RNS Number:3912C
Base Group PLC
27 August 2004

Base Group plc ("the Group")

Results for the financial year ended 29 February 2004

The following information has been extracted from the Report & Accounts of Base
Group plc for the financial year ended 29 February 2004 which are expected to be
posted to shareholders on 27 August 2004:

"Following the announcement of the sale of the Group's operating divisions, Base
Soccer Agency Limited and Time Management Global Limited on 13 November 2003,
for #1 each, Base has been dormant other than in respect of basic "plc"
operating costs which have been kept to a minimum since the sale was completed.

The pre-tax loss for the year ended 29 February 2004 showed a loss of #1,315,000
(2003: loss of #2,237,000).   The consolidated balance sheet at 29 February 2004
shows net assets of #166,000 and cash in bank of #224,000.

The Board are actively pursuing acquisition opportunities for the Group which
will involve a reverse takeover of the Group and believe that market conditions
are currently favourable for such a transaction.  Any acquisition will be made
subject to the approval of Base shareholders."

Adrian Bradshaw

27 August 2004


Adrian Bradshaw
Telephone: 020 7495 5524

Consolidated profit and loss account
for the year ended 29 February 2004

                                          Year ended 29 February 2004      14 month period ended 28 February
                            Note                                           Pre goodwill    Goodwill
                                                                                    and         and
                                               Pre  Exceptional             exceptional exceptional
                                       exceptional        items                   items       items
                                             items     (note 3)      Total                  (note 3)   Total
                                              #000         #000       #000         #000        #000     #000

Turnover                                       595            -        595        1,532           -    1,532
Cost of sales                                (158)            -      (158)        (366)           -    (366)

Gross profit                                   437            -        437        1,166           -    1,166
Administration expenses                      (907)        (484)    (1,391)      (1,749)     (1,711)  (3,460)

Operating loss              2,3              (470)        (484)      (954)        (583)     (1,711)  (2,294)

Loss on disposal of                              -        (362)      (362)            -           -        -
Interest receivable                             13            -         13           64           -       64
Interest payable            6                 (12)            -       (12)          (7)           -      (7)

Loss before taxation and
for the financial year      15               (469)        (846)    (1,315)        (526)     (1,711)  (2,237)

Loss per share:
  Basic                     8                                      (0.16p)                           (0.28p)
  Diluted                   8                                      (0.16p)                           (0.28p)

All results are derived from discontinued operations.

There were no recognised gains and losses other than the reported losses above.

Movements in reserves are set out in note 15.

The financial information set out above does not constitute the company's
statutory accounts for the year ended 29 February 2004 and period ended 28
February 2003 but is derived from those accounts.  Statutory accounts for 2003
have been delivered to the registrar of companies, and those for 2004 will be
delivered following the company's annual general meeting.  The auditors have
reported on those accounts; their report for 2003 was unqualified and did not
contain a statement under section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985.  The
auditors' report for 2004 was qualified in respect of a limitation of the scope
of their audit due to the sale of two subsidiaries in the year; as a further
result of this limitation of the audit scope, their report also contains a
statement under sections 237(2) and (3) of the Companies Act 1985.

Balance Sheet

at 29 February 2004

                                    Note                   Group                     Company
                                                            2004       2003             2004             2003
                                                            #000       #000             #000             #000
Fixed assets
Intangible assets                   9                          -        484                -                -
Tangible assets                     10                         -         41                -                4
Investments                         11                         -          -                -                -
                                                               -        525                -                4

Current assets
Debtors                             12                        19        341               19              578
Cash at bank and in hand                                     224      1,043              224            1,030
                                                             243      1,384              243            1,608

Creditors: Amounts falling due      13                      (77)      (428)            (179)            (295)
within one year

Net current assets                                           166        956               64            1,313

Total assets less current                                    166      1,481               64            1,317

Capital and reserves
Called up share capital             14                     8,399      8,399            8,399            8,399
Shares to be issued                 15                        99         99               99               99
Share premium account               15                     3,011      3,011            3,011            3,011
Other reserves                      15                         -      3,330                -                -
Profit and loss account             15                  (11,343)   (13,358)         (11,445)         (10,192)

Equity shareholders' funds                                   166      1,481               64            1,317

The financial statements were approved by the board of directors on 27 August
2004 and signed on its behalf by:

A Bradshaw

G Smith

Consolidated cash flow statement
for the year ended 29 February 2004

                                                                                 Year ended     14 months to
                                                                                29 February      28 February

                                                            Note                       2004             2003
                                                                                       #000             #000

Cash outflow from operating activities                      19a                       (718)            (851)

Returns on investments and servicing of finance             19b                           1               57

Capital expenditure                                         19c                           -             (42)

Acquisitions and disposals                                  19d                       (102)            (755)

