RNS Number : 9347Z 
Braemore Resources PLC 
30 September 2009 

Braemore Resources Plc 
("Braemore" or "the Company") 
Braemore Resources plc ("Braemore" or "the Company"; JSE: BRE; AIM: BRR), the 
international group focused on mid-stream processing of platinum and nickel, 
announces its audited results for the year ended 30 June 2009. 
  *  The processing technologies employed, particularly ConRoast, address key 
  challenges in the metals processing stream and provide cost-effective, 
  environmentally-friendly, and independent solutions to processing nickel and PGM 
  ores, particularly high chrome ores. 
  *  Braemore is working towards establishing the first, independent, black-empowered 
  PGM smelting operation in South Africa, and is in discussions with various black 
  empowerment groups to facilitate this process. 
  *  The ConRoast technology has been developed by Mintek, a South African 
  government-funded institution and it is an integral part of the agreement that 
  the technology does not only benefit the corporate landscape but the wider 
  community through partnership with a broad-based empowerment entity. 
  *  Braemore has a highly skilled and entrepreneurial team, focused on delivery and 
  operating. Technical and metallurgical studies have been conducted in South 
  Africa and Australia and delivery on the key milestones will be reported on in 
  due course. 
  *  Braemore is a geographically and metallurgically diversified emerging precious 
  and base metals company that has made significant progress towards achieving its 
  key objectives in the year under review. 
  *  Braemore and Jubilee Platinum propose to enter into a Scheme of Arrangement that 
  will result in the merging of the two companies, creating a new force in the 
  South African PGM sector. 
  *  Successfully renegotiated the ConRoast Agreement with Mintek, ensuring its sole, 
  global exclusive licence for the technology over the life of the patent. 
  *  Braemore completed a successful placement for GBP6.5m in a difficult market. 
  *  The inward dual listing of the Company on the JSE (Code: BRE) was completed. 
  *  Expanded the ConRoast demonstration smelter capacity. 
  *  Completed various smelter trials demonstrating to industry the safety and 
  robustness of the process 
  *  Completed Research programme on hydrometallurgical refining of the smelted 
  *  Entered into agreement with Jubilee Platinum over chrome tailings with PGMs. 
  *  Completed and formally presented detailed studies as requested by BHP Billiton 
  on the Leinster and Kambalda Nickel Tailings projects. 
  *  Restructuring of the Company ahead of the merger with Jubilee Platinum plc 
  ("Jubilee") to realise a significant reduction in overhead costs which will flow 
  through into the next reporting period. 
  *  An implementation agreement with Jubilee on 3 July 2009, whereby Jubilee made 
  available to Braemore a working capital facility whilst the offer is being 
Challenges impacting the financial results 
  *  Endured a small smelter break out which was safely contained and importantly 
  resulted in no injuries to any of our personnel. 
  *  Encountered sharply decreasing smelter margins as a result of declining PGM 
  prices resulting from the fast appreciating South African Rand. 
  *  Negotiating the conclusion of non-profitable smelting contracts due to the 
  depressed metal prices and appreciating South African Rand. 
  *  Extended shutdown of smelter at year end to review process options to address 
  operating margins and facilitate completion of hydrometallurgical refining 
  process reviews. 
The Annual Report for the year ended 30 June 2009 is expected to be posted to 
shareholders by 30 September 2009. A Copy will be available on the same date on 
the Company's 
website: www.braemoreresources.com 
As anticipated in last year's review, the resources sector has experienced a 
period of uncertainty as the global economic crisis unfolds, negatively 
affecting commodities, equity markets and financial markets alike. 
The recession arrived with a vengeance that resulted in, amongst other things, 
significant drops in demand for nickel and platinum group metals ('PGM'). With 
the major demand sector for PGMs in autocatalysts in decline, the PGM prices 
retracted sharply. Demand for steel produced in China contracted sharply as did 
the associated demand for nickel, with record price falls. 
In this climate Braemore has proceeded to advance its projects with 
determination, applying improved metallurgical alternatives to both nickel and 
PGM processing. I will briefly summarise progress made in both the PGM and 
nickel projects during the year. 
