RNS Number : 5961W
  Close AllBlue Fund Limited
  12 June 2008

    12 June 2008

    To be renamed BlueCrest AllBlue Fund Limited 


    The directors announce the Company's annual results for the year ended 31 December 2007 as follows:- 

    *     10.04% Sterling Share NAV return
    *     8.19% Euro Share NAV return
    *     9.50% USD Share NAV return
    *     Proposed migration to the Official List and to trading on the main market of the London Stock Exchange
    *     Change of name to Bluecrest AllBlue Fund Limited
    *     Appointment of two additional Board members
    *     Changes to the Company's advisers

    Notes to Editors

    The Company is a closed-ended investment company incorporated in Guernsey on 21 April 2006 with an unlimited life. The Company has three
classes of shares in issue being Sterling Shares, Euro Shares and US$ Shares. On 25 May 2006 all three classes were admitted to trading on
AIM and the Sterling Shares only were admitted to listing and trading on the Channel Islands Stock Exchange. On 30 May 2008, the Company
received approval from Shareholders to change its name from Close AllBlue Fund Limited to BlueCrest AllBlue Fund Limited, and, conditional
on the UK Listing Authority granting admission of the Shares to the Official List and the London Stock Exchange, to cancel admission of the
Shares of the Company from trading on AIM and listing on the Channel Islands Stock Exchange. It is expected that the name change will take
effect on the 13 June 2008 and the admission of the Shares to the Official List and the London Stock Exchange will occur on 19 June 2008.


    Anson Fund Managers Limited                    00 44 1481 722260

    Collins Stewart Europe Limited                    00 44 207 523 8350
    Hugh Field


    The investment objective of the Company is to seek to provide consistent long-term capital growth through an investment policy of
investing substantially all of its assets in AllBlue Limited ("AllBlue") or any successor vehicle of AllBlue.  The proceeds raised from the
issue of Sterling Shares are substantially invested in the Sterling share class of AllBlue.  The proceeds raised from the issue of Euro
Shares are substantially invested in the Euro share class of AllBlue. The proceeds raised from the issue of US$ Shares are substantially
invested in the US$ share class of AllBlue.

    AllBlue is a fund of hedge funds incorporated in the Cayman Islands which seeks to provide consistent long-term appreciation of its
assets through investment in a diversified portfolio of underlying funds, the majority of which are managed by BlueCrest Capital Management
L.P. ("BlueCrest") and the remainder of which are managed by investment managers sharing close links with BlueCrest. 

    Investors in the Company are therefore offered an opportunity to participate indirectly in the same investment portfolio as that of

    The Company's investments as at 31 December 2007 were:

                                      Valuation      Total Net Assets
            INVESTMENT                                              %
 AllBlue Limited Sterling Shares     �151,074,538              93.91%
 AllBlue Limited Euro Shares           �4,542,181               2.82%
 AllBlue Limited US Dollar Shares      �5,415,934               3.37%


    Since I wrote to you at the time of the first annual report, we saw the net asset value per Sterling Share in the Company rise to 111.72
pence, an increase of approximately 10.0% for the year. Although the share prices traded at a discount to Net Asset Value throughout most of
the year all three classes are currently trading at a premium.

    The year under review was marked by considerable volatility especially in the second half of the period within the markets that AllBlue
invests in. This volatility provided a favourable backdrop for certain strategies whilst adversely affecting other strategies. BlueCrest
acted swiftly to reduce or remove capital allocations within AllBlue where opportunities were believed to have deteriorated, for example
long/short equity, which was reduced to zero from 17.4% of assets in the period.  

    BlueCrest increased existing capital allocations or initiated new capital allocations within AllBlue in line with perceived market
opportunities. In particular, BlueCrest increased the capital allocated to Systematic Trading from 19.7% to 25.4% and made initial
allocations to Trade Finance trading, High Frequency equity trading and Credit Relative Value trading.