Cash outflow before use of liquid resources                                           (819)          (1,591)

Management of liquid resources                                                        (219)                -
Financing                                                                                 -                -

Decrease in cash in the period                                                      (1,038)          (1,591)

Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net funds

                                                          Year ended            14 months to
                                                         29 February             28 February
                                           Note                 2004                    2003
                                                                #000                    #000

Decrease in cash in the period               20               (1,038)                 (1,591)

Cash outflow from changes in liquid          20                  219                       -

Net funds at the start of the period         20                1,043                   2,634
Net funds at the end of the period           20                  224                   1,043

Reconciliation of movements in shareholders' funds
for the year ended 29 February 2004

                                                                                  Year ended     14 months to
                                                                                 29 February     28 February
                                                                                        2004            2003
                                                                                        #000            #000
Loss for the financial period                                                        (1,315)         (2,237)
Shares issued                                                                              -             724
Shares to be issued recognised in prior years                                              -           (424)
Decrease in shares to be issued                                                            -            (17)

Net decrease in shareholders' funds                                                  (1,315)         (1,954)
Opening shareholders' funds                                                            1,481           3,435

Closing shareholders' funds                                                              166           1,481

Loss for the financial period                                                        (1,253)         (2,201)
Shares issued                                                                              -             724
Shares to be issued recognised in prior year                                               -           (424)
Decrease in shares to be issued                                                            -            (17)

                                                                                     (1,253)         (1,918)
Opening shareholders' funds                                                            1,317           3,235
Closing shareholders' funds                                                               64           1,317


1                Sale of business operations

On 13 November 2003, the Company disposed of its sportsman representation
activities which were its only activities during the year.

As a result of the sale, a loss of #362,000 has been debited to the profit and
loss account as follows:

Consideration received                                           -
Intra-group debt written off                                (1,096)
  Fixed assets sold                                            (31)
  Net current liabilities sold                                 867
  Net cash sold                                               (102)

Loss on disposal                                              (362)

The Company and Group have not traded since 13 November 2003.

2                Loss on ordinary activities before taxation

                                                                       Year ended     14 months to
                                                                      29 February     28 February
                                                                             2004            2003
                                                                             #000            #000
Loss on ordinary activities before taxation is stated after charging:

  Owned assets                                                               9               10
Amortisation of goodwill                                                     -               1,160
Exceptional impairment of goodwill                                           484             474
Hire of plant and machinery - rentals payable under operating leases         -               6
Auditors' remuneration:
  Group         - audit                                                      3               15
  Company       - audit                                                      3               3

In addition to the above, fees paid to the auditors and their associates for
non-audit work amounted to #nil (2003: #2,500).

3                Exceptional items

The exceptional costs, charged in administrative expenses, comprise:
                                                                          Year ended  14 months to
                                                                                       28 February
                                                                       29 February
                                                                              2004            2003
                                                                              #000            #000

Goodwill impairment                                                           484             474
Restructuring costs                                                           -               77

4                Staff numbers and costs

The average monthly number of persons employed by the Group (including
directors) during the period was as follows:
                                                                             Year ended      14 months to
                                                                                             28 February
                                                                             29 February
                                                                             2004            2003
                                                                             Number          Number

Directors and senior management                                              2               3
Sports operations                                                            9               13
Discontinued operations                                                      -               -

                                                                             11              16

                                                                             Year ended      14 months to
                                                                                             28 February
                                                                             29 February
                                                                             2004            2003
                                                                             #000            #000

The aggregate payroll costs of these persons were as follows:

Wages and salaries                                                           387             907
Social security costs                                                        42              88
Other pension costs                                                          42              43

                                                                             471             1,038

5                Remuneration of directors

The employee costs shown above include the following remuneration in respect of
directors of the holding company:
                                                                            Year ended      14 months to
                                                                                            28 February
                                                                            29 February
                                                                               2004            2003
                                                                               #000            #000

             Remuneration and fees for services as directors                   192             360
             Compensation for loss of office                                   0               30
             Company contributions to personal pension schemes                 14              32

                                                                               206             422

The emoluments of the highest paid director for the period were #89,000 (2003:
#161,000).  In addition contributions of #9,000 (2003: #16,000) were made to a
personal pension scheme on his behalf.