Towards year end our competitive advantage has been confirmed. At the time of 
writing Braemore had been approached by two parties regarding the potential for 
corporate activity. This led to a formal offer received from Jubilee Platinum to 
merge the two entities Braemore and Jubilee into an enlarged Platinum and Nickel 
Group comprising of both short term cashflow potential and world class medium 
term assets. 
The proposed merger of Jubilee's PGM and nickel exploration assets with the 
smelting technology package and nickel assets of Braemore presents a compelling 
investment opportunity that should appeal to investors in the metals community. 
The skills of the combined management team and the enhanced ability to fully 
fund and relaunch smelting operations will create an enlarged and liquid South 
African mining group. 
This fits directly with Braemore's stated 'mine to metal' strategy. The 
significant PGM processing ability, with its patented technology is bolstered by 
the as yet unrealised nickel potential of Braemore in Australia, and Jubilee in 
The new entity has the potential to become a sustainable force in the South 
African platinum industry, which will be well positioned to participate in any 
further consolidation in the platinum industry. 
The highlight of the year was the announcement of the proposed transaction 
between Braemore and Jubilee Platinum that will lead to a merger of the two 
The start of the financial year was heralded by a placement that raised GBP6.5m 
(before expenses). The extremely difficult market conditions made this fund 
raising challenging and it was led by the strong support of major shareholders 
Atomaer and Best Asset Class (BAC), which both followed their rights. Completion 
was important at this time as the full impact of the global financial crisis 
started to become evident across equity and commodity markets alike. 
In July 2008, Braemore completed its pre-listing statement to meet JSE listing 
requirements and subsequently listed, on 16 July 2008, on the main board of the 
JSE, in the Platinum Sector. This listing was conducted to fulfil terms in our 
ConRoast Agreement with Mintek. 
Pan Palladium vote against JV with Braemore 
In late July 2008, Braemore was advised by Pan Palladium Limited that its 
shareholders had voted against proceeding in a venture with Braemore over its 
Platreef Project in South Africa. 
Corporate Activity 
Braemore completed the research program of the PGM refining process during the 
third Quarter of the financial year which enabled the marketing of this 
significant component of its technology offering to the Platinum Industry. The 
PGM industry acknowledged this significant achievement which led to an increased 
interest and to the potential for important strategic and corporate initiatives. 
The proposed merger with Jubilee Platinum confirms this interest. 
During the year we continued to produce under our unique ConRoast process, PGMs 
in alloy that was sold to refiners in Japan, Europe and South Africa. However, 
this material proved problematic to sell given few refiners were geared to 
accept an iron alloy containing PGM, and consequently less attractive PGM price 
terms were on offer. Initially some positive cash flow was generated from this 
activity but as metal prices fell sharply and the South African Rand appreciated 
strongly, margins were constrained. 
We were pleased to be able to announce specific off-take agreements with Northam 
Platinum and Anglo Platinum, the world's largest producer, relating to 
processing high chrome concentrates and other difficult to smelt material. This 
certainly added credibility to ConRoast as a commercial smelting technology able 
to process material on behalf of global PGM producers. 
In August 2008, we announced that the planned smelter expansion programme had 
commenced at Mintek. This was to replace the existing 1.5MW smelter with a new 
3.2MW smelter and associated concentrate handling infrastructure. This expansion 
of smelting capacity was completed by early September 2008 and the commissioning 
programme commenced without any problems. 
In March 2009 we had an operational incident when molten matte came into contact 
with water. The resulting instant vaporisation of water created a loud explosion 
but little real damage. Our safety procedures were immediately implemented, 
worked seamlessly and an evacuation of the facility was successfully undertaken. 
The smelter was repaired at nominal cost and back on line after a few weeks, in 
April 2009. 
The limited cash flow generated earlier from smelting materials declined sharply 
as PGM prices fell, and the decision was taken, in May 2009, to temporarily halt 
smelting operations. 
The smelter operations have been an unqualified success in terms of physically 
proving and commercialising the ConRoast smelting process. We have demonstrated 
its ability to process a range of difficult to process high chrome concentrates, 
revert tailings and other materials. 
