 weeks to 31 October 1997 and 52 weeks to 1 May 1998 have
been adjusted as follows:- 

                          Profit after   Net assets  Profit after  Net assets
                           tax for the                tax for the
                           26 weeks to                52 weeks to
                       31 October 1997                 1 May 1998
                                  #000         #000          #000        #000
As previously reported           4,776       39,103        10,090      43,334
Effect of the change in 
accounting policy                    9         (241)           (4)       (254)
As restated                      4,785       38,862        10,086      43,080

The  profit  after  tax  for  the 26 weeks ended 30  October  1998  has  been
increased by #36,000 as a result of the change in accounting policy.

In  accordance with FRS 11, the Company has written down the value of certain
fixed  assets  purchased  in  accordance with the Innovata  Biomed  variation
agreement (see note 9) on the basis of permanent impairment.

In  accordance with FRS 12, the balance sheets at 31 October 1997 and  1  May
1998  have been restated to classify certain liabilities as provisions rather
than creditors.

The charge for taxation on the profits for the 26 weeks ended 30 October 1998
has  been calculated by reference to the estimated effective tax rate for the
52 weeks to 30 April 1999.

The  Profit and Loss Account and Cash Flow Statement for the 52 weeks  ended,
and  the  Balance Sheet at, 1 May 1998 are an abridged statement of the  full
Group Accounts for that period which have been delivered to the Registrar  of
Companies.  The report of the Auditors on the Accounts for the 52 weeks ended
1  May  1998  was  unqualified and did not contain a statement  under  either
section 237 (2) or section 237 (3) of the Companies Act 1985.

2. Segment information

The geographical analysis of turnover, net operating income and net assets is
as follows:
Geographical area (turnover by destination)
                                   26 weeks to    26 weeks to    52 weeks to
                                    30 October     31 October          1 May
                                          1998           1997           1998  
                                          #000           #000           #000
United Kingdom                          21,682         19,344         39,723
United States of America                11,089         15,352         28,589
Europe                                   6,099          5,710         13,697
Rest of the World                        3,009          1,854          4,058
                                   -----------      ----------      ---------
                                        41,879         42,260         86,067
                                   -----------      ----------      ---------
Average rate of exchange 
#1 Sterling:  US $                        1.66           1.63           1.65

Turnover by origin
                                   26 weeks to    26 weeks to    52 weeks to
                                    30 October     31 October          1 May
                                          1998           1997           1998 
                                          #000           #000           #000
United Kingdom                          33,186         30,248         63,019
Inter-segment sales                     (3,205)        (3,473)        (5,708)
                                   -----------      ----------      ---------
External sales                          29,981         26,775         57,311
                                   -----------      ----------      ---------
United States of America                11,898         15,485         28,757
Inter-segment sales                          -              -             (1)
                                   -----------      ----------      ---------
External sales                          11,898         15,485         28,756
                                   -----------      ----------      ---------
Total sales                             45,084         45,733         91,776
Total inter-segment sales               (3,205)        (3,473)        (5,709)
                                   -----------      ----------      ---------
Total external sales                    41,879         42,260         86,067
                                   -----------      ----------      ---------

2. Segment information cont'd

Net operating income

                                   26 weeks to    26 weeks to    52 weeks to
                                    30 October     31 October          1 May
                                          1998           1997           1998  
                                          #000           #000           #000  
                                                   (restated)     (restated)
Net operating income by segment                               
United Kingdom                           6,270          5,297         11,447
United States of America                   524          1,046          1,958
                                   -----------      ----------      ---------
                                         6,794          6,343         13,405
                                   -----------      ----------      ---------

Net assets

                                   26 weeks to    26 weeks to    52 weeks to
                                    30 October     31 October          1 May
                                          1998           1997           1998  
                                          #000           #000           #000  
                                                   (restated)     (restated)
Operating assets by segment                            
United Kingdom                          39,422         32,097         35,772
United States of America                12,966         10,415         10,945
                                   -----------      ----------      ---------
                                        52,388         42,512         46,717
Unallocated net liabilities             (5,346)        (3,650)        (3,637)
                                   -----------      ----------      ---------
                                        47,042         38,862         43,080
                                   -----------      ----------      ---------
Closing rate of exchange #1
Sterling:  US $                           1.67           1.68           1.67

3. Net interest receivable

                                   26 weeks to    26 weeks to    52 weeks to
                                    30 October     31 October          1 May
                                          1998           1997           1998  
                                          #000           #000           #000  
                                                   (restated)     (restated)
Interest payable                          (368)          (325)          (640)
Interest receivable                        602            538          1,055
                                   -----------      ----------      ---------
                                           234            213            415
                                   -----------      ----------      ---------

4. Taxation
                                   26 weeks to    26 weeks to    52 weeks to
                                    30 October     31 October          1 May
                                          1998           1997           1998  
                                          #000           #000           #000  
                                                   (restated)     (restated)
UK Corporation tax at 31% 
(1997 - 31%)                             1,698          1,435          3,735
Deferred taxation                           82            230            (87)
Overseas taxation                           47            106             86
                                   -----------      ----------      ---------
                                         1,827          1,771          3,734
                                   -----------      ----------      ---------

Taxation is based on an estimate of the effective rate of tax which will be
chargeable on the profit for the year.

5. Dividends

The interim dividend of 5.6p (1997 - 5.1p) will be paid on 22 February 1999
to shareholders on the register on 22 January 1999.