    The Board has been advised by BlueCrest that the evolving nature of the markets within which AllBlue, and thus the Company, operates
requires a flexible approach to capital allocation which implies that allocations to underlying funds will be varied and new funds added to
the present group in the future. All capital allocation decisions are made with the intention of delivering consistent long-term capital
growth for investors. 

    Further to the announcement on 18 January 2008 of the proposal to move the listing of the Company from AIM to the Official List, on 30
May 2008 the shareholders approved: 
    *     the proposal that the Company should cancel admission of its Shares to trading on AIM, de-list its Sterling Shares from the
Channel Islands Stock Exchange and seek admission for all its Shares to the Official List and to trading on the Main Market of the London
Stock Exchange; 
    *     a change of the Company's name to "BlueCrest AllBlue Fund Limited";
    *     the adoption of new Articles of Association, including provisions to allow the issue of C Shares, provisions to purchase Shares
into treasury and amendments to the discount management provisions; and
    *     the disapplication of the pre-emption rights contained in the new Articles of Association.

    Following the general meeting on 30 May 2008, the Board also announced that the Company is considering, in the absence of unforeseen
circumstances, a placing and offer for subscription of C Shares which it is currently expected will be completed in July.

    The Directors believe that the migration to the main market should raise the profile of the Company, and therefore enhance the liquidity
of the shares and broaden the investor base. The transitional costs of the migration will largely be borne by BlueCrest. The further capital
raising should assist in meeting investor demand and will also provide a larger asset base across which the fixed costs of the company may
be spread.

    The Board has augmented its number by the appointment of Jonathan Hooley and Andrew Dodd as non-executive directors. Mr Hooley brings to
the Company accounting and taxation expertise gained from working with a large number of investment funds, while Mr Dodd has a detailed
knowledge of BlueCrest. Mr Hooley is to be appointed as the Chairman of the Audit Committee during this year.

    On 19 March 2008, the Company announced that it had served protective notice on Close Investments Limited ("CIL") to terminate the
Shareholder Liaison Agreement and that such agreement would, therefore, cease to be effective as of 28 February 2009. The Company has
subsequently agreed with CIL to terminate the Shareholder Liaison Agreement with effect from 31 July 2008, in consideration for the payment
by the Company to CIL of an early termination fee of �325,000.

    On 30 April 2008, the Company appointed Hoare Govett as sole corporate broker to the Company with effect from the date of admission of
its Shares to the Official List and to trading on the Main Market.

    I look forward to reporting to you again in the half-yearly financial report and accounts for the half year ended 30 June 2008 and thank
you for your continued support. 

    Richard Crowder

                               CLOSE ALLBLUE FUND LIMITED
                                STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS
                          for the year ended 31 December 2007
                                                                         Sterling                      Euro                      US$
                                                                          Share                       Share                     Share
                                                                          Class                       Class                     Class       
                                                                            �                          EUR                        $         

                         Net gain on financial assets at fair value through profit or loss
                                                                        14,937,225                   517,102                  1,018,096     

             Operating expenses                                        (1,172,012)                   (49,652)                 (87,097)      

        Net gain for the year attributable to shareholders              13,765,213                   467,450                   930,999      

                 Earnings per share for the year                        Pence (�)                   Cent (EUR)                Cents ($)
                              - Basic and Diluted                         10.19                        8.23                     9.67

                              In arriving at the results for the financial year, all amounts above relate to continuing operations.

                              There are no recognised gains or losses for the year other than those disclosed above.

                         Reconciliation of earnings per share for investment purposes to earnings per share per the financial statements:

                                                                        Pence (�)                   Cent (EUR)                Cents ($)
            Earnings per share for investment purposes                    11.06                        9.11                     10.57
       Adjustment to include expenses on an accruals basis                (0.87)                      (0.88)                   (0.90)
         Earnings per share per the financial statements                  10.19                        8.23                     9.67

                In accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards, expenses should be attributed to the period to which they

         The earnings per share for investment purposes represents the earnings per share attributable to shareholders in accordance with
the Prospectus.