As discussed, the margins in the demonstration smelter operation have been under 
increasing pressure during the course of the financial year from escalating 
costs and declining metal prices. In the run up to the 2010 World Cup the South 
African Rand has become one of the strongest performing currencies in the world, 
appreciating 24% against the US$ from its lows during the year, adversely 
affecting an already lower US$ platinum price. The platinum price fell 40% from 
highs of US$2000/oz to US$1200/oz (after touching US$780/oz). 
With smelting margins contracting sharply it was concluded that there was little 
more for Braemore to learn from the smelting demonstration that has been under 
way since September 2007. The smelter was in the process of being ramped up at 
the time of the operational incident, operating at less than rated capacity and 
hence subject to higher unit costs. For all the reasons set out above, the 
decision was subsequently taken to put the smelter on temporary standby. 
During the year Braemore was able to complete metallurgical work on the 
development of the hydrometallurgical leaching of smelted alloy. This step 
removes the iron, extracts base metals for sale and leaves a residual high value 
PGM concentrate suitable as direct feed to a PGM refinery. This refining step 
increases margins as the value of the product increases significantly. The high 
grade PGMs concentrates are an internationally sought after product 
The temporary closure of the smelter gives Braemore the opportunity to finalise 
its hydrometallurgical refining process with a view to installing a commercially 
viable facility in the near future. The planned refining plant will have the 
capacity to process smelted material from both the existing smelter at Mintek 
and the new smelter under review. 
The proposed merger with Jubilee will enhance the terms and availability of 
funds to complete the proposed new smelter. In August 2009 Jubilee, with support 
from Braemore, successfully raised GBP 13.25 million towards funding the 
expansion and ongoing operations of the new enlarged merged entity. In September 
2009, Jubilee successfully raised an additional GBP 1.95 million for application 
to Braemore's operations. 
On the nickel side of Braemore's business there has been significant progress. 
Progress has been made in metallurgical testwork, scoping studies and 
preparation and formal presentation of detailed reports on the Leinster and 
Kambalda nickel tailings projects, as requested by BHP Billiton. 
In January 2009 we were able to update shareholders on the progress made on the 
Leinster Nickel Project following on from the preliminary results from the 
independent consultants who examined all aspects of the project. This work was 
described in a scoping study and presented to BHP Billiton. Given the 
environment of lower nickel prices and sharply higher sulphur prices that 
prevailed during the course of the studies, a focus was kept on reducing both 
operating and capital costs where possible. Braemore has been complimented on 
the high quality of the technical work presented and we await BHP Billiton's 
final review shortly. 
Such innovative thinking has been at the heart of Braemore's nickel and PGM 
projects. The Company is proud of its achievements in these fields. In 
conjunction with its technology partner Mintek, the Company has achieved its 
stated research and development programme objectives of developing a proven, 
industry leading technology for the smelting of high chrome PGM concentrates. 
In light of this Braemore has cemented its relationship with Mintek by 
renegotiating and extending its global exclusive licence over the patented 
ConRoast technology. 
It is this technology that is now being recognised by our peers in the PGM 
sector. We have received numerous advances seeking access to the ConRoast 
smelting technology due to its proven ability to deal with difficult 
concentrates efficiently. Off-take agreements increasingly become more onerous 
and less available from traditional larger smelters. This was the original 
thinking that saw Braemore enter into agreements with Tharisa Minerals and 
Jubilee Resources' Maude project over PGM containing chrome concentrates. 
It did not take long for cashed up companies with synergies with Braemore to 
realise the potential offered by its smelting technology to achieve full 
vertical integration of similar projects. Several approaches have been made, due 
diligence conducted and offers negotiated. In the closing weeks of June 2009, 
Braemore announced that it was in discussions with Jubilee which could lead to a 
merger proposal being undertaken of superior long term strategic and current 
economic benefit to our shareholders. 
We strive to attain the goal of becoming a significant mid-stream processor of 
PGM and nickel and to build a vertically integrated mining and processing 
It has been a year of maximum effort from all concerned. I would like to thank 
our Board of directors and management for all their endeavours on behalf of 
Braemore shareholders. 