Directors' pensions
                                                                             2004            2003
                                                                             Number          Number

The number of directors who receive payments into personal pension schemes:
Defined contribution scheme                                                  2               2

6                Interest payable

                                                                       Year ended    14 months to
                                                                      29 February     28 February
                                                                             2004            2003
                                                                             #000            #000

Interest payable on bank loans and overdrafts                                12              7
                                                                             12              7

7                Tax on loss on ordinary activities

                                                                       Year ended    14 months to
                                                                      29 February     28 February
                                                                             2004            2003
                                                                             #000            #000

Current tax charge                                                           -               -

Factors affecting the tax charge for the period
Loss on ordinary activities before taxation                               (1,315)         (2,237)

Multiplied by standard rate of UK corporation tax of 30% (2003: 30%)        (395)           (671)

Effects of:
Expenses not deductible for tax purposes                                     145             502
Capital allowances less than depreciation                                      -               1
Utilisation of tax losses in year                                             -               21
Losses unutilised in year                                                    250             147

Total current tax charge                                                       -               -

The Group has unutilised cumulative gross trading tax losses of approximately
#1.3 million as at 29 February 2004 and cumulative gross capital tax losses in
excess of #10 million.  No deferred tax asset has been recognised in respect of
these losses as there is currently insufficient evidence that any such asset
would be recoverable.  The tax charge for the year and unutilised tax losses are
subject to agreement by the Inland Revenue.

8                Loss per share

The basic loss per share has been calculated by dividing the loss, #1,315,000
(2003: #2,237,000) by the weighted average number of shares in issue being
839,944,149 (2003: 796,415,197).

Outstanding share options and warrants and shares to be issued are not dilutive.

9                Intangible fixed assets

At beginning and end of period                                                              2,385

At beginning of period                                                                      1,901
Impairment                                                                                  484

At end of period                                                                            2,385

Net book value
At 29 February 2004                                                                         -

At 28 February 2003                                                                         484

Following the sale of the business operations on 13 November 2003, all of the
goodwill brought forward on  1 March 2003 has been impaired down to
#nil as at 29 February 2004, reflecting that the Group is no longer trading.

10            Tangible fixed assets

                                                                                      Plant and Equipment

                                                                                        Group   Company
                                                                                           #000 #000

At beginning of period                                                                       52 5
Disposals                                                                                  (47) -

At end of period                                                                              5 5

At beginning of period                                                                       11 1
Charge for period                                                                             9 4
On disposals                                                                               (15) -

At end of period                                                                              5 5

Net book value
At 29 February 2004                                                                           - -

At 28 February 2003                                                                          41 4

11            Investments held as fixed assets

                                                                                          Shares in

At beginning and end of period                                                                5,250

At beginning and end of period                                                                5,250

Net book value
At 29 February 2004                                                                           -

At 28 February 2003                                                                           -

Subsidiary undertakings

At 29 February 2004, all the following subsidiaries were incorporated in Great
                                                                                                Proportion of
                                                                                              ordinary shares
                                                                                               and votes held

                                               Nature of business
Base Rugby Management Limited                  Dormant                                                   100%
Digital Sport Group plc *                      Dormant                                                   100%
Icon Management Solutions Limited *            Dormant                                                   100%
Digital Sport Publishing Limited*

(dissolved on 20 April 2004)                   Dormant                                                   100%

* held directly by Base Group plc

12            Debtors

                                                          Group                        Company
                                            2004           2003           2004           2003
                                            #000           #000           #000           #000

Trade debtors                               -              292            -              4
Amounts owed by Group undertakings          -              -              -              559
Other taxation                              -              -              -              7
Other debtors                               14             20             14             -
Prepayments and accrued income              5              29             5              8

                                            19             341            19             578

13            Creditors:  Amounts falling due within one year

                                                          Group                        Company
                                            2004           2003           2004            2003
                                            #000           #000           #000            #000

Trade creditors                             37             61             37              40
Other taxes and social security             1              28             1               -
Other creditors                             12             133            12              133
Accruals and deferred income                27             206            27              122
Amounts due to Group undertakings           -              -              102             -

                                            77             428            179             295

14            Share capital

                                                                               2004           2003
                                                                               #000           #000

1,500,000,000 (2003: 1,500,000,000) ordinary shares of 1p each               15,000         15,000

Allotted, called up and fully paid:
839,944,149 (2003: 839,944,149) ordinary shares of 1p each                    8,399          8,399

Share options

The following share option schemes were in existence during the period:

-          the Digital Sport Approved Share Option Plan

-          the Digital Sport Unapproved Share Option Plan

-          the Digital Sport Enterprise Management Incentive Plan

No share options have been issued under these plans.

Share warrants

All share warrants in the Company have expired.

15            Reserves

                                               Shares         Share           Other           Profit and
                                               to be issued   premium         reserves        loss
                                               #000           #000            #000            #000

           At beginning of period              99             3,011           3,330           (13,358)
           Loss for the period                 -              -               -               (1,315)
           Re-classification on sale of        -              -               (3,330)         3,330

           At end of period                    99             3,011           -               (11,343)

                                                            Shares to be    Share           Profit and
                                                            issued          premium         loss
                                                            #000            #000            #000

At beginning of period                                      99              3,011           (10,192)
Loss for the period                                         -               -               (1,253)

At end of period                                            99              3,011           (11,445)

No profit and loss account is presented for the company, as provided by Section
230 of Companies Act 1985.