6. Earnings per share

                                   26 weeks to    26 weeks to    52 weeks to
                                    30 October     31 October          1 May
                                          1998           1997           1998  
                                          #000           #000           #000  
                                                   (restated)     (restated)
The calculation of earnings                            
per share is based on the
Profit on ordinary activities
after taxation                           5,201          4,785         10,086
Weighted average number of                             
shares in issue                     25,623,389     25,347,456     25,397,960
Earnings per share                       20.3p          18.9p          39.7p

7. Creditors - amounts falling due within one year

                                    30 October     31 October          1 May
                                          1998           1997           1998  
                                          #000           #000           #000  
                                                   (restated)     (restated)
Proportion of loans due                                
within one year (note 8)                 1,859          1,451          1,300
Bank overdrafts & short term
borrowings                               2,627          2,924          6,070
Proposed dividend                        1,437          1,294          2,203
Taxation                                 5,198          4,531          3,550
Creditors                               12,751         14,447         15,710
                                   -----------      ----------      ---------
                                        23,872         24,647         28,833
                                   -----------      ----------      ---------

8. Creditors - amounts falling due after more than one year

                                    30 October     31 October          1 May
                                          1998           1997           1998  
                                          #000           #000           #000
Finance leases and lease purchase          190            138            142
Industrial review bond (US $ secured)        -            522            280
Bank loan (US $ secured)                     -          4,687          3,757
Bank loan (US $ unsecured)               8,957              -              -
                                   -----------      ----------      ---------
                                         9,147          5,347          4,179
Less proportion of loans due                           
within one year                         (1,859)        (1,451)        (1,300)
                                   -----------      ----------      ---------
                                         7,288          3,896          2,879
                                   -----------      ----------      ---------

The Group negotiated new borrowing facilities during the period as a result
of which the margin on bank funding has been reduced and security on the
Group's assets released.

9. Provisions for liabilities and charges

                            Deferred  Innovata Biomed        Other     Total
                            taxation         contract   provisions      #000
                                #000             #000         #000 (restated)
At 2 May 1998 as     
previously reported              300            4,496          166     4,962
Prior year adjustment           (112)               -          500       388
                            --------  ---------------   ----------   -------
At 2 May 1998 restated           188            4,496          666     5,350
Profit and loss account           82                -           36       118
Utilised during the period         -           (1,379)           -    (1,379)
Exchange rate adjustments          -                -           (1)       (1)
                            --------  ---------------   ----------   -------
At 30 October 1998               270            3,117          701     4,088
                            --------  ---------------   ----------   -------

In 1995 the Company made a provision of #18.6 million against a disputed
contract with Innovata Biomed Limited.  Agreement was reached in April 1996
whereby Bespak would incur costs of no more that #10.4 million under a
variation contract to the original agreement.  As a result #8.2 million was
released from the provision in the 1996 accounts.  In the period expenditure
of #1,332 million was incurred on fixed asset expenditure in accordance with
the variation agreement.  An impairment loss has been recognised on these
assets which has been matched by utilisation of the existing provision as
originally intended when the variation agreement was signed and the provision

10. Net cash inflow from operating activities

Reconciliation of net operating income to net cash inflow from operating

                                   26 weeks to    26 weeks to    52 weeks to
                                    30 October     31 October          1 May
                                          1998           1997           1998  
                                          #000           #000           #000  
                                                   (restated)     (restated)
Net operating income                     6,794          6,343         13,405
Depreciation                             3,123          2,463          5,371
Impairment loss relating to                            
Innovata Biomed fixed assets             1,332              -              -
Profit on sale of tangible 
fixed assets                               (17)            (7)           (77)
(Increase)/decrease in stocks             (285)           562          1,505
Decrease/(increase) in debtors           2,009         (3,593)        (3,318)
(Decrease)/increase in creditors        (3,933)         3,491          4,425
Decrease in Innovata Biomed 
provision                               (1,379)           (16)          (111)
Increase in other provisions                36              -            318
Dividends received from                                
associated undertakings                     33             23             23
                                      --------       --------        -------
Net cash inflow from  
operating activities                     7,713          9,266         21,541
                                      --------       --------        -------

11. Reconciliation of net funds

The table below provides an analysis of net funds and a reconciliation of net
cashflow to movement in net funds.

                     At 2 May    Cash    Inception   Exchange   At 30 October
                         1998    Flow   of leasing  movements            1998
                         #000    #000         #000       #000            #000 

Cash at bank and 
in hand                 6,464     461            -          1           6,926
Bank overdrafts &                                         
short-term borrowings  (6,070)  3,441            -          2          (2,627)
                       ------  ------       ------     ------          ------
Cash and cash
equivalents               394   3,902            -          3           4,299
Loans and leasing                                         
obligations            (4,179) (4,859)         (94)       (15)         (9,147)
Short-term deposits     9,000  (1,000)           -          -           8,000
                       ------  ------       ------     ------          ------
Net funds               5,215  (1,957)         (94)       (12)          3,152
                       ------  ------       ------     ------          ------

Financing items included 
in cash flow movements  
Issue of shares                  (215)
Net cash outflow before     
management of liquid     
resources and financing        (2,172)



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Bespak (LSE:BPK)
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From Jul 2023 to Jul 2024 Click Here for more Bespak Charts.