Mathews Phosa 
Non-Executive Chairman 
29 September 2009 
| Braemore Resources Plc                 |                                        | 
| Leon Coetzer, Chief Executive Officer  | +27 (0)11 465 1913                     | 
|                                        |                                        | 
|                                        |                                        | 
| WH Ireland: (Nomad and Joint Broker)   |                                        | 
| James Joyce                            | +44 207 220 1666                       | 
|                                        |                                        | 
| Mirabaud Securities: (Joint Broker)    |                                        | 
| Rory Scott                             | +44 207 878 3360                       | 
|                                        |                                        | 
| Qinisele Resources: (RSA Corporate     |                                        | 
| Advisers)                              |                                        | 
| Dennis Tucker                          | +27 82 492 4957                        | 
|                                        |                                        | 
| Russell and Associates: (RSA Public    |                                        | 
| Relations)                             |                                        | 
| Nicola Taylor / Charmane Russell       | +27 11 880 3924                        | 
|                                        |                                        | 
| Walbrook PR: (UK Public Relations)     |                                        | 
| Louise Goodeve / Leah Kramer           | +44 207 933 8780                       | 
|                                        |                                        | 
| Sasfin: (RSA Corporate Sponsor)        |                                        | 
| Sharon Owens                           | +27 11 809 7762                        | 
Notes to Editors: 
Braemore Resources offers investors an attractive opportunity to enter into the 
PGMs and nickel business, initially through the mid-stream processing of these 
metals and, in time, through mine-to-market production opportunities. 
Braemore Resources is principally involved in evaluating, establishing and 
operating independent facilities for the roasting, smelting and refining of 
concentrates containing PGM and associated base metals and for the reclamation 
and processing of sulphide nickel tailings. Diversified both geographically and 
in terms of product, the Company is located in two key mining regions - Braemore 
Nickel in Western Australia and Braemore Platinum in South Africa. Braemore's 
access to proprietary technology, and in particular the Mintek ConRoast 
technology, which has successfully operated at test plant level, makes the 
Company well-positioned to become a significant player in the burgeoning South 
African PGMs sector, offering a more cost-effective, environmentally friendly 
and accessible smelting option to many junior mining companies. Unlike 
conventional smelters, ConRoast is unaffected by the high-chrome content ores, 
which are increasingly being mined. 
Braemore's management team, in South Africa and Australia, bring with them 
impressive credentials in their respective sectors, combined with a Board that 
has experience in metals processing, financial and commodities markets. 
For the year ended 30 June 2009 
|                                  |            |          | Group       | Group        | 
|                                  |            |          | 2009        | 2008         | 
|                                  |            |          | GBP'000     | GBP'000      | 
| Revenue                          |            |          | 3,558       | 8,963        | 
| Cost of sales                    |            |          | (6,670)     | (7,451)      | 
| Gross (loss)/profit              |            |          | (3,112)     | 1,512        | 
|                                  |            |          |             |              | 
| Administrative expenses          |            |          | (4,310)     | (2,896)      | 
| Loss from operations             |            |          | (7,422)     | (1,384)      | 
|                                  |            |          |             |              | 
| Finance income                   |            |          | 78          | 236          | 
| Finance costs                    |            |          | (74)        | (261)        | 
| Loss before income tax expense   |            |          | (7,418)     | (1,409)      | 
| Income tax expense               |            |          | -           | -            | 
| Loss for the year                |            |          | (7,418)     | (1,409)      | 
|                                  |            |          |             |              | 
|                                  |            |          |             |              | 
| Loss per share expressed in      |            |          | (0.94p)     | (0.21p)      | 
| pence                            |            |          |             |              | 
| - Basic,diluted and headline     |            |          |             |              | 
|                                  |            |          |             |              | 
|                                  |            |          |             |              | 
All the Group's activities are classed as continuing 
As at 30 June 2009 
|                                              |          |              | Restated    | 
|                                              |          | Group        | Group       | 
|                                              |          | 2009         | 2008        | 
|                                              |          | GBP'000      | GBP'000     | 
| ASSETS                                       |          |              |             | 
| Non-current assets                           |          |              |             | 
| Intangible assets                            |          | 46,797       | 43,382      | 
| Plant and equipment                          |          | 2,881        | 91          | 
| Investment in subsidiaries                   |          | -            | -           | 
| Other receivables                            |          | 46           | 36          | 
| Total non-current assets                     |          | 49,724       | 43,509      | 