16            Financial instrument disclosures

The Group's financial instruments comprise cash at bank and various items such
as trade debtors and creditors that arise directly from its operations.  The
Group has not entered into derivatives and does not trade in financial
instruments as a matter of policy.  The main risk arising from the Group's
financial instruments is interest rate risk.  There has been no currency risk as
the Group traded in sterling.

The Group has taken advantage of the exemption in FRS13 in respect of short-term
debtors and creditors.

Interest rate risk profile of financial assets and financial liabilities

The only financial assets (other than short-term debtors) are cash at bank held
at fixed interest rates on short-term deposit.  Amount held on deposit at 29
February 2004 was #219,350 (2003: #1,000,000) with the balance of cash held in
current accounts.

The weighted average annual interest rate of interest income earned in the
period was 2.43% (2003: 2.98%).

There are no material differences between the book and fair value of financial
assets and liabilities.

17            Contingent liabilities

The Group may, in the normal course of conducting its business, receive claims
from third parties for alleged contractual disputes.  The Group contests such
claims vigorously.  Where appropriate, provision is made within creditors, for
the estimated cost of meeting any notified claims.  There are no such claims

18            Pension arrangements

Defined contribution schemes

The Group made contributions of #21,000 (2003: #43,000) to defined contribution
schemes and pension related life assurance schemes.

19            Notes to the cash flow statement

19a)             Reconciliation of operating loss to net cash flow from
operating activities:

                                                                               2004           2003
                                                                               #000           #000

Operating loss                                                                 (954)          (2,294)
Depreciation                                                                   9              10
Goodwill amortisation                                                          -              1,160
Goodwill impairment                                                            484            474
Working capital movements                                                      (257)          (201)

Cash outflow from operating activities                                         (718)          (851)

19b)     Returns on investments and servicing of finance

                                                                            2004            2003
                                                                            #000            #000

Interest received                                                           13              64
Interest paid                                                               (12)            (7)

                                                                            1               57

19c)     Capital expenditure

                                                                             2004            2003
                                                                             #000            #000

Purchase of tangible fixed assets                                            -               (42)

19d)             Acquisitions and disposals
                                                                             2004            2003
                                                                             #000            #000

Purchase of subsidiary undertaking                                           -               (376)
Net (overdraft) acquired with subsidiary undertaking                         -               (271)
Net cash transferred on sale of subsidiary undertakings                      (102)           -
Sale of subsidiary undertakings                                              -               -
Additional cash paid on Icon acquisition                                     -               (108)

                                                                             (102)           (755)

20            Analysis of net funds

                                                                1 March       Cash flow     29 February
                                                                   2003                            2004
                                                                   #000            #000            #000

Cash available on demand                                          1,043          (1,038)              5
Liquid resources                                                      -             219             219
                                                                  1,043            (819)            224

Liquid resources comprise term deposits of less than one year and are included within cash in the
balance sheet.

21            Related party transactions

During the period Hazlems Fenton, a firm of Chartered Accountants in which Mr
Leon Angel is a partner, provided accounting and bookkeeping services to the
Group.  Amounts paid to Hazlems Fenton during the period for those services
amounted to #36,946 (2003: #20,000) and were made at arm's length.  At year end
Hazlems Fenton were owed #10,000 (2003: nil).

Pursuant to the terms of an agreement between Hazlems Fenton, Mr Leon Angel and
the company, Hazlems Fenton was paid #60,000 (2003: #90,000) for the services of
Mr Leon Angel to act as a director of the company and a consultant to the Group.

On 13 November 2003, the Board agreed to sell the entire issued share capital of
the Group's trading subsidiaries, Base Soccer Agency Limited and Time Management
Global Limited for #1 each, to Base Sport Limited, a company owned by Leon
Angel, a former director of Base Group plc.

Office space was rented to Hazlems Financial Limited, a company of which Mr Leon
Angel is a director.  The Group received #9,000 annual income for the rental of
the office. This transaction was agreed on an arm's length basis without the
involvement of Mr Angel.

Hazlems Financial Limited provided financial services to certain of the Group's
clients. It paid commissions to the Group based on the amount of income that it
generated from these clients. The total amount earned by the Group from these
activities in the period to 29 February 2004 was #4,450 (2003: #15,000).

Bradmount Investments Limited provided the services of the Adrian Bradshaw and
were paid an amount of #30,000        (2003: #28,750) during the year.

Edge Venture Capital Limited provided the services of Gary Smith and were paid
an amount of #3,750 (2003: #nil) during the year.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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