                               CLOSE ALLBLUE FUND LIMITED
                                STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS
                         for the period from incorporation on 21 April 2006 to 31 December 2006
                                                                         Sterling                      Euro                      US$
                                                                          Share                       Share                     Share
                                                                          Class                       Class                     Class       
                                                                            �                          EUR                        $         

                         Net gain on financial assets at fair value through profit or loss
                                                                        5,461,831                    172,515                   417,851      

             Operating expenses                                         (719,956)                    (31,150)                 (52,822)      

       Net gain for the period attributable to shareholders             4,741,875                    141,365                   365,029      

                Earnings per share for the period                       Pence (�)                   Cent (EUR)                Cents ($)
                              - Basic and Diluted                          3.51                        2.49                     3.79

                             In arriving at the results for the financial period, all amounts above relate to continuing operations.

                             There are no recognised gains or losses for the period other than those disclosed above.

                         Reconciliation of earnings per share for investment purposes to earnings per share per the financial statements:

                                                                        Pence (�)                   Cent (EUR)                Cents ($)
            Earnings per share for investment purposes                     4.04                        3.04                     4.34
       Adjustment to include expenses on an accruals basis                (0.53)                      (0.55)                   (0.55)
         Earnings per share per the financial statements                   3.51                        2.49                     3.79

                In accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards, expenses should be attributed to the period to which they

              The earnings per share for investment purposes represents the earnings per share attributable to shareholders in accordance
with the 
               the Prospectus.

                               CLOSE ALLBLUE FUND LIMITED
                BALANCE SHEET                                            Sterling                      Euro                      US$
                      as at 31 December 2007                              Share                       Share                     Share
                                                                          Class                       Class                     Class       
                                                                            �                          EUR                        $         
                FIXED ASSETS
           Unquoted financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss
                                                                        151,074,538                  6,180,091                10,750,087    

               CURRENT ASSETS
           Debtors                                                        9,611                        374                       721        
                Cash at bank                                              24,078                       981                      1,849       
                                                                          33,689                      1,355                     2,570       

                       CURRENT LIABILITIES
               Bank overdrafts                                              -                           -                         -         
                 Creditors - due within one year                         188,005                      7,323                    14,104       
                                                                         188,005                      7,323                    14,104       

                NET CURRENT ASSETS / (LIABILITIES)                      (154,316)                    (5,968)                  (11,534)      

              TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES                    150,920,222                  6,174,123                10,738,553     

             NET ASSETS ATTRIBUTABLE TO SHAREHOLDERS                   150,920,222                  6,174,123                10,738,553     

               Represented by:
                       CAPITAL AND RESERVES
                Share capital                                               -                           -                         -         
                Share premium                                                -                           -                        -         
                      Purchase of own shares                             (202,023)                      -                         -         
              Retained earnings                                        151,122,245                  6,174,123                10,738,553     

              TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES                    150,920,222                  6,174,123                10,738,553     

               SHARES IN ISSUE                                         135,085,599                  5,676,877                 9,632,602

                NAV PER SHARE                                            �1.1172                    EUR1.0876                  $1.1148

                             Reconciliation of NAV for investment purposes to NAV per the financial statements:
                                                                            �                          EUR                        $
              NAV per share for investment purposes                      �1.1184                    EUR1.0886                  $1.1160
       Adjustment to include expenses on an accruals basis              (�0.0012)                  (EUR0.0010)                ($0.0012)
            NAV per share per the financial statements                   �1.1172                    EUR1.0876                  $1.1148

                In accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards, expenses should be attributed to the period to which they

                    The NAV per share for investment purposes represents the NAV per share attributable to shareholders in accordance with

                        The financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 11 June 2008 and are signed on its behalf by:

           Director                                Director

                               CLOSE ALLBLUE FUND LIMITED
                BALANCE SHEET                                            Sterling                      Euro                      US$
                      as at 31 December 2006                              Share                       Share                     Share
                                                                          Class                       Class                     Class       
                                                                            �                          EUR                        $         
                FIXED ASSETS                         Notes
           Unquoted financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss
                                                                       137,752,831                  5,723,515                 9,836,851     

               CURRENT ASSETS
           Debtors                                                        13,718                       583                      1,016       
         Cash at bank                   Bank overdrafts                   1,100                         23                       88         
                                                                          14,818                       606                      1,104       

                       CURRENT LIABILITIES
               Bank overdrafts                                           118,063                      5,017                     8,741       
                 Creditors - due within one year                         292,554                      12,431                   21,660       
                                                                         410,617                      17,448                   30,401       

                NET CURRENT ASSETS / (LIABILITIES)                      (395,799)                    (16,842)                 (29,297)      

              TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES                    137,357,032                  5,706,673                 9,807,554     

             NET ASSETS ATTRIBUTABLE TO SHAREHOLDERS                    137,357,032                  5,706,673                9,807,554     

               Represented by:
                       CAPITAL AND RESERVES
                Share capital                                               -                           -                         -         
                Share premium                                               -                           -                         -         
                      Purchase of own shares                                -                           -                         -         
              Retained earnings                                        137,357,032                  5,706,673                 9,807,554     

              TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES                    137,357,032                  5,706,673                 9,807,554     

               SHARES IN ISSUE                                         135,283,599                  5,676,877                 9,632,602

                NAV PER SHARE                                            �1.0153                    EUR1.0052                  $1.0182

                             Reconciliation of NAV for investment purposes to NAV per the financial statements:
                                                                            �                          EUR                        $
              NAV per share for investment purposes                      �1.0183                    EUR1.0082                  $1.0212
       Adjustment to include expenses on an accruals basis              (�0.0030)                  (EUR0.0030)                ($0.0030)
            NAV per share per the financial statements                   �1.0153                    EUR1.0052                  $1.0182

                In accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards, expenses should be attributed to the period to which they

                    The NAV per share for investment purposes represents the NAV per share attributable to shareholders in accordance with

                               CLOSE ALLBLUE FUND LIMITED
                             STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY
                          for the year ended 31 December 2007

                                                                         Sterling                      Euro                      US$
                                                                          Share                       Share                     Share
                                                                          Class                       Class                     Class       
                                                                            �                          EUR                        $         

               Opening balance                                         137,357,032                  5,706,673                 9,807,554     

               Issue of shares                                              -                           -                         -         

              Share issue costs                                                                                                             

        Net gain for the year attributable to shareholders              13,765,213                   467,450                   930,999      

                Currency consolidation adjustment                           -                           -                         -         

                      Purchase of own shares                            (202,023)                       -                         -         

               Closing balance                                         150,920,222                  6,174,123                10,738,553     

                               CLOSE ALLBLUE FUND LIMITED
                             STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY
                         for the period from incorporation on 21 April 2006 to 31 December 2006

                                                                         Sterling                      Euro                      US$
                                                                          Share                       Share                     Share
                                                                          Class                       Class                     Class       
                                                                            �                          EUR                        $         

               Issue of shares                                         135,283,599                  5,676,877                 9,632,602     

              Share issue costs                                        (2,668,442)                  (111,569)                 (190,077)     

       Net gain for the period attributable to shareholders             4,741,875                    141,365                   365,029      

                Currency consolidation adjustment                           -                           -                         -         

               Closing balance                                         137,357,032                  5,706,673                 9,807,554     

                               CLOSE ALLBLUE FUND LIMITED
                                STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS
                          for the year ended 31 December 2007

                                                                         Sterling                      Euro                      US$
                                                                          Share                       Share                     Share
                                                                          Class                       Class                     Class       
                                                                            �                          EUR                        $         

            Operating activities

        Net gain for the year attributable to shareholders              13,765,213                   467,450                   930,999      