| Current assets                               |          |              |             | 
| Trade and other receivables                  |          | 1,257        | 1,776       | 
| Inventory                                    |          | 907          | 4,257       | 
| Cash and cash equivalents                    |          | 302          | 974         | 
| Total current assets                         |          | 2,466        | 7,007       | 
| TOTAL ASSETS                                 |          | 52,190       | 50,516      | 
|                                              |          |              |             | 
| LIABILITIES                                  |          |              |             | 
| Current liabilities                          |          |              |             | 
| Trade and other payables                     |          | 6,846        | 5,527       | 
|                                              |          |              |             | 
| NET ASSETS                                   |          | 45,344       | 44,989      | 
|                                              |          |              |             | 
| EQUITY                                       |          |              |             | 
| Share capital                                |          | 1,094        | 994         | 
| Share premium                                |          | 18,001       | 12,079      | 
| Merger reserve                               |          | 34,885       | 34,885      | 
| Share based payments reserve                 |          | 758          | 717         | 
| Foreign exchange reserve                     |          | 1,003        | (545)       | 
| Retained losses                              |          | (10,397)     | (3,141)     | 
| TOTAL EQUITY                                 |          | 45,344       | 44,989      | 
For the year ended 30 June 2009 
|                                              |           | Group       | Group       | 
|                                              |           | 2009        | 2008        | 
|                                              |           | GBP'000     | GBP'000     | 
| Cash flows from operating activities         |           |             |             | 
| Loss for the period                          |           | (7,418)     | (1,409)     | 
| Interest expense                             |           | 74          | 261         | 
| Interest income                              |           | (78)        | (236)       | 
| Depreciation                                 |           | 534         | 31          | 
| Share based payment                          |           | 203         | -           | 
| Foreign exchange on loans to controlled      |           | -           | -           | 
| entities                                     |           |             |             | 
| Decrease / (Increase) in inventory           |           | 3,350       | (4,257)     | 
| Decrease / (Increase) in receivables         |           | 509         | (1,447)     | 
| Increase/(decrease) in payables              |           | 2,990       | 3,678       | 
| Net cash used in operating activities        |           | 164         | (3,379)     | 
|                                              |           |             |             | 
| Cash flows from investing activities         |           |             |             | 
| Payments to acquire plant and equipment      |           | (2,485)     | (86)        | 
| Payment for investments                      |           | -           | (37)        | 
| Loan to controlled entities                  |           | -           | -           | 
| Payments to acquire intangible assets        |           | (4,377)     | (4,146)     | 
| Interest received                            |           | 78          | 236         | 
| Net cash used in investing activities        |           | (6,784)     | (4,033)     | 
|                                              |           |             |             | 
| Cash flows from Financing activities         |           |             |             | 
| Proceeds from issue of shares                |           | 6,501       | 77          | 
| Issue costs paid                             |           | (479)       | -           | 
| Interest payable                             |           | (74)        | (261)       | 
| Net cash generated from / (used in)          |           | 5,948       | (184)       | 
| financing activities                         |           |             |             | 
|                                              |           |             |             | 
| Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash     |           | (672)       | (7,596)     | 
| equivalents                                  |           |             |             | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of    |           | 974         | 8,570       | 
| year                                         |           |             |             | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at 30 June         |           | 302         | 974         | 
|                                              |           |             |             | 
|                                              |           |             |             | 
For the year ended 30 June 2009 
|                           | Share        | Share premium     | Merger reserve   | 
|                           | capital      | reserve           |                  | 
| Group                     | GBP'000      | GBP'000           | GBP'000          | 
| As at 1 July 2007         | 977          | 11,990            | 29,395           | 
| Correction of prior       | -            | -                 | 3,050            | 
| period adjustment (refer  |              |                   |                  | 
| note 24)                  |              |                   |                  | 
|                           | 977          | 11,990            | 32,445           | 
| Loss for the period       | -            | -                 | -                | 
| Currency translation      | -            | -                 | -                | 
| differences               |              |                   |                  | 
| Total recognised income   | -            | -                 | -                | 
| and expense for the year  |              |                   |                  | 
| Share capital issued      | 16           | -                 | 2,440            | 
| Acquisition of minority   | -            | -                 | -                | 
| interests in subsidiary   |              |                   |                  | 
| Exercise of options       | 1            | 89                | -                | 
| Cancellation of options   | -            | -                 | -                | 
| Balance at 30 June 2008   | 994          | 12,079            | 34,885           | 
|                           |              |                   |                  | 
| Currency translation      | -            | -                 | -                | 
| differences               |              |                   |                  | 
| Loss for the period       | -            | -                 | -                | 
| Total recognised income   | -            | -                 | -                | 
| and expense for the year  |              |                   |                  | 
| Share capital issued      | 100          | 6,401             | -                | 
| Share issue expenses      | -            | (479)             | -                | 
| Expiry of options         | -            | -                 | -                | 
| Issue of options          | -            | -                 | -                | 
| Balance at 30 June 2009   | 1,094        | 18,001            | 34,885           | 
|                           |              |                   |                  | 
|                           | Share based | Foreign   | Minority  | Retained   | Total     | 
|                           | payment     | exchange  | interest  | earnings   | equity    | 
|                           | reserve     | reserve   |           |            |           | 
| Group                     | GBP'000     | GBP'000   | GBP'000   | GBP'000    | GBP'000   | 
| As at 1 July 2007         | 814         | (6)       | 17        | (1,817)    | 41,370    | 
| Correction of prior       | -           | -         | -         | -          | 3,050     | 
| period adjustment (refer  |             |           |           |            |           | 
| note 24)                  |             |           |           |            |           | 
|                           | 814         | (6)       | 17        | (1,817)    | 44,420    | 
| Loss for the period       | -           | -         | -         | (1,409)    | (1,409)   | 
| Currency translation      | -           | (539)     | -         | -          | (539)     | 
| differences               |             |           |           |            |           | 
| Total recognised income   | -           | (539)     | -         | (1,409)    | (1,948)   | 
| and expense for the year  |             |           |           |            |           | 
| Share capital issued      | -           | -         | -         | -          | 2,456     | 
| Acquisition of minority   | -           | -         | (17)      | -          | (17)      | 
| interests in subsidiary   |             |           |           |            |           | 
| Exercise of options       | (12)        | -         | -         | -          | 78        | 
| Cancellation of options   | (85)        | -         | -         | 85         | -         | 
| Balance at 30 June 2008   | 717         | (545)     | -         | (3,141)    | 44,989    | 
|                           |             |           |           |            |           | 
| Currency translation      | -           | 1,548     | -         | -          | 1,548     | 
| differences               |             |           |           |            |           | 
| Loss for the period       | -           | -         | -         | (7,418)    | (7,418)   | 
| Total recognised income   | -           | 1,548     | -         | (7,418)    | (5,870)   | 
| and expense for the year  |             |           |           |            |           | 
| Share capital issued      | -           | -         | -         | -          | 6,501     | 
| Share issue expenses      | -           | -         | -         | -          | (479)     | 
| Expiry of options         | (162)       | -         | -         | 162        | -         | 
| Issue of options          | 203         | -         | -         | -          | 203       | 
| Balance at 30 June 2009   | 758         | 1,003     | -         | (10,397)   | 45,344    | 
|                           |             |           |           |            |           | 
These consolidated financial statements were authorised for issue by the Board 
of Directors on 30 September 2009. These results are extracted from the full 
annual report which include all the notes to the accounts. The full audited 
accounts are available at the Company's 
website www.braemoreresources.com 
The financial statements are presented in pounds sterling, rounded to the 
nearest thousand. 
The accounts have been prepared on a going concern basis.  On 3 July 2009 
Braemore and Jubilee entered into the Scheme whereby Braemore shareholders will 
receive 1 New Jubilee Share for every 15.818 Scheme Shares held. The Scheme is 
subject to various conditions including, inter alia, acceptance at a court 
meeting and a subsequent shareholder general meeting, currently expected to 
occur on 7 October 2009. Jubilee has undertaken to fund the operating costs of 
the Group whilst the Scheme is being implemented up to ZAR 7.0 million (GBP0.58 
million1), and to settle some of the Group's current liabilities to a maximum of 
ZAR 43.0 million (GBP3.58 million1). At the date of this report, the Group has 
received ZAR 34.51 million (GBP2.88 million1) in funding under this arrangement, 
with ZAR 15.49 million (GBP1.29 million1) in funding still available. These 
amounts will be repayable by the Company if the Scheme 
is not completed. The 
Directors are confident that the shareholders will accept their recommendation 
to vote in favour of the Scheme and certain Braemore shareholders have given 
irrevocable undertakings to vote in favour of the Scheme resolutions in respect 
of shares representing 50.0% of the existing share capital of Braemore. However, 
there can be no guarantee that the vote will result in the acceptance of the 
Scheme resolutions, whereupon alternative funding for the Group will need to be 
sought, and therefore there exists a material uncertainty which may cast 
significant doubt on the Group's ability to continue as a going concern. 