              Less: Unrealised appreciation on financial assets at fair value through profit or loss
                                                                       (14,839,581)                 (514,799)                (1,012,272)    
                      Less: Interest income                              (3,796)                      (132)                     (213)       
                      Add: Interest expense                               12,110                       500                       930        
                Less: Decrease in accrued expenses                      (104,549)                    (5,108)                   (7,556)      
         Add: Decrease in prepayments and accrued income                  4,107                        209                       295        

              Net cashflow from operating activities                   (1,166,496)                   (51,880)                 (87,817)      

            Investing activities

              Interest received                                           3,796                        132                       213        
              Proceeds from sale of financial assets                    1,517,874                     58,223                   99,036       

              Net cashflow from investing activities                    1,521,670                     58,355                   99,249       

            Financing activities

                   Proceeds of issue of shares                              -                           -                         -         
              Share issue costs                                             -                           -                         -         
                      Purchase of own shares                            (202,023)                       -                         -         
        Interest paid                                                    (12,110)                     (500)                     (930)       

              Net cashflow from financing activities                    (214,133)                     (500)                     (930)       

                   Cash at beginning of period                          (116,963)                    (4,994)                   (8,653)      

               Exchange losses on currency balances                         -                           -                         -         
              Increase in cash and cash equivalents                      141,041                      5,975                    10,502       

                      Cash at end of period                               24,078                       981                      1,849       

                               CLOSE ALLBLUE FUND LIMITED
                                STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS
                         for the period from incorporation on 21 April 2006 to 31 December 2006

                                                                         Sterling                      Euro                      US$
                                                                          Share                       Share                     Share
                                                                          Class                       Class                     Class       
                                                                            �                          EUR                        $         

            Operating activities

       Net gain for the period attributable to shareholders             4,741,875                    141,365                   365,029      

              Less: Unrealised appreciation on financial assets at fair value through profit or loss
                                                                       (5,461,831)                  (172,515)                 (417,851)     
                      Less: Interest income                              (79,725)                    (1,439)                   (4,402)      
                      Add: Interest expense                                595                          25                       42         
                Add: Increase in accrued expenses                        292,554                      12,431                   21,660       
        Less: (Increase) in prepayments and accrued income               (13,718)                     (583)                    (1,016)      

               Net cashflow from operating expenses                     (520,250)                    (20,716)                 (36,538)      

            Investing activities

              Interest received                                           79,725                      1,439                     4,402       
                   Purchase of financial assets                       (132,291,000)                (5,551,000)               (9,419,000)    

              Net cashflow from investing activities                  (132,211,275)                (5,549,561)               (9,414,598)    

            Financing activities

                   Proceeds of issue of shares                          135,283,599                  5,676,877                9,632,602     
              Share issue costs                                         (2,668,442)                 (111,569)                 (190,077)     
                      Purchase of own shares                                -                           -                         -         
        Interest paid                                                     (595)                        (25)                     (42)        

              Net cashflow from financing activities                   132,614,562                  5,565,283                 9,442,483     

                   Cash at beginning of period                              -                           -                         -         

                Currency consolidation adjustment                           -                           -                         -         

              Increase in cash and cash equivalents                     (116,963)                    (4,994)                   (8,653)      

                      Cash at end of period                             (116,963)                    (4,994)                   (8,653)      

    Please note that this preliminary statement does not comprise the full annual report and accounts of the Company for the year to 31
December 2007.  The full report and accounts is expected to be posted to shareholders on or by 16 June2008 and will also be available to
download in pdf format on the Company's website immediately.

    Close AllBlue Fund Limited is a closed-end Guernsey Investment Company listed on the Channel Islands Stock Exchange (CAB) and traded on
AIM, a subsidiary of the London Stock Exchange. For further information about the fund and its investment strategies, please visit;

    For further information contact:

    Anson Fund Managers Limited
    00 44 1481 722260

    Collins Stewart Europe Limited
    Nominated Advisor
    Hugh Field
    00 44 207 523 8350

    12 June 2008

    E&OE - in transmission

This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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