Notwithstanding this uncertainty, the Directors are confident that based on the 
irrevocable undertakings received and enquiries with some of the Company's other 
significant shareholders, the Scheme will be approved, and therefore these 
financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis. The financial 
statements do not include the adjustments that would result if the Group was 
unable to continue as a going concern. 
1 Applying the ZAR:GBP exchange rate at 24 September 2009. 
These financial statements have been prepared in accordance with IFRS as adopted 
for use in the European Union (EU), IAS 34, the JSE Listings Requirements and 
with those parts of the South African Companies Act 2006 applicable to companies 
reporting under IFRS. In addition, the Group also complied with IFRS as issued 
by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). 
The accounting policies applied are consistent with those of the previous 
financial year. 
The audited results for the year ended 30 June 2009 have been audited by BDO 
Spencer Steward (Johannesburg) Incorporated and their opinion is available for 
inspection at the Company's registered office Stoney Ridge Office Park, Cnr 
Witkoppen and Waterford rd, Kleve Hill Park, Fourways 
Segment revenue and segment result 
|                                       | Segment revenue     | Segment result      | 
| Continuing operations                 | 2009     | 2008     | 2009     | 2008     | 
|                                       | GBP'000  | GBP'000  | GBP'000  | GBP'000  | 
| Nickel (Australia)                    | -        | -        | (946)    | (1,226)  | 
| PGM Smelters (South Africa)           | 3,558    | 8,963    | (4,720)  | 873      | 
| Administration and Corporate (United  | -        | -        | (1,756)  | (1,031)  | 
| Kingdom)                              |          |          |          |          | 
|                                       | 3,558    | 8,963    | (7,422)  | (1,384)  | 
| Interest revenue                      |          |          | 78       | 236      | 
| Finance costs                         |          |          | (74)     | (261)    | 
| Loss before tax                       |          |          | (7,418)  | (1,409)  | 
| Income tax expense                    |          |          | -        | -        | 
| Loss after tax                        |          |          | (7,418)  | (1,409)  | 
Revenue reported above represents revenue generated from external customers. 
There were no inter-segment sales in the year (2008: Nil). The share based 
payment charge is included within the United Kingdom segment result. 
Segment assets and liabilities 
|                                      | Total                 | Total               | 
|                                      | Assets                | Liabilities         | 
|                                      | 2009      | Restated  | 2009     | 2008     | 
|                                      | GBP'000   | 2008      | GBP'000  | GBP'000  | 
|                                      |           | GBP'000   |          |          | 
| Nickel (Australia)                   | 36,035    | 35,596    | 238      | 544      | 
| PGM Smelters (South Africa)          | 16,029    | 14,542    | 6,432    | 4,782    | 
| Administration and Corporate (United | 126       | 378       | 176      | 201      | 
| Kingdom)                             |           |           |          |          | 
| Total of all segments                | 52,190    | 50,516    | 6,846    | 5,527    | 
Other segment information 
|                                       | Depreciation and      | Capital expenditure   | 
|                                       | amortisation          |                       | 
| Continuing operations                 | 2009     | 2008       | 2009     | 2008       | 
|                                       | GBP'000  | GBP'000    | GBP'000  | GBP'000    | 
| Nickel (Australia)                    | 6        | 1          | 469      | 1,158      | 
| PGM Smelters (South Africa)           | 508      | 10         | 5,110    | 6,004      | 
| Administration and Corporate (United  | 20       | 20         | -        | 58         | 
| Kingdom)                              |          |            |          |            | 
|                                       | 534      | 31         | 5,579    | 7,220      | 
|                                       |          |            |          |            | 
The loss for the year attributed to shareholders is GBP7,418,000 (2008: loss 
GBP1,409,000). This is divided by the weighted average number of ordinary shares 
in issue calculated to be 788.8 million (2008: 680.8 million) to give a basic 
loss per share of 0.94p (2008: loss per share of 0.21p). 
The headline loss per share calculation is the same as the basic loss per share. 
As inclusion of the potential ordinary shares would result in a decrease in the 
loss per share they are considered to be non-dilutive and, as such, the effect 
of the dilution has not been applied in the calculation. The potential future 
share issues that may dilute the loss per share relate to 305,000,000 
performance shares (2008: 305,000,000) and 29,285,899 options on issue (2008: 
On 3 July 2009, the Group received a notice of firm intention from Jubilee 
Platinum Plc ('Jubilee') to make an Offer to acquire the entire issued and to be 
issued share capital of the Company. Jubilee has undertaken to fund the 
operating costs of the Group whilst the Scheme is being implemented up to ZAR 
7.0 million (GBP0.58 million1), and to settle some of the Group's current 
liabilities to a maximum of ZAR 43.0 million (GBP3.58 million1). These amounts 
will be repayable by the Company if the Offer does not proceed. Additionally, a 
1% compensation fee will be payable by Braemore to Jubilee if the Offer does not 
proceed for reasons relating to Braemore. Similarly, a 1% compensation fee will 
be payable by Jubilee to Braemore if the Offer does not proceed for reasons 
relating to Jubilee. As part of the outcome of this transaction will be the 
delisting of Braemore Resources from both the JSE and AIM. 
At the date of this report, Jubilee has advanced the Group ZAR 34.51 million 
(GBP2.88 million1). 
1 Applying the ZAR:GBP exchange rate at 24 September 2009. 
On 28 July 2005, the Group completed the acquisition of Braemore Nickel Pty Ltd 
('Braemore Nickel') (formerly Western Consolidated Nickel Pty Ltd) with a 
component of the consideration being 305 million Performance Shares. The 
Directors originally valued the Performance Shares at GBPNil, on the grounds 
that it was inherently difficult to measure reliably their fair value at the 
date of issue. 
However, following discussion with the Financial Reporting Review Panel, the 
Directors have re-visited this issue as equity instruments issued as 
consideration must be measured at their fair value at the date of acquisition 
and there is no exemption on the grounds that such fair value could not be 
measured reliably. As such, the Directors have used the Black-Scholes Model to 
value the Performance Shares. 
The Directors have assessed the fair value of the Performance Shares as 
GBP3,050,000, as at the date of their issue on 28 July 2005. The key inputs 
applied to the Black-Scholes Model included the assessed fair value of ordinary 
shares issued for the acquisition of WCN on 28 July 2005 of 10p; risk free 
interest rate of 4.20%; and expected volatility of 50%. In assessing the fair 
value of the Performance Shares, a discount of 90% has been applied to the 
theoretical value calculated by the Black-Scholes Model to take into account the 
estimated probability of the Performance Milestones being achieved of 10%. This 
applied estimated probability of the Performance Milestones being achieved, took 
into account the level of the scoping and desk top technical and economic 
studies, including conceptual flow sheet and process, undertaken to the date of 
the acquisition of WCN. This applied probability of the achievement of the 
Performance Milestone is as at the 28 July 2005, and does not represent the 
Director's current assessment. 
As a result of this restatement the intangible assets and merger reserve of the 
Consolidated Group, and investments and merger reserve of the Company, are 
increased by GBP3,050,000. The Income Statement and Statement of Cash Flows in 
the current period are unaffected by this restatement. 
No dividend has been declared for the period. 
Leon Coetzer and Dr Mathews Phosa were appointed to the Board on 1st July 2008 
and 2nd of October 2008 respectively. 
The annual report will be posted to shareholders on 30 September 2009. 
Notice is hereby given that the annual general meeting of shareholders will be 
held at the offices of Braemore Resources Plc 18-19 Pall Mall London SW1Y5LU on 
the 2nd December 2009 at 11:00 Am to transact the business as stated in the 
notice of annual general meeting forming part of the annual financial